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S12.E02: It's Either My Way or the Feng Shui

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She seems very overwhelmed, for someone who could not wait to be a mother. Or it is just two months of not much sleep. 

I'd say the lack of sleep and the realization that you have to be "on" 24/7 once you have a baby is enough to overwhelm any new mother!  Hopefully things will get better for her, as they usually do after several months of adjusting to the new routine.

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She seems very overwhelmed, for someone who could not wait to be a mother. Or it is just two months of not much sleep. 

I'd say the lack of sleep and the realization that you have to be "on" 24/7 once you have a baby is enough to overwhelm any new mother!  Hopefully things will get better for her, as they usually do after several months of adjusting to the new routine.

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Lydia didn't have to ask about the surgery. I think that was a bit tacky. Producer pushed, maybe.

Yes I thought the same - in her TH saw was all like "I'm so glad Peggy could open up her heart to me and trust me", ummm you asked her about it and she clearly seemed uncomfortable answering.

I just wish Shannon had more control over how emotional she gets and her reactions.  Would have been great if she could just be like "Me? Like Vicki? I am nothing like Vicki!  Ha ha! Once you get to know me better you will see I am nothing like her", then make a you don't know what you are talking about face and shake her head in disbelief, walk away.  

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So far I'm enjoying Megan's scenes the most. Her baby is so cute! And Jimmy is sweet with her. He's kind of cracking me up this year. Baby pukes on the floor - "Girly girl, don't lick that!" Just hearing him have to call the dog that name tickles me. And then Megan's prattling on in the car about the drama that is sure to come - "What's for dinner?" Totally my husband. 

I could totally FF Kelly's scenes. She brings nothing to the table except looks of contempt and vile hatred towards her husband. 

Not sure what to think about the new Peggy yet. But she sure brings the fabulous. Her husband does NOT look 50, to me. But I'm always a bad judge of age. 

Tamra, Vicki, Brianna, Ryan and baby mama, birthday party. Blah. I live for Eddie sightings, though. He's always so friendly and where can you find him? Near the food!

Shannon just seems crazier and crazier with every passing episode. Was it me, or was she a bit inebriated during the pre-dance party at her house? I know she's always zany, but the way she was acting with the kids, she seemed a bit whackier than usual. Totally embarrassing. 

And then...her behavior at the party. Damn.  Look, I do not find Lydia to be this innocent muppet, okay. I think she shit stirs with a smile. She and Shannon were just talking about Tamra and what a good friend she is (BARF) and then Lydia has to randomly bring up, "I knew her when she was friends with Vicki". So??? Yea, I'm on to her. But, at the same time, Shannon went overboard. Big time. FTR, I did not take Lydia's comment to mean that Shannon was exactly like Vicki. I took her to be trying to say that they've ALL done things to hurt each other. Which, is true in a sense, but I still think Vicki's behavior is beyond the pale and there's no comparison. But Lydia wasn't comparing the two, as if they have the same personality. Shannon just flipped the fuck out and stormed off at a kid's birthday party. I think she is seriously unhinged. 

Next week? She cries in the parking lot and demands David defend her honor. 


And, please, no more Judy. I don't think that broad smokes pot. I think she's dropping acid. 

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I thought Brianna may have decided to leave the party when she realised Lydia's mum was there too.  Brianna may have felt a little uncomfortable seeing her after what happened with Ryan a few seasons ago.

Edited by RHofOZ
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32 minutes ago, FamilyVan said:

Yes I thought the same - in her TH saw was all like "I'm so glad Peggy could open up her heart to me and trust me", ummm you asked her about it and she clearly seemed uncomfortable answering.


,          I wanted to mention this. This just shows me how delusional she is. I think she grew up with her mom telling her what a supers special star spirit she is ., and she truly believes it.

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10 hours ago, enchantingmonkey said:

All of that work to get pregnant and now Meghan is realizing that motherhood is difficult?  No one in her life could have told her that?  She had to learn the hard way?  

Motherhood is hard. I tried for 1.5 years to have my first, and I don't think that means I can't complain once in awhile. I have 3 now and it's HARD. But damn, Megan has done nothing these first few episodes but remind us.l She seems to really REALLY want to stress how hard it is. I remember her acting the same way during IVF. I think she is a low-key attention seeker. She won't go to the dramatic lengths that a Vicki or Shannon will, but damn if you won't know just how hard she has it. 


7 hours ago, lunastartron said:

* I'm not sure whether to mention it because I don't want to do anything proximate to fat shaming but the way in which Shannon shoved the chip into her mouth right as that final showdown was ramping up telegraphed really oddly to me. Almost compulsive. 

Then there was the moment when she was preparing the food for her little pre-dance gathering.....and she burned the bread, so she started stress eating bread, while making more bread! David was like a deer in headlights. He didn't know what to do. If he cautions her not to give into the stress and eat, she regurgitates the bread and proves just how small the piece was - even though SHE was chiding herself for doing it! But if he had said, "It's okay, have one little piece of bread", Shannon would have blamed him AND Vicki for being "fat". 

She needs lots and lots of therapy. 

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I was wondering if Brianna had any interaction with Lydia or her mom and if that awkwardness would be acknowledged.

What exactly was the deal with Peggy's husband?  What does he do?  Something with cars?  Is that how they made their money?  I missed his intro.

The location of the Birthday party seemed fine to me.  For a baby party, it's clearly just for the adults, the child is too young for it to really be about them, they don't have any "friends" of their own yet.  First birthday, second birthday, the parties are usually all extended family and the parents friends.  Once a kid gets into school then the parties change to classmate/friend parties, less adults.

Megan - we are seeing her only a couple months into having a baby, not getting enough sleep, etc.  It's really the most difficult time.  She will be fine.

Edited by FamilyVan
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36 minutes ago, FamilyVan said:

Yes I thought the same - in her TH saw was all like "I'm so glad Peggy could open up her heart to me and trust me", ummm you asked her about it and she clearly seemed uncomfortable answering.

I said the same thing! Who just meets someone and says, "Soooo...I heard you just had surgery?" Lydia thinks she's slick, but she's a hot mess. 

2 minutes ago, FamilyVan said:

What exactly was the deal with Peggy's husband?  What does he do?  Something with cars?  Is that how they made their money?  I missed his intro.

For some reason I think he makes/sells wheels? Rims? Something like that.....

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I am not a real Tamra fan but she has been clear that if you talk to her about something on the show, be it on camera or off, she will open her mouth.  Last week she made it very clear on WWHL that Lydia had continued to talk about Vicki and her assertions about David and Eddie.  For Lydia to repeat them to these women, with their husbands at the party shows a total disregard and lack of respect for the husbands.  Vicki had even said she went low because the other women had been bullying her.  Lydia thinking she can slide past taking responsibility for her comments by pretending Shannon just didn't understand where she was coming from.  I don't believe she didn't watch the show in her time off the show, I believe she came back to definitely insert herself in the fray.  The reality is she had one evening in Mexico with Tamra and Vicki.  This idea that she somehow can rip the Bandaid off (and pull of the scab) without taking responsibility is just Lydia being disingenuous.  I was disappointed in her two faced mother and I would think after the treatment Judy received at Vicki's home by her daughter and son in law, Judy might just direct her daughter that she should be listening not talking. 

Last night on WWHL. Lydia became flustered and Vicki became frustrated with Lydia attempts to deny that she had been speaking of Eddie and David.  Lydia fails to realize the producers have relationships with Vicki, Tamra and Shannon and aren't going to disregard their stance because Lydia wants some sort of back up.   Lydia was itching to answer the question for a caller about why is Shannon mean to new girls, her final answer,"I don't know."  Bottom line Lydia is not good TV.

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I think Shannon's real problem is her relationship with her husband,  he has pretty much always treated her with disdain and his passive aggressive taunts about her cooking or what she's eating is just another mind f*ck from him.  But I don't think she loves him either. I think she's scared to be alone. 

Bingo!  The real problem with Shannon is her marriage.  She and David clearly do not bring out the best in each other.  It's hard to even find that kernel of a relationship where you are like "awww but deep down they really like each other" - nope, even that is not there.  They are a train wreck.  

As for her instagram post about Vicki's endorsement, either Vicki was a hypocritical liar then, just shilling the Feng Shui becuase Shannon asked her to, or she's a hypocritical liar now saying she never liked it in the first place in order to hurt Shannon.  Either way, I wish Shannon did not feel as though she has to play this tit-for-tat finger pointing game or trying to prove with evidence how bad Vicki is.  We all know, Vicki is horrible, we agree with you, please take the high road and stop tattling on her.

Edited by FamilyVan
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10 minutes ago, FamilyVan said:

I was wondering if Brianna had any interaction with Lydia or her mom and if that awkwardness would be acknowledged.

What exactly was the deal with Peggy's husband?  What does he do?  Something with cars?  Is that how they made their money?  I missed his intro.

The location of the Birthday party seemed fine to me.  For a baby party, it's clearly just for the adults, the child is too young for it to really be about them, they don't have any "friends" of their own yet.  First birthday, second birthday, the parties are usually all extended family and the parents friends.  Once a kid gets into school then the parties change to classmate/friend parties, less adults.

Megan - we are seeing her only a couple months into having a baby, not getting enough sleep, etc.  It's really the most difficult time.  She will be fine.

Here is a story about DIko's business:  .  http://www.highline-autos.com/article/117/Diko-Sulahian-15-years-of-excellence-and-counting

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Shannon needs to replace the booze with some Xanax. Seriously, one a day will help keep the crazy away. I agree with who ever said she seemed tipsy at home at the pre-dance party and I'm sure she had too much to drink at the birthday party. 

I don't want to hear from Meghan how hard motherhood is. STFU! She lives in luxury, doesn't have to worry for a thing, doesn't have to work outside the home like millions of women do so just SHUT. IT! 

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Hahahahaha Dicko in that crazy Cruella deVille black and white cookie dragster, rolling up skipping away from the car like a birthday clown with a water squirter bow tie getting side eye from the paycheck to paycheck landscaper crew . Brilliant. What an asshole. They seem much more Beverly Hills shi shi shi than OC. I do feel badly about the cancer.

Lydia is unicorn whispers on a dewy morning spiderweb milkweed bloom scented fairy.  Throwing daggers. No one is buying your shit there, bug eyes. Eat a cheeseburger.

Remind me, is Shannons marina house a rental? It's awful. Empty colorless and low end cabinetry, interior doors, just yuck. Fung shui can't help that! 

Vicki's grandchildren were not happy or surprised to see her . Either: 1 that's how they feel about her or 2 it's like everything w Vicki, fake and that entrance was staged or recreated and Vicki had been there a while. I say FAKE because like Brianna hadn't told her Vicks previously that she got an invite to that party already. Brianna texted Vicki the second she got the invite I would bet. 

Tamra should've taken the $$$ she spent on the party and given the parents a gift certificate for ongoing therapy if she really loved her granddaughter . Would've paid for a year or two of it! WTF hillbilly couture was (god I can't think of her name) Ryan's gf Ava's mom wearing at the birthday party!!!!! 

I feel for Shannon. She's trying and she's brave. (Running away hiding, this is prob a minority opinion!)

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7 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

Was Lydia trying to claim that Tamra and Shannon truthfully recounting the very real ways that Vicki lied to them and spread untrue gossip about them and their families is equivalent to Vicki's malicious lies and gossip? So Tamra and Shannon telling the truth about Vicki when prompted = Vicki lying, maliciously gossiping, and betraying a friend's confidence and grossly misrepresenting the friend's shared concerns. Ok. At the very least, Lydia should have prefaced it with a little bible like "judge not, lest ye be judged" or asked Tamra and Shannon if holding on to that anger and frustration with Vicki is emotionally healthy. But to sit there and act like Shannon and Tamra's issues with Vicki are equal to Vicki's lies is false asshole equivalency of the highest order. Heck, she could have made the very same argument many viewers and posters have made about Ramona and Vicki: their baseline is horrible, classless, and entitled why would you expect any better of them. 

Crazy thing, I believe Lydia was trying to say that Shannon's reaction to Lydia and the subject matter was close to the way Vicki responded to Lydia over that topic of conversation during THEIR talk and not  about comparing their behaviors during the conflicts they've been having with each other over the years.

Lydia never got to finish her point but the second time she say "I said you REMINDED me of....."

I took that as Lydia trying to say "okay, your resistance to find resolution and your absolutely not vibe is the same as the attitude Vicki had when we spoke " I think Lydia was just trying to say ummmmmm "you're being just as stubborn as Vicki, not even trying to find some sort of neutral ground".

Edited by Yours Truly
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4 minutes ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

Hahahahaha Dicko in that crazy Cruella deVille black and white cookie dragster, rolling up skipping away from the car like a birthday clown with a water squirter bow tie getting side eye from the paycheck to paycheck landscaper crew . Brilliant. What an asshole. They seem much more Beverly Hills shi shi shi than OC. I do feel badly about the cancer.

Lydia is unicorn whispers on a dewy morning spiderweb milkweed bloom scented fairy.  Throwing daggers. No one is buying your shit there, bug eyes. Eat a cheeseburger.

Remind me, is Shannons marina house a rental? It's awful. Empty colorless and low end cabinetry, interior doors, just yuck. Fung shui can't help that! 

Vicki's grandchildren were not happy or surprised to see her . Either: 1 that's how they feel about her or 2 it's like everything w Vicki, fake and that entrance was staged or recreated and Vicki had been there a while. I say FAKE because like Brianna hadn't told her Vicks previously that she got an invite to that party already. Brianna texted Vicki the second she got the invite I would bet. 

Tamra should've taken the $$$ she spent on the party and given the parents a gift certificate for ongoing therapy if she really loved her granddaughter . Would've paid for a year or two of it! WTF hillbilly couture was (god I can't think of her name) Ryan's gf Ava's mom wearing at the birthday party!!!!! 

I feel for Shannon. She's trying and she's brave. (Running away hiding, this is prob a minority opinion!)

Shannon's house is a rental, sitting on a $27million piece of dirt.  It is a given the house is a tear down and the new owner will probably build a Dubrow mansion. 

I thought Shannon did the best thing by leaving.  Idiot Lydia is trying to claim she was just saying, "Hey, I got drinks with Vicki.  She is hurt.  You guys are hurt. . . . let's all move on."  Does Lydia really think that will fly?  She obviously was going for the low blow insinuation that Shannon is some sort of Vicki replacement to Tamra.   Somehow Vicki gossiping about David and Eddie is okay.  Can't get to the root of the problem without addressing the issues.  Any conversation and explanation Shannon would have to endure from Lydia would be fake and accusatory.  This is a woman who had a meltdown because someone said she should eat a cheeseburger.  Of course a perfect "friend whisperer" when confronted would (a) accuse someone of yelling-when they weren't (b) tell someone they have met for the first time, after repeatedly insulting them, "we're not going to get along".  Sadly, I think Lydia's storyline is going to be being on the outs with Shannon.  Not terribly interesting.

Lydia's blog:  http://www.highline-autos.com/article/117/Diko-Sulahian-15-years-of-excellence-and-counting

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I have to say, seeing the flashbacks with Shannon, I think she looks MUCH better, in the face especially, with the weight gain. While I realize she needs to get the eating under control for health reasons, and weight around the abdomen for women is especially dangerous, I think keeping a little weight on would be good for her.

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I actually love Shannon's house as is. 

The view and the location is tdf and I personally hate pretentious fake mansion ala Dubrow.

So now, David is gay too????

it must be catchy like my 5 years old niece like to say.

The "is he, isn't he ? " story line is beyond tired.

Ready to write off this dumb franchise.

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6 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

Shannon's house is a rental, sitting on a $27million piece of dirt.  It is a given the house is a tear down and the new owner will probably build a Dubrow mansion. 


Are David and Shanon building there or elsewhere ? Gosh I guess in the shadow of chateau Dubrow I missed this stuff! The view is spectacular but that rental..... And being an over the top emotional prom mom burning snacks and trying to look cool is an honest look, poor Shannon. June Cleaver meets Regina George's COOL MOM from Mean Girls. 

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9 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

I thought Shannon did the best thing by leaving.  Idiot Lydia is trying to claim she was just saying, "Hey, I got drinks with Vicki.  She is hurt.  You guys are hurt. . . . let's all move on."  Does Lydia really think that will fly?  She obviously was going for the low blow insinuation that Shannon is some sort of Vicki replacement to Tamra. 

I agree 1000%. But it was the WAY Shannon left. She totally lost her shit. I would have sort of laughed Lydia off with a "You have no idea, but good luck with that....." and walked off. Not flipped the fuck out, started crying, and made a huge scene at a kid's birthday party. 

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10 minutes ago, lawyergal said:

I have to say, seeing the flashbacks with Shannon, I think she looks MUCH better, in the face especially, with the weight gain. While I realize she needs to get the eating under control for health reasons, and weight around the abdomen for women is especially dangerous, I think keeping a little weight on would be good for her.

Shannon soon after the twins were born: 

Her face does look better a little fuller.  The daughter's expression is adorable.

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1 hour ago, RHofOZ said:

I thought Brianna may have decided to leave the party when she realised Lydia's mum was there too.  Brianna may have felt a little uncomfortable seeing her after what happened with Ryan a few seasons ago.

I forgot what happened. Can you please remind me? Thx

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24 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

Shannon's house is a rental, sitting on a $27million piece of dirt.  It is a given the house is a tear down and the new owner will probably build a Dubrow mansion. 

I thought Shannon did the best thing by leaving.  Idiot Lydia is trying to claim she was just saying, "Hey, I got drinks with Vicki.  She is hurt.  You guys are hurt. . . . let's all move on."  Does Lydia really think that will fly?  She obviously was going for the low blow insinuation that Shannon is some sort of Vicki replacement to Tamra.   Somehow Vicki gossiping about David and Eddie is okay.  Can't get to the root of the problem without addressing the issues.  Any conversation and explanation Shannon would have to endure from Lydia would be fake and accusatory.  This is a woman who had a meltdown because someone said she should eat a cheeseburger.  Of course a perfect "friend whisperer" when confronted would (a) accuse someone of yelling-when they weren't (b) tell someone they have met for the first time, after repeatedly insulting them, "we're not going to get along".  Sadly, I think Lydia's storyline is going to be being on the outs with Shannon.  Not terribly interesting.

Lydia's blog:  http://www.highline-autos.com/article/117/Diko-Sulahian-15-years-of-excellence-and-counting

How did Lydia repeatedly insult her?

Look we all know the show needed someone to bridge the women. Lets stop pretending that Lydia wasn't brought on for that very reason. She needed to segwey into the conversation somehow and to be honest I don't think Lydia started off that bad. All she did was snatch a moment to insert Vicki's name. It has to happen at some point we all know the show needs to get it kicked off somehow and rarely does anyone know how to do it seamlessly. What I saw was Lydia bringing  up the subject, allbeit clumsily but I mean it's a part of the show. Pick a moment and get on with it and I think Lydia did just that. Shannon lost her mind and turned it into an ugly exchange. I get that the idea of her reminding Lydia of Vicki isn't the best thing to say but I honestly don't think Lydia said it to provoke. I dunno, it seemed to me Lydia was more about laying the groundwork for her "friend whisperer" angle she feels is her designated role and the condition for her return to the show.

I don't even get the vibe that she's on anyone's side. To me she seems to be trying to feel out what the situation is. Where everyone's head is at and where she can squeeze herself in. I didn't see it as her doing anything other than trying to immerse herself into the cast by diving right in and getting caught up. It just seemed to be blown waaaaayyyy out of proportion when all Lydia did was bring up a touchy subject which they KNOW has to be done for the season to move forward. Come on now.

I mean Lydia said more than once that she agreed with Shannon, she let Shannon unload way more than she needed to and was trying to insert supportive agreements to Shannon's rants. It's not like she was continously dismissing what Shannon had to say she was taking it all in. All Shannon kept doing was advancing. I mean shit. Most of the time when I unload for whatever reason and it doesn't necessarily have to do with the person I'm ranting at at the end I'll take a deep breath and go, "well okay now that that's out of the way I hope you now understand this is just a very iffy topic and I may have gone a little overboard on YOU since it has nothing to do with you but yeah, that's how that goes about that so be warned for future reference" and then move on. I'm not trying to wage a new war with someone else about a person I can't stand. All that says is that Shannon allowed Vicki to affect a potential new friend and that's just straight up ridiculous. Not to mention childish.

Edited by Yours Truly
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6 minutes ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

Are David and Shanon building there or elsewhere ? Gosh I guess in the shadow of chateau Dubrow I missed this stuff! The view is spectacular but that rental..... And being an over the top emotional prom mom burning snacks and trying to look cool is an honest look, poor Shannon. June Cleaver meets Regina George's COOL MOM from Mean Girls. 

No they aren't building on the site.  They just got a fabulous rent deal.  Shannon and David allegedly don't want to go down the build our dream home path again.  So they are looking for a property, supposedly beach, where they can buy and put their own touches on.  I think the price tag is beyond what any of the RHs could handle. 

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As much as Vicks prattles on about her love tank, it's Shannon who has the love tank that can never be filled. I don't like David, he seems like a big wus, but he will never be able to tell Shannon he is sorry enough times or tell her he loves her enough to fill that insatiable pit of need that is Shannon. 

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1 hour ago, zoeysmom said:

Last night on WWHL. Lydia became flustered and Vicki became frustrated with Lydia attempts to deny that she had been speaking of Eddie and David.  Lydia fails to realize the producers have relationships with Vicki, Tamra and Shannon and aren't going to disregard their stance because Lydia wants some sort of back up.   Lydia was itching to answer the question for a caller about why is Shannon mean to new girls, her final answer,"I don't know."  Bottom line Lydia is not good TV.

Was watching this right before bed and my husband asked "is she that dumb or just playing dumb?"  She had another idk moment and he decided she was playing dumb.   lol

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1 hour ago, zoeysmom said:

Last night on WWHL. Lydia became flustered and Vicki became frustrated with Lydia attempts to deny that she had been speaking of Eddie and David.  Lydia fails to realize the producers have relationships with Vicki, Tamra and Shannon and aren't going to disregard their stance because Lydia wants some sort of back up.   Lydia was itching to answer the question for a caller about why is Shannon mean to new girls, her final answer,"I don't know."  Bottom line Lydia is not good TV.

Was watching this right before bed and my husband asked "is she that dumb or just playing dumb?"  She had another idk moment and he decided she was playing dumb.   lol

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3 minutes ago, diadochokinesis said:

Also, I would have no tolerance for Judy IRL. If I had to put up with her in my daily life, I would have to just walk off every time I saw her. There is no way I would up with the throwing confetti, glittering my boobs, etc. It isn't cute. Take your confetti and glitter and walk away.


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51 minutes ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

I feel for Shannon. She's trying and she's brave. (Running away hiding, this is prob a minority opinion!)

I feel for her too and also think she is genuine and brave.  

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26 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:


I thought Brianna may have decided to leave the party when she realized Lydia's mum was there too.  Brianna may have felt a little uncomfortable seeing her after what happened with Ryan a few seasons ago.


I forgot what happened. Can you please remind me? Thx

Brianna's husband, Ryan, flew off the handle when he saw Lydia's mother putting her feet on the couch at a party.

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1 minute ago, Ubiquitous said:

Brianna's husband, Ryan, flew off the handle when he saw Lydia's mother putting her feet on the couch at a party.

Oh that's right! Thank you for jogging my memory. 

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Nothing screams an idiot with more money than common sense than the sentence "I hired a fung shui consultant"  And where can I get a job bilking rich dummies for big bucks? 

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2 minutes ago, Yours Truly said:

How did Lydia repeatedly insult her?

Look we all know the show needed someone to bridge the women. Lets stop pretending that Lydia wasn't brought on for that very reason. She needed to segwey into the conversation somehow and to be honest I don't think Lydia started off that bad. All she did was snatch a moment to insert Vicki's name. It has to happen at some point we all know the show needs to get it kicked off somehow and rarely does anyone know how to do with seamlessly. What I saw was Lydia bringing  up the subject, allbeit clumsily but I mean it's a part of the show. Pick a moment and get on with it and I think Lydia did just that. Shannon lost her mind and turned it into an ugly exchange. I get that the idea of her reminding Lydia of Vicki isn't the best thing to say but I honestly don't think Lydia said it to provoke. I dunno, it seemed to me Lydia was more about laying the groundwork for her "friend whisperer" angle she feel is her designated role and the condition for her return to the show.

I don't even get the vibe that she's on anyone's side. To me she seems to be trying to feel out what the situation is. Where everyone's head is at and where she can squeeze herself in. I didn't see it as her doing anything other than trying to immerse herself into the cast by diving right in and getting caught up. It just seemed to be blown waaaaayyyy out of proportion when all Lydia did was bring up a touchy subject which they KNOW has to be done for the season to move forward. Come on now.

I mean Lydia said more than once that she agreed with Shannon, she let Shannon unload way more than she needed to and was trying to insert supportive agreements to Shannon's rants. It's not like she was continously dismissing what Shannon had to say she was taking it all in. All Shannon kept doing was advancing. I mean shit. Most of the time when I unload for whatever reason and it doesn't necessarily have to do with the person I'm ranting at at the end I'll take a deep breath and go, "well okay now that that's out of the way I hope you now understand this is just a very iffy topic and I may have gone a little overboard on YOU since it has nothing to do with you but yeah, that's how that goes about that so be warned for future reference" and then move on. I'm not trying to wage a new war with someone else about a person I can't stand. All that says is that Shannon allowed Vicki to affect a potential new friend and that's just straight up ridiculous. Not to mention childish.

Oh I agree the producers were looking for a bridge between the parties.  Last year it was Heather having a party under the guise of Terry's health concern.  Lydia seems to try and throw out these overly simplistic solutions or scenarios to fulfill her self appointed role as the "friend whisperer".  Tamra nixed Lydia's invitation for the three of them (Lydia, Tamra and Vicki) to get together.  From what Tamra has said, Lydia was a bit relentless in bringing up Vicki.  It is an insult to me when someone hops in and plays the "can't we all just get along card", when they have not been around for the carnage and Vicki's rather serious allegations for which she has no remorse.  It is an insult because Lydia is essentially implying that Shannon (and Tamra) are unreasonable. Lydia is a backtracker because although I do think she is bright, she comes off as overly simplistic and uncaring for all the parties involved.   She reminds me of a child who wants everyone around her to just get along because it will make her happy.  Lydia wasn't going for the "let's just be cordial" plan.  She wants the no apologies restart plan which just doesn't work for this group.  These are a group of people that actually retract apologies and are proud of abhorrent behavior and words. (See last year's Reunion.)  It came off to me as Lydia has a magazine party coming up and she wants all the parties present.

IMO the problem begins when there is an exaggerated sense of someone losing their mind or causing a scene-Shannon left, she didn't scorch the earth or scream, she left. Just as Lydia (and Heather before her) accuse someone of "yelling" at them, when in fact the person disagrees.   She had no desire to placate Lydia-who is not particularly adept at seeing how her words cause others' strife or are insulting.   Lydia is stubborn, she uses terms like semantics instead of an apology.  Another insult that Shannon is just not bright enough to read what Lydia is trying to say.  I am of the opinion Lydia meant exactly what she said, that Shannon reminds of her Vicki.  As to the stubbornness and not willing to work through things. 

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Shannon's core problem isn't with a person with five letters V.I.C.K.I.  

Her core problem is 5 words: Divorce is not an option.  If she is determined to cling to that dead ass marriage than she will continue to be miserable, gain weight and be a neurotic mess. As much as she says that she has forgiven David for the affair, it still haunts her and her marriage. I can't say as I blame her. That affair was a soap opera mess and a betrayal of epic proportions on so many levels. I mean shit, the chick was hanging with his mom and sis (allegedly) and befriended her to get deets on her marriage. Side chick might as well be played by Eileen Davidson on one of the soaps as a villain. 

Brianna gets a big gurl bye from me. Why show up to a party thrown by a woman that unfriended you, hasn't spoken to you for like a damn year and is mortal enemies with you moms? She looked a fool going to that damn party and she only did it for camera time.

Beer party/petting zoo with a freaking tiger no less doesn't sound like a good combination. In fact, it sounds like the first 5 min of a Simpsons episode that ends in a utter inebriation and mauling. 

Edited by islandgal140
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46 minutes ago, Ubiquitous said:

Brianna's husband, Ryan, flew off the handle when he saw Lydia's mother putting her feet on the couch at a party.

Not only that, it was the FAMILY couch.  That is some shit right there.  Dang old FAMILY couch. 

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51 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

Oh I agree the producers were looking for a bridge between the parties.  Last year it was Heather having a party under the guise of Terry's health concern.  Lydia seems to try and throw out these overly simplistic solutions or scenarios to fulfill her self appointed role as the "friend whisperer".  Tamra nixed Lydia's invitation for the three of them (Lydia, Tamra and Vicki) to get together.  From what Tamra has said, Lydia was a bit relentless in bringing up Vicki.  It is an insult to me when someone hops in and plays the "can't we all just get along card", when they have not been around for the carnage and Vicki's rather serious allegations for which she has no remorse.  It is an insult because Lydia is essentially implying that Shannon (and Tamra) are unreasonable. Lydia is a backtracker because although I do think she is bright, she comes off as overly simplistic and uncaring for all the parties involved.   She reminds me of a child who wants everyone around her to just get along because it will make her happy.  Lydia wasn't going for the "let's just be cordial" plan.  She wants the no apologies restart plan which just doesn't work for this group.  These are a group of people that actually retract apologies and are proud of abhorrent behavior and words. (See last year's Reunion.)  It came off to me as Lydia has a magazine party coming up and she wants all the parties present.

IMO the problem begins when there is an exaggerated sense of someone losing their mind or causing a scene-Shannon left, she didn't scorch the earth or scream, she left. Just as Lydia (and Heather before her) accuse someone of "yelling" at them, when in fact the person disagrees.   She had no desire to placate Lydia-who is not particularly adept at seeing how her words cause others' strife or are insulting.   Lydia is stubborn, she uses terms like semantics instead of an apology.  Another insult that Shannon is just not bright enough to read what Lydia is trying to say.  I am of the opinion Lydia meant exactly what she said, that Shannon reminds of her Vicki.  As to the stubbornness and not willing to work through things. 

-But she didn't even get that far. Lydia barely said anything before Shannon started ranting. Lydia got a bit saucy towards the end cause Shannon just kept going after her.  Watch that scene and see just how many words Lydia actually got out before she was being crucified by Shannon.

Lydia didn't even get a chance to explain where SHE was trying to come from which was of course a self serving angle "looky here, I'm back and I'm gonna be the peacemaker yaaaaaay" but I don't think her intention was to stir the pot. I think she was the one waving the checkered flag to get the engines started but I think she was trying to figure out a way to insert herself safely and not as some hot head. Lydia never came across to me  as quick as the others to be nasty or hateful. I mean she had to bring it on occasion like they all do or be eaten alive but I never got the impression that Lydia was in it to be  deliberately hurtful or to be a part of some on going cat fight.

I think she misjudged just how out of control Shannon can get and I'm not surprised. It's ridiculous the level of BSC Shannon got to during that exchange. All she did was set a negative foundation for her and Lydia when all Lydia did was mistakenly applied too little weight to the severity of the issue between the women. I would have been okay with some tongue lashing aimed at Lydia cause duh, foot in mouth still gets some sort of reprimand but Shannon was out of control. Her display was really ridiculous.

Oh and I really did like Shannon when she came on board. I still like her but she needs to tone down the dramatics, the scoldings and the constantly tormented routine.

-I don't believe that Lydia was "relentless". Tamara isn't the most accurate in her recollection of things and always states things in a way to make her position seem more justified. Tamara skirts from the truth when it suits her.

- But we don't really know that. We do know that if there's a way for them to move on from the feud she would like to help them get there. When did she say she wanted to reset everything and no one had to apologize for anything? I think she's just looking for any way to find some common ground. Which isn't t he worse idea.

- Honestly, had Shannon come at me that way and in that tone waving her hands around and being all extra I would have checked her and checked her good because although it may not have necessarily been "screaming" she was loud and aggressive which I would have told her was disrespectful and rude. It's still unecessarily aggressive and I don't care how "passionate" you are about the subject matter watch your tone when speaking to me especially if I haven't come at you in any confrontational manner. Express your dismay at my poor choice of words, fine, but I'm not about to let you go on some long winded scolding rant towards me. Not happening.

Edited by Yours Truly
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I'm still  trying to figure out if I care....

Eta:I liked Shannon her first season but she's  so insecure and overly emotional about her life and she  is happy to blame Everthing on anyone else but herself/david and the crumbling marriage she's living in.  I missed the season with her vow renewal, but it's obvious that David and Shannon didn't really fix much just glossed over things to make it all look good again. I wonder how much had to do with Shannon trying to prove/show to the other women that David was still in love with Shannon.  I guess my point is Shannon and David fixed nothing. 

So, I'll just add, Ava looks so much like Ryan.... Take that any way you want :) 

Edited by imjagain
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imo Shannon's overreactive defenses show someone who has been traumatized, and Vicki is probably just the most recent offender - maybe even a potent symbol of the kind of dark personality Shannon has been shocked and hurt by in the past.

In the preview, Shannon says that she doesn't know who she is. It would probably be a good idea to find a nurturing place where she can give herself time, space and professional guidance to figure out a few things. If she doesn't want to leave the kids for a retreat involving nights away, she could find a calm place in the area offering therapy to spend her days for a while. David might be a big part of her problem, but he does make enough money to provide that kind of support.

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4 hours ago, Ubiquitous said:


  • Betty rubs me the wrong way. Did she get her mastectomy as a precaution measure or because she had breast cancer?

I believe Peggy said she had a biopsy, they found a little bit of cancer, implying it was early stage and could be treated with a lumpectomy and/or radiation, but since her mother had died of breast cancer at age 51, Peggy opted for the double mastectomy to just get it over and done with and not have to worry about it anymore.  My mom similarly had a biopsy that just had a tiny amount of cancer and opted for the lumpectomy.  At pne of her check-ups they found more cancer and she had to have a mastectomy.  At the year check-up for that they found a separate instance of pre-cancerous cells in the other breast - seriously, it was a separate instance, not just the cancer spreading, which is pretty damn uncommon.  At that time she just opted to cut straight to the chase and have the 2nd boob cut off and still wishes she would have just done them both at once at the first sign of cancer rather than trying to save her boobs and making the ordeal longer and with more surgeries and recoveries.  So TLDR my mom wishes she initially went the Peggy route.  

2 hours ago, FamilyVan said:

What exactly was the deal with Peggy's husband?  What does he do?  Something with cars?  Is that how they made their money?  I missed his intro.


I think he owns this company, but I didn't notice any Cruella DeVille cars on the website, so IDK.  Although the gallery is really long and I got tired of scrolling through it.


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2 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Shannon needs to replace the booze with some Xanax. Seriously, one a day will help keep the crazy away. I agree with who ever said she seemed tipsy at home at the pre-dance party and I'm sure she had too much to drink at the birthday party. 

I don't want to hear from Meghan how hard motherhood is. STFU! She lives in luxury, doesn't have to worry for a thing, doesn't have to work outside the home like millions of women do so just SHUT. IT! 

I really hope Meghan doesn't turn out to be the kind of mommie dearest who turns her new "dolly" into a mini-me, and also feels jealous of the attention Aspen gets from Jim and other people.

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20 minutes ago, Cherrio said:

I would rather have Shannon's dramatics than truly evil nastiness of Vicki and now Lydia.

Vicki with her "she got what she deserved" and now Lydia telling Shannon her mother said she was a lost soul.    Oh, now that is showing your true rainbow colors.

Go stick your wand up your ass.

Friend whisperer my ass.   

Well that one comment first off was true cause her mother did say that and second it was after Shannon started barking at Lydia about her needing to go talk to her mother about what a bright light she said Shannon was.  I don't know about you but it's never necessary to involve someone's mom in any aggressive conversation.  Do I think Shannon was trying to be sinister when she mention Lydia's mother? No, but she wasn't exactly bringing her up to compliment Lydia. Using Lydia's own mom in a comment intended to be snide towards Lydia... Come on now... 

Lydia's response was right in the same tone as Shannon's.

Petty at most.

Edited by Yours Truly
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5 minutes ago, red12 said:

Vicki is a liar and failed grifter who should no longer be on this show. But, instead of being honest and facing the consequences of her actions, she keeps up this false victim narrative that actually drags out the suffering because new members of the group have to be updated on camera as to why people hate Vicki. She must have received the same training as Don Jr. that the crime you intend to commit doesn't count if you are unsuccessful.

Trying to pretend she is being bullied is an insult and Bravo should have cut the cord on this idiot years ago. The producers are also to blame. IF they had yanked her after the original con was exposed, or even demoted her to "friend" for a minute, they probably could have gotten away with bringing her back this season. 

Shannon, see a therapist and possibly get a prescription for a while.  Get a divorce too,  but most importantly, walk away from television. This is not healthy for you at this time.

Kelly, you are a terrible person and I hope you grow out of it before someone punches you in the face. 

Lydia, stop with the Christian lady manipulation and admit that you are just as petty and attention whore-y as everyone else. You are not above the fray. We see you and by we I include baby Jesus.

I never thought I would see the day when Tamra wasn't the actual worst on the show.

Does Meghan want to be content? I don't even know stay at home mom's who see her as a voice of their struggle. I just don't find her or her concerns compelling.

I agree with all your advice for Shannon,  but especially the divorce part. She is miserable! She is afraid to admit that the marriage just doesn't work anymore.  She can blame Vicki all she wants for that weight gain, but it's more about Shannon trying to push down the feelings that she and David are not happy together,  and probably will never be while still together. Maybe one day after the divorce they can be friends and Co parent their child, but not now. 

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