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The Lonely Js Club: James, Jackson & Johannah

Message added by Scarlett45,

Discussing the charges against Jana is fine, but do not post any information that reveals her address/contact information- even if said documents are public (i.e. a part of court proceedings.)

Discussing charges against Jana is NOT a jumping off point to speculate on other instances abuse/neglect etc towards the M-children or to elaborate on Josh's conviction and potential victims.  


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I'm surprised nobody has yet commented/marveled that Jilly Muffin claims her favorite pastime is... reading.




Well, where's it at, Jill?  This evidence of reams of reading, clearly shining through in your intelligent conversation?

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I'm surprised nobody has yet commented/marveled that Jilly Muffin claims her favorite pastime is... reading.

Usually voracious readers are very well spoken. And we all know that doesn't describe Jilly Muffin. She probably reads the Bible and that's it.

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Well, where's it at, Jill?  This evidence of reams of reading, clearly shining through in your intelligent conversation?



To be fair, there probably wasn't much in the way of intelligent books to read in that house growing up. The Bible, Wisdom booklets, the Prince Charming book, the Reverend Spy and a few "wholesome" historical biographies (i.e. mostly made up). I'm sure there must've been some other books as well, but I doubt there were any that could be considered challenging in any way.

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To be fair, there probably wasn't much in the way of intelligent books to read in that house growing up. The Bible, Wisdom booklets, the Prince Charming book, the Reverend Spy and a few "wholesome" historical biographies (i.e. mostly made up). I'm sure there must've been some other books as well, but I doubt there were any that could be considered challenging in any way.


Plus, it's a "compared to what" situation. Jill has been the Duggar kid who said she wanted to be a nurse, who believed she was studying Spanish and who read through quite a bit of material preparing for her sorta-kinda-midwife tests. I wouldn't be at all surprised if, compared to other Duggars, she's read a lot. And given her lifestyle, other Duggars are really the only thing she has to compare herself too. The fact that she reads hardly at all compared to people who actually read isn't really something she'd be aware of.

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To be fair, there probably wasn't much in the way of intelligent books to read in that house growing up. The Bible, Wisdom booklets, the Prince Charming book, the Reverend Spy and a few "wholesome" historical biographies (i.e. mostly made up). I'm sure there must've been some other books as well, but I doubt there were any that could be considered challenging in any way.

I agree. Totally. Also adding - you can read encyclopedias and textbooks 24/7, but reading and understanding are completely different. Even King Solomon in the Bible differentiates between knowledge (facts) and wisdom (understanding and applying facts).  If no one is there to explain things, or the only explanations are some twisted Gothard mess, then no wonder Jill comes off like an idiot.


Jill is the ring leader of the 'we do everything a little differently' mantra, probably because they're too ignorant, too lazy and also lack the intelligence to do anything normally.


Sadly, studies have actually shown that having knowledge of the KJV Bible is directly correlated to higher scores in language, literature, art, history, civics, etc., because so many references are made to the Bible or written in the same Elizabethan language. Too bad none of this is reflected with the Duggars.

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To be fair, there probably wasn't much in the way of intelligent books to read in that house growing up. The Bible, Wisdom booklets, the Prince Charming book, the Reverend Spy and a few "wholesome" historical biographies (i.e. mostly made up). I'm sure there must've been some other books as well, but I doubt there were any that could be considered challenging in any way.


Well, that's on the stupid teachers/parents who don't know how to steer the kids to anything good (plus assembly line teaching), because there's whole reams of "wholesome" stuff for growing kids to read that isn't subversive in any way a kid could understand, and you can probably take a swing at anything before 1900's in the adult area also (Jane Austen, anyone?  Twain?  Scarlet Pimpernel?  Sir Walter Scott?).  In fact, before Judy Blume came along and basically singlehandedly created the modern frank sex-talk YA, you could hand anything junior to any kid without having to do any screening.  Johnny Tremaine?  Edward Eager, Elizabeth Enright, Five Little Peppers, Billabong, Eleanor Farjeon?  I could go on for hours. 

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I don't know if they would be permitted Jane Austen, no way would JB and M want to explain Lydia's eloping with Wickham in Pride and Prejudice, not sure about the other JA books, Emma would be ok, I think.  It is so long since I have read the others. 

ETA: Emma probably not either, she is strong minded and an independent thinker

Edited by LittlePeas3
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I'm pretty sure the Duggars would label Jane Austen's works as "romance novels" which are evil and wrong since they're basically emotional porn for women y'know (what with us womenfolk not being in possession of libidos). Apparently, giving away pieces of your heart to Mr. Darcy is almost as bad as giving them away to real boys.

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I don't know if they would be permitted Jane Austen, no way would JB and M want to explain Lydia's eloping with Wickham in Pride and Prejudice, not sure about the other JA books, Emma would be ok, I think.  It is so long since I have read the others. 

ETA: Emma probably not either, she is strong minded and an independent thinker


Mansfield Park and Sense and Sensibility would work. Patient, low-expectations women snag nice-guy pastors as husbands in both of those.


Not Persuasion, though. Seeing late-20-something Anne decide that years earlier she shouldn't have allowed her elders to dissuade her from marrying young Wentworth might give certain people ideas. (Someone should sneak that one to Jana wrapped in an Gothard-seminar cover.)

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Mansfield Park and Sense and Sensibility would work. Patient, low-expectations women snag nice-guy pastors as husbands in both of those.


Not Persuasion, though. Seeing late-20-something Anne decide that years earlier she shouldn't have allowed her elders to dissuade her from marrying young Wentworth might give certain people ideas. (Someone should sneak that one to Jana wrapped in an Gothard-seminar cover.)

I dunno, they might want something with more action. Do you have anything with princes fighting dinosaurs?

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My understanding is that there is a huge fundie love affair with the Little House books. No idea if the Duggars went in for Laura Ingalls Wilder. Anybody know? It seems like there is way too much hard work described in that series to make it appealing to the Duggars.

For more on the fundie obsession, check out the book The Wilder Life by Wendy McClure. She's not a fundie herself, but she was somewhat Laura obsessesed. She and her husband take several pilgrimage trips to the sites of various Ingalls and Wilder homesites. Fascinating. When she describes some of the homeschoolers she meets, there is a distinct Duggar vibe.

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My understanding is that there is a huge fundie love affair with the Little House books. No idea if the Duggars went in for Laura Ingalls Wilder. Anybody know? It seems like there is way too much hard work described in that series to make it appealing to the Duggars.

For more on the fundie obsession, check out the book The Wilder Life by Wendy McClure. She's not a fundie herself, but she was somewhat Laura obsessesed. She and her husband take several pilgrimage trips to the sites of various Ingalls and Wilder homesites. Fascinating. When she describes some of the homeschoolers she meets, there is a distinct Duggar vibe.

I don't think they would approve of Little House on the Prairie. Both Laura &  Mary spent time alone with boys; fishing, walking through the woods, holding hands. Mary found her husband while living in a different city. The both taught school alone in a different city with no headship. Laura aggressively pursued Almanzo. Mrs. Olsen ran the store and the marriage. Pa's best friend was a drinker who roamed from town to town. Nellie was the opposite of keeping sweet. Almanzo's sister lived alone in diffrent cities. I think Little House and the bunch were much to progressive for the Duggars, even in the late 1800s.

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I thought Joy was into the Little House books when she was younger. IIRC, she was shown reading one on an old episode. Does anyone else remember?

They may have let Joy do things the others weren't allowed - such as read those trashy, smutty Little House books, because the girl was always so joyless and depressed.

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I don't think they would approve of Little House on the Prairie. Both Laura &  Mary spent time alone with boys; fishing, walking through the woods, holding hands. Mary found her husband while living in a different city. The both taught school alone in a different city with no headship. Laura aggressively pursued Almanzo. Mrs. Olsen ran the store and the marriage. Pa's best friend was a drinker who roamed from town to town. Nellie was the opposite of keeping sweet. Almanzo's sister lived alone in diffrent cities. I think Little House and the bunch were much to progressive for the Duggars, even in the late 1800s.

Not to mention Laura makes them change the word "obey"  at their wedding ceremony, because she won't promise to obey him. 

Edited by Temperance
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I don't know if they would be permitted Jane Austen, no way would JB and M want to explain Lydia's eloping with Wickham in Pride and Prejudice, not sure about the other JA books, Emma would be ok, I think.  It is so long since I have read the others. 

ETA: Emma probably not either, she is strong minded and an independent thinker


True, but this is assuming Jim-Boob and Mechell know enough about literature to be able to do any form of reader's advisory on these works, which I doubt.  I find for actual readers it's sometimes appallingly hard to recognize the extent of non-readerdom in others.  Clearly if one of the other household's members (Bates?) is recognizing Dumas, there are some variations in flexibility and permissibility under the church rules.  Probably because Mr. and Mrs. Bates are at least minimally clever, whereas J-B and M strike me as dumb as the proverbial boxes of rocks.

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There is also a certain amount of cafeteriaism in following any religion or denomination.  Selective hearing and memory intervene as well as whether the person understood the rules from the beginning.  People tend to emphasize and follow what resonates with their view of life and how they operate.  The result with the Duggars appears to be anything regarding control was cemented into the parents' heads with the result of a very constrained life for all the j-kids. 

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You know what pisses me off about the has been goals of the Duggars?  They never told them that they actually couldn't be those things ahead of time.  No Jinger you can not be a chef (unless it's in your marital home), No Joy-Anna you can't be a nurse, period. No Jessa you can't be a beautician - against the rules!  They posted their goals like they would actually be allowed to pursue them some day.  Trying to make themselves seem normal and goal oriented.  No Josh you're not going to go to college and be an attorney.  Just NO NO NO.  The only ones who had goals that were permitted were Jill-missionary, Jana 'midwife', or the boys being contractors or carpenters.  Everything else was and is off limits. 

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You know what pisses me off about the has been goals of the Duggars?  They never told them that they actually couldn't be those things ahead of time.

This is one of the many reasons that I say JB and M are driven by their sick, mean psychologies, not any kind of religious or even cultic "rules" or whatever.


Not stating the "rules," tricking people into violating rules because they haven't been articulated, pretending that ad hoc prohibitions on certain behaviors are actually "rules" when they're really just whimsical ways to sneak up on people and thwart their wills -- All of those things are the stock in trade of malignant narcissistic, manipulative, mean-spirited rotten parents (or other people in charge). They're extreme mental cruelties practiced by mean-spirited jerks because they get their kicks from such meanness. It drives me absolutely crazy to see such parental behaviors -- which I've experienced firsthand my whole life -- be portrayed as "faith" or "conservatism" or the like. (And I'm a liberal atheist!) These actions represent no philosophy or set of religious principles or any other such thing. They are the behaviors of sick, mean personalities. Period.

Edited by Churchhoney
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This is one of the many reasons that I say JB and M are driven by their sick, mean psychologies, not any kind of religious or even cultic "rules" or whatever.


Not stating the "rules," tricking people into violating rules because they haven't been articulated, pretending that ad hoc prohibitions on certain behaviors are actually "rules" when they're really just whimsical ways to sneak up on people and thwart their wills -- All of those things are the stock in trade of malignant narcissistic, manipulative, mean-spirited rotten parents (or other people in charge). They're extreme mental cruelties practiced by mean-spirited jerks because they get their kicks from such meanness. It drives me absolutely crazy to see such parental behaviors -- which I've experienced firsthand my whole life -- be portrayed as "faith" or "conservatism" or the like. (And I'm a liberal atheist!) These actions represent no philosophy or set of religious principles or any other such thing. They are the behaviors of sick, mean personalities. Period.

I second that Amen.

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Michelle must be in hell.  No heart for children, and she only got rid of two of hers so far.  We don't count Josh since he is elsewhere for time being, but that minor subtraction netted her another young adult and 4 kids.  So she has what, 22 under her roof right now plus Jessa popping in and out.  I'd have headed for the hills long ago, myself.  Adults don't belong around babies and little kids all the time.  They need a break.  Sure, she seems to get away the most, but some of the girls have to be screaming bored and fed up. Brainwashing is remarkably effective with this bunch, but it is not natural and should have led to mighty hard feelings long before now.

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Michelle must be in hell.  No heart for children, and she only got rid of two of hers so far.  We don't count Josh since he is elsewhere for time being, but that minor subtraction netted her another young adult and 4 kids.  So she has what, 22 under her roof right now plus Jessa popping in and out.  I'd have headed for the hills long ago, myself.  Adults don't belong around babies and little kids all the time.  They need a break.  Sure, she seems to get away the most, but some of the girls have to be screaming bored and fed up. Brainwashing is remarkably effective with this bunch, but it is not natural and should have led to mighty hard feelings long before now.

Hard feelings of resentment would only be natural for daughters being forced to literally raise and take on the parenting responsibilities of their siblings but they're made to feel that it's wrong to feel the way they do and must confess their thoughts to their parents and pray for a better attitude.  They're screwed no matter what.  Michelle isn't allowed to feel like she doesn't enjoy motherhood so she just passes off every kid to another kid to raise.

Edited by Defrauder
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It's a cute picture. Jana's face looks thinner in the picture. She looks like Jill, but with softer features. Meredith looks happy to be with Jana.

It looks like a natural family picture, sort of mother and daughterish. It's something I could see in my family where an adult is playing the piano and a little kid wants to join in, so they put her on the lap and then run for th phone to take a quick picture.

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She looks thin.

I was thinking the same, and she doesn't look thin in a healthy, killing it in the gym kind of way. I think there is a lot of stress in that household right now, and Jana and Jinger are shouldering the brunt of it.

Boob, Michelle, Anna and Jessa need to take care of their own damn kids and stop using Jana and Jinger as free daycare.

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In Counting On, Anna and the M'kids had taken over Jana's bed in the girls' room, so I'm not surprised that she looks exhausted...

Begs the question:: Where in the world is Jana sleeping nowadays???

On one of the bare mattresses found on closet floors or storage room floors.

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It's a cute picture. Jana's face looks thinner in the picture. She looks like Jill, but with softer features. Meredith looks happy to be with Jana.


You're right. I've never thought Jana and Jill look alike before, but she does look like a softer Jill here.  I think it's the atypically high angle of the picture making everything look narrower.  Jana and Meredith seem to have a strong bond, which I suppose happens when a SAHD has such a heart for other people's children.  


Wait -- does John David fit into this topic? He certainly seems like a lonely J.  I was thinking recently how acutely lonely he must have been during and after everything that happened with Josh.  Suspicion must have naturally been cast on him too, the family was divided up by gender, and there are no other boys that close to him in age.  Josh was shunned, JD's own twin sister was off limits for bonding, and it seems that for a time at least, the older boys were encouraged to stay away from the little kids too.  Not allowed to befriend anyone close to your age in the family, and you're also not allowed to have any friends outside the family? Poor John David.  

Edited by handshakefulness
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Maybe it's the angle, but she looks disturbingly thin to me here. Her wrists are narrower, her hands are bony, and you can see her collar bones. She didn't look like that at the Bates wedding. I think she and Jinger are either quite stressed or have been convinced that the path to marriage is being as thin as possible.

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Maybe it's the angle, but she looks disturbingly thin to me here. Her wrists are narrower, her hands are bony, and you can see her collar bones. She didn't look like that at the Bates wedding. I think she and Jinger are either quite stressed or have been convinced that the path to marriage is being as thin as possible.

She's definitely lost weight. Jana and Jinger were never heavy, but I don't recall them being naturally super-skinny either. Since their cult puts unmarried womem slightly below the status of a serial-killing gay Democrat leper, Jana may be busting ass to shed the stigma of Spinsterhood.

Edited by BitterApple
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You know what pisses me off about the has been goals of the Duggars?  They never told them that they actually couldn't be those things ahead of time.  No Jinger you can not be a chef (unless it's in your marital home), No Joy-Anna you can't be a nurse, period. No Jessa you can't be a beautician - against the rules!  They posted their goals like they would actually be allowed to pursue them some day.  Trying to make themselves seem normal and goal oriented.  No Josh you're not going to go to college and be an attorney.  Just NO NO NO.  The only ones who had goals that were permitted were Jill-missionary, Jana 'midwife', or the boys being contractors or carpenters.  Everything else was and is off limits. 

Yes, the deception angers me too. They wanted the public to think they were normal, loving parents, knowing full well they would never let their children, especially their girls, pursue any of those goals.


Maybe it's the angle, but she looks disturbingly thin to me here. Her wrists are narrower, her hands are bony, and you can see her collar bones. She didn't look like that at the Bates wedding. I think she and Jinger are either quite stressed or have been convinced that the path to marriage is being as thin as possible.

I blame Gothard at least in part, for putting a huge emphasis on thinness as a virtue for women. She'd still be gorgeous if she were 20 pounds heavier (or even much more) and I'd hate it if anyone was even implying that she needed to watch it if she ever wanted to find a husband. (Which I hope she DOESN'T!) The longer we can keep her single, the better the chances that she'll find a way out to lead a normal life. That won't happen if she gets tied down with a fundy husband and five kids in the next few years.

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I blame him, too. Say what you want about media images, etc. which shouldn't factor much to these people who say they shun TV, magazines, most internet, movies, etc. Obe of those wisdom books or whatever on marriage specifically says women should be thin, and do whatever it takes to be thin - even if their husbands demand really unhealthy foods, they have zero time or money to exercise, they're naturally thicket, or they're perpetually pregnant. Your either supposed to be waif thin or pregnant, and if your not, it's your fault.

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Someone has not been doing a very thorough comment sweep! I SAW A NEGATIVE OPINION! Satan alert! Satan alert! I'll also add that the overall tone of leghumper comments often verges on creepy and disturbing. It's all "what lovely, beautiful, pretty, gorgeous young women you are!  How I long to see you on TV again. How I love to watch these beautiful young women on TV. Jim Bob and Michelle make such beautiful, pretty young women. I love you." 

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Bolding mine

Someone has not been doing a very thorough comment sweep! I SAW A NEGATIVE OPINION! Satan alert! Satan alert! I'll also add that the overall tone of leghumper comments often verges on creepy and disturbing. It's all "what lovely, beautiful, pretty, gorgeous young women you are!  How I long to see you on TV again. How I love to watch these beautiful young women on TV. Jim Bob and Michelle make such beautiful, pretty young women. I love you."

Tammi Embry @ 3:10 am

Choose your barefoot and pregnant wife from these ladies. And Michelle has instructed them to never deny their husbands sex. No matter what!!

Aaaand responses.

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Bolding mine

Tammi Embry @ 3:10 am

Choose your barefoot and pregnant wife from these ladies. And Michelle has instructed them to never deny their husbands sex. No matter what!!

Aaaand responses.

"The page you requested cannot be displayed at the moment. It may be temporarily unavailable, the link you clicked on may be broken or expired, or you may not have permission to view this page." Lol, looks like they caught it.

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"The page you requested cannot be displayed at the moment. It may be temporarily unavailable, the link you clicked on may be broken or expired, or you may not have permission to view this page." Lol, looks like they caught it.

Curiouser and curiouser. The link just worked for me.

Is it something you said.....? lol

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