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The Lonely Js Club: James, Jackson & Johannah

Message added by Scarlett45,

Discussing the charges against Jana is fine, but do not post any information that reveals her address/contact information- even if said documents are public (i.e. a part of court proceedings.)

Discussing charges against Jana is NOT a jumping off point to speculate on other instances abuse/neglect etc towards the M-children or to elaborate on Josh's conviction and potential victims.  


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Regarding the twins' being on the dowside of their "attractiveness apex", we don't actually know that...For many kids, those years can be their worst, looks-wise. Their features are not actually bad or anything, and it's entirely possible that when they get to 30 or so, if they avoid getting doughy in the process and their bone-structure starts coming through...and especially if they manage to break free enough to put some actual expression and spark in their eyes, they could be quite good looking. Hair loss in and of itself, which is really the only genetic "negative" in their looks, is not some sort of deal breaker. I personally always found receding hairlines even in younger guys rather attractive. My husband had one when we met, and my sons, at ages 25 & 30 are also getting pretty sparse up top, but I still think they are nice-looking guys (though I may be biased!).

Edited by Jynnan tonnix
  • Love 11

The twin on the left already hit his attractiveness apex. The one on the right still has another year. One more year till Jim Bob tries to marry them both off simultaneously for ratings.

As dirty and disgusting as I feel saying it, even I would watch those 2 get married off to fundie twin girls.  


Now I need to go take another shower.  *sigh*

  • Love 5

 eta: FreeJinger saw what I did!  Compare and contrast! LOL 



WTF? Did they actually sign that "Mom and Dad Duggar," like in case one of the twins might not be sure which Mom and Dad posted a birthday message for them? "Hey Jed, do you think this was from our mom or someone else's mom?" "Well, Jer, I'll tell you. I wasn't sure until I saw how it said Mom and Dad Duggar."

  • Love 17

Apparently even JIzm and Michelle realize nobody in their family actually knows each other.

I'm reminded of one of the first Duggar scenes ever, I think it was the 14 Kids special, where they had all the kids go down the line and say their names. Jedidiah got himself confused with Josiah. Okay, he was very little, but still it strikes me as emblematic of the family dynamic there.

  • Love 11

Jeremiah sort of looks like Michael Cera with Jill's teeth. Neither of the twins do anything for me, they look like they shower once a week, but they're probably about as attractive as they're gonna get. They should strike while the iron is "hot", they aren't ever going to turn into Patrick Stewart.

They've both inherited the family acne, poor kids. Between the crap diet they're fed and the lack of basic hygiene at the TTH, they never had a chance.

Edited by Albanyguy
  • Love 1

So this is in regards to Marjorie, right?


Wow. I actually kind of liked her and was sad they broke up. Not anymore. Run away, Marj!


I have a hard time mustering up outrage over an 18-year-old who's forbidden to hold hands (or kiss or embrace or dance or spend time with someone without parents or 10-year-old siblings present) who goes horny-crazy and wants to talk sexy with an intended marriage partner over the phone. ... Not sure how Josiah or any Duggar would manage webcam sex, however. Especially with a partner also living in a Gothard-y household with multiple children.

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 11

Of course, to a Gothard family, something as ordinary as just making a kissing noise into the phone or saying "Love ya, babe" could be considered "phone sex".

I still think that Marjorie's parents yanked her out of the Duggars' clutches because of Josh's scandals. But that is so patently unfair to Josiah that they may have felt compelled to come up with a reason why he was an unfit candidate for their daughter's hand and latched onto the "phone sex" as their excuse.

  • Love 11

I just feel bad for him. It's freaking NORMAL for people their age to want to explore sexually. I don't hold this against Josiah at all, though if Marjorie did feel pressured, that is wrong - but they repress their kids so much that it's unhealthy. In the non fundie world he could make out and do stuff with his girlfriend, even if not full intercourse, but in Gothard world they can't even hold hands until engagement. I'm sure if this is true Josiah paid for it more than just losing Marjorie.

I do also agree that her parents ended it more because of Josh's scandal than Josiah himself.

  • Love 9

Of course, to a Gothard family, something as ordinary as just making a kissing noise into the phone or saying "Love ya, babe" could be considered "phone sex".

I still think that Marjorie's parents yanked her out of the Duggars' clutches because of Josh's scandals. But that is so patently unfair to Josiah that they may have felt compelled to come up with a reason why he was an unfit candidate for their daughter's hand and latched onto the "phone sex" as their excuse.



I agree.


I also kind of expect the deal would have imploded eventually in any case, though. I can't really see Marjorie ultimately passing JB-and-M's muster as a suitable -- suitably malleable and brainwashable, that is -- in-law, even for one of their apparently harder-to-control children. She appears to have some backbone. That's not a Duggar-friendly trait.

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 3

Well if it's on the internet it's gotta be true!


Well, that's the other thing, isn't it? I don't think there's any way the "webcam" allegation could be true, for example. How would either of them get near an un-parentally-monitored webcam? It isn't as if Josiah was working in a political-campaign office or anything. :  )

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 8

Crazy Days and Nights revealed their blind item about a reality star's courtship being called off due to him pressuring her into phone/webcam sex as Josiah, like many here suspected.


That site was revealed a long while back as being fake. I'm surprised it still exists.

  • Love 4

Well, that's the other thing, isn't it? I don't think there's any way the "webcam" allegation could be true, for example. How would either of them get near an un-parentally-monitored webcam? It isn't as if Josiah was working in a political-campaign office or anything. : )

How would the guy who runs crazydaysandnights, apparently a 40 something lawyer in Los Angeles, even have any idea of what's going down between two yokel Arkansas fundie teens?
  • Love 4

Well, that's the other thing, isn't it? I don't think there's any way the "webcam" allegation could be true, for example. How would either of them get near an un-parentally-monitored webcam? It isn't as if Josiah was working in a political-campaign office or anything. : )

It's not unusual for a man of Josiah's age to want to have sex with someone he may be planning to marry. That being said, given the immense security surrounding these kids, I'm sure they are almost magical in their abilities to sneak around and do thr forbidden.

It's not unusual for a man of Josiah's age to want to have sex with someone he may be planning to marry. That being said, given the immense security surrounding these kids, I'm sure they are almost magical in their abilities to sneak around and do thr forbidden.


Could be. But I grew up surrounded by similar security. And there's a limit to what magic can do, even when kids are very very motivated, if parents are isolating and determined enough, and I'd be surprised if the Duggars weren't quite determined. Because JB and M -- they're not nearly-normal-but-extremely-overprotective parents. They're insane.... For example, I think there's a very good reason why teenage Josh was looking at porn on workplace computers. Unlike most other teenagers, he probably couldn't get to it otherwise.

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 4

Of course, to a Gothard family, something as ordinary as just making a kissing noise into the phone or saying "Love ya, babe" could be considered "phone sex".

I still think that Marjorie's parents yanked her out of the Duggars' clutches because of Josh's scandals. But that is so patently unfair to Josiah that they may have felt compelled to come up with a reason why he was an unfit candidate for their daughter's hand and latched onto the "phone sex" as their excuse.

I agree. If it's true that Marjorie was 'pressured' to do something inappropriate - it was more like kissing or saying I love you. Josiah might be a horny teen, but he's never given off a creepy smug vibe like Josh ALWAYS did. I can totally see Marjorie going all dramatic and making an excuse to run like the wind, even if her parents didn't yank her away from the Duggars.


Josiah may be fine on his own, but I don't blame any parent (or any girl, if it were her choice) to run like the wind from the whole Duggar clan. I can't imagine having an ass like Jim Bob for a FIL, and having to feel like my MIL and SIL (Jessa) were constantly competing with me. Then being fearful of having any child within the grasps of Josh is horrifying. 

  • Love 2

Could be. But I grew up surrounded by similar security. And there's a limit to what magic can do, even when kids are very very motivated, if parents are isolating and determined enough, and I'd be surprised if the Duggars weren't quite determined. Because JB and M -- they're not nearly-normal-but-extremely-overprotective parents. They're insane.... For example, I think there's a very good reason why teenage Josh was looking at porn on workplace computers. Unlike most other teenagers, he probably couldn't get to it otherwise.

Where there's a will, there's a way. Except for the kids who are Courting on Camera, the rest run amuk. The older ones may be terrified of not being pure, but as we've seen, Jim Bob and Michelle have basically checked out on anyone who isn't officially courting, and before that, turned over the parenting to siblings from everyone from Josiah down. That fear isn't there for those younger kids. There could easily be a whole lot of normal dating - not necessarily even sex - just sitting together, holding hands, talking, etc., that Jim Bob and Michelle have no idea about.

  • Love 1

It's not unusual for a man of Josiah's age to want to have sex with someone he may be planning to marry. That being said, given the immense security surrounding these kids, I'm sure they are almost magical in their abilities to sneak around and do thr forbidden.

You would be surprised. I knew a preacher's son who was very crafty at finding ways to listen to secular music, which was forbidden by his parents. He would be able to listen to Jay Z and his parents would be none the wiser.

  • Love 1

Could be. But I grew up surrounded by similar security. And there's a limit to what magic can do, even when kids are very very motivated, if parents are isolating and determined enough, and I'd be surprised if the Duggars weren't quite determined. Because JB and M -- they're not nearly-normal-but-extremely-overprotective parents. They're insane.... For example, I think there's a very good reason why teenage Josh was looking at porn on workplace computers. Unlike most other teenagers, he probably couldn't get to it otherwise.

Jizm Bob (best typo new name ever) and Michelle barely know their kids names. I'm sure they depend on apps to monitor their kids cell phone usage.

Then there's always the speculation of John David having a den of don't give a f*ck. Where there's a will there is most certainly a way.

  • Love 4

Where there's a will, there's a way. Except for the kids who are Courting on Camera, the rest run amuk. The older ones may be terrified of not being pure, but as we've seen, Jim Bob and Michelle have basically checked out on anyone who isn't officially courting, and before that, turned over the parenting to siblings from everyone from Josiah down. That fear isn't there for those younger kids. There could easily be a whole lot of normal dating - not necessarily even sex - just sitting together, holding hands, talking, etc., that Jim Bob and Michelle have no idea about.


I agree with that being possible in various social situations, and it wouldn't surprise me. I was talking about the webcam. I expect they have their electronics pretty well locked down, since that's centralized and can be easy to do. From what they've said, I think they depend quite a bit on the idea that they control the electronics.

  • Love 1

I'm confused now. I've just now heard crazydaysandnights both being called fake AND being lauded as a pretty solid source for blind items. Am I getting two sites mixed up or what?

CDAN is legit. There were rumors for a while that Robert Downey Jr. (Before he re-entered Hollywood's good graces) was involved with the site. Players of the game all dine, golf and vacation together. They talk. Even about Duggars. Hell, half of Hollywood knew that Bill Cosby would drug and rape women.
  • Love 7

CDAN is legit. There were rumors for a while that Robert Downey Jr. (Before he re-entered Hollywood's good graces) was involved with the site. Players of the game all dine, golf and vacation together. They talk. Even about Duggars. Hell, half of Hollywood knew that Bill Cosby would drug and rape women.

Totally agree.  The site has been too accurate over the years to consider it fake.  It's legit!

  • Love 2

Maybe Marjorie was scared off by the idea of sex and marriage.  Maybe Josiah's whispers of love and kisses over the phone made her realize what the expectations would be and she was not ready for that.  I somehow don't think the Jessa/Ben sexual attraction was in play for Marjorie.  She's just a kid who likes to write and have people pay attention to her.

  • Love 3

CDAN is legit. There were rumors for a while that Robert Downey Jr. (Before he re-entered Hollywood's good graces) was involved with the site. Players of the game all dine, golf and vacation together. They talk. Even about Duggars. Hell, half of Hollywood knew that Bill Cosby would drug and rape women.

I have to admit I don't follow gossip blind items but I did google and there seems to be far more articles saying they are not legit.  Marge may have pulled the plug but I really don't believe this blind item.  They are too young so glad they did break it off.  I like both of them, if they were older I would like to see them together.

  • Love 1

You would be surprised. I knew a preacher's son who was very crafty at finding ways to listen to secular music, which was forbidden by his parents. He would be able to listen to Jay Z and his parents would be none the wiser.

Yup. Preacher's kids can be some of the most resourceful ones out there in being able to sneak around. The ones who are super eager to sign Silver Ring Thing purity pledges and break their secular CDS (yeah, just showed my age there) are also the ones who are feeling each other up in the back of the church van, etc. Theyr'e also the first ones to get married at 19 and suddenly become oh so modest and insist on homeschooling. Just ask Michelle.

  • Love 6

Well, that's the other thing, isn't it? I don't think there's any way the "webcam" allegation could be true, for example. How would either of them get near an un-parentally-monitored webcam? It isn't as if Josiah was working in a political-campaign office or anything. :  )

More likely just Face Time or a similar app. Today's kids have technology we didn't dream of. Boob and Mechelle are neither bright nor particularly tech savvy. I wouldn't put a lot of faith in their network security system. There are always work-arounds and some of them are so simple, even a Duggar kid could figure them out.

  • Love 5

The statement, if true, is so vague. Like others have mentioned it could mean anything. Phone sex doesn't necessarily even have to involve webcams. It could be as innocent as calling or texting while they were both in bed. Si could have asked what she was wearing and then responded that he wished he could see how cute she looked in her boxers and t-shirt. Jessa and Jill would have considered that phone sex in their 20s and Marj was only 18.


Imagine if David ever talked to Priscilla that way. They would have had to marry the next morning.

  • Love 5

I wonder if they still do a Birthday Lunch vs. Dinner. Poor kids can't even get a nice dinner out for a change on their birthday. We all know that lunch menus are cheaper so I'm sure that's Boob's reasoning. Did Ginger get a gift bag of her favorite things (bagged candy) like Jill got that one year that MEchelle was so proud of? Or did they stop at the pawn shop on the way home so Ginger could haggle for her gift? Oh, this family.

I know I've been Duggar brainwashed when your spelling of Jinger's name looked so startlingly wrong! I don't blame you... she got a raw deal with her name, which is beyond tacky and just plan bizarre spelled with a J when there's an actual word spelled with a G.


I have never met anyone that actually does not like cake. Some people (myself included) are not fond of icing, but what is to not like about cake? We enjoy it to the point that occasionally we will wander through our local Big Y and declare, "I can't remember. Is today my birthday?" and buy a nicely decorated quarter sheet cake. It usually takes the three of us four or five days to finish one.

I love cake too, but I know several people who prefer ice cream.


Classy, vinyl tablecloths.    Kinda reminds me of Josie.   :)

"Did Ginger get a gift bag of her favorite things"


1. Anti- depressents

 2. Xanax

3.  A tub of flesh colored spackle aka makeup

4.  A bucket to puke up that gross lunch

5. More Xanax

Flesh colored? She needs some of that as opposed to the orange color she normally wears! As for the anti-depressants, on a serious note, I do worry about her. I used to worry about Jana but she seems much better than Jinger, who has lost all her spark and just looks skeletal and miserable. I wish she could get professional help.

  • Love 2

I have to admit I don't follow gossip blind items but I did google and there seems to be far more articles saying they are not legit. Marge may have pulled the plug but I really don't believe this blind item. They are too young so glad they did break it off. I like both of them, if they were older I would like to see them together.

Celebrities pay millions (except the Duggars) for PR teams that flood the Internet with bits that are contrary to the negative publicity. I believe in some blinds just as the Duggars believe in Jesus and Money.


Well, Siah was sporting a flip phone for awhile. I thought that there were some Marjorie sitings at a couple of Duggs events after the break-up so I don't think the families are estranged.

Isn't the Flip phone used as punishment by JB? All this talk about what caused the Josiah /Marj breakup sounds familiar. Wasn't this brought up & hashed over when it happened? Does Crazy Days bringing it to light now was because it was on a year end list or was this supposed to be a first reporting?

Who is Joe Donaldson? Jinger & Jennifer Hartono were visiting him when picture was taken. His name is in comment section & it pops up on other sites & pictures, too. Is he a "good family friend" that MEchelle claims everyone is? Just wondering.

All those kids need to see a dermatologist.

  • Love 2
Message added by Scarlett45,

Discussing the charges against Jana is fine, but do not post any information that reveals her address/contact information- even if said documents are public (i.e. a part of court proceedings.)

Discussing charges against Jana is NOT a jumping off point to speculate on other instances abuse/neglect etc towards the M-children or to elaborate on Josh's conviction and potential victims.  


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