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The Lonely Js Club: James, Jackson & Johannah

Message added by Scarlett45,

Discussing the charges against Jana is fine, but do not post any information that reveals her address/contact information- even if said documents are public (i.e. a part of court proceedings.)

Discussing charges against Jana is NOT a jumping off point to speculate on other instances abuse/neglect etc towards the M-children or to elaborate on Josh's conviction and potential victims.  


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Your first sentence sounds like an apt description of The Donald. Perhaps Dim Bob should consider a return to politics as The Donald's VP candidate. We know the Donald and Mullet Mama share the same hairdresser, so they have an instant connection there already ...

Ego would never allow either to settle for the veep slot, even if it were left up to something like a coin toss.

I truly love Radar Online *sarcasm* for their hard hitting journalism *eyeroll* of taking a couple of pictures and making a fake story out of it.




Who knew that Lawson was such good friends with the Duggar twins based solely being pictured together!? Wow I learned something today *sarcasm, eyeroll* wow just WOW.

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Hopefully these articles will get the Duggars/Bateses to confirm or deny the rumors today. I hope it's true that Lawson and Jinger are courting. The Bates family seems to be much happier than the Duggars. It would be nice for Jinger.

True but I can't get the feeling that Lawson is not into girls. I could be horribly wrong of course. I also think that Lawson and Jinger don't make a perfect match, I just don't see it.

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True but I can't get the feeling that Lawson is not into girls. I could be horribly wrong of course. I also think that Lawson and Jinger don't make a perfect match, I just don't see it.

For all the Duggar kids have learned about sex at the feet of their parents, Jinger May not care if he's not into girls. Just saying sex may not be something she's exactly looking forward to.

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Hopefully these articles will get the Duggars/Bateses to confirm or deny the rumors today. I hope it's true that Lawson and Jinger are courting. The Bates family seems to be much happier than the Duggars. It would be nice for Jinger.

I agree. She could learn that it's ok to laugh & show emotion by being around the Bates.

Like we've said before, Josiah probably wants to be as far away as he can from Boob & the goings on at the TTH. I can't blame him.

And the Bates wouldn't object to her modernizing her wardrobe, maybe even PANTS!  Alyssa could help her out. 


I'm just all for the older Duggar daughters getting OUT, and leaving MEE-chelle to actually do her job as a parent, instead of them. 




Imagine if Jinger is becomes a feature on the Bates show.


And that sonic BOOM you would hear would be (first) MEE-chelle, and then Jessa's head, EXPLODING.  Jinger gets back on TV? On someone else's show? And JB or Mullett have NO SAY in it? Oh man, that would be too sweet. 

Edited by ChicksDigScars
  • Love 8

True but I can't get the feeling that Lawson is not into girls. I could be horribly wrong of course. I also think that Lawson and Jinger don't make a perfect match, I just don't see it.

Shucks I was hoping to come here and read a story from Radar that Lawson has broken Jinger's heart and has fallen for Josiah instead. *I wouldn't put it against Radar to come up with another possible fake story tomorrow as a clickbate.*

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They, the Duggars that is, do know when to make announcements. I'm guessing that on or about Nov 1st (Ben & Jessa's anniversay) is when they'll announce that Jinger and Lawson are an item. In any case, I'm guessing that if the Jinger/Lawson thing is a rumor then by or around Nov 1st we'll get some other announcement. Maybe Jill's knocked up again or Jessa will be having her baby. Either way, this family always seems to make the news at least every 30 days. Just think if they announce every engagement, pregnancy, birth, wedding and scandal, then this family will be in the news for the next 20 years. Oh yeah!

If there is a "courtship" in the works, I would think that it was JB / J'chelle who got the ball rolling. The Bates have a reality show! The Duggars can show up once a month to spend time with their friends and visit their daughter!


Soon, everyone will remember why they loved the Duggars so much! There will be a spin-off of the show that was spun-off from 19KC! Bless the Lord!

  • Love 9

And the Bates wouldn't object to her modernizing her wardrobe, maybe even PANTS! Alyssa could help her out.

I'm just all for the older Duggar daughters getting OUT, and leaving MEE-chelle to actually do her job as a parent, instead of them.

And that sonic BOOM you would hear would be (first) MEE-chelle, and then Jessa's head, EXPLODING. Jinger gets back on TV? On someone else's show? And JB or Mullett have NO SAY in it? Oh man, that would be too sweet.

Disagree with the first paragraph. Alyssa still wears skirts when in TN. I think she even wears them when her parents visit FL. Peer pressure "convicted" Whitney to start wearing them.

I don't see Jinger changing her style at all if she married a Bates. And FWIW,I am not buying that speculation. They didn't film Joe Duggar. Would Boob allow the Bateses to film Jinger when he won't make any bank???

Short answer: No.

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I'm assuming the Jinger/Lawson rumors are completely rumors but I will say one thing. I have always been surprised that the 'I want to live in NYC' comment from Jinger didn't send JB running right out to get her courting. Obviously from Michele's stupid comment, they think the desire to live in a city is paramount to worshiping the devil so I would think they would want to get her tied down to someone who would never take her there to be sure it doesn't happen. 


This could be another good thing to come from the cancellation. Maybe Jinger will get the nerve to move to NYC. That would make me immensely happy.

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I don't remember Jinger's exact words but I know NYC was mentioned in Michele's response so I guess that's why it stuck in my head. 


Edited to add that I really hope Jinger was the one who said NYC, because if Michele freaked out just because Jinger wanted to live in a city, any city, then it's even worse than I thought. 

Edited by 3girlsforus
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I'm assuming the Jinger/Lawson rumors are completely rumors but I will say one thing. I have always been surprised that the 'I want to live in NYC' comment from Jinger didn't send JB running right out to get her courting. Obviously from Michele's stupid comment, they think the desire to live in a city is paramount to worshiping the devil so I would think they would want to get her tied down to someone who would never take her there to be sure it doesn't happen. 


This could be another good thing to come from the cancellation. Maybe Jinger will get the nerve to move to NYC. That would make me immensely happy.


Good point. I wonder whether Jinger's obvious willingness to be talked into believing she's evil and devilish might have been enough for them to figure they could keep her well under control. The stuff she said in videos about her years-long conviction that she's hellbound and evil, and how the Duggar religion has saved her from that, may have made her different enough from, say, Princess Jessa so that they wouldn't worry she'd bolt? She's easily worried, perhaps? Making sure people with a propensity to be scared and conscience-stricken stay that way is a time-honored tool of control freaks, I think. 


I wonder the same about Jana. Her crying over the jewelry box struck me in the same way. Sensitivity, tendency to brood, worry, have your conscience keep hitting you in the face, constantly worry that you're the one who's wrong when your reason suggests that you're in the right -- all characteristic of those who can be well and truly trapped without much effort, I believe. It takes a thick skin to walk. And for a Duggar to walk to NYC would take elephant hide. I don't think either JInger or Jana has that.


ETA (although it's irrelevant!): that elephant hide comparison is way off, though .... Elephants seem to be such tender creatures. Sensitive as heck, poor things.

Edited by Churchhoney
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I'm pretty sure Jinger said, "City, please!"


Suggesting that Little Rock, for example, could be too far. Wouldn't want her near any arts centers or community theaters or science or history museums or shopping malls or multiple job opportunities or non-home-churches or parks or first-run movies or large libraries or ethnic restaurants or tech schools or colleges or, heaven forbid, enclaves of young people with a variety of ideas and interests and backgrounds. I guess I wouldn't be surprised if this were the case. But ... disgusting.


Much as I increasingly see the Duggars as dim bulbs across the board, she had to be hungering for some of that stuff to utter the word "city." Horrible that they want to deny someone an option that most people on earth hope to take advantage of at least some time in their lives. To tell her that she doesn't want what she wants is just cruel and evil.

Edited by Churchhoney
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Suggesting that Little Rock, for example, could be too far. Wouldn't want her near any arts centers or community theaters or science or history museums or shopping malls or multiple job opportunities or parks or ethnic restaurants or tech schools or colleges or, heaven forbid, enclaves of young people with a variety of ideas and interests. I guess I wouldn't be surprised if this were the case. But ... disgusting.

The fact that she didn't say 'NYC' but actually just said 'city' is worse than the original thought that Jinger wanted to move to NYC but couldn't. The idea that she isn't even allowed in any kind of city whether because of the things she'd be exposed to in a city or the distance from her parents is just sickening. While I thought it was terrible that Michele "translated" Jinger after her comment and they truly would never let her move to NYC, at least it's true that many parents would be worried about their daughters living alone in NYC. The fact that it's any city or distance from them is just all the more controlling.

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Lawson and Jinger really do look like they are "together" in the picture at Amy's wedding. Would Jinger stand that close to him if they weren't courting? I hope the rumor is true. I wish the Duggars/Bateses would deny or confirm.

Remember when Jinger was sitting near the piano at TTH and Skyler Weiss was at the keys? We all speculated than that they would make a good match. Nothing came of it. Jinger has been in lot of pictures near boys....sadly none of them have come out to ask Boob for a courtship. Once again it's not the kids it's the parents that are the hinderance.

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You know it's pretty pathetic that we have to consider it sad that Jinger and Jana aren't married. Anyone else and we wouldn't think anything of it. But since that's the only ticket out of TTH hell we have no choice but to hope for courtship. And we can't even hope that some normal Christian guy will come a-courting because JB would squash that like a bug. Gads - I feel trapped by this and it isn't even happening to me. I can't fathom what it must be like for these poor girls.

  • Love 13

If there is a "courtship" in the works, I would think that it was JB / J'chelle who got the ball rolling. The Bates have a reality show! The Duggars can show up once a month to spend time with their friends and visit their daughter!


Soon, everyone will remember why they loved the Duggars so much! There will be a spin-off of the show that was spun-off from 19KC! Bless the Lord!

I think you've got something there!  A way for JB to weasel his way back in showbiz is to send Jinger a courting with a Bates on reality TV.

Just so glad that courting saves you from giving away a piece of your heart (insert BIG eye roll here).


Yep, cause nothing says "keep your feelings and imagination completely unengaged" like intending to marry the person you're seeing. Especially when it's the only person you're seeing or have ever seen.

  • Love 5

I'm starting to wonder if the Jinger/Lawson courtship rumors are true. It's rather convenient that they're showing up all over the gossip sites days before TLC drops the big bombshell that the Duggars are returning to the air.

Although Lawson pings my gaydar harder than a brick wall, I can see Boob hoping a new relationship plus Jessa's baby will tip the scales in the Duggars' favor.

Jinger just said, "City, please." She never specified which city.

What I found just as bad as Michelle's talking head response, was her sisters' responses. Jill and I believe maybe Jana corrected her in someway right then and there, and Jinger meekly agreed.

With new shows airing, who wants to bet Marge is suddenly led by Jesus back to Josiah?

New shows are airing?

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If Margory does indeed "find" her way back to Josiah, he had better wake up and realize she is in love with being on t.v., not him. But if he is too, he might now care. Just so glad that courting saves you from giving away a piece of your heart (insert BIG eye roll here).

Maybe courting keeps you from giving away pieces of your ass too.

Jus sayin.....

  • Love 2

Was Josiah the one that FreeJinger claimed was filling out a Chick-Fil-A job application form? Trying to become self-supporting away from the bank of JB, or so they can say "look we do let some of our kids get normal jobs" when the show is back on air. (And while I hate the politics of Chick-Fil-A if one of those kids is actually breaking out on their own, and that's their first step, good for them.)

  • Love 4

I can't hold Jinger saying she wants to live in a big city, when she was what, 15, 16? as a real 'life plan' or even desire. She's so sheltered and controlled, I rack that statement right up there with my 5 year old nephew who wants to be a baseball player, dentist, teacher, policeman and Iron Man, all at the same time. Even a lot of high school age kids, especially immature and sheltered ones, still think they're all going to be the next Beyonce or LeBron, when they can't sing a lick, never touched a basketball, etc. It's just immature day dreaming. Jinger's as drunk on the koolaid as the rest of them, actually does have some domestic skills, and will be married off as soon as they can get a willing fellow and a TV filming schedule coordinated. 

  • Love 4

It was Joseph, who is at Clown College, not Josiah. I wonder if they made ALL students apply for jobs, or maybe have to for a class. However, someone said that interview day is tomorrow, so...do we have anyone in the vicinity of the ChickfilA at CC to check this one out?


I mean, this kid has a job based on his name alone. Interview is really a formality. Do you want waffle fries with that? (Do they ask that question?) :D

  • Love 3

I find TLC's decision to run "2 or 3" specials very interesting. It makes sense that one special would focus on Jessa's birth, while the other special would focus on Jill's move to Central America. It's the third possible special that has me suspicious that something untold is afoot.


If I were a betting woman, I would say that JB and M have hinted to TLC that one of the major fan favorites, either Jinger or Jana, are in a pre-courtship relationship that could become an official courtship at any moment, and TLC is hedging their bets that they might soon have a third couple on which to focus a third VSE that will bring in the ratings gold. 


Of course, that courtship VSE will lead to a wedding VSE, and then Izzy 2.0 born in Central America VSE, and before we know it, the whole Duggar clan will have creeped back onto television via "The Duggar Daughters Show" like nothing ever happened. It would be a pretty ingenious plan, IMO.


It sure seems like the Duggars have more lives than that cat Derrick hit with his sled... 


*ahem*  Jinger? Jana? Is there anything that you would like to share with us?

Edited by Guest

Janarella, you may well be right, but doesn't it just sound so tedious to get back into the courtship/wedding/pregnant rut? I imagine there will be an audience out there for awhile yet, but it's not like there are ever any real surprises. (Unless they get Josh back!) We can never hope to see Jinger "courting" an African American neurosurgeon or Joy shaving her head or John-David becoming a Mormon. No hi jinks or genuine conflicts or dilemmas. Instead we will hear the same humblebragging, the same talking heads we've seen a thousand times before, because no one is allowed to have an original idea. This family's days on TV have got to be numbered.

  • Love 8

Janarella, you may well be right, but doesn't it just sound so tedious to get back into the courtship/wedding/pregnant rut? I imagine there will be an audience out there for awhile yet, but it's not like there are ever any real surprises. (Unless they get Josh back!) We can never hope to see Jinger "courting" an African American neurosurgeon or Joy shaving her head or John-David becoming a Mormon. No hi jinks or genuine conflicts or dilemmas. Instead we will hear the same humblebragging, the same talking heads we've seen a thousand times before, because no one is allowed to have an original idea. This family's days on TV have got to be numbered.


I agree. The Duggar Daughters show would be a repetitive snooze-fest with a shelf life of 2-4 years MAX, but for some strange reason that I cannot figure out, we're all still here talking about them and TLC is counting (pun intended) on that fact to keep the monster alive. LOL!


Also, where does one find a hot African American neurosurgeon? I'm asking for a friend, really...

Edited by Guest

I know! Why are we all still yakking about these people?? I never even really watched the show, except in bits and pieces. Well, I guess it was Joshgate that lured me here - so shocking. Then all the further revelations got me to wondering if the family would implode or something, especially after Gothard himself got some negative attention. But I think I am coming to understand that we have probably seen pretty much all there is. I should probably learn all the kids' names before I bail. I can't even name all 5 that were born since the show debuted.

I will keep my fingers crossed for your, er, friend. :)

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Message added by Scarlett45,

Discussing the charges against Jana is fine, but do not post any information that reveals her address/contact information- even if said documents are public (i.e. a part of court proceedings.)

Discussing charges against Jana is NOT a jumping off point to speculate on other instances abuse/neglect etc towards the M-children or to elaborate on Josh's conviction and potential victims.  


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