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The Lonely Js Club: James, Jackson & Johannah

Message added by Scarlett45,

Discussing the charges against Jana is fine, but do not post any information that reveals her address/contact information- even if said documents are public (i.e. a part of court proceedings.)

Discussing charges against Jana is NOT a jumping off point to speculate on other instances abuse/neglect etc towards the M-children or to elaborate on Josh's conviction and potential victims.  


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It's sad Jessa and Jinger don't seem to spend time together anymore. Jessa turned out to be far more enamored with Ben than I thought she actually was, and this fake job busywork where he can bring his wife to watch him "work" means she's not bored when she should be.

Jinger's still got Jana and Joy-Anna. I don't think Jana misses Jill like Jinger probably misses Jessa.

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Looks like Joy is on her way with Derrick and Jill. Yay! Hopefully she has an opportunity to spend time (flirt) with some missioncation people (boys) and plan more travel (escape) in the future. So sorry Jana and Jinger, looks like you are the sole caretakers of the littles for now.

Edited by sometimesy
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I don't get why Jessa and Jinger can't hang out. I mean what exactly is Jessa so busy with now that she's married. It's not like she works 40 hrs a week or even 10 hrs a week. I'm sure she cooks dinner for Ben, but most people don't really cook from 9-5 to have dinner on the table for their man. I'm sure she goes to "work" with Ben --but I also imagine that isn't 5 days a week. Why can't she drop by the TTH a few times a week? Or better yet if she can't stomach being in the TTH, pick up Jinger and go spend 2 hrs getting lunch or coffee or wandering the mall; it gets Jinger out of the house without a 4 yr old hanging on her leg. And while these people always act like -- oh married people are SO busy and can't hang out with singles because they have nothing in common any more -- really how has Jessa's life REALLY changed? I mean sure she's getting action nightly now and has someone to spend her evenings with -- but it's not like she has a job; I doubt she really has made any friends -- since she didn't have any growing up and they're living in the same town so it isn't as if she's gotten to meet Ben's friends' wives. So doesn't she also need  her sisters to hang out with?


I feel like even after Jill married, she spent a lot of time with Joy and the others in her buddy group -- frankly bc she had the time when Derick was at work.

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I don't get why Jessa and Jinger can't hang out. I mean what exactly is Jessa so busy with now that she's married. It's not like she works 40 hrs a week or even 10 hrs a week. I'm sure she cooks dinner for Ben, but most people don't really cook from 9-5 to have dinner on the table for their man. I'm sure she goes to "work" with Ben --but I also imagine that isn't 5 days a week. Why can't she drop by the TTH a few times a week? Or better yet if she can't stomach being in the TTH, pick up Jinger and go spend 2 hrs getting lunch or coffee or wandering the mall; it gets Jinger out of the house without a 4 yr old hanging on her leg. And while these people always act like -- oh married people are SO busy and can't hang out with singles because they have nothing in common any more -- really how has Jessa's life REALLY changed? I mean sure she's getting action nightly now and has someone to spend her evenings with -- but it's not like she has a job; I doubt she really has made any friends -- since she didn't have any growing up and they're living in the same town so it isn't as if she's gotten to meet Ben's friends' wives. So doesn't she also need her sisters to hang out with?

I feel like even after Jill married, she spent a lot of time with Joy and the others in her buddy group -- frankly bc she had the time when Derick was at work.

I'm sure they don't want a married woman "influencing" a young lady with tales of her bedroom exploits. Jessa has had sex and is pregnant. Jim Bob and Michelle probably don't want the two socializing because Jinger is still a virgin and must be kept pure and clueless about sex. Women gossip and like to compare notes and such. Edited by Joe Jitsu913
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I don't get why Jessa and Jinger can't hang out. I mean what exactly is Jessa so busy with now that she's married. It's not like she works 40 hrs a week or even 10 hrs a week. I'm sure she cooks dinner for Ben, but most people don't really cook from 9-5 to have dinner on the table for their man. I'm sure she goes to "work" with Ben --but I also imagine that isn't 5 days a week. Why can't she drop by the TTH a few times a week? Or better yet if she can't stomach being in the TTH, pick up Jinger and go spend 2 hrs getting lunch or coffee or wandering the mall; it gets Jinger out of the house without a 4 yr old hanging on her leg. And while these people always act like -- oh married people are SO busy and can't hang out with singles because they have nothing in common any more -- really how has Jessa's life REALLY changed? I mean sure she's getting action nightly now and has someone to spend her evenings with -- but it's not like she has a job; I doubt she really has made any friends -- since she didn't have any growing up and they're living in the same town so it isn't as if she's gotten to meet Ben's friends' wives. So doesn't she also need her sisters to hang out with?

I feel like even after Jill married, she spent a lot of time with Joy and the others in her buddy group -- frankly bc she had the time when Derick was at work.

Derick's Walmart job was a real job also, Jill couldn't sit by his side at his desk, but she was making three return trips a day to his office to spend as much time with Derick as she could. Ben's fake job lets Jessa be with him practically 24/7. Jessa will probably ask Jinger to visit more often after her baby is born, following Ben around all day wont be so practical then.
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It might be that Jinger is too busy to hang out with Jessa. They lost 2 sister-moms back-to-back and Jana can't pick up ALL the slack. 


It could also be that the two really weren't that close, it's just that Jana & Jill were always busy with their parenting duties, which neither of them seemed that interested in. Since they're not allowed to have real friends, they only had each other to hang out with. Jessa may actually have an age-appropriate social group and friends to hang out with and she wasn't that close to her 'buddies' like Jill, so she sees no reason to go back.

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It might be that Jinger is too busy to hang out with Jessa. They lost 2 sister-moms back-to-back and Jana can't pick up ALL the slack.

It could also be that the two really weren't that close, it's just that Jana & Jill were always busy with their parenting duties, which neither of them seemed that interested in. Since they're not allowed to have real friends, they only had each other to hang out with. Jessa may actually have an age-appropriate social group and friends to hang out with and she wasn't that close to her 'buddies' like Jill, so she sees no reason to go back.

I think Jinger and Jessa were more friends than Jill and Jana were. Jill and Jana were friends out of politeness and no other choice.

At this point the TTH chores can't be that arduous. The kids are all school age, and only Josie and Jordyn likely still need help in the morning, maybe Jenny. Of course, none of these kids need to get ready for school. The food prep for scaled up craperole recipes remains minimal.

Edited by Kokapetl
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I agree that the J'slaves childcare/housework isn't as insane as it once was, though Michelle would still be pushing out "blessings" for them to take care of if she could.  However, it still is an undertaking because of the number of people in the household. There are transportation issues and the littles still need adult supervision. The meal planning and assembly, even if just plopping and mixing, takes time and coordination. The J'slaves have similar responsibilities to stay-at-home moms. I do think they have more hands to help them, but none of this should be their responsibility. What does Michelle actually do other than supposedly make appointments? 


Jinger just had to pack for her siblings from Jer/Jed down. Those kind of trips are time consuming and means that the other girls have to do Jinger's normal chores. Jana, Jinger, and Joy are still doing the work even if the younger girls are pitching in and starting their training as future J'slaves.

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The house is massive, though. Do you think the little kids have the daily chore lists that the older ones had to do at that age? My bet is the older girls were suppose to teach them how to clean & it was just easier to clean it themselves. Plus, the younger kids seem pretty aimless and wild. I wonder how much grief Jana and Jinger get because of their behavior.

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The house is massive, though. Do you think the little kids have the daily chore lists that the older ones had to do at that age?

The thing is, though, by kids, don't they mean girls? I thought the boys couldn't be asked to fend for themselves because, well, they're boys.

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Didn't the Duggars have the boys do household jurisdictions back in the day? Maybe they said so in one of the early specials or because their help was necessary for the house to function? I know the Bates do, but can't remember if the boy Duggars do. I remember reading on boards somewhere that once the boy Duggars hit 16 they work for Jim Bob and the girls are the primary housekeepers.


I agree that the older girls probably do the housework rather than the howlers and lost girls.  Last season, we saw the little girls do chores here and there. However, they are expected to do much less than the older girls at a similar age. The thing is, I'm surprised the teen boys don't help the girls more.  Their older sisters pretty much raised them and I never really saw the boys pitching in to help. I know that patriarchy and maintaining gender roles is a big thing for the Duggars, I just think that the boys would want to help their sisters and make their lives easier. 

Edited by Cocka doodle dont
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I'm worried about Jinger too, she looks alarmingly thin. No idea at all what her weight is, but the only thing I can recall is the time that Jim Bob pretty much forced the 4 older girls to donate blood for Josie when they were in Little Rock...does anyone remember that? It was over 5 years ago and I think Jinger was 16, so Jim Bob would have had to grant permission for her to donate. You have to be 110 lbs in order to donate for the American Red Cross so if she was about that weight then, she certainly isn't now. 

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Agrreing that it seems like Jessa has left poor Jinger in the dust. Just because you get married doesn't mean you don't still hang out with friends/sisters/family etc. I am also surprised there are no Jessa/Jinger pictures. We don't know what's going on in their lives but since they put up pictures of everything, you'd think a few selfies of Jinger and Jessa would pop up. Nope.

Do we really know how much time they're spending together these days? I completely agree that it's not healthy to give up on your existing friendships when you get married. My sister and I have remained just as close friends after her marriage. Oh, I just noticed the selfie remark. We can only hope that they don't consider it worthy of a joint selfie every time they get together.


I feel like even after Jill married, she spent a lot of time with Joy and the others in her buddy group -- frankly bc she had the time when Derick was at work.

She did, and I still feel so badly for little Hannie. This is as tough on her as a typical child losing a mother. No snark here, just speaking the honest truth.


Didn't the Duggars have the boys do household jurisdictions back in the day? Maybe they said so in one of the early specials or because their help was necessary for the house to function? I know the Bates do, but can't remember if the boy Duggars do. I remember reading on boards somewhere that once the boy Duggars hit 16 they work for Jim Bob and the girls are the primary housekeepers.

Yes, I do remember a Howler talking about cleaning bathrooms at one point. The giving up housework after 16 sounds believable. I remember my jaw dropping when I saw the episode where a big deal was being made of Boob being in charge of the younger ones for a few hours. One of the older girls marveled at his difficult task, saying, "It's not his jurisdiction normally." Let's just stop and think about the fact that it's not his jurisdiction to care for the 19 children he fathered. 

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That house is huge, the dust & dirt alone would be a full time job, never mind the 4 or 5 bathrooms. 


Jessa again is like a typical teenager with her first boyfriend, and Jinger is the bestie who gets dropped like a hot potato. I don't think Jessa puts anyone before Jessa.


I wonder if all kids must remain in the living area during certain times of the day? 


And what do the twin boys do all day?

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I wonder if all kids must remain in the living area during certain times of the day?

No, they're pushed into the yard - sun up to sun down.

And what do the twin boys do all day?

Typical boy stuff -- 12 hour days remodeling older siblings homes.
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The way I look at it Jessa was a sister mom most of her life and she escaped the compound the only way a woman can so I don't really blame her for not hanging out with Jinger more.  Jinger is supposed to have actual parents and Jinger, as a young adult, should be able to be free to have her own life.  It's not Jessa's fault that Jinger is still stuck at the compound.  I don't like Jessa but her mother's kids were always her responsibility so she should be able to escape that.

Edited by Defrauder
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I get the feeling that Mechelle went to Weight Watchers with Jana as Jana's accountability partner not as someone who actually wanted to lose weight.  Can't let Jana out on her own you know!  Also, Michelle never seems to get overly thin like her daughters.

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 I don't like Jessa but her mother's kids were always her responsibility so she should be able to escape that.


I'm really torn on this one. I completely agree that Jessa should be able to escape, and I'm glad for any of them to escape. But if I were Jessa, I'd feel really bad for my near-twin-sister left behind and try to do what I could for her. They did credibly claim to actually like each other in the past, I believe. Of course, we don't know that Jessa doesn't do this. (since, like all the Duggars, she has such as "servant's heart" and all. .... yeah, right.)  I mean, there's getting what's due you -- and in this case it's escape -- but there's also doing the ethical and kind thing for somebody you were close to for years and who hasn't been as lucky as you. I hope Jessa does still spend time with Jinger.


(Don't buy that Jessa is too busy with other friends, though, as has been suggested. I don't think we've ever seen any evidence of their existence -- in the past or today. And plenty of evidence from the whole family that they're prevented as much as possible from developing any outside friendships. The family has helper suck-ups, but that's about it. And I wonder what will happen to most of the helper suck-ups as the fame and money dissipate.)

Edited by Churchhoney
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In Jessa's mind (now that's a scary place) she probably doesn't feel that Jinger has any reason to be sad because everything is wonderful in Duggarland.  Be happy or else.  That's how Jessa grew up so I don't think she has any empathy toward's someone that would be anything but happy and joyful.

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I just think that the boys would want to help their sisters and make their lives easier


I think that these kids have been raised in a vacuum and aren't capable of responding with the usual emotions and actions of us 'regular' people.  It's pretty obvious that Michelle, their own mother, does virtually no childcare or housework, ever.  Their father only does childcare for the TV cameras, complete with a chorus of older kids singing his praises and remarking that he never takes care of the kids (one of the few truths I think they've spoken).  Their eldest brother, back in the days when there were even more little kids around, sat on his butt and let his sisters wait on him hand and foot.


There was an eppy where the girls learned to change a flat while the boys cooked a meal, mainly in answer to critics of the strict gender roles, but I think the kids looked at filming the show as irrelevant to their real lives and basically fiction (like Jim Bob caring for the small ones).


Then, these are some of the most uncharitable Christians ever.  They went to the third world and handed out Bibles and autographed photos to the impoverished masses.  There was an episode where they did work with Habitat for Humanity.  The girls wore flip flops to the job site and the only work the Duggars did was while the cameras were running.  They also hauled along a bunch of kids who were too young to help and proceeded to allow them to run wild over the site without supervision; instead, the volunteers who were actually there to build houses were expected to provide childcare for them.  This was reported by multiple reliable sources (ie people who actually volunteered for Habitat who were denied the opportunity due to the Duggar's selfishness).


These kids have not only been raised with strict gender roles, they've also been raised to be takers, not givers. I don't think it would ever occur to any of the boys to help their sisters with anything.


I sorta think its the same way with Jessa and Jinger.  It wouldn't occur to Jessa to think of Jinger's problems, let alone try to spend time with her.  She wasn't raised that way.  Jill seems to be kind of an aberration to me, and, as noted above, her husband had a real job at one point and she couldn't be with him 24/7.  There was also the fact that they were filming a TV show and Jill's relationship with her buddies was part of the storyline; we don't know what would've happened without the show.  Jessa doesn't have a script to follow anymore, and Jinger's issues aren't on her radar.

Edited by doodlebug
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I get the feeling that Mechelle went to Weight Watchers with Jana as Jana's accountability partner not as someone who actually wanted to lose weight.  Can't let Jana out on her own you know!  Also, Michelle never seems to get overly thin like her daughters.

I'm not sure it's possible for a person who gave birth to 19 to 21 kids to look overly thin.

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In the episode this year after Jessa left, Joy Anna handed out jurisdictions to the boys and the girls. It may have been just the younger boys, though. I wondered why she was doing it instead of Jana or Jinger as they were the oldest kids living at home. Her parents don't even boss the kids around, they parcel out that job to someone else, too!

Edited by flyingdi
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I'm not sure it's possible for a person who gave birth to 19 to 21 kids to look overly thin.

True, and to me it makes no difference how much Michelle weighs I just don't think she was at WW for herself but to supervise Jana.  It's also too bad that Michelle doesn't seem to view her daughter's weight as none of her business.

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Even though they aren't together, I did see pictures of Marjorie at the wedding this weekend. Maybe she's moved onto greener pastures and is hoping to snag Lawson?

That heifer better stay away from my Lawson! She can take that phony perkiness elsewhere! I wonder what the vibe was like between her and the Duggars at the wedding though. My spidey senses tell me the courtship ended on a sour note, so I'm wondering if they were able to avoid each other or if things were just crazy awkward.

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In the episode this year after Jessa left, Joy Anna handed out jurisdictions to the boys and the girls. It may have been just the younger boys, though. I wondered why she was doing it instead of Jana or Jinger as they were the oldest kids living at home. Her parents don't even boss the kids around, they parcel out that job to someone else, too!

I believe that Joy Anna is the 'overseer' on the compound.  The Duggar webpage lists everyone's jurisdiction.

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In Jessa's mind (now that's a scary place) she probably doesn't feel that Jinger has any reason to be sad because everything is wonderful in Duggarland.  Be happy or else.  That's how Jessa grew up so I don't think she has any empathy toward's someone that would be anything but happy and joyful.


Yeah, I think that's probably right. And you could stop with "I don't think she has any empathy." So much for the "servant's heart" and "Do unto others." 


Honestly, though, I sort of conjecture that she herself isn't happy either (despite the husband she thinks is hot, the new baby, ads on her website), since I have a hard time imagining a truly happy person writing a bunch of instagram posts that damn billions of people to hell. That sounds more like bitter and vindictive than happy, to me. I suppose she imagines that's happiness, though, since it's so in the family line.

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Yeah, I think that's probably right. And you could stop with "I don't think she has any empathy." So much for the "servant's heart" and "Do unto others." 


Honestly, though, I sort of conjecture that she herself isn't happy either (despite the husband she thinks is hot, the new baby, ads on her website), since I have a hard time imagining a truly happy person writing a bunch of instagram posts that damn billions of people to hell. That sounds more like bitter and vindictive than happy, to me. I suppose she imagines that's happiness, though, since it's so in the family line.

Still, one of the first lessons her parent ever taught her was that only men deserve empathy, and the man whose whims are your law is your husband.


Now instead of being an unpaid schoolteacher and house servant in oversized clothes in her father's overcrowded headship, she has sex, borderline trashy outfits, attention, privacy, a baby (which makes her the one everyone else waits on), and the right to tell her father he's not the boss of her. If the siblings she was in the same room with for twentysomething years aren't real to her at this point, why would she care about Catholics and mormons and athiests if it makes her idiot man-child happy to think they're going to burn in hell?

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I get the feeling that Mechelle went to Weight Watchers with Jana as Jana's accountability partner not as someone who actually wanted to lose weight.  Can't let Jana out on her own you know!  Also, Michelle never seems to get overly thin like her daughters.

That's because she was pregnant almost every year. Now that she hasn't had a kid in almost 6 years, Mechelle has gotten pretty small for someone who has had 17 successful (in terms of live birth) pregnancies. She's a small-boned woman who would probably be tiny like her daughters (well not quite due to middle age spread, but you get the idea) if she'd only had two or three. 


All of the girls are small-boned except for Joy, so they are going to be naturally thin. Jessa was teetering on the precipice of being too thin at her wedding (some said yes - I know I did - others said no), but Jinger has blown past that blurry area and ventured into another area altogether. I would hope that Jana could take her aside and talk with her if her eating habits are noticably off. Beyond that, the Duggars won't seek help. Remember, Mechelle claims that she prayed away her "eating disorder." (I put it in quotes because I don't believe she had one, and what she's claiming is one is self-diagnosed by her for a storyline)

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 Remember, Mechelle claims that she prayed away her "eating disorder." (I put it in quotes because I don't believe she had one, and what she's claiming is one is self-diagnosed by her for a storyline)

This is precisely why I'm scared for Jinger. If...IF...there is something off, the absolute worst thing to do would be to make Jinger feel MORE defective, MORE in need of prayer, and MORE out of favor with her God, who is everything to her. And that's exactly what they'll do.

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Totally agree. If there is something wrong with Jinger, they would NEVER get her the help she needs. If Mechelle can pray it away, so can Jinger, in their line of poor reasoning. 


Now I'm raging against the horrible "parents" of these poor kids and young adults. One wonders what all is or has gone undiagnosed in that household over the years? They are now claiming some LDs for a couple of the kids, but they have never elaborated. Was Jennie LD because they didn't realize she needed glasses? Who knows what their definitions are? I ask because they have been so proud of their ability to live on the fringe of real society for so long that they are fucking clueless about their imperfect children.

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It seems like there's intense pressure on Fundie girls to find husbands, not to mention lots of female competition and an unfairly young expiration date. I wonder if Jinger is feeling like she has to go above and beyond now her dirty laundry has been aired, and perhaps extreme dieting is the result. I can't imagine how I'd fare if I had to go to conferences and weddings where everyone knows I was molested by my brother. Someone needs to give Josh a good kick in the nuts. With a very pointy shoe.

Edited by BitterApple
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You all do realize that, after the chatter on this page, very soon there will be pics of Jessa and Jinger doing something together....

"So blessed to have such an awesome sister! Fun times at Starbucks and Hobby Lobby!!!!!"

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This is precisely why I'm scared for Jinger. If...IF...there is something off, the absolute worst thing to do would be to make Jinger feel MORE defective, MORE in need of prayer, and MORE out of favor with her God, who is everything to her. And that's exactly what they'll do.

IIRC Michelle stated that JB became her "accountability partner" to help her overcome her eating disorder. Which would be the rare 'cure' for such a difficult and devastating disorder.

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It is hard for me to estimate someone's height on TV. WW weights are based on US government charts and a weight-watcher can choose her own goal weight within a 25 lb range.A 5ft 5in person can choose a goal weight as little as 125 and as high as 150. And you only "need" to lose 5 lb in order to join WW. WW teaches good nutrition as well as a healthy way of looking at eating in general. Since we have seen the Duggars fed a continual diet of gloppy canned soup casseroles, canned foods, processed frozen prepared foods, maybe Michelle and Jana joined WW to learn how to cook healthy for the whole family. I did in 2004, lost 75 lb and the whole family benefits. Chores and boys: On the eppy Dinner Theatre, the howlers were seen vacuuming the huge tiled area. On the recent Duggar Studio Christmas Special, the howlers were scrubbing huge cooking pots back in their industrial kitchen. And didn't Michelle always praise Josiah for his thorough toilet scrubbing skills?

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You all do realize that, after the chatter on this page, very soon there will be pics of Jessa and Jinger doing something together....

"So blessed to have such an awesome sister! Fun times at Starbucks and Hobby Lobby!!!!!"

And Jinger will be downing a 64oz steak.

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I doubt we're going to see a reaction to our posts because I think the f-u-internet shows were made because some intern at TLC was required to scour the Internet for any and all Duggar content. I doubt the Duggars are going to allow any of their kids that much time on the Internet, especially on this site. They may get ideas about life outside the compound.

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Regarding Michelle and Weight Watchers. Don't you realize that's why Michelle got pregnant every year? So she never had to worry about being thin enough again. That's how she cured her eating disorder.

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I noticed a few weeks ago how tiny Jinger looked in some group photo posted somewhere on the forum. What gets me most about the picture upthread is how strained her face is. There are dark circles under her eyes, and her expression looks deeply forced. Poor girl. She always seemed so funny and quirky when she was younger. The pressure to conform must feel like carrying the weight of world, and the constant threat of guilt for not beong pure enough, pretty enough, happy enough. I really do wish her an escape hatch.

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I doubt we're going to see a reaction to our posts because I think the f-u-internet shows were made because some intern at TLC was required to scour the Internet for any and all Duggar content. I doubt the Duggars are going to allow any of their kids that much time on the Internet, especially on this site. They may get ideas about life outside the compound.

Probably not as much, but some sites like Radar Online and InTouch read this forum and look into some of what we say. 

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As much as we've seen these kids grow up on TV, we don't really "know" them or each kid's real personality as all we see is the sugary "keeping sweet" stuff. Who knows how Jinger processes stuff. I went through an 18+ month long stretch of extreme stress -- job related unlike the Duggar girls -- and I reacted basically by eating very little and barely sleeping. After a few months of it, you could see it on my face and after 18 months -- I look like a different person. Who knows how Jinger reacts to change. In a very short time she has gone from having all her sisters in her room to having Jill and her supposed bff Jessa leave; the relationship with Jessa is totally different and probably a bit non existent; she's been thrust into doing a lot of the housework which she isn't used to; and she is probably fearful that this will be life for her. She knows the only way to get off the compound is to snag a guy quick, yet people already aren't lining up for the Duggar girls (they get quality guys like Ben while the Bates girls get senators' sons and guys looking like Chad) and now with the entire fundie world knowing that Josh molested the older girls, I bet the pipeline has totally dried up. She may really be going through that "OMG is this what life will be for me?" thing that lots of women go through. But unlike Jessa other women hopefully still have some constants in their life when life changes -- maybe a best friend or college or a job -- so they can get away from the 24-7 mental stress of it all. With Jinger -- she can pretty much think about her life 24-7 as she throws together tater tot casserole and packs the kids' clothing.


This family is quick to squash dreams -- when she innocently said she'd love life in the big city, Jill was quick to say "pray about it and be happy with whatever God wants" and her mother was quick to kill off the idea with -- oh she means a town with a Walmart. The only other "dream" these girls are allowed to have is a husband who takes them away -- and with Josh's actions and everyone knowing about them -- maybe she fears that dream is dead too.

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With Jessa gone and the show being cancelled, Jinger knows the good times are over. Recent events have also probably left her feeling "exposed". Plus even when the show was featuring the girls weekly, decent guys didn't appear to be beating down the door to get a Duggar girl. Derick was a fluke, and I wouldn't call Ben a catch, he's a burden, there won't anymore Bens permitted with no show.

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Speculation disclaimer: I'm speculating. From what I know about eating disorders, it's very much about feeling out of control and reacting by taking extreme control of the one thing a person still feels that they have dominion over--their own bodies. The very definition of Jinger's situation is that she's an adult with zero say, zero control over her life. Everything is dictated by Gothard's rules and her parents' greed. There were comments from Jim Bob's campaign run in 2002, before the first special was even filmed, about how people found the way Jim Bob pimped his kids out to earn political points extremely distasteful. This is all Jinger knows. It's all well and good when you're a brainwashed child who has had virtually no exposure to anything else. But Jinger's an adult now, and through their TV show has been exposed to way more than Jim Bob and Michelle ever intended, I'm sure. To truly feel, to the very depths of your soul, that your only option in life is raise your younger siblings and constantly have to mitigate the damage done by your idiotic, selfish and greedy parents' terrible decisions until your dad lets you marry some dude you've never even kissed so you can start popping out your very own army...it's harrowing. Completely harrowing. This is the first physical evidence I've seen that really alarms me and breaks my heart, and it REALLY breaks my heart. I can't imagine what those girls go through. Adding to the frustration is how WRONG Jinger is if she thinks she's alone or doesn't have options. Jim Bob inadvertently set up all of his children with an escape hatch, if they ever choose to use it. Open the hatch, Jinger. 

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I think there's a clear correlation between her recent weight loss, and likely mental state, and recent events. She lost control over information about an incident that was obviously traumatic to her, and it's thrown a spanner in the works of her life to boot.

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From personal experience, I was in an unhealthy relationship with very little control over my own life. I started eating less and less and exercised compulsively because it was the only thing I felt control over. I can completely relate to Jinger's potential weight issues. Even if it is not anorexia, I would say her weight is likely driven by stress. 

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Let's face it, it's been drilled into the girl's heads that the only way off of the compound is to go a courting and get married.  The thought of Jinger spending the rest of her life (or even one more year) raising her mother's children under JB's control probably scares the crap out of Jinger.  And Jinger may feel that the thinner she is the more likely some guy will come along - again thoughts drilled into the girls heads.  It could be Jinger's distorted view of her only escape.

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Authoritarian parenting has various effects on children. It really depends of how the parenting is framed, and how the kids interpret their parents. To say the least if the parents are controlling their kids feelings, it sets them up for potential mental health issues when they are older.


Jinger seems to have challenged the status quo even by day dreaming of living in a big city. However she received not only parental pressure about this but sibling pressure as well, to quell this dream and rely on what God has in store for her. We have no idea how JInger perceives her parents or her religion and she may not even realize she has no control.


The Josh scandal, including the public outing, and having Jessa move away are stressful situations. I would be as concerned about the conversations going on in the house; are they talking about financial pressure, are they talking about being persecuted, are they alluding to the kids now having a 'scarlet letter'? In my opinion those situations would likely have Jinger, Jana and the older boys feeling a lack of control and could lead to maladaptive stress relieving behaviors. 

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As much as we've seen these kids grow up on TV, we don't really "know" them or each kid's real personality as all we see is the sugary "keeping sweet" stuff. Who knows how Jinger processes stuff. I went through an 18+ month long stretch of extreme stress -- job related unlike the Duggar girls -- and I reacted basically by eating very little and barely sleeping. After a few months of it, you could see it on my face and after 18 months -- I look like a different person. Who knows how Jinger reacts to change. In a very short time she has gone from having all her sisters in her room to having Jill and her supposed bff Jessa leave; the relationship with Jessa is totally different and probably a bit non existent; she's been thrust into doing a lot of the housework which she isn't used to; and she is probably fearful that this will be life for her. She knows the only way to get off the compound is to snag a guy quick, yet people already aren't lining up for the Duggar girls (they get quality guys like Ben while the Bates girls get senators' sons and guys looking like Chad) and now with the entire fundie world knowing that Josh molested the older girls, I bet the pipeline has totally dried up. She may really be going through that "OMG is this what life will be for me?" thing that lots of women go through. But unlike Jessa other women hopefully still have some constants in their life when life changes -- maybe a best friend or college or a job -- so they can get away from the 24-7 mental stress of it all. With Jinger -- she can pretty much think about her life 24-7 as she throws together tater tot casserole and packs the kids' clothing.


This family is quick to squash dreams -- when she innocently said she'd love life in the big city, Jill was quick to say "pray about it and be happy with whatever God wants" and her mother was quick to kill off the idea with -- oh she means a town with a Walmart. The only other "dream" these girls are allowed to have is a husband who takes them away -- and with Josh's actions and everyone knowing about them -- maybe she fears that dream is dead too.

It sickens me that Mechelle belittles Jinger's dream of the big city into just wanting a Walmart.  What a nasty and jealous thing to say to your daughter bitch. Let me be Jinger for a second.  Look pretend mom maybe I want more than just having sex with a moron that doesn't take long and producing numbers on a scoreboard for my unappreciated so called daughters to raise for me.  Maybe I see how utterly sick and damaging that is and I dream of a better life in a big city with lots of opportunities for everyone, even women, to do more than mindlessly procreate and follow sick old mens rules about how I should live!!

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