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The Lonely Js Club: James, Jackson & Johannah

Message added by Scarlett45,

Discussing the charges against Jana is fine, but do not post any information that reveals her address/contact information- even if said documents are public (i.e. a part of court proceedings.)

Discussing charges against Jana is NOT a jumping off point to speculate on other instances abuse/neglect etc towards the M-children or to elaborate on Josh's conviction and potential victims.  


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I just read an article which had pictures of Marjorie with Josiah in skinny jeans; her jeans were flattering! But then the article says Jim Bob and she had a conversation where she decided to be modest and wear skirts and dresses so people know she is a woman. So it seems she is prepared to do what it takes to be a Duggar.



Oh, that really sucks. I was hoping she might be more independent. But I must ask, are the men in this family honestly so stupid they cannot tell the difference between a man and a woman unless the woman is wearing a dress???   So ridiculous.


Maybe I'm nuts but I'm holding out hope for Marjorie and Josiah. I think they need to get some distance from his family though - like a lot of distance.

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Quick someone show Jim Bob a man in a kilt! He might think it's a skirt and get so confused his head explodes. And why the hell aren't Marjorie's parents stepping in here and being all "look, your mother wears pants and everyone knows she's a woman. I know you like Josiah, but his father is crazy and you don't have to do what he says."

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I understand Marjorie is a young kid, but if my father in law ever told how to dress I'd tell him to eff off. Why her parents are allowing her to become part of this circus is beyond me. I think this helps explain why Boob's having trouble finding ideal mates for his daughtets. Marjorie is easily influenced, but no guy who has his act together is going to let a derp like Boob push him around.

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I just read an article which had pictures of Marjorie with Josiah in skinny jeans; her jeans were flattering! But then the article says Jim Bob and she had a conversation where she decided to be modest and wear skirts and dresses so people know she is a woman. So it seems she is prepared to do what it takes to be a Duggar.


Which tabloid? Because Si just posted pictures of her wearing jeans a day or two ago. I'm wondering if the article might be made up.

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It's obviously not coming from Josiah, who proudly posted pics of her in jeans in the last couple of days. So even if there's any truth to this, which I doubt, it likely won't last past the wedding. But frankly, I don't think Jim Bob would have such a conversation with anyone; I think that would come from Michelle, if anyone.

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It's obviously not coming from Josiah, who proudly posted pics of her in jeans in the last couple of days. So even if there's any truth to this, which I doubt, it likely won't last past the wedding. But frankly, I don't think Jim Bob would have such a conversation with anyone; I think that would come from Michelle, if anyone.

I hope this is just a rumor, too. I completely understand that the Duggars modesty *cough* control *cough* standards are for the females to wear skirts. No point in arguing right now what people wore in the Bible, scriptural interpretations ,etc. It is what it is, and their girls don't wear pants. I understand JimBob and Michelle asking women living in their household to respect their rules and not wear clothing that offends them, or underminds what they're teaching their younger kids. This is why I think Grandma wears skirts so much now. 


However, what Marjorie wears when she isn't under JimBob's roof is her own choice. She's not even a member of the family yet, and what she wears in her own home and out and about should be her own choice. Period. The end. I hope when the do get married that JimBob doesn't bully Josiah into proving Who Wears the Pants (pun intended) and forcing Marj into skirts only. If he does, I hope she has enough of an independent streak to show up in the hoochiest micro mini that she can find. Maybe a bodycon maxi skirt that laces up the sides with a big gap of skin showing. It's a skirt, it's below the knee = MODEST, right?

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The pants thing can't be a big surprise to Chelle and JB. They've apparently known the family for several years and we've seen pictures of the mom wearing pants. I highly doubt they all ran and threw on skirts if they knew the Duggars were on the way. 

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I figure she will wear skirts. She'll conform because she wants to be part of the family. Josiah will likely branch out somewhat to become part of her's. What will be interesting to me is how they dress and raise their children.

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Anyone who is even the least bit savvy sees JB's attempt for what it is - control and social power. Now, it's not like he's the first to play the game, or that he shouldn't play it. It's that he plays it so BADLY.

If these power brokers come to his daughter's wedding, maybe they will see how great the family is -- EVERYONE SAYS SO! -- and maybe one of them will spark Jana's interest. And then that will elevate Jim Bob even higher.

But handing out postcard invitations is gauche. If you did show up, you found a wedding where guests were barely considered except as backdrop for a show. That's gauche too. And Jim Bob probably made a not so funny reference the next time he saw you about how "lucky" you were to be invited. That's beyond gauche. So the next time you see him? You pretend you don't.

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I just read an article which had pictures of Marjorie with Josiah in skinny jeans; her jeans were flattering! But then the article says Jim Bob and she had a conversation where she decided to be modest and wear skirts and dresses so people know she is a woman. So it seems she is prepared to do what it takes to be a Duggar.


What? All you have to do is look at a person to see what they are the majority of the time. JB needs to get off his high horse

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I could see a courtship between Josiah and Marjorie lasting about a year, or maybe even longer. Didn't Jessa and Ben court for nearly a  year before their engagement? Besides, Jim Bob needs to come up with another house for Josiah and Marjorie to live in, that'll probably be an episode, getting some other rental fixed up to become livable. Also, for the remainder of 2015. we have both Anna and Jessa having babies, there might not be any in 2016 so a Josiah-Marjorie wedding will be a way to keep the show going. I swear the Duggars have all of these events perfectly timed....courtships, engagements, weddings and new babies. Jim Bob probably gathers the family around in his kitchen once a week and tells them what's going to be next on the schedule. 

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I figure she will wear skirts. She'll conform because she wants to be part of the family. Josiah will likely branch out somewhat to become part of her's. What will be interesting to me is how they dress and raise their children.


Why would Marjorie have to conform to some criteria of Josiah's family - in other words, to what Boob wants? I thought courtship was basically a done deal between two people and breakable only by the girl/her family? If Boob didn't like the jeans, why did he agree to courtship in the first place? As Miss Celie said in The Color Purple - "Confuse..." :>)

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Quick someone show Jim Bob a man in a kilt! He might think it's a skirt and get so confused his head explodes. And why the hell aren't Marjorie's parents stepping in here and being all "look, your mother wears pants and everyone knows she's a woman. I know you like Josiah, but his father is crazy and you don't have to do what he says."


PS Boob, Jesus basically wore a dress too, and long hair to boot. Got along fine without hairspray too. So explain yourself, Mister... 

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If I were Josiah or Marjorie (or, even, her parents), I would be extremely upset at Jim Bob "having a chat" about pants being immodest. I go back to my argument in regards to Jana- adult children should have the freedom to choose th e if wardrobe. Marjorie's parents are ACTUALLY allowing the decisions and personal convictions that the Duggars claim to allw, but dont practice. If any boy's father even remotely suggested my daughter was responsible for the lust or desires of men dud to her jeans, I would lose it. Personal accountability and personal ethics are admirable. But, if you have to impose such a strict dress code to avoid impure thoughts, then your sons are weak and you're a mysogynist pig.

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PS Boob, Jesus basically wore a dress too, and long hair to boot. Got along fine without hairspray too. So explain yourself, Mister... 

When it all boils down, it has nothing to do with Jesus, little to do with modesty, and a whole lot about control.


Marjorie will wear skirts at least around the Duggars. After much prayer, and consideration, it will be laid upon her heart for this season of life for her to purpose to be modest and fellowship in skirts. Totally.


(I'm predicting she and Josiah will be 'reverse rebellion' types - they're 'rebelling against mainstream society by being hipster Christians, and wearing skirts, courting,  homeschooling, wearing whatever today's version is of WWJD bracelets and A Bread Crumb and Fish tees, etc., is their way of doing that. She's very eager to be a Special Snowflake Duggar on a TV show, and she'll not have to be asked twice to tow the line and become front and center. She and Josiah are a good match, but honestly, it could've been JD, Joseph, or any of them, if it meant televised courtship and getting to be the new Star of fundie land).

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Marjorie will wear skirts at least around the Duggars. After much prayer, and consideration, it will be laid upon her heart for this season of life for her to purpose to be modest and fellowship in skirts. Totally.

I spat soda out on my iPad. Thanks for that. :-) Edited by JenCarroll
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Wouldn't it be awesome if Margie's father also had a conversation with Josiah and said something like, "you two just go along to get along until the wedding and then get the hell out of Dodge and come work for me." Boob's head would freaking explode.

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So I was insanely excited about Marsiah. Marjorie is taking college classes, she wears pants, ect, but then I finally watched the announcement on People and OH MY GOD. She's TOTALLY a theatre kid, and I'm rethinking my excitement, I think she might be courting just for her fifteen minutes of fame.

Wouldn't it be awesome if Margie's father also had a conversation with Josiah and said something like, "you two just go along to get along until the wedding and then get the hell out of Dodge and come work for me." Boob's head would freaking explode.

That would be amazing. I'd love that.

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That picture of Marjorie in jeans was taking on a family trip with the rest of the Duggars. If they were in such a hurry to conform I would think she would have at least worn skirts on a trip with them.


As an aside, for all the 'protecting the heart' and chaperoning etc. I think it's really odd to allow her on a family vacation with them. I certainly wouldn't allow some guy my daughter was dating to come on vacation with us. 

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I just read an article which had pictures of Marjorie with Josiah in skinny jeans; her jeans were flattering! But then the article says Jim Bob and she had a conversation where she decided to be modest and wear skirts and dresses so people know she is a woman. So it seems she is prepared to do what it takes to be a Duggar.


I just tried to find this. If it's the Inquisitor article, the conversation about wearing skirts so people know she's a woman was between Boob and MEchelle way back when.

As far as I can see, no one has called Marjorie out on her jeans-wearing. And when the photos were taken, her family was there, too, so chances are Boob might have been more inclined to keep his thoughts to himself.

ETA: Here's the link. Don't think this is the most reputable publication, btw. But still, the pics are cute.


Edited by Literata
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I just tried to find this. If it's the Inquisitor article, the conversation about wearing skirts so people know she's a woman was between Boob and MEchelle way back when.

As far as I can see, no one has called Marjorie out on her jeans-wearing. And when the photos were taken, her family was there, too, so chances are Boob might have been more inclined to keep his thoughts to himself.

ETA: Here's the link. Don't think this is the most reputable publication, btw. But still, the pics are cute.


I figured this was all speculation and a tempest in a teapot.

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So I was insanely excited about Marsiah. Marjorie is taking college classes, she wears pants, ect, but then I finally watched the announcement on People and OH MY GOD. She's TOTALLY a theatre kid, and I'm rethinking my excitement, I think she might be courting just for her fifteen minutes of fame.

Her personality grated my nerves in the courtship announcement, but I'm hoping she's a lot more toned down in real life. I can't tell if she was overdoing it for the purposes of the scene or if she's just that way all the time.

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I had high hopes for the Duggar inlaws and so far all have been duds. I can already tell Marjorie is a dud. Sure she wears pants and takes college classes, but at the end of the day she is an irritating theater kid who I suspect realizes the biggest stage in NW Arkansas is at the Duggar plantation. She's grown up around them, so she knows them enough to know she could deal with Josiah -- he's not a macho male and seems to be the type who could get into the stuff she likes -- theater and show tunes and the like. And getting with him will get her 15 min of fame on TLC, which I suspect she hopes will parlay into some B level celebrity role somewhere. What I think she doesn't get -- unless she and Josiah have explicitly agreed otherwise -- is that they'll be married and having sex by 18 and have a kid by age 19, which really cuts down the options as far as being a guest host on some B level show that tapes in LA or NYC.

She will do what it takes to fit in with the Duggars bc she wants her time on camera - so I'm thinking it will be laid on her heart to wear skirts at least for filming. I also think she has a loud personality, so Michelle will constantly be threatened by her, as well as Jill who is used to being the center of attention as the first girl married and popping out a kid. I think Jill will be competing with Marjorie on the baby making.

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I just read an article which had pictures of Marjorie with Josiah in skinny jeans; her jeans were flattering! But then the article says Jim Bob and she had a conversation where she decided to be modest and wear skirts and dresses so people know she is a woman. So it seems she is prepared to do what it takes to be a Duggar.


If that's true that's just way out of line -- and I think it would be out of line in fundie world, too. Marjorie is under the headship of her father, not JB. I don't even think it's appropriate for him to talk to her without her father being present, and it's certainly not appropriate for him to make sartorial suggestions to her.


If JB disapproves of the way she dresses, he should talk to her headship who may (or may not) choose to pass the information along. It appears that JB is only interested in enforcing Gothard rules when he gets to decide which rules must be followed, and gets to do the enforcing himself.

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That picture of Marjorie in jeans was taking on a family trip with the rest of the Duggars. If they were in such a hurry to conform I would think she would have at least worn skirts on a trip with them.


As an aside, for all the 'protecting the heart' and chaperoning etc. I think it's really odd to allow her on a family vacation with them. I certainly wouldn't allow some guy my daughter was dating to come on vacation with us. 

I finally read the article and it's a whole lot of speculation. Also, both her family and the Duggar's were on vacation together. She's in like Flynn. I'm sure we'll get a courting and engagement episode as soon as the season starts and Jessa's pregnancy related things are aired.

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Somehow I think the -- JB told Marjorie to wear skirts -- thing is totally false. It just doesn't seem like JB's MO. While JB will grill the potential sons in law to make sure they are "man enough" to have one of his daughters, I don't see him interacting with potential daughters in law. Honestly I think he probably doesn't know what to say to a young woman unless he's talking to one of his older daughters about babysitting or making babies, and I think he's probably also hyper vigilant about conversing with a female who isn't his daughter esp since he's somewhat of a celebrity and accusations can be made -- I mean look at Gothard.


I think if JB had a problem with Marjorie's attire or behavior or anything, he'd relay it to Josiah along the lines of "control your woman." When Josiah didn't or couldn't, he'd take it out on Josiah -- either more ALERT or just constant comments about how he isn't as much of a man as JB or Josh. Or if he didn't take it up with Josiah, I could see him maybe possibly taking it up with Marjorie's father, though I don't really even see that bc JB seems like the kind of dude who is self appointed king of his own castle but can't go up against other men for fear of losing; I mean if Marjorie's father said -- MYOB we are good Christians and I am not going to tell my daughter to be in skirts bc it's YOUR preference -- I'm not sure JB would have anything to come back with. At most I could see JB appointing Michelle to have this conversation with the girl or her mom since it's a women's issue.


Of the many bad things in this family -- it does happen in other families where someone doesn't like something about a potential spouse and says it to them -- often along the lines of -- we are x religion and expect you to convert to marry our son/daughter. More often than not, that potential spouse later turns to their boy/girlfriend and says -- look I love you but I'm marrying you not your parents, so if you want to marry me -- you nip this in the bud with them bc I won't deal with it. And the boyfriend stands up to his parents and tells them to butt out. In this case the kids have no education or careers and are dependent on JB for housing (Josiah explicitly said 'fingers crossed' w respect to getting a house out of JB) -- they can't possibly tell JB to butt out. Instead if any "requests" or "suggestions" are made by JB or Michelle on any issue -- I can see Josiah -- tail between his legs-- saying to Marjorie "I'm sorry but we need to keep my parents happy, can you just do it for now and you can stop after the wedding?"

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I can easily imagine Marjorie herself deciding to wear skirts to fit in with Josiah's family. JB will make "jokes" about it and Michelle will make little "worrisome" comments about it until she's sick of hearing it. That's probably what happened with Mary Duggar, too.

The flip side will be that Josiah will get more access to an educated male mentor who is also religious. The ultimate role in a Fundy but not necessarily quiverful household is to be a helpmeet to your husband. Marjorie will almost certainly fulfill this - she will allow Josiah's life to expand at the expense of her own, even. Anna does this too - or would, if she would slow down having children.

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Agreed. Boob would not approach Marjorie about her pants. I can, however, picture Michelle having a "sweet time of fellowship" with Marjorie and "sharing her heart" about her conviction to wear skirts and dresses. By all accounts, the Bateses did something similar with Whitney and it worked. We shall see!

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I can't see Majorie surcoming to what MEchelle or even Boob want. She can say my mother wears pants and she is a Godly woman so I will wear whatever I want!

Once they are married, Marjorie will wear skirts. and will be pregnant within months, if not weeks. She is only 17 and will hold up the older sisters as her new role models. Ugh.

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Once they are married, Marjorie will wear skirts. and will be pregnant within months, if not weeks. She is only 17 and will hold up the older sisters as her new role models. Ugh.

We really have no evidence of that. All the speculation is just fueling inquisitor and radar online articles. At this point, we know very little about Marjorie as a person. It's just as likely Josiah could be appreciating her more moderate family, and they jump ship to ride off into the sunset to college.

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Marjorie has already done everything the Duggar girls have done. She doesn't need them as role models. She might look at Michelle, but she also has a pretty decent mother of her own. It's the same with Anna - I've never bought into the idea that she competes with the Duggar girls. I don't think any of them are close. I think she has her own sisters and competes with them. Their relationships with the extended siblings? Maybe a friendship with one or two. (Marjorie and Joyanna are around the same age, but do they have much in common?) but overall? Probably not much.

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Oh my gosh, Marjorie and Joyanna are the same age. Somehow that puts it in perspective for me. That is just so very young! Especially for someone who seems so theatrical and full of life. She should be auditioning for theater programs at colleges but it's all over once she gets married and becomes pregnant, in their world. It reminds me of Michael Farris's 17 year old daughter (I'm sure some of you know who he is) who gave up a college basketball scholarship to get married. We used to attend their church and I remember seeing her a few years later at the grocery store, with several little ones, looking so much older she was almost unrecognizable. I always wanted to ask her if she regretted her choice, but I do know that she became very overwhelmed after having three babies in three years and they rethought their Quiverfull views.

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Any parent that allows their 17yo child to marry is stupid. Even most 18yo aren't ready for marriage. What 18yo has a income? Their own home or rents a home, an education beyond high school, or the mind to make mature decisions? The only thing I can think of is sex. They want to bang guilt free. Plus Jim Bob loves ratings. Josiah has nothing to his name. Marjorie has nothing to her name. Like my grandmother use to say they don't have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of.

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Well, I know plenty of 45 year olds who married to have sex and didn't have a pot to piss in. I'm not really sure the parents of either of them are the ones making the decision here. When you tell your children that getting married is the only path to adulthood, don't be surprised when your children actually call you on it.

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Random comment: I was rewatching an old episode on TLC last week, where the Duggars help the Smuggars move to DC. It showed how all the Duggar kids were driving certain cars. You see Jessa driving a car with Jinger, talking about how much fun it was to ride by themseleves, and then you see poor Jana driving a UHaul with one of the Howlers, whoever it was. There's this really awkward conversation where he asks what a certain noise is, and Jana says something along the lines of, "It's just the road." The Howler just responds with, "Oh," and they go back to awkward silence. Don't you think if Jana and Jill were really as close as Jill makes them out to be, they would've been spending some quality time together, like Jessa and Jinger were? It seems that poor Jana is only there when anyone else needs her to be (e.g., standing by Jill's side during her baby shower, etc.). I know this is already a very obvious statement that everyone's talked about, but I just felt like this was the first time I noticed how blatantly OBVIOUS it was on television. I would love to see her score somebody who really loves her, cherishes her, and wants to give her what she deserves. I have this fear that she'll marry someone like TFDW who is controlling and really only sees the woman as being useful for cooking, cleaning, and producing babies. I would love to see her marry someone like Chad Paine (or how he comes across on television and social media, at least). It would be nice if someone could show her how special she really is. *end rant*

Edited by neural-plasticity
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And the inevitable question is - did no one ride with Jana because they don't appreciate her or did no one ride with her because she's not very fun to ride with? The clip above is just another example of how we see in Jana what we want to see. Is she "poor Jana, stuck with another Howler again" or "geez, she finally gets a chance to be on her own with only one person to take care of, and she still seems unhappy about it."

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She might be. Is she unhappy because that's her personality or depressed because of biochemistry or miserable because of her situation or some combination? It's like the 1970's commercial of "how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie roll pop? A one, a two, a three....Crunch! The world may never know!"

Or maybe she's just fine, too!

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Once they are married, Marjorie will wear skirts. and will be pregnant within months, if not weeks. She is only 17 and will hold up the older sisters as her new role models. Ugh.

I agree. I can see Marjorie out MEchelle Michelle. They have the same crazed look in their eyes.
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Marjorie has already done everything the Duggar girls have done. She doesn't need them as role models. She might look at Michelle, but she also has a pretty decent mother of her own. It's the same with Anna - I've never bought into the idea that she competes with the Duggar girls. I don't think any of them are close. I think she has her own sisters and competes with them. Their relationships with the extended siblings? Maybe a friendship with one or two. (Marjorie and Joyanna are around the same age, but do they have much in common?) but overall? Probably not much.


Agree, I have never felt Anna was the least bit competitive with the Duggar girls. I think the males are all competitive with each other however - fathers, sons/brothers, in-laws etc. To a certain extent, it's a guy thing. But I also think Boob would have knocked his own 70-year old father down to win a race. 

Edited by Wellfleet
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Jana's life to me seems just so sad. As someone said, maybe if she chose the things that she is good at (sewing, music, child care) she might feel more happy.  But when something is thrust upon you it takes away the joy and fun of it.  I know that for me, I might be doing something I really enjoy but when it suddenly becomes something I "Have" to do it isn't as much fun.  My choice was, in a way, taken away from me - so, now I kind of feel some resentment about something that I had enjoyed.

On a side note, Jana couldn't go to a college unless she had at least a legitimate GED could she? Would she have the ability and strength to make even the simplest decisions about her life?  Would she be able to stand independently without the "support" of her "family" (ie. her parents)?  Faced with a myriad of options and experiences - what would she do?  

I have nieces her age and I see the independence that they had to choose what they wanted and decisions they make on a daily basis.  Yes, they all live at home but they are all pursing graduate degrees or have a professional job. Cost of living being what it is, they can't really afford their own places but they do accept some responsibilities at home.  But they have the freedom of choices - One is even flying out with some college fiends for a "girls' getaway" No one raises an eye about it even though some family have some pretty traditional cultural views about stuff like that.  

When I compare Jana's life to theirs - hands down their lives are pretty good!  Even though they have college debt that they are responsible for, even though they have to take care of their daily and basic needs ( clothes, car payments, etc), I think that they really like their lives.  Does Jana even like how her life is going?

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Dangerous Minds, we must have had the same grandmother!  And as for 45 yr olds marrying with nothing, I'm getting the idea there are all kinds of people running around with nothing and doing things that will only make everything worse for themselves.  The little I've learned living in this rented housing since October is beyond belief.  He has all kinds of deposits pocketed and then finds some reason they can't move in and keeps the deposits.  The latest ones to rent have to wait another 10 days or so to get a stove, or their stuff out of storage.  They tile floors to lie on, and not even 20 bucks at this point for an air mattress.  I wouldn't think it possible I'd see so many people making such bad choices in so short a time.  I get to move back home soon.  House is almost done, but their will be final fights with contractors, and then unpacking whatever they didn't count as a total fire loss.  I don't know what that is.  But since I have no furniture, I don't know where I'd put anything.  I need help.

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We don't know. She does have a GED. (All of the older children do.) And all of the older children had things forced upon them that they were good at but don't enjoy, but also seem to have found something that they DID enjoy. (Whether they were good at it or not.). And JB and Michelle have not only permitted them to pursue that, but paid for lessons, instruments, airplanes, cameras, etc.

So Jana DOES stand out, I think, from all of her siblings in that she doesn't seem to have ANYTHING that she likes doing. Even in Duggar world, that's odd.

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I think secretly Cinderjana hopes her fairy godmother will come and magic her away.....but now Mechelles well has run dry they are desperate to keep the show on air,so top priority are the latest birthing mares,Jill and Jessa.Jana is very low down the Duggar pecking order.


Imagine a mid twenties woman trying to get privacy with under educated brats screaming around the place.

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I've been thinking about it, and it could be, like the Bates' daughter, Michael, Jana is the true koolaid drinker. In that she is not only true religious die hard Fundy, but also Gothard minded, and is waiting for a man who can provide for her and a family AND be the headship of a family away from her father. And that man has not yet come along because it takes a few years for that to happen. Her sisters did not marry that man, after all, and her older brother is, perhaps, just becoming that kind of man.

I've mentioned before that without resources like TV shows, Gothard couples tend to marry in their late twenties. Perhaps Janna is simply the real traditionalist in this regard and is waiting on some person or people (including herself?) to just grow up.

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I think Jana is not interested in much of anything.

When you think how often we find she is on scene when an episode is filmed but her appearance was not filmed, I kinda lean towards a grumpy Jana because it takes more effort NOT to be filmed.

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