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The Lonely Js Club: James, Jackson & Johannah

Message added by Scarlett45,

Discussing the charges against Jana is fine, but do not post any information that reveals her address/contact information- even if said documents are public (i.e. a part of court proceedings.)

Discussing charges against Jana is NOT a jumping off point to speculate on other instances abuse/neglect etc towards the M-children or to elaborate on Josh's conviction and potential victims.  


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They should also be aware that Jana will be 25 next month. It isn't so easy to find a 26+ year old virgin man who hasn't been married and doesn't already have 5 kids. Their belief system dictates early marriages; so it's likely that the selection is quite slim. By that age, the better candidates have already been snatched up. Michelle needs to change gears and think of her daughter first and "encourage" JB to find her a good husband and soon.

I think that's why some of us (including myself) on this board have a sense of panic over Jana. If they're truly limited to dating within their ultra Conservative circles, the pickings are going to get slimmer and slimmer the older Jana gets. Let's face it: normal guys want to get laid at some point. "Good" catches in Gothard-land aren't going to wait until 27 or 28 to get married. That leaves the John Davids of Fundiedom. Not exactly a thrilling proposition...I think I'd rather stay single.

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Also, I'll repeat that early marriage in Gothardom is NOT the norm. 25-27 are the average ages, because of dowries and ability to support a family. So the young men and women who have to be married off because they are a sexual risk are NOT the catches in this world.

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Just saw that Tebow will be on GMA Monday morning doing a segment on shopping debt -- I wonder if they will ask him about the Jana rumors...

I guess I don't know enough about Tim Tebow. I don't follow sports. Does he have some connection to shopping debt? LIke a degree in econ. or something?

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I guess I don't know enough about Tim Tebow. I don't follow sports. Does he have some connection to shopping debt? LIke a degree in econ. or something?

Yeah, pretty strange that he's connected to that segment, but to answer your question -- no, Tebow has no connection to shopping debt, lol.

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I guess I don't know enough about Tim Tebow. I don't follow sports. Does he have some connection to shopping debt? LIke a degree in econ. or something?

His degree is in Family, Youth and Community services which would include societal economic practices. I'm not saying it makes sense for him to be on GMA but there is a little bit of that kind of thing supposedly in his education.

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But maybe Jana does not want to get married, not all women do.

What Jana wants or doesn't want is largely irrelevant.  She's going to get married and make babies because she believes that she has absolutely no say in the matter.  As far as Jana is concerned, there's only one "right way," and that's it.  Some guy who meets JimBob's checklist is going to be approved to meet her, she'll feel pressured to say God laid it on her heart to marry him, and then come the blessings.  Unless no one JimBob approves of asks her, Jana is going to get married, and given how famous and desirable the Duggars are in fundie circles, people are going to ask.  Her only hope, if she truly doesn't want to get married, is that JimBob doesn't want her to marry, either. 

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His degree is in Family, Youth and Community services which would include societal economic practices. I'm not saying it makes sense for him to be on GMA but there is a little bit of that kind of thing supposedly in his education.

Does that make him "minister" material because we all know that a potential man has to have a servant's heart and aspire to become a minister!

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Tebow is some kind of roving correspondent with GMA (in addition to his ESPN duties...guess it's Disney who has him by the short hairs). I doubt his college degree has any bearing in this particular story, or any other story he covers for GMA. It's not as if his report is going to be any sort of hard-hitting news piece.

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Tebow's rep kind of made the Duggars out as the hoi polloi. lol"

This is what I kept saying. Duggars are WAAAY beneath the Tebows socially. Religion doesn't erase that, for good or bad.

Edited by GEML
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Tebow's rep kind of made the Duggars out as the hoi polloi. lol"

This is what I kept saying. Duggars are WAAAY beneath the Tebows socially. Religion doesn't erase that, for good or bad.

Not only that, but they really aren't the same religion-wise either. To an outsider they are both Christians but in practice they both homeschooled and they are both pro-life but their actual religious beliefs are not the same. From what I can gather, the Tebows are a regular (for lack of a better term) conservative Christian family. The Duggars are Goddardites which frankly to me is a different religion all together. Edited by 3girlsforus
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I think that's why some of us (including myself) on this board have a sense of panic over Jana. If they're truly limited to dating within their ultra Conservative circles, the pickings are going to get slimmer and slimmer the older Jana gets. Let's face it: normal guys want to get laid at some point. "Good" catches in Gothard-land aren't going to wait until 27 or 28 to get married. That leaves the John Davids of Fundiedom. Not exactly a thrilling proposition...I think I'd rather stay single.

And maybe she'll be able to escape.I feel bad for her being stuck in that family and in that lifestyle if she doesn't want it. I don't see marriage as a real esape.

However I think age panic led the Kellers to pick David for Priscilla. There  also seems to be a "Brady Girls get married" that if younger sister marries before the older sister that's bad (not that I care).  Priscilla is Anna's older sister and yet Anna was married first.

The Kellers seem to be a slightly different strand of fundamentalism than the Duggars. I don't think all fundamentalists think the same. There are probably as many variations as there are people.


Also, I'll repeat that early marriage in Gothardom is NOT the norm. 25-27 are the average ages, because of dowries and ability to support a family. So the young men and women who have to be married off because they are a sexual risk are NOT the catches in this world.

I could see this easily being true. I've always thought Jim-Bob and Michelle started marrying off the girls when the internet (such as a Jezebel article) started criticizing the fact that they had so many adult children living at home and they were saying the adult children couldn't leave until they got married. The articles were implying if they want to leave and they're adults, is it stockholm syndrome or something else that is keeping them in the house? Are they allowed to leave or are they sent to some place like ALERT? Or is the thought of alienation from the only world they've ever known, etc. etc.?  I personally think the Duggars would have been ok with only Josh married, I think they started the courtships in part to divert criticism and possibly help ratings. 

I could see the needing to be married to be true of Josh and Anna and Ben and Jessa. I think when Jim Bob met Derrick he knew Derrick was a catch. I also Jill was not particularly risky, just particularly interested. I'm not  sure what is normal in terms of courtships, a lot of courtship sites show women younger or around the same age as Jill and Jessa. 

It's also worth noting that what constitutes normal age usually has a lot to do with individual parents. I know my parents were close to thirty when they married. Michelle and Jim Bob were 17 and 19 respectively. I am sure Michelle thinks Jana is relatively old to be unwed. Jim-Bob may also feel that way about his boy-girl twins.

Edited by Temperance
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I think that's why some of us (including myself) on this board have a sense of panic over Jana. If they're truly limited to dating within their ultra Conservative circles, the pickings are going to get slimmer and slimmer the older Jana gets. Let's face it: normal guys want to get laid at some point. "Good" catches in Gothard-land aren't going to wait until 27 or 28 to get married. That leaves the John Davids of Fundiedom. Not exactly a thrilling proposition...I think I'd rather stay single.

Some guys will wait. But it's harder as you get older. Funny how these fundie kids are getting married older than their parents

If Jana does marry she should get a guy who will really care about her. Maybe even take her away from her family and let her experience the world. Josie is 19 years younger than her so in 10 years when Josie is 15 and Jana 34, and Jana is still living at home there would really be no real excuse for her to be there. There's no buddies needing to be taken care of


Unless he's more concerned about her keeping pure. My mother wished for me to marry a widow with kids, so we'd never have to be intimate. (Yes, I'm being serious).

What person is going to be married unless they're asexual without sex??

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People on this board sometimes refer to the Duggars as fundie "royalty," but I wonder if that is the case. JB has only succeeded in marrying off three children, and neither Jill nor Jessa is married to a Gothardite. The girls have also referred to the guys that have made inquiries as "creeps." I don't think that they would be airing that footage if they had referred to Gothard boys that way -- they must be talking about outsiders (creepy old men who want virgin wives) who have contacted JB about his daughters.


If they were, in fact, Gothard "royalty" I think that Jana would be married by now. She is -- at least on the surface -- a perfect Gothard bride: sweet, pretty, uneducated, and maternal.

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Not only that, but they really aren't the same religion-wise either. To an outsider they are both Christians but in practice they both homeschooled and they are both pro-choice but their actual religious beliefs are not the same. From what I can gather, the Tebows are a regular (for lack of a better term) conservative Christian family. The Duggars are Goddardites which frankly to me is a different religion all together. 

You meant "they are both pro-life," right?

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On a recent old episode where J&A were visiting the Kellers while D&P were there, Anna made it known that even tho she is younger than Priscilla, SHE got married first & had kids first. I agree that Pris age had something to do with her marriage.

I also agree about Boob starting the courting thing after the internet/magazines started wondering why the girls weren't in relationships. I think Boob was trying to keep up with all the Bates' courtships & marriages too. He couldn't have his old buddy Gil top him in that department.

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Michelle was not a virgin when Boob married her. She had already been married and the oldest child (forgot his name) is from Michelles first marriage. What hypocrites.

For real?

I swear I remember them talking about it in a very early episode, I just googled it and can't find anything. It could be the Jeub family I'm thinking of....or maybe their history has been re-written. 

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I swear I remember them talking about it in a very early episode, I just googled it and can't find anything. It could be the Jeub family I'm thinking of....or maybe their history has been re-written. 


This is exactly why crazy ass rumors like the Jana/Tebow thing get started. This is not true in any way, shape, or form. Michelle wasn't married before and Josh is certainly JimBob's kid. Just throwing out an "I swear I remember" doesn't make things true, but now it's certain to get repeated 75 times because people have such a desire to believe insane and untrue things about this family. A simple Google search of Jeub family shows literally in the very first hit that it's the Jeub family you are thinking of. But hey, it's more fun to claim it's Michelle and the Duggars are now trying to hide it. 


Just as saying in every other sentence that Jana is being held captive in the house and isn't allowed to court or get married, it is possible she's not interested, it does happen even if it's not the norm, or that Josie has all sorts of mental delays being ignored, no more so than the developmental needs of the other kids were ignored, or my favorite of JimBob somehow being an evil dictator in the house when everything points to him having long since handed control of the house over to the kids and Michelle is the driving force behind the crazy (I will agree JB makes the financial decisions when it comes to investments, but he's been very, very successful at it, so why change that now), doesn't make it true. 

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That's not true about Michelle. She met him at age 15 and married him at age 17 and has no other children outside of her marriage to Jim Bob.  By the way, I read elsewhere that the Tim Tebow -Jana rumors are just that...rumors. They have never even met.

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This is exactly why crazy ass rumors like the Jana/Tebow thing get started. This is not true in any way, shape, or form. Michelle wasn't married before and Josh is certainly JimBob's kid. Just throwing out an "I swear I remember" doesn't make things true, but now it's certain to get repeated 75 times because people have such a desire to believe insane and untrue things about this family. A simple Google search of Jeub family shows literally in the very first hit that it's the Jeub family you are thinking of. But hey, it's more fun to claim it's Michelle and the Duggars are now trying to hide it. 


Just as saying in every other sentence that Jana is being held captive in the house and isn't allowed to court or get married, it is possible she's not interested, it does happen even if it's not the norm, or that Josie has all sorts of mental delays being ignored, no more so than the developmental needs of the other kids were ignored, or my favorite of JimBob somehow being an evil dictator in the house when everything points to him having long since handed control of the house over to the kids and Michelle is the driving force behind the crazy (I will agree JB makes the financial decisions when it comes to investments, but he's been very, very successful at it, so why change that now), doesn't make it true. 


I read people mention that certain scandalous things have happened in episodes, or been written about in an article, then when they can't find it, or watch the episode and this part isn't there, swear up and down that the Duggar-Illuminati deleted it. But someone reads it, states in somewhere else as fact, and eventually it's totally true, despite no evidence.


It's just the same as the "sin in the camp" stuff. Maybe something happened. Maybe something didn't. But there's no evidence but so many people talk about it as if it's 100% real. There's enough weird stuff about them to talk about without bringing up fake things.

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The Duggars put the rumor of a Jana and Tebow courtship to rest: http://www.duggarfamilyblog.com/2014/12/this-is-how-rumors-start.html


Even though they aren't in each other's lives now, I suspect JB is trying to arrange something.  

So I thought they were going to say "We had Mrs. Tebow over for lunch/tea/dinner. But no, they said for "fellowship." In my own circles one invites for a meal/snack, and fellowship absolutely happens. It's a given. You don't have to force the issue. I just think it's really strange in the false piety kind of way. 

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That wasn't the Duggars denying it, but a Duggar fan blog.  I just want to it to be absolutely clear.  I don't believe there was anything there more than some gossip "news" sites saw a bit on an internet board and ran with it while it was basically a joke. 

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This is exactly why crazy ass rumors like the Jana/Tebow thing get started. This is not true in any way, shape, or form. Michelle wasn't married before and Josh is certainly JimBob's kid. Just throwing out an "I swear I remember" doesn't make things true, but now it's certain to get repeated 75 times because people have such a desire to believe insane and untrue things about this family. A simple Google search of Jeub family shows literally in the very first hit that it's the Jeub family you are thinking of. But hey, it's more fun to claim it's Michelle and the Duggars are now trying to hide it. 



You know, DeMarti DID saw they thought it might be the Duggars, but then doublechecked for themselves and admitted they could be wrong.  Chill out

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I swear I remember them talking about it in a very early episode, I just googled it and can't find anything. It could be the Jeub family I'm thinking of....or maybe their history has been re-written. 

This is Wendy Jeub. But she was not married when she had her first two daughters.


CarolMK, I posted the article confirming the non-relationship between Jana and Tebow above. It's officially a non-issue. From what I've been able to determine, with the confirmation of friends, is that a clickbait place like Radar or OK saw the "Rumor" thread on Free Jinger - which happened even *before* Tebow's mother visited the TTH - and ran with it as "truth." It appears the same idiots also used FJ (and the fake blog posted there) as the source for the Jessa wedding rumors.


(edited b/c I kint spel)

Edited by Sew Sumi
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You know, DeMarti DID saw they thought it might be the Duggars, but then doublechecked for themselves and admitted they could be wrong.  Chill out

Thanks Ivy26. My error was that I should have googled it BEFORE posting. Lesson learned. Jeesh, you would have thought I accused them of murder or something

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The Duggars are NOT Fundy royalty. There are a lot of people who think they are too liberal, have sold out their ministry for money, are too hickish, too controlling, disrespectful of others (especially regarding time) and plenty of other things when you get down in the weeds. There was a LOT of weird stuff that fell out over JB's political career that caused a lot of dissent. Their ties to people like the Holts and the Huckabees have never been the same. (I've always wondered what, if any, role Mike Huckabee played in Josh's role at FRC and if it was positive or negative.)

Within their world both the Kellers and the Bates have a much higher status. Josh married UP.

Here's a weird little way to put it in perspective. Jill was prepared for as many as 3,000 at her wedding. Only 1,000 showed up. Let's put that in normal terms - you are a bride and you think your guest list of attendees is 300. You get 100. You've been dissed.

Finding a great catch in Fundy world for all these young women is difficult to start. (Just look at the qualities of the Duggar men to the Duggar women.). Having to find an acceptable candidate out of what is essentially the second string is incredibly difficult.

You get Ben's and Derrick's. Potentially ok, but with real risks.

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I agree. It's telling that Boob had to go outside of ATI to find these grooms for his daughters. Well, of course, Bin chased Jessa, but Boob had to approve his family's attendance in his homechurch (don't forget, it's by invitation only).


I imagine Boob shopped his daughters around ATI and there were no takers, hence this quick rash of guys from outside the fold marrying in to keep the show alive. Interestingly, ATI circles may have considered Zach, with his failed courtship, "damaged goods." Kelly said in not so many words that they shopped him around the same circles that the Duggars run in, and found no takers. Having failed, they allowed him to marry the waitress from Sonic. But note that all three daughters have married inside the institution, to other families that could be considered "royalty." Son of a doctor who works for Gothard, son of a US Congressman who has brought Gothard teen discipline materials into his district, and the family Michael will marry into, who have many blessings working at HQ (and Michael's boyfriend just graduated from Gothard's "ministry" college).


Boob just can't secure those matchups in ATI any longer, at least for his daughters. As far as his sons go, it may be a little easier, since females are often seen as little more than chattel.

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The Duggars are NOT Fundy royalty. There are a lot of people who think they are too liberal, have sold out their ministry for money, are too hickish, too controlling, disrespectful of others (especially regarding time) and plenty of other things when you get down in the weeds. There was a LOT of weird stuff that fell out over JB's political career that caused a lot of dissent. Their ties to people like the Holts and the Huckabees have never been the same. (I've always wondered what, if any, role Mike Huckabee played in Josh's role at FRC and if it was positive or negative.)

Within their world both the Kellers and the Bates have a much higher status. Josh married UP.

Here's a weird little way to put it in perspective. Jill was prepared for as many as 3,000 at her wedding. Only 1,000 showed up. Let's put that in normal terms - you are a bride and you think your guest list of attendees is 300. You get 100. You've been dissed.

Finding a great catch in Fundy world for all these young women is difficult to start. (Just look at the qualities of the Duggar men to the Duggar women.). Having to find an acceptable candidate out of what is essentially the second string is incredibly difficult.

You get Ben's and Derrick's. Potentially ok, but with real risks.

I think the Duggars burned their bridges within their own circle. From 16 kids to now they changed a lot

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There was a LOT of weird stuff that fell out over JB's political career that caused a lot of dissent. Their ties to people like the Holts and the Huckabees have never been the same


Please do go on!  Curious to hear this.  Possibly in another thread though?  Not sure what the protocol is for suggesting a thread jump. 


But yeah, I've heard for a while that they had a falling out with the Holts back around the 15 kids mark.

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So I thought they were going to say "We had Mrs. Tebow over for lunch/tea/dinner. But no, they said for "fellowship." In my own circles one invites for a meal/snack, and fellowship absolutely happens. It's a given. You don't have to force the issue. I just think it's really strange in the false piety kind of way. 

From the article:

The following day, the Duggars had Pam Tebow over to their house for fellowship.


They make something as simple as sitting and talking with someone sound dirty.

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Do you guys think they busted out the fancy paper plates with decorations on them and the plastic silverware that looks like real silverware for Mrs. Tebow? Do the Duggars even own real dishes? I don't think I've ever seen proper dinnerware on the show.

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The Duggars probably had to keep some of the fancy Corning wear dishes that JillyMuffin got for her wedding so they could entertain errr I mean fellowship with high society people like Mrs. Tebow.


I can't see it ever happening Tim and Jana. I doubt Tim is a virgin and Jana is just too sweet for someone so much more worldly then she could ever be.


On another note I looked at the Maxwell's blog again. Their daughter Anna is 22 and a cutie. Can't believe that JD hasn't courted someone like her. She fits the fundie mold and has a lifetime supply of long ass denim skirts. No nike with any of the Maxwell girls that's for sure.

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The Duggars are NOT Fundy royalty. There are a lot of people who think they are too liberal [snip]


Wait, what? Who is so conservative that the Duggars are too liberal? 


I imagine Boob shopped his daughters around ATI and there were no takers, hence this quick rash of guys from outside the fold marrying in to keep the show alive. Interestingly, ATI circles may have considered Zach, with his failed courtship, "damaged goods." Kelly said in not so many words that they shopped him around the same circles that the Duggars run in, and found no takers. [snip]


Is there evidence of this? I mean, I can see people being apprehensive about having a child date into that family, unless they also want to be on TV. I can also see boys from within the circle ask to court the daughters, and Jim Bob having grander plans for his daughters, or thinking they weren't good enough (power wise), so he rejected them, and now there not being much left. If I was a guy, and a dad turned me down, I wouldn't be going back, nor would any of my brothers.


Something tells me though that the show is a turn off to anyone that would not want to be on TV. Or seeing how the family is on TV, one can only imagine how much worse it is if the cameras aren't around.


I don't know why the boys haven't done anything except that the boys just aren't very attractive and probably not good with women. Josh lucked out in that Anna came across as that girl who was just so into the mindset of needing to get married and having kids now! The way they acted when they got engaged seemed like they hardly knew each other.

Edited by DoctorWhovian
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The Duggars probably had to keep some of the fancy Corning wear dishes that JillyMuffin got for her wedding so they could entertain errr I mean fellowship with high society people like Mrs. Tebow.


I can't see it ever happening Tim and Jana. I doubt Tim is a virgin and Jana is just too sweet for someone so much more worldly then she could ever be.


On another note I looked at the Maxwell's blog again. Their daughter Anna is 22 and a cutie. Can't believe that JD hasn't courted someone like her. She fits the fundie mold and has a lifetime supply of long ass denim skirts. No nike with any of the Maxwell girls that's for sure.

Lulz! I agree that Tim and Jana will never happen. I don't think she has the right kind of personality to handle a husband in the limelight and I also don't see Tim as the kind of guy who wants a constant stream of Duggars visiting his home and intruding on his personal life. Derick may be too nice to tell Jill to lay off the sleepovers, but a former NFl player is sure as hell going to speak up.


I can say with a 100% certainty that I'd die a spinster in a house full of cats before I'd marry John David. I can watch paint dry on my own thankyouverymuch!

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Has anyone else noticed that Jinger, while "serving others in God's name" or whatever on their mission trip, is still doing the heavy eyeliner every day? 


Talk about priorities.

Fundie matchmaking is always open so she always has to look her best in case a gentleman comes a calling to Boob wanting to court her.

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