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The Lonely Js Club: James, Jackson & Johannah

Message added by Scarlett45,

Discussing the charges against Jana is fine, but do not post any information that reveals her address/contact information- even if said documents are public (i.e. a part of court proceedings.)

Discussing charges against Jana is NOT a jumping off point to speculate on other instances abuse/neglect etc towards the M-children or to elaborate on Josh's conviction and potential victims.  


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6 hours ago, PoshSprinkles said:

My only hesitation is the guy's age. What kind of 28-year-old wants anything to do with a 22-year-old? I'm close to his age and the only guys messing around with women in their late teens/young 20s at 28, 29, 30 are the ones who the women their age won't have anything to do with. I hope I'm wrong.  

My parents married when my mom was 22 and my dad was 33. It lasted for decades until my dad passed away. And my dad was no creep. 

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3 minutes ago, Tabbygirl521 said:

My parents married when my mom was 22 and my dad was 33. It lasted for decades until my dad passed away. And my dad was no creep. 

I think the difference is that your parents were probably normal by our standards.  I'm assuming that your mum had left the house by herself, had experiences outside her own family (and a select few others) and had the ability to think critically.  In which case, the age differences isn't that much of a big deal because both of them were normal people with life experience. 

The reason that I find this situation weird is that Jinger has less life experience than most pre-teens. Comparatively, Jeremy has gone to college, traveled, met people with different views and seen at least some of the real world.  So I find it strange that he would be attracted to someone who is so oblivious to the world with zero life experience or opinions.  Throw in the age gap and it is an odd match. 

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Let's face it, no young man who has his shit together is going to marry into this dysfunctional crapfest. Also our young Shit-Together-Man would not allow a serious relationship to be used by the likes of People magazine to try to save a sinking reality show. My conclusion: there's no chance whatsoever that this boy has his shit together. If he did, he would have removed Jinger from the crapfest and dated her quietly off-camera.

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Obviously there is no way to really know what this guy is like, but having a professional sports career that wasn't really stellar isn't a sign of laziness or desire to grift. In order to be good enough to get that far means he had to have worked very hard and been dedicated for many years. He got to the end of his career. For most people that happens before even getting a shot at a professional team. 

To me that says that he does have the ability to set goals and work hard. 

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6 hours ago, bigskygirl said:

 JB may have highly "suggested" Derick and possibly Jeremy to her, but she turned them both down.

That wouldn't surprise me in the least.  It also wouldn't surprise me if Jana was the only daughter to stay single.  The marriages she witnesses daily, have probably soured her on the institution. 

Edited by Adeejay
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So if he has given into Lust (OMG), how doe they reconcile his having given away pieces of his heart with being The One for Jingher? Shouldn't he have to do a premarital stint at ALERT or something? I bet Josh can't wait to pump him for details on his Lustful College Years. 

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Anyone think Jessa has been filling Jana with tales of how horrible marriage is to scare her off? And how like her to bypass Jana in favor of her bestie. To me, Jessa has a mean girl spirit.

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25 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

Anyone think Jessa has been filling Jana with tales of how horrible marriage is to scare her off? And how like her to bypass Jana in favor of her bestie. To me, Jessa has a mean girl spirit.

Statistically, at least a couple of Duggarlings ought to be gay. Perhaps Jana is one. I am not trying to be snide. She may have an aversion to sweet fellowship on demand with any guy - though if so, she would probably interpret it as God not having found her the The One yet. 

Edited by Tabbygirl521
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Actually, I was wondering that about Jeremy. He's 28 and has no past serious relationship. If we are to believe what they are putting out there, he is essentially engaged to Jinger (since "courting" leads directly to marriage unless there is some serious problem), and he certainly doesn't look all that interested.

I agree that some of the Duggar kids are probably gay, but I also think that it's likely that -- given their beliefs -- they will marry one or more of their children off to someone who is deeply closeted, or completely in denial about his or her sexuality.

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2 hours ago, bigskygirl said:

Hello everyone! The mods are working at putting together a thread for Jinger and Jeremy. We may ask for thread name suggestions and letting everyone vote for their favorite thread title. So put your thinking caps on, and the mods will start working on this tomorrow.

Might as well just name it Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss - cuz that's what's gonna happen.

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37 minutes ago, ChocolateAddict said:

The reason that I find this situation weird is that Jinger has less life experience than most pre-teens. Comparatively, Jeremy has gone to college, traveled, met people with different views and seen at least some of the real world.  So I find it strange that he would be attracted to someone who is so oblivious to the world with zero life experience or opinions.  Throw in the age gap and it is an odd match. 

I agree and that's what makes me question Jeremy's intentions. If you base Jinger's emotional age at about 15, you have to wonder what's in it for a guy who, by all accounts, has lived a normal life. I highly doubt he's a virgin and he admitted he was a partier before he mainlined the Kool-Aid. What exactly do he and Jinger have in common besides Gothard platitudes? So a man who went to public school, college, was a pro athlete and is well traveled is okay with dates chaperoned by Jinger's buddy group? Does not compute.

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He also has his own shiny new not-at-all-famewhorey webpage! http://www.jeremyvuolo.com/courting/


"I called Ben and Jess and began asking them more questions about [Jinger] —of course, everything they said only confirmed what I had already been seeing: a humble, meek, modest, intelligent young woman with a burning desire to sacrificially serve the Lord in any way she could."

makes it sound like Jinger has thrush.

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1 minute ago, Gweilo said:

He also has his own shiny new not-at-all-famewhorey webpage! http://www.jeremyvuolo.com/courting/


"I called Ben and Jess and began asking them more questions about [Jinger] —of course, everything they said only confirmed what I had already been seeing: a humble, meek, modest, intelligent young woman with a burning desire to sacrificially serve the Lord in any way she could."

makes it sound like Jinger has thrush.

I'm sorry but that's just creepy.

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10 minutes ago, scriggle said:

I'm sorry but that's just creepy.

My statement, or Jeremy's? If the former, no offense intended, just my black sense of humour. Peace love and food in a can to all :)

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1 minute ago, Gweilo said:

My statement, or Jeremy's? If the former, no offense intended, just my black sense of humour. Peace love and food in a can to all :)

Jeremy's.  Definitely Jeremy's.

"burning desire to sacrificially serve the Lord in any way she could." How? By being his steady lay? Just creepy.

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Hs blog is professional and well written.  I actually read what he (supposedly) wrote and understood it the first time, unlike Ballon Head Derick and Bossy Ben.

That's a positive sign, although we aren't doing too well with the son in laws so we have to see actually proof. 

That guy is no virgin.  I know he can be a born again virgin but Jim Bob is all about the absolute purity. Did Jeremy have to give details of who he bedded down with? and wait for absoluation from Boob? Maybe Jim Boob lowered his standards since he found out Josh was banging all sorts of women and paying for it? Plus all Josh's other sex fetishes. Maybe it "strengthens his testimony'?  I was IFB and you need those preachers who can rant and scream about all the sins they were involved in before they found Jesus...makes for a more fire and brimstone service. 

I think Jinger Vuolo is a horrible name and Spurgeon Seewald is in good company with that mess. 

Edited by Marigold
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Oh, so he missioncationed in Danger America when the family went back in December, and after that, they began courting. That means engagement is imminent. Remember, they actually announced that Jill was courting two days after she became engaged, then the engagement was leaked a week later. Let's see how well they hide the engagement this time! 

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2 minutes ago, scriggle said:

Jeremy's.  Definitely Jeremy's.

"burning desire to sacrificially serve the Lord in any way she could." How? By being his steady lay? Just creepy.

Looks like VJJ are going to get that sweet fellowship and drippy sundae on with that sacrificial joyful availability.  Ugh, I think I need a shower before I trudge to the prayer closet.

The best part of it is that if she marries this guy, Laredo is a long way away from Kim Jong Boob.

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Re posting in the right place:

What on earth is wrong with this family?? I realize there's no answer to that. But if you are choosing your daughter's husband and you already have 2 unemployed bums as sons in law, do you really sign up a 3rd one? I'm not criticizing him getting cut/giving up on soccer. He obviously worked hard to play D1 and play professionally. But sometimes you get hurt, get old, or there are new kids on the block and careers end. It doesn't seem like he's playing now -- though who knows maybe he's on the tail end of a career and will get to squeeze out another yr or two on limited contracts.

I've know guys who were drafted to the NFL and then for one reason or another were cut before the season started. 100% the difference between those who are doing well/productive and those who are just lolling around re-living their glory days -- was how quickly they put together a plan and executed. Those that were able to say -- that was great, I'm glad I got to play in the NFL for 4 months, most guys don't even get that, but now it's time to put my degree to use and build a career -- just overall became productive adults. Here it seems like he hasn't played in 2+ yrs. What exactly has been doing? A BS ministry? And I say it's BS bc if he was an actual minister with a seminary education, he wouldn't be ministering via Seewald YouTube videos. He probably met Seewald somewhere along the BS ministry road and decided -- this dude's life isn't bad. He doesn't work, doesn't pay bills courtesy of his father in law and he bangs his hot wife all the time, sign me up with one of her sisters bro. Of course when Ben told Jessa, Jessa made sure to line up her bestie Jinger bc she's hot and attitudy, as compared to Jana who Jessa considers a dud -- bc she doesn't see her classic beauty or nurturing wifely qualities.

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WTF is going on at this SOS ministry in Central America?

Is this like a Swinger's Club for Fundamentalists???? It seems pretty hot down there...everyone is finding righteous people to marry. 

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16 minutes ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

The best part of it is that if she marries this guy, Laredo is a long way away from Kim Jong Boob.

Sadly, it wont be that easy.  Especially for the show she will be back up in AR talking about wonderful married life and such.  Conversely, JB will have to "visit" with whatever children are available (thats at least 2-4 eps right there).  Lets not the forget the immediate pregnancy to boast about soon after the wedding.  So much for a photography career.

I would hope that she would be allowed to venture up to San Antonio and experience some sort of "city" (about 2.5 hr drive away from Laredo).  There are a lot of Catholics to convert!  Oh maybe she can go further up to Austin.  Nah, she wont leave the house unless its for the "ministry".  

I'm more disappointed to hear this show is going to continue.  I was hoping the silence of TLC not showing repeats was their way of quietly bowing out.  But I guess they are still somehow making money.  And so it goes....

Edited by PJ123
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Frankly, I've always felt the whole point of SOS (and the Jillards' main job) is to provide chances for fundies and fundie-lights to go South, hit the beach, meet some "like-minded" people, paint nails, get away with dancing and pass out candy. Sure, it's not providing short or long-term solutions for the actual people that they tell the donors they are serving but the stay-at-home daughters get a chance to meet people and can tell themselves they're doing something significant. 

ETA: I sound really critical, but I actually think it's not a bad thing to get some of these uber-sheltered kids out of the house. I'd also rather SOS be focused on providing a fun and godly missioncation experience than convincing local parents (especially in Zika infected areas) that God will provide for their eleventy billion blessings.

Edited by satrunrose
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I have a feeling Jinger won't be moving to Texas. God will lay it in Jeremy's heart that Jinger needs to be close to her family...shortly after Boob dangles the keys to the McMansion in front of his face.

How many times has Jeremy actually seen Jinger in six months? Three, four, if that?

Edited by BitterApple
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4 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

I have a feeling Jinger won't be moving to Texas. God will lay it in Jeremy's heart that Jinger needs to be close to her family...shortly after Boob dangles the keys to the McMansion in front of his face.

Until Muffy decides to come back from CA with Dillweed, Baby Huey, and a bun in the oven.

27 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

I'm kinda partial to JinJer. :D

What about Jingermy?

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3 hours ago, bigskygirl said:

Hello everyone! The mods are working at putting together a thread for Jinger and Jeremy. We may ask for thread name suggestions and letting everyone vote for their favorite thread title. So put your thinking caps on, and the mods will start working on this tomorrow.

I vote for JinJer or Jereminger

[ETA] Jingermy is good, too!

Edited by Bayarea4
because spelling is important, because I just saw the post in front of mine
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12 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

I have a feeling Jinger won't be moving to Texas. God will lay it in Jeremy's heart that Jinger needs to be close to her family...shortly after Boob dangles the keys to the McMansion in front of his face.

How many times has Jeremy actually seen Jinger in six months? Three, four, if that?

They sold the McMansion last year. Remember that Jerick had to live in the poolhouse for a while when they took their break from missioncationing? Now, it appears that the Smuggars are living there. Does Boob have any more residential rentals that are not in a state of rubble that he's trying to flip that they could live in? @Kokapetl is really good at looking up those kinds of records...

15 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

I have a feeling Jinger won't be moving to Texas. God will lay it in Jeremy's heart that Jinger needs to be close to her family...shortly after Boob dangles the keys to the McMansion in front of his face.

How many times has Jeremy actually seen Jinger in six months? Three, four, if that?

I dunno. He taped a buttload of videos with Ben, and is pictured with Miracle Josie on his blog. I think he's made plenty of trips, thanks to JD's plane. We would have sussed this out much sooner had Kim Jong Boob not  taken the plane off Flight Aware. 

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27 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

Aaaaaand he's already got his arm around her. I'm calling already engaged. That's more than a casual sidehug. 


I totally agree. There's also a picture of them with their heads really cloooose.  I'm sure Vuolo is used to being close to women. ;)  Derick and Ben looked all tense and jittery around the girls.  Vuolo looks kinda smooth... ooo laa laa. 

Or maybe Non-Virgin Vuolo didn't set the side hug standard.  (wink wink). Remember, the Duggar kidults CHOOSE the side hug.  Really, It's totally their choice. Maybe Non Virgin Vuolo is choosing the front hug????   He might be a bad ass like that. 

They are totally engaged. 

Edited by Marigold
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Jeremy is def ahead of Bin and Derelict in the preacher career path. Though not in the big leagues. Yet. He's ordained to preach in Grace Community Church in Laredo, TX. I could see a video of him preaching a sermon on the website but didn't find his name. There's a photo of the church on its website here: http://www.gcclaredo.com/location--contact.html  

Sorry if this was said upthread, but the Laredo church is an offshoot of Grace Community Church of San Antonio, which describes itself as among other things racially diverse - although apparently it's all run by men. So, yeah, it's fabulously diverse, as long as you don't expect to see or hear any women preaching the gospel. And it sounds very fundie/evangelical. 

Jeremy's personal website shows him to be more articulate than either Bin or Derelict. He's certainly better looking. He has a degree in Business Administration and some grad level coursework in Finance, but no formal seminary training. He's not affiliated with any large denomination. It's possible that his work running that small offshoot church in Laredo goes beyond just preaching on Sunday. Their "services" info on the website shows Sunday services followed by a free meal. 

So that's looking like a third preacher son in law for JB. This one's better looking than BIn and less nuts than Derelict. He'll probably be able to give Josh a lot of tips for his "I sinned and am now redeemed" media comeback campaign.

So, Jinger's gonna be a preacher's wife in Laredo, TX, pumping out those blessings one after another. 

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10 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

Holy shit balls! Jinger is courting! And the article confirms that J&J:CO is returning later this summer. 


Wow, yet another would-be minister. At this point, though, can this one, too, be hoping that the Duggar connection will ease his path into a good pulpit? Hard to see how. Maybe he actually likes Jinger? ... But he's listed as a "friend' of Bin and Jessa. How could he be if he has an IQ over 75? So many questions.

9 hours ago, lookeyloo said:

Oh no- unemployed and looking to latch on like Bin and Derrick?  

This may be the only family in the world in which being unemployed and/or unemployable gets you a super-quick green light to become engaged to their children.

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2 minutes ago, Churchhoney said:

Wow, yet another would-be minister. At this point, though, can this one, too, be hoping that the Duggar connection will ease his path into a good pulpit? Hard to see how. Maybe he actually likes Jinger? ... But he's listed as a "friend' of Bin and Jessa. How could he be if he has an IQ over 75? So many questions.

I think that the term "friend" has a different meaning to these people. Remember that Jill's "best friend" was a girl 5-10 years younger than she was who she had known for a week and spoke no English. Joy's "best friend" is a 25 year old woman with 5 kids. I think that this guy is Ben and Jessa's "friend" because 1) they know each other and 2) they are the same flavor of fundie.

I also want to give props to Ben for his relentless famewhoring. He stalked his bride on a reality television show and has managed to make "friends" with 1) a U of Arkansas football player 2) a Christian rapper and 3) a professional soccer player. It's interesting, isn't it, that none of Ben's "friends" are normal people attending school or working at a normal job.

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1 hour ago, Gweilo said:

He also has his own shiny new not-at-all-famewhorey webpage! http://www.jeremyvuolo.com/courting/


"I called Ben and Jess and began asking them more questions about [Jinger] —of course, everything they said only confirmed what I had already been seeing: a humble, meek, modest, intelligent young woman with a burning desire to sacrificially serve the Lord in any way she could."

makes it sound like Jinger has thrush.

His social media links, top left corner, link back to the duggarfam accounts. yikes. 

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Jim Bob is media smart.  HE probably has a calendar of the girls periods so HE can direct the inlaw kidults when to get busy..All for ratings, of course. 

This with Jinger was orchestrated at the perfect time. 

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