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The Lonely Js Club: James, Jackson & Johannah

Message added by Scarlett45,

Discussing the charges against Jana is fine, but do not post any information that reveals her address/contact information- even if said documents are public (i.e. a part of court proceedings.)

Discussing charges against Jana is NOT a jumping off point to speculate on other instances abuse/neglect etc towards the M-children or to elaborate on Josh's conviction and potential victims.  


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17 minutes ago, Zella said:

I must confess, I don't know! I never biked or used any of the trails down there. (I'm a lazy couch potato.) There are quite a few bike trails through Fayetteville and one is in the general vicinity of where JB intended for the RV park. It's right on the u of a campus, but I don't really know where it goes from there. When I get on my laptop later tonight, I can try to cross reference locations! 

the property right behind the RV park is owned by the NWA Trialblazers or something like that. I think I remember reading somewhere they were extending connecting to some existing trail system or something like that

eta found it - in the listing for the outlots in front of the RV park that are for sale for $1,000,000. "Great retail/convenience store site for user who wants to be in front of coming 126 slip R.V. Resort directly behind pad site. Also, coming Razorback Trailhead on Hanshew!"

Razorback Trailhead on Hanshew search takes you to the Razorback Regional Greenway site - which is where the duggars are all of a sudden biking

Edited by crazy8s
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4 hours ago, dargosmydaddy said:

Jana’s life partner Laura,

😂😂😂😂😂😂 Thank you, it’s been a shitty week and I really needed a laugh.

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1 hour ago, crazy8s said:

the property right behind the RV park is owned by the NWA Trialblazers or something like that. I think I remember reading somewhere they were extending connecting to some existing trail system or something like that

eta found it - in the listing for the outlots in front of the RV park that are for sale for $1,000,000. "Great retail/convenience store site for user who wants to be in front of coming 126 slip R.V. Resort directly behind pad site. Also, coming Razorback Trailhead on Hanshew!"

Razorback Trailhead on Hanshew search takes you to the Razorback Regional Greenway site - which is where the duggars are all of a sudden biking

So, this is convoluted, but from what I can tell, Trailblazers is the nonprofit org that did a lot of trails in the area (or at least partnered with others on them), including the Greenway, but the actual Greenway trail is quite a bit farther east of where this property is. However, they have done other trail projects, so it doesn't surprise me that they have other property they are likely planning on developing into either a connected or separate trail. 

Take a gander at this map of the Greenway:


The Duggar property is all the way on the other side of the interstate. Near the sketchy Wal-Mart where the guy stabbed himself! 

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I thought a visual might help for folks not familiar with the NWA area.

The green marker is where the Greenway crosses MLK Blvd. The red marker is where the creepy Wal-Mart is. The blue marker is an approximate indication of where the Duggar RV land is. I didn't do anything exact for that location unlike the other 2 and I zoomed out because I didn't want to be super creepy and just wanted to indicate the distance. Joy also lives around this area. It's all on the west side of the interstate and south of MLK BLvd., which as I have mentioned on here before, means it's considered the sketchy, less desirable side of town. 


bike trail revised.jpg

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4 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

I thought Madison was older. But they allowed Jessa to marry 19 year old Ben, so Jason marrying at 20 isn't farfetched.

That's according to her Instagram (professional account). She was on the Greece type with Jason and Lauren C so it makes sense those kids were all around the same age.  She could be a little older (like 22) and hasn't updated it. 

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40 minutes ago, JoanArc said:

In the special, Jed announced he was not in a relationship, and Jer announced he is not pregnant.

Yes, really.

They have their dad's sense of humor. Of course it made more sense when JB said he wasn't pregnant. 

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Damn, Josie’s face when asked if she got in trouble. Who is the girl In the TH with Josie.

Josie wearing glasses, I wonder if they are meant to be used full time.

Jana, it’s paint for FFS! It’s about having fun, being creative. We all have different ideas, let the child show some individuality.

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22 hours ago, dargosmydaddy said:

He's not wearing it, but there appears to be one resting on his handlebars. 

Thanks, I saw he had a baseball hat on so I just figured he was showing his face for the voters. Although he really doesn’t seem to be doing anything that resembles campaigning.

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I hate hearing Jim Bob and Michelle speak.  I really hate seeing their faces.  That was a lot of face time for just under 5 minutes.  They really have crept back into the show full time.😞

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Jana realizing that maybe she should’ve started them at different levels...no shit. Who would’ve guessed that a 14 year old might handle a spur of the moment art class better than a 10 year old who still appears to have her own personality? That their artistic capabilities and interests might differ? Maybe I’m looking at this through teacher lenses but kids need some sense of autonomy, even in a structured environment.

I don’t understand why it was so hard to let Josie just do her own thing. Well, I do because that would show creativity and individuality but come on.  It broke my heart hearing her try to explain what she was trying to do and Jana just going on and on about the paint. 

Edited by Spencer Hastings
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If that was bitchy, then sign me up that I was bitchy every day that I taught school.  Jana stayed calm and she tried redirecting Josie to a more correct use of the paint.  Josie is quite well old enough to grasp different kinds of paint and to do an actual painting unless her development is much more seriously delayed than Michelle is willing to admit which I think is likely.  Jana realized she'd over estimated Josie's ability to deal with the material and was willing to make a plan for future sessions.  That's all as it should be.  When Josie was making a mess and getting paint all over, Jana ended her session, again appropriate.   With the edited footage, this had gone on awhile and I'm sure with more commentary trying to get Josie to do something besides get as much blue paint as she could on the piece of paper which is about a two or three year old level.  

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Josie was also wearing glasses. But that's the one and only time I've ever seen them. I agree that she is likely cognitively delayed. Jordyn, who is just a year older, was able to complete the task without incident.

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I'm glad I'm not the only one who didn't think Jana was being bitchy or controlling. This was an art lesson, not a paintbox & water with the cousins play date. Josie is 10, not 5. She should be able to follow directions, even when she doesn't want to. 

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35 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

Josie was also wearing glasses. But that's the one and only time I've ever seen them. I agree that she is likely cognitively delayed. Jordyn, who is just a year older, was able to complete the task without incident.

Agreed. I suspect that her cognitive delays coupled with a spunky personality that shes been allowed to have may have made Jana’s “lesson” more difficult for her to follow or participate in (also I can’t paint a flower either, so I may not be the best judge).   Sometimes you have to anticipate that and learn for the next time. It’s frustrating but you just roll with it. 


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I'm another one on the "Jana is not being a bitch" train. Josie was not ready for that assignment. Jana overestimated Josie's ability to handle the assignment and just cut her loose. Did I think it was a boring, tedious art class? Yes. Did I think Jana handled it badly? No. 

Having homeschooled for a couple of years, it isn't easy to do well. Some days are better than others. I sure would not like to have been filmed when some lessons were duds. I think Jana is not particularly talented or knowledgeable about art and cut short the experience for Josie when it wasn't going to plan rather than having it spiral into a situation where both people were frustrated and nothing positive comes from the art lesson.

I have nothing but giant eyerolls for Jim Boob and Mechelle, however. Michelle looks embalmed and is spouting the usual platitudes. JB is extra smug pontificating his bs. It's easy to sit back and watch and pretend to be philosophical. It's harder to be Jana and to do all the actual work and then get criticized if things don't work out according to plan.


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And I don't even want to get into the implications of Mechelle's least favorite child having to instruct Mechelle's favorite and precious premie child Josie. Heaven forfend that the lesson doesn't go well and Jana is frustrated. She's human, and some days are better than others.

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I feel Jana showed great patience with Josie. Like @Nysha said, Josie is 10, and that would be fourth or fifth grade in school. I wonder if Josie was being a bit of a pain because she knows she can't 'paint as well as', or keep up with, her close in age her siblings, so she didn't even try. Even with Jana's redirection, Josie pulled out more paint. Jana had three choices and she used all of them: redirect before it got out of hand, let Josie paint and ask Josie to leave.

Came back to add, that had that been Jessa, Josie would have been gone in the first five minutes.

Edited by GeeGolly
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It doesn't make any sense to me that Johanna and Josie were in the same 'art class'. Johanna is middle school age OR high school freshman age, Josie is 4th or 5th grade age at best. They should not ever be lumped in the same group with the same assignment. I think that a child being reprimanded for something she could not do properly, to Jana's expectations should have never been filmed or made public. I felt badly for Josie to have been embarrassed publicly like that. What is wrong with these people and TLC for releasing that scene? Jana is not a teacher, nor is Ben. Acccording to Arkansas state law regarding homeschooling, only a parent can teach/homeschool a child....not another individual. They get buy this law by calling Ben and Jana 'tutors'. These people live by skirting the law knowingly. How honest and Christian is that?

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@floridamom, I agree that the scene shouldn't have been filmed, but it's a damned if they do, damned if they don't situation where they get criticized for showing a sanitized version of their life and criticized for showing the reality. The answer, of course, is to quit filming their minor children...or quit filming altogether and get real jobs.

I homeschooled my kids at various times and art is one of the group lessons I would do with all of them. I don't think the range of ages is that big, Josie is 10 and Johannah is 14. Even if Josie didn't have to artistic ability to complete the project at Johannah's level, she has the ability to follow directions and try. I think she's been spoiled, especially when compared to the other girls, plus she may have some "learned helplessness" issues. She's been babied all her life and she knows how to look helpless and innocent while being defiant.*

*As the oldest girl with two younger half-sisters who had this down pat, I may be projecting. By the time my sisters were Josie's age I was just done with their behavior. Thankfully, they both grew out of it in their teens.

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Thanks, Nysha. Wow, the age difference between Johanna and Josie is only 4 years? Didn't Jana say that there 'was no wrong' way to do this project. Isn't art a self-expression thing? I believe Jana changed it up a bit when she wanted the girls to do as she instructed. If the paint needed water added, why wasn't there any prepared for Josie? Obviously, she girl needed some help with it and didn't get any. I agree that they should quit filming the under age kids and stick with the 'adults' in the family....leaving out Jim Bob and Michelle completely.

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Jana stayed calm and she tried redirecting Josie to a more correct use of the paint.

"There is no right and wrong."

"OMG, you're doing it wrong!"

Not so onboard with Kids 10-20 playing with watercolors - the ultimate toddler art project.

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So I watched the painting scene and Jana was patient,but firm,  with Josie.  Someone needs to be because josie has the double edge sword of being the youngest and coddled cause of her early struggles.  Same thing happened to my cousin..and it didn't turn out well.

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2 hours ago, JAYJAY1979 said:

So I watched the painting scene and Jana was patient,but firm,  with Josie.  Someone needs to be because josie has the double edge sword of being the youngest and coddled cause of her early struggles.  Same thing happened to my cousin..and it didn't turn out well.

I think you're right, but I also think that horse has already left the barn.

Jana is Josie's sister, not her mother. Her mother (and father) have failed her as parents, and a firm, but loving sister will not be able to make up for that. I think that your cousin's fate is already in the cards for Josie.

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5 hours ago, cmr2014 said:

Her mother (and father) have failed her as parents...

Yeah, they failed all their children but Josie is going to have a particularly rough time in their world. At best she turns out like Lauren, a complete drama queen who is unable to fake being happy, at worse she ends up like poor Tabitha, too old to have many choices so she ends up with an unrepentant anal rapist.

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I agree with you all. Josie has the worst combination of neglect and too much attention. I think she is kind of laid back emotionally, so she may end up like Joy when things are going her way and like Jessa when things aren't.

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2 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

 she may end up like Joy when things are going her way and like Jessa when things aren't.

That's a horrifying thought. 😞 

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2 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

I agree with you all. Josie has the worst combination of neglect and too much attention. I think she is kind of laid back emotionally, so she may end up like Joy when things are going her way and like Jessa when things aren't.

I agree, and to add to that, none of Josie's siblings seem particularly fond of her. I always get the vibe they tolerate her rather than see her as a peer or friend. But hey, given that Jana isn't likely to marry, Josie can prattle around the TTH with her after everyone else has moved out. 

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Sinner twin looks like a news anchor. Not in a bad way, mind you. Jed! reminds me of Alfred E. Neuman.

The rest...ugh and they left one out, the one that nobody evidently likes. How much Jesus would co-sign this.

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Doesn't James own a suit? 

1 minute ago, Temperance said:

Why is Joe always in the line-up with the single boys. None of the other married brothers are in the line-up, but Joe.  And Si is younger than Joe. 

Joe basically lives at home? 😁

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