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The Lonely Js Club: James, Jackson & Johannah

Message added by Scarlett45,

Discussing the charges against Jana is fine, but do not post any information that reveals her address/contact information- even if said documents are public (i.e. a part of court proceedings.)

Discussing charges against Jana is NOT a jumping off point to speculate on other instances abuse/neglect etc towards the M-children or to elaborate on Josh's conviction and potential victims.  


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I never understood the "Free Jinger" nonsense, because besides her eye-rolling what exactly makes her a spunky, independent free spirit? To me she's as much of a Kool-Aid drinker as the rest of them. Unlike Jill, she's done nothing to take classes or enter into any kind of career field, so maybe she's more content with her life than we assume.

Word. Michelle and Boob have mentioned that Jessa was a challenge as a child because of her "independent spirit," but to my knowledge, nothing similar has ever been said about Jinger. As someone mentioned above, she's Jessa's yes-man. Also, apropos of nothing, she has the most godawful perm in the whole family.

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I caught the rerun recently that featured Michelle dragging Jana with her to Weight Watchers. I wanted to slap Michelle. Jana's never been heavy; in that episode, she was curvier, like Joy, but looked perfectly fine by anyone's standards. 

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"Free Jinger" was coined well before she seemed like such a Kool-aid drinker.   Yes, the eye rolls were one thing and she seemed a bit more outspoken when she was younger, and always seemed to be wearing something unique.  Today it doesn't really fit, but for those who have watched the shows from the beginning understand.  


Back then, posts on "the other forum" were tagged with "freejinger" for a while before the the "powers" there put a stop to it.

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Well, I think Janas situation right now is a bit a double-edged sword.


The bad: she is stuck raising her siblings while her sisters can leave home and start their own life. And she probably gets pitied by the people around her (aka the ones that are also part of the Gothard cult, cause it's not like they are allowed to have other friends).


The good: as the Duggar kids are getting older, she won't be needed as much aournd the house anymore. The older she gets, the more uninteresting she will be for those hard-core fundies searching for a wife, and the less children she will be able to bear (and yes, I count both facts as a plus, although of course, in the Duggar worldview, they are major minuses).


So I think that maybe, if she really wants out of this lifestyle, she has the chance to wait a few years, and then slowly fade into the background and start to live her own life. She might be around 30 until she can do that, but I think if she can escape the Gothard-cult that way, it will be worth the wait.

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If Benessa get married I have high hopes that Jana will follow.


Who knows how many fellows that are Godly have come forward to contact Boob and he ain't baited a good one for Jana yet.

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Jana showed so much emotion on the episode where she and JD went to Malaysia (2010). Not only that, but she talked. Like actually said stuff and not just started at Jill. The difference in her between then and now genuinely stuns me.

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After rewatching the Josh/Anna engagement episodes (and the ones that came before that), I am now convinced that Jana is the one. She's going to be the one that breaks free, she just looks like she's waiting for the right opportunity. She and JD are biding their time. Maybe they are crafting a secret plan to escape together because I'm sure JD wants to get the hell out of dodge, based on the expressions on his face. They both look like they are over it.

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I hope she has a bit more freedom and leisure than back at the TTH. Sure, she has to help Anna with the three little children, but overall that's still better than having to play Mommy all day to the little girls and the howlers.


Oh, and I wonder: if Jana travels to visit Anna and Josh, do they let her make that journey on her own? Without any "chaperones" to make sure she doesn't run off with the first decent man she meets?

Edited by Sundaymorning
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If Jana is over Josh and Anna's "courting" someone, who is her chaperone? MacKynzie can't do it , Josh has his "big job" to punch in at, and Anna needs to cook and clean all day...sooooo, who's minding Jana? I hope it's that cute guy that helped Josh with the bunk bed...she deserves a really good guy, one with bucks who will adore HER...she sure has earned it.

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I wonder if the two sets of Duggar twins are especially connected/ in sync with each other like most twins are, or have the dormitory living conditions discouraged that closeness? I'd love to think Jana & JD had a grand plan to escape Duggarville forever.

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I didn't think the older girls needed chaperons to go out alone.  I thought that was only when courting.  Did I miss something in a episode or in their book??

Well, I think it depends on what you mean with "go out alone". I think they let them go alone to the local grocery store for example. But I highly doubt they let them travel alone through the country. I'm not sure though, maybe someone else knows more.

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They use the term accountability partner when talking about going shopping and so on.  It's why Jana was pushed into doula training so Jill could begin midwife training.  Someone had to go with her. 

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They use the term accountability partner when talking about going shopping and so on.  It's why Jana was pushed into doula training so Jill could begin midwife training.  Someone had to go with her. 

Would I be correct in assuming that men do not take accountability partners when they, for example, go on business trips. 

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They use the term accountability partner when talking about going shopping and so on.  It's why Jana was pushed into doula training so Jill could begin midwife training.  Someone had to go with her. 


That is so ridiculous and paranoid. So Jana, at 24 years old, can't even run down to the store to pick up a jar of pickles by herself?


What are the Duggars so afraid of?  That Jana or the other adult children will be influenced by grocery shopping heathens and they need protection? Maybe they are more worried that one of them will drive to the store for pickles or something, keep on driving, and never come back?


But once they are married off, they no longer need an "accountability partner"...or do they? Could Jill run down to the store by herself for pickles?

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But once they are married off, they no longer need an "accountability partner"...or do they? Could Jill run down to the store by herself for pickles?


Well, Anna and the "M" kids have been shown going off on their own.  Of course, Anna always runs into some sort of issue or stress and needs to call Smuggar.  She's never shown in a strong independent light.


I've been trying to think of an instance where we have seen Jana Banana out on her own and you're all right - never has happened!

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John David is apparently allowed out by himself and so was Zach Bates (how he met his wife all on his on at Sonic).  I don't know if we've ever seen Joseph out alone.  However, as far as staying alone at night, they left TWO young men in Tontitown when they moved the rest of the family to Little Rock.  Whether it was accountability or appearance, I'm sure those two weren't joined at the hip the entire time. 

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It's pretty clear that they don't have the same standarts for boys and girls. While the boys don't have to do much housework/siblings raising, and enjoy a lot more personal freedom such as going out alone, the girls truly are slaves in their own home. I mean seriously, not letting a grown up women go out alone for things like grocery shopping is simply sick. And it goes to show how they don't trust their own upbringing. If you raise your children well, you don't have to be afraid to let them out into the world, as they should be strong enough and have enough character to resist all those evil temptations that can occur if someone takes a trip to the local supermarket.

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I always thought accountability partners were a Duggar thing. Maybe that isn't true, but the Bates are out there doing various things -- Alyssa was working at a flower shop; Erin was going to school for music; Zach was working at the country commissioners office etc. While they could have made a sister enroll in college with Erin, I'm not sure that Alyssa or Zach could say to their employer -- I'm going to bring a sibling and you have to hire them too or just let them sit here all day while I work. It also seems like Michael travels up to Michigan alone to see Brandon -- the dates are chaperoned but Kelly doesn't go out of her way to say that Michael and another sibling went to Michigan.


I kind of understand the older girls hanging out -- when you have that many siblings and they are really your only friends but you want to get out of the house, chances are Jessa isn't going to Walmart and leaving Jinger home because they're probably both dying to get out and get a bit of privacy/adult conversation without a 4 yr old pulling at them -- even it isn't alone alone. Though I do get that there must be a time where you just want to go driving around or go to Starbucks without anyone else.

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I always thought accountability partners were a Duggar thing. Maybe that isn't true, but the Bates are out there doing various things -- Alyssa was working at a flower shop; Erin was going to school for music; Zach was working at the country commissioners office etc. While they could have made a sister enroll in college with Erin, I'm not sure that Alyssa or Zach could say to their employer -- I'm going to bring a sibling and you have to hire them too or just let them sit here all day while I work. It also seems like Michael travels up to Michigan alone to see Brandon -- the dates are chaperoned but Kelly doesn't go out of her way to say that Michael and another sibling went to Michigan.


I kind of understand the older girls hanging out -- when you have that many siblings and they are really your only friends but you want to get out of the house, chances are Jessa isn't going to Walmart and leaving Jinger home because they're probably both dying to get out and get a bit of privacy/adult conversation without a 4 yr old pulling at them -- even it isn't alone alone. Though I do get that there must be a time where you just want to go driving around or go to Starbucks without anyone else.

Yeah, the Bates seem a bit more sensible in that departement.


Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against it if they are truly voluntarily taking a sibling with them when they leave the Duggar compound. However, I somehow get the feeling, that this isn't (always) the case...

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I believe Joseph was left with John David as they were Jim Bob's maintenance people for his rental properties.   It also made sense to me that there were two of them, they were there for weeks by themselves.  However, when the 4 older girls went back, they were required to stay at Josh's rather than their own house... even though John David and Joseph were at the house. 


The accountability partner is supposed to do things like make sure you aren't tempted to watch that evil TV,  drink an inappropriate beverage, speak to the girl behind the counter at McDonalds, try on jeans at the store, and so forth.  It's the same thought process as only giving Jana the internet password, shouting Nike so that the boys look down at the ground, etc.  

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Why would it be a problem for the girls to stay overnight at their home with their unmarried older brothers? Seriously, they are all siblings. I'm not sure where one would find impropriety in that.

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I think Jim Bob and Michelle are more worried about their daughters going out by themselves than their sons. If one of their daughters had pre-martial sex, they could get pregnant. The boys obviously can't get pregnant. The virginity of a daughter is considered more precious than the virginity of a son and it has been that way throughout history.

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I think Jennifer Hutoro (I may be spelling that wrong) is in DC with Jana.

Jennifer Hartono flew into DC after she was no longer need for childcare duty at the TTH. Her IG pics prior to those in DC revealed her to be taking care of the little girls who didn't go on the "mission" trip, since none of the JSlaves were home (although Joy could have flown back right after the 4th, just not seen in pics; she was not on the mission trip either). So Jana could have had Smuganna as her "accountability partners" to stay in DC  even if Joy had gone back home. As long as you're with "true believers," you can do extended stays with other families, etc. without having other family members present. Since Jill's midwifery isn't Gothard, at least that I'm aware of, I guess Jana had to be thereto make sure that even the biggest Kool-Aid drinker in the bunch wasn't polluted by heathen views.


Skylar Weiss is only 20. I hope Jana finds a guy closer to her in age. The last thing we need is another BinBob.

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It's possible the accountability partner is also there as a safeguard against accusations. This might be giving them too much credit.... but if Jana went to the evil grocery store by herself and Joe Schmoe saw her there and decided to go to the media alleging that she was hitting on him, it's her word against his. If Jill is there too, she can "account" that it did or didn't happen.


Probably it's just there to keep them from accidentally driving to Mexico instead of coming home, although I'm not sure I believe that Jinger and Jessa wouldn't have discussed it at some point. Not sure if Jana would have ever brought it up to Jill but now that Jana and Joy Anna are the assigned pair, I sure do hope those grocery store runs involve conversations about getting the hell out of Dodge.

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Why would it be a problem for the girls to stay overnight at their home with their unmarried older brothers? Seriously, they are all siblings. I'm not sure where one would find impropriety in that.

Yeah, I'm not seeing the issue either. Maybe they're worried that when the older kids are together, they're more likely to get in 'trouble'? And by trouble, I mean they might turn on the television out of curiousity.

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Smugs had no room to put up siblings for overnights, except for the short time before Mack was born and nursing through the night. But just like DC, no problem because he's a relative drinking the same Kool-Aid. Jana needed a buddy for traveling. I think they only time they've admitted to anyone traveling alone was actually Jana when she went to Indoctrination Camp to be filmed. Given that the TLC crew was with her, there was no escaping that time; it's probably the only time any of them have been without a family member for any protracted period of time (save Smuggar, but he was married, hence an "adult" in their world).

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I had the horrible thought yesterday...what if JimBoob and J'Chelle have done things to ensure Jana doesn't marry in an effort to keep her at the house? Like, block her from any potential courtships. Maybe there have been guys who have been interested but they insist no one suitable has inquired?

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I had the horrible thought yesterday...what if JimBoob and J'Chelle have done things to ensure Jana doesn't marry in an effort to keep her at the house? Like, block her from any potential courtships. Maybe there have been guys who have been interested but they insist no one suitable has inquired?

This might be true and I have read speculation about that before. In a video clip, the 5 older girls were asked if there was anybody in a courtship, several of the girls looked at Jana. I've read that you can apparently here one of them mutter under her breath "there was"

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I had the horrible thought yesterday...what if JimBoob and J'Chelle have done things to ensure Jana doesn't marry in an effort to keep her at the house? Like, block her from any potential courtships. Maybe there have been guys who have been interested but they insist no one suitable has inquired?


That's horrible. I wouldn't put it past Bitchelle, but surely Jim Boob wouldn't be so cruel or at least he'd be afraid of the family brand being tarnished if anyone found out. 


I did think that maybe she's been sent to DC to slave for the Smuggars while Anna's not coping well, rather than for her own tiny bit of happiness and maybe a nice boy. She looks so completely squashed. When Michelle talks about how independent some of her children were as little ones, I wonder what she did to kill those lovely, lively sparks. They're like husks. Stepford children.

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I don't think Jim Bob would block Jana from courting. I wouldn't be surprised if she has at least been introduced to a young man and it just didn't work out.


I think Jana will be fine. Her situation really sucks for now, but I am not convinced that she's totally out of luck.

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I forget which episode it was this past season, but Jana & Jill had a TH where they were asked if anyone else was in a courtship. Jill said only her & Jessa were in a courtship, then laughed coyly and you could hear her say to Jana "not that we know of" and they both smiled and laughed.

I'd love to have it come out that Jana is in a courtship.

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It's a good sign for Jana's future they "allowed" her to go to DC for an extended period of time. Crazy that a 24 year old would need permission, but at least she wasn't tied to the house while the other older girls were out of the house. Maybe it's to prepare the younger girls for a transition away from having sister-moms and Jana finally getting a life of her own. 


Strange that Jana and Joy-Anna now seem like a pair.  Especially with Joy being a former member of Jill's buddy team. I think that Jana is unbelievably kind. She was supportive to Joy-Anna during the whole family showcase when Joy was unable to keep the little ones in check. She encouraged her during the talking heads and told her that she was doing well. It's amazing and sad to think of the amount of responsibility Jana had when she was Joy's age. 


I agree that a lot of Jana's spunk has been sapped out of her over the years. I was watching season 2 or 3 on Netflix - she had sass in her during the episode when she had to have her wisdom teeth taken out. Also, she expressed a negative opinion of camping during the father/daughter camping episode. She backtracked a little about camping but actually had full smiles and light behind her eyes during the early years. I miss seeing a personality in her and many of the other J'kids.


Hopefully, her time in DC is a nice break and she's not being treated as Josh and Anna's au pair. Fingers crossed for secret courtship. I don't know if Jim Bob and Michelle would let her. Maybe early stages they would leave her in peace, but the engagement and wedding I could see her being guilted into a tlc special. 

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I am really feeling bad for Jana (and JD too). Jana is after seeing a younger sister court, get engaged, get married, get pregnant and now another younger sister was courting and is now engaged. Normally, this probably wouldn't be a big deal, except they are living a lifestyle where people often get married pretty young (how many Bates children are now married??) and it seems like someones worth is based on how many children they had.

Jana and JD are seeing younger siblings and friends/peers do all of these things and they're not. I can't help but wonder if this is starting to damage their self esteem. I wonder how many guys have approached Jim Bob about courting Jana and he's turned them down before she even had a chance to meet them. (Who knows, maybe she would have thought one of them was "the one").

I hope that if they want to be courting someone, that they are doing that now.

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I feel bad for Jana in that she is stuck in a culture where a woman's worth comes from courting, being married, and having kids. So I'm sure she is getting "poor you" vibes from Erin and Alyssa Bates and likely from her own sisters and sister in law as well. That must be terrible, especially in a culture where she can't really talk back to them in any way to tell them to shut up. However, I don't by any means think it won't happen for Jana. And in the long run, it means that Jana will likely have fewer kids than any of the ones who married in their early 20s; if they were to announce a courtship today, I think she'd be around 25 by the time she married and had a kid -- that cuts off the fertile years in the early 20s, which has got to be a good thing given how much child raising she's already done.


More over, I think with every 6 months or yr that goes by for her, she is more and more likely to end up with someone who is conservative Christian rather than fundie. The "umarriable" age for fundies seems to be really early -- it's a bit later for conservative Christians like Derick as many of them do go to college. I think if a fundie match doesn't pop up for Jana soon enough and she gets a conservative Christian suitor, JB will likely say yes -- given that Jana is getting "older" and they may not feel comfortable waiting too much longer.

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