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S01.E08: Engagement Rings & Pretty Things

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Man I feel if this show was real life if I was Lyle I would have called Ashley and told her what his plan was and how it backfired on him and that that the others at his "party" that were then to go to hers and still wanted come support her would come over and could he pay for an extra hour to the party staff to stay as an apology to her.

But this shit is so fake!

Edited by mbaywife123
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HAhahahhhh!!!! Yes, I shamefully laughed at the ending of this SERIES---notice I didn't say show or episode, I said SERIES. Because this shit is so done. No reunion. No happy ending. No mention of future appearances. Just Plastic Ashley's faux husband muttering from behind a door, "Divorce me then." Hell's yes, Bravo just done divorced *all* you pathetic shmucks, how painfully appropriate!

I've never been more thrilled to see a show miserably slink off Bravo like this one just did; serves them right for making such a beautiful Southern city look like a laughing stock just to showcase those pathetic losers. 

Speaking of pathetic losers, wow Lyle, way to ace a classy wedding proposal there, partner: "I wanna fucking marry you!" And they say romance is dead.

Speaking of dead, Ashley's creepy sugar skull mask was horrifyingly awkward; almost as horrifyingly awkward as her sad masquerade event was. But when the social highlights of the evening are choosing between a failed seaside marriage proposal gathering or a failed excuse of a barely attended masquerade "ball", I guess beggars can't be choosers. Ashley is right though: what a bunch of rude fucktards! Sorry your manufactured "friends" aren't really your friends, girl---yep, they all suck. She and her shiny forehead and raggedy dog n'son should just run off and live in Reno, where she can be a stylist to the casino stars, play all the strip golf she likes and ride her edgy skateboard to work at the local tattoo parlor, where she can regale everyone with her tales of once being a poor little misunderstood Southern girl from mean old Savannah. And as god is her witness, she'll never be poor again!

Bye Felicia.

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16 minutes ago, Sun-Bun said:

HAhahahhhh!!!! Yes, I shamefully laughed at the ending of this SERIES---notice I didn't say show or episode, I said SERIES. Because this shit is so done. No reunion. No happy ending. No mention of future appearances. Just Plastic Ashley's faux husband muttering from behind a door, "Divorce me then." Hell's yes, Bravo just done divorced *all* you pathetic shmucks, how painfully appropriate!

I've never been more thrilled to see a show miserably slink off Bravo like this one just did; serves them right for making such a beautiful Southern city look like a laughing stock just to showcase those pathetic losers. 

Speaking of pathetic losers, wow Lyle, way to ace a classy wedding proposal there, partner: "I wanna fucking marry you!" And they say romance is dead.

Speaking of dead, Ashley's creepy sugar skull mask was horrifyingly awkward; almost as horrifyingly awkward as her sad masquerade event was. But when the social highlights of the evening are choosing between a failed seaside marriage proposal gathering or a failed excuse of a barely attended masquerade "ball", I guess beggars can't be choosers. Ashley is right though: what a bunch of rude fucktards! Sorry your manufactured "friends" aren't really your friends, girl---yep, they all suck. She and her shiny forehead and raggedy dog n'son should just run off and live in Reno, where she can be a stylist to the casino stars, play all the strip golf she likes and ride her edgy skateboard to work at the local tattoo parlor, where she can regale everyone with her tales of once being a poor little misunderstood Southern girl from mean old Savannah. And as god is her witness, she'll never be poor again!

Bye Felicia.

Yep, this is the petrified turd in the front yard that everyone ignores is there until some anonymous person (homeowner, tenant, neighbor or landscapers) puts it in the trash never to be seen again.

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This needs to be one and done like "Real Housewives of DC".  This was a complete and utter snoozefest.  Didn't like a single member of the cast.  I'd rather watch "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil" on a continuous loop for 12 hours instead.  

Wow - I've never seen a "social event/party of the year" that had its success hinge around whether or not 8 nobodies showed up.  And who the hell has a "ball" that ends at 9:00 p.m.?  That's when REAL parties are just getting started.  And really - if you say you're going to be there at 6:00 and it's hitting 8:00?  Geez, I would have been out of there at 6:45 with a text message saying "sorry, but we have another event."  Seriously Kyle - you HAD to propose that night?  CHARM?  Oh hey-ll NO.

And I see that they have indeed produced Nelson's girlfriend "Kat" - okay, whatever you say.  

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22 minutes ago, Carolina Girl said:

I've never seen a "social event/party of the year" that had its success hinge around whether or not 8 nobodies showed up.  And who the hell has a "ball" that ends at 9:00 p.m.?  That's when REAL parties are just getting started.

Seriously, Ashley arrived at 7:15 so it was a 2 hour ball um that's ridiculous. Also, that place was empty 7 people weren't responsible for its failure. 

I did think it waslame that no one texted German or Nelson but that lame ass events crap turnout was on Ashley. Hell Dennis didn't even come.

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I am still baffled by Lyle's weirdly awkward random marriage proposal gathering that HAD to be on the exact same night as Ashley's event; couldn't they have staggered these gatherings on different evenings or was this done simply to create drama with Ashley and her own pathetic little event? Was Lyle hoping to be the King of the World the entire evening?? Nobody in that entire shitty group of 7 could've bothered to text Ashley as to why they were running so late??? 

Seems like everyone was ready for a successful proposal and excited about it but Catherine. I'm willing to bet money that a big onscreen marriage proposal was either his and/or the producers' idea for dramatic purposes. It might've actually worked in his favor had he not completely shocked and blindsided Catherine; they apparently hadn't even discussed the idea of marriage yet and she looked genuinely pissed off((rightfully so)). It was pretty hilarious watching him grovel at her when he realized she wasn't remotely playing along with his plan.

Again, that was probably the most depressing ending to a one-and-done Bravo series I've seen yet. And yes, I even watched those last few depressing final episodes of RH of D.C.((The Salahis showing the horrified cast around their deserted/defunct winery, anyone?))

It just really felt like the entire crew/production hated this cast and the show as much as we all did. I'm almost fascinated with how awful this show turned out to be: what a spectacular failure. Wonder how Whitney felt about this mess?

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1 hour ago, Carolina Girl said:

And I see that they have indeed produced Nelson's girlfriend "Kat" - okay, whatever you say.  

I'd say the doggie was more his girlfriend than Kat. 

2 hours ago, jumper sage said:

Awesome, just awesome.  Now we are going to get Southern Charm New Orleans.

And guess who one of the producers is? None other than Whitney from SC Charleston. Oh, yay.

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12 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

He is one of the producers for this show, it's because he created the idea of the first show. He had nothing to do with this show but still gets the credit; however, he apparently helped cast NO.

I actually have far more hope for SC New Orleans strictly *because* Whitney will have far more creative control this time around; I think this series was such a hot mess because he obviously had nothing to do with it but the idea. And NOLA supposedly boasts far more eclectic characters---it also has the potential to finally offer this franchise some cast members of color. And maybe some actual out and proud GLTBQ cast members too!

Say what you will about Whit, but he really hit casting gold with the first season---even Jenna was at least an interesting casting contrast aesthetically, despite her turning out to be too boring/random to stick around. They need a far greater age/wealth range for NOLA to work as well as Charleston does...and toss in some amusing local socialites/kooks/drunks. And please---let's make sure they're actually attractive this go around. This cast made the Charleston cast look like movie stars in comparison.

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Well, it's over! I fell asleep through most episodes but caught up on demand. 

I love the Chrissy Seaver reference above-spot on! But seriously, they've been together 15 years and never discussed marriage? Wasn't she just having cheese and whine (pun intended) with the interior designer where she said she was ready for the next step but then also bitching about how she needs to find time for herself. Home girl is 30 ish with no job! WTF have you been doing the last 15 or so years? Partying, day drinking, lunching, etc seems a lot like taking time for yourself to me. I can't with these people. 

They were all huge asses to shiny face blond girl whom I also dislike by not showing up to her lame excuse of a party. 

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OMG. What a shit show. 

Ashley is a very specific type of toxic, horrible person. I don't know if it's a type of personality disorder or plain old fashioned RAGING insecurities about basically every part of her life, but I have had a few friends over the years who were like her, and now I can identify them early and avoid. They're good at making you feel sorry them and pulling you back into their drama, defending them to other people only to have them turn around and pull shit like strip golf. Her desperation for attention makes me ill, and the "I'm a victim because I'm a misunderstood and oppressed artist" bull shit is just that - bull shit. That said, DICK MOVE on all of them skipping stupid "ball." Dick move, guys - and more ammo for her victim routine. 

Daniel is like a bargain-basement Christian Kane. He even tried having Elliot Spencer hair. I think out of all of them, Daniel's the only one I could have a conversation with. The others would either bore me to tears or annoy me to death. 

Is it bad that I was kind of stoked when Chrissy Seaver (LOL!) said no?

I hope this sad show just goes away. And yeah, weirdly, I am also glad Whitney is involved with casting the NO version of this franchise. I think he knows who will make good TV. 

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how did ashley expect to raise money  for the community when only the attendees were to be her 'friends' and a few relatives (but not her husband)

was there an auction, entry fee?  such a lame excuse for a party with no entertainment.

i liked hannah and catherine (i'll go to the corner now)

hannah needs to realize he's never going grow-up (can't remember his name). hannah was the only attractive one.  ashley could be attractive if she stopped the crazy makeup and tattoos.

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So, someone should've texted Ashley to tell her they would be late.  That's just common courtesy.  I know they didn't know what time they'd get there but waiting 2 hours for them to show up on a boat was dumb.  Go to the ball first, then to the dock.

Katherine's reaction to the proposal or even the idea of it was bizarre.  How did she not know where they were headed?  They've dated since high school?  The guy moved back for you?  You're 30, fish or cut bait. I did feel bad for him, but why on earth did they go ahead and get on the boat?  Get back in the car and go home!


Ashley's been trying to divorce her husband all season.  Poor guy has been dragged through the mud, she must really hate him to have done that on national tv. Real classy.

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Shit Show. But I'm a Bravo Bitch so I was still entertained! Mostly at how PATHETIC these people are! LOL

Honey if your 31, don't have a career, don't know what you want to do, and some guy who has known you for 15 years wants to marry you I suggest you start trying on wedding gowns.  You're at a good age to have kids. Keep putting it off and you'll have no babies. Yes, I'm old and I think women should have babies in there 20's and 30's! (Having said that my Mom was 41 when I was born, 60 years ago!)

Not going to her "ball" was a really shitty move. However 7 to 9 is a cocktail party! Not a ball. 

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This show is big on off camera conversations. First, Catherine and crying Lyle with the marriage proposal  ( I just want to fucking marry you, sob, sob), then, Ashley and her husband talking divorce.  Why, show, why? It's not the first time, either. Is it not in their budget to show us their faces or something? What a crap fest. 

p.s. What exactly does Lyle do for a living?  Are they both unemployed? No wonder nasal Catherine said they need to talk finances instead of proposals. 

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I want this show to come back so I can see Savannah more, but I want all new people.  I hate Lyle with his upskirt creepiness and I don't care if he and Catherine marry.  They will at some point, because Daddy will stop paying her bills, and she'll need to do something.  Ashley just has to STFU.  Maybe she'd be less annoying divorced? I doubt it, but maybe.  Happy seems like she could be ok, but we didn't really see much of her.  I like that her fiancé sticks up for her though and didn't just let people talk shit to her.  

I started out not liking Dan, but he turned into the voice of reason somehow.  I'd be cool with him coming back, provided he gets some new friends.  Hannah and Louis I could go either way with.  I am not super interested in watching people shotgun beers when they are pushing 30, but maybe if they were around a different group, they'd stop acting like they were at a frat party.  Nelson? Just get him off my screen, please.

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Huh. I guess I'm in a minority but I really kind of liked this show ... sorry it won't be back if that's true. I would have watched it.

Ashley had a lot of train wreck potential. 

I liked Daniel most. 

I feel kind of bad that this show had only one season and yet they felt it necessary to air Hannah's dad's drunken rant about never loving the mother of his kids and Hannah throwing shade at her stepmom, Ashley making it clear how miserable she is with Dennis, Catherine and Lyle and that awkward proposal etc. I'm guessing there's going to be some fallout with all these people long after this show is forgotten in Bravo's scrap heap. They didn't even get stardom out of it. 

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On 6/27/2017 at 0:37 PM, Sun-Bun said:

I actually have far more hope for SC New Orleans strictly *because* Whitney will have far more creative control this time around; I think this series was such a hot mess because he obviously had nothing to do with it but the idea. And NOLA supposedly boasts far more eclectic characters---it also has the potential to finally offer this franchise some cast members of color. And maybe some actual out and proud GLTBQ cast members too!

Say what you will about Whit, but he really hit casting gold with the first season---even Jenna was at least an interesting casting contrast aesthetically, despite her turning out to be too boring/random to stick around. They need a far greater age/wealth range for NOLA to work as well as Charleston does...and toss in some amusing local socialites/kooks/drunks. And please---let's make sure they're actually attractive this go around. This cast made the Charleston cast look like movie stars in comparison.

I have absolutely no faith in Whitney and his ability to cast. The original cast was his coterie of delusional geriatric lotharios (including Thomas R. Bennett, Thomas, Whitney, and Shep), JD, and Craig. The original premise was a southern middle aged version of Entourage.

Bravo made him cast women and he cast Jenna, the punk rock mistress. Someone on the Bravo side cast Cameran, a reality show vet who was 2 seconds away from being married and making the huge career change of doing real estate...part-time.

Shep brought Danni. And it seemed like there was an open call, which is how Kathryn muscled her way into the cast. Shep would later bring in Landon and I guess Austen. Craig brought Naomie. Cooper was on the fringes and production promoted him for 2 seasons.

Except for Craig, who I hate about 50% of the time, I can't stand anyone that Whitney cast. I used to like Shep, but he's been insufferable for at least 2 seasons.

In the Savanah cast, I liked Daniel the most. I felt so badly for Hannah with her father's diatribe caught on camera. That Catherine and Lyle proposal was hilarious. I've read that when a man does a big splashy public proposal, the woman usually says yes, but about half of the yeses turn into a no in private. The woman initially says yes to protect the guy from public humiliation.

Edited by HunterHunted
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When they Happy and her bf walked in and Ashley was standing alone in that dark warehouse waiting pensively it reminded me of the Amazing Race checkpoints with Phil lol. 

Daniel and Happy's fiancé Azam were the only some what likable cast members for me. I think they aren't especially entertaining, good looking, or cool but their appeal is magnified by who they are surrounded by. 

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6 minutes ago, Petunia13 said:

Daniel and Happy's fiancé Azam were the only some what likable cast members for me. I think they aren't especially entertaining, good looking, or cool but their appeal is magnified by who they are surrounded by. 

Yeah I think this might be the worst/most boring cast that Bravo has produced since that stupid Euro trash show, usually there is at least a few cast members that are interesting. 

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So....was that supposed to be a cliff hanger for the next season or did my DVR cut off?

I really wanted to like this show as the original recipe Southern Charm is wearing thin on the charm.  

I thought I would be rooting for Ashley but Catherine stole my heart for some reason.  Yes, Catherine is a closet drunk but who doesn't love a "NO!" for a "I just want to fucking marry you?"  LOL

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Yeah, this show was terrible.  But I just have to say that while I sympathized with Ashley about the folks not showing up, (even though a party shouldn't hinge on 6 people showing up), but homegirl, if you had come at me the way you came at Happy and told me to get the fuck out, Bravo would have had some wayyyyyy better footage to air for this shitshow...

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On 6/28/2017 at 2:54 PM, HunterHunted said:

And it seemed like there was an open call, which is how Kathryn muscled her way into the cast.

Kathryn strategically made her way on the show... I read she went to open calls but was never cast but she always showed up as an 'extra' for the parties and stuff and then she went around trying to land one of the guys and she got so lucky to get pregnant by Thomas. BOOM - instant cast member lol 

She had a plan and was successful at doing it... just sad the way it turned out. She was set for life if she could have just kept her life straight.


Now that this is over.... now we have to go through another city?  Hopefully they cast a bit better.  I think this could have been successful but Ashley was way to out there trying to create drama. 

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19 minutes ago, gunderda said:

Kathryn strategically made her way on the show... I read she went to open calls but was never cast but she always showed up as an 'extra' for the parties and stuff and then she went around trying to land one of the guys and she got so lucky to get pregnant by Thomas. BOOM - instant cast member lol 

She had a plan and was successful at doing it... just sad the way it turned out. She was set for life if she could have just kept her life straight.


Now that this is over.... now we have to go through another city?  Hopefully they cast a bit better.  I think this could have been successful but Ashley was way to out there trying to create drama. 

That would explain Kathryn's Crayola red hair to grab the guys' attention. It's funny because I feel like Naomie is trying a less predatory version of this strategy. I think she cares for Craig, but that she'd be quite happy if she had storylines that had absolutely nothing to do with him too.

The thing that is the biggest disappointment about SC: Savanah is that I never really got a good sense of what Savanah was like. The show never did a great job at showcasing the city. It's a shame. I've heard it's lovely.

New Orleans is a lovely city. I hope they've cast better.

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