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Ice Cream

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My parents bought our family an ice cream maker and a Ben and Jerry's recipe book.  Since then, every time we have guests, we make home made ice cream.  The fact that it's so easy is threatening my waist line.

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This forum is turning into a big threat to my waistline, what with the doughnut thread and this one.  


I like just about any ice cream, except licorice.  I'm quite partial to Baskin Robbins chocolate almond.

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I am not a huge ice cream fan, but one thing I miss is Ben and Jerry's cashew ice cream. It was a perfect blend of sweet cream with a little salty from the cashew's...yum. I have not been able to find ANYTHING like it.


On another, UO, not, I am one of the rare breeds who don't like a whole lot of "stuff" (My word is crap) in food. The trend of filling ice creak with swirls/chunks/cores and everything else just irritates me. I don't even like chocolate chip cookies. When I was a kid I used to eat the cookie batter and spit the chips out. Nuts I'm okay with, but still not a whole lot of them. However, filed under the contradictions folder, I do like Haagan Daaz chocolate chocolate chip ice cream. I think because rather than little chips the chocolate if almost like shavings.

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I was so excited this weekend when I found pints of Ashby's Ice Cream at my local grocery store, they typically only wholesale to ice cream shops, and not only did they have it, but had my two favorite flavors Nan's Banana Pudding (banana ice cream, marshmallow swirl, nilla waffer pieces) and Jacked Up Tennesee Toffee. Nom. So good. 


When I was a good I was very particular about stuff being in my ice cream, and found chocolate and vanilla equally boring, but luckily we had a Haagen Daaz shop in our neighborhood and I LOVED their honey ice cream. When I was teenager I was finally won over by "stuff" in my ice cream with Frudgen Gladje's Prailine Pecan. Too bad it doesn't exist anymore.


Oh and I concur 100% about cinnamon flavored ice cream/gelato, it's amazing.

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It's funny reading about whether or not people like 'stuff' in their ice cream.  Growing up, I generally liked my ice cream 'plain'. I didn't mind little bits of strawberry in my strawberry ice cream and I was okay with pecans in my butter pecan, but that was it.  Then, as an adult, all of a sudden ice cream with crunchy stuff was good.  (I think it started with banana split ice cream from Blue Bell.)  I still don't care for ice cream with chocolate chips in it (they are too hard and crunchy) or marshmallows (I only like them burned to a crisp from a campfire), but any else is okay for the most part.

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My heart was broken the day I brought home Breyer's "frozen dairy dessert." I forget what the flavor was, but I went to scoop some and noticed that it didn't say "ice cream" on the package. It had a weird texture and somehow didn't seem as cold as ice cream. I threw it out after a couple spoonfuls. I'm super careful with my selections in the ice cream section now

Many of us are old enough to remember when Breyer's ran ads in the late 1980s actively mocking ingredients such as guar gum, carageenan and the like that were found in competing brands. Now some of their stuff is so full of chemicals and additives, they can't even legally call it "ice cream."

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The very first of our local strawberries are out. Yeah, it's June 20.   It's been a lousy spring.   I decided to use up the remainder of last year's berries from the freezer and make ice cream.  I didn't have quite enough strawberries, so I topped it up with raspberries.  It's still churning away, but I keep sticking my spoon in to taste and it is awesome. 

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I remember when I was growing up in Las Vegas (Nellis AFB) my mom would get this ice cream flavor, dutch chocolate, that was fantastic.This was in the early 80's, and though I've tried other dutch chocolate ice cream's since then, nothing has captured that taste. I'm probably going to not explain this very well, but it wasn't sweet like chocolate ice cream now. It had, what I can only describe as a "bite" to it, not bitter, and not a dark chocolate flavor. I always want to day it kind of reminded me of cocoa powder versus a creamy cocoa taste. I have a friend who grew up in Colombia, and like me she's not a huge ice cream fan, but we got to talking about the food one time and I mentioned this ice cream flavor. She looked astonished and said she knew exactly what I meant, she had it when she was a kid and young adult (she's a few years older than me so 80's would still be right). She has never had it since either.


Anyone know what I'm talking about or am I just crazy??!!

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Godiva used to make a chocolate ice cream that had just the flavour you are describing, and it was the exact same taste as their chocolate liqueur.  

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Anyone here over the age of 12 like Dippin'Dots? Working beside a DD vendor at my second job has gotten me fairly addicted to them myself, especially to the banana split flavor, chocolate chip cookie dough and rainbow. I dunno what it is about those tiny balls of delight that get me going, but the taste and texture of it is such a nice departure from the typical sweet bliss of ice cream. Which kinda makes me wonder what in the Hell actually *is* DippinDots made from and how unhealthy is it really?!

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Thrifty ice cream! Chocolate malted crunch, chocolate chip and rocky road.

Also any super rich vanilla. I love Yogurtlands Madagascar vanilla bean.

And yes, I've been known to eat dippin dots when I see a stand.

Edited by theredhead77
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Anyone here over the age of 12 like Dippin'Dots? Working beside a DD vendor at my second job has gotten me fairly addicted to them myself, especially to the banana split flavor, chocolate chip cookie dough and rainbow. I dunno what it is about those tiny balls of delight that get me going, but the taste and texture of it is such a nice departure from the typical sweet bliss of ice cream. Which kinda makes me wonder what in the Hell actually *is* DippinDots made from and how unhealthy is it really?!

Here's a YouTube video explaining how to make your own: 

They don't seem to be any unhealthier than any other ice cream, although the liquid nitrogen seems kind of horror-movie-ish. I don't care for them myself--too cold and hard. I like ice cream best when it's starting to melt just a bit.

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I was talking with family over the 4th of July holiday, and the subject of favorite ice cream came up.  My brother reminded me of how good K & B Drug Store ice cream was 'back in the day'.  K & B was a chain in New Orleans that spread through the Gulf Coast South (with their signature 'K & B purple' color on everything).  They offered good-tasting ice cream at a reasonable price.  I especially remember their Creole Cream Cheese ice cream, which was not too sweet.  It was good on its own or with sweeter things added, such as fruit toppings.  Alas, K & B is no more (I think they were bought out by the Rite Aid chain years ago).  I know that Blue Bell (when it comes back) offers a Creole CC ice cream, but I'm not sure if there are other brands available.

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The closest Baskin Robbins is about 75 miles away, but it's in a city that I visit fairly often due to work.  I might just have to stop by there next time I visit and pick up a little ice cream for myself!  Thanks!

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Ben & Jerry's Peanut Butter Cup or Phish Food.

Question: Do they still make ice cream cake rolls? I seriously want one for my birthday this year.

I don't know if there are any in grocery stores, or other "regular" stores, which sell ice cream products. Have you asked at, like, Dairy Queen, Baskin-Robbins, or other "ice cream-centric" chains in your area (the regional or other not-quite-national chains)?

It also shouldn't be that hard to actually make your own. Just make a "jelly roll" type cake--I'm pretty sure you can make any flavor of cake you want--& substitute your favorite ice cream flavor for the jelly filling; then, presumably, freeze it for a bit so the ice cream solidifies some; & I suppose you could put whatever you wanted (whipped cream, more ice cream--which would involve more freezer time to set that up--etc.), if you wanted, on the outside of the cake.

Edited by BW Manilowe
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A couple of days ago, I saw a link on Face Book about Creemees (what we Vermonters call soft serve ice cream, but it's made a bit differently, so it's a bit thicker and creamier than usual soft serve) and it was talking about Black Raspberry Creemees.  Black Raspberry ice cream is the only fruit ice cream that I like.  I love it.

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When I ate ice cream it was mostly from Baskin Robbins but hen I found out they were (still do) use the cheapest plus uhealthy ingredients while charging premiu prices. That started me with label reading. Now I don'teat cmercial brands, just make my own non-dairy indulgence.

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Tillamook is making ice cream now - anyone tried it?


That's been around for a long time, but maybe it's just now widely available.  Anyway, they use more "natural flavors" than actual vanilla in some of their vanilla flavors, and generally have a bunch of unnecessary ingredients (although they are getting rid of many of those this year) and use corn syrup, so it's not my bag.  But it tastes better than a lot of ice creams using similar ingredients, I'll give them that.  And the old-fashioned vanilla and vanilla bean get their flavor from, you know, vanilla.

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There is an ice cream truck in my city that makes frozen custard (traditional) style ice cream. It is always good, but they made a Black Sesame flavour this past weekend. It was perfect. One of the best ice creams I've had in a long time. It wasn't too sweet and retained that nutty, toasty flavour. It was a greyish-white colour mostly. The owner of the truck said she often saw it as very black, but we both assumed that there is a lot of colouring involved in the commercial versions you get. It's too bad she doesn't sell it by the bucket.

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Blue Bell ice cream when back to the stores in my area (Houston) on Aug. 31.  There was lots of news coverage and all the stores had signs up that said Limit 2 per customer.


There was plenty of Blue Bell that first day and a few weeks later, the signs are still up and the freezer shelves still have plenty left.


I never was overly impressed with Blue Bell - it wasn't anything special to me.

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I never was overly impressed with Blue Bell - it wasn't anything special to me.


I agree. I mean, it's good, don't get me wrong. They do some pretty neat "exclusive"/unique flavors sometimes. But at least here in my neck of the woods (North Carolina) it's super-duper expensive. Damn near Ben & Jerry's expensive. And while it's good, it's not worth those prices when there's perfectly good ice cream right next to it on the shelf for half the price. The only time I even consider buying it these days is when there's an interesting new (or returning limited-issue) flavor. I'm willing to spend that kind of $ on Ben & Jerry's, but Blue Bell just isn't on that level.

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I agree. I mean, it's good, don't get me wrong. They do some pretty neat "exclusive"/unique flavors sometimes. But at least here in my neck of the woods (North Carolina) it's super-duper expensive. Damn near Ben & Jerry's expensive. And while it's good, it's not worth those prices when there's perfectly good ice cream right next to it on the shelf for half the price. The only time I even consider buying it these days is when there's an interesting new (or returning limited-issue) flavor. I'm willing to spend that kind of $ on Ben & Jerry's, but Blue Bell just isn't on that level.

That's how I feel.  I've heard positive things about some of their limited edition flavors, but haven't really found a flavor that peeked my interest enough to try.  I gave the HEB store brand a try after reading a positive review of the vanilla - I found it very good!  And while pricey, it goes on sale every couple weeks so I just time my purchases.


I love B & Js Cherry Garcia, but wait until it is on sale (under $3/pint).  We've got a fair number of competing (sp?  someone switched my brain to "off" today) grocery stores plus drug stores that someone almost always has it on sale.  Works for me.

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I've been on an ice cream kick the last few weeks (pregnancy hormones). Ben and Jerry's has been my go to. They have a core ice cream out now which features different favors with a center that is either chocolate or caramel all the way through. OMG! My favorite so far is the Boom Chocolatta Cookie Core. It has mocha and caramel ice creams with chocolate cookies, fudge flakes and a chocolate cookie core. I've been joking with friends that I'm either carrying a real baby or an ice cream baby in my belly!

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Hmmm...I'm just an ordinary ice cream person.  I've always preferred vanilla (I have gotten daring a few times in my life--Hagen Daz coconut, the only ice cream I ever ate out of the container...one time...while I was all alone--why don't they make it any more?).  Nowadays, I only buy Blue Bunny No Sugar Added vanilla which IMO is wonderful.  It tastes very vanilla-y and best of all, when I get it home it's still hard as a rock (cannot abide when the container can be squeezed and the ice cream is softening).  It's also light but to me doesn't taste as though I'm missing out on anything.  Love to pour pastel sprinkles all over it too.  I guess I'm not an ice cream pro.

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Blue Bell ice cream is back in the stores in my area (finally).  I bought a pint of Almond Pistachio.  It will probably be my last one for a while (unless I can locate a pint of the peppermint flavor), since I have to get back on the 'healthy eating wagon' immediately after Christmas.

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Almonds AND pistachioes?? I like nuts, but not in ice cream. I just want to savor, not stop and chew.


It's almond flavored ice cream with pistachios.  There are a lot of pistachios, though.  (It's funny.  I used to like my ice cream 'plain', with no fruit, nuts, etc.--except for mushed-up strawberries in strawberry ice cream.  I guess my tastes have changed, because I'm okay with some nuts and fruit.  But, plain is good, too.)

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Has anybody tried Blue Bell's "Holly-doodle?"  I really don't know how to describe the flavor, but it's a rich vanilla with small cinnamon nuggets, then there are large stripes of green-tinted buttercream, and lastly, chunks of snickerdoodle cookie dough. It's very rich and has such a pronounced flavor combination that a little goes a long way. But, it's very good!


During the entire holiday season, I also had Blue Bell's spiced pumpkin pie and peppermint varieties. I definitely need to go back to good old Belfonte LIGHT Old-fashioned Vanilla!

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Has anybody tried Blue Bell's "Holly-doodle?"  I really don't know how to describe the flavor, but it's a rich vanilla with small cinnamon nuggets, then there are large stripes of green-tinted buttercream, and lastly, chunks of snickerdoodle cookie dough. It's very rich and has such a pronounced flavor combination that a little goes a long way. But, it's very good!


I know that Blue Bell is still producing only a limited array of flavors, so I looked this up.  It looks like it's Blue Bunny that makes this flavor.  Nevertheless, it looks really good!   I might have to give it a try if it's still available.  Thanks for mentioning it!


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A great dessert that I had at someone's  home several years ago was a popover, with a scoop of peppermint ice cream inside, fudge-y sauce and whipped cream.  I loved it so much I made it for company two weeks later (but I couldn't find peppermint ice cream so I mixed some smashed up candy canes in slightly softened vanilla ice cream and refroze it).

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^^^ Good stuff. 


And so brilliant - my son likes chocolate and my daughter likes vanilla.  They aren't so picky that a little of the other getting in the scoop short circuits them.  Young DeLurker would have been fussing over it (although it would have been eaten after the fussin').

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I did.  It was good, but I was underwhelmed by the Speculoos core.  Personally, I find Speculoos more enjoyable with the crunch, so the cookie butter or ice creamed versions fall short for me.


It gave me the idea to make Speculoo Ice Cream Sandwich/Cookies though - which are a delight in my house.

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Since I live in St. Louis, I do have a great love for Ted Drews frozen custard. And Ronnie's Rocky Mtn cones are awesome. But a local market has started selling a California made brand called McConnell's (sp?) and each flavor has been outstanding. Pricey, oh yeah. But delicious and worth the splurge every once in awhile.

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