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S03.E01: Episode 1

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Episode Synopsis:

The year is 1794, and Ross Poldark throws himself into the business of repairing Nampara, and rebuilding his relationship with Demelza. However, Elizabeth's pregnancy continues to cast a shadow over the pair's marriage. Young Geoffrey Charles is placed in the care of a new governess, and he and Poldark bond over their shared hatred of George. Meanwhile, Demelza visits her dying father at the behest of her brothers, who have taken up Methodism, and Elizabeth places both her own life and that of her unborn child in danger when she tries to hide the fact that she has gone into labour early.

EVERYTHING about the episode was perfection! Loved seeing the kids (even if Ross and Demelza's was really brief), and some new characters! The black moon, three people on the brink of death, all the snide comments, especially from fearless Aunt Agatha, and the knowing looks between people who understand how pregnancy works! Great start to the season!

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So we're back to season 1 Ross playing the hero and mostly being lauded for it as the Warleggans continue to demonstrate that they're terrible people and that's why nobody really likes them.  Meanwhile, Ross is peeping in windows and dramatically sprinting across the shore to properly show his anguish as he and Demelza both dance all around the issue of Valentine.   God, this show is the very best kind of overwrought melodrama.

Poor Dwight loses out on a wedding night because Geoffrey Charles has to be everywhere in this episode and manages to see absolutely everybody.   Demelza's brother has some serious eyebrows.

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It certainly held my attention, though the show has no subtlety whatsoever in what couples will be shipped--from the moment that Demelza's cute younger brother (too bad his curls aren't red like hers...) and the governess were introduced in the same episode, it was glaringly obvious they would be a couple, even before that chance meeting.  But, I am glad that Demelza and Ross have made up after all the misery of last year.

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To be clear, this is an old fashioned "bodice ripper" with a bit of Cornish history thrown in.  I adore this sort of British series, I am also really into Versailles which also takes a camp gloss on History. Yes having Ross eavesdrop on the Warleggan's and  have a possible clue to Valentine's true parentage was cheesy-->but I LOVE cheese! (pun intended.)

Also I still think that the best chemistry in the show is between the Actors playing Dwight and Caroline.

Edited by LiveenLetLive
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My heart still breaks for Demelza. She knows what Elizabeth's "early" delivery really means and it galls me that she'll have this living reminder of Ross' betrayal running around. 


23 hours ago, nodorothyparker said:

So we're back to season 1 Ross playing the hero

I still like Ross and am interested in his story (and I LOVE Aidan!) but I don't view him the same way as I did in the first season. Much like Demelza, the rose tinted glasses are off.  Not that I thought he was perfect in S1; he had flaws, i.e. arrogance, stubbornness, pride, a bit of self-righteousness, anger management issues, poor decision making, etc. 

Aunt Agatha continues to launch some amazing verbal zingers.  I was wondering why George even tolerates her, why he doesn't ship her off to the "lesser" Poldarks of Nampara, but then he had her carried, chair and all, to her room. Though I quite like crusty, ol' Aunt Agatha, I had to laugh at that.

Morwenna is really pretty but, yes, the pairing of her and Drake practically glowed in neon letters.  And just in time to mess up Ross' and George's agreement to stay the hell out of each other's lives.

Geoffrey Charles, like most tv children, is everywhere but where his parents think he is.  Glad he has George's number though.

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On 12/06/2017 at 7:51 PM, Glade said:

It certainly held my attention, though the show has no subtlety whatsoever in what couples will be shipped--from the moment that Demelza's cute younger brother (too bad his curls aren't red like hers...) and the governess were introduced in the same episode, it was glaringly obvious they would be a couple, even before that chance meeting.  But, I am glad that Demelza and Ross have made up after all the misery of last year.

This. It was as subtle as an anvil drop. An anvil with bells attached.

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On 6/11/2017 at 11:40 PM, NorthstarATL said:

EVERYTHING about the episode was perfection! Loved seeing the kids (even if Ross and Demelza's was really brief), and some new characters! The black moon, three people on the brink of death, all the snide comments, especially from fearless Aunt Agatha, and the knowing looks between people who understand how pregnancy works! Great start to the season!

@NorthstarATL, I totally agree. Your post was dead on, in my opinion.  Holy Crap!!!!  I did not realize that there was a Poldark forum here. I've been posting comments on all the American TV show sites, while not realizing that one of the best shows on BBC One has a forum right here. Okay, I'm an American, but I seriously love British TV, and "Poldark 2015" is one of my favorites. This episode was outstanding!!!  Not only did they replay the seriously badass Demelza, knocking the sh*t out of Ross when she realized that he slept with the "Great lips, but stoically deficient Elizabeth", but they brought Ross' nephew back (young but aware and intent on pissing off George), Aunt Agatha, Doc. Enys and Caroline, and all the old crew back. (I missed Verity a helluva lot, as besides Demelza, she's one of my favorite characters)  Loved the snark from Aunt Agatha and also loved all the side glances and grunts from each character as they reacted to others' comments. (Especially Aunt Agatha with her 8-month old comments and Elizabeth with her many attempts to deliver Valentine early to throw off any suspicion) Demelza, as always, was as sharp as ever and knew what was afoot.  Eleanor Tomlinson brings Demelza to new heights and her smile is one of the brightest smiles I've ever seen. I watched the 1st season of the 2015 Poldark before I watched the original and truth be told, the original doesn't hold a candle in my opinion. I know there are a lot of fans who favor the original over the remake, but truth be told, Demelza DOES look like a boy in the original, and while I may think less of Elizabeth, Heida Reed looks a LOT less ghostly than Jill Townsend.

Glad it's back!!!!


On 6/15/2017 at 11:28 PM, Pogojoco said:

George's uncle telling him that he doesn't get why Elizabeth is a thing for any of these men was hilarious. 

I don't get it either. (hahahaha) 

Those two men are blind! My female friends think that I would prefer Elizabeth, and while she is attractive and has great lips, I think she's a little Prima Donna. I much prefer Demeleza with that unruly red hair, fiery temperament, and her take no prisoners attitude.

Edited by Jacks-Son
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12 hours ago, Jacks-Son said:



Those two men are blind! My female friends think that I would prefer Elizabeth, and while she is attractive and has great lips, I think she's a little Prima Donna. I much prefer Demeleza with that unruly red hair, fiery temperament, and her take no prisoners attitude.

Why it's funny for me on Ross' part is that he continuously wants to toss aside his aristocratic connections but keeps wanting the most useless aspect of them, which is Elizabeth. Demelza is better suited to him in just about every way- she pushes him, she calls him out, she is used to hard work (Elizabeth is not going to work on that farm)- not to mention insanely beautiful. If he actually had Elizabeth, he'd get bored so quickly. She is great looking, though. 

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26 minutes ago, Pogojoco said:

Why it's funny for me on Ross' part is that he continuously wants to toss aside his aristocratic connections but keeps wanting the most useless aspect of them, which is Elizabeth. Demelza is better suited to him in just about every way- she pushes him, she calls him out, she is used to hard work (Elizabeth is not going to work on that farm)- not to mention insanely beautiful. If he actually had Elizabeth, he'd get bored so quickly. She is great looking, though. 

I agree. While, you cannot go wrong with either, I much prefer Demelza. To me, she is the true star of the show, from a male's perspective at least. She's come a long way from the girl whom Ross saved along with Garrick. Her maturation from the uncouth, awkward kitchen help to one of the most desired females in Cornwall is a truly wonderful story.


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Finally got to watch the episode.  I didn't realize how much I missed this show until this episode.  My heart still breaks for Demelza.  To now have that constant reminder of Ross' betrayal is going to sting. I still love to hate George.  Him thinking he is always 2 steps ahead of Ross and then realizing he is not is great. How I have missed Aunt Agatha and her smart mouth but dare I say Geoffrey Charles is a close second to her caddiness.

Can't wait until the next episode.

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24 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

The reason why Demelza's brother doesn't have red hair is because in the book Demelza herself has BLACK curly hair.  In fact the book talks about her black curls often.  I wonder why the color of Demelza's hair was changed for the TV adaptation.

All the women have had their hair colour changed for this TV adaptation. Demelza's was done primarily because back in 1975 the part was played by red-headed Angharad Rees, who was massively popular in the role - all the blurb I saw before this adaptation aired said that because of that, the producers felt that Demelza was cemented in the public consciousness as a redhead, despite being brunette in the novels, so they wanted their Demelza to also be a redhead.

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I had forgotten how much I liked Poldark because I was annoyed at Ross and Elizabeth's affair, but I am so glad it's back.  (I am kind of a Ross/Elizabeth shipper but I was hoping for it when they got older, after Demelza had died.)

Elizabeth and George are so freaking ungrateful.  If you cannot be polite for 5 minutes after Ross has saved you and your baby, then you deserve what you get.  I did wonder if Elizabeth was trying to hurt herself or the baby.

Demelza's brothers are cute, especially Drake.  I guess they needed new young, star-crossed lovers because Caroline and Dwight are now married.  I do like how Morwenna and Geoffrey Charles immediately took to each other.

I have decided that Geoffrey Charles is the best of the lot--which of course means something will happen to him.  

The way George keeps referring to the "Warleggan heir" is so annoying, but amusing since we know he is not a Warleggan.  I will give George credit for defending Elizabeth to his uncle.

Once again, Ross is short-sighted.  How could he refuse the opportunity to be magistrate, knowing the other option was George? He has to know that George cannot possibly be just and impartial in dealings.  What a selfish move that will clearly come back to haunt everyone!  I really think he brings trouble upon himself.

What was up with that moon?  At first, I thought it was an eclipse, but it did not appear to be.  

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19 minutes ago, graybrown bird said:

Watched the first hour of this and then turned it off, bored.  Were scenes always this short and choppy?

Pretty much, yes. That's been one of the regular criticisms of the show from the start. It's what happens when you try to stuff two lengthy novels into each season, with a central directive of 'fast-paced'.

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2 hours ago, nara said:

I had forgotten how much I liked Poldark because I was annoyed at Ross and Elizabeth's affair, but I am so glad it's back.  (I am kind of a Ross/Elizabeth shipper but I was hoping for it when they got older, after Demelza had died.)

Elizabeth and George are so freaking ungrateful.  If you cannot be polite for 5 minutes after Ross has saved you and your baby, then you deserve what you get.  I did wonder if Elizabeth was trying to hurt herself or the baby.

Demelza's brothers are cute, especially Drake.  I guess they needed new young, star-crossed lovers because Caroline and Dwight are now married.  I do like how Morwenna and Geoffrey Charles immediately took to each other.

I have decided that Geoffrey Charles is the best of the lot--which of course means something will happen to him.  

The way George keeps referring to the "Warleggan heir" is so annoying, but amusing since we know he is not a Warleggan.  I will give George credit for defending Elizabeth to his uncle.

Once again, Ross is short-sighted.  How could he refuse the opportunity to be magistratein dealings.  What a selfish move that will clearly come back to haunt everyone!  I really think he brings trouble upon himself.

What was up with that moon?  At first, I thought it was an eclipse, but it did not appear to be.  

 So agree with your statement.  Last year a lot of people hated him because of how he treated Demelza. I did not like his actions but he was always a man of the people who fought for his workers.  He could do some real good and yet he turns it down knowing Geoge would replace him. Vey short sighted. Roos lets his pride get int he way. It is ao irritating.

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4 hours ago, nara said:

Once again, Ross is short-sighted.  How could he refuse the opportunity to be magistrate, knowing the other option was George? He has to know that George cannot possibly be just and impartial in dealings.  What a selfish move that will clearly come back to haunt everyone!  I really think he brings trouble upon himself.

Ross explained why he turned the position down: He'd have to be "fair," which isn't the same thing as just. Or something like that, i.e., following the law doesn't always mean you get the appropriate outcome. I also wonder if he's thinking George as magistrate might hoist him by his own petard.

Aunt Agatha was the MVP of the episode, IMO. She's like a much crankier, much pithier dowager countess of Grantham. It cracks me up that George can't quite dare to get rid of her. (I think Elizabeth would give him an earful if he did.)

When Geoffrey Charles, Morwenna, and Drake were in that cave, I was afraid GC would get swept out to sea and drowned, and Drake would get blamed for it and arrested. I was relieved nothing happened. That said, there's tragedy for someone ahead. It's inevitable.

Edited by dubbel zout
correct names are useful
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56 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Ross explained why he turned the position down: He'd have to be "fair," which isn't the same thing as just. Or something like that, i.e., following the law doesn't always mean you get the appropriate outcome. I also wonder if he's thinking George as magistrate might hoist him by his own petard.


I get his reasons but now they will have someone who is neither fair nor just 

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Haven't started Season 3 yet, but can anyone tell me if there's any difference between the episodes that are being shown on my local PBS station and the episodes that are available on the Masterpiece Channel through Amazon? The Masterpiece on Amazon channel listing  describes each episode  as "full UK-length Edition".  Each is about 57- 59 minutes long.  The first PBS episode is 2 hours.  ???

11 hours ago, nara said:

Elizabeth and George are so freaking ungrateful.  If you cannot be polite for 5 minutes after Ross has saved you and your baby, then you deserve what you get.  I did wonder if Elizabeth was trying to hurt herself or the baby.

What was up with that moon?  At first, I thought it was an eclipse, but it did not appear to be.  

My assumption was that Elizabeth didn't actually fling herself down the stairs -- she just broke the urn and then laid down at the bottom of the stairs. Dwight said she didn't have any signs of outward trauma, and she'd have had major bruises if she had actually taken a tumble.

I had to look up what the heck was going on with the moon, because that was just some weird effects. Apparently there was a lunar eclipse in England at the time the novel was set, so it was probably the inspiration. And I think they were going for a blood moon eclipse with the reddishness at times.

So glad to have Poldark back! I love all the eye candy -- actor and landscape.

Edited by Souris
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1 hour ago, Souris said:

My assumption was that Elizabeth didn't actually fling herself down the stairs -- she just broke the urn and then laid down at the bottom of the stairs. Dwight said she didn't have any signs of outward trauma, and she'd have had major bruises if she had actually taken a tumble.

To clarify, I meant the riding scene not the stairs scene 

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The first hour was 11/10 for me. It was as ridiculous as the season 2 finale. Nana Poldark continues to be the queen supreme of the show. It was wonderful. Did you see how she casted that shadow over the moon and then promptly claimed 2 victims with her magical voodoo? Truly inspiring. Sadly the third victim managed to slip through her fingers (*whispers* elizabeth...). She even cast a curse on george (and/or bby valentine?)! I was kinda expecting the baby to be born with a forked tail with how things were going.

Then we jumped from the witching hour to pirates. Like...what???

Now for the serious stuff. My memory must be terrible because i felt like I missed some episodes or something (even though i didn't).

First of all, didn't demelza at the end of season 2 say she was gonna peace out for a while and spend time with her horrible family? And since when does she get along with her brothers? The last i remember of them (they were both recasted, weren't they?) they were two bumbling goons following their crappy father around????? Did i miss something???

Next is Jeffy boy. How old is he supposed to be? 6ish?7ish? Because he seems more like 10ish at least and it's throwing me off especially when I'm pretty sure Verity's baby should look a little bit older than it does (i can't remember, was the baby a boy or girl?). At least Jeffy boy is taking after Nana Poldark when it comes to sass. She's taught him well.

I noticed how many hairstyles Ross went through during the episode. Their was the perm look, the windswept curls look and the larger ringlets. I wonder who does his hair? His iq continues to match elizabeth's though. First she never fathomed the baby being born earlier and now ross seems to have no clue that the baby could be his and elizabeth just took a tumble down the stairs. Really? 

Speaking of elizabeth's master plan, i suppose they weren't knowledgable enough back then to consider that horseback riding like that could have induced and early labor, because otherwise she could have used that as an excuse instead of a tumble down the stairs.

George needs to take a chill pill. Boy was about to crack at the mere suggestion that maybe ross was offered the magistrate position before him.

Uncle Warleggan can go away. The way he was talking about the baby and elizabeth...very aggrivating. 

Good to see verity again! And morwenna seems like a good addition and drake is okay. The other brother can go away though. His preaching stuff was getting annoying. 

The lunar eclipse special effects were not very good imo. It started out fne, but then when everything was all red and glowy it looked so fake and atrocious. Most lunar eclipses i've seen never get that ridiculously red and glowy (unless it happened during a strawberry or blood moon?) They're usually a rusty dull color. Meh. 

Most of the characters managed not to get under my skin this week so i hope that continues. Season 2 was very frustrating.

Edited by HoodlumSheep
1 hour ago, HoodlumSheep said:

Speaking of elizabeth's master plan, i suppose they weren't knowledgable enough back then to consider that horseback riding like that could have induced and early labor, because otherwise she could have used that as an excuse instead of a tumble down the stairs.

George needs to take a chill pill. Boy was about to crack at the mere suggestion that maybe ross was offered the magistrate position before him.

Uncle Warleggan can go away. The way he was talking about the baby and elizabeth...very aggrivating. 

I think that was her purpose, to induce labor. I believe that's why she was so angry with Ross because he interrupted her efforts. George was just angry because he's an ass. My problem with that scene is that in her efforts to induce labor and fake a premature birth, she could have crushed Valentine in the womb.

As far as George needing to take a chill pill, when has he he not needed to take one? The mere suggestion? We all know George was the second choice, including Aunt Agatha as she took great delight in needling George.

Cory Warleggan is and will always be, a complete and utter asshole. I think he sleeps with that dog, also.

I did some googling & wiki'ing and found that there was indeed a lunar eclipse, plainly visible from the UK, on February 14, 1794.  The book this part of the season is based on is Black Moon, and indeed Valentine Warleggan was born under the black moon on Valentine's Day....  According to the source I found, this was an impressive eclipse, especially if you like most of the human race through history had no idea it was coming nor any idea what it was, besides ominous.  And the moon being very orange after totality was apparently an effect of the sun shining/bending through the earth's atmosphere....  Anyway, I enjoyed it in a way that I could not back when I read Black Moon the first time, 4 (gulp) decades ago.

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1 hour ago, Magnumfangirl said:

So that was supposed to be a lunar eclipse?  It just looked like clouds passing in front of a full moon.  

I know! At first I was thinking, Haven't these people seen a moon behind the clouds before? Or a crescent moon? And then when it got spookier I realized it was a lunar eclipse and I calmed down, LOL. But I think the show could have done a better job with that. Even if it wouldn't have been accurate, messing with the lighting would have indicated more clearly the eclipse was something unusual.

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YASSSSSS!!!! DOUBLE DOSE of the purty with ❤️?????❤️Sam Heughan❤️?????❤️on Outlander, and ❤️?????❤️Aidan ❤️?????❤️on Poldark!

Ahem. AHEM.

So a great start, but one thing kept running through my head...where is Prudie’s husband (whose name is escaping me?) My finger twitches whenever I see George on my screen and I want to just hit my fast forward button, but I don't because I'm afraid I'll miss some vital information. Elizabeth just bores me and no one will convince me she wasn't trying to cause a miscarriage. At first I thought the opening scene of her horse getting away from her was some dream, that she would fall over the cliffs and then wake up screaming.

I won't lie, I was giggling and smiling like a tween when Ross and Demelza were kissing and cuddling in bed.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
Because getting the correct name is important
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On 10/3/2017 at 0:12 PM, 12catcrazy said:

Good double episode - sucked me in pretty well!  I think Ross suspects that baby Valentine is his - I think Demelza KNOWS it's his.  This show is such a pretty soap opera, but the only thing missing is giving George a mustache to twirl. 

They've made Ross a gray character, but George is all evil.  He has no redeeming qualities or quirks to balance the evil. 

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I enjoyed reading all of your comments.  This episode was a great start to the season.  To be honest, I had grown a little weary of the show last season and wasn't highly anticipating this new season.  I had started to tire of the Ross/Demelza/Elizabeth triangle even though it did end with a bang last season.  This first episode changed me back into a big fan and I can't wait to see more!

Aunt Agatha never disappoints and now young Geoffrey Charles is becoming interesting.  As much as I loathe George, I love watching his interaction with Aunt Agatha.  I still can't stand Elizabeth and feel she's probably where she belongs, bought by equally unlikable George.  My feelings about Ross change as Demelza's change.  When he hurts her, I think he's a jerk.  Ross not accepting the magistrate's job was a disappointment.  Here he had an opportunity to help those he knew were treated unjustly and he turned it down.  It was also stupid because he just gave George even more power.

It's good that they are bringing in some new characters.  I'm already liking Drake and Morwenna.  How neat was it for Midsomer Murders fans to see both John Nettles (Barnaby) and John Hopkins (Scott) in the same episode?  I only wish they would have had a scene together.  

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First of all, boo to my DVR for not recording this episode. So thankful it's on demand.

I've missed this show so much. Aunt Agatha and Geoffrey Charles are the tag-team duo I never knew I needed. They are so great getting under George's skin. While a comparison of Agatha and Violet Crawley is apt, Violet had to assume a sense of decorum, while Agatha can't even begin to give a damn.

Part of me wished that Verity could have taken Aunt Agatha with her.

Demelza's brother Sam is super hot.

19 hours ago, Possum said:

It's good that they are bringing in some new characters.  I'm already liking Drake and Morwenna.  How neat was it for Midsomer Murders fans to see both John Nettles (Barnaby) and John Hopkins (Scott) in the same episode?  I only wish they would have had a scene together.  

I shook my fist in frustration because I wanted to see it so badly.

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