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S02.E22: Nevertheless, She Persisted

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I guess it's inevitable that this is also now Mon-El's show. He's now the leading man. 

The fight sequences were all fantastic. I loved the Supergirl vs Superman one the best. The Supergirl vs Queen Rhea one was good, but they were talking way too much. 

I was thrilled to see Winn/Lena in a scene together again. It's been so many episodes and I love their chemistry together. Lena's great, though I am sad that she replaced Winn as Kara's best friend. I think that's ultimately what's been wrong about this season. They've replaced the people closest in Kara's life with the new characters. They might as well send James off to Metropolis with Clark, since he has no use in National City. We first see him in this episode 40 minutes into the finale, and he's not even in his suit, but just with Cat. And Winn couldn't even get a scene with Kara. 

Since Mon-El will most likely show up early next season again, probably once the atmosphere goes back to normal, maybe Kara will get to share her scenes with others in the meantime. It would be nice if he stayed gone for a while, but he won't. 

It was nice to get an Alex/Kara scene, but then it was ruined by Kara not taking advantage of sister time and sending her off to Maggie. No, show, we actually WANT Alex/Kara scenes. 

Also, this show basically gave a big "Fuck You" to season one and James, with Kara claiming that Mon-El was the only person she loved. 

I've really missed Cat. Her role this episode was far better this time around, not that last episode's appearance was bad. I just missed her speeches to Kara. I accepted that she was Kara's mentor. And thank goodness, we get confirmation that Cat knows Kara is Supergirl. It's about time. Now, is that the last time we see Cat? Will she disappear again next season?

As for the ending, what? Maybe someone who's read comics can explain it to me. 

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So exactly how many people died because Kara couldnt quit Mon El... How much property was destroyed... Lets just go from the time they figured out they could use the lead box until the time they used it... Smh this was boring and dissapointing all around. 

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Damn. Poochy's planet needed him.

Good finale for Kara. She beat her Silver Kryptonite-addled cousin, and she repulsed the Daxamite invasion. Granted, she killed Rhea and Mon had to leave, and she's alone in a cast full of couples (does James count at all?), but she did persist. Oh, and there's a little more lead in the atmosphere. I know, trace amounts, but I'm still concerned.

Cat knows Kara is Supergirl. In other news, water is wet. I'd like to have her meet J'onn to ask him about posing as Kara.

A third Kryptonian? I haven't read the S3 synopsis. I have faith in the show, even though I would usually DVR it and watch Gotham.

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Well, that wasn't too bad. The actual method of getting the Daximites to leave was a surprise to me, but it was nice having Lex's mysterious box come back into play.

I liked Kara and Alex's little talk at the end-referencing when she earlier felt broken down after originally being rejected by Maggie, and now it was her turn to tell her sister she was proud of her.

So Mon-el went who-knows-where-or did he just get sucked in to the Phantom Zone.

And they confirmed Cat knows Kara is Supgergirl. Was wondering if they'd actually do that.

So what was "it" at the end?

Edited by StarBrand
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Since Mon-El will most likely show up early next season again, probably once the atmosphere goes back to normal, maybe Kara will get to share her scenes with others in the meantime. It would be nice if he stayed gone for a while, but he won't. 

I agree. I think Mon-el will be back next season. If they don't find him in the premiere they will later on. I like Mon-el when they don't over use him but it would be more interesting if they allowed Kara to lose him, deal with it and move on. But I don't see that happening. 


I loved that they confirmed Cat knows Kara is Supergirl. She would have to be an idiot not to at this point.



It was nice to get an Alex/Kara scene, but then it was ruined by Kara not taking advantage of sister time and sending her off to Maggie.

I was disappointed when Kara turned down Alex's offer to stay with her but it was a nice for them to share a meaningful scene when there has been too few of them this season. 

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Damn. Poochy's planet needed him.


I missed the last few minutes because of DWTS but from what I watched, I enjoyed.  Sad to be robbed of any Lois and Clark reunion (come ON, show!) but the first fight scene was so well done I was able to ignore the fact that a central piece was the DCTV Recycled Steps! 



 I have faith in the show, even though I would usually DVR it and watch Gotham.

Gotham moves to Thursday in the fall! 

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Wasn't bad though I feel like they took an easy way out. filter the Earths atmosphere permanently with lead.....even a small amount that somehow won't effect humans just doesn't gel with me. Especially that it is such a little amount that Daxams shrivel up and die while Kryptonians can be directly in line with Kryptonite and it just makes them really sick. 

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8 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Since Mon-El will most likely show up early next season again, probably once the atmosphere goes back to normal, maybe Kara will get to share her scenes with others in the meantime. It would be nice if he stayed gone for a while, but he won't. 

He got sucked into a wormhole, he could be gone for whole seasons. Time to search Google and the IMDB to see if Chris Wood has anything else lined up for next year.

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 Ok show, we get is.  Supergirl > Superman.  Show, don't tell.   The writing was so heavy handed you could rename the show Iron Fist.

 Hope there's no other innocent alien species who would be effected by the lead.   If they were smart they would have released Red Dust instead.

 Have none of these people seen Boy in the Plastic Bubble?  Mon El could have been put in a containment room with filtered air, at least temporarily.

 What the hell was that at the end?  Brainiac?

Edited by Maverick
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2 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

Wasn't bad though I feel like they took an easy way out. filter the Earths atmosphere permanently with lead.....even a small amount that somehow won't effect humans just doesn't gel with me. Especially that it is such a little amount that Daxams shrivel up and die while Kryptonians can be directly in line with Kryptonite and it just makes them really sick. 

Yeah, doesn't lead pretty much neutralize Superman and Supergirl's powers?

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Yeah, doesn't lead pretty much neutralize Superman and Supergirl's powers?

If I'm not mistaken it blocks their hearing and x-ray vision but it otherwise doesn't impact them much.

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So, show, we've abandoned the "Superman/Supergirl don't kill or at least try not to kill," for "Superman/Supergirl agree to go along with a mass genocide of the alien invaders and the only really sad thing about this is that Kara has to say goodbye to a guy she's been dating for about, hmm, four months who she'll almost certainly see again in October?"

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Everyone I care about is in a relationship... Except the guy I spent a year lusting after only to dump for still unexplained reasons and then barely speak to at all this year... But I guess maybe that means she doesn't care... I mean supes apparently doesn't as he just leaves without so much as a word of concern for his best friend... Who's out playing superhero... 

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Ding dong, Mon-El is gone! If it’s for good (and please please PLEASE let it be for good), does that mean that next season we’ll get a TV season that remembers that it’s Kara who needs to have the main arc, needs to change compellingly and grow and be the POV character and whose evolution needs to anchor the show? And that Kara is worthy of a better story than nagging a manchild into being boyfriend material, and wouldn’t give a douchebag dudebro the time of day until he had actually changed? Because while I applaud getting rid of Mon-El if it’s indeed for good, it won’t mean jack if the show tries to pull the same shit with another bland white guy next season (because LBR, we all know there will be another bland white guy who’s the Designated Love Interest next season if Mon-El really is gone). And please, let Kara have scenes with the other characters more regularly. When was the last time she talked to James or Winn???

Overall, that was an underwhelming finale. Not bad, but not particularly good, and there was WAY too much slo-mo in the fight scenes. Way too much. And also way way way too much lens flare in Kara’s dream and the Fortress—did JJ Abrams direct??? So the action was meh, and the emotional stuff wasn’t moving and felt deeply forced; the harder they tried to prop Kara/Mon-El’s “epic love,” the flatter it fell because it’s just…not. Though I will say that this was Melissa Benoist’s best performance in AGES. In part it was the material, but she’s been not at her best a lot this season, so it was a nice return to form. She acted circles around Wood when they said goodbye.

I will give Mon-El credit for one thing—when he immediately said they should use the lead bomb, that was the first truly heroic moment he’s had. It’s too bad Rhea died, she was a kickass villain.

CAT KNOWS!!!! I’m glad we finally got the confirmation. Even though she wasn’t nearly as well written this episode, that last scene with Kara especially continued to demonstrate how much Cat/CF brings to the show, and how much the show misses her. That said, I call BULLSHIT on what that last scene was trying to sell. First of all, Kara’s “I never fell for someone” schtick is getting old. I don’t even LIKE Kara/James but the way the show is erasing the fact that Kara spent all of S1 pining for James, and then got him and ended it of her own volition, is just insulting. You don’t have Jedi mind tricks, writers, we won’t forget no matter how many times you try to retcon S1 away. Second, while I appreciate that that scene circled back around to Kara’s “doing it all” angst from 2x01-2, we just haven’t seen enough of Kara’s angst on that front, or Kara’s POV in general this season, to buy that that’s something she’s been struggling with all season long. Nice try and nice attempt to salvage some sort of coherent arc for Kara, show, but I’m not buying what you’re selling. That felt like damage control more than smething truly earned.

I ship J’onn and M’gann SO HARD, which is entirely down to Harewood and Leal’s chemistry. I’m tickled pink that they got together. That said, no way would J’onn snog someone in the middle of the DEO like that.

Alex was a nonentity this episode and sat around doing nothing during an alien invasion? Nah, man, what the hell is that bullshit? Most OOC thing ever in a season full of OOC things. Also, wtf on the Sanvers proposal? I mean, I love Sanvers, but…wtf?

This show’s timeline problems continue. Krypton died 38-39 years ago (Kara was in stasis for 24, spent 12-13 chilling before S1, and the last two seasons have taken 2 years).

Pretty much the only scenes I genuinely liked were the Supers and Luthors (and I wish Brenda Strong had played Lillian like this in her earlier appearances, then I would have found the character much more compelling early on), that was genuinely tense, and Alex and Kara’s ending scene. That was very sweet. Oh, and I liked Winn and Lena, and wouldn’t mind if the show flirted with them flirting next season.

Underwhelming finale to a season that started off strong but then devolved into a hot mess, and tried to pin everything on a character/relationship that was just flat. Do better next year, show. You've got the actors, characters, and relationships...write better plots for them.


ETA: Can I add my voice to the chorus of people asking who the last scene was teasing for next season, by the way? I'm not familiar enough with the Super comics to know who that other baby is supposed to be.

Edited by stealinghome
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10 minutes ago, UNOSEZ said:

Everyone I care about is in a relationship... Except the guy I spent a year lusting after only to dump for still unexplained reasons and then barely speak to at all this year... But I guess maybe that means she doesn't care... I mean supes apparently doesn't as he just leaves without so much as a word of concern for his best friend... Who's out playing superhero... 

 Not to mention Lena her "best friend" is also single and dealing with massive betrayal from two mother figures who used her and then take all the credit. I really wanted Kara to see her last and talk.

Edited by rtms77
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Things I did like:

1. Cat Grant admitting that she hadn't seen Star Wars. Heh.

2. The final Cat/Kara scene.

3. Cat and the show confirming that she knows.

4. Alex/Kara's balcony scene.

5. Lena having the sense to keep the on button for the lead thingie away from her mother.

6. Not technically part of the show, but the Supergirl/Wonder Woman promo. 

Things I liked much, much less:

1. Cat telling Supes/Clark that she's concerned about James, and nobody following up on this.

2. Alex/Maggie getting sidelined for most of the combat/fighting the aliens stuff.

3. The decision to have the Rhea/Kara fight on Arrow's second favorite rooftop, and not just because it's also Legends of Tomorrow's second favorite rooftop. Maybe all four shows could try avoiding rooftops next season. Just a suggestion.

4. Lena still not figuring out that Kara is Supergirl.

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1. Cat Grant admitting that she hadn't seen Star Wars. Heh.

Oh yeah, that was HILARIOUS. As was the Brothers and Sisters shoutout. The show having fun with cast members' prior shows always cracks me up, and it's always especially funny when it's Cat/Flockhart!

Benoist and Hoechlin gave some great reaction shots in that scene too, heh.

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I'm almost afraid to say this because I think I'm the only one, but I actually love Mon-El (maybe because Chris Wood is just so damn easy on the eyes), and this episode broke my heart a little bit. Or a lot. I cried when he and Kara were saying goodbye. OK, I'll see myself out now. ?

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2 minutes ago, srpturtle80 said:

I'm almost afraid to say this because I think I'm the only one, but I actually love Mon-El (maybe because Chris Wood is just so damn easy on the eyes), and this episode broke my heart a little bit. Or a lot. I cried when he and Kara were saying goodbye. OK, I'll see myself out now. ?

I like Mon-El, too. Really hope he's back next season.

I'm sure they could comic book up an explanation as to the reason why.

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Granted they're a bit busy but Kara's Earth 1 buddies had the smarts to ask her for help when aliens invaded.  Did it not cross her mind to ask them to return the favor in the exact same situation? 

I guess it never occurred to anyone to stick Mon-El in a spacesuit?  Or just have him orbit the Earth for a while until they're absolutely sure they have no way to work around the lead problem rather than sending him off forever (and by forever I mean the summer).

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3 minutes ago, srpturtle80 said:

I'm almost afraid to say this because I think I'm the only one, but I actually love Mon-El (maybe because Chris Wood is just so damn easy on the eyes), and this episode broke my heart a little bit. Or a lot. I cried when he and Kara were saying goodbye. OK, I'll see myself out now. ?

No, don't be afraid to say it! I personally like Mon-El as a character, but I just hate how he's been used, and how he's taken over every major role in Kara's life while she's barely had scenes with Winn, Alex, and James. If they can allow Kara to interact with Alex, Winn, and James way more while still being in a relationship, then I'd really like Mon-El. They just need to adjust his importance in Kara's life. I just really miss Danvers sister scenes. And yes, that also means I want less Maggie, but she hasn't been as many scenes as Mon-El has. 

But yeah, there's no way he isn't showing back up next season. I'm just hoping it's not in the premiere with him finding a way to contact Kara, because then Kara will spend episodes trying to get him back and that's not what I want.

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First: I literally squeed when Winn reintroduced himself to Supes!?That was the most Jimmiest he ever Jimmied and I can see him as Jimmy!

And speaking of James Jimmy-he, of the Superman's pal/best friend, doesn't even rate a scene with Supes? No, he's just there in a moment of a blink and you'll miss him! I'm not the biggest fan of this iteration of Jimmy, but I call BULLSHIT! on that, as well as Kara's 'woe is me! I've never liked-I mean loved anyone before!' Pity party.

So Kara is stronger than Supes?? RIIIIIGHT. And since when has Supes decided he's going to kill his worst enemy? And that's Zod? And not Lex? Whatthefuckever, you fucking hacks.??And I shouldn't be surprised because I just found out that Fucking HACK, Kreisberg, is also an Executive Producer for this show-and every interview I've seen of him, he gives off the vibe he has nothing but contempt for Supes.?

And it says a lot, that I didn't shed a single tear as Mon-El started coughing, Kara crying, trying to get him to leave, yet when Alex approaches her and she asks if there's anything she can do? I'm tearing up and blinking furiously.

And a big GIANT BOO! that I we didn't get  Lois and Clark reunion!?

Finally confirmation what most of us already knew-Cat knows Kara is Supergirl.

And so much for me thinking and being thankful there'd be no cliffhanger!?

That thing sure as FUCK better not be Doomsday!?IT IS SUPERMAN'S Villain!!?? And even if it's Brainiac, MORE FUCKING BULLSHIT! It is also a foe of Kal-El!??

I swear, I'm getting more emotional investment in re-re-rewatching my Bollywood movies than from the superhero shows and other shows I'm watching this season!?

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Alex was a nonentity this episode and sat around doing nothing during an alien invasion? Nah, man, what the hell is that bullshit? Most OOC thing ever in a season full of OOC things. Also, wtf on the Sanvers proposal? I mean, I love Sanvers, but…wtf?

I guess because Alex got the cool jumping off the rooftop scene last episode they thought it was okay to have her do less but it was ridiculous that she was just hanging around the DEO during the climactic battle. Also agree about the proposal, I get that they've been through a lot but it is too soon for marriage and Alex did that impulsively, like it just occurred to her that moment. 



So Kara is stronger than Supes?? RIIIIIGHT. 

I've heard that in the comics Supergirl is supposed to around as strong as Superman and is sometimes said to be stronger but I'm not a big comic reader.

Edited by Oreo2234
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16 minutes ago, quarks said:


6. Not technically part of the show, but the Supergirl/Wonder Woman promo. 


HOW could I forget to mention this? I ?that commercial/promo!!!! And with Original Wonder Woman, too!!????

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1 minute ago, Oreo2234 said:

I guess because Alex got the cool jumping off the rooftop scene last episode they thought it was okay to have her do less but it was ridiculous that she was just hanging around the DEO during the climactic battle. Also agree about the proposal, I get that they've been through a lot but it is too soon for marriage and Alex did that impulsively, like it just occurred to her that moment. 

I must have completely tuned out the proposal scene. Yeah, Maggie/Alex have been dating for a few months, sure, but an early proposal on TV like this just spells doom for Maggie. I can't imagine them actually getting married, mostly because these superhero shows never have a main character have a happy ending this early in the series. It's also a very impulsive move from Alex, and I really just don't know if this will be the right move. The show may not want to avoid a major character death, and what more dramatic way than to kill off Alex's fiancee? And that's really all I can picture. If they actually keep them together for the rest of the series, I'd be surprised.

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2 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

That thing sure as FUCK better not be Doomsday!?IT IS SUPERMAN'S Villain!!?? And even if it's Brainiac, MORE FUCKING BULLSHIT! It is also a foe of Kal-El!??

I just saw suggested on another board that it will be

Reign, a Supergirl villain from New 52, this being based on the last line
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Just now, Lady Calypso said:

I must have completely tuned out the proposal scene. Yeah, Maggie/Alex have been dating for a few months, sure, but an early proposal on TV like this just spells doom for Maggie. I can't imagine them actually getting married, mostly because these superhero shows never have a main character have a happy ending this early in the series. It's also a very impulsive move from Alex, and I really just don't know if this will be the right move. The show may not want to avoid a major character death, and what more dramatic way than to kill off Alex's fiancee? And that's really all I can picture. If they actually keep them together for the rest of the series, I'd be surprised.

I don't think it has to mean death for Maggie--frankly, Alex's coming out/Sanvers has been the best-executed and best-received storyline this season, the writers would be stupid to kill off Maggie--but I DO think it means that Alex and Maggie will break up at some point next season. ITA that there's no way Alex will get smooth sailing into her happy ending so easily or so early in the show's run.

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I don't think it has to mean death for Maggie--frankly, Alex's coming out/Sanvers has been the best-executed and best-received storyline this season, the writers would be stupid to kill off Maggie

I'm not sure the proposal is good news either-and, yeah, Alex thought of that on the spot-spurred on no doubt by Kara's "don't let her go speech". But then again, when is "too soon"-is there a designated amount of time a couple are "supposed" to wait?

The writers said Alex and Maggie were in for the long run-and there they still are at the end of the season (I assume  next season as well). The writers continue to defy expectations by keeping Maggie around, and her and Alex together...so we'll see what happens I guess...

Edited by StarBrand
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To all you Chris Wood fans if they're keeping to the comic history (somewhat) that was the Phantom Zone Mon-El got pulled into and he'll stay in there for little over a thousand years. When he's freed he joins the Legion of Super Heroes and goes by the name of Valor. So yeah it's pretty safe to say that Chris is gone from the show (pouts).

They'd better have an epic wedding next year for Alex and Maggie.

Edited by madhacker
I suck at typing today
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25 minutes ago, srpturtle80 said:

I'm almost afraid to say this because I think I'm the only one, but I actually love Mon-El (maybe because Chris Wood is just so damn easy on the eyes), and this episode broke my heart a little bit. Or a lot. I cried when he and Kara were saying goodbye. OK, I'll see myself out now. ?

I was expecting the necklace to save him. I figured it had something in it that would make him immune to what was killing everyone else. 

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As per the supes v Kara fight... It being her show I can't really complain abt her winning... But the stunt double for Clark... His hair was flopping all over and then they'd switch back to Tyler and it would basically be slicked back in place... That threw me... 

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3 minutes ago, StarBrand said:

I'm not sure the proposal is good news either-and, yeah, Alex thought of that on the spot-spurred on no doubt by Kara's "don't let her go speech". But then again, when is "too soon"-is there a designated amount of time a couple are "supposed" to wait?

The writers said Alex and Maggie were in for the long run-and there they still are at the end of the season (I assume  next season as well). The writers continue to defy expectations by keeping Maggie around, and her and Alex together...so we'll see what happens I guess...

It's not that I don't want them to be happy and be together, but TV shows love their drama too much. Look at the Mon-El/Kara bullshit that they've been pulling. It's too soon in a TV world, unfortunately. In real life, sure, I've seen people date, get engaged, and then get married in about a year and a half. My aunt got engaged to her boyfriend a month after starting to date him and they were married for six years.

But fictional characters don't typically get to be happy. I just become less than optimistic in these particular moments.

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They sure went all out with the fight scenes.  Both of them were pretty well done and beautiful to watch.  Especially Kara and Possessed Clark fighting in the pond.

Man, Lex is going to be so pissed if he finds out that Zod is who Superman considers to be his greatest enemy.

Figured something was going to happen to prevent Kara from having it all, so Mon-El having to leave Earth with the rest of the Daxamites wasn't too surprising, but a welcome enough development.  I doubt he will be gone for long though.  Hell, if not this show, I could easily seem him bumping into the Legend or, really, The CW trying to do a spin-off with him of all things, because they clearly seem to adore him. But I'm all for a break.  Nothing against Chris Wood though, because I do like him.  But even in this episode, he pretty much had more significance to the plot then pretty much all of the other secondary characters, including Alex, J'onn, and Winn (and poor, poor James.)

I'm guessing Cat might be popping back in more, now that she's got her office back?  I'm glad they finally reveal that she does know that Kara is Supergirl.  But I hope she sticks around, but her absence was noticeable this season.

Alex proposes to Maggie?  Yay!  Well, considering the history of marriages on DC CW shows, it would be a miracle if they actually get to the alter.

Winn's man crush on Superman is the best.

Glad Lena only let Supergirl have control of the device, so she knows not to fully trust Lillian, but I still wonder if they are building her up to be a villain, between her still not knowing Kara is Supergirl, and her little "heart to heart" with Lillian.  Don't do it!  Casting Katie McGrath as Lena has easily been one of the best decisions this season.

Seriously, Mechad Brooks really should find another gig or the show should just put James out of his misery.  He had like, what, one scene?

Great seeing M'gann again.

Pretty good finale for a season that has been a bit of a mixed bag.  This show really might be the most inconsistent of the DC shows.  When it's good, it's some of the best damn television out there.  When it's not, it can be pretty stupid and eye-rolling.  I hope they start tightening things up, because they have the ingredients to be special, but the writing has been off on some levels. 

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2 minutes ago, madhacker said:

To all you Chris Wood fans if they're keeping to the comic history (somewhat) that was the Phantom Zone Mon-El got pulled into and he'll stay in there for little over a thousand years. When he's freed he joins the Legion of Super Heroes and go by the name of Valor. So yeah it's pretty safe to say that Chris is gone from the show (pouts).


Doubtful since it's been reported Chris Wood will be back next season.

Plus, these shows twist what happens in comics to fit THEIR hacky narrative.?

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The show is trolling us right... Jimmy shows up for one scene... Doesn't even speak and just shields cat grant a bit... The writers have seen us all talking and are just taking a piss right? 

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3 minutes ago, thuganomics85 said:

I'm guessing Cat might be popping back in more, now that she's got her office back?  I'm glad they finally reveal that she does know that Kara is Supergirl.  But I hope she sticks around, but her absence was noticeable this season.

Since the show is still filming in Vancouver (as far as I know), I doubt we'll be seeing her much more than in this season. It's too bad, though I am thrilled we have confirmation that she knows Kara is Supergirl. If only Lena could clue in as well.

The finale would have had more of an impact if they hadn't announced that Chris Wood would be returning. Though I still managed to get my hopes up and I was so excited about the idea that he might leave for a while that it really took away from the sadness Kara was feeling in those scenes.

I feel like Maggie's happy reaction to Alex's proposal was out of character, though that is probably a plot for next season.

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33 minutes ago, Oreo2234 said:

I guess because Alex got the cool jumping off the rooftop scene last episode they thought it was okay to have her do less but it was ridiculous that she was just hanging around the DEO during the climactic battle. Also agree about the proposal, I get that they've been through a lot but it is too soon for marriage and Alex did that impulsively, like it just occurred to her that moment. 


I've heard that in the comics Supergirl is supposed to around as strong as Superman and is sometimes said to be stronger but I'm not a big comic reader.

Actually, in the comics, it's only a theory that he is naturally stronger than she is, just as a human man is normally naturally stronger than a human woman.  The reason it's only a theory is that there is no known method for adequately testing the limits of Kryptonian super-strength.

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