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Season 19 Live Feed Discussion

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4 minutes ago, MKL122788 said:

I never thought I could be this satisfied with an outcome to a season that was so bad.

I am literally cackling and elated and I can't believe it.

I am shook to the core.


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I'm pretty sure that if Josh had taken Christmas with him to the end, it would have been a clean sweep in his favor (or almost a clean sweep).  This one was too close for comfort.  Thankfully, Cody shocked us all and voted the exact opposite way of what we expected.

Edited by TVFan17
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This outcome redeemed the season. 

I was upset he evicted Christmas but Paul losing again by 1 vote was almost worth this crappy season.

So glad Cody voted for Josh. He deserves that AFV for that vote alone

I am thrilled Alex' bitter finally spilled over to Paul. And for once, that Jason followed her lead like a puppy 

Edited by Deputy Deputy CoS
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Just now, zenithwit said:

Clearly Paul has not improved as a player from last year.  All future BB players, always own your games!

Loved that the top 3 for AFP were the people the "house" thought America would hate.

He couldn't even own up to pushing people to bully the HG. The HG did it but they knew Paul instigated it. Another dumb move!

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Most awkward wrap party incoming? Paul's gonna be sobbing into a Jack and Coke in the corner, Raven's going to rub up against everyone she can so they can feel the pacemaker in her stomach, Matt is going to do through withdrawal from lack of cereal, and Cody, Jessica, Mark, and Elena are going to be partying it up at one table together.

Edited by Callaphera
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Wonderful end to a crappy season.  Thank you to all of you who took the heat watching the whole season and reporting back.  It was wonderful watching in real time with you guys.  Loads of laughs and our common bond over Paul losing again.  It has been a blast.  See you this winter for Celebrity Big Brother.  

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7 minutes ago, CrazyDog said:

YES! Hahahahahah, Grodner. You know she's not happy right now.

She deserves to be pissed for our pain and suffering in watching this crappy ass season!!?? I equally hate Paul and Josh, but I am ecstatic that ol short ass lost!!!!????????

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3 minutes ago, TVFan17 said:

I'm pretty sure that if Josh had taken Christmas with him to the end, it would have been a clean sweep in his favor (or almost a clean sweep).  This one was too close for comfort.  Thankfully, Cody shocked us all and voted the exact opposite of what we expected.

He played the player. Best part of the night.  "I am staying true to my word." 

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2 minutes ago, kellog010 said:

I haven't posted all season, but it was so satisfying that Cody was the vote that lost Paul the game. The one person who never kowtowed to him and Cody winning AFP was the cherry on top!

It was also especially satisfying because Paul knows that Cody did not like Josh at all, and wanted nothing to do with him in the house or out of the house, and yet he chose to vote for him instead of for Paul.   LOL

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Just now, ByaNose said:

The reaction of Paul seeing 4-4 vote and then hearing Josh win was priceless. You could see the pain in his face. 

The pain was evident from the first Q&A. Watching him slowly realize he didn't have it in the bag when he thought he'd win by a landslide? And after preaching that Josh could win against him? Priceless.

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