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Season 19 Live Feed Discussion

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4 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

Paul likes to have Alex around because he knows that she is insanely loyal to him, but that's it. He would lose her in a second if need be. He wouldn't fight for her. As well he shouldn't, as so many other HGs are willing to lay down for him. 

In a perfect world he would probably like to cut her around F6. He needs her around until then to win comps.

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Kevin told Cody that Alex will probably make him an Have Not and guess who else will be in the room? Josh.

Cody tells Kevin that the blow up with Josh was on purpose. He knew production would stop them and keep them away from each other and then Jess would get some peace.

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Paul told Kevin to mark his words that tomorrow Cody will "get lucky" and win tomorrow.

Kevin is telling Paul about Cody's claims that Cody did what he did on purpose so that Josh wouldn't be able to go near him.  Paul called Josh in and now Kevin is telling Josh.

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2 hours ago, Sandycat said:

I did notice that when they showed the fight between Josh and Cody, Alex got between them but Raven was nowhere in sight! So where did she get her make believe injury?

I said the exact same thing to my husband. 

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7 minutes ago, zorak said:

Paul told Kevin to mark his words that tomorrow Cody will "get lucky" and win tomorrow.

Kevin is telling Paul about Cody's claims that Cody did what he did on purpose so that Josh wouldn't be able to go near him.  Paul called Josh in and now Kevin is telling Josh.

They are like a bunch of schoolgirls...

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Elena and Mark are in the rose room.  Matt came in and after he left, Mark seemed suspicious of why Matt came in.  Mark says Matt was trying to look like he was looking for something when he really wasn't.

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Kevin has to report everything back to Paul. It's really annoying.

*Lightbulb comes on...

Now I remember!  THAT'S why I quit the feeds! LOL, just kidding.  Never forgot ;-) 

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Alex tells Jason that if she, Jason, and Paul can rotate winning they can pick everyone off.  I think Jason would have to win something for the first time in order for that to even be a possibility. 

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1 minute ago, zorak said:

Alex tells Jason that if she, Jason, and Paul can rotate winning they can pick everyone off.  I think Jason would have to win something for the first time in order for that to even be a possibility. 

Foolproof plan. 

See? She's a rube. A rube who IS good at competitions, I'll certainly give her that. 

4 minutes ago, Artsda said:

Something agitated Paul to call Jess "America's sweetheart" I guess he noticed her cheers?

Do you remember how they all piled up against the open door to hear the reactions? You know it's going through all of their heads (except the morons, who just have the circus theme song going through their heads 24/7) - "Huh. She won the last temptation, the one that was voted on after we were in the house for a while so the audience could actually get to know us. Then we were all shitty to her. Then they cheered for her. Does America NOT like us?!?!"

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1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said:

Oh, I also know another reason why I hate Alex: her comment in the goodbye message about taking care of Cody in jury.

That is such a bitchy thing to say. I mean, obviously it's probably not true that anything will happen, but that was just a mean thing to say to someone. Like, who says that to someone? Not a nice person, I can tell you that. That was just a very disgusting comment. If Alex thought she was being funny and cute, it didn't come across to me and I hope it came across bad to the casual viewers. 

Ah, my Alex hate lives on. I can respect her gameplay, but not her personality.

That was such a dick move on her part. I'm checking out this week again because I can't watch her HOH. Either Cody or Marlena gone. Yawn.

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5 minutes ago, Cutty said:

Why on Earth does Paul think Cody is going to throw the safety challenge?

Paul probably intimidated him. Cody might be willing to fight all of the other guys in the house, but he knows better than to mess with a short guy who lets everyone do his fighting for him. 

Edited by Brian Cronin
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3 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

Do you remember how they all piled up against the open door to hear the reactions? You know it's going through all of their heads (except the morons, who just have the circus theme song going through their heads 24/7) - "Huh. She won the last temptation, the one that was voted on after we were in the house for a while so the audience could actually get to know us. Then we were all shitty to her. Then they cheered for her. Does America NOT like us?!?!"

Someone actually mentioned that the cheers weren't that great. 

It's always been a silly barometer considering we don't know how many fans vs CBS employees/extras are in the audience.

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Just now, Cutty said:

Someone actually mentioned that the cheers weren't that great. 

It's always been a silly barometer considering we don't know how many fans vs CBS employees/extras are in the audience.

Oh yeah, it's a ludicrous barometer, as they've allowed, what, ONE person to be booed the last five years? But these dummies probably don't know that (or if they know that, they won't believe it so long as not believing it works in their favor). 

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I didn't have a problem with Alex's goodbye message. I thought it was hilarious. Lets not forget Jess was absolutely horrible to her the first two weeks of the game (when Jess was in a position of power and Alex was on the bottom) for no reason other than she was jealous of her friendship with Cody.

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Kevin is complaining to Christmas about Raven and Matt.  He says they are sneaky motherfuckers.

Josh is talking to Christmas.  He's talking about how Paul is worried that he's being portrayed as a bully.

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1 hour ago, Hello Lady said:

No, please no Ika, no no no..

Tad bit off topic but Ika is the very definition of less is better than more.  I loved her during her first season and her shredding the letters might have been my favorite thing to watch on any season of BBCAN or American BB.  However, last season I really found her to be annoying.  Maybe because I am a Neda fan (though she came off poorly as well) but yeah I was so glad she did not end up winning.

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24 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

Someone actually mentioned that the cheers weren't that great. 

I just watched it and was pretty loud, especially initially when the door was open there was squeeling.

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Just now, Artsda said:

I just watched it and was pretty loud, especially initially when the door was open there was squeeling.

I think it sounded loud, so if any of the HGs said otherwise, it was surely just them trying to convince themselves otherwise.

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Paul is trying to dissuade Alex from putting up Matt and Elena.  He says she'd be potentially pissing off both couples.  It sounds like he's trying to convince her that it needs to be Mark and Elena.  He says they don't need to know in advance it's happening and that if they are the next targets anyway, why not draw the line in the sand now.

Paul says they need to make Matt and Raven feel comfortable.  He says they've already made Mark and Elena paranoid, so why not keep doing that.

Edited by zorak
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This mentality of this person cannot talk to so and so and if they do they are talking game and cannot be trusted is so ridiculous to me. Not everyone talks game in this house 24/7- and if Mark wants to have a conversation with Cody then who gives a crap. You keep saying he isn't on your team and you want him out but then get offended that he's talking to Cody and not following the rules. You can't have it both ways. He's allowed to play too. 

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Just now, Cutty said:

Paul really is playing the BRob Redemption Island game to a tee. It's really embarrassing to watch. These dummies have no chance.

Yep. To a freaking TEE.

They're seriously all falling over each other to block the way to the end for Paul. For...why? He wasn't even that popular of a contestant! Boston Rob was at least popular on a much more popular show!

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Sorry I'm late to the discussion but I just have to comment on the three sitting there waiting for one to be evicted.  Raven with her fake hair looked ridiculous and Elena with her huge protruding breasts and red lipstick looked worse than hookers.  Julie better send in somebody for hair and makeup.  They made the whole show look bad!

Edited by Jeanne222
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You know what would be awesome. Mark or Elena wins the Safety Competiton. Then Cody gets picked to play Veto (we all know he's getting Backdoored, unless he throws the safety Comp). Alex puts up the one left for Mark/Elena and either Matt or Raven. Cody plays Veto wins it and pulls the leftover of Mark or Elena. Paul would LOSE HIS MIND. Not only does Mark, Cody or Elena stay in the house one of his allies goes and he has to choose. I would hope he would just lose his mind and get all frazzled. And run around like a lunatic. I would say that would get him thrown on the block, but probably not cuz Alex. And then Raven ends up leaving. 

This of course is NEVER HAPPENING, but a girl can dream. 

But all the chaos makes Paul a target in the DE. 

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Kevin's reaction to his name being out there reminds me of a classic Mike Tyson quote that really applies to BB well. He says that everyone who gets into the ring has a plan on how things will go, but the real test is what happens to that plan AFTER you get punched in the face (the specific line is “Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face.”)

Similarly, everyone has a plan for how their BB tenure will go, but the real test is when they get put on the block for the first time. Some handle it, some, well...don't. 

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I do wonder though if Alex will fall in line with Paul. If she can't get Cody she said she wants Matt which Jason & Kevin both want as well. Jason has a relationship with Mark and won't want him out. Alex, Matt & Kevin don't trust Matt & Raven AT ALL. Paul wants Mark out if they can't get Cody, I wonder if Alex will stand strong or will just cave to Paul. 

If she does and puts Elena & Mark up- I think Elena leaves even though Paul wants Mark. 

Christmas, Josh, Kevin, Cody & Jason would evict Elena. 

I hope Jason really gets in her ear. 

Edited by SiobhanJW
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7 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

Matt's fake laugh drives me absolutely insane.

My own laugh is... something else.  A deep, booming, rolling sound which sounds like it comes from the pits of Hell; one former girlfriend described it as "pretty fucking horrible"; another said I sounded like "Satan on a day pass" - and they weren't being mean, just factual.  I know because I've cleared streets before.  For an extended period of my youth I became so self-conscious about it, I pretty much stopped laughing at anything for several years; my sister was married to my brother-in-law for better than two years before he heard me so much as chuckle.  Of course, this was before I gave up fucks for Lent.  I got dates with some really interesting girls in college, simply because they assumed I must be into devil worship too - wasn't the case, but who was I to turn down free tickets to the freak show?  ;>

One of my best friends in college had an... interesting laugh as well.  His was on the opposite end of the spectrum from mine; where mine made Tim Curry's demon in Legend sound like a schoolgirl, Chris' laugh was a high-pitched, fingernails-on-the-blackboard screeching yelp which immediately had people turning on their radios to find out if anyone had escaped from the local lunatic asylum.  We both got going once, and cleared out a Pizza Hut.  We even got thrown out of a Krystal at 2:00am once (got any idea just how fucking hard it is to get thrown out of KRYSTAL???) by a manager waving a Bible at us.

The point of all this?  Never assume fake-sounding laughs are fake.  Some of us just get stuck with this shit.  :)


3 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

Kevin's reaction to his name being out there reminds me of a classic Mike Tyson quote that really applies to BB well. He says that everyone who gets into the ring has a plan on how things will go, but the real test is what happens to that plan AFTER you get punched in the face (the specific line is “Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face.”)

Similarly, everyone has a plan for how their BB tenure will go, but the real test is when they get put on the block for the first time. Some handle it, some, well...don't. 

Oh, that quote predates Mike Tyson like a motherfucker; I know, because *I* predate Tyson like a motherfucker.  ;)  Actually, I believe (a) it was originally attributed to Joe Louis, and (b) the original quote was, "Every fighter has a plan - until they get hit."


2 hours ago, SiobhanJW said:

The Raven Part. DEAD. 


Edited by Nashville
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I'm dying to hear some interviews with Jessica. We all know she's "in love" with in the house Cody. I wonder if she'll change her mind after hearing some of things he had said that were sort of anti......everything.

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9 hours ago, Auntie Velvet said:

I finally realized who Alex reminds me of -- "Punchy Brewster." 


Yes! I've been thinking that too but I'm not good at uploading video and I'm pretty lazy. I knew someone with more talent would come along and do it for me. Oh hell, the way I just described myself makes me sound like a Season 19 houseguest.  

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10 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

He has a new show?

Oh god.


10 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

Jeff has a new show? That's unfortunate. But I'm happy that we won't be subjected to him anymore!


9 hours ago, Deputy Deputy CoS said:

CBS should hire Dom to replace Jeff. I read on social media he got a new job in another state.

An iPad would do, too.

Jeff and Jordan recently moved to Denver for Jeff's new show.  I'm not entirely sure what it is but is has multiple 'hosts' kinda like the view or the talk. 

9 hours ago, zorak said:

Jason is telling Matt and Raven that Cody was trying to get things so there would have been 3 votes to evict Raven tonight.

Jason says he needs to start doing something because otherwise there are going to be t-shirts of his head on a baby's body with Alex carrying him.  LOL

Well.... at the very least he's aware of how he's playing.....

8 hours ago, zorak said:

Alex tells Jason that if she, Jason, and Paul can rotate winning they can pick everyone off.  I think Jason would have to win something for the first time in order for that to even be a possibility. 

Yea... because that's totally worked every season where at least one alliance has had that plan. 

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