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Season 19 Live Feed Discussion

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4 hours ago, wings707 said:

She does.  She is smart.  She used the word ingenuous and did not succumb to disingenuous (incorrect) as so many do. 

Ingenuous means innocent and unsuspecting (i.e. an ingenue); disingenuous means not candid or sincere. So technically, she did not use the correct term. 

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7 hours ago, Artsda said:

His ego may prevent that, he thinks America would never give Jess such a big power and wants to call her apparent bluff. LOL

When he finds out about the comp tomorrow, a 3rd person on the block, Jess can then save 3 people. 

Also, Paul has no idea what her temptation even is. He just thinks he won't be able to nominate her or Cody. He'll be blindsided either during veto when Cody/Jess decide to sit down and not play, or on eviction night when she actually uses the Hex and possibly saves three people. 

I also believe that Paul won't be able to play in the next HOH, unless Grodner rigs it, so he'll have wasted his own HOH AND won't be able to play.

Not that it matters anyway because everyone wants to carry him to the end. Right now, I see nobody trying to take him out. Even if Cody did next week, everyone else would vote out the other person on the block over him. This is actually worse than a Derrick situation for me. I actually LIKED seeing Derrick play. Sure, it made for a boring season and sure, both Derrick/Paul are at least playing the game, but Derrick didn't have every one following him like sheep, and he wasn't a mean asshole or dictating what people should do. He snuck the idea into their heads. 

I really don't understand how people aren't seeing through Paul's gameplay, and it pisses me right off that we're stuck with him probably until the end. I know things can change in this game, but I don't see any change happening with Paul. I'm frustrated. It's making me want to quit the season, and I really did enjoy it up to this point. But Jody are stupider than I thought, Josh is an annoying bully (he told Mark that he'd torment him for the rest of his time in the house), Paul's an annoying dictator, Matt/Raven are useless numbers, Alex is a mindless minion who controls what Kevin and Jason do so THEY can't make any moves that they seem to want to, and Elena/Christmas are pretty screwed with Paul realizing how strong they are in the game, so they'll be targets over the mindless minions. 

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I don't think Paul will be able to play in HOH if Jessica uses her hex, that would be another plus to the temptation.  They aren't redoing the week - she's just stopping the eviction for the week.

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So do we have confirmation that Paul is definitely nominating Jody?  

I'm curious how the house will react to the Temptation Competition.  While no one on Paul's side needs the safety, I'm assuming that Paul will want all of them to go for it and try to block safety for Jody, Mark and Elena.  And if one of them ends up on the block, they can still go for veto (which could prevent Jody, Mark, Elena from getting it) and have the numbers to keep them on Thursday.

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1 minute ago, zenithwit said:

So do we have confirmation that Paul is definitely nominating Jody?  

I'm curious how the house will react to the Temptation Competition.  While no one on Paul's side needs the safety, I'm assuming that Paul will want all of them to go for it and try to block safety for Jody, Mark and Elena.  And if one of them ends up on the block, they can still go for veto (which could prevent Jody, Mark, Elena from getting it) and have the numbers to keep them on Thursday.

Yeah, Paul said himself that he was nominating them to call their bluff. He showed no signs of putting up Mark/Elena other than backdoor targets or if Jody really were safe from being nominated. 

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Paul's such an idiot wanting to call their bluff. He's going to have his 2nd HOH be wasted again on Cody who doesn't go anywhere. He's also going to see Jess not care this week at all about being on the block and it's just going to anger & freak him out. LOL I love it. 

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Just now, Artsda said:

Paul's such an idiot wanting to call their bluff. He's going to have his 2nd HOH be wasted again on Cody who doesn't go anywhere. He's also going to see Jess not care this week at all about being on the block and it's just going to anger & freak him out. LOL I love it. 

Yeah, it'll be a shame that Jessica will have to use her hex so soon, but if it makes Paul angry that they're not scared, then I'm all for it.

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I'm actually enjoying this tug-of-war that the secret powers have created between the two sides. At least everything is focused on the people who are playing hard and winning competitions. I hate when wishy-washy floaters make it to the end.

Also, Elena should try out for RuPaul's Drag Race. In the words of Trixie Mattel, she paints for the check cashing place down the street.

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21 minutes ago, Artsda said:

Paul's such an idiot wanting to call their bluff. He's going to have his 2nd HOH be wasted again on Cody who doesn't go anywhere. He's also going to see Jess not care this week at all about being on the block and it's just going to anger & freak him out. LOL I love it. 

I don't think agree. By nominating Jess and Cody, they'll will lose their safety next week. It's not a waste of an HOH if someone from Paul's side is able to win next week and oust one of them. Which they wouldn't be able to do if the temptation were still in place. Basically, Paul is reducing Jess and Cody's safety by a couple of weeks. It sucks that he won't evict anyone this week, but it's necessary if he wants either Jess or Cody out as soon as possible. 

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2 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Also, Paul has no idea what her temptation even is. He just thinks he won't be able to nominate her or Cody. He'll be blindsided either during veto when Cody/Jess decide to sit down and not play, or on eviction night when she actually uses the Hex and possibly saves three people. 

I also believe that Paul won't be able to play in the next HOH, unless Grodner rigs it, so he'll have wasted his own HOH AND won't be able to play.

Not that it matters anyway because everyone wants to carry him to the end. Right now, I see nobody trying to take him out. Even if Cody did next week, everyone else would vote out the other person on the block over him. This is actually worse than a Derrick situation for me. I actually LIKED seeing Derrick play. Sure, it made for a boring season and sure, both Derrick/Paul are at least playing the game, but Derrick didn't have every one following him like sheep, and he wasn't a mean asshole or dictating what people should do. He snuck the idea into their heads. 

I really don't understand how people aren't seeing through Paul's gameplay, and it pisses me right off that we're stuck with him probably until the end. I know things can change in this game, but I don't see any change happening with Paul. I'm frustrated. It's making me want to quit the season, and I really did enjoy it up to this point. But Jody are stupider than I thought, Josh is an annoying bully (he told Mark that he'd torment him for the rest of his time in the house), Paul's an annoying dictator, Matt/Raven are useless numbers, Alex is a mindless minion who controls what Kevin and Jason do so THEY can't make any moves that they seem to want to, and Elena/Christmas are pretty screwed with Paul realizing how strong they are in the game, so they'll be targets over the mindless minions. 

I am hoping it is Elena and Xmas that see this and come to terms with it. If they teamed up with Jess, they could change things.  They have to see how Paul is running things and if their goal was to get to jury, they are there. Time to play the game for yourself. Your King is. And Xmas, your loyalty to Paul is misplaced. You are a number for him. Not a right arm. As he said, he tunes you out and I have seen him dismiss you in conversations. He does not value your contributions. I think Paul sees F3 with him, Josh and Kevin. He will not take Alex to F3 and get screwed like he did with NIcoole. He is not taking that chance again.

Edited by missyb
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8 minutes ago, Ceeg said:

I don't think agree. By nominating Jess and Cody, they'll will lose their safety next week. It's not a waste of an HOH if someone from Paul's side is able to win next week and oust one of them. Which they wouldn't be able to do if the temptation were still in place. Basically, Paul is reducing Jess and Cody's safety by a couple of weeks. It sucks that he won't evict anyone this week, but it's necessary if he wants either Jess or Cody out as soon as possible. 

Yeah, I don't think it's a bad play. You have to flush the advantage. Where Paul is misguided is he thinks it will play exactly like his did, meaning it will be revealed when they're put on the block. Mark actually said last night to him that what if she can halt the eviction and Paul brushed it off. 

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1 minute ago, Cutty said:

Yeah, I don't think it's a bad play. You have to flush the advantage. Where Paul is misguided is he thinks it will play exactly like his did, meaning it will be revealed when they're put on the block. Mark actually said last night to him that what if she can halt the eviction and Paul brushed it off. 

All the better to shock the shit out of him ! But, knowing Paul he will have to say  "whatever". Thats how he usually deal with being wrong.

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37 minutes ago, Star Aristille said:

Yeah, it'll be a shame that Jessica will have to use her hex so soon, but if it makes Paul angry that they're not scared, then I'm all for it.

Well it's either this week or next, and then it's gone - she's already had it for two evictions.

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1 hour ago, PoshSprinkles said:

If it was anyone BUT Paul, I'd agree with you. However, BB has shown time and time again that they just make up the rules as they go along so I fully expect Paul will be allowed to play in HOH. 

Yea, it's pretty clear they purposefully avoided being clear about how exactly HOH works if the Hex is used so they could decide whether they let the outgoing HOH play again or not based on who won HOH. There's precedent for both, so they won't even look like they're blatantly rigging things. Pretty smart tbh. And yes I agree that since it's Paul they'll let outgoing HOH play again.

33 minutes ago, Cutty said:

Motherfucker. I need her gone. More so than Matt/Raven tbh. At least Matt/Raven have no influence on the game. Alex is dictating how Jason and, to a lesser extent, Kevin play and I think without her those 2 might be much more interesting as players.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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12 hours ago, Cutty said:

Jess would be an excellent player if she wasn't saddled with Cody.

I was thinking about their future marriage last night.

 J:  I really don't think the kids should play in the freeway, honey.  

C:  I was a marine, and I promise you, it will make them tough and teach them skills they'll need later in life.

J:   But what if they get hit by a speeding car? 

C:  You've got to trust me on this, babe. 

J:  Well, okay.  You're the man and must know best, and I'm just a girl with big boobs. 

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I wonder if Paul might rethink his "nom Cody/Jess to flush the Temptation" thing once he finds out about the Temptation Competition? He knows his minions basically suck at comps and that Cody/Jessica have proven to be pretty solid in comps. I don't know it might make him decide to go with getting out someone for sure over wasting his HOH to flush the Temptation. But this is Paul and he thinks he can beat everyone at everything and he also won't accept that the Temptation could cancel the eviction so.

ETA: Can the HOH compete in the Temptation Competition? I assume yes.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I agree, it won't make sense if HOH can play in the temptation comp, since HOH neither needs the safety nor can be put on the block for coming in last. Ideally I want Jess or Cody to win the comp, and then have the other one win POV. But I so rarely get what I want on this show!

Gosh I hope the temptation comp happens before 5:30pm Eastern today so I can see some aftermath on the feeds. I rarely get a chance to see feeds on Friday night or Saturday.

Some sleeping houseguest just spouted gibberish in her sleep. May have been Raven, I'm not sure.

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7 minutes ago, Michichick said:

Ideally I want Jess or Cody to win the comp, and then have the other one win POV. 

A part of me wants this, but in that case Elena would probably go home. Although as of now Paul wants Mark gone more than her and Paul always gets what he wants. 

I think for me ideally Paul and co. would continue to make themselves believe Jess is lying about having a Temptation and Cody/Jess would be nommed, neither win veto, Paul and co. get even more cocky and happy, and then come eviction night Jess breaks out the Hex. And then Paul isn't allowed to play in HOH. Jessica wins HOH. Good times!

From last night,

Paul: I got the best [Temptation]. No fucking way anyone got better than me.

LOL for days!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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3 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

 the Temptation.

Am I the only one who has in the back of my mind a vision of a well dressed musical group on stage doing some kind of a time step  whenever I read this? Or maybe in this case one single gentleman doing a timestep. 

Doowop, shadoo.........

3 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

Paul: I got the best [Temptation]. No fucking way anyone got better than me.

LOL for days!

Of course he did. I can't even remember what it was, but I think Jess, given their situation, has the better Temptation (Doowop sha doobie doo)

Edited by Skycatcher
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35 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

wonder if Paul might rethink his "nom Cody/Jess to flush the Temptation" thing once he finds out about the Temptation Competition? He knows his minions basically suck at comps and that Cody/Jessica have proven to be pretty solid in comps.

If Cody or Jess wins, he'd have to rethink it. 


54 minutes ago, Cutty said:

I don't think agree. By nominating Jess and Cody, they'll will lose their safety next week. It's not a waste of an HOH if someone from Paul's side is able to win next week and oust one of them.

Matt? Raven? Josh? Kevin and Jason who throw things? Paul's going to put his fate in their hands since he can't play in HOH but Cody/Jess/Mark/Elena all can.  Also you'd also have to factor in Temp and Veto to save them next week and this week too. 

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If Paul nominates Jess and Cody I would like to see it go down like this:

Jess keeps her mouth shut about the nature of the Temptation, and Paul continues to consider the fact that she was bluffing since the game appears to be progressing as usual.  Cody wins the veto and Paul has to reveal who the next person after Jess & Cody is on his hit list (even though it'll only be through personal discussions and a lot of 'you're-only-a-pawn talk').  Paul continues to strut around the house thinking he's big shit and has foiled Jess's bluff attempt.  Veto meeting comes and Cody does not use the veto on himself or Jess (has a veto holder who's been on the block ever not pulled themselves off before?).  Everyone's jaws drop to the floor, now they know this is no bluff, they really are both safe this week.  Then Jess either a) tells a big mouth in the house, in supposed 'confidence', or b) lets just the right person 'accidentally' overhear her and Cody talk about- how her temptation gives her the power to replace both nominees just before the vote, when the show goes live.  No time for the dodo's to get orders from Paul.  Of course the second part is not true, but with any luck  we get to watch everyone shit their pants for a few days.  At the very least there would be some entertainment for the audience in what would be an otherwise boring-ass week when everyone knows just exactly what's going on.  Best case scenario it would put some cracks into the Borg as everyone tries to save their own skin when they don't know who to campaign against, or if they even need to campaign at all.  Now there is finally some competition within the Borg.  Of course the third nominee would have to be just the right person as well, a high-ranking member in this group of idiots.  (I mean if I'm going to fantasize I might as well go big, right?)

No way in hell this happens. Planets would have to align, comps would have to go just right, Jess would have to go about spreading the false part of her temptation in such a precise way that it would take on a life of it's own while she pretends she doesn't want anyone to know about it, and otherwise have brains.....

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Its a good time to test this temptation idea. If Jess and Cody are on the block, it wont matter who goes up next to them. Everyone is safe. But they wont know that. So they may be frantic to compete. Paul will be telling everyone, don't compete, you are all safe. Kaboom come Thursday.

I do not mind this twist. It does not pander to the public and strategically  challenges the HD's.

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17 minutes ago, Artsda said:

If Cody or Jess wins, he'd have to rethink it. 

I don't think so. He's already hinted that if the temptation keeps them safe that Mark and Elena would go up.

Paul is fine with Mark going. He might actually prefer he goes over Jess. He wants Elena all to himself.

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1 hour ago, Thalia said:

I was thinking about their future marriage last night.

 J:  I really don't think the kids should play in the freeway, honey.  

C:  I was a marine, and I promise you, it will make them tough and teach them skills they'll need later in life.

J:   But what if they get hit by a speeding car? 

C:  You've got to trust me on this, babe. 

J:  Well, okay.  You're the man and must know best, and I'm just a girl with big boobs. 

And if the kids do get hit by a car they better handle it like alphas and not make any VICTIM NOISES.

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I am interested to see who will play in the temptation comp today.  Mark, Elena, Cody and ??  I don't think anyone else feels in danger.  Josh, who knows what he is thinking. 

Paul told Matt and Raven that he had to talk to Alex about Jason.  He called him an idiot.  He may be thinking of putting him up with Mark if his nomination of Cody and Jess is stopped, in case Jessica was right. When it isn't stopped he will know  Jess was lying or he misinterpreted.  Then he has to wonder what she meant.   It will be hours of thinking and brain storming.  

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37 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

And then Paul isn't allowed to play in HOH. Jessica wins HOH. Good times!

The big wrench with this plan is Paul has so many minions that he still controls the vote. That assuming he's still on the block after two competitions where he has a chance to save himself. 

Big reason why I don't like the Temptation Challenge. Gives Paul more outs in the game. And honestly it's probably why it's there. Like Redemption Island with Boston Rob.

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3 minutes ago, DakotaLavender said:

Was the hex from Jessica's temptation the Temptation Challenge? What is Jessica's hex?

Jessica released a consequence [this new comp] when she accepted the temptation of the haunting hex.  

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I thought Paul would throw the HOH to Matt or Raven. Unfortunately, he isn't that smart. He could have had them do the dirty work and still been in charge. Of course, Jessica has the hex and will probably use it next week if she and Cody are on the block. I'm still trying to figure out if this show would be die or be boring if Paul got evicted? Could the rest of them make the show interesting through the rest of the summer?!??

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Do we know the full official explanation of this competition?  I was not paying attention when Julie was explaining it. 

So anyone can decide to compete? Anyone can decided to not compete?  What if only the two nominees want to compete? 

Just now, ByaNose said:

I thought Paul would throw the HOH to Matt or Raven. Unfortunately, he isn't that smart. He could have had them do the dirty work and still been in charge. 

Yea his ego is too big to do that. 

oh found what julie said:


It is called the Temptation Competition. And, for the next 3 weeks, before nominations, the houseguests will be tempted to participate in this challenge. And, for the first time in Big Brother history, the houseguests will get to choose whether or not they want to compete. The winner of this competition will be safe for the week. But, like all temptations, participating comes with a consequence. The houseguest who finishes last will automatically go on the block as a 3rd nominee. Tune in Sunday when the Temptation Competition is revealed to the houseguests and watch it all play out. 

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What's weird is that it doesn't explain what happens if no one except the two nominees wants to compete... because then one wins and is safe?  And then if only 3 people compete (2 nominees and 1 other) if the other person wins then there's still only 2 nominees. 

So it makes me think they're going to pressure them all super hard to compete.  

aww jason is talking to his wife.  says that since he's been in the house he's realized that you pay more attention to the little details and he has realized he didn't do that before in normal life, especially stuff his wife does.  so he promises that from now on he will pay more attention to the little things in life that his wife does.  and then gives her a happy birthday message. 

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4 minutes ago, gunderda said:

Do we know the full official explanation of this competition?  I was not paying attention when Julie was explaining it. 

So anyone can decide to compete? Anyone can decided to not compete?  What if only the two nominees want to compete? 

The competition takes place before nominations, so there won't be any official nominees at that point. House guests compete only if they want to. Possibly if the main targets are competing, other house guests will have incentive to compete to stop the target from getting safety. But of course anyone who competes is at risk of being the third nominee. 

If only two people compete, then one will be safe and one will be the third nominee. Julie didn't mention any minimum number of players. I wonder if only one person can choose to compete and this guarantee that they win safety.

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2 minutes ago, gunderda said:

Do we know the full official explanation of this competition?  I was not paying attention when Julie was explaining it. 


I feel like Julie said something like the HGs have a choice to play or something. Was very vague. 

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4 minutes ago, gunderda said:

What's weird is that it doesn't explain what happens if no one except the two nominees wants to compete... because then one wins and is safe?  And then if only 3 people compete (2 nominees and 1 other) if the other person wins then there's still only 2 nominees. 

So it makes me think they're going to pressure them all super hard to compete.  

HOH would probably have to nom another to fill the slot.

1 minute ago, Cutty said:

I feel like Julie said something like the HGs have a choice to play or something. Was very vague. 

They do have a choice. 

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4 minutes ago, gunderda said:

aww jason is talking to his wife.  says that since he's been in the house he's realized that you pay more attention to the little details and he has realized he didn't do that before in normal life, especially stuff his wife does.  so he promises that from now on he will pay more attention to the little things in life that his wife does.  and then gives her a happy birthday message. 

I saw that.  And now it sounds like he's in his bed crying under the covers.  Poor guy.

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Just now, wings707 said:

HOH would probably have to nom another to fill the slot.

Yes, because the competition takes place prior to nominations, so the HOH will make two nominations regardless of competition outcome.

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6 minutes ago, Michichick said:

Yes, because the competition takes place prior to nominations, so the HOH will make two nominations regardless of competition outcome.

ohhhhhh yea, good point. i keep forgetting that the nominations dont' take place until AFTER

So that's like the incentive, you don't know if you're going to be nommed or not so you want to take the chance with the comp. 

some are speculating that there will be additional temptations to make people want to play, other than just safety. 

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I just rewatched the end of the episode. Here's what Julie says about the competition:

"It is called the Temptation Competition, and for the next three weeks, before nominations, the house guests will be tempted to participate in this challenge. And for the first time in Big Brother history, the house guests will get to choose whether or not they want to compete. The winner of this competition will be safe for the week but, like all temptations, participating comes with a consequence. The house guest who finishes last will automatically go on the block as a third nominee. Tune in Sunday when the Temptation Competition will be revealed to the house guests, and watch it all play out."

1 minute ago, eskimo said:

I wonder if the house guests have to make their decision on playing without knowing who has chosen to play and who has chosen to sit out. 

That would be great. Though I imagine there'd be some collusion about who will participate in future weeks.

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12 minutes ago, Michichick said:

Yes, because the competition takes place prior to nominations, so the HOH will make two nominations regardless of competition outcome.

Yes.  Of course. Thanks.   

So this means more feed blocking for 3 fridays.  They should show us this comp.  Well they should do a lot of things. 

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9 minutes ago, wings707 said:

It doesn't matter what happens on this one as long as Paul puts one of them up (Cody/Jessica).  I want the hex to be used.  

It feels like it will this week...unless Cody/Jessica don't participate in the Temptation Comp and Paul gets suspicious as to why. Them not participating may give Paul enough pause to put up Mark/Elena. Maybe.

Ultimately, I think Cody should play in it but not Jessica. Cody has a high chance of winning and if he does, then Paul will be forced to put up either Mark or Elena next to Jessica. And my hope is Jessica wins veto, takes herself off, and then Mark/Elena are put up. Or better yet, Elena or Mark wins veto, takes down Jessica, and then Paul has to put up one of his minions. And if Paul convinces Josh to play for laughs and he's the third nom, it eliminates another vote on Paul's side. 

Again, I know it'll never happen, but one can dream of scenarios. 

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