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S06.E19: Blue Christmas

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So how many vacations is that so far this year without Nova? At least two.  I don't understand how Catelyn is too depressed to walk around the block but she can go on a child free vacation every two months.

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1 hour ago, Tara Ariano said:

Amber continues to be frustrated that she doesn't have Leah as much as she wants, while Ryan's girlfriend encourages him to communicate more with Maci about Bentley's schedule. Cate surprises Tyler with a winter getaway.

It would only be a surprise if he gets to leave by himself or Nova goes with them. 

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Go to Michael's or Hobby Lobby, you twat.

Amber is one massive hemorrhoid. 

FYI there will also be another episode airing in the regular Monday timeslot. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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Amber continues to be frustrated that she doesn't have Leah as much as she wants, while Ryan's girlfriend encourages him to communicate more with Maci about Bentley's schedule. Cate surprises Tyler with a winter getaway.

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3 hours ago, dorcastrilling said:

My Direct TV guide has it under unsorted episodes, airing at 6:30. Ryan and MacKenzies engagement and Javi looking for a love connection.

Oops, left out the day. 6:30 Monday

Sunday. Which is why the thread title has "2017.05.07" in it. :)

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6 hours ago, Tara Ariano said:

Sunday. Which is why the thread title has "2017.05.07" in it. :)

Mine is showing 5/08/2017 at the top and set to record at 6:30 p, Mon 5/8 at the bottom.

The exact episode description reads "Ryan and Mackenzie celebrate their engagement and discuss their wedding; Javi tries to make a love connection."

I even took a picture with my cell phone but have no idea how to get it on here.

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12 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

There's 2 different episodes, one Sunday and one Monday.

Thanks! I am glad someone else can see the Monday episode as well as the Sunday one they have been promoting.

So why Javi? I guess this explains why he showed up on the after show with the clips of the kids. If he is moving overto OG I hope he spills some real Kail dirt. I suppose he could just be a drive by like Jeremy was, but being included on that after show seems weird.

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There, I managed to get it on here. So curious about this. My Kail hating heart is hoping she got him bounced from TM2 so he was shuffled over to TMOG to spill the dirt.

2 hours ago, ginger90 said:

I only watch OG so I was wondering why he was on that kid clip show. I assumed the woman that was shown with Debra was a grandmother from it too.

She is. That is Barb, Jenelle's mother. She can be hilarious.

Edited by dorcastrilling
Edited because leaving out words is stupid.
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Even on vacation, Catelynn looks soo greasy. I hate to be all about vanity but that's your man. Doll  yourself up a bit.  Wash your hair, put on a sexy little something. How about a nice dress instead of all the damn hoodies. Ski vacation or not men are visual creatures and nobody gets a hardon for a greasy schlump.

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Amber at the end of the episode while crying about Leah: "I'm just trying so hard."  No, Amber.  You are not trying at all.

4 minutes ago, Linny said:

It sure says a lot about Amber that she's super concerned with how her Christmas tree looks when viewed through the window. It's the same reason she drives a Corvette and lives in a swanky neighborhood: the appearance of wealth and satisfaction are of the utmost importance to her. It doesn't matter that the interior of her house is destroyed due to her animals or that the tree's lights are uneven, she only cares about the outside facade she's projecting.

Great point.  I'm 38 and I've never thought about what our Xmas trees have looked like from outside.

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I too believe Ryan suffered a brain injury in his accident a few yrs ago.  Maci was a total bitch!  Yes Maci...You are right...Jenn and Larry did spend every holiday with their son growing up and you want to know why?  She wasn't a teen Mom...They were a married couple!  You on the other hand have gone thru numerous men throughout Bentley's young life and now that you have finally trapped someone you are acting all high and mighty.  Jenn and Larry have always been good to Maci and Bentley so yes..Their feelings should be taken into consideration.  At some point during the holidays they should be able to spent time with Bentley.

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I love Matt how bought Amber's Christmas present with her money.

Ryan's proposal was hella awkward.  I hope it was a reenactment for the cameras.  The ring was ugly too.  What does she see in him? 

I'm still with Maci on the holiday situation.  It's not right to put Bentley in the middle.  And Ryan couldn't be less interested in being a father.  

Edited by snarts
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6 minutes ago, snarts said:

What does she see in him? 

She's a 20-year-old divorced mother and he's a reality star with traumatic brain injury that lives in his deceased grandma's house.  Match made in heaven.

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32 minutes ago, CofCinci said:

She's a 20-year-old divorced mother and he's a reality star with traumatic brain injury that lives in his deceased grandma's house.  Match made in heaven.

Wait, what?? She's a mother? Why do we never see her child? Is it like Gary's situation, where he ex-husband (she's been married before???) won't allow it? I do like her though. She was right to tell Ryan to communicate with Maci, and not at the last minute. It seems like that's how they schedule time with Bentley and it should be a little more organized.

Amber gets on my nerves! You're a piece of shit to cry and make that baby feel bad about an ornament she made at school. Like a previous poster said, have a crafting day and make one with her. She knew that you were crying and I'm sure she could guess why, you idiot.

Maci is also getting on my nerves. Does Ryan pay child support? If he doesn't, I'm sure we'd hear about it, but she doesn't have the right to arbitrarily make decisions about how Bentley spends his time, can she? I swear, Ryan needs to get his ass to the courts and get this on paper. Hell, dumb ass Adam from TM2 did it and we know his ass is a deadbeat. Ryan may have flaked off and missed some stuff but Bentley is well taken care of by post sides of his family and she needs to not use that child to assert her authority as his mom. I don't think Bentley minded spending Christmas Eve over there at all. Maci had to throw in their plans and make him feel like he was missing out on something.

I don't think Jenn gets mad at Bentley. She's probably pissed at Maci and he feels bad. They all should do better with reacting in front of him. Its so unfair to him.

Edited by MitaJo
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1 hour ago, MitaJo said:

Maci is also getting on my nerves. Does Ryan pay child support? If he doesn't, I'm sure we'd hear about it, but she doesn't have the right to arbitrarily make decisions about how Bentley spends his time, can she? 

Yes, she can.  Did you see the scene where Ryan's gf asked him about Christmas plans with Bentley, and he said he was pretty sure his mother was checking in with Maci about it....or maybe not.  He didn't really know, and he sure didn't care.  And he was perfectly willing, as he has been for 7 years, to pass on that responsibility to his mother.  That says everything you need to know about Ryan as a father.  

Edited by LotusFlower
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Maci acts like she is doing Ryan's parents a favor by letting them see Bentley.   I know they don't have rights or anything, but what about the time when she also left Jayde there?  Ryan's parents probably think she's just a huge asshole and humor her because of how vindictive she is.   I loved Jenn's zinger about how Mackenzie is the best one yet.   That probably really pissed Maci off considering she swears up and down how madly in love they were before Bentley was born.  

Honestly, it must be so hard for Jenn and Larry to smile and act normal knowing what a manipulative egomaniac Maci is.   She wants to hold all the power and then punish everybody else because she has the kid more.  

I don't blame Ryan at all for letting his mom try and arrange the dates.   It seems like he hates Maci and she is constantly denying him the time he asks for.   Then turns around and talks shit about how he doesn't see Bentley as much as he should.   Jenn keeps her composure, where Ryan cusses her out and then the fallout is worse.  

22 minutes ago, Fatkat said:

What was Bentley doing with his ear in the scene in the kitchen with Maci? He folded it into his ear canal. Odd!

It seemed to me like a nervous habit.   He has probably figured out that Maci acts like a self righteous bitch and shoots down plans like that.

Edited by lexiexx
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24 minutes ago, Fatkat said:

What was Bentley doing with his ear in the scene in the kitchen with Maci? He folded it into his ear canal. Odd!

It is odd. I can actually do and it freaks the heck out of people. Its my stupid human trick.

Edited by Brooklynista
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I decided to look up Ryan's accident information.

He never want to the hospital. Maci tweeted he was fine and that the tabloids were running rampant with misinformation.

Maci has never mentioned or alluded to Ryan having any problems due to the car crash. 

There is no hot spring hot enough to wash away Cate's greasy and filthy look.

Edited by GreatKazu
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God Amber is the worst. As is Matt. When Leah giddily asked if the present Matt got was for her , his remark and tone of voice "it's not" was so rude. She's a child. Ugh. And Amber keep your crap together. She needs a poker face like WHOA. Watching Leah have to reassure her mom is not cool.

Also ugh on Maci. And on Taylor too. They both were annoying with their comments.

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18 hours ago, woodscommaelle said:

"Are we doing any sporting activities?"

Apparently, yes, and for Catelynn, her lazy ass made sure that she participated in something that is the equivalent of SITTING ON HER COUCH, yet sliding down a hill at the same time.


All that woman does is sit and lie down! Skiing and snowboarding would involve standing erect at least part of the time, heaven forbid. Standing in the hot springs doesn't count!

Let me get this straight: She says that she and Tyler need to do something once a month as a couple, just the two of them?? Huh? As opposed to what?? As opposed to the other thirty days when they are engaging with other people and friends, and at their jobs, with social lives, separately, as two individual people? Good lord. It must be opposite day.

The ass-ugly plaid scarves the size of Wyoming have got to go. Farrah was the only one not wearing one! Speaking of Farrah, I LOLd at Simon calling her a dummy.

Edited by AhFillAck
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2 minutes ago, AhFillAck said:

Apparently, yes, and for Catelynn, her lazy ass made sure that she participated in something that is the equivalent of SITING ON HER COUCH, yet sliding down a hill at the same time.


All that woman does is sit and lie down! Skiing and snowboarding would involve standing erect at least part of the time, heaven forbid. Standing in the hot springs doesn't count!

Let me get this straight: She says that she and Tyler need to do something once a month as a couple, just the two of them?? Huh? As opposed to what?? As opposed to the other thirty days when they are engaging with other people and friends, and at their jobs, with social lives, separately, as two individual people? Good lord. It must be opposite day.

The ass-ugly plaid scarves the size of Wyoming have got to go. Farrah was the only one not wearing one! Speaking of Farrah, I LOLd at Simon calling her a dummy.

Yeah that comment from Cate was interesting. I want to feel for them at times but they both make it super hard when they say things like that all the time. Really. 

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I swear, none of these people know how to get out of their own way.  I know a lot of it has to do with the editing, but still -

Maci is the most mature one of the lot, though she, too, has her issues. Just wish the entire family would stop putting everything on Bentley and work it out like real parents.  

IMO, Nova is lucky her parents go away without her - they certainly don't seem stellar when they are in charge of parenting her.  

So very, very done with Farrah's entitlement.  She needs a comeuppance, but so far I haven't seen anyone who can deliver, as it is her mission is to hurt before she can be hurt.  

Glad Matt feels so free to spend Amber's money.  MTV should be putting money into a trust fund for each of these minors, so they will have something to fall back on when the cash cow dies and these immature parents have blown through everything.  Maybe Amber should spend more time figuring out how she can grow up and parent Leah, rather than whine all the time.  She is the one who got herself into this parenting situation - she is the only one who can fight her way back.  

Love the way all these young people rely on others who are at least as broken as they are for sage advice.

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2 hours ago, WhosThatGirl said:

Also ugh on Maci. And on Taylor too. They both were annoying with their comments.

I notice how Maci referred to Taylor as being Bentley's dad. Sorry, tweedle-dum. Ryan is Bentley's dad until that guy is no longer among the living or he signs away his parental rights. Before she became an "honest woman" Maci was pressuring Ryan to be in Bentley's life and leaving Bentley with his grandparents with no qualms. How long has this been going on? Seven years? 

Maci is trash. 

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lol@ Farrah looking at place in Poway. And double LOL @ the lady who actually has horses asking Farrah how many she has. Just one. A mini horse. 


Seeing her at that dinner, I think Farrah could fit in there. I wonder if she got the idea from Kendra (Marriage Boot Camp) who is a somewhat typical (albeit slightly prettier) San Diego local.

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5 hours ago, WhosThatGirl said:

God Amber is the worst. As is Matt. When Leah giddily asked if the present Matt got was for her , his remark and tone of voice "it's not" was so rude. She's a child. Ugh. And Amber keep your crap together. She needs a poker face like WHOA. Watching Leah have to reassure her mom is not cool.

I noticed that too! I was so disgusted with Matt's remark and tone. It wasn't even a teasing tone, it was almost hateful.  I felt like in that moment, he showed his true self. 

Also, the more I see Ryan, the more I wonder what happened. In past episodes he was quicker with his responses, and less even tempered (maybe it was because he was with Maci?).  I can't put my finger on it, or describe it, but he has some different movements when he moves his head and arms, almost like they aren't controlled. 

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I think Jenn & Larry are being incredibly selfish regarding Christmas.  Bentley is 7 years old, of course he wants to open Santa Claus presents on Christmas morning with his bother & sister.  Why is it so surprising that his mother wants him there too?  

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I wonder if the producers read these threads?  Cate and Tyler had to be filmed packing Nova's clothes and driving her to April's home to be dropped off before they flew to Wyoming?  We all know Nova resides at April's at least 5 days a week!  Did one of the producers drive over to April's to pick Nova up so they could film her being taken to April's?!   

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10 hours ago, snarts said:

I think Jenn & Larry are being incredibly selfish regarding Christmas.  Bentley is 7 years old, of course he wants to open Santa Claus presents on Christmas morning with his bother & sister.  Why is it so surprising that his mother wants him there too?  

This is where I'm also torn. I love Jenn and Larry and feel they deserve a lot for what they do. However, aside from being amazing grandparents the custody is between the mother and the father with a father that has the grandparents do all the work. 

I do think Bentley should open presents and create Christmas morning memories with his brother and sister.

Usually Christmas Eve is spent visiting grandparents and Christmas morning is for the siblings to rip open gifts together. But it's different when families are now flying out of state to stay with step-spouse family.

Ugh, it's a crappy situation when you have blended families. I really do feel for jenn and Larry but Ryan's a deadbeat father that doesn't deserve the holiday to show off a kid he could careless spending time with on non-special occasions.

Unless Jenn and Larry can fight in court for holiday rights I don't see how Maci should give Ryan a holiday when he could care less about Mon thru Sunday during mundane days. 

I mean, Maci, as much as I loathe her, does all the tough work involved with parenting a child and deserves to share the FUN moments as a reward. 

I love my in-laws and they're fantastic grandparents but I'll never give up my Christmas morning with my child so they can have them if we lived far away and I was going to a different state. They had their time to enjoy Christmas with their kids so I should get to enjoy my time and build my memories. Ryan's the one that should be fighting for custody to make things easier for Jenn and Larry but he doesn't care enough to go to court and doesn't care enough to do any of the hard parenting as his MOTHER takes care of Bentley on Ryan's visits.

I love you Jenn and Larry and hate you Maci but I have to agree with Maci on this one until Ryan can prove to be a better parent. Larry and Jenn can have Bentley any time they want but holidays should be with the primary parent. Grandparents are very important but kids want to open presents with their brothers and sisters.

Amber you suck! Go to hobby lobby and make an ornament with your daughter and take the ridiculous reindeer outfit off as you don't look cute, especially as a manipulative reindeer.

Matt, your true colors came out when poor Leah excitedly asked if the present was hers. Must be so nice buying someone a present with their own money. Unless you're a stay at home dad or stay at home mom (or housewife) you shouldn't use someone else's money for their gifts. Make something homemade instead, like build something. When my husband and I were low on cash one Christmas he built me a beautiful bench in the backyard and created a small foot bridge with a little fake pond for me to enjoy around my flower beds.  

Edited by Calm81
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12 hours ago, CofCinci said:

Great point.  I'm 38 and I've never thought about what our Xmas trees have looked like from outside.

Our house is so tiny, that our tree fits in a corner and you can't even SEE it from outside. And I don't freaking care, because decorating the tree is fun for the family and we're the ones looking at it ever day. 


12 hours ago, Caracoa1 said:

.  Jenn and Larry have always been good to Maci and Bentley so yes..Their feelings should be taken into consideration.  At some point during the holidays they should be able to spent time with Bentley.

They are going to get Bentley. It was mentioned that the way they've ALWAYS done it is that Bentley has Christmas Eve at home, wakes up and does presents with his mom, then goes with Ryan and his family later in the day. The issue was, they were trying to change it up this time. Jen asked BENTLEY (not his mother, or even his father) if he'd like to spend the night Christmas Eve and open presents with THEM in the morning. So the issue was them trying to change the way things have always been done, and also asking the kid and not the parent. 

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12 hours ago, Caracoa1 said:

At some point during the holidays they should be able to spent time with Bentley.

I thought Maci said the plan was for Bentley to spend Xmas eve with them, wake up and do presents and go to Jen and Larry's Christmas afternoon. It stuck out to me because I thought it was interesting Bentley would be going to the grandparents and not Ryan's place since he has a house now. 

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24 minutes ago, Booger666 said:

I thought Maci said the plan was for Bentley to spend Xmas eve with them, wake up and do presents and go to Jen and Larry's Christmas afternoon. It stuck out to me because I thought it was interesting Bentley would be going to the grandparents and not Ryan's place since he has a house now. 

But Ryan has never shown himself capable of planning anything; he couldn't even show up for Halloween on time. I'm sure he just goes over to his parents to celebrate all together. My parents were divorced before I was born and the way we always did it was very similar to what Maci and them seem to do. I had Christmas Eve with my mom's family - dinner at her parents' house, then woke up Christmas Day at my mom's, with my step-dad and siblings from their marriage. My dad came to get me later in the day and we went to HIS parents house, for their big family dinner and opening presents. Then "Santa" came one more night on the 25th, so I could open presents with my other sister at my dad's house on the morning of the 26th. I was told Santa made special trips for kids from two households. 

It seems like these plans are what they've done for years, so I don't see why Jen was asking to change things up now. 

Edited by ghoulina
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I'm cynical of most things lately, and the Bentley/Jenn & Larry Christmas drama seemed manufactured.  Maci's storyline has been stagnant for a while now so it needed something to spice it up.  When Maci is in her kitchen, the pile of jumbled papers and stuff on top of her microwave bugs me.

Had Tyler really never before heard of Jackson Hole, Wyoming?  Then he mocked it!  It bugs me when people do that.  My kids have a friend who mocks stuff she has never heard of before and my kids were starting to do it.  I shut that down real quick and I told them you sound like an idiot when you make fun of something you don't know about.  Look it up.  Research it.  Educate yourself.  Do not mock it just because you have never heard about it before.

*whisper* I think Cate has gained even more weight.  I'm old enough to be her mother, and I have quadruple the endurance she does.  It made me a bit sad for her that she had to tube down the slopes instead of ski or snowboard, but she seems quite content to be lazy.

Amber and Matt in those weird onesies was just gross and disgusting.  I can't even with the way she did Leah in the car about the school christmas ornament.  Extremely inappropriate for a parent to do that to a child.  Off the charts inappropriate.

Farrah wearing her self-purchased engagement ring.  This has to be made up.  Farrah knows how to keep her storyline interesting.  Maybe Simon is her writer.  I also got a chuckle when the realtor mentioned the horses she owns and trail rides, and Farrah had to tell her she owns a mini horse.   Also loved her line about the HOA interfering with her creativity. lol

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Lots of reactions to this episode. 

Maci does not seem happy to be a mom of three young kids. I didn't see any joy in any of her scenes. 

I get why Amber and Matt are a couple now. It's all about appearances and absolutely no substance. They high-five each other for making it three Xmas'. Of course there aren't any normal couple accomplishments to celebrate. They are just watching time go by. I can't imagine living such a pitiful existence. 

I hope Ryan's proposal was recreated for the cameras because it was hella awkward. He did a nice job with the ring. That halo style is very popular right now and probably looks pretty on her hand. 

On the other hand, Farrah passive aggressively wearing the non-engagement ring on her engagement ring finger was funny. Farrah, you are not engagement worthy - get over it. 

Where was Sophia?  When Farrah is gone is it all nannies, Michael, Debra, a pack of wolves?

Cate and Tyler having NO reaction to Nova's distress during the face time call shocked me. Of course she's a kid and will get over it in 5 min, but neither of those two had an ounce of empathy for their own damn kid. 

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Amber needs to grow the fuck up. What she's doing to. That poor sweet child is emotional abuse. Loved that Leah is oblivious to that fat cow crying and says here's some trash mama. Cause Amber the people that actually take care of Leah, her parents Gary and Kristina get the ornament she made in school and you get what you deserve -  trash. Amber will let Matt spend her money on an expensive car but age can't pay her child support? That scene made me sick. And who was the loser tagging along in all Matt and Amber's scenes? 

I've never seen so many people who are on a show about  teen parents do so many things when their kids are nowhere in sight!  I understand when Farrah is working but everyone else rarely has their kids around. 

The scene between ryan and his dad was touching. Loved Jens toast.. Here's to keeping him and not giving him back. Ryan acts like he has traumatic brain injury. 

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I was anti-maci on the thanksgiving issue but I kinda have to side with her on the christmas.  If that's how they've always done it then it shouldn't be changed. HOWEVER, the argument that Bentley should open gifts with his brother and sister is only good until Mackenzie and Ryan have their own child (if they do). 

My brother sort of has a blended family.  He had two kids that were full brothers.  Every so often they will go spend Christmas day with their mom, but not on a consistent basis.  Now my brother is married and him and my SIL now have their own child.  I'm sure eventually there will be Christmas' were that nephew doesn't spend it with his two brother.  Unfortunately when you have kids with multiple people that is what happens.  You can't hog all the good times, no matter how shitty the other parent is/was. 

I was actually really surprised to see that Amber gets xmas morning - but that's also in their AGREEMENT.  Maci should try to set something up like that before the court does it for her and it doesn't go her way.

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17 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Then "Santa" came one more night on the 25th, so I could open presents with my other sister at my dad's house on the morning of the 26th. I was told Santa made special trips for kids from two households. 

Santa makes odd visits for us too.  A couple years ago it was the week before.  The first time we had actually done it like that for my nephews.  I'm was like uhhh won't they think that's odd??? Apparently not, or they didn't care because they were just excited to get gifts a week before Christmas lol

16 minutes ago, AirQuotes said:


*whisper* I think Cate has gained even more weight.  I'm old enough to be her mother, and I have quadruple the endurance she does.  It made me a bit sad for her that she had to tube down the slopes instead of ski or snowboard, but she seems quite content to be lazy.

I'm sorry, but choosing to tube instead of ski or snowboard does not make you lazy.  Can I ski? yes.  Do I like it? No.   The thought of attaching both of my feet to one object and I can't remove them? HELLL NO.  I can do the bunny hill but anything else terrifies me. I'll take a tube down a hill any day. 

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15 minutes ago, gunderda said:

I'm sorry, but choosing to tube instead of ski or snowboard does not make you lazy.  Can I ski? yes.  Do I like it? No.   The thought of attaching both of my feet to one object and I can't remove them? HELLL NO.  I can do the bunny hill but anything else terrifies me. I'll take a tube down a hill any day. 

I agree. I'm an average weight for my height. I work out 5 days a week, stay active with my kids on weekends, eat a "sensible" diet (hey, I love my ice cream!), but I have zero interest in skiing or snowboarding. Tubing is where it's at! So much fun. 

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