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S06.E19: The Black Fairy

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"No one ever doubts me."

Because they're idiots. Seriously, I can't even root for these people anymore. At this point I have no choice but to blame it on all the memory loss. Maybe that's why, despite frequent knocks to the head, one of the least memory-wiped characters (Hook) finally decided to verify that they were not being Cora!d this episode. 

I would have preferred Blue to be in the Tiger Lily role, even though I like the Tiger Lily actress. The set up some sort of epic feud between Blue and Black and then barely showed it. 

Edited by InsertWordHere
  • Love 10

So the show writers now want us to believe that the fairies are responsible for creating evil because they left Rumple with Malcolm, even though Malcolm said he blames Rumple for Fiona's death and that he couldn't possibly care for him?  

Loved Zelena's one liners and when she ran over the Black Fairy.  Bex has great comic timing.

Edited by Worsel
  • Love 5

So now that Rumple has Spawn #2 back he no longer cares about his grandson.  I am going to need both Emma and Henry to punch him in the face before the season ends.  

I can't decide which was funnier - Zelena and the car or Belle and her I always knew there was good in you Rumple speech when she heard he was a Savior (which of course he is not).   Belle - always and forever an idiot.  She should just accept she doesn't really give a crap about the bad Rumple does and get over herself.   

Edited by Mrs. de Winter
  • Love 8

I admit I was ironing while watching, but I'm very confused--last week they were talking about postponing the wedding, and this week it's tomorrow. And just 'cause it's the next episode, why did it have to be tomorrow? Somehow this wedding is going to be a major production that was planned in three days (not counting Snow's extensive pre-planning).

I was thinking the defeat of the Black Fairy was anticlimactic (considering I wondered how I'd totally missed it), so I was almost relieved Rumple is still completely untrustworthy.

  • Love 3

First of all, I didn't realise I missed an episode. must go re-watch. 

So apparently. Being a fairy = being stupid. Tiger Lily is no exception. 
Question: Why did she give Fiona everything if it was forbidden? Why did Tiger Lily give up her wings?

So They basically go around all of creation looking for the kid that was gonna kill Rumple. What did Tiger Lily (Red?) think was going to happen once Fiona saw said crescent mark'ed baby? Cootchiecoochie-cooo it? 

Question: How did the dark curse get created?
Tiger Lily zapped the wolfsbane. It never got put into the curse.
Why didn't Blue (or Tiger Lily) destroy the curse? 

So basically. A saviour is supposed to kill the greatest evil. But if Fiona just... went away. She'd live. And if she took Rumple with her. He'd live. And Emma could live. So why do the final battle? 

WHY ARE THE GOOD GUYS SO STUPIDRumple just shows up, knowing the truth and they think that he's good. And this is why Emma having a excuse my french: fucking magic power that's based on people lying is fucking. stupid. She either can detect bullshit. Or she can't. You can't pick and choose this showThis is so stupid. 

Bonus Points for this show. 
1: Showing that Fiona chose power over Rumple. no matter how she wants to spin it she was addicted to it. (+1 modifier for the "Knowledge is Power" the more she read, the more powerful she became, which cultivated in her becoming so powerful, she became the Black Fairy. (but fairies can rip out hearts too? did she read this?). Always coming full circle for Rumple-family. 

Fiona chose being a fairy
Malcolm chose being Pan
Rumple chose being a darkone
Neal chose being a douchecanoe
Henry (i bet you) will choose his author powers. 

2: Hook asking how the hell was Regina, really Regina. I love this man. 

3: Emma slapping some real truth bombs on Rumple. 

4: +10 modifer. Zelena hitting Fiona with her car. 

  • Love 13

Was it my imagination, or was this episode three hours long? I thought we were in the final section, looked at the clock, and we were only 19 minutes into it.

So, Rumple's a Savior. Or he was.

I still don't see what the Dark Curse has to do with anything. How would creating a small town in Maine have anything to do with it?

And, yeah, if they believe anything Rumple has to say at this point, they're too stupid to live. The one bright moment was someone finally thinking to verify identity before handing over a valuable magical object. Thank you, Hook.

  • Love 4

Where to even begin? 

Honestly, the parts I enjoyed:

-Yes, thanks Killian for questioning whether Regina was really Regina. She was and yes it is waaaaay past time for a "safe word"

-Zelena hitting the Black Fairy with that ugly ass car. Yes an element of "seriously???", but I also giggled.

-Killian asking Henry to be his Best Man. Aaaaaaaawwwww.

-Seeing the preview for the next episode.

Parts I did not enjoy:

-Every-effing-thing else. Thanks to me rolling my eyes for the majority of the episode, I now have a headache. 

6 minutes ago, Mrs. de Winter said:

So now that Rumple has Spawn #2 back he no longer cares about his grandson.  I am going to need both Emma and Henry to punch him in the face before the season ends.  

I can't decide which was funnier - Zelena and the car or Belle and her I always knew there was good in you Rumple speech when she heard he was a Savior (which of course he his not).   Belle - always and forever an idiot.  She should just accept she doesn't really give a crap about the bad Rumple does and get over herself.   


omg Belle is THE worst. I almost had a rage stroke listening to that drivel about there being goodness in Rumple. 

  • Love 10
13 minutes ago, Curio said:

We are going to retcon so much. We’re going to retcon at every level. We’re going to retcon Rumplestiltskin, we’re going to retcon the Black Fairy, we’re going to retcon the Dark Curse. We are going to retcon with every single facet. We are going to retcon so much you may even get tired of retconning. And you’ll say, "Please, please, it’s too much retconning. We can’t take it anymore. A&E, it’s too much." And we’ll say, "No it isn’t. We have to keep retconning. We have to retcon more. We are going to retcon more. We are going to retcon so much."

Basically they've retconned everything: True Love, Dark One, The Curse, Laws of Magic, Savior, etc.  In fact, the latest one made Emma completely useless.

  • Love 2

Okay, real talk.

* I did love Regina telling Zelena to take Henry. Zelena doesn't have the best judgement (See: Hades), but as Regina said, Henry would probably end up looking after her. 
* What is going on with Regina/Zelena though? In one episode they're fighting, and the next they're BFFs. What bonding did they do to get Regina to agree to let her stay at her house after all?
* Nice recycling of 3B's comic relief, writers. The crib and the driving lessons were done before.
* Belle saying "I always knew there was a good man behind the beast" made me want to gag. Yes Belle, he was the Savior. But he was also the purest hero ever in 5A, and he still betrayed. And what a surprise! He just did it again! TSTL. Gideon joined the idiot club too it seems.
* The fairies had the Fate Shears? These super powerful magical objects get passed around a lot, don't they? By all means, let's give them to the crazy lady who isn't thinking clearly. I'm suuure she'll sacrifice her power for the greater good.
* There are no words to describe how much I hate Henry as the best man. 
* "Wouldn't it be cool if Rumple was once a Savior too?!" Yeah, you're geniuses, A&E.
* Fiona's backstory makes little sense. It was never explained why she kidnapped children post-Rumple. 
* Yes, Fiona, Malcolm, and Rumple all did the same things. Can someone tell the writers that recycling plots is actually not that brilliant?

Edited by KingOfHearts
  • Love 6
9 minutes ago, Leia1979 said:

I admit I was ironing while watching, but I'm very confused--last week they were talking about postponing the wedding, and this week it's tomorrow. And just 'cause it's the next episode, why did it have to be tomorrow? Somehow this wedding is going to be a major production that was planned in three days (not counting Snow's extensive pre-planning).

I was thinking the defeat of the Black Fairy was anticlimactic (considering I wondered how I'd totally missed it), so I was almost relieved Rumple is still completely untrustworthy.

I wondered this too.  Last week they are just starting to look at venues but decide to put the wedding off for a while, then tonight the wedding is proceeding as planned...tomorrow?

Unbeleivably, they still believe Rumple?  And Rumple continues to make wrong decisions?  How are these people still falling for it? HOW?!

  • Love 2

The one bright moment was someone finally thinking to verify identity before handing over a valuable magical object. Thank you, Hook.


The annoying thing is that they probably won't ever do verification words again because Regina was so insulted that Hook would question her, and then Hook had to be the one to apologize to Regina. Welcome back, REC.


I admit I was ironing while watching, but I'm very confused--last week they were talking about postponing the wedding, and this week it's tomorrow. And just 'cause it's the next episode, why did it have to be tomorrow? Somehow this wedding is going to be a major production that was planned in three days (not counting Snow's extensive pre-planning).


It's not just you...I was very confused about this as well. When did Emma and Killian decide they wanted a quick wedding again? And tomorrow?! Emma literally just said last week she agreed with David about waiting a bit. Why did this conversation happen off screen? It also seemed like Snow's comment about the wedding at the diner was added in during post production as a last second detail because they didn't even cut to Ginny saying the line. It was just a shot of Rumple with Ginny's V.O. saying, "Oh hey, that means the wedding can be tomorrow!" It sounded awkward, like the line wasn't originally in the script, so when the writers realized they might not get a Season 7, they added that line in quickly and tacked on the final Emma/Hook/Henry scene that didn't seem to gel with the rest of the episode. 

Edited by Curio
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5 minutes ago, Noneofyourbusiness said:

But the thing that proved Fiona evil was being willing to send all the other children to a land without magic and crush Tiger Lily's heart to protect her son? Any normal parent would do that. If I had a child, I'd do that.

I think this would have worked better if it had been the episode before or after the one where we found out Snow/Charming could have had a life with Emma if they had not let her grow-up to be the Savior.  It would have been a good contrast.  I can see parents choosing either side and having regrets either way. 

  • Love 5
8 minutes ago, Mrs. de Winter said:

I think this would have worked better if it had been the episode before or after the one where we found out Snow/Charming could have had a life with Emma if they had not let her grow-up to be the Savior.  It would have been a good contrast.  I can see parents choosing either side and having regrets either way. 

Enchanted Forest morality continues to be at odds with realistic morality.

  • Love 4

Was anyone else confused by this episode? They're in a dream and Rumple is the savior and then he's not and that's his mother's dark secret? Or is it that she made him evil or she was going to kill a bunch of kids. I don't know. For such a dark secret, you would think it would be more clear about what that dark secret is.

And then what is the nonsense with Rumple helping out his mother? And they're just going to believe her killed her so yeah! Wedding!

This episode was just such a mess. The Henry/Hook conversation saved the other 40 minutes of crazy nonsense.

  • Love 5

And the retcons keep on coming!  This might have been the biggest (and dumbest one) yet!  So, Rumple was actually destined to be The Savior, but his mother (who was named Fiona before she became the Black Fairy) wanted to change his destiny, so she first tried to create a Dark Curse that would send every child to a land without magic (because the magic books/scrolls/etc. said that someone "born of winter" that year was going to kill the Savior), but when Blue Fairy stops her (oh, and stops her from killing Fairy Tiger Lily), she instead uses the shears to prevent Rumple from full-filling his destiny.  Even though she could have used it on herself, since she figured out that actually she is the one destined to kill the Savior, but she couldn't let go of the power.  Like mother like son, huh?  So, she gets banished and the fairies drop him off at his dad's, who is all mad at him for ruining his happy life, so this is why Rumple had a bad childhood and ended up being a coward who embraced being the Dark One.  Move over, Regina Redemption Tour: Rumple's filling out the stadiums, now!

But that is still not the dumbest part about this episode.  That easily goes to Rumple being sent to kill his mom, he clearly doesn't and pretends anyway, and every last one of these damn knuckleheads fall for it.  Every one of them!  They are hopeless.  Never trust Rumple to do what he says he was.  They should have sent Hook with his telescope to watch from a far or something.  Idiots, the lot of them.  And they're even going ahead with the wedding now, which is obviously when Fiona will strike.  Idiots.

Hook having Henry as his best man was kind of sweet, but it did make me realize that he doesn't seem to have any buddies outside of Henry and Charming.  Granted with this show, everyone comes and go, so I guess it's hard to make any friends.  It's not like it would have been believable if he asked Leroy or Archie.

Zelena easily wins the night with her running over Fiona.  A magic-less Zelena might actually be pretty fun!

Still like the actress playing Tiger Lily, and hope they find more ways to work her into the show.

Despite the stupid shit going on, Robert Carlyle and Jaime Murray sold the hell out of it.

So, next week's the big Once Upon A Time in La La Land shindig.  That can go either way.  Too bad Jasmine's already gone, because it would have been fun to see Karen David sing again (and maybe she can invite a few of her Galavant friends along for the ride.  Hell, Mallory Jensen is also in an ABC show!)

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I have so many questions that I don't even know where to start.  But I guess the main one is, A&E, why did you think this much retconning was a good idea?

(That said, Rumple and the Black Fairy were pretty good in their scenes together ... but still, so much ... yaaargh.)

ETA: Zelena running over the Black Fairy was probably the best thing that has happened this season (this half-season, for sure).

Edited by Senna
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I'm hoping Rumple is playing the long con with his mother.  He wasn't going to kill The Black Fairy until he had Gideon's heart back.  Killing her right away didn't guarantee Gideon would be saved.  Once Rumple learned his mother used the destiny cutting shears on him as a baby, he wasn't the Savior destined to kill Fiona. Since those thrice damned shears were brought up again, I wonder if Rumple will try to use them on Fiona when she's least expecting it.  Maybe Rumple will sacrifice himself to save Belle and Gideon.  He certainly did so when he killed Peter Pan.

If there isn't a long con going on, I reserve the right to retroactively despise this episode.  I really enjoyed it, otherwise.

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Is there a reason Rumple would be planning on double crossing the Black Fairy, but would not tell the rest of the group?  As in, the Black Fairy ends up killing Rumple, and then Emma kills the Black Fairy?  Prophecies are tricky.

Admittedly, I'm baffled as to how these people's power and magic work.  At times, they have a ridiculous amount of power, and can do anything they want.  At other times, they are completely powerless, and the most incompetent people on the face of the planet.

Why wouldn't they all face the Black Fairy together?  Wouldn't they have been better off, instead of sending Rumple with the magic wand, to have Emma, Regina, Rumple (depending on which side he is on in this episode), et al, use all their magic against the Black Fairy?

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I guess the Black Fairy kept stealing babies ... for reasons? Did she get in the habit of checking out babies to see who would kill her son and just keep at it? She already knew what the deal was, so it's not like she was still looking for the scar. And if she was banished, how did she keep coming back? Also, since when can someone just become a fairy, even with a spell?

Why do they keep going to New York from Maine when they leave town? I mean, yeah, New York is a cool place, but it's also very expensive and is rather far from Maine. If you're going to flee a small town in Maine, what about another small town in Maine? Or a city in Maine? Is someone still paying rent on Neal's apartment?

Also, if the Savior is born to die saving others, then they have got to shut the hell up about Regina always getting the short end of the stick. Regina has every advantage, has no doomed destiny, isn't even obligated to do good things, and has had a few bad things happen to her but otherwise has a pretty decent life in spite of having been a mass murderer. Emma was born to a doomed destiny she had no say or control over, and she's obligated to do good. Who has the short end of the stick, really?

  • Love 13

I actually think Rumple is pulling a long con on Mommy Dearest - guess we'll see. I also really like the actress playing Tiger Lily, but those are about the only comments I can think of around the Black Fairy storyline.

I'm actually really disappointed that we've never heard Emma & Hook have even one conversation about their wedding. Last week Emma decided to postpone it and now it's happening "tomorrow" with no discussion whatsoever? And then at the end, Hook just leaves to sleep wherever and doesn't even say "I love you"? Sorry, but it just feels like there has been absolutely no build up to this wedding at all. The "pancake" scene last week was really the only indication that they are happy and in love. They have only exhanged "I love yous" once this entire season and that was through the shell phone (so Hook didn't even hear it). They had TWO wedding proposals and Hook didn't say "I love you" during either one. I'm really hoping for some amazingly romantic vows next week (but not holding my breath).

  • Love 6

Where to start...

Saying Rumple was born destined to be the Savior is a slap in the face. I mean that is insulting. I mean yeah his fate was cut away as a baby so he never was the Savior but it's terrible for them to even suggest this piece of crap had any Savior stuff in him. Did cutting his fate mean his fate was passed on to Emma in some way?

And now he's teaming up with his mother who did all that terrible stuff to his son?! Ugh.

I genuinely hate Belle. I mean I really hate her. 'You're the Savior? I knew you were good all along!' I mean is she serious? Even if he still was the Savior, how would that change anything he's done? She couldn't even bring herself to say she trusted him earlier in the same episode!

I quite liked the Emma/Rumple dream parts - I've always liked their scenes together since season 1. I like that they have a bit of banter.

Regina wants Zelena to take Henry to New York and Zelena is staying with her? Wasn't Regina telling Zelena that she didn't even want her in the same world as her like yesterday? Is Emma aware of this plan? Literally anyone else would be a more in character choice. Also is there a contingency plan for baby Neal? I did like Zelena plowing down the Black Fairy with her ugly car though.

The flashbacks were silly. Apparently you can become a fairy by just saying a few words!

So why is the Black Fairy stealing children again???

The wedding is tomorrow??? Spoken by a post production Snow. Have they been planning this and we just didn't see it? Emma said they were postponing it just last week or are they they fastest organisers in the world? I do love the idea that Emma learned about Rumple needing to kill the Black Fairy instead of her and she immediately left to go plan her wedding with Hook. Like see ya!

  • Love 5

The Disney Beauty and the Beast animated Belle had some smarts. Seriously, the Beast/Rumple is much like Gaston. Most smart, sensible women would have thrown Rumple in to the pig pond. The man has lied repeatedly to you. If there is a good man, let him show that to you. Don't take his useless word.

I also enjoyed Zelena mowing down the Black Fairy. Kudos to Jaime Murray and Robert Carlyle for good performances.

Maybe there just isn't any real Saviour. It is up to the Author.

In terms of the wedding, maybe Cinderella's fairy godmothers can whip up a nice gown for Emma, create a beautiful coach out of a pumpkin. If they are currently in-season. If it is a country-type wedding and there are lots of cooks around, yeah, maybe you can do it within a few days (most likely 2-3 weeks).

  • Love 1

So Rumple was supposed to be a Savior? And his villain is his mom, the Black Fairy? And the Black Fairy was originally a good human? Who turned herself into a yellow fairy with the spell she shouldn’t have been able to do according to Rumple’s fairy godmother, Tiger Lily the Red Fairy? And Fiona became the Black Fairy when she tried to crush Tiger’s heart. And she isn’t completely evil. Which I’m fine with, but they were making her out to be the biggest bad. So maybe I’m not. Also, Rumple was Rumple this episode and tricked everyone into thinking he had banished the Black Fairy. And everyone believed him. Without question. Le sigh. Elsewhere in this episode, Snow said the wedding will be tomorrow (Yay! But you haven’t actually planned anything that we know of so how do expect to pull of a royal wedding? Oh, right. Magic.) and Killian made Henry his best man. I enjoyed this episode, but it gave me more questions than answers. Captain Swan wedding next week, though!

  • Love 1

This episode was alright to watch, but mostly because it was like a sitcom with the hilarity coming from the fact that nothing made any sense.  

Starting with the "Your Baby Is Doomed To Die A Savior Party!".  Seriously?  We still have no freak'in idea what being a Savior even means, and now babies are born into the role?  

Congrats, Fairy Tiger Lily, you just took the prize for Dumbest Fairy from Tinkerbelle.  The actress did a good job, but really, why did we even need her character.  Blue needs a better application form for hiring because your "employees" are complete idiots.  

Sooo... Emma sends her magic-less parents to find the weapon that will destroy The Black Fairy, while Regina teaches Zelena how to drive?  What?!  I'm all for the light-hearted sisterly B plot, but come on.  Notice no one got sent on the mission to save the kidnapped Blue.

I hate how they write Belle.  "I trust you to do what's right by our family" or whatever she said... what about everyone else?  Rumple took Emma along even though she could have defeated The Black Fairy while he was away looking for Gideon's heart in Gideon's dream world... oh wait, it's Rumple's dream world... why weren't Emma's childhood memories mixed in there too?  And no duh Gideon doesn't know where his heart is.  And since when do newborns remember anything by sniffing a blanket.

Rumple "The Savior has the luxury of always doing the right thing."  So it's a luxury now?  

What's the big deal about Rumple finding out the real reason why The Black Fairy gave him up?  Rumple can re-become The Savior just like that?  Finding out this family history was actually the "in" that made him switch sides, and The Black Fairy even said in the previouslies that he would change sides.  So what was her original plan to make that happen?  

What's the difference between a spell and a curse?  The Black Fairy didn't even kill Tiger Lily and she already turned black?  WTF.

Was anyone even surprised by that ending?  It was so obvious.  "No one ever doubts me."  Except every single person in the audience.  

Edited by Camera One
  • Love 7

okay at @Camera One I will attempt to answer your questions

1: yup. babies are born into Saviour-roles. Emma was born to be a saviour, remember? she just had to remember/trigger it. So I'd assume that Baby Rumple would have had to do something to trigger his. (Aladdin had to like save Jasmine to trigger his). so that's not so much out of left field

but that's the thing. though (even that answer is stupid). Emma was the "saviour" because she was going to save everyone from the curse. She wasn't this super-hero. now apparently she has magic because she's the product of true love slash Ingrid's sole-sister (that never really got explained either). NOW apparently saviours are a thing as there are 3. 

so. yah. okay failed to answer that question. Next!

2: I guess because Rumple was always team "I'm gonna kill my mother." (for giving me up apparently). so he realises that she was doing all of this crap to save his life. (even though. she can tell herself that but it's he same crap Rumple told Neal  (and Belle). so it really neutralises why Rumple was helping Team DumbDumb. 

3: A spell is like "I want everyone to watch this amazing show about fairy tales." BOOP! a curse is. "You are now committed to see these writers of this show retcon every blessed thing about this show." BOOM!

4: Nope. saw the time, and went. "so obviously, black fairy is gonna show up."


  • Love 6

It just really hit me, after watching this, how small Hook's world has become. He's found his Happy Ending, so that's good, but he's lived his whole life (until recently) as part of a tight-knit group, and now the only one he can ask to be his best man is his soon-to-be stepson (who isn't actually a man quite yet). I mean, where the hell is Smee?

  • Love 3

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