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1 minute ago, Mojoker said:

Bethenny has, in her talking heads, said exactly that it's not about what Luann does but about her lying about it.  


That explains why Beth feels how she feels about Lu it doesn't explain why in that moment in the restaurant it was necessary to make a crack about Lu blowing the owner.

What provoked that little barb in that moment?

Or any of the badmouthing that continues to be done?

I mean is Lu still doing stuff to the others? Ya know, beating them with etiquette sticks and all those other terrible terrible things she's apparently tortured the others with in the past?

  • Love 13

Aside from painting her marriage to the Count toward the end as better than it was (which nearly everyone who goes through a divorce that I know has done), and the pirate incident, what relationships/hookups has Luann lied about? I'm just not remembering any other instances where she lied to the other women about the men in her life and it's been, what, 4 years since the pirate thing?  Not broadcasting whom she has bedded is not lying.  She doesn't owe Bethenny (or anyone else, unless in some circumstances, her current partner and her PCP) a list of partners.  Hell, Bethenny lied about being single for all of season 7, lying to the entire audience that she was some single chick, all alone and homeless.

And this crap about Class with the Countess needs to stop pouring out of Beth's mouth or someone start smacking her back with quotes from A Place of Yes.

  • Love 23
7 hours ago, Yours Truly said:

I avoid the Carole/Adam examples because that wasn't Lu being pretentious that was Lu being bitchy cause of the circumstances under which the Carole/Adam coupling occurred and the players involved.  To actually ignore all of these factual details about that situation and still just chalking it up to Lu having some ridiculous pretentious Countess etiquette tantrum defies what was said, shown and literally expressed in FOOTAGE aired.

Not gonna get into a whole debate about it. Lu was messy and showed her ass a bit that season but it wasn't about " a lady doesn't......blah, blah, blah" it was her being mad at Carole and taking pot shots at her using the easiest insults in the book. Lu was being straight catty during her conflict with Carole she wasn't just randomly wielding the etiquette stick cause Caroles boinking Adam offended Lu's delicate Countess senses. Oh my..

Not saying it was Lu's finest hour but those exchanges with Carole weren't about elbows on the table and white after labor day.

It did not turned into that huge debacle just because of "airs". No way. No how.

Yeah, but I didn't say that. The topic was LuAnn's hypocrisy, and I literally laid that out by juxtaposing LuAnn's snide comments about younger men only being for the short while against the fact that she clearly didn't believe that since she dated Jacques. Or that LuAnn pretended to be aghast that Carole was into Adam when it's been pointed out that LuAnn has fucked around with younger men as well (Captain Johnny Depp, as an on-air example).

Like, I said nothing about LuAnn's pretentious behavior in this case because it wasn't about her pretentious ass behavior; it was about her hypocritical ass comments. 

Edited by Mozelle
  • Love 7
6 minutes ago, Trooper York said:

Of course Luann is attacking them. She found a guy who tasted and rejected two of them for her. He is a confirmed bachelor who decided to put a ring on it and it is driving them bat shit crazy. Especially Bethenny who could not hold her own marriage together as everyone predicted. So they have to get in their digs and ill-wishes and hope that Luann fails. 

The mere fact of Luann's happy go lucky life is a brutal attack on their self regard.

In the meantime Luann is enjoying life. Nothing was more indicative of this fact then the contrast between two scenes in this episode. In one Luann and Dorinda and Luann's grown daughter were out in the sun on the water enjoying a beautiful day together in the sunshine and light. While the two trolls were in an office getting jabbed by needles and having hot mason jars attached to their skin. 

Who would you rather be?

Umm, not the mason jars. I loved this post :)

6 minutes ago, Trooper York said:
  • Love 1
10 minutes ago, Yours Truly said:


That explains why Beth feels how she feels about Lu it doesn't explain why in that moment in the restaurant it was necessary to make a crack about Lu blowing the owner.

What provoked that little barb in that moment?

Or any of the badmouthing that continues to be done?

I mean is Lu still doing stuff to the others? Ya know, beating them with etiquette sticks and all those other terrible terrible things she's apparently tortured the others with in the past?

You appear to have missed the part where Bethenny said that she, herself, would be blowing the guy by midnight.  Both comments were obviously jokes.

  • Love 5
34 minutes ago, Trooper York said:

In the meantime Luann is enjoying life. Nothing was more indicative of this fact was the contrast between two scenes in this episode. In one Luann and Dorinda and Luann's grown daughter were out in the sun on the water enjoying a beautiful day together in the sunshine and light. While the two trolls were in an office getting jabbed by needles and having hot mason jars attached to their skin. 

Who would you rather be?

That must have been before LuAnn's daughter got arrested for a DUI - at almost twice the legal limit.   Which is after she was kicked out of her private school for a racist video where she was high and ranted the "N" word.  And before that she broke both arms falling, while climbing to sneak out of the house.

Edited by escape
  • Love 11
6 minutes ago, Mojoker said:

You appear to have missed the part where Bethenny said that she, herself, would be blowing the guy by midnight.  Both comments were obviously jokes.

Okay it's not getting thru.

Dorinda has a gripe with Sonja for a CURRENT reason.

Beths CURRENT gripe with Lu (or any of the other women for that matter)....???

The CURRENT reasons behind the Lu bashing and badmouthing......???

My thing is, its just a bunch of left over bullshit reasons from the ghost of seasons past then its lame and high school boring as fuck. No substance and ridiculous.

I get the dislike what I'm asking is the provocation for the current commentary and infatuation with Lu. What is Lu doing to provoke all that negativity? Not what she HAS done in separate situations under different circumstances about different things in PAST conflicts.

I need them to update the reasons in their "let's pile on Lu" bag. 

Beth bringing up that book. C'mon now... Really?

What I'm getting at is Lu's writing a etiquette book, landed some low blows in the Carole/Adam debacle and used daaaarrrrlliinngggg way too many times for the other women's taste is an old and tired broken record.

  • Love 8
31 minutes ago, Trooper York said:

Of course Luann is attacking them. She found a guy who tasted and rejected two of them for her. He is a confirmed bachelor who decided to put a ring on it and it is driving them bat shit crazy. Especially Bethenny who could not hold her own marriage together as everyone predicted. So they have to get in their digs and ill-wishes and hope that Luann fails.

The mere fact of Luann's happy go lucky life is a brutal attack on their self regard.

In the meantime Luann is enjoying life. Nothing was more indicative of this fact then the contrast between two scenes in this episode. In one Luann and Dorinda and Luann's grown daughter were out in the sun on the water enjoying a beautiful day together in the sunshine and light. While the two trolls were in an office getting jabbed by needles and having hot mason jars attached to their skin.

Who would you rather be?

Bethenny, any day of the week. But then I have always been independent, and never needed or wanted a man to make me happy. Lu is the last person I would want to be. I find women who cannot live without a man pathetic. Maybe it is because you are a male that you think Tom is a catch, but speaking from a woman's (or at least my) POV, he isn't. And being a "confirmed bachelor" means nothing. There could be a whole line of women who rejected him before he married Lu at age 50. I think Bethenny would be the last person who would be jealous of Lu and Tom. Well maybe second last, behind me.

Edited by UsernameFatigue
  • Love 16

Dear Ramona,

No you and Avery don’t look like sisters and no her friends don’t think of you as a girlfriend they see you as the sad old mother of their friend that for a few hours they have to humor and make her feel like she is one of the girls.  Do you really want to become Amy Poehler’s character in Mean Girls as the “cool” mom with the rock hard breast implants totally clueless as to your ridiculousness by inserting yourself in their lives …. Oh wait you are…   

Lu and Beth have too much history to be anything but frenemies.  I think it goes back to the call me Mrs. De lessep in front the of the help moment.  Beth came on the show thinking that she was the outsider and although she aspired to be on the same financial level and relationship level as her howife costars I think in some ways at that time she still saw herself as “the help”. That interaction touched a nerve in her that and I think established the dynamic of their friendship – Luann looks down/thinks she is better than people like me (the help).  Ironically enough she has “grown” on the show to have had a husband, child and wealth but there is still something about when she feels Lu is acting superior it sets her off.  Whenever B rails on Lu I always feel the final unsaid word from Beth is “And you are no better than me”

  • Love 13
40 minutes ago, UsernameFatigue said:

I rolled my eyes when Lu complained that Bethenny never asks about her wedding plans. Why the hell would she? You are not friends, she is not invited, and you only appear together because you are on the same show and have to. Lu is the queen of "It's all about me".

Yeah, she also said she didn't feel like supporting Sonja and her off-Broadway show when she was walking with Dorinda in the park. 

  • Love 4

To go back to the events of this episode we see Bethenny saying that Luann would blow the owner of the resturant. Obviously intitmating that she is a whore who can not control herself when presented with an attractive guy. Then when Luann is actually agreeing with her that Ramona was out of line in bringing up her daughter Bethenny jumps down her throat.

Bethenny is choked off and bitter. A truly nasty piece of work. Getting pickle jars burned to her ass. While bitterly fighting with everyone. Her mother. Her ex. Her business partner. Every one except her paid employees and lapdogs. 

Luann is riding the waves with the sun in her hair. Soon to be married to a man she says she loves. 

You make the call.

  • Love 11
10 minutes ago, chewycandy said:

Yeah, she also said she didn't feel like supporting Sonja and her off-Broadway show when she was walking with Dorinda in the park. 

Sonja has made unfortunate choices when it comes to Luann and Tom's relationship.  She really can't expect support when she is undermining their relationship and wedding.

Off topic to your post CHEWYCANDY- Am I alone in thinking there is little entertainment value in watching history on the RHONYC.  We all know who won the election and that Tom and Luann got married.  I was surprised by the election but I had no doubts Tom and Luann would tie the knot. 

  • Love 5
51 minutes ago, Yours Truly said:


That explains why Beth feels how she feels about Lu it doesn't explain why in that moment in the restaurant it was necessary to make a crack about Lu blowing the owner.

What provoked that little barb in that moment?

Or any of the badmouthing that continues to be done?

I mean is Lu still doing stuff to the others? Ya know, beating them with etiquette sticks and all those other terrible terrible things she's apparently tortured the others with in the past?

The explanation is that Beth doesn't like Lu. It's that simple. They didn't go on filming hiatus and Beth suddenly found that she missed Lu or was wrong about every single thing she has ever thought about her. That is Ramona's style, but it isn't Beth's. 

  • Love 7
7 minutes ago, Trooper York said:

They are just bitter and jealous that Tom was going to make Luann Great Again!

Bethenny just doesn't want to concede.

I think she blames the Russian Tea Room for hacking their relationship.

Spoken like a true man. That Lu needs Tom to make her great again. Lol. Though I do believe that is what Lu thinks about herself. Sad.

Honestly though I would not want to be any of these women. I wonder how many women watch this show wishing they were one of them? No one that I know. But Lu would be at the bottom of the list of who I would trade places with, if it meant adopting her personality and low self esteem as well. And of course, Tom.

Edited by UsernameFatigue
  • Love 10
32 minutes ago, UsernameFatigue said:

Bethenny, any day of the week. But then I have always been independent, and never needed or wanted a man to make me happy. Lu is the last person I would want to be. I find women who cannot live without a man pathetic. Maybe it is because you are a male that you think Tom is a catch, but speaking from a woman's (or at least my) POV, he isn't. And being a "confirmed bachelor" means nothing. There could be a whole line of women who rejected him before he married Lu at age 50. I think Bethenny would be the last person who would be jealous of Lu and Tom. Well maybe second last, behind me.

Yea, behind me as well. 

  • Love 7

Whatever floats your boat. 

Some of us like to speed along the Sound with the wind in our hair enjoying our family and friends and the joy of the sunshine. love and marriage.

Some of us like to have Heinz pickle jars burned to our ass until we go home to our collection of cats and lapdogs and broken relationships.

That's life.

But hey. We will always have a row of dusty bottles of foul swill on the liquor stores of America. That's something anyway. Right?

  • Love 9
3 hours ago, sasha206 said:

And she, in my opinion, looks the best of all of them in the talking heads.  

I think Sonja, 9 out of 10 times, always looks good in her talking heads.   She's a classic beauty, imo, whereas Dorinda has a more asymmetrical 'beauty'.  Although, I wouldn't really call her a beauty - she's more of an attractive woman.

  • Love 11
1 hour ago, Lizzing said:

Aside from painting her marriage to the Count toward the end as better than it was (which nearly everyone who goes through a divorce that I know has done), and the pirate incident, what relationships/hookups has Luann lied about? I'm just not remembering any other instances where she lied to the other women about the men in her life and it's been, what, 4 years since the pirate thing?  Not broadcasting whom she has bedded is not lying.  She doesn't owe Bethenny (or anyone else, unless in some circumstances, her current partner and her PCP) a list of partners.  Hell, Bethenny lied about being single for all of season 7, lying to the entire audience that she was some single chick, all alone and homeless.

And this crap about Class with the Countess needs to stop pouring out of Beth's mouth or someone start smacking her back with quotes from A Place of Yes.

But this is really the point of the entire argument. If we had always seen Lu behaving in the way the other ladies claim she does off camera, this wouldn't be a thing. It's a thing because the conversation for a long time has been that Lu creates a persona for the camera that is diametrically opposed to who she is off camera. That is the entire point. 

  • Love 13
46 minutes ago, motorcitymom65 said:

Um, has any HW more famously put her sex life on public blast than Lu? Sorry, but the Pirate Booty will live on forever. And I don't think many believe she didn't sleep with the guy in T&C, and certainly she wanted to impart the impression that she wanted a quick fuck in the bathroom with that guy at the restaurant. Hey, I'm not judging any of her sexual decisions. I loved the speech she gave in T&C about how free she felt sexually and otherwise. Bravo and nicely done.  But it is impossible to say that she tells people to be discreet sexually on the one hand, and is not a hypocrite on the other. If there is one thing that she is, and one thing she is most known for, it is being a hypocrite.  

I disagree. IMO, the old Luann was a bit of a hypocrite but the Luann of these last few years has come into her own. She doesn't try to hide her sexuality but she doesn't put it on blast either (like Sonja). Discrete means not bragging/flaunting it, oversharing it, pushing it on others or gloating about it. And I didn't say she was perfect about it/doing it either. Yes, she got caught trying to hide her hookup with Tomas and she tried to deny it. But she also never tried to make her hookups into some down low long term in the far distant future husband relationship, she never faked having a hookup either nor did she out and out lie/deny having a real relationship with a guy for months. LOL

  • Love 10
18 minutes ago, motorcitymom65 said:

But this is really the point of the entire argument. If we had always seen Lu behaving in the way the other ladies claim she does off camera, this wouldn't be a thing. It's a thing because the conversation for a long time has been that Lu creates a persona for the camera that is diametrically opposed to who she is off camera. That is the entire point. 

Like Bethenny does? Seriously, Bethenny lives a very different life off camera as well. They all try to control their own narrative, Bethenny most of all and she shares the least about her real life! LOL

  • Love 12
1 hour ago, ryebread said:

You don't think Bethenny waiting to present the evidence on TV of Tom stepping out on Lu as strategizing to embarrass her?

Well, of course I do.  This was part of the "unscript" before the cameras were even set up in the hotel room(s).   Yep, I do believe Bethenny was waiting, and may have had say her lines a few times before LuAnn got her "stunned" look right.

  • Love 3
Just now, WireWrap said:

Like Bethenny does? Seriously, Bethenny lives a very different life off camera as well. They all try to control their own narrative, Bethenny most of all and she shares the least about her real life! LOL

I actually don't see that.  I've never seen or heard anything reported about Bethenny that she hasn't herself talked about or somehow reflected on the show.  She's protective of her daughter, as she should be, but I don't think she's been one way on the show and another way off the show.   I mean, none of us go home with these people but, from all available sources, she seems to be pretty much the same person all the time.

  • Love 3

Um, has any HW more famously put her sex life on public blast than Lu?

Yeah, that'd be Sonja by a mile.


You appear to have missed the part where Bethenny said that she, herself, would be blowing the guy by midnight.  Both comments were obviously jokes.

Self deprecating jokes = funny; slut shaming a cast mate AGAIN because you're a bitter unhappy harpie = not so funny.

  • Love 11
1 hour ago, zoeysmom said:

Luann denied the bathroom stuff.  Luann was never caught on camera romping around with the Pirate.  If someone wants to talk about their sex life great-but don't ask if they don't want to talk.  Bottom line married sex is never fun to talk about.  That is why Kristen, Heather and Aviva are no longer part of the cast.  When your best efforts are going after the Countess for her sexual exploits-time to retire. 

I guess I expect NY to rise to BH standards not sink below Atlanta standards. 

I don't like Lu and I always felt she was sneaking out for a smoke.  Not to have bathroom sex.

  • Love 5
3 minutes ago, motorcitymom65 said:

I think you were with me on believing she was being a total hypocrite with all of that. She still made statements and judgments about Carole's behavior when she had done the same. Or how about her saying that Beth only cares about herself when reminded of the scene where she sat on the stoop smoking with Jules, completely ignoring anything Jules was saying about her very ill father. That behavior isn't just a distant memory, it is fresh in the minds of most. 

In this episode alone, she reminded us on the boat, and I quote, "People love calling me Countess, period.  Once a countess, always a countess."  Cue phony, raspy cackle.

Also when Dorinda said she was going to Ramona's party and would kill Sonja with kindness, the Countess, lifting her regal head ever so slightly, without missing a beat said:

"Like a lady does." (only she said it in a man's voice. Which made me LOL) 

I'm sorry, she just irritates the hell out of me.  Which makes it reasonable to believe that some of the others find her insufferable, too.  They probably witness her uppityness far more than I do.

  • Love 14
9 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

Except those dalliances on RHNY (and what has made it to the gossip sites which could be BS).  Pirategate was pretty open and we all saw how Lu operates when she wants someone (she was pretty alpha in that scene).  We also saw the aftermath of T&C when she brought the dude home with Ramona.  I don't think B cares that L sleeps around but she bristles at the woman who will clutch her pearls while banging a Johnny Depp lookalike while engaged to a nice man.  I don't think B would have a problem with L if L embraced her inner sex fiend/wild woman and was authentic rather than being a pearl clutching Countess while giving the jester a hand job under the table.  B herself said she has slept with a lot of men.  Its not the sex that L is having.  They have all said the real Lu is far more fun that the tv Lu.

Luann has been more upfront about her hookups since before Bethenny came back. And, she doesn't lecture anyone on who they hookup with (except Carole/Adam).

8 minutes ago, Mojoker said:

I actually don't see that.  I've never seen or heard anything reported about Bethenny that she hasn't herself talked about or somehow reflected on the show.  She's protective of her daughter, as she should be, but I don't think she's been one way on the show and another way off the show.   I mean, none of us go home with these people but, from all available sources, she seems to be pretty much the same person all the time.

Bethenny came back while she was in a relationship with a guy but cried about being "alone" with "no man in her life"! This season, we get the she/Shields have backed off but if you look at her SM, they haven't, she just doesn't want their relationship talked about on the show. She is the walking example of a liar and a hypocrite.

6 minutes ago, motorcitymom65 said:

But it doesn't just have to be about the sexual stuff (entirely). It could be the way she behaves and judges in general. You remember the way she went after Carole on Twitter saying that she was basically an old desperate woman dating a young man, then later admitting she had dated men the same age as Adam. If that isn't hypocrisy I am not sure what is, no matter what excuses she tries to wrap around it (I was worried for my niece and all that bullshit). I think you were with me on believing she was being a total hypocrite with all of that. She still made statements and judgments about Carole's behavior when she had done the same. Or how about her saying that Beth only cares about herself when reminded of the scene where she sat on the stoop smoking with Jules, completely ignoring anything Jules was saying about her very ill father. That behavior isn't just a distant memory, it is fresh in the minds of most. 

I agree, Luann went nuts on Carole on twitter and she was wrong to do that and to call Carole a "pedophile". Luann said that you sleep/have sex with younger guys, you don't bring them home/get into a relationship with them. As for Jules, she, herself, said that she/Luann (who rode up together) talked about her father most of the way, so Luann already knew what was going on with him. And, Luann had just been called a "whore and a slut" by a screaming lunatic Bethenny, so her not asking at that very moment isn't something I can hold against her. Bethenny is very, very self absorbed, hell, they all are.

  • Love 9
8 minutes ago, Carolina Girl said:

Can I ask just one question?  Since when is being "topless" in a movie considered soft porn?  Ann-Margaret, Meg Ryan, Nicole Kidman have all appeared bare-breasted in movies.  

In Ramona's mind it does. Of course she was shocked and sickened by seeing nude photos of Alex years ago, so upset that she had to leave the reunion stage to protect herself from Alex! LOL

Just now, ryebread said:

It's easy to be me. 

I can't stand either one of them so I just keep clickety- clicking and giving likes to everybody.

Both of them can and are awful but only one them screams so loud that it makes me turn the volume on the TV down. LOL I hate screamers!

  • Love 4
17 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

Bethenny came back while she was in a relationship with a guy but cried about being "alone" with "no man in her life"! This season, we get the she/Shields have backed off but if you look at her SM, they haven't, she just doesn't want their relationship talked about on the show. She is the walking example of a liar and a hypocrite.

Came back from where?  Who's Shields?  What's SM?  And wasn't she actually talking about her current boyfriend on the show during this episode?  

1 hour ago, Carolina Girl said:

Can I ask just one question?  Since when is being "topless" in a movie considered soft porn?  Ann-Margaret, Meg Ryan, Nicole Kidman have all appeared bare-breasted in movies.  

There was a wee bit more to it than just being topless.  Grinding is usually considered the foray into soft porn.  Bethenny mentioned the hot guy Mike and it was not a made for TV movie. 

  • Love 2

I hate that she does something vile to one of the others and then wants to hug and cling to them while apologizing.

This hug it out nonsense annoys me.   I don't know of anybody that would let me treat them like crap and then accept a hug afterwards.  I'd get punched out before I got a hug!

Oh, Carole.  You and your infinite wisdom of all things politics. Sigh.   To say that "most people" don't understand politics was soooo condescending and rude.   How do you not know what tact means?  Bethenny hits the nail on the head every time with her.  She said that Carole doesn't want to talk to anybody who "isn't on her level of information," but she sits there and listens to Dorinda's asinine comment about how she told her daughter to get a short skirt and become a stripper if Trump was elected.  That's one of the dumbest things I've ever heard.  Is that supposed to be an intelligent response?  I don't think so.  As long as you agree with Carole, you can say anything.

  • Love 4
17 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

There was a wee bit more to it than just being topless.  Grinding is usually considered the foray into soft porn.  Bethenny mentioned the hot guy Mike and it was not a made for TV movie. 

Ramona should send Nicole Kidman a letter of concern and ask her how she is explaining her role on the limited TV series "Big Little Lies" to her girls. The sex scenes certainly left nothing to the imagination - nudity and grinding included. Lol. I think Nicole's kids are 9 and 7, so Ramona should be concerned. Come to think if it, in another HBO show Girls, Lena Dunham is naked more than she is clothed. Lots of grinding there, too. Maybe Bethenny should pedal her movie to HBO? 

  • Love 10
1 hour ago, Mojoker said:

Came back from where?  Who's Shields?  What's SM?  And wasn't she actually talking about her current boyfriend on the show during this episode?  

When she came back to the show, she was dating a guy, they were all but living together, yet she claimed she was "alone and had no guy (bf)". Shields is her current BF, the one she said that changed her mind about never getting married again last season, they are still together. This season she said that they were "no longer serious" and that she stepped back but that is not the truth, they are as hot and heavy as they were last year/season even though he is still very married and hasn't even filed for divorce.

Almost forgot, SM = social media

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 5
10 hours ago, MerryMary said:

I'm surprised Carole has toe fungus.  I don't know why.  Is that something old people get?

I liked it when Lu told Bethenny she didn't care about any of them.  So true.  They've worked together for years, you'd think Bethenny could at least pretend to care.  

Yes, fungus on toes, especially the nail is very common.  I've had it and was told to stop polishing my toe nails in the winter.  They need to breathe.  It's not a big deal.

  • Love 6
23 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

When she came back to the show, she was dating a guy, they were all but living together, yet she claimed she was "alone and had no guy (bf)". Shields is her current BF, the one she said that changed her mind about never getting married again last season, they are still together. This season she said that they were "no longer serious" and that she stepped back but that is not the truth, they are as hot and heavy as they were last year/season even though he is still very married and hasn't even filed for divorce.

Almost forgot, SM = social media

The current episode was filmed  6 months ago - they could have indeed stepped back at that time. I am glad to hear that they are still together. As far as filing for divorce? My sister is still married to her husband - they have been apart since 1999. He has lived with the woman he left my sister for since then. My brother and sis in law also have never divorced - been apart since 1991. Some people do not find the need to divorce if they have no intention of remarrying. Another friend doesn't even have a separation agreement from her ex and he left her 2 1/2 years ago for another woman. They can't agree on the terms of the separation agreement, hence there isn't one. But none of the 6 people in the above examples considers themselves to be married. They are on paper only. 

Edited by UsernameFatigue
  • Love 2
Just now, UsernameFatigue said:

The current episodes was filmed it was 6 months ago - they could have indeed stepped back at that time. I am glad to hear that they are still together. As far as filing for divorce? My sister is still married to her husband - they have been apart since 1999. He has lived with the woman he left my sister for since then. My brother and sis in law also have never divorced - been apart since 1991. Some people do not find the need to divorce if they have no intention of remarrying. Another friend doesn't even have a separation agreement from her ex and he left her 2 1/2 years ago for another woman. They can't even agree on the terms of the separation agreement, hence there isn't one. But none of the 6 people in the above examples considers themselves to be married. They are on paper only. 

Last season Bethenny said that she/Shields were talking marriage but he would need to be divorced first for that to happen! If you are not divorced, no matter what you may "think", you are still legally "married"! Sorry, (not sorry), this, they are "taking a break" crap, is so that he doesn't have to appear on camera and nothing more and to keep any talk about him/her off camera as well. Bethenny wants to put the others private lives on blast but refuses them to do it to hers. If she won't/can't share her private life (not including Bryn here) then get off of reality TV. Oh, wait, she tried that route and fell flat on her face! LOL

  • Love 15

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