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S34.E07: What Happened on Exile, Stays on Exile

Tara Ariano
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If Varner had been holding an idol, would he/could he have played it? I can't imagine he wanted to stick around after that horrific TC, but I did notice Probst never mentioned the idol possibility. 

I wonder if Varner will be at the reunion show. 

Edited by Lukeysboat
Just thought of the reunion show ... how uncomfortable.
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"Does anybody else think Zeke may be trans? Not that there's anything wrong with that, just a hunch. I'm usually a late poster so I'm not sure if anyone's mentioned this already."

I posted that back on the S33.02 thread so of course as soon as Jeff blurted that out I was like "I knew it!" which was then quickly followed by feeling horror for Zeke. I remember he also gravitated toward Bret as an older gay man and did the same with Jeff this time thinking they had that unspoken trust with each other. Not gonna lie, I do the same thing with other Black folks in similar situations.

Damn Jeff! We were rooting for you! <Tyra voice> I was hoping he could pull out an Ozzy oust, but alas...

Very interesting that someone who "should" be more sensitive to Zeke's plight used the word deceptive. Had that been Culpepper or Troyzan it would be easier to dismiss them in their "cishet white male privelege" but the discussion gets a little more prickly when that talk comes from someone in the LGBT community. Hopefully there'll be some thoughtful, nuanced tweets and articles about this coming forth in the next few days.

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1 hour ago, LadyChatts said:

Here's Varner's twitter response.

I'm watching playoff hockey, so I'm getting Survivor during intermissions, but can someone explain his statement that he thought everyone already knew?  I mean, then why was Zeke deceitful if he had already confided in everyone?  I don't get it.  

This is just so heinous. 

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None of what Varner did regarding outing Zeke made sense. First of all, his goal was to get Ozzy out. In what world is revealing something so personal that he thinks proves Zeke is deceitful, going to convince the tribe to vote out Ozzy? Like his thinking just didn't make sense. I know these tribal councils go on for a long time and I'm wondering if Varner realized that despite whispering into Sarah and Andrea's ear about the possible Ozzy/Zeke alliance and that Zeke supposedly sold them out, they were going to keep Ozzy. And so he got really desperate and crazy and just unleashed that horror. 

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On a non-Varner note, the pizza reward reminded me that I never understand why people get so fucking hyped for the food rewards. Monica Culpepper, I think, had the right response by avoiding them and giving them up whenever possible. As much as it must be a massive comfort when you're hungry all the time, I can't help but think after pigging out on one of those rewards I'd never do it again. Greasy sodium-and-lactose bombs after two weeks of near-fasting, topped with sugary soda? I don't think the comfort and the full belly would at all be worth the indigestion, dehydration and headaches that are sure to follow. A merge feast is one thing, those are usually really filling nutritious meals, but I don't think I'd risk making myself sick right before an immunity challenge, no matter how much I love pizza. That shit has to really shock your system....whenever I go on weeks-long clean eating streaks, fast food is downright traumatic for me.

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Aside from the Zeke outing issue, which touches me very much personally and which I can't talk about right now, I have this:

Why the fuck only soft drinks with the pizza? Why not beer? Providing pizza and not beer is bordering on evil.

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2 hours ago, truthaboutluv said:

Wow is all I have right now. Give me a few minutes to process. Question, did any viewer here know Zeke was transgender before this episode?

I have a feeling a lot of discussion happened with Zeke and the producers. The thing is, it would have been difficult to completely edit it out because it would have raised a lot of questions and speculation. 

I think it's pretty clear that the group was heavily leaning towards voting out Ozzy. If they suddenly switched for no reason and explanation, it would have been strange. I mean I guess they could have just made it seem like a blindside but again they ended up not even voting. That would have made people question and wonder.

Yes, I did. I mean, I didn't know for sure since I don't know Zeke personally but there was a lot about it on the internet during his original season -- it's not something you had to dig for, it was out there and easy to inadvertently run into if you read around about Survivor during Millenials vs. Gen X (not on these boards, though). I never cared and I still don't like the guy or how he plays Survivor, but I legitimately gasped when Varner said that. I was not expecting him to throw that out there.

I don't think the group was heavily leaning towards voting out Ozzy at all. I think only Sarah was swayed because she's so reactionary and full of pride and got so puffed up and pissed when Varner told her Zeke "threw" her and Andrea under the bus. Sarah was this way in her original season too, she sucks at this game and can't keep her cool at all. I don't think Andrea cared that Zeke supposedly threw her and Sarah under the bus when Sarah was ranting to her about it. Everyone, except for Sarah, was probably going to vote for Varner so I think what he did didn't change anything in that regard, he just lost the respect of a lot of people on his way out. With that said, I didn't like how Sarah blubbered on for ages and seemed to turn it around and make it all about her and her narrow-minded Midwestern upbringing, I had to mute the tv.

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7 minutes ago, 303420 said:

Why the fuck only soft drinks with the pizza? Why not beer? Providing pizza and not beer is bordering on evil.

I was surprised by that because they sure love giving beer along with these rewards. 

So anyone remember LJ from the Cagayan season that so many viewers thought was super hot, maybe the hottest guy that had ever been on the show? Yeah well turns out he's an ignorant ass (see his Twitter comment to Zeke after tonight's episode).

Lucky for me I was never impressed by him and found him completely uninteresting with some passable looks. 


Yes, I did. I mean, I didn't know for sure since I don't know Zeke personally but there was a lot about it on the internet during his original season -- it's not something you had to dig for, it was out there and easy to inadvertently run into if you read around about Survivor during Millenials vs. Gen X (not on these boards, though).

Interesting. I would never see any of that stuff because I'm super paranoid about being spoiled. This is the one show that I adamantly avoid being spoiled in any way. So I really only read and post here during the season and avoid everything else. I don't even read eliminated contestants media interviews. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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Another shocking TC. Since I've been watching Survivor, I've never seen a more disgraceful or despicable move than what Varner did tonight. How can you out another person in front of millions of people and not think about the consequences? What a disconnected, moronic idiot. I was really proud of Sarah and what she said in the wake of Varner's actions.

Personally, I was never really fond of Zeke, but I can certainly respect the kind of courage it must take to be transgender and live a life that's true to yourself.

As far as the reward challenge. Ten pizzas? Really?

Edited by Ike Mana
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3 minutes ago, pamplemousse said:

Yes, I did. I mean, I didn't know for sure since I don't know Zeke personally but there was a lot about it on the internet during his original season -- it's not something you had to dig for, it was out there and easy to inadvertently run into if you read around about Survivor during Millenials vs. Gen X (not on these boards, though). I never cared and I still don't like the guy or how he plays Survivor, but I legitimately gasped when Varner said that. I was not expecting him to throw that out there.

I don't think the group was heavily leaning towards voting out Ozzy at all. I think only Sarah was swayed because she's so reactionary and full of pride and got so puffed up and pissed when Varner told her Zeke "threw" her and Andrea under the bus. Sarah was this way in her original season too, she sucks at this game and can't keep her cool at all. I don't think Andrea cared that Zeke supposedly threw her and Sarah under the bus when Sarah was ranting to her about it. Everyone, except for Sarah, was probably going to vote for Varner so I think what he did didn't change anything in that regard, he just lost the respect of a lot of people on his way out. With that said, I didn't like how Sarah blubbered on for ages and seemed to turn it around and make it all about her and her narrow-minded Midwestern upbringing, I had to mute the tv.

I'm 52 (no life) and read the internet 24/7 and never read a clue, hint or spoiler about Zeke be transgender. I was shocked. Usually, it gets out. Zeke kept it personal which is his right. It wasn't Varner's place to out. Oh! That right. He thought e everyone knew but he wanted to know why Zeke hadn't told anyone?!? It doesn't even make any sense. 

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Holy Shit.

I was unaware that Zeke was trans, and I felt for him in that moment in a way I can't really put in words. It doesn't change the fact that I'm not a fan of his in this game, but he handled that in a way that can only be a credit to his character. 

Varner, well, there's really no coming back from that. He let his ambition get in the way of simple decency. 

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10 minutes ago, truthaboutluv said:

I was surprised by that because they sure love giving beer along with these rewards. 

So anyone remember LJ from the Cagayan season that so many viewers thought was super hot, maybe the hottest guy that had ever been on the show? Yeah well turns out he's an ignorant ass (see his Twitter comment to Zeke after tonight's episode).

Lucky for me I was never impressed by him and found him completely uninteresting with some passable looks. 

Interesting. I would never see any of that stuff because I'm super paranoid about being spoiled. This is the one show that I adamantly avoid being spoiled in any way. So I really only read and post here during the season and avoid everything else. I don't even read eliminated contestants media interviews. 

Guilty! I thought he was good looking. That said, I read his twitter and he's an ignorant a**. I think he was trying to be funny and backtrack and made it worse. Epic fail. Why don't people quit while there ahead. He might have looks but he's brain dead. 

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5 minutes ago, Ike Mana said:

How can you out another person in front of millions of people and not think about the consequences? What a disconnected, moronic idiot.

I'm flummoxed that Varner could, in so short a span, think that this was a good idea and then realize just how terrible he was being.  I mean his tears at the end seem pretty heartfelt, and not to be mean, but good.  It was a galactically assholeish thing to do, and for the life of me I can't imagine what possessed him.  

That said, Varner did this in front of a few dozen folks - the producers aired it to millions of people.  Leaning strongly that this was a despicable act on their part as well, even if Zeke gave his consent to airing it.   Weaponizing other people's personal info - where does this stop being 'entertainment'?  The cynical part of me wonders if Jeffy et. al were just salivating at 'dramatic gold' and didn't even ask themselves if editing it out was the right move. 

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I haven't seen the episode yet, so hopefully I'm not saying something out of place. I just find it slightly ironic (would that be the right word?) that last season, when Zeke found his back up against the wall, he took a personal shot at David at TC that had nothing to do with David's game play and wasn't warranted at all. I don't condone Varner outing Zeke whatsoever, but it's sadly interesting that when Varner found his back against the wall, he took an unwarranted shot at Zeke.

Please don't get me wrong; I'm not comparing the severity of Zeke and Varner's actions (personally I think Varner's was irredeemable, from what I'm reading in the comments). It's just my observation, and me asking the show "how much bullying at TC is too much before Probst et al consider it crossing the line?"

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About the episode itself: maybe the show has always done this, and maybe I just haven't been paying attention, but tonight the editing in the run-up to the Immunity Challenge unabashedly telegraphed which team would win the Immunity Challenge.  For example, when they showed Varner plotting against Ozzy, and no scenes of scheming among members of the other tribe, I knew that Varner's team would lose the immunity contest.   It's like when they show a cast member searching for an immunity idol -- that person will find an idol because we know they don't waste air time on unsuccessful idol searches.   When they spent so much time on Varner, I knew automatically that his team would lose and that the tribal council would pay off all the things he said in the earlier segment.  

I must say, though, given what transpired later, the choice of "metamorphosis" as a puzzle word was just bizarre.  Usually when they have a puzzle challenge the mystery word or phrase is directly related to either Survivor or the filming locale/culture.  Where did "metamorphosis" come from?  

Edited by millennium
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28 minutes ago, truthaboutluv said:

Interesting. I would never see any of that stuff because I'm super paranoid about being spoiled. This is the one show that I adamantly avoid being spoiled in any way. So I really only read and post here during the season and avoid everything else. I don't even read eliminated contestants media interviews. 

Oh, I understand, I'm a spoiler-phobe too (only for this show!), but all you had to do was type "Zeke Survivor" into the Google search box when Millenials vs. Gen X was airing and one of the auto-completes was "trans," forreal. My first reaction at that auto-complete was "Huh? Why would that be..." and then "Oh, ok." And yeah, like someone else mentioned, I guess maybe the auto-complete had to do with the article in his school's paper about him being trans which I didn't actually see but heard about.

Edited by pamplemousse
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So, ignoring the obvious hot topic of the episode...

I would be so pissed if I was a contestant and I got that pizza reward. Not because I don't love pizza (I'm eating some buffalo chicken pizza right now) but because it looked like cold, greasy, dried out campfire pizza. Like, you can't spring to have some Dominos flown in from the mainland or wherever the nearest one is? Cinna Stix or bust, people.  

Edited by Callaphera
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I don't know if I'm ever going to be able to pick my jaw up off of the ground, I really can't believe Varner did such a despicable thing, & watching him trying to worm his way out of it "I thought everybody knew", if you thought everybody knew, why did you ask Zeke why he didn't tell people? I don't think Varner realized (though I bet he's getting a good idea now) how much he has destroyed his own life, who is going to want this asshole as an "advocate" now?

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I seem to be the only one who had an inkling that Jeff was probably a stealth douche and had been since he happily blew up his own alliance in Second Chances and then trashed Tasha on social media and in interviews after she blew up his spot that season.  He only proved it tonight.

Good job, Varner.

Zeke was one of my favorites in Millennials vs. Generation X if only because he made Pwecious Wittle David cry.  (Still feel very sorry for any and all who liked him.)  He became even more of my favorite with how he handled that mess.  Good for you, Zeke.

Edited by Vyk
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I'd guess that most of the talk about this episode will be about Varner. I feel like it's probably all been said by now. But past experience would indicate there is plenty more to come. I have nothing to add to the discussion about  Varner. But I would like to say something about Debbie.

On the one hand, I have a strong dislike for her after her crazy behavior re Brad. But, on the other hand, in a very strange way, she has become the most entertaining player and I felt disappointed there was no follow-up to her behavior re Brad.

I have to give Debbie some credit for being a lot smarter than I thought she was. She pretty much just kept her mouth shut throughout this episode and I think it took a lot of good sense to realize that was her best course. She may continue doing that for another epi or two. But eventually, it seems to me she will not be able to help herself and "Crazy Debbie" will break through her recent performance and we will get a repeat of her behavior. I just wonder to whom it will be directed.

I only heard her say a very few remarks. But they were typical of Debbie. I think it was after Zeke said something about himself - something like, "I don't want to be thought of in that way", she chimed in, "And you're not!". I think she figured she was showing solidarity for Zeke. But, she was also being highly judgemental with that remark. She was showing that she knew what was going on better than all the other members of the tribe and I saw that as Debbie demonstrating that she was just the same "know-it-all" that she always has been. I'm looking forward to see how long it takes for Debbie's pressure to build up until her crazy explodes again. I don't think there is hardly anything else as entertaining as her story arc this season. I hope she makes it to the Final Four or Five or something close to that.

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What if...now don't crucify me but what if varner outted Zeke in a planned way bc Zeke truly wanted it out there... But it didn't go as planned so Zeke is upset he was outted bc it wasn't in the way he intended. Like it seems so far fetched to just bring this up without there being reason behind it ... Does that make sense like at all...It does in my head. (Not justifying just a hypothesis)

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1 hour ago, sadiegirl1999 said:

Someone said upthread that could've just said Varner had to leave for personal reasons.

I mean, it wouldn't have been a lie.

"We're now looking at the new Nuku tribe. Varner left for personal reasons." "Oh my God. What happened?" "I'll take that, Jeff. It was the damnedest thing, Cirie. He managed to lodge his foot in his mouth, and then he shoved his head up his ass. Billion-to-one odds. Billion-to-one." "Damn it, Debbie . . ."

Maybe the pizza affected Jeff mentally? Okay, probably not. I'm thinking it was locally made . . . or maybe there was markered tape on the bottom of the boxes, so that the players would know about the show's new sponsor: Papa Hut.

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36 minutes ago, henripootel said:


That said, Varner did this in front of a few dozen folks - the producers aired it to millions of people.  Leaning strongly that this was a despicable act on their part as well, even if Zeke gave his consent to airing it.  

Varner did it on camera for a taped tribal council. He knew it would be aired to millions of people. 

What were the Producers going to do? Not air tribal this week and just have a voice over saying that due to a personal issue at tribal Varner was voted out? That would have just opened up more attention, with media going after it wanting to know what happened.

The contestants probably continue to talk about it on camera next week. The producers had no choice unless they edit all mentions of what went on and the aftermath out.

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3 minutes ago, MerBearHou said:

I didn't dislike the episode. I thought it was thought-provoking and in all my seasons of watching Survivor (seen 'em all), I've never been so flabbergasted.

I was surprised that Varner didn't confront Jeff saying, "Yes. You are quite right in everything you are saying and I assume that means you will not be broadcasting my mistake because that would only magnify the harm to Zeke". Or, .... maybe he did say something to that effect and Probst should really answer for himself. In a way, he is almost just as much to blame for any harm to Zeke because he had the choice to avoid including that incident in the show. But he chose to include it.

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10 minutes ago, Artsda said:

Varner did it on camera for a taped tribal council. He knew it would be aired to millions of people. 

What were the Producers going to do? Not air tribal this week and just have a voice over saying that due to a personal issue at tribal Varner was voted out? That would have just opened up more attention, with media going after it wanting to know what happened.

The contestants probably continue to talk about it on camera next week. The producers had no choice unless they edit all mentions of what went on and the aftermath out.

I mostly agree with what you have said.  But, I have to disagree to a minor extent. The producers could have tailored the broadcast such that they avoided showing the worst of what Varner had to say. But, I believe they tailored the show to maximize their ratings and I think that Probst was largely hypocritical because he could have made sure the broadcast omitted the most harmful aspects of what Varner said. But they surely did not seem to omit hardly anything.  Of course, I'm just guessing. It's very difficult to tell just what was omitted when you've never seen the original broadcast. Who knows what was said originally? How can anyone really know?

Edited by MissBluxom
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4 minutes ago, Artsda said:

What were the Producers going to do? Not air tribal this week and just have a voice over saying that due to a personal issue at tribal Varner was voted out? That would have just opened up more attention, with media going after it wanting to know what happened.

Can't disagree more.  They could have easily edited out every bit of this, got the footage they needed, and booted Varner after a unanimous vote.  The producers are under no obligation whatsoever to show us what 'really' happened, and in cases like this, editing it out and warning the others to say nothing - easily within the NDAs the contestants sign.  Which probably wouldn't be necessary as the other contestants felt that Varner leaking Zeke's business was despicable - you really think they're gonna be in a rush to leak it further?

No, I'm thinking the producers thought this was just gold, and there was no way they weren't gonna air it.  Much like Brandon Hantz's exit, they took advantage of an ugly situation to 'officially decry it', while using it for ratings.  Again, they were under no obligation to air any of this, and the fact that they did so leaves me feeling soiled.  I don't know who they think their audience is but I'm ... not entertained.  

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55 minutes ago, EvilApplesauce said:

I haven't seen the episode yet, so hopefully I'm not saying something out of place. I just find it slightly ironic (would that be the right word?) that last season, when Zeke found his back up against the wall, he took a personal shot at David at TC that had nothing to do with David's game play and wasn't warranted at all. I don't condone Varner outing Zeke whatsoever, but it's sadly interesting that when Varner found his back against the wall, he took an unwarranted shot at Zeke.

Please don't get me wrong; I'm not comparing the severity of Zeke and Varner's actions (personally I think Varner's was irredeemable, from what I'm reading in the comments). It's just my observation, and me asking the show "how much bullying at TC is too much before Probst et al consider it crossing the line?"

Sometimes I wish the viewers had a choice whether or not to include Probst's remarks at TC in the final broadcast. Much of the time, I find his remarks to be some degree of hypocritical or nasty or "reactionary" and they often exacerbate mistakes made by the participants in TC. I often find myself wanting to edit out certain remarks - especially the kinds that make problems worse (exacerbate). But I just don't know how to describe them or how to help "fix" them. I'm sorry. I think it's pretty clear that it's just wrong to believe that I can make a few remarks and that will somehow heal open wounds caused by other peoples' thoughtless remarks. I'm guessing that is pretty much an impossibility. However, some of the players (like Ozzie) seems like such great people, I just wish there was some better approach to this problem.

Edited by MissBluxom
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2 hours ago, sadiegirl1999 said:

I never see the commercials prior to episodes.

PLEASE tell me they didn't hype this as "the most shocking TC ever"

They did not - I thought (based on the commercials/previews) that this weeks drama was going to be about the other tribe's "breakdown"!

2 hours ago, Eolivet said:

Wait...what? The associate producer outed Zeke to Varner? Or Varner asked and the associate producer confirmed it (again, outing Zeke to Varner)?

That would simultaneously shock me and yet, I would not be the least bit surprised.

After thinking about it, I have decided that IMO Varner knew about it in the same way others on this board did - from previous news/postings elsewhere/etc.

2 hours ago, Paws said:

glad to see the tribe forcefully condemn Varner. If this had been the Kyle Jason season, that's not what would have happened.

I disagree - this seemed to me to be an "outside of the game" moment, and I think it would have happened in any TC because the participants were so shocked and dismayed to see a person treated that way.  I'm in agreement with all who have posted that 1) Varner had this planned, and 2) what was he thinking?

1 hour ago, pythonite said:

I don't understand Varner's thinking that would help him. It just seemed like category 5 bitchiness on his way out. Strangest episode ever.

He did in fact TH that he was going out that way.  I don't get it either.


1 hour ago, henripootel said:

I'm flummoxed that Varner could, in so short a span, think that this was a good idea and then realize just how terrible he was being.  I mean his tears at the end seem pretty heartfelt, and not to be mean, but good.  It was a galactically assholeish thing to do, and for the life of me I can't imagine what possessed him.  

That said, Varner did this in front of a few dozen folks - the producers aired it to millions of people.  Leaning strongly that this was a despicable act on their part as well, even if Zeke gave his consent to airing it.   Weaponizing other people's personal info - where does this stop being 'entertainment'?  The cynical part of me wonders if Jeffy et. al were just salivating at 'dramatic gold' and didn't even ask themselves if editing it out was the right move. 


11 minutes ago, henripootel said:

Can't disagree more.  They could have easily edited out every bit of this, got the footage they needed, and booted Varner after a unanimous vote.  The producers are under no obligation whatsoever to show us what 'really' happened, and in cases like this, editing it out and warning the others to say nothing - easily within the NDAs the contestants sign.  Which probably wouldn't be necessary as the other contestants felt that Varner leaking Zeke's business was despicable - you really think they're gonna be in a rush to leak it further?

No, I'm thinking the producers thought this was just gold, and there was no way they weren't gonna air it.  Much like Brandon Hantz's exit, they took advantage of an ugly situation to 'officially decry it', while using it for ratings.  Again, they were under no obligation to air any of this, and the fact that they did so leaves me feeling soiled.  I don't know who they think their audience is but I'm ... not entertained.  

They tell us these TCs go on for hours, so there's probably a lot we didn't see.  For all that people who go on reality tv sign away their rights to everything about how they are portrayed, I really can't see them airing this without Zeke's support.  They don't want the bad PR of Zeke on SM talking about how he was "betrayed by Survivor."


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-4406418/Survivor-s-Zeke-Smith-reveals-transgender.html#ixzz4e6SMhqL6 
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From the above article:



He did not reveal if he is attracted to men or women.

Zeke was raised in Oklahoma and now lives in Brooklyn, New York where he works in asset management.


On his first go-round, Zeke was very happy, even eager, to tell us he was a gay barista.  While I totally understand and agree that Zeke's story is for him alone to reveal, and it seemed devastating for him as it happened, and Varner was malicious as Sarah said, and Zeke was very gracious towards Varner - I think Zeke enjoyed making a "character" for himself, maybe even as part of his transition, and he will play this off well on social media and come out fine in the end.  

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4 hours ago, truthaboutluv said:

Question, did any viewer here know Zeke was transgender before this episode?

The rumor was mentioned here somewhere in one of the Millennials vs Gen X threads, but I only recall two responses to it. One saying that at that time the person replying could find nothing online (except the rumors) to substantiate it, and another reply saying as far as that person was concerned, unless or until Zeke himself said something it was either not true or no one else's business. That was pretty much where our little previously.tv Survivor community seemed to feel it should be left at the time. (And rightly so, imo.)

So yeah, as soon as Varner had the TH where he said something about telling them that Zeke was deceiving them, I started to dread where it was going.

2 minutes ago, princelina said:

After thinking about it, I have decided that IMO Varner knew about it in the same way others on this board did - from previous news/postings elsewhere/etc.

Or Varner noticed certain subtle characteristics Zeke had that led him to that conclusion. If Varner does have friends who have transitioned, he may be familiar with the process and telltale characteristics that most people wouldn't notice.

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18 minutes ago, princelina said:

While I totally understand and agree that Zeke's story is for him alone to reveal, and it seemed devastating for him as it happened, and Varner was malicious as Sarah said, and Zeke was very gracious towards Varner

I too was relieved that Zeke handled this with aplomb but here's my thing - he should have had to.  I think the only ethical thing to do was for Jeff to turn off the cameras and explain to all 'this is Zeke's outside-the-game personal stuff, and we will not even look like we're profiting by revealing it'.   That's not what happened, even though Jeff has (apparently) done this very thing in the past in order to sort out a problem for the producers.  Simple decency requires that they'd do the same for a contestant, not let it go on and certainly not put them in a position where the decision to let this continue rests on them.  Zeke's a contestant on a game show, that alone might pressure him to allow something nobody should have to endure. Just my 0.02 dollars.

Edited by henripootel
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I have zero doubt that Zeke was consulted and had to give his blessing to the episode being aired as it was.  I actually believe it was important to show what actually went down (as long as Zeke gave his ok).  Cliche to say, but a very teachable moment.  What NOT to ever do (Varner) and how to react with strength and grace (Zeke) and how to stand up for a wrong (the rest of the tribe).  I thought Propst did a perfect job of navigating a volatile situation and you could see his discomfort and disapproval on his face.  

Look, almost every single one of us has said the wrong thing, a hurtful thing, and wished we could take it back (I certainly have and I regret it deeply), but this had a magnitude to it -- this was like hiring a plane with a banner behind it and flying it for everyone to see and hear for the 1st time someone's very personal information / news that was only theirs to share if and when they wanted to.

I love Ozzy -- he is a thing of beauty to watch.  Gosh, I wish he'd win the $1M / Sole Survivor title one of these days.  So fired up for Hali getting "metamorphosis" -- loved it -- love her smarts.  That pizza looked really gross.  

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There were people on datalounge who not only knew that Zeke was trans  but that Varner would out him.


I doubted the Varner outing him story, until two weeks ago when it was brought up again and mentioned that it would happen after Sandra was booted.

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24 minutes ago, henripootel said:

I too was relieved that Zeke handled this with aplomb but here's my thing - he should have had to.  I think the only ethical thing to do was for Jeff to turn off the cameras and explain to all 'this is Zeke's outside-the-game personal stuff, and we will not even look like we're profiting by revealing it'.   That's not what happened, even though Jeff has (apparently) done this very thing in the past in order to sort out a problem for the producers.  Simple decency requires that they'd do the same for a contestant, not let it go on and certainly not put them in a position where the decision to let this continue rests on them.  Zeke's a contestant on a game show, that alone might pressure him to allow something nobody should have to endure. Just my 0.02 dollars.

I'm not snarking or arguing - just curious.  When has this (bolded) happened in the past?

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1 hour ago, henripootel said:

Can't disagree more.  They could have easily edited out every bit of this, got the footage they needed, and booted Varner after a unanimous vote.  The producers are under no obligation whatsoever to show us what 'really' happened, and in cases like this, editing it out and warning the others to say nothing - easily within the NDAs the contestants sign.  Which probably wouldn't be necessary as the other contestants felt that Varner leaking Zeke's business was despicable - you really think they're gonna be in a rush to leak it further?

No, I'm thinking the producers thought this was just gold, and there was no way they weren't gonna air it.  Much like Brandon Hantz's exit, they took advantage of an ugly situation to 'officially decry it', while using it for ratings.  Again, they were under no obligation to air any of this, and the fact that they did so leaves me feeling soiled.  I don't know who they think their audience is but I'm ... not entertained.  

The producers might change their tune if Zeke hires a good lawyer and sues.

I know the contestants sign forms saying they can't sue. But that hasn't stopped people in  the past and there are plenty of ways a good lawyer can get around those forms they sign.  Besides, they don't actually have to ever get to court. I'm guessing a good lawyer has a very good chance to engineer a million dollar settlement.  I'm not a lawyer. But if there was ever an outrageous case deserving a million dollar lawsuit, IMHO, this is it!

A good lawyer can argue Zeke was in a state of mind that was equivalent to his being  coerced (coersion?)  He was extremely hungry and very shocked at what was going on. I'm thinking it might be easier for a good lawyer to force CBS to pay damages - even if it's just a settlement. I think Zeke deserves for CBS to pay him damages.

Edited by MissBluxom
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6 minutes ago, MissBluxom said:

The producers might change their tune if Zeke hires a good lawyer and sues.

I know the contestants sign forms saying they can't sue. But that hasn't stopped people in  the past and there are plenty of ways a good lawyer can get around those forms they sign.  Besides, they don't actually have to ever get to court. I'm guessing a good lawyer has a very good chance to engineer a million dollar settlement.  I'm not a lawyer. But if there was ever an outrageous case deserving a million dollar lawsuit, IMHO, this is it!

A good lawyer can argue Zeke was in a state of mind that was equivalent to his being  coerced (coersion?)  He was extremely hungry and very shocked at what was going on. I'm thinking it might be easier for a good lawyer to force CBS to pay damages - even if it's just a settlement. I think Zeke deserves for CBS to pay him damages.

Zeke and GLAAD worked with CBS on airing this episode.


GLAAD's Transgender Media Program worked with Zeke Smith and CBS for several months to ensure that when the episode aired Zeke would have the opportunity to speak for himself about his experience.

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6 minutes ago, niklj said:

Thanks very much for posting that. I had no idea.

I'm glad it worked out in a way to satisfy Zeke. I never really cared for Zeke all that much. But it would have been an outrage if he had to endure that kind of B.S.

I'm very very very disappointed in Varner.  He argued so long and hard about being so extremely pro-Transgendered people and having so many friends in the  TG community and working so hard for the benefit of TG people. What a bunch of crap!  The more he argued he was so knowledgeable and pro-TG, the more he should have known he was doing something wrong. It's like he was arguing going one way out of one side of his mouth and at the same time, going the opposite way out of the other side of his mouth.

I'm sorry if I can't find a better way to describe that. I hope people will understand my meaning about that.

Edited by MissBluxom
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I think Ozzy better wake up and read the tea leaves.  Two episodes in a row, his name has jumped to the top of the list as #1 alternative boot.  Everyone sees him as a threat, and his stellar challenge play this season has only hammered that theme harder. 

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2 minutes ago, KimberStormer said:


Would you mind if I asked what you mean by this? I can understand there are many reasons you may be upset with what happened. But could you make it clear just what is bothering you?

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5 minutes ago, kikaha said:

I think Ozzy better wake up and read the tea leaves.  Two episodes in a row, his name has jumped to the top of the list as #1 alternative boot.  Everyone sees him as a threat, and his stellar challenge play this season has only hammered that theme harder. 

I think Ozzy's great but he appears to engage in zero game play.   Never see him bonding with other players or strategizing.   You would think by now he would realize he can't make it on challenge wins alone.

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11 minutes ago, MissBluxom said:

Would you mind if I asked what you mean by this? I can understand there are many reasons you may be upset with what happened. But could you make it clear just what is bothering you?

1. I feel gross just for having watched this violent act

2. I feel even more gross talking about it online especially on a forum (and all forums are like this now) where you collect Internet Points (likes, etc), which influences you (or anyway me) in some deep dark way like underground water moving a dowsing rod.  Like look at this very fucking post, it's moving it too.

3. It's frankly not Survivor and I don't want to use this forum to talk about anything but Survivor.  Probably I should have not said anything at all, but sometimes when I don't people @ me anyhow.

Edited by KimberStormer
endlessly meta grossness
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32 minutes ago, millennium said:

I think Ozzy's great but he appears to engage in zero game play.   Never see him bonding with other players or strategizing.   You would think by now he would realize he can't make it on challenge wins alone.

That kinda means he's not great if he can't figure that out.

Going back to the "outing," I was proud of Debbie (first time I've ever said that about her) for being disgusted along with the tribe.  Amidst the yelling at Varner, I heard her agree with Tai and say that being trans was something for Zeke to discuss when he was ready to.

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