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S05.E13: Steven and Justin's Story, Part 1

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On the bright side, Princess got her delightful self the heck outta Dodge if he has no cpa. As for Steven, dear Steven, the rest of the world washes their clothes, cleans their houses and finds ways to get food. You decided you would rather eat pizza and yell at people and the consequences are that you are now, allegedly, hungry, dirty and alone. That is neither Dr Now, nor Justin, nor My 600lb life nor the rest of the world's fault. Suck it up, Buttercup. 

  • Love 23
25 minutes ago, Moloch Must Die said:

I have a family member who needs total care because of dementia... this, after doing everything right-- eating right, exercising, staying active in the community, working since age 18, etc. Dementia struck for no reason and without any warning. We pay $9,000 OUT OF POCKET every month because insurance will not cover the care of someone with a broken brain. Someone who chose NOT to eat 6 pizzas a day. Someone who said, "Hmmm, my cholesterol is up a few points; I'm going to change my diet and bring it back down." Someone who never asked for a penny from the government. Someone who who die of shame to need toilet assistance. Someone who was never rude to doctors, nurses, or anyone. 

I am truly, truly sorry to hear this Moloch Must Die and furious about the treatment of your loved one. It is so totally unfair.

  • Love 22
47 minutes ago, mmecorday said:

Good Lord, I wish Dr. Now had dumped Steven's ass at a homeless shelter after his shenanigans at the hospital.

No! Those hardworking, underpaid people running the overcrowded under-funded homeless shelter have a hard enough job on their hands. They don't need to be made responsible for this steaming pile of crap masquerading as a human being!

Edited by Ketzel
  • Love 18
5 minutes ago, mamadrama said:

And that they'd hidden video cameras in his room to catch all the abuse.

I am glad they did THAT, but why not prosecute this dung heap?  What he is doing is straight up abuse.  I know damn well the legal system in Texas DOES NOT PLAY!  Texas is not a state where I would ever do anything that could get me looked at from a legal stance.  I get the impression Rhode Island, where he is from, coddled the crap out of this cry baby, which is why he is in the shape he is in.  I think if the hospital has anything substantial on that video, they should use it and prosecute him.  It might be the exact thing this freak needs.

  • Love 7
4 minutes ago, Toaster Strudel said:

My viewing notes:

  • Yay buttwings are back!
  • Beards of pubes!
  • 1 mouthful = 1/3 huge hamburger
  • Holds spoon with fist like a toddler
  • 33 yr old sleeps with 3 giant plush minions in the hospital
  • "I'm not messing my weight loss! Nom nom nom nom nom"
  • Remote pizza-buying dad is a royal a-hole
  • His lymphedema grows mushrooms and moss like a dead log
  • He has a toe horn!
  • His only utility is to die and donate whatever organs are still functional.

His heart must be huge by now. I suspect only a horse or elephant would be able to use it. His liver would  be totally shot with all the pills and junk food. And his eyes are simply too creepy to re-use. 

  • Love 11

Dr. Now is my spirit animal. But seriously there is nothing redeeming about this guy Steven. These nurses are saints dealing with this bullshit. He is such a manipulative asshole it's absolutely unreal...he goes from angry and berating the nurses to crying and "I'll do better I promise!!" with Dr. Now. They need to skip the bariatric part altogether and call a psychiatrist stat. This is 100% mental illness. 

  • Love 17
9 minutes ago, DC Gal in VA said:

I am truly, truly sorry to hear this Moloch Must Die and furious about the treatment of your loved one. It is so totally unfair.

Thank you. On the bright side, the medical staff who "don't speak English" are very loving caregivers... it probably helps that my Aged Relative is very sweet and is not a raging asshole who pings the call button every 10 minutes to verbally abuse them.

  • Love 12
1 hour ago, WhitneyWhit said:

Holy ass, this was hard to watch.

Steven shouldn't have been on this show, or any show, or be in any room that isn't padded and heavily secured. This guy is crazy, and not in a snarky, Real Housewives cast member crazy, but as in Criminal Minds episode crazy. I would not be alone with him, ever, yeah he has his own gravitational pull, but he can be mobile when he wants. I was scared when Princess was looking for him because I thought for sure he was hiding from her and was going to waddle out and scare her.

He seriously reminded me of that obsessed Bjork fan who filmed that video of him losing his shit before blowing his brains out.

Steven's smile reminded me of Vincent D'Onofrio's character from "Full Metal Jacket", after he lost his marbles.  Fortunately, as long as he's slower than the slowest Zombie, we should be safe.

  • Love 19

Gross #1- I thought he died his hair blonde as well at first glance.  He freaking pulled it out and Princess is sweeping up a big pile of hair from the floor.

Gross #2 - The toe thorn! OMG, wtf

Gross #3- The green moss on the legs

Gross #4- The crotch shots, some were noticeably not blurred OMG WTF

Nightmares tonight.  I better read a nice warm and fuzzy book before sleep time.

  • Love 13
13 minutes ago, Ivylady said:

Also, someone is lying about something. These two are too emotionally stunted to be damaged just from having an abusive alcoholic mother. I feel like we're missing important pieces of the puzzle. 

I agree.  I think we are missing A LOT of important pieces of that puzzle!  It is also possible that those pieces were missing at birth, at least for the giant sadist.

Edited by Dru Blood
  • Love 18

"It sounds like a perfect storm of dysfunction is coming..."  Dr. Now waxing poetic!  You gotta lovem!  Lol!

Anyway, this guy Steven makes James look like a contributing member of society.  I truly believe that if he wasn't a morbidly obese hosebeast he would be a serial killer.  I remember us saying about James that his girlfriend should just let him yell?  Well, poor Justin just answered the question of how bad that can be.  Can you imagine this ogre pounding on your wall 24/7 and screaming at the top of his lungs?  I seriously think that they should be heavily sedated at all times and fed intravenously until the weight comes off.  Better yet, put them into a medically induced coma.  And never, ever, give them electronics.  And can you really have someone arrested for not removing your bed pan?  I wonder how many times this guy called the police on his father when he didn't get his way?  I'll tell you what, after the first time, him, his bed and all of his belongings would have been tossed into the street.  Parents are not legally obligated to feed and clothe their children for the rest of their lives.  If a hospital is allowed to kick him out, his father should be able to do the same.  A perfect storm of dysfunction indeed.  smdh

Edited by swankie
  • Love 20
11 minutes ago, swankie said:

"It sounds like a perfect storm of dysfunction is coming..."  Dr. Now waxing poetic!  You gotta lovem!  Lol!

"Anyway, this guy Steven makes James look like a contributing member of society.  I truly believe that if he wasn't a morbidly obese hose beast he would be a serial killer"...

Ikr?  I had no opinion about him at the beginning of the show then about 20 mins into it, the way he said, "I've had a lot of time to-pause-mentally prepare..." for the trip to Texas sent ice knives under my skin.  Felt sorry for Dr. Now about to receive the cunning ideas that have hours a day to run through his mind.  Ewww, shiver.

Edited by WillowG
  • Love 5
3 hours ago, Giant Misfit said:

Even this news article from 2015 says that Steven hopes to be an actor.

Actor?!  What character could he possibly play besides a morbidly obese bedridden asshole?  I doubt he would be a good enough actor to play a morbidly obese bedridden good guy.  Hey Steve?  Better watch out or they'll typecast you.  smdh

Dr. Now asked Steven if he was on a hunger strike before they kicked him out of the hospital!  Bwaaaahhh!  I love that guy! 

Edited by swankie
  • Love 15
1 hour ago, Dru Blood said:

He is at least 6 maybe 7 years younger then Steven and Steven was a behemoth even as a 12 year old...Justin never had a chance.

You could tell by the way Justin didn't even want to walk over to say goodbye to Steven that he's been traumatized by that jerk.  The dad doesn't seem to show him any respect either.  But since Justin is pretty mobile and doesn't seem to have any disability other than being overweight, I don't see why he doesn't get his own place and leave Steven and his dad to their own dysfunction. 

  • Love 10

I too felt that Steven is gay. Anyway, I think someone in the live chat said that there was more to Steven and Justin's relationship than they were sharing in the show, and I agree. I was surprised when Steven got up and walked to another room to try to talk to Justin. It's weird that he seems to care about his brother, but Justin turned him away immediately and said (his own words) that he hated Steven's guts. I wonder what's going on there. The part when he moves into the new apartment and eats pizza while staring into space and ignoring his father was just straight-up sad and disturbing to me. 

Edited by vicegrip
fix a typo
  • Love 16

I am glad they did THAT, but why not prosecute this dung heap?  What he is doing is straight up abuse.

Being an asshole is not illegal (if only it were).  I didn't see him touch anyone, or throw anything at a person, which would constitute assault.  If he swung at someone, they could simply step away - god knows he couldn't chase after them.  

  • Love 2
4 hours ago, Ivylady said:

Also, someone is lying about something. These two are too emotionally stunted to be damaged just from having an abusive alcoholic mother. I feel like we're missing important pieces of the puzzle. 

I read this with bleary eyes and thought your post said, "I feel like we're missing important pieces of the pizza."  :D 

  • LOL 1
  • Love 12

I am going to have to wait until this episode is available on the TLC app,so I can rewatch it. I missed the first 15 minutes or so and think there might have been something obscene happening with a pie that I missed. Maybe I don't want to see it.

These last few episodes have been featuring people (with the exception of Tracey) who have been exponentially more hateful than the one before. It seems that we have reached a pinnacle with this episode. I fear to say that I can't imagine how anyone could be worse than what we were subjected to last night. I started watching this show years ago because I loved the stories of personal transformation. Lately I watch, hoping that the patient will not make it because they are so vile they do not deserve to live.

  • Love 9

What a dysfunctional mess. Not a likable one of the three, from what I have seen so far. The only redeeming feature of Steven Sr. is his gallows humor. Otherwise, I think he is a terrible parent. He wastes his energy on Steven Jr. and completely ignores Justin's needs.

Justin is no prince, either. He is in his late 20s, I would imagine, and he sits around the house like a great lump or goes out to the park and plays with his remote-controlled car. It's obvious he has major psychological issues, and this is where Steven Sr. needs to step up and give Justin some tough love. Justin needs to get therapy and do SOMETHING - get a job, go to school, work out at the gym, take online courses - anything to break him out of his rut and stop focusing on food and blaming both Stevens for everything wrong in his life. Ideally, he should become independent enough to live on his own and not have to deal with the 700-lb. asshole ever again, but that scenario does not look promising. I hope Part 2 focuses on Justin and the steps he takes to improve his situation. We know so little about him, but it seems as though he has a chance of doing something positive with his life. I have zero interest in seeing anything more about Steven Jr., for all the reasons outlined in this forum. He is a lost cause.

8 minutes ago, Michael Stabosz said:

Lastly, I'm mildly pissed off at Dr. Nowzardan.  He's a smart guy.  He had to be aware of the kind of person Steven was before filming started.  He mentioned it at the beginning of the episode.  He should have told TLC that he would have no part in this ridiculous circus.  The series came to be because Dr. Now's son, Jonathan, is one of the executive producers.  He wanted to make documentaries about super-obese people, and his father's line of work gave him access to a steady supply of them.  I wonder if Jonathan is out now, and that's why the shows have gone from documentary style and helping the super-obese to trashy reality show fare.

Jonathan's name is still in the credits, but I don't know what is title is, and whether that means he is still active with the show or just gets credit as the creator of the series. Can anyone who has this recorded check the credits to see what Jonathan does?

  • Love 2
8 minutes ago, AnnaBaptist said:

Jonathan's name is still in the credits, but I don't know what is title is, and whether that means he is still active with the show or just gets credit as the creator of the series. Can anyone who has this recorded check the credits to see what Jonathan does?

This is par for the course in television it seems.  A producer can get their name on the credits through the life of the show even after they stop being creatively involved.  J.J. Abrams was always listed as the Executive Producer of Lost, but he stopped working on the show after like 7 episodes.

As per Justin, the synopsis for next week says that he is "focusing on a new career instead of his weight loss".  I hope that means he is at least moving toward independence.


I looked two weeks ahead in the listings to see if part 2 was going to be the season finale.  In a way, it seems like it is.  The April 12th episode is entitled "Lupe and Ashley D."  I thought these names sounded familiar, and it turns out they were both participants from last year.  They were both decent people as I recall.  Before this season, most of them were, with the notable exceptions of Penny, Pauline, and Marla.  It seems like they're doing a followup episode under the title of a normal installment.

  • Love 1

Why the hell doesn't Steven just die already?  F*** Dr. Now for trying to help this pile of subhuman garbage.  What was he even thinking, putting him into drug rehab?  The first step of recovery is admitting you have a problem, and Steven won't do that in regard to the painkillers.  Steven at least admitted he had a weight problem before he did abysmally on the weight loss program.  Steven will somehow do even worse with drug rehab.


I know where the future of this family is going and I don't like it.  Steven is gonna flunk out of the drug rehab.  Steven Senior is gonna take him back in because he can't let his worthless garbage son go.  Justin is going to suffer.

5 minutes ago, bubbly said:

I'm going straight to hell cause I hated these people almost on sight and I feel guilty about that.

It's perfectly okay to hate terrible people.

  • Love 8
8 hours ago, Moloch Must Die said:

I have a family member who needs total care because of dementia... this, after doing everything right-- eating right, exercising, staying active in the community, working since age 18, etc. Dementia struck for no reason and without any warning. We pay $9,000 OUT OF POCKET every month because insurance will not cover the care of someone with a broken brain. Someone who chose NOT to eat 6 pizzas a day. Someone who said, "Hmmm, my cholesterol is up a few points; I'm going to change my diet and bring it back down." Someone who never asked for a penny from the government. Someone who who die of shame to need toilet assistance. Someone who was never rude to doctors, nurses, or anyone. 

My dad went through his entire life savings on long term care.  It broke his heart, because he lived extremely frugally his entite life (1 bedroom house, 15 year old cars he'd fix himself, Goodwill clothing) to save the money for his kids.  To see this asshole mock taxpayers...I don't even know if I can watch this episode.  Fucker.

Any other Intervention fans think we need to bring in some of those folks for this show????  Candy or Jeff versus James K?

Edited by Elizabeth9
  • Love 17
On 3/28/2017 at 9:22 PM, MichelleTX said:

Eww, fecking disgusting. Doesn't sound like he deserves any help. Why would they put him on this show? I wish they would help those that truly want it. I highly doubt he does. NASTY ? 

I have only watched 1/2 of it. He is a vile. disgusting "human being" who seems to enjoy being naked. I can't believe he was naked the whole half of the show that I watched. The other brother is just sad and stuck at 8 years old. Steven seems to enjoy being huge and he says all the things  like this is how I get my way, I bully and I make everyone miserable, ha ha ha. He is disgusting. Poor Dr. Na.

  • Love 7
1 minute ago, operalover said:

I have only watched 1/2 of it. He is a vile. disgusting "human being" who seems to enjoy being naked. I can't believe he was naked the whole half of the show that I watched. The other brother is just sad and stuck at 8 years old. Steven seems to enjoy being huge and he says all the things  like this is how I get my way, I bully and I make everyone miserable, ha ha ha. He is disgusting. Poor Dr. Na.

Dr. Now has only himself to blame for agreeing to take Steven on as a patient, despite knowing full well what he was getting in to.

  • Love 5
30 minutes ago, Michael Stabosz said:

This is par for the course in television it seems.  A producer can get their name on the credits through the life of the show even after they stop being creatively involved.  J.J. Abrams was always listed as the Executive Producer of Lost, but he stopped working on the show after like 7 episodes.

As per Justin, the synopsis for next week says that he is "focusing on a new career instead of his weight loss".  I hope that means he is at least moving toward independence.

I looked up the show on IMDb, and it looks as though Jonathan Nowzaradan was the producer for 17 episodes from 2012-2016. There are 41 different producers listed for the show, and only two are listed for 2017: an associate producer for 7 episodes, and a field producer for 4 episodes. So it sounds as though Jonathan is indeed no longer directly involved with the show. The show has really taken a different turn for the 2017 season, going for sensation over compassion. I think this is the end of the line for me. There were too many James K type people and not enough Tracey types. I won't be around for next season. Thanks, TLC, for taking the low road, as always.

Glad to hear that Justin is focusing on a new career. Hope it works out for him.

Edited by AnnaBaptist
Forgot to mention Justin.
  • Love 4

There is a great book I read called "The Splendid Things We Planned" which explores this kind of family dynamic, where a family member is just utterly broken and can't pull it together no matter what.  The author, Blake Bailey, tells of the life of his brother Scott and the effect dealing with Scott had on his family.  He is violent.  He abuses drugs and alcohol.  He drags his family down.  His family members lose patience one by one and cut him out of their lives, although this takes a long time.  It's very poignant.

  • Love 7
Just now, Elizabeth9 said:

My dad went through his entire life savings on long term care.  It broke his heart, because he lived extremely frugally his entite life (1 bedroom house, 15 year old cars he'd fix himself, Goodwill clothing) to save the money for his kids.  To see this asshole mock taxpayers...I don't even know if I can watch this episode.  Fucker.

Any other Intervention fans think we need to bring in some of those folks for this show????  Candy or Jeff versus James K?

I vote for Jeff VV.  He's the most world weary of the bunch.  Save Candy for a better family.  

  • Love 6
9 hours ago, mamadrama said:

He had apparently been to 20 hospitals that month

I was thinking about that this morning and I think TLC/Steven/ Princess made that up.

If he went by ambulance then they by regulation as far as I know have to take him to the closest hospital.  So, unless he was taking cabs, he could not go to wherever he wanted.

I think he was going a lot, but more for the I.V. Dilaudid they were giving him.  

  • Love 2
4 minutes ago, Cherrio said:

I was thinking about that this morning and I think TLC/Steven/ Princess made that up.

If he went by ambulance then they by regulation as far as I know have to take him to the closest hospital.  So, unless he was taking cabs, he could not go to wherever he wanted.

I think he was going a lot, but more for the I.V. Dilaudid they were giving him.  

You can actually request a specific hospital. They only have to take you to the closest for immediate trauma. I've had several ambulance rides over the past 5 years.(My gallbladder, kidney, spleen, spleen, intestines, and the dura patch in my brain have all spontaneously ruptured over the past few years.) I live in a very rural area. We DO have a hospital but it's just a trauma center-no operating room. It's about 20 minutes from my house. The neighboring county has one that is more equipped for surgeries. It's 30 minutes away. The big, university research hospital is about an hour. I request one of those three depending on what I feel is happening. More often than not, I go local. They usually end up transferring me anyway. If I feel like it's kind of serious but I am not going to die, then I'll go next county over. There have been a few occasions, however, where I requested that they take me straight to the big one. On one of those occasions, my appendix had ruptured and gone septic. I wasn't in that much pain but I had a feeling and it turned out to be right. On the other, it was a heart attack. 

He may very well have been taking a cab, though. I could totally see him huffing it out to the sidewalk if it meant more pain meds. 

  • Love 4
9 hours ago, Dru Blood said:

I am glad they did THAT, but why not prosecute this dung heap?  What he is doing is straight up abuse.  I know damn well the legal system in Texas DOES NOT PLAY!  Texas is not a state where I would ever do anything that could get me looked at from a legal stance.  I get the impression Rhode Island, where he is from, coddled the crap out of this cry baby, which is why he is in the shape he is in.  I think if the hospital has anything substantial on that video, they should use it and prosecute him.  It might be the exact thing this freak needs.

The cynical part of me thinks they haven't prosecuted because they wanted to go ahead with the show. 

  • Love 1

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