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"The View": Week Of 3/27/2017

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5 minutes ago, merriebreeze said:

I don't think Sunny did herself any favors with her fellow cohosts today or the audience when she went off on what makes her "professional" (not her blown out hair, thank you very much). She mentioned her degrees, her work experience, but then went a little too far when she said she was the first to arrive and the last to leave for this "damn job." Condescending, arrogant much? 

I didn't watch today but am not surprised. Sunny is arrogant and condescending. But she can also turn on the sweetness when it suits her. Phony is what I get from her the more I see her.

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16 minutes ago, merriebreeze said:

I don't think Sunny did herself any favors with her fellow cohosts today or the audience when she went off on what makes her "professional" (not her blown out hair, thank you very much). She mentioned her degrees, her work experience, but then went a little too far when she said she was the first to arrive and the last to leave for this "damn job." Condescending, arrogant much? 

Was she talking about her job on "The View"? I thought she was talking about jobs she had in the past, not necessarily this one. YMMV.

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I absolutely love Sunny   She is right and bright and I agree with her almost all of the time  

Her perfectly articulated  indignation today was a thing of beauty 

Especially love how she regularly 'schools'  jediblabla with those pesky things like reality and FACTS! 

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I agree with you & Sunny, Dahlia, re education, preparation, etc., being the measure of one's professionalism, but IMO long hair hauled in front of one's shoulders on most jobs looks messy & juvenile - make it stop!!

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I don't find Sunny arrogant nor condescending.  She came from the projects and made her way to U of Norte Dame, to being a Federal Prosecutor and to MSM.  Why should she not be proud of her accomplishments?

True, Sunny was not being arrogant or condescending on this topic.  She was making a valid point about a previous job as she said and as stated by other posters.  Sunny can seem a bit on her high horse at times.  She's said herself that she is a bit of a prude.  This was not one of those times. 



outshouted by a high school drop out who is poorly informed and doesn't care that she is.

That's a bit harsh.  I have my issues with Whoopi but just because she didn't finish school does not mean she isn't educated.  A formal degree isn't everything.  Whoopi is very well learned and educated on many topics.  Where she often goes wrong is where she thinks her word or her way is gospel.  That along with the way she treats those who dare question or challenge her. 

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Sunny is a host of the View. But she is ALSO Senior Correspondent and Analysis for ABC News. I have no doubt she comes in earlier and stays later than the other hosts. 

She is on other shows on ABC and I have heard her on my local radio station - that is an affiliate of ABC.

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7 hours ago, Ladybugnine said:

Was she talking about her job on "The View"? I thought she was talking about jobs she had in the past, not necessarily this one. YMMV.

Yes, she seemed to be talking about her former job (like she was cursing out her former boss, basically).

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NOW I understand.   Jedidiah's mother had an ACTING SCHOOL ! ! !    Jedidiah taught there (did you hear her slip that in)?  Maybe that's where her "educator" backkground comes from.  I wonder if she had her acting aspirations dashed.................

Although the make-up, stylist, wardrobe people did The Purple Jedi no favors this morning, the weird look is fascinatin'.

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8 hours ago, Former Nun said:

NOW I understand.   Jedidiah's mother had an ACTING SCHOOL ! ! !    Jedidiah taught there (did you hear her slip that in)?  Maybe that's where her "educator" backkground comes from.  I wonder if she had her acting aspirations dashed.................

Although the make-up, stylist, wardrobe people did The Purple Jedi no favors this morning, the weird look is fascinatin'.

I guess that explains why she walks out like she’s the star of the show—The View is probably the closest she’ll ever get to being a star of any kind.

I rolled my eyes when they started to talk about Rob Kardashian and Blac Chyna, but it lead to the funniest moment of the show. Sunny and Sara started poking at Joy, they were all laughing, and even Whoopi joined in at the end. Meanwhile—as usual—Jedi was sitting off to the side as if she wasn’t even there. No smile, no laughing, no camaraderie, nothing.

Edited by TheGreenKnight
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It could be much, much, much worse on this show re: "opposing view" panelist. And it has been.

Jedi does what Elisabeth could never, ever do and that's criticize a Republican. She is the closest to an Independant we've gotten and I appreciate that.

One could even argue, and would have plenty of juice that there isn't a true "conservative" voice/view on the panel. 

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4 hours ago, maggiemae said:

I'm sick and tired of Jediblahblah. She was always defending him until recently and would immediately usually deflect to Hillary. Now she is pretending she had his number all along?

Seriously. Just last week she was wearing orange lipstick from kissing his ass. And, no, I do not consider Jedi an independent whatsoever.

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Good grief - Jediblahblah has told us she is a libertarian, an independent, and a conservative based on the topic of the day. IMO she is a nothing. Just argumentative for the hell of it to get a little attention. 

Of course others on the panel argue....but they are consistent in their beliefs.

I think this "new" JB is due to viewers are not impressed with her or her stints with FOX or Brietbart. And she figured that out.

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3 hours ago, geekburger said:

It could be much, much, much worse on this show re: "opposing view" panelist. And it has been.

Jedi does what Elisabeth could never, ever do and that's criticize a Republican. She is the closest to an Independant we've gotten and I appreciate that.

One could even argue, and would have plenty of juice that there isn't a true "conservative" voice/view on the panel. 

I agree. I think she mostly articulates her points well and adds to the discussion.

For those who think she's as bad as Elizabeth, shall we trot out the people marrying their toasters bit?

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6 hours ago, maggiemae said:

Good grief - Jediblahblah has told us she is a libertarian, an independent, and a conservative based on the topic of the day. IMO she is a nothing. Just argumentative for the hell of it to get a little attention. 

We now know she wanted to be an actress.

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8 hours ago, maggiemae said:

I think this "new" JB is due to viewers are not impressed with her or her stints with FOX or Brietbart. And she figured that out.

At this point, I'm thinking she's trying to save her job. I'm guessing she reads her own press. She has to know that she is the most expendable  member of the panel. Joy and Whoopi are staples on the show and Sara and Sunny work for ABC News, so they're safe. Jedidiah is easily replaceable and there is no shortage of conservative female news women that would love to be on The View (however, I'd take a hundred Jedidiahs over that Kayleigh twit on CNN). 

Edited by Stacey1014
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Yo Jed!  Having worked with Congress in DC for 35 years and growing up in a nearby suburb, people in DC aren't any more sleezy than anywhere else.  Not even all Members of Congress are sleezy.

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And Pence wasn't talking about going for a drink after work with a coworker. He wouldn't step into a bar (with or without Karen) if his life depended on it, Jed.  I wonder though... his lieutenant gov was a woman. I guess he never had a dinner meeting with her without Karen being there too?

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12 hours ago, DB in CMH said:

For those who think she's as bad as Elizabeth, shall we trot out the people marrying their toasters bit?

I don't think she's as bad as Elisabeth. I think she's worse. I'd easily take back Elisabeth if it would mean getting rid of Jedi, and I never thought I'd say that. Elisabeth was easy to laugh at and she didn't have an ever-present hyena cackle.

Jedi was just ridiculous during that first segment when talking about Mike Pence. She seemed like she was salivating over him, yuck. At least Sunny seemed more sincere about being religious; Jedi just sounded like she wanted to defend Pence at all costs, making up some sleazy D.C. nonsense for why Pence bringing his wife to meet female "co-workers" in a work setting isn't crazy.

I was really hoping Joy would get the audience chanting today--Lock Him Up!

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14 minutes ago, Bronzedog said:

Yo Jed!  Having worked with Congress in DC for 35 years and growing up in a nearby suburb, people in DC aren't any more sleezy than anywhere else.  Not even all Members of Congress are sleezy.

I happen to think obnoxious shrewish daytime talk show hosts who strut out like they are peacock pretty sleazy but maybe that's just me.


4 minutes ago, TheGreenKnight said:

I don't think she's as bad as Elisabeth. I think she's worse.

Which begs the question which one is worse.?   Someone who spouts off mean divisive rhetoric to simply further a political agenda or someone who spouts off mean divisive rhetoric because it is what they truly believe?  With EH I could never quite decide which one she was.  With Jedi I definitely think she falls into the former category.


8 minutes ago, Haleth said:

And Pence wasn't talking about going for a drink after work with a coworker. He wouldn't step into a bar (with or without Karen) if his life depended on it, Jed.  I wonder though... his lieutenant gov was a woman. I guess he never had a dinner meeting with her without Karen being there too?

This is just more bullshit about how women are just one giant tempting distraction that causes the menfolk to not be able to do their jobs.

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I want to first comment about Ann Coulter; this woman is right up there - or rather, "down" there - with Omarosa and Kelly Ann. She is a hateful, spiteful, loathsome creature and I wish that were the case where she says these outrageous, ridiculous things to "get a rise". Unfortunately, she is a fervent believer in EVERYTHING that she spews. That's what makes those women so scary...they drank the Kool Aid alright...and then some!!

Was it just me or was Jed rude, annoying, loud and constantly interrupting more than usual this week? And when they ALL start yelling on top of each other?!!! 

Pence and his wife: that is just plain, straight-up, CRAZY. I mean, seriously...who the hell thinks like that? That is one screwed up marriage! I bet he doesn't let her do ANYTHING without his approval. She's like a modern day Betty Draper, but only without the gorgeous husband. She probably keeps a dog-eared copy of "The Total Woman" by her bed. <Shudder>

I thought I'd really dislike ARod because he has a sleazy reputation, similar to John Mayer, and I was expecting a dumb, self-centred douche but he was rather sweet!

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I think I know why Trump doesn't want to throw the first pitch!  The baseball will show how small his hand really is & the photographers will do close-ups til the cows come home & there's no way he could "walk that back".  LOL!!!

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Mario Cantone equally as funny as Louis C.K.?!? Help me Rhonda!! *wink* Mario's presence is like relaxing in a hot bath, and boom! Someone tosses in a plugged in toaster. I don't remember Louis on the show, seems like it would be awkward. I love him, but can't imagine him on The View. Will have to look it up and see if it's on You Tube. 

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If the Nationals choke this year, I'm blaming Trump for jinxing them by refusing to throw out the first pitch  

A-Rod was very enjoyable today, although I had to laugh at the intro when they called him a Yankee legend. 

I see both sides of the Pence argument. I understand why he would act like that in respect to his wife, but I also understood the other side. It seemed a bit  Duggarish, like he needed an accountability partner. I liked that they brought up Angela Merkel. There's a bit of a double standard. If a female politician had said that she wouldn't dine with a man without her husband, they'd call her unqualified to be in office. 

Edited by Stacey1014
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I think Sara dialed up the cutesy to maximum level today, maybe because she was sitting next to Alex. I like her most of the time, but I wish she would drop the ditzy teenager bit.

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6 hours ago, Haleth said:

And Pence wasn't talking about going for a drink after work with a coworker. He wouldn't step into a bar (with or without Karen) if his life depended on it, Jed.  I wonder though... his lieutenant gov was a woman. I guess he never had a dinner meeting with her without Karen being there too?

May be that's where it started!     How does Jedidiah know exactly what Pence meant...when that isn't what he said?   Has she been attending the Trump School of That's Not what I Meant (even though I tweeted it)?

I wonder if Sunny is one of those people who think that hanky panky will go on only when it's dark.

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5 hours ago, tvaddict44 said:


If they had added the information about Pence not eating with any other woman that it was originally a rule that Billy Graham had made for himself


Yes, TVaddict. I read this about the Billy Graham rule too. According to an article in the Washington Post, I think Mrs. Pence is attached at the hip to Mike. They were married in the Catholic church, then they became Evangelical Christians. Karen Pence is her husband's "Prayer Warrior" and they are super close. I would hate to be so paranoid about my husband that he couldn't have a meal with a female, but then I'm not a religious zealot. She seems like a nice person, but I don't want religion mixed with politics, and that's what we would get with Pence in charge.


Edited by Kenz
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I'm more interested in the fact that Pence won't attend an event where alcohol is served if Karen is not with him. An event, to me, is a social gathering and may or may not be a formal social event. 

I know Pence drinks, Trump doesn't, alcohol is served at the WH and when Pence travels there are events. And other events, like the guys going to a game or whatnot and decide to go for a drink Pence doesn't go? So, when Karen is not with him he does not attend? Seriously?

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Watched Thursday's show today. The makeup was very bad.  Jed's purple lip stick was disactracting and Sarah looked wash out.  

Arod did well. Only know his scandal and yes he has been booed a lot. Think I expected him to be aggaront instead he seemed sweet.  

It still feels strange hearing people praise George W   

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3 hours ago, geekburger said:

Today's show made me think it'll do just fine if/when Whoopi leave.


When Whoopi is away, Jediblabla gets aggressive and shrill - she takes advantage of Joy.

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The former. Certainly can't be the latter. Unless - Karen knows something we don't.

But I'm still stuck on the events without her where alcohol is served. And wondering if she will soon get an office in the West Wing.

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On 3/31/2017 at 11:23 AM, tvaddict44 said:

I still don't want guy day Friday unless it's Mario Cantone

Looks like you (TVAddict44) and Mario need some support here.  Mario is extremely bright, talented, funny, and very, very quick-witted.  He's also handsome.  That's the good news.  The bad news is that for some reason his manic personality is what the TV people seem to want and he sure does give it.  It's damned annoying and turns people off; no one can get past the crapola to see his talent...and there's a lot of that.

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On 3/31/2017 at 5:17 PM, Kenz said:

I would hate to be so paranoid about my husband that he couldn't have a meal with a female, but then I'm not a religious zealot.

I think Sunny lives by this rule.  She appears jealous and insecure and using her religion as a crutch.  No matter what "rules" spouses create and agree on to eliminate temptation, where there's a will, there's a way...and a time and secret places.  She has NO IDEA what goes on at work.  Hospitals have lots of little nooks, crannies, and females looking for a successful doctah.

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24 minutes ago, Former Nun said:

Looks like you (TVAddict44) and Mario need some support here.  Mario is extremely bright, talented, funny, and very, very quick-witted.  He's also handsome.  That's the good news.  The bad news is that for some reason his manic personality is what the TV people seem to want and he sure does give it.  It's damned annoying and turns people off; no one can get past the crapola to see his talent...and there's a lot of that.

When Mario isn't "on" he is great.  He is everything you said Former Nun.  I loved him on SATC.  I felt like that character was the real him.  As someone who has two gay male best friends I would gladly add him as a third.

20 minutes ago, Former Nun said:

I think Sunny lives by this rule.  She appears jealous and insecure and using her religion as a crutch.  No matter what "rules" spouses create and agree on to eliminate temptation, where there's a will, there's a way...and a time and secret places.  She has NO IDEA what goes on at work.  Hospitals have lots of little nooks, crannies, and females looking for a successful doctah.

Didn't we go through this with Elisabeth?   She read some book about having to keep the evil or some shit out of your marriage. 

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I love Sunny and can really appreciate her views on what is right for her marriage. Because she is tolerant and understands - even accepts without rancor - other's relationships. Not that I agree with her necessarily, especially when it comes to attending events without your spouse where alcohol is served. Although unfortunately that part of the Pence's marriage was not included in their discussion.

Hasselbeck was adamant her way was the only way. I don't see that with Sunny. EH wouldn't even let her husband see the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue in the locker room. Criticized a woman's outfit on DWTS yet wore similar on the show. (Low cut dress during the Rosie split screen when large because nursing....short shorts, etc.)

Candace can't even research the controversy about her tee shirt and make a comment - other than why are you so mean to me?

Edited by maggiemae
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On 4/1/2017 at 7:49 PM, Former Nun said:

She has NO IDEA what goes on at work.  Hospitals have lots of little nooks, crannies, and females looking for a successful doctah.

Yep!  And in surgery the doctors and nurses work especially close together.  Once worked with a nurse who's only goal was to marry a doctor.  She was a smoker, but hid it from him because he was so straight laced. 

My mother's physician's wife worked in the office with him, and he was still able to have an affair, with another man.   

Edited by howiveaddict
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14 hours ago, howiveaddict said:

Yep!  And in surgery the doctors and nurses work especially close together.

My husband was a podiatrist and my next door neighbor was always after him.   She joined a hospital auxiliary in a neighboring city and got kicked out for having sex with doctors (numerous times/a few doctors, it seems) in empty patient rooms.  Nothing happened to the doctors.  Reported to me by a gossipy auxiliary member.  Watch your judgment calls, Sunny.

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