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Briana DeJesus: Farm league promoted to the Majors

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If MTV expects viewers to accept Brianna they've got another thing coming. We didn't care for her in TM3 and we won't care for her now. I smell a last ditch effort since the ratings have gone from 4M to 1.2M  - Not a good call. 

It's like when Roseanne added the new Becky after that the ratings went down... I guess, we'll see what happens, but she's getting the fast forward treatment from me. It's kinda cool that they're filming a girl that lives in MY TOWN but that's the only interesting part.

Edited by Calm81
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This reminds me of my college voice professor, who would beg hard-working non-majors to try out for roles that the diva majors thought they had locked down. She wanted to shake them up and make them realize other, less "special" people were willing to work hard for what they had. Even if Briana does refuse to film, I see them editing it out to show them that other girls would be thrilled to share their whole lives. 

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3 minutes ago, UniqBlue69 said:

Jenelle and Kail bring the drama so MTV loves them. This is a warning shot to Chelsea. Girl, you better bring the drama for season 8!

She hasn't brought much in the past few seasons. In fact, her scenes have dropped dramastically (tm Jenelle). I don't think Chelsea cares to bring on anything other than what is going on in her life.

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13 hours ago, Christina87 said:

It's pretty sad that the highlight of Chelsea's season was when she shushed her mom in a restaurant...just saying... ?

Sad for the show but I have to give her props for not bringing the drama anymore. I honestly never thought she was going to come to her senses over Adam and his bullshit games.

  • Love 13

Kail wasn't bringing the drama this season, she was "refusing to talk about it on camera." Javi brought the drama. I don't like him and would like to see him go away, or be limited like they have done Nathan and Jo, but that is unlikely to happy as long as he is willing to trash Kail on camera. Adam and Germy have quit, so I don't have to see them any longer. I think MTV liked Adam because he drew so many comments and a hateful comment is just as good a positive one to them. 

Cut Janelle and Kail since they don't want to film, fill it with Barb, Jo and Vee and it will teach them the same or better lesson than bringing on Briana. But, Briana may be the final nail in the coffin for me. I only watched this season because nothing was on at that time and I enjoy the snark here, and may watch next season for the same reason, even though at this moment I'm planning on abstaining (new word for the Teen Mom crew). 

Maybe Briana has matured since Teen Mom 3

  • Love 6

I can't freaking stand the way Briana talks. It's not really a speech impediment, if it's just the way her mouth moves, is it? I don't know that I can really explain it, but I never liked her from her 16 & pregnant episode. And if her mother plays a large role in the show, that'll be it for me. I hate her even more than her daughter.

  • Love 7
52 minutes ago, Tatum said:

I can't believe they're bringing any of the TM3 girls in. Since they are though, I am shocked they picked Briana and not Mackenzie. I am sure Katie and Alex probably said no, but Mackenzie seems like she would offer to bring whatever drama they wanted to the table as long as they'd pick her.

I would have preferred Mackenzie too. I feel like Leah's not really bringing all the "backwoods, trailer-trash" glory she has in the past and you know Mackenzie and her brain-addled rodeo wannabe husband could totally fill that void.

  • Love 13

I have no desire to watch her or her family. All I recall about them is the yelling and chasing the dad out of the house. IIRC her mom tried to throw a chair at him. They all spoke with a super irritating accent too. Not impressed, MTV. 

Now if it were Katie, I'd watch that. She seemed like a good kid. Hell, even Mackenzie and Alex were more interesting than dejesus 

Edited by iheartla
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17 minutes ago, CofCinci said:

Yep.  She is the outsourced H1B or the scab that crosses the picket line teen mom.  Don't want to play the game with MTV, that's okay -- we've got lots of hungry putas who will do double for half.

While I have no interest in watching Briana, if the above is true, I actually respect the hell out of MTV for pulling this (well, as much as I can respect them, anyways, obviously the bar is low). These girls have gotten extremely inflated egos to the point where they really believe they are the "talent", and that they can make diva demands and pitch bitchfits when they don't get their way. Of course, MTV has enabled this to a point. But if they're sending a message now, I salute them.

  • Love 10

On one hand I'm sort of tickled by this power play by the executives. It is kind of brilliant, really. The original moms stop being interesting, develop diva attitudes, and want more and more money? Bring in someone with some name recognition who is just as trashy and drama filled and will be happy to work for cheap. I wonder if, by adding Briana, they other girls will have to take a pay cut since their screen time will be lessened? I won't lie, after seeing the producers act like whipped dogs for these assholes, this is freaking hilarious and damn near Machiavellian. I'd love to be a fly on the wall when the girlses have to renegotiate their contracts and they find out they have to take pay/perk cuts for the new cast member.

On the other hand, this is extremely shark jumping. Bringing in a brand new cast member so far into the show's run has the potential to really mess with the dynamic that has built up over the years. Granted, the show is and always will be trash and it has lately become boring trash, but still. I think it is even weirder because they are only bringing on one new cast member. I almost think bringing in two or three new girls would've worked better. Like add Mac or Katie from season 3, or maybe one of the more interesting (ie trashy) moms from 16&P. One new girl in the old cast stands out like a sore thumb.

Is the show really doing that badly? I know I heard that ratings were down and it is noticeable that they have been pumping out as many specials as they can, but I thought the show was still in the top 25 as far as ratings. It would make more sense just to milk the last few drops out of the show and put it down like they old dog it is. That brat Briana won't keep it kicking.

  • Love 7
4 hours ago, Birdee said:

I would have preferred Mackenzie too. I feel like Leah's not really bringing all the "backwoods, trailer-trash" glory she has in the past and you know Mackenzie and her brain-addled rodeo wannabe husband could totally fill that void.

I thought those two divorced and Mackenzie had become pregnant with another guy?

6 minutes ago, SPLAIN said:

I thought those two divorced and Mackenzie had become pregnant with another guy?

These girls are such clusterfucks, it's easy to get their stories crossed, but Mackenzie's third baby is by hubby Josh, the rodeo wannabe. They named him Broncs, if you can believe that. I remember being shocked that Josh actually bit the bullet and married her. They were TM3's version of Chelsea and Adam. 

  • Love 3

TM3 Katie said that she has no interest in coming back to TV and after the show ended, she went to school to become a CAP (Certified Addictions Practitioner) and now works at an inpatient treatment centre for recovering addicts.  As well as having a full time job, she also owns her own house. She's currently expecting a baby with her boyfriend and said, "The sign of happy relationship is no sign of it on social media" (shock, horror!). Apparently she is going to be having a little girl and the pregnancy was planned.  

She sometimes does that crappy "I love this lipstick, give the code KATIE for 10% off" on Instagram but since she has her life together, I'll give her a pass. 

In summary, one of the few TM girls to leave TV actually got her life together and now has a degree, stable relationship and boyfriend.  Not to mention she is actually "saving lives" (Jenelle take notes) and had the dedication to finish her degree without getting pregnant.  That is the sort of Teen Mom that should be shown, someone who actually overcame an abusive relationship and a teen pregnancy and managed to go to school, get a reliable career and care for her daughter without dick-jumping. 



  • Love 16

Joey now has three children by three different women? What the hell are these girls thinking? "Oh, he doesn't take care of the first kid or the second kid, but MY baby will be the one who makes him settle down!" God, they're so fucking stupid, I just can't.

We need to start some sort of running tally for baby mamas/daddies and kids across the three installments.

One kid by one partner: Amber, Farrah, Alex, Cole, Vee, Jeremy, Ryan, Javi

Two kids by one partner: Tyler/Catelynn

Two kids by two partners: Chelsea, Adam, Jo, Gary, Briana, Nathan, Katie

Three kids by two partners: Leah, Cory, Maci

Three kids by three partners: Kailyn, Jenelle, David, Joey

Three kids by one partner: Mackenzie/Josh

Jesus take the wheel.

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 16
25 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

Joey now has three children by three different women? What the hell are these girls thinking? "Oh, he doesn't take care of the first kid or the second kid, but MY baby will be the one who makes him settle down!" God, they're so fucking stupid, I just can't.

We need to start some sort of running tally for baby mamas/daddies and kids across the three installments.

One kid by one partner: Amber, Farrah, Alex, Cole, Vee, Jeremy, Ryan

Two kids by one partner: Tyler/Catelynn

Two kids by two partners: Chelsea, Adam, Javi, Jo, Gary, Briana, Nathan

Three kids by two partners: Leah, Cory, Maci

Three kids by three partners: Kailyn, Jenelle, David, Joey

Three kids by one partner: Mackenzie/Josh

Jesus take the wheel.

How many pregnancies in total regardless of live birth? I bet that number is a doozy.


Two kids by two partners: Chelsea, Adam, Javi, Jo, Gary, Briana, Nathan

Can this be edited to read "One kid with one Hulk or manatee: Jo"?

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 12

Yikes. I said it before in another thread, but I'm posting here to subscribe to this one. Brianna was the WORST from her season. I could not stand her. I really do not want to see her lazy ass, her enabling sister, or her man-hating mother. Lord knows this new dude is a real winner just like the last one. 

It makes sense, though - the girls who have gone the farthest aren't going to be interested/need the show. Brianna had zero ambition, so I'm sure she's loving the idea of a steady paycheck!

  • Love 7
23 hours ago, HeySandyStrange said:

On one hand I'm sort of tickled by this power play by the executives. It is kind of brilliant, really. The original moms stop being interesting, develop diva attitudes, and want more and more money? Bring in someone with some name recognition who is just as trashy and drama filled and will be happy to work for cheap. I wonder if, by adding Briana, they other girls will have to take a pay cut since their screen time will be lessened? I won't lie, after seeing the producers act like whipped dogs for these assholes, this is freaking hilarious and damn near Machiavellian. I'd love to be a fly on the wall when the girlses have to renegotiate their contracts and they find out they have to take pay/perk cuts for the new cast member.

On the other hand, this is extremely shark jumping. Bringing in a brand new cast member so far into the show's run has the potential to really mess with the dynamic that has built up over the years. Granted, the show is and always will be trash and it has lately become boring trash, but still. I think it is even weirder because they are only bringing on one new cast member. I almost think bringing in two or three new girls would've worked better. Like add Mac or Katie from season 3, or maybe one of the more interesting (ie trashy) moms from 16&P. One new girl in the old cast stands out like a sore thumb.

Is the show really doing that badly? I know I heard that ratings were down and it is noticeable that they have been pumping out as many specials as they can, but I thought the show was still in the top 25 as far as ratings. It would make more sense just to milk the last few drops out of the show and put it down like they old dog it is. That brat Briana won't keep it kicking.

I agree. If I was one of the TMs, I would interpret it as a threat, like hey we can afford to lose you because we have another trainwreck in the wings. Not even the wings, she will actually be filming. So shape up!

3 hours ago, poeticlicensed said:

I agree. If I was one of the TMs, I would interpret it as a threat, like hey we can afford to lose you because we have another trainwreck in the wings. Not even the wings, she will actually be filming. So shape up!

It is the biggest threat they've faced since the series began (outside of prison).  I'm so curious to see who will "go big" (create more drama/storyline to ensure future in franchise) or "go home" (leave on their own accord or fired from disinterest).

Go Big -  Farrah, Amber, Janelle, and Kail.  Once they smell the their blood in the water, expect some major desperation. 
Possible retirees - Chelsea, Maci

  • Love 5

I don't remember Bri wishing she had had an abortion too but I do remember her sister having a meltdown because Bri had a baby that they all bonded over.  I'm sure that stung for Brit, even if I can't stand any of them.  I also think Bri getting a tv show and paycheck to go with that adorable baby didn't make things any easier for her either.  

Still don't want to see any part of this coven on my tv though.

  • Love 1

I do absolutely think Kail will go big. She doesn't like to be outdone, and is very competitive. She's been resting on her laurels lately, but I think she'll have an over the top storyline this season anyway, and will blow it out of the water purposely. Plus, I'm sure they'll give javi airtime, who will be spiteful enough to also bring it. 

I am curious to see what Leah does. I would love to see her bring it and go super trashy, but she crumples under pressure instead of excelling, unlike Kail. 

Jenelle will have drama just by breathing. 

Chelsea will sit on the couch and nurse Watson, while talking about how she's "fat-uhhhhhhhh" and she has a "familyyyyyyy" while Aubree tries to help out by making slice and bake cookies that she burns. 

  • Love 12
13 hours ago, CofCinci said:

Given the relationship patterns of Jenelle and David the next seasons could be explosive.  Jenelle will go out with a grand finale.   

We will watch their home blow up like the finale of Little House on the Prairie. Or, we will watch Jenelle set fire to it like Lisa Lopes (RIP).

19 hours ago, CofCinci said:

Possible retirees - Chelsea, Maci

Chelsea yes. Maci no.  Maci loves the easy money she pulls in while allowing her to stay at home. 

  • Love 10
20 hours ago, CofCinci said:

It is the biggest threat they've faced since the series began (outside of prison).  I'm so curious to see who will "go big" (create more drama/storyline to ensure future in franchise) or "go home" (leave on their own accord or fired from disinterest).

Go Big -  Farrah, Amber, Janelle, and Kail.  Once they smell the their blood in the water, expect some major desperation. 
Possible retirees - Chelsea, Maci


Where does that leave Cate? I can't imagine she'd ever leave on her own accord, but expend the energy in going big?? I also can't imagine that.

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