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S07.E15: Hong Kong Fireworks

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24 minutes ago, CarolineN said:

Why is Kyle the only one who follows Dorit on instagram? Eileen does not follow Kyle, but Kyle follows Eileen. Anything I've missed?

Just have to say that I love Dorit, she can be annoying, but she stands up for herself and that I admire. On the other hand, I really do not like Erika, she is so annoying and I feel she think she is the best and the "queen". Talking all the time monotonous and it does not look like she cares about very many others than themselves.

I would imagine to keep tabs on everyone. Information is power which can be used for good or bad.

If I were on a show like this I would follow everyone on it and some of their family members. You can get a sense of likes, dislikes, degree of humor, what is important to them, what is going on in their lives at the moment, who are their friends and enemies, sniff out truth and lies.

In Kyle's case she caught Rinna in a lie. I don't believe for a second that LR went to the Dr. then Saks to buy shoes. Bitch was out shopping period.

  • Love 14

Eden-oh my these women can't keep their stories straight.  Induced-addict. . .not even close.  http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills/season-7/blogs/eden-sassoon-i-wondered-what-she-was-trying-to  I think most people were skeeved over Eden's plans to fly in her internet connection and basically uninterested.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Natalie68 said:

This could be total bullshit but MAYBE Erika takes her glam squad rather than hire from whatever locale they are at because they are friends and it makes her feel more comfortable.  She has mentioned (somewhere) that they are her friends.  If she has the cash and wants to bring her own crew why should I care?  I actually liked her 40's inspired cinnamon roll hairdo at drinks.  I thought her clothes looked like fancy jammies however.  Pretty, but jammies none the less.

My problem with Dorit and the pantygate/pillgate is that she just does not let something go when it is really a non issue.  I felt she was trying to make pillgate happen by speaking about it several times.  First with LVP at her party (I believe the Boy George party), then in Mexico, then with Eden.  She didn't outright say that Rinna is an addict but she was bringing up the big bag of pills, which actually were a big bag of vitamins and pills.  Eden and Rinna were talking about what was what in that bag (at Edens during the smoothie ep) and there were clearly more vitamins than Xanax type pills.  So using an innocent tone and giggling, Dorit was stirring some shit telling all about the pills.  I am thinking she didn't have much going on in her own life that she wanted to speak about (can't discuss her and PK's lack of $$).  She knew Rinna was on thin ice with the ladies and she has a problem with Ericka because she is reserved so they were easy pickings.  Perhaps Ericka isn't warming to her because she sees a thirst in Dorit to stir the excrement.  

Natalie68, will you marry me, please!  I love you so much!

  • Love 5
6 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

Eden-oh my these women can't keep their stories straight.  Induced-addict. . .not even close.  http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills/season-7/blogs/eden-sassoon-i-wondered-what-she-was-trying-to  I think most people were skeeved over Eden's plans to fly in her internet connection and basically uninterested.

I don't know how bad alcoholic Eden was but I do know I don't like sober Eden.

  • Love 14

Giving Erika the benefit of the doubt, I only assume she took an Ambien on the flight and that outfit was a case of sleep walking.   She looked nuts!  Sorry but I think her glam squad shut the door after she walked out then they all burst out laughing!    I did notice that the Erika was the only one who made an entrance down that big staircase - and the it shows Kyle walking from the elevator.     It's all a big act.   Why have to take glam squad to see mom?   Is she that insecure that she desperately cannot be without sycophants?

I wonder if Eden was ever really an alcoholic.   She seems to have taken on that title as a badge of honor.   Maybe it was her way of getting the attention she obviously craves.  And allows her to be judgemental. 

Eileen's tee shirt - My Image Lacks Fun

  • Love 18
4 hours ago, Normades said:

I know some people believe the infamous bag o pills were all vitamins, but I call BS on that since she gleefully spilled that there was Xanax and a few other things in that bag, too.  I believe Dorit was implying that Rinna has issues, but for me the implication already existed when she started  waving around baggies full of pills and talking about Xanax smoothies.  Kim never waved baggies or talked about drug filled smoothies, but her behavior prompted some implications.  How about Rinna’s behavior over the past seasons??  Going from laughing to crying, not remembering full conversations, and lest we forget smashing a glass and going for someone’s throat.  I think Rinna wanted to start something and now she has to deal with the fallout.  I also don’t think Dorit was saying that she didn’t remember discussing the baggie and Rinna’s behavior, just that she did not use the terms being thrown around such as addiction or drug problem.  Also I believe Ericka was the source and not Rinna’s sixth sense!

I suspect in addition to Xanax, there was probably some sort of upper she uses. Remember the segment with the all-night QVC footage? She was a high as a kite! This woman is exhausting! I'm convinced that doctor replaced her mouth with her asshole because everything she says is BS! She is a fundamentally dishonest person when things aren't going her way and she's called out on her crap. As we see next week, her only way of dealing with anything is to tell someone to "F*ck off"! That's a sign of a classy and mature woman right there!

Erika is starting to grate as well. I don't know if she needs to pull the stick out of her ass and have some fun. Playing dress-up with her "Glam Squad" is tiring and I can't believe they travel with her pretty much everywhere she goes. Can she not apply her own makeup and dress herself when she's alone? I can't imagine Tom wanting to travel with her with these obnoxious queens in tow. He's probably happy to have her out of the house.

  • Love 24
2 minutes ago, notnowimbusy said:

Giving Erika the benefit of the doubt, I only assume she took an Ambien on the flight and that outfit was a case of sleep walking.   She looked nuts!  Sorry but I think her glam squad shut the door after she walked out then they all burst out laughing!    I did notice that the Erika was the only one who made an entrance down that big staircase - and the it shows Kyle walking from the elevator.     It's all a big act.   Why have to take glam squad to see mom?   Is she that insecure that she desperately cannot be without sycophants?

I wonder if Eden was ever really an alcoholic.   She seems to have taken on that title as a badge of honor.   Maybe it was her way of getting the attention she obviously craves.  And allows her to be judgemental. 

Eileen's tee shirt - My Image Lacks Fun

Erika acted as if the other women wear wearing prom dresses and stilettos.  They were all dressed pretty comfortably.  I have a feeling we will see the Glam Squad in the unseen footage get Erika's mom dolled up.  Erika uses her glam squad every day. 

Eden claims she was a functioning alcoholic, which is a little like saying I was an alcoholic lite.  I think she needed  new place to look for friends and no one could keep her out of AA meetings.

  • Love 17
2 hours ago, njbchlover said:

With regard to Eileen's M.I.L.F. t-shirt - there was smaller writing beneath the large MILF letters.  I was trying to read it, but couldn't make out the entire saying because of the way Eileen was sitting - part of it was blocked.  I think the smaller writing on the shirt gave an explanation for the letters that were not what MILF originally stood for.

I think it said "mother in love with fitness" or something along those lines.  It was stupid.

16 hours ago, notnowimbusy said:

Rinna is desperate.  She will agree with anyone, be overly excited, no matter what anybody says. 

Not to mention Rinna volunteered not only the Xanax-smoothie info, but also produced the bag o' pills hoping to elicit an "Oh, that zany Rinna!" reaction. And while it seemed (to me, anyway) like Dorit was trying to start some shit when she told Lisa V. about Rinna's pills, it also kind of seemed like it got dropped pretty quickly and no one cared. I feel like Rinna is the only one putting this pill-bag business out there and trying to make it a Big Thing.



I also liked when after her little convo with Dorit she was all, "I feel SO much better now". But apparently not....because she had to bring it up again on the junk. 

Haha--maybe she was on the junk while on the junk. 

Edited by TattleTeeny
  • Love 12
2 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

Rinna's Xanax smoothie is not all that original.  They are rerunning last season RHONYC and gee we have Jules claiming to put drugs in a pizza and carrying around a bunch of prescription bottles and making jokes about the situation.  Jules comes unglued when someone suggests she has a problem with pills. 

To me, the difference is that Jules didn't run around calling other HWs addicts near death or enablers, but Rinna sure did.  Jules was truly in a horrible place and I really felt for her, still do.  I don't believe Jules has ill intent toward others.  Rinna doesn't care who she hurts as long as she gets her precious screen time.  I also think Jules concerns about the suggestion of a pill problem stemmed from knowing that she would be participating in a custody battle in the near future.

  • Love 15
30 minutes ago, lunastartron said:

So Erika thinks it's cute to retweet commentary about how Jagger and Phoenix have too many nannies ... 

... But her grown-ass, 45-year-old self needs 3 -4 of her own just so she can look like Pennywise when necessary? 

I know Dorit is not universally loved but she has amazing style and there is a certain kindness about her when it comes to her children.  Love this jacket she has on https://www.instagram.com/p/BRhQtoshTUk/?taken-by=doritkemsley so cute with her children's names on the sleeves.  I see the Kemsleys with a Vanderpet in the near future. 

  • Love 13
10 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Erika's glam team did her such a disservice, the first night dinner looked like she was ready for bed, all that was missing was marabou slippers, the rest of the trip was no better, she does not realize that her team secretly hates her, lol

Did Kyle say she was holding down the fort at Gucci (or the like), those designer stores are everywhere, why shop there?  It reminded me of Teresa (RHNJ) was running thru Venice looking for Chanel, ugh.

LVP may have her foibles but she is passionate about dogs, it's nice she can protest and protect as much as she does.

Eden looked like deranged when she was out with LR touring and then showed up at dinner with the wig, she has never looked the same in any two scenes she has filmed,  I will not be surprised if she goes Black Swan someday.

I thought it was nice of Eileen to put aside the pettiness and to support LVP, it was after all the reason they were all there.

I thought Eden looked a lot like her mother from back in the 70's. I like her in wigs better than her own hair. She always seems so very, very sad, and reminds me of someone who's always on the outside looking in.

  • Love 7

Couldn't agree more. I've looked the other way with a few things about Erika but this ep changed my view of her. A LOOK BOOK for a 45 year old woman going on vacation?! LOL really?? Get OVER yourself, lady.

Parts of me -- the overthinking part that packs way too much, and the considerably smaller but just as real "who gives a shit?" part -- thinks the look book is a bit out there. But then there's yet another part that wonders how much time I'd save on any given day with a book of my own. Imagine a life without "I forgot to wear my super-cool new-old vintage cardigan that I had such glorious plans for!" or even "Shit, these tights are navy not black! Curses!"

  • Love 6

I don't understand Dorit because sometimes she comes across so clueless that I don't think her comments to be said with ill intent and then other times she repeats information for no reason and she doesn't always talk about it with consistency. The whole panty-gate scandal, there were times where she genuinely seemed like she was just reaching for a laugh and then there were other times where she genuinely tried to make Erika look bad in front of the women because of the sheer amount of time that she spoke about it. She's done the same thing about this pill business. When she told the story to LVP and LVP took her story to mean that Rinna has a problem, Dorit shut her down and clarified that it was a funny story and to get the stick from out of her of her ass. Maybe Dorit has zero awareness for how she retells stories? Also, Dorit should have her kids as a permanent fixture with her on this show. It seems like more than a coincidence that I'm not at all bothered by her in the episodes where I get to see her with her children. 

Dorit, get over it - stop trying to force a friendship with Erika. It'll never happen if you keep trying so hard. You probably already burnt your bridge beyond repair. 

Eden is crazy. Done. I love that awkward hug is now called the Eden hug, lol.

I thought Eileen was quit thoughtful in calling LVP about attending the studio stuff - she knew what the project meant to LVP and didn't want to take away anything from LVP.  Maybe there's hope for them after all. 

Rinna raising the issue was so BS - she first said she 'heard' about it and then she claimed that she had a sense about it. What an idiot. Her brain can't keep up with her mouth. I literally had a WTF moment when Rinna said being so high up was so 3 dimensional. When people try hard to sound smart, often the opposite happens, lol.

Erika spent all that money to fly her glam squad to Hong Kong to wear cinnamon rolls on her head and then look like a drag queen. I think Erika and Dorit do have issues with each other. It seems strange that Erika chimed in to substantiate something based on what she admitted are inferences are on her part yet she asked Dorit what Dorit's problem with her is. She was the one that inserted herself into the conversation. 

  • Love 9
3 hours ago, Giselle said:

The one streaming bullshit, who is bullshit, is Erica. Everything about that damn woman is fake. It's the myriad of Sybil personas she gives everyone so they don't get close to the core of who she really is.  No close friends other than paid sycophants creating the Empresses façade. Clown Squad is right on the money Zoeysmom. Everything in her life is done to hide behind and  to keep people at a distance. I thinks that is why she likes flying in a private plane because then she doesn't have to deal with people. I think that is why her relationship to Tom works. They interact very little because his job is his first love and takes precedence. I don't think she does things out of kindness I think she does it because that's what "normal" people are suppose to do so she pretends to be kind. Something deep is wrong with that woman.

Erica was the one that told Rinna. It is a repeat of last season when Erica that told Yolanda about Rinna then in San Diego denied and denied until she couldn't any longer. Why would she get so angry? If she didn't tell Rinna all she had to say was no. 

All that money, time and, paid attention and she looks ridiculous.  I don't give a shit about what she goes through at night. Go cry behind the walls you put up.

I liked Dorit's response to Erica's "bullshit" comment.  "Halle-fucking-lujah" Dorit finally got an honest opinion out of that fake-assed Barbie.

Hey Rinna I think you're protesting too much.  So how much Xanax do you pop and what else do you like to take? Who brings out a bag of pills as a joke and then says she pops one into her smoothies?  If someone who "jokes" like that starts acting out is it not reasonable to question if her behavior was induced just like one would about Kim?

Eden is like a roach scurrying for a crevice.

Eileen... who?

LVP... yawn.

Kyle...I think you should have gone with your friend Lisa. You didn't have to look or listen but just be there.

What ever the relation ship with Daddy Warbucks is, does work for her.

He works for the money and she works him for the EJ Traveling and Pussy Patting Revue budget.

She just isn't that interesting - if you try to dig past the façade, you get another persona - Sometimes a little humility and sense of humor can go a long way to making a person seem human?

  • Love 8
8 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

Parts of me -- the overthinking part that packs way too much, and the considerably smaller but just as real "who gives a shit?" part -- thinks the look book is a bit out there. But then there's yet another part that wonders how much time I'd save on any given day with a book of my own. Imagine a life without "I forgot to wear my super-cool new-old vintage cardigan that I had such glorious plans for!" or even "Shit, these tights are navy not black! Curses!"

small voice:  I LOVE the idea of a look book.  I am too lazy to do one but if *I* had a crew of several to put me together everyday I certainly would have one.  

  • Love 6

Not your fault that you have eyes and ears in what was, for a while, a Kardashian-saturated market! 

But, I mean, if you want a look book, have a look book. I'm 46 and no one's wife but it if helps indecisive me navigate an overstuffed closet better than I do on my own, I think I do rate a look book! Not that I'd ever get around to it, mind you--clearly I'd rather come up with what I am sure is FINALLY THE PERFECT CLOSET PLAN THIS TIME...and then waste the good part of a weekend only to realize not only that is is not, but that it's also not that different from my previous "foolproof" arrangement. 

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, lunastartron said:

So Erika thinks it's cute to retweet commentary about how Jagger and Phoenix have too many nannies ... 

... But her grown-ass, 45-year-old self needs 3 -4 of her own just so she can look like Pennywise when necessary? 

Exactly. At least Dorit is present day in and day out to see, interact and raise her kids albeit with extra help she didn't dump them to chase her dream. A major one up on Erica.

  • Love 12
2 hours ago, Normades said:

Perhaps we should ask how many nannies Erika's son had.  Oops, guess we'd have to ask his father that question.

Well damn! Erika deserves this though. Don't talk shit about people's kids or their ability as a mother. I thought all these chicks knew the rules. 

What a yawn of a storyline. I do think Rinna is a pillhead but she probably mixes her Xanax with Adderall and sometimes coke. Dorit was being a total gossip but I specifically remember her making it clear she thought the whole thing was a joke when LVP asked if it was serious at PK's party. Dorit even got a bit annoyed LVP wasn't finding it funny. But whatever, Rinna is a pillhead so no harm done here. 

I still like Erika and her cold demeanour but don't pretend to be above it all when you're really trying to oust LVP as the main stealth bitch. Which will never happen btw. 

  • Love 8

Ericka could save a lot of money if she used the Garanimals  approach to life.  Sew a tag with one of her favorite subjects and learn to match them up.  Erika could have all her favorite songs as Garanimal tags.  I am sorry but they are maybe 10 outfits involved and most them seemed pretty obvious.  I am thinking hang the outfits that go together on the same hanger. 

She has become tiresome in her over the top costume and make up demands.

  • Love 17
6 hours ago, njbchlover said:

With regard to Eileen's M.I.L.F. t-shirt - there was smaller writing beneath the large MILF letters.  I was trying to read it, but couldn't make out the entire saying because of the way Eileen was sitting - part of it was blocked.  I think the smaller writing on the shirt gave an explanation for the letters that were not what MILF originally stood for.

I couldn't read the last word, but I think it said: Mother In Love with Family

I understand and appreciate LisaVP's dedication to trying to do something about the Yulin dog meat festival, but I'm in animal rescue as well and think she's a hypocrite if she still eats meat. I realize the arguement is that the dogs are tortured to stimulate the adrenaline, but farm animals here are also tortured during the killing process.

She could've recorded her brief soundbite in LA, she didn't need to fly to the other side of the world to do it. Her doggie boutique in LA is a vanity project to sell foo-foo stuff. Allowing some shelter dogs to be there for a few hours is just to give the illusion it's about rescue. I would be more impressed if she bankrolled a real rescue organization. 

I don't blame Erika for finally telling Dorit what she's been jonesing to hear.    

  • Love 5
7 hours ago, jaync said:

Fucking Rinna, good grief.

"Everything I say is important, and nothing you say is." What an arrogant bitchole.

Word on the street is that it makes ice, cubed and crushed.

Maybe it's the memories of a toddler weeping for his mommy not to move thousands of miles away that keeps Erika up at night. Anyway, don't care.

Isn't it because her son is a police officer and she worries about him? She's said she likes him living wit her because she knows he's home safe. 

  • Love 1
11 hours ago, FlyingEgret said:

Absolutely agree.  And I thought Eileen's phone call was spot on - offering to go but letting LVP make the final decision.  I also wonder if LVP was disappointed that the others chose not to go.  

But then I was surprised they were just meeting with the documentary production staff for LVP to do some voice-overs.  I thought she was there to try to meet with officials or dignitaries and thus the need to dress appropriately.  

I think Lisa travels to Hong Kong to meet with Vanderpump Pets suppliers/manufacturers. 

  • Love 1
4 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:


That was one of the few times I liked her. That kind of shit happens all the time at my house!

Normally watching the women pack for vacations bores me (I rarely wear dresses and never high heels so I have no interest) so I loved having the dog there. I also loved Lisa talking to the dog about the reason for the trip and referring to "your people". Hilarious and very cute. In fact I would rather see more of pretty much anyone's dogs than Erika's Entourage. Fine if she wants to pay them to travel with her but I have no interest in seeing them on my screen. And I actually like Erika this season. 

Funny now that it is Dorito that can't remember a certain conversation. (I think it was Dorito. Or was it Eden? Sometimes they are interchangable in my mind). I do think Erika was being about mean telling Dorito that what Dorito says is boring and what Erika says is important (or something along those lines). Though Dorito did bug me last week when she told Erika that Erika never compliments her, then claimed that it was her English humour. Once again, she isn't English, and it wasn't humour. Why does she continually think that insulting someone (and lying to boot) is funny? 

Loved that Eileen went with LisaV to the meeting regarding the documentary. I work with an animal charity, and while there are people I come across that bug the hell out of me, if they love animals I will always cut them some slack. Non animals lovers? Nope. 

  • Love 4

We've had lots of fun seeing Kyle w/her kids & dogs and her house.  Dorit w/her adorable kids & PK.  Eden in her home with her son - and her mom.  LisaR with Harry and her daughters, at her lovely home, and even Lola.   LisaV w/the dogs, Ken & tearful with Max and some great house porn.  We have even managed to see Eileen in her house with Vinnie.  

So, besides the dressing room w/her glam squad, her music tour w/her glam squad & dancer boys, a brief visit w/her husband over an awkward lunch, and the trip to see her mom that had the same amount of time spent talking to level 2 glam squad than her mother.    No dinners at her house, no hosted events (besides taking Kyle to Greece).  NOTHING in the world she lives in daily.   Has Tom forbidden filming at her house?   If he's so supportive of her endeavors why not take part in this endeavor?   This has probably given her more exposure than her singing gigs - got her on DWTS.   Nobody in his position can't clear time.      What happens when he retires.  Do you think the "Boss" is going to allow her "crew" to be hanging around all day?   Is he going to want them with them on trips?  

Erika surrounds herself with people who are paid to tell her she''s witty, fabulous, and so above anybody.   They are more than willing to be her "friend" for a nice fat paycheck, a chance to travel, and dress her in ridiculous costumes.  She looks continuously bored by ANY of the events.  It's not that she doesn't want to let down her guard, she wants to sit back, judge and then goes on her TH to say how fabulous she is, and everyone else just doesn't get it.

  • Love 21
22 hours ago, Sai said:

Why are these two assholes, Lisa and Erika, on Dorit?  She seems like such a happy go lucky person.  She never said Rinna had a drug problem.  How dare Rinna get all huffy about something Dorit didn't even say when Rinna herself just got busted for saying terrible things about Kim and Kyle.  She's got a lot of friggin nerve.

It's so stupid that Erika has to take her squad with her everywhere she goes.  Is she really that ass ugly that she needs an entire team to make her presentable?  It's sad when she has to take all these people with her to make her beautiful but the other ladies look a zillion times better than her and they dress themselves and do their own makeup.  Ha!

I can't stand Erika.  She's such a snob and she actually has absolutely nothing to be snobbish about.  She ditched her kid and married an old rich dude.  Yeah, that's a real accomplishment.  NOT!  Erika and Rinna can both jump off that boat with cement shoes on and I would rejoice!

Your take on ErICKA is right on. She and Rinna need to dropped from the show. NEITHER of them have ANYTHING to offer.

  • Love 3

Mothers In Love with Fitness

Uh…so when she tossed that medicine ball back at Vinnie ONE time – that was Eileen really enthusiastic?

It didn’t realize that Erika has 3 personas: Ericka Giradi/Ericka Jayne/Sixth Sense

The Glam Squad only knows how to do hair/makeup/dress for Ericka Jayne who is about to go on stage or about to shoot a scene in her next music video. They do not know how tone it down. None of the ways she dressed so far are what she would ever wear to go out with Tom for the evening.

Mikey is out of control. He has dropped the makeup gun set to clown and picked up the Paintball Uzi. He just loads it with makeup and shoots until he is out of ammo.

Psss Rita Hayworth…you need to ask your hair guy why he glued binoculars to the top of your head.

Why does it seem like Eileen is distancing herself from Lips?

To me, Dorit did imply that Lisa has a “problem”. She brought up the bag of pills at PK’s party to LVP and Boy George, she brought it up at dinner in Mexico to Kyle, Mauricio, LVP, Ken, PK, Ericka. She brought it up again to Eden, when Eden went to her home and used the word “induced” and Dorit was not talking about labor.

To me, Rinna pulled out that baggie of pills so that someone would talk about it.

To me, things came to a head with Ericka/Dorit because her glam squad hyped her up to Fight Fight Fight….NEXT LEVEL!!!!

Eden just might kill London dude if he does not spoon her long enough. Lisa Rinna’s baggie of pills are missing – they are in Eden’s souvenir attic.

Overall, the majority of these ladies still amuse me. Get rid of Eden/Eileen and bring someone new in next season.

  • Love 9
7 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

Since when? Her defense of Yolanda was really predicated on staying in the cast for another season. This season we've heard about Erika's mom to prove that Erika wasn't hatched from a lizard egg. But other than that, all we've really seen Erika talk about is her side gig of writhing around in sequined underwear.



7 hours ago, Juliegirlj said:

"Halle-fucking-lujah! Erika admitted she thinks Dorit is bullshit. She has been saying she speaks her mind and had no beef with Dorit until now. She just holds a grudge for being embarrassed by pantygate. 

Erika is becoming more unlikeable by the minute. Her little gaggle of thirsty queens that she drags round with her are overpaid,  under qualified  cheerleaders. Speaks volumes about Erika that she needs that kind of support, not only for her physical appearance but for emotional support. And I think she looks ridiculous in most of the "looks" they design for her. 

Pretty sure it was Erika that clued Rinna on the idea that Dorit was talking about her and her bag o pills. 

Speaking of pills-Rinna's reaction in her TH about the utterly ridiculous idea of her being addicted to Xanax is clue to what her true drug of choice could be: the exact opposite of xanax, AKA stimulants (diet drugs, Adderall etc)!! 

The way these Ho's try and one up each other in the clothes, shoes, hair department reminds me of twenty somethings getting ready to go clubbing, and going for the sexy, slutty look. 

What is it with Erika and the number 100 ?! She said she fell down the stairs at Grandma's house 100 times, been to Hong Kong 100 times, and was there 100 years ago. I want to hear a reference to her geezer hubby's age as 100 !! 

Eileen's MILF t shirt said " Mothers In Love with Fitness" !! ?

ErICKa is SO insecure. Anyone who has to travel with queens OBVIOUSLY is a LOSER. She ALWAYS looks ridiculous in most of what she wears. She reminds me of someone who grew up with the poor mentality. Now she's hit the jackpot married to the old fart and think she's ALL that. WAY too much PS, big ass and thighs, NO talent, and has a voice like Bart Simpson.

3 hours ago, QuiteContraryMoni said:

Couldn't agree more. I've looked the other way with a few things about Erika but this ep changed my view of her. A LOOK BOOK for a 45 year old woman going on vacation?! LOL really?? Get OVER yourself, lady.


She's a disgusting pig.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, KungFuBunny said:


Mikey is out of control. He has dropped the makeup gun set to clown and picked up the Paintball Uzi. He just loads it with makeup and shoots until he is out of ammo.

Psss Rita Hayworth…you need to ask your hair guy why he glued binoculars to the top of your head.


LOL! The thing is Erika can look quite pretty - I thought last week when she was at LisaV's for lunch she looked stunning. Very little makeup (relatively speaking) and quite young. LisaV also looks much better with minimal makeup. Why do they not see what we see? 

  • Love 12
6 hours ago, notnowimbusy said:

Giving Erika the benefit of the doubt, I only assume she took an Ambien on the flight and that outfit was a case of sleep walking.   She looked nuts!  Sorry but I think her glam squad shut the door after she walked out then they all burst out laughing!    I did notice that the Erika was the only one who made an entrance down that big staircase - and the it shows Kyle walking from the elevator.     It's all a big act.   Why have to take glam squad to see mom?   Is she that insecure that she desperately cannot be without sycophants?

I wonder if Eden was ever really an alcoholic.   She seems to have taken on that title as a badge of honor.   Maybe it was her way of getting the attention she obviously craves.  And allows her to be judgemental. 

Eileen's tee shirt - My Image Lacks Fun


Erika's Dubai makeup was the worst, waaay worse than the Cinnabon hair but I do appreciate that she puts in the effort to change things up. I find it kind of sweet that she drags around this little entourage of not-so-talented bitchy gays to give her a bit of buffer from these bitchy women...meh, I'd do the same if I could. 


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9 minutes ago, Dutchgirl said:

Erika's Dubai makeup was the worst, waaay worse than the Cinnabon hair but I do appreciate that she puts in the effort to change things up. I find it kind of sweet that she drags around this little entourage of not-so-talented bitchy gays to give her a bit of buffer from these bitchy women...meh, I'd do the same if I could. 


I would not want to be dressed by her people at all. I think the joke is on her. Look at her, who takes that serious?

She not only drinks the Kool-Aid her clown squad is pouring she's takes a bath in it. She is delusional of she thinks she looks good.

Edited by Giselle
  • Love 20
8 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

This could be total bullshit but MAYBE Erika takes her glam squad rather than hire from whatever locale they are at because they are friends and it makes her feel more comfortable.  She has mentioned (somewhere) that they are her friends.  If she has the cash and wants to bring her own crew why should I care?  I actually liked her 40's inspired cinnamon roll hairdo at drinks.  I thought her clothes looked like fancy jammies however.  Pretty, but jammies none the less.


Okay...so, Erika claims these guys are her friends.  They are her "friends" for as long as they continue to collect a paycheck from her.  If Erika and Tom were to divorce, and she could no longer afford their services, I think they'd be out of her life pretty damn fast, look book pages blowing in the wind behind them!!

6 hours ago, nexxie said:

Erika surrounding herself with her crew reminds me of a woman I know who surrounds herself with her daughters as a human shield of emotional protection. Erika's insecurities are becoming very clear - I feel sort of sorry for her.

I, too, think that Erika is very insecure, and that could be why she puts up a wall.  I think that sometimes, her inner poor girl from Georgia pops up, and she feels less than the other ladies.  It also could be that she knows she is one signature on a divorce decree from being back at the Georgia house in the woods. Tom is very well known for being a great lawyer.  Even if they have a pre-nup in place, I'm sure he could figure out a way to leave her with hardly anything. So, when she's feeling insecure, the wall goes up.  

2 hours ago, notnowimbusy said:


So, besides the dressing room w/her glam squad, her music tour w/her glam squad & dancer boys, a brief visit w/her husband over an awkward lunch, and the trip to see her mom that had the same amount of time spent talking to level 2 glam squad than her mother.    No dinners at her house, no hosted events (besides taking Kyle to Greece).  NOTHING in the world she lives in daily.   Has Tom forbidden filming at her house?   If he's so supportive of her endeavors why not take part in this endeavor?   This has probably given her more exposure than her singing gigs - got her on DWTS.   Nobody in his position can't clear time.      What happens when he retires.  Do you think the "Boss" is going to allow her "crew" to be hanging around all day?   Is he going to want them with them on trips?  

Erika surrounds herself with people who are paid to tell her she''s witty, fabulous, and so above anybody.   They are more than willing to be her "friend" for a nice fat paycheck, a chance to travel, and dress her in ridiculous costumes.  She looks continuously bored by ANY of the events.  It's not that she doesn't want to let down her guard, she wants to sit back, judge and then goes on her TH to say how fabulous she is, and everyone else just doesn't get it.

Well, there was the birthday party with no food at Erika and Tom's home.  

You also said pretty much everything I just said above, only you said it better!  :-)

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1 hour ago, UsernameFatigue said:

LOL! The thing is Erika can look quite pretty - I thought last week when she was at LisaV's for lunch she looked stunning. Very little makeup (relatively speaking) and quite young. LisaV also looks much better with minimal makeup. Why do they not see what we see

Back when S2 was airing (or maybe just prior to kick-off) LVP, Kyle and Camille were interviewed by Allure while on a NYC jaunt. Camille addressed the topic of more-vs-less makeup and mentioned that she got a lot of negative viewer comments for not wearing enough eyeliner, being too light on the spackle, etc, in the first season. If you pull up some of Camille's THs from S2, you'll see she really trowled it on for that go-round.

I agree with you that all the BH wives are far too heavy-handed with the war paint (whether applying it themselves or using a makeup artist's services) but I guess they think a light approach leaves them washed out. I especially hate that bilious pink lipstick LVP sports -- so thick her lips look like they're glued together. I shudder to think of the stuff that gets stuck in it -- loose hair, twigs, gnats, all sorts of things that hit her mouth and remain trapped in the glop.

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