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S01.E18: Moonshadow

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7 minutes ago, OtterMommy said:

She no longer works for Jamie Gertz.  In this episode, right before Kate said she wanted to pursue singing, Toby made a comment about her calling her boss and getting her old job back (and I'm assuming he wasn't talking about Kevin).  Now, as to why she is no longer working for her--I guess we can only assume that took too much time off at Christmas?

Kevin told her he wanted her to stay in New York for him.  So, I'm assuming at that point she called and quit.  I think if it weren't for Toby, she'd still be in New York. But, yeah, if she didn't quit, but was gone from Thanksgiving until well after Christmas, I'd say it's a safe bet she was fired.  And it didn't look like the character was running some big business that had lots of (or even one other) employee to cover for Kate.  I'm sure she replaced her by now.

2 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

Which really makes one wonder, it seems weird to cast Jamie Gertz and someone to play her daughter and for just a one episode, particularly when theyou were showing the similarities between Kate and the daughter and then just drop the whole thing. It seems like poor season planning on behalf of the writers.

Personally, I don't think everything has to be a big long arc.  I think you can have characters like that for just one episode.  And, sometimes it makes it more like real life.

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3 minutes ago, Katy M said:

Personally, I don't think everything has to be a big long arc.  I think you can have characters like that for just one episode.  And, sometimes it makes it more like real life.

I don't think everything needs to be a long arc, it was just the casting of Jamie Gertz and the way they left the last scene between Kate and the daughter it seemed like they were setting up a longer arc and then just completely dropped it. 

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1 minute ago, biakbiak said:

Which really makes one wonder, it seems weird to cast Jamie Gertz and someone to play her daughter and for just a one episode, particularly when theyou were showing the similarities between Kate and the daughter and then just drop the whole thing. It seems like poor season planning on behalf of the writers.

Exactly, unless it was all just so Kate could monologue at Jamie Gertz's daughter.  Which seemed like kind of a big set-up, if the prize was supposed to be that one scene.  Another example where I thought I was watching a plot line being set up, only to be inexplicably dropped.

The writers tend to build huge scenes around monologues, now that I think on it.  But then it seems like they "misplace" the scene.  Like going into a shop because the window display is amazing, and finding out there's nothing on the inside.

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56 minutes ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

and at least they were showing an aspect of Kate's life that isn't about cake or Toby.

Or Kevin.  The first couple of episodes, it seemed like her life revolved around Kevin.

57 minutes ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

And I think it's just kind of silly to suggest either of them could ever achieve much more than maybe a lounge or wedding singer job.  But maybe that's all they plan to do with it.  Eh.  I'd like more real jobs, please.

Actually, probably percentage-wise, the number of professional singers who do things such as sing in bars, clubs, weddings, etc, probably outnumbers the stars.  So, I would call that more of a "real" job, and it might be nice to see that on TV for once.  Usually when characters on TV are singers or actors, or whatever, they are total failures or they hit it big. But, on the other hand, with Kate being so self-conscious of her looks, it could be very painful to watch.  Unless they suddenly drop that also because singing makes her realize that she loves her body.  Now, if that happens, I will be upset.

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4 hours ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

I didn't get the impression she had any intention of refusing to let him see the kids.  That wouldn't even be legal.  

I don't at all feel like she treated Jack too harshly.  I don't think all he did was drink.  He fell off the wagon after 7 years of not drinking on the one week she needed him to step up and parent and support her in something.  He didn't trust her so he drove drunk to her show and then punched her boss.  He called her singing 'ridiculous'.  He told Miguel, basically, that her place was in the home, not working.   He threw a fit over one tiny detail of her life she chose not to share.  

The writers do a great job of splitting the audience because I don't even like the guy anymore.   I had a brother-in-law like him.  He thought it was enough to just feel love strongly and give it a lot of lip service and do grand gestures now and then but then treat his wife like he owned her, when it came to her wants.  It's a bit of an entitlement thing, like it is with Toby.  Because I love you so much I can make you be the person I want you to be.  Because my love should be enough to fulfill you in all areas.   

But all of this still doesnt warrant the reaction of kicking him out of the house. and ordering him to go to Miguel.

Just like I don't understand why Miguel and Shelley split up bc they drifted apart.

Marriage is hard work. What's the fun, the point, the allure, of starting all over in your 40's and 50's with a stranger when you have someone right there who loves you, with whom to put in all that hard work. Starting over again at midlife just because you're drifting apart, or becauase you have issues you need to work out, is the easy way out. I guess I come from a very traditional, conservative background where marriage is sacred and you don't just walk out, or kick your partner out, because you had a fight. You work it out.

Let's see what happens...

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On 3/27/2017 at 7:05 PM, OtterMommy said:

They have given hints in certain episodes (there was an ornament on the tree for the Christmas episode, for example).  However, it might work in their advantage to keep things a bit "timeless."  However, that depends on them getting their chronology right.

This is exactly what I meant though; why should have to make sure and glimpse the ornament and then figure out what year it is and how old everyone is?  I guess it is a UO.....

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4 hours ago, Katy M said:


Personally, I don't think everything has to be a big long arc.  I think you can have characters like that for just one episode.  And, sometimes it makes it more like real life.

I don't think they have ANY long arcs. There are no stories, actually. Stuff just kinda happens and then on to the next.

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10 hours ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

Though so far in the story all we know is Rebecca wanted some space.  She hasn't mentioned divorce, right?  

No mention of divorce.  And just a couple weeks ago in the story, they were having the big romantic surprise visit to the first apartment, candles and all.  They aren't near divorce.  Jack went into a drunken frenzy, they both screamed it out, and of course, Rebecca still wears the moon necklace.  This was all for the dramatic reveal that old Jack isn't perfect. 

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What I do not get about Toby and Kate's "getting to know you" conversations is what the hell is their financial situation?  Does Toby rent or pay a mortgage?  Does he expect Kate to contribute?  They are going back to Hollywood, where there is a beautiful lounge singer with a great voice in every club (probably a failed actress).  It will take Kate a while before she will be booking any solid gigs.  Is Toby okay with supporting her till then?  What does Toby do for a living? Does he even have the means to support them both?

I can fanwank that Kate has some insurance money from Jack's death that has been her main means of support, after she quit being Kevin's assistant and Toby has a well paying IT job that he does remotely, but I should not have to.

Some people think if someone really loves you, they should be a little possessive of you (which I do not agree with).  When a man does this on screen it is supposed to be romantic, but comes off very patriarchal to me.

What is ironic is that in real life I see the this more with the genders reversed.  I know of two men who feel totally insecure unless they are dating needy and possessive women.  One of the guys dated a woman who actually called up his buddies and told him they can not hang out with him, because it is taking time away from her.  I do not have to tell you how much crazier she was toward his platonic female friends.  I told everyone the guy secretly eats up this possessive behavior and it feeds his ego (most people did not believe me, as the guy is really nice).  Eventually he married this lady and big surprised...got divorced within two years. 

Edited by qtpye
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13 hours ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

Though so far in the story all we know is Rebecca wanted some space.  She hasn't mentioned divorce, right?  

Not only has she not mentioned divorce, she frequently called him "Superman."  In fact, I think she used that term when she was talking to the kissy band guy, basically implying that Jack was the most amazing husband on the planet and how dare he suggest otherwise.  Shortly thereafter came the fight, and her asking him to leave.  We watched them go from Point A to Point Z with little to no explanation as to how they got there so fast, other than his drinking...which, I think, we are supposed to imply has been an issue for years, but - I don't know.  I don't get it.


1 hour ago, qtpye said:

What I do not get about Toby and Kate's "getting to know you" conversations is what the hell is their financial situation?  Does Toby rent or pay a mortgage?  Does he expect Kate to contribute?  They are going back to Hollywood, where there is a beautiful lounge singer with a great voice in every club (probably a failed actress).  It will take Kate a while before she will be booking any solid gigs.  Is Toby okay with supporting her till then?  What does Toby do for a living? Does he even have the means to support them both?

AMEN to this post.  These are all valid and unanswered questions, and this is what makes these characters nothing more than simple pencil sketches.  They aren't filled in with any color.  And 18 episodes in, I feel like we should have more of an inkling what drives these people.  Other than the fact that they all collectively obsess about the minutiae of family traditions, I still don't know much about any of them.  It's fair to say that the writers plan to fill us in during upcoming seasons, but they have to grab us first and make us want to know.  It's like their ultimate goal wasn't to tell the story of an interesting, complicated family - it was to make us cry, and worry about the details later.

I have been reading that in real life, Chrissy Metz is actually in the process of losing weight.  I sincerely hope that they don't tie her singing career into her weight loss...as in, she doesn't get a gig when she's heavy but then she loses weight, re-auditions for the same people that turned her down, and suddenly she's signing a record contract or something.  Because there has to be more to her than her weight - I just don't know what it is, because I haven't seen it.

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1 hour ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

From the unpacking scenes, they appeared to both be moving their stuff into a vacant apartment, so I would assume both were renters.  Given the lack of job/finance talk so far, I would assume both have enough for money to not be an issue.  Not excusing it, but that's what I'm guessing.   I imagine part of giving Kevin and Randall super high paying jobs was it gave the writers the freedom to not tie any of the three to working.  I think we're supposed to assume Kate was paid enough by Kevin to also not worry about chasing her dreams now.  I guess.  

It would be an easy throw away line for Kate to say when she responds that singing is what she wants to do to say something along the lines of "and I have saved up enough money from the job I had with Kevin" or "I still have enough left over from when Dad died to swing the rent for awhile."  This would have been so simple.


1 hour ago, laurakaye said:

These are all valid and unanswered questions, and this is what makes these characters nothing more than simple pencil sketches.  They aren't filled in with any color.  And 18 episodes in, I feel like we should have more of an inkling what drives these people.  Other than the fact that they all collectively obsess about the minutiae of family traditions, I still don't know much about any of them.  It's fair to say that the writers plan to fill us in during upcoming seasons, but they have to grab us first and make us want to know.  It's like their ultimate goal wasn't to tell the story of an interesting, complicated family - it was to make us cry, and worry about the details later.

Truth.  They just want to have all the Hallmark channel moments, but do not want to bother to make them real people.  We viewers get invested in character, because we see them as flesh and bone, even though we know they are fictional. 

Edited by qtpye
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15 hours ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

I'm kind of from the opposite background.  Why stay with someone you don't want to be with anymore?  Why feel the need to 'start over' with anyone?  What's wrong with being single?  Some people love the 'starting over' part, too-- the honeymoon phase.  (I'm not knocking your view at all, btw.)  

Though so far in the story all we know is Rebecca wanted some space.  She hasn't mentioned divorce, right?  

Someone you've been with for 16+ years, with whom you have 3 kids, whom you've loved deeply until recently? I dunno...

I know she just wanted some space  but that would probably be the beginning of a downward spiral. Or she'd realize she can't live without him, warts and all.

1 hour ago, laurakaye said:


I have been reading that in real life, Chrissy Metz is actually in the process of losing weight.  I sincerely hope that they don't tie her singing career into her weight loss...as in, she doesn't get a gig when she's heavy but then she loses weight, re-auditions for the same people that turned her down, and suddenly she's signing a record contract or something.  Because there has to be more to her than her weight - I just don't know what it is, because I haven't seen it.

There was a Facebook live kind of thing after the episode aired and I was surprised that Chrissy is bigger in real life than she appears on TV. Maybe because she was wearing a dress that wasn't flattering or the camera angle was bad. But from the video she didn't seem to have lost any weight at all. I'm not fat shaming her here, don't get me wrong. I'm overweight myself and it's a constant struggle. I'm merely making an observation. Though this probably belongs in the Chrissy thread.

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It would be pretty strange for Kate to be living off Jack's insurance money.  Typically, the spouse is the primary beneficiary on those policies. Only super wealthy families would usually have it be a generation-skipping thing.  

Maybe she is planning on getting a day job and pursuing her singing career at night.  I recently re-watched the episode where she sang, and while her voice was nice, I don't think it is strong enough for her to build a career out of.

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4 hours ago, qtpye said:

What I do not get about Toby and Kate's "getting to know you" conversations is what the hell is their financial situation?  Does Toby rent or pay a mortgage?  Does he expect Kate to contribute?  They are going back to Hollywood, where there is a beautiful lounge singer with a great voice in every club (probably a failed actress).  It will take Kate a while before she will be booking any solid gigs.  Is Toby okay with supporting her till then?  What does Toby do for a living? Does he even have the means to support them both?

What I don't get is how Kate, or anyone else, can just step in and start a career in a field in which she has no experience or training and which she apparently hasn't even been keeping up a skill set for the past decade or more.  That's like someone saying they want to be an auto mechanic and then going to a garage expecting to be hired without any prior training or experience.  As I recall from the episode where Toby took her to the nursing home, Kate hasn't sung regularly in years; not in the church choir, or a barbershop quartet or even in the shower.  How does she expect to become a professional singer with nothing to back it up? If she loves singing so much, why hasn't she been doing it for free someplace before now?

 I hate it when TV shows imply that anyone can have a career in the arts if they want it bad enough; no experience or training needed.  There are plenty of people out there with good singing voices who've spent years in training and practice and still cannot earn a living at it; why would an adult Kate's age think she is somehow more qualified than those who've spent years working at it?  It would've been far more plausible to me to have Kate tell Toby she wanted to enroll in voice classes or join a the local community center singing group or work with a kids' choir or something.

Edited by doodlebug
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As far as divorce, I thought Rebecca said they said things they couldn't take back and they just needed some space to figure out how to process and move forward.  Not even a hint of a divorce IMO.

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8 hours ago, qtpye said:

I can fanwank that Kate has some insurance money from Jack's death that has been her main means of support, after she quit being Kevin's assistant and Toby has a well paying IT job that he does remotely, but I should not have to.


You could be right, but that's 20 years (if the calculations of the kids' age when Jack died are correct) of being supported by Jack's insurance money, divided probably 4 ways with more going to Rebecca!!  

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On March 28, 2017 at 8:38 AM, Katy M said:

Are you suggesting that having time to spend with adopted children is a bad thing?

No, my point was just how would they afford  to raise another kid right now if their financial situation is less secure.   

I mean, they are pretty well off, but it was implied most of the money was coming from Randall's job, which he just quit.  Unless they've saved enough money, I guess.  

Edited by SlovakPrincess
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Just now, SlovakPrincess said:

No, my point was just how would they add another kid to their family right now if their financial situation is less secure.   

I wouldn't be surprised if Randall and Beth had over $1M in assets, in addition to their house. He said earlier in the season that he'd been planning to retire early. He can afford to take a few years off to raise a child if he's willing to push back his retirement.

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On 3/29/2017 at 11:05 AM, deaja said:

It would be pretty strange for Kate to be living off Jack's insurance money.  Typically, the spouse is the primary beneficiary on those policies. Only super wealthy families would usually have it be a generation-skipping thing.  

True.  He may have had just a basic life insurance policy at work, maybe a higher amount for accidental death, but Rebecca would have needed it for living expenses unless she started making more money singing.  Even if she gave equal shares to the kids, it was almost 20 years ago.  But since we don't know how he died, there are lots of possibilities from them being left nearly broke, to some kind of huge wrongful death award, and everything in between.  It would have been nice if they would address just a little of how Kate and Toby managed financially for the past several months. 

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17 minutes ago, ShadowFacts said:

True.  He may have had just a basic life insurance policy at work, maybe a higher amount for accidental death, but Rebecca would have needed it for living expenses unless she started making more money singing.  Even if she gave equal shares to the kids, it was almost 20 years ago.  But since we don't know how he died, there are lots of possibilities from them being left nearly broke, to some kind of huge wrongful death award, and everything in between.  It would have been nice if they would address just a little of how Kate and Toby managed financially for the past several months. 

Taking to the minutiae thread....

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  • So much has been said but I found this episode dull....except two parts...
  • Rebecca's whole argument about fulfilment seemed a bit out of place as moms and homeakers were starting to think of a life outside of their famillial roles...mostly in the 70's and 80's...Still, life has a way of shelving dreams when you're young and then you wake up at 45 and see that "Ahh..well that didn't happen..guess I should go for something else"...
  • So I feel for Rebecca in that argument..
  • The other part I liked was hearing "Share the Land" by The Guess Who in the almost/robbery scene...the lyrics used were perfect for that scene...
  • Other than that, dull..dull...dull
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On 3/15/2017 at 10:23 AM, ZaldamoWilder said:

skincare regimen = start by being 32.   

I'm still laughing at this! The lack of aging make-up on both Mandy & Milo is blatant and distracting. If the actors are 12-13 years younger than the characters they are playing (in 1996), the effort needs to be made to be somewhat realistic. Love your user name!

On 3/15/2017 at 2:14 PM, qtpye said:

I would love it in response to what she wanted to do, Kate had said she was going to be an actuary.  When Toby would look at her puzzled, she would respond "it was her passion to analyze risk".

I resemble that remark...lol Seriously, I cannot say that risk analysis is my passion, and my job is nowhere near artistic or cool, but I'm still happy with it after almost 20 years.  

On 3/16/2017 at 0:18 AM, Anela said:

My dad is the same way about my mum. She's gone now, about nine months, and he told me earlier on, "After our first kiss,  I felt like my feet didn't touch the ground, until I got home." This show reminds me so much of them at times. 

That is really sweet! I'm so sorry for your loss. 

I was spoiled that Jack would not die in this episode, so I wasn’t waiting & dreading. Not that I think I will be that affected - famous last words! – St. Jack is too Gary Stu for my tastes. However, I do not look forward to watching 3 heartbroken teens reacting to the death of their father. It will be gut wrenching. 

I watched the poker game through my fingers. I knew nothing good would come of it. I had no idea that you do not leave a poker game after winning the first hand. I doubt I will ever find myself in that predicament, but if so, now I know.

Wasn’t expecting Jack to punch Ben. I thought Rebecca was going to get mad at Jack for showing up, thinking he did not trust her around her ex.  Argument ensues, Jack dies (next season, however it happens) before they can make up. I don’t know what Rebecca was planning to do if Jack had not shown up. Was her phone call to Jack to come pick her up, or just the need to talk to someone she loves, trusts, and who could calm her? The message she left for Jack on their answering machine was not  “please come get me”, so I think it was the latter. But as has been mentioned upthread, an actual conversation may have been different. I did like that she deleted the message without giving Jack the satisfaction of hearing it.  

Rebecca & Jack’s fight was brutal. Realistic, but brutal. The yelling over each other must have taken great concentration by both actors. Rebecca telling Jack to let his father out was about the lowest blow she could take, and she took it.

Is Mrs. Peabody’s car the same one that Jack sells in order to buy the house without telling Rebecca? If so, I wonder how he ends up with it? In keeping with the St. Jack mythology, she probably wills it to him for being such an awesome mechanic and best person ever.

Episode was meh. My mascara stayed intact. 

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18 minutes ago, Toothbrush said:

Is Mrs. Peabody’s car the same one that Jack sells in order to buy the house without telling Rebecca? If so, I wonder how he ends up with it? In keeping with the St. Jack mythology, she probably wills it to him for being such an awesome mechanic and best person ever.

Yes, it's the same car, Chevrolet Chevelle. She didn't will it to him though. When he was talking to Rebecca about the events of the day they met, he mentioned having been set up on a blind date by "the lady who sold me the Chevelle". Which, now that I think of it, doesn't sound entirely plausible, since (a) she must have been mad at him for standing up the blind date she arranged, and (b) the poker sharks had taken all of Jack's money.

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4 hours ago, chocolatine said:

Yes, it's the same car, Chevrolet Chevelle. She didn't will it to him though. When he was talking to Rebecca about the events of the day they met, he mentioned having been set up on a blind date by "the lady who sold me the Chevelle". Which, now that I think of it, doesn't sound entirely plausible, since (a) she must have been mad at him for standing up the blind date she arranged, and (b) the poker sharks had taken all of Jack's money.

She didn't necessarily sell it to him the next day.  she was obviously very fond of him, so I'm sure she forgave him the stand up.  And he had been fixing her car for what $5 or $10 for years.  If she had gotten to the point where she couldn't drive any more, she probably sold it to him very cheaply as a payback.

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5 hours ago, chocolatine said:

Yes, it's the same car, Chevrolet Chevelle. She didn't will it to him though. When he was talking to Rebecca about the events of the day they met, he mentioned having been set up on a blind date by "the lady who sold me the Chevelle". Which, now that I think of it, doesn't sound entirely plausible, since (a) she must have been mad at him for standing up the blind date she arranged, and (b) the poker sharks had taken all of Jack's money.

Thank you! Now that you mention it, I do remember hearing that. 

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6 hours ago, Toothbrush said:

Rebecca & Jack’s fight was brutal. Realistic, but brutal. The yelling over each other must have taken great concentration by both actors. Rebecca telling Jack to let his father out was about the lowest blow she could take, and she took it.

I once did a one act play which involved talking and shouting over each other (it wasn't a fight though) - it was the most damn fun I ever had acting (and I had a lot of fun). My scene partner and I were both really excited to do it.

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7 hours ago, Toothbrush said:

I resemble that remark...lol Seriously, I cannot say that risk analysis is my passion, and my job is nowhere near artistic or cool, but I'm still happy with it after almost 20 years.  

An actuary?  So cool!  (Shows you how geeky I am!)  

This has become my favorite forum so I guess I have to watch S2 no matter how bad it is, and I'm not expecting much.  

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3 hours ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

An actuary?  So cool!  (Shows you how geeky I am!)  

This has become my favorite forum so I guess I have to watch S2 no matter how bad it is, and I'm not expecting much.  

Someone thinks I'm cool!! Yay!!!

I plan to stick out the 3 seasons unless it gets too awful. But I stuck out "The Big Bang Theory" thinking surely this season will be the last, and it has been renewed for 2 more! Hopefully we will not be sticking out TIU for 10 more seasons! 

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On 3/28/2017 at 2:17 PM, Winston9-DT3 said:

The writers do a great job of splitting the audience

I seriously think this is a great creative achievement.  It's so typical to put black hats or white hats on each character, with flashing neon signs for good measure.  To split the audience so dramatically speaks to three-dimensional characterization.

On 3/28/2017 at 7:20 PM, Winston9-DT3 said:

I'm kind of from the opposite background.  Why stay with someone you don't want to be with anymore?

This is me (and I really liked your other comment too).  I left my first wife after eight years and two kids, even though she begged me not to, simply because I was unhappy.  I wasn't having an affair, either.  I just wanted to be single rather than married to her any longer.  And I have never regretted it for a second.

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I was so sure I'd found an anachronism when I saw the instantly recognizable bag for Trader Joe's petite frozen peas that Jack used to ice himself, but then I realized I am the same age as the main characters, so there were definitely Trader Joe's in existence when I was in my mid-teens in CA. But were there in Pittsburgh?!?! And why does this matter to me so much!?!?

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6 hours ago, TheGourmez said:

I was so sure I'd found an anachronism when I saw the instantly recognizable bag for Trader Joe's petite frozen peas that Jack used to ice himself, but then I realized I am the same age as the main characters, so there were definitely Trader Joe's in existence when I was in my mid-teens in CA. But were there in Pittsburgh?!?! And why does this matter to me so much!?!?

I looked it up, and Trader Joe's opened their first east coast store in 1997, in Massachusetts.  So, yeah, that was probably an anachronism.  It probably didn't take them too much longer to get from MA to PA, but I think the flashbacks took place in 1996, not later than 1997, but of course, that's a guess, since they won't tell us.

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2 hours ago, Katy M said:

I looked it up, and Trader Joe's opened their first east coast store in 1997, in Massachusetts.  So, yeah, that was probably an anachronism.  It probably didn't take them too much longer to get from MA to PA, but I think the flashbacks took place in 1996, not later than 1997, but of course, that's a guess, since they won't tell us.

Vindication! I swear I normally don't care about those sort of little details at all, but for some reason, this one bugged. I'm just way too familiar with those peas.

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I can picture it - time to film the scene and the freezer is empty.  They send some staffer with instructions to come back with a bag of peas.  He runs to Trader Joe's and figures no one will notice.

He doesn't take into account PTV viewers!

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On 4/22/2017 at 5:07 AM, Katy M said:

I looked it up, and Trader Joe's opened their first east coast store in 1997, in Massachusetts.  So, yeah, that was probably an anachronism.  It probably didn't take them too much longer to get from MA to PA, but I think the flashbacks took place in 1996, not later than 1997, but of course, that's a guess, since they won't tell us.

Random aside about that first Massachusetts store. One of my sister's bestfriend was born and raised in SoCal and missed TJs so much that when she saw the sign when they were driving down the road she screamed at her boyfriend to pull over and ran into the store in such a tizzy she didn't notice that it was still under construction so she was greeted by a bunch of dudes in hardhats saying she was going to have to wait a little while longer and apparently she was not the first person who had done this same thing.

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28 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

Random aside about that first Massachusetts store. One of my sister's bestfriend was born and raised in SoCal and missed TJs so much that when she saw the sign when they were driving down the road she screamed at her boyfriend to pull over and ran into the store in such a tizzy she didn't notice that it was still under construction so she was greeted by a bunch of dudes in hardhats saying she was going to have to wait a little while longer and apparently she was not the first person who had done this same thing.

That's hilarious!

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Something I really enjoyed learning from this episode was that Rebecca and Jack met on their own.  Their meeting appeared to be going in the direction of a fix-up by well meaning people in their respective lives and it's not that I had a problem with that.  It just seems more like they were destined to meet and it was meant to be. 

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Finally binged my way through to this episode. I hate hate hate any use of card games as a plot device so that was unpleasant. They always make my skin crawl and this one was no exception. Just an ok season ender, looking forward to the next season.

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On 4/4/2017 at 3:10 AM, Toothbrush said:

I'm still laughing at this! The lack of aging make-up on both Mandy & Milo is blatant and distracting. If the actors are 12-13 years younger than the characters they are playing (in 1996), the effort needs to be made to be somewhat realistic. Love your user name!

I think they're avoiding the age make-up because they're having scenes where Mandy and Milo have sexy times as mid-40's/early 50's people, so they stick to just adding a few more crow's feet here and there because an intense make-up job would make it more difficult to do physical scenes like that. Mandy has said that her age prosthetics as Elderly Rebecca means she can't really move her face.

I do think they should've cast an older woman to play Elderly Rebecca and Elderly  Miguel, because you just can't make a woman in her 30's look like she's 70 on a consistent basis.

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