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Simon, Paula, Randy, Keith, JLo, Harry and The Rest: The Fox Era Judges

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Harry is a HUGE improvement over past judges.  As several have pointed out, he seems to bring out the best in both Keith and JLo, who already have been considerably more substantive in their critiques this season.  Let's hope it continues.

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Even last night when they were clearly sending people home he was trying to help improve their performance styles! People booed him but I tend to think that's a producer prodding thing, he's being kind but also speaking the truth. I love Harry! 

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Hopefully this is the right thread.....does anyone know how to contact American Idol?  In particular I guess I want the producers.  I want to complain about the number of times Jennifer Lopez appears on screen in general and especially during the performances.  I know I'm not the only one to dislike this but the past two weeks have been so over the top....gyrations....split screen with Alex's home visit.....and last night's focus on JLO when Caleb went for the big note in Dream On.  Enough is enough.  The show has become unwatchable (to me) due to the amount of JLO screen time.  

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Hopefully this is the right thread.....does anyone know how to contact American Idol?  In particular I guess I want the producers.  I want to complain about the number of times Jennifer Lopez appears on screen in general and especially during the performances.  I know I'm not the only one to dislike this but the past two weeks have been so over the top....gyrations....split screen with Alex's home visit.....and last night's focus on JLO when Caleb went for the big note in Dream On.  Enough is enough.  The show has become unwatchable (to me) due to the amount of JLO screen time.  

I completely agree and I'm sure others do as well. In fact, Michael Slezak even brought it up in his interview with Per Blankens and he played dumb like he didn't realize it was happening. Sadly if Slezak can't get through to him, I doubt an average viewer will. You could try looking on Idol's website though and seeing if there's any kind of e-mail address or something. Otherwise I don't think Idol producers really have any time to be reading e-mails sent from random viewers. The only real difference we may be able to make is by taking surveys, particularly from iCount (it's free to sign up) Occasionally they will send surveys asking about different TV shows, sometimes Idol, and asks questions rating your overall enjoyment of the show, the themes, the contestants, the judges, etc. You can also add in any additional comments so it would be there that you could voice your complaint about JLo. I truly hope for next season the producers learn and stop showing the judges (especially JLo) for half the contestant's performance.

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How about contacting JLo directly?  I'm not on any social media sites, but I think that's where she needs to be bombarded with messages about her mug constantly on the TV screen.  I'm pretty sure she's got someplace on her website where you can email her, and I'd be perfectly willing to do that.   However, I think being bombarded with Twitter messages would be the way to go. 


I'm not Happy with Harry either.  While he might be technically good as a judge, there's a meanness to his persona that is just off putting to me.  I know that he and JLo will probably be back next year, but I am not looking forward to that.


I love Keith and his chicken head.

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It's not JLo's fault though that they keep showing her, unless she requested that it be part of her contract. The producers are the ones people should contact since they make those decisions.

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I'm not sure that it's not her fault because she has the power to tell the producers to stop showing her mug on TV so much, and to focus on the contestants. 

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JLo, as so many AI contestants before her, has a fundamental problem:  Her genius is in being seen, not heard.  


This entire movement to visual presentations trumping the actual music has led to ruination.  MTV started it and the big money propagated it as it is much easier to produce dance than music.

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Dear Jennifer:


I know you were embarrassed to be taken to task for being unfamiliar with songs any true musician should know.  However, mouthing the words of the chorus that contains the title of a song someone else is singing does not make you look like you know the song.  


Nice try,



Edited by Qoass
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I hate that the show insists on having a female judge on the panel. To me I would rather it be 3 judges of whatever sex who know their shit. J. Lo offers nothing to the panel and I hate that the show fucking pans to her instead of the contestants for half the time. I also don't buy into the idea that she is needed because she knows how to entertain a crowd and has that star quality. Keith Urban can most certainly get a crowd going and Harry has definite star quality. Seeing Adam judge last night made me wish that he wasn't so invested in another album and would come aboard. I wouldn't mind him replacing J.Lo. I think if they were to seek out a different female artist they may be able to up the viewership. People don't want to watch a stuck up bitch who can't sing judge people who can sing. 

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I'm getting tired of them talking over the contestants while they're singing.  It's really rude.

This. I was horrified. Talent or none, in or not a chance, these kids are sweating blood up there. They deserve the judges' attention and some eye contact. It's just arrogant to converse over them.

WTF was Ms. Eye Candy wearing and where was the lower half of her outfit? She looked a hundred times better and five years younger wearing that simple shirt and jeans in her mythical low-rent 'hood.

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This. I was horrified. Talent or none, in or not a chance, these kids are sweating blood up there. They deserve the judges' attention and some eye contact. It's just arrogant to converse over them.

WTF was Ms. Eye Candy wearing and where was the lower half of her outfit? She looked a hundred times better and five years younger wearing that simple shirt and jeans in her mythical low-rent 'hood.


I don't think she owns outfits that have a lower half. Her clothes make me think of something Julia Roberts said when she was in Erin Brockovich. I don't remember the exact quote, but she said something about calling her character's outfits a dre, not a dress, because there wasn't enough fabric for a dress.


Also, as rude as I think it is (and I do), I also think the contestants should get used to people not listening to them during auditions if they plan to go into arts careers in which they will audition. My understanding is that that happens more often than not (although I may be wrong).

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I adore JLo.  I am not familiar with her music but she is one of my favorite actresses and Roger Ebert agrees (true).  Just read that yesterday.  Who knew?    I tossed that in so maybe you would continue reading.  Did it work? Are you still here?  


A couple of years ago I read, on a message board, someone dismiss her as only a Fly Girl.  Yes, that is the first time we knew she existed.  So I went looking at what her life was until that point.  She was an accomplished athlete in her youth and has been a dancer all of her life.  Dancing is an athletic endeavor and has just been acknowledged by whoever does that.  Nigel talked about that on SYTYCD.


Everyone who has worked with her including the media and interviewers expound on how genuine, witty and lovely she is.  She is not demanding, quite the opposite.  She doesn't give ridiculous lists of what food should be available to her when she is on promotion circuit as many do.  Some band wanted a bowl of M&Ms but only the red ones.  Seriously, it gets that bad.  


I love this new crew on AI and I love how they talk through the auditions!  It makes it interesting to watch.  They used to be the worst part of the show but now I like watching them.  I would put a lot of money on it that Jennifer does NOT request to be on camera.  That is a production choice.  

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Keith was on Ellen yesterday and sang a song for her birthday.  He sang with that country twang he criticized a kid for affecting.  I was shocked.  I like Keith but he does NOT talk like that.  

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Yeah I've noticed a couple times now that they have made remarks to contestants that could easily be said about the judges themselves. Like Harry telling Sal (the Frank Sinatra kid) that his type of music wouldn't be popular, the kid astutely points out that Harry's sold millions of records. Criticizing that kid for singing with a fake country accent with Keith who's originally from friggin' Australia sitting 2 chairs down. JLo criticizing contestants about pitch and doing too many runs.

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Which judge talked about the fake accent? I can't remember. I thought it was Harry, but I really don't know. Did Keith do it? Because that would be bad. If Harry did it, not so much, I think. He may think Keith should quit it, too. (I also think Harry's got to know there's no way he would have made it through American Idol when he was the right age.)


Jennifer should probably not talk about pitch and runs. I thought maybe she was trying to talk like Harry.

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Which judge talked about the fake accent? I can't remember. I thought it was Harry, but I really don't know. Did Keith do it? Because that would be bad. If Harry did it, not so much, I think. He may think Keith should quit it, too. (I also think Harry's got to know there's no way he would have made it through American Idol when he was the right age.)


Jennifer should probably not talk about pitch and runs. I thought maybe she was trying to talk like Harry.


It was Harry that mentioned the accent thing.

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It was Harry that mentioned the accent thing.


They all agreed.  I remember Keith chiming in, for sure.  When he said it I made a mental note to pay attention to his singing voice. 

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 (I also think Harry's got to know there's no way he would have made it through American Idol when he was the right age.)


Harry would not have entered American Idol because he was performing as a pianist with symphony orchestras and recording with jazz groups years before he would have been eligible for AI--different musical worlds from pop vocalists.

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So how do we feel about the sudden increase in them showing, on TV, so much more of the preliminary judging, before it reaches the celebs?


Personally I liked it--it gave them another tool to show the "story" of the good contestants without being as intrusive and pre-planned looking as the hometown footage they often show, and it did allow them to slip in a few bad auditions without resorting to stupid celeb-judge reaction montages.

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Kromm, I'm still left wondering why the initial judges are putting through so many awful contestants. It kind of makes them look incompetent or undermines credibility at times, and now they're not as anonymous to the masses. I'd like an in-depth behind the scenes look at how this show comes together during these national audition rounds, I've long had an impression there's so much waste, no surprise it's an expensive show. Arena-size cattle calls seem so yesterday, how about culling out the dead weight via video submissions and selecting the good ones for in-person auditions instead. Eh, that might be straying into The Voice territory. Then again, taking the show on the road can help drum up support and excitement across the country.


How often do the celeb judges wonder why some of the contestants are being presented for their professional scrutiny, or does being paid a lot make you not care and just go along with the game.

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I liked it too, Krom.  I would like to see more of that.  They must have many tables with judges all over the place.   How do they recruit the judges, do they travel with them or are they from the venues, how do they organize the crowd, etc? 

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WHAT was JLO wearing?!  LOL  It looked like that garden party dress from Monster-in-Law Jane Fonda wore!  I liked the print but the skirt and more of the print were just not a good look!   

Yes, people need to realize that big prints and wild prints generally don't look very good on camera.  You could hardly see JLo herself behind the giant designs.

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They pay JLo more than the other judges combined, I think, and it's not for her sparkling repartee or singing prowess, it's for her looks.  So I don't expect them to stop over-showing her anytime soon.  


She's actually grown on me.  I still recall George Clooney saying he cast her in that one movie because she went to his house and stripped for it, in front of him and his associates.  She does say she did anything for her career.  I don't have a lot of respect for getting jobs that way but I guess you use what you got sometimes.  

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I think she's going for Oscar song nomination, so therefore the serious, sensational effects, grown up routine.  (as in comparison to her childish I love you Popi.... or whatever that thing she 'danced' to last year was called)  Aren't both Disney and Pixar in on the movie?  I'd think she'd want this chance at an Oscar.   (she actually didn't do too bad-- and it was age appropriate! ;) )

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She didn't write the song so she's got no chance for an Oscar. An appearance singing the song at the awards should it be nominated, yes, but an actual Oscar? No.


I haven't watched this show in ages, probably since season 3 or 4. I must say that unlike Simon and his insults, Paula's incomprehensible mutterings, and Randy's "that was just a'right", I appreciate that for the most part, these judges give critiques that smart contestants can use to improve their performances. Of course, then they go and do something like waste their only save on Qassim when a contestant with much more potential might have a bad night and need it (see: Tyanna's awful performance of the equally awful Circle of Life) and I'm right back to "the judges are useless" again. Similarly when they call out Quentin for pitchiness when Maddie and Daniel were, to my ear at least, spectacularly off throughout their performances.

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I am surprised at JLO wearing her dresses so tight and short to emphasize what appears to be a weight gain!  She walked out in that brownish leather outfit and I thought it looked horrendous!  She needs to dress for her body shape which is great if it is showcased in the right outfit.  To me she just looks like she has a huge ass and hips/thighs. 

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They pay JLo more than the other judges combined, I think, and it's not for her sparkling repartee or singing prowess, it's for her looks.  So I don't expect them to stop over-showing her anytime soon.  


She's actually grown on me.  I still recall George Clooney saying he cast her in that one movie because she went to his house and stripped for it, in front of him and his associates.  She does say she did anything for her career.  I don't have a lot of respect for getting jobs that way but I guess you use what you got sometimes.  


Jlo does absolutely nothing for me.  I have no interest in her whatsoever.  But, the one thing that I am pretty impressed by is her focus and drive.  The woman didn't make to where she is based on looks and singing alone.  Those are a dime a dozen.  She worked her career really strategically and hard.  While she is not to my taste as a peformaer (or AI judge), I can't help but admire that one aspect about her.


I say "strip away", by the way.  Or more, for that matter.   Life is hard, and I don't feel compelled to judge others for this kind of thing.

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I respect your opinion but was her life that hard at the time?  She'd already made millions in movies and tv.  It's not like she was a single mom with no other prospects to feed her kids.  

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I remember that Jlo made big headlines first as Sean Puffy' s girlfriend in the green floaty dress that was open to the waist. Then she got more attention ad Selena. Oh,wait, she was a dancer (flygirl?)on the Wayans show, way back in the day.

I think she is beautiful (awesome eyes) and has normal, albeit very fit, thighs, hips, and butt, for her age and after having kids. I like that abt her. Shes not skinny which is fine. I love that she has her makeup done differently frequently too.

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I've never been into her music (but I do love Jenny From the Block and a few others) and her diva attitude is questionable, however I do generally like her as a judge. In her later seasons I think she gave good constructive advice to a lot of the contestants, which a lot of times I agree with. The only thing I really dislike about her is that someone there, whether it's her or TPTB whoever, insist on showing her every second. And the monstrous amounts of money spent on her salary could probably be put to much better use, like getting more songs cleared.

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I respect your opinion but was her life that hard at the time?  She'd already made millions in movies and tv.  It's not like she was a single mom with no other prospects to feed her kids.  

That's a good point and I was going to mention something but ran out of steam.  As much as I respect JLo's for her focus and drive, I can't help but wonder about her - and others in similar positions about "what is enough".  I mean really.  How much money does one person really really need, and the push to constantly get more seems over the top for me - given the state of our world 'n all.  The need to strip just to make "more" is not the same as someone struggling to survive in the best way he/she knows how.


One of my favorite movies is Independence Day.  Will Smith won't be in the remake because producers couldn't afford him.  Such an iconic movie and yet money trumps even though he has more than anyone needs.


JLo's salary on AI is a classic example - especially for the ROI.  Ugh.


I used to work with a white-collar fraud expert.  I didn't understand why people with zillions of dollars felt the need to jilt others out of life savings.  I asked the fraud expert what compells such people in this direction and he said "it's because they can".  Ego and excitement.  I lump celebrities in this category.   Why strip for $10 million when your sitting on $50 million in the bank already?!?  Why demand $20 million when you've got $100 million in the bank already?!  Or whatever crazy numbers happen to be the case.


If I look at their celebrity as businesses, I get closer to understanding it - they are industries unto themselves and keep a certain number of people employed - which is a good thing, but still.  The excess for any one person is gross to me.

Edited by Jextella
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I totally agree.  It's not about the money, it's about the ego and the power for many people.  


I kind of wonder if now that she has a daughter, Jennifer would think differently about women capitalizing on their physical assets to the extent she has.  Would she want Emme getting roles because she pushed her way into a producer's home and stripped?  Or being denied them because someone else did?  Maybe.  Hollywood is weird.  I guess it's a shallow, image-based business and I cast my vote by seeing movies with stars that aren't JLo and Will Smith.    

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I am surprised at JLO wearing her dresses so tight and short to emphasize what appears to be a weight gain!  She walked out in that brownish leather outfit and I thought it looked horrendous!  She needs to dress for her body shape which is great if it is showcased in the right outfit.  To me she just looks like she has a huge ass and hips/thighs. 



If you set your screen to a resolution that creates a square basically, she looks like her slim self.  The wide setting we watch on most shows distorts a little on this one. 

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I support Jennifer Lopez and what she has created. Remember when she was arrested with P Daddy for that shooting in a club and she dropped him instantly. I don't blame her for getting a job with GeorgeClooney, however she got it, he is just as much to blame for asking and expecting that. She was great in that movie. I think that was her best performance. She wants to be a superstar and she made it there herself.

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They all agreed.  I remember Keith chiming in, for sure.  When he said it I made a mental note to pay attention to his singing voice. 

I'm not sure that Jlo said anything, but Keith chimed in pointing out that "I'm not from the South either." I took it to be support for the contestant for singing with an accent he wasn't born with and doesn't speak with -- in other words, he's just like Keith. I'm sure Keith knows he sings country music with a twang, rather than with his natural pronunciation--and Harry knows it, too. (I wondered even if that was a little way to get in a dig at Keith without directly doing it -to- him. Lots of people find that kind of affectation annoying--I don't like it either--but I can't see that it's harmed Keith Urban's career in any way at all.

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Harry's new show is a daytime variety show?  It seems a little sad to go from prime time to daytime.  And variety shows seems so 1970s.  

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I think Harry just wants to do a bit of everything. And why not? He has the money and probably just does what he finds will be a kick. This guy has had sold out broadway shows, he was on a hit tv series for years with Will and Grace, he has done movies and judged on AI and this is all in addition to his music and soundtrack writing. Didnt he even voice a major character on an animated kids movie? This move makes sense. Why not try it all? The Ellen show looks like a riot and is extremely popular.

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