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2017 Tryouts and Training Camp: Candidates Included

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The cell phones.... I don’t use my cell phone.  It’s for emergency only, but when my husband talks to his kids on it, it’s only via texting.  I need to hear the voice.  You can tell usually within 10 seconds by the sound of someone’s voice if something is wrong.  Not so with texting.  How do people do this? It’s so much slower,and it’s so easy to be misinterpreted.  We have a sophisticated vocabulary available to us, yet the chosen method of communication is symbols and pictures, like the egyptians in the caves.  Utterly baffling.    


Anyway, yeah, Holly should have known that somewhere she is on someone’s cellphone the minute she steps outside. Sadly, that’s the world we live in now.  Trick is to use it to your advantage.  I haven’t embraced it, but if I were still working full time outside of the home, I would find a way - like social darwinism.  

Edited by lampwick
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7 hours ago, ByTor said:

In a city the size of Dallas there are many things to do in between the library and going to bars.  Maybe she and Jenna could have gone to the zoo :)

:DEAD:   lmao!

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3 hours ago, Trixi said:

Can someone fill me in on what happened with Erica?  I went back thru the thread and assumed it has something to do with drinking and lying.  Anyone know what happened there? I loved her dance style. 

From what I've gathered from various sources, Erica broke contract on company time, used social media to brag about doing it, and when confronted with evidence lied through her teeth. 

Kelli and Judy, being tired of girls who don't have the commonsense to NOT GET CAUGHT, gave her the boot. 

There are other rumors swirling about actions she's taken to not get any of this shown on the show, but from what I heard from someone yesterday CMT/DCC are still debating on  whether they should show it or not. The reaction  from the public to CMT airing Holly and Jenna's situations has supposedly encouraged TPTB.

I will say this... if even HALF of what I've heard is true, this girl has some major cojones. This sweet, bible-quoting young lady takes no prisoners when she's pissed off. 

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15 hours ago, K10 said:


How amazing would it be if the show decided to move in a direction like The Real World or America's Next Top Model where DCC owned a few or one large apt, large enough to where all 10-12 rookie candidates lived together while in camp and that bill was picked up by the team or the show. THAT would be SUCH a more fun way to add life to MTT and would really humanize the candidates instead of profiling yet another heartbreaking sob story of how a girl overcame chubby ankles or uneven eyebrows to become the best dancer of her college pom squad. 

I kind of love that idea

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2 hours ago, dreamcatcher said:

Kinda random thought within the whole Holly-Jenna discussion, but I think Taryn should have made the team over Christina (equally bad if not worse kicks) and maybe even Gina (based on attitude, as Taryn seems really sweet and I think this was the first time K&J commented on how much a rookie is trying and improving). I don't think she 100% looks like a DCC but since they take in so many girls that just fade in the background, they should start focusing on humble girls with potential instead of 'rockstars' who are too full of themselves.

Aaaand none of the girls that are left look like point/triangle material to me. Maybe Lacey and Robin from the vets (if they choose to stay) and Keyra and Kalyssa would look good in the triangle-but I don't see them as point.

I agree  with you about Taryn! From what we've seen on the show Taryn's performance and look is far better than Christina's. I like Christina so I feel a tad guilty saying that, but Taryn's attitude ,her work ethic, and just how she carries herself is DCC-worthy.  She gets called on the carpet over kicks, which had to be nerve-wracking as hell, and she still was able to speak coherently.

That girl is more polished and presentable than a couple of rookies (hello Gina) and even a vet or two who can't complete a sentence without saying 'like' or 'um'  about 10 times.

I think Kelli missed out by not taking her on. 

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7 minutes ago, Java said:

I agree  with you about Taryn! From what we've seen on the show Taryn's performance and look is far better than Christina's. I like Christina so I feel a tad guilty saying that, but Taryn's attitude ,her work ethic, and just how she carries herself is DCC-worthy.  She gets called on the carpet over kicks, which had to be nerve-wracking as hell, and she still was able to speak coherently.

That girl is more polished and presentable than a couple of rookies (hello Gina) and even a vet or two who can't complete a sentence without saying 'like' or 'um'  about 10 times.

I think Kelli missed out by not taking her on. 

I wanted to comment on that too and I forgot it! One poster here said (at some point, don't remember who or when) that she looks well kinda dumb. And I do think that in some of the interviews she seems scared in a way and it makes her look unsure of what she is saying next. BUT this segment proved that she has the potential to be a great ambassador and talk to pretty much anyone, and she is such a sweetheart! 

And compared to Christina who said that there's nothing to fix when they gave her good feedback? Taryn was able to tell them exactly what she has been doing and Judy said it shows. Stamina is something they can all work on no matter how many years they've been on the team, so christina (who was pretty out of it both on the field and that spinning class) should be more serious about this.

Edited by dreamcatcher
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6 minutes ago, Java said:

She gets called on the carpet over kicks, which had to be nerve-wracking as hell, and she still was able to speak coherently.

What I loved about her meeting was, she didn't make excuses or give empty platitudes. So many of them say "I'll work on it" but don't actually say how. Taryn had examples of what she was doing. I loved that. Sure the weights thing was poo-pooed by J&K but when called back, she had changed her methods to the band. She showed that she is listening to their critiques, is willing to follow their advice and doesn't' think she's right about everything. She's willing to admit something isn't working and to try something else.

She showed a maturity and seriousness that some of them seem to lack. I want her on the team! 

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I wonder why Shelly said in an earlier post that none of our theories or rumors about Holly were true, when in fact, some have proven to be very true. I mean obviously she isn't going to spill the truth to us, but to take the time to tell us our speculations were wrong seems odd

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I agree as well regarding Taryn making the team. I think she is far stronger than Christina, and while I don't think she is glamorous, I think she is cute and would not have looked out of place at all as a DCC.  

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28 minutes ago, Java said:

From what I've gathered from various sources, Erica broke contract on company time, used social media to brag about doing it, and when confronted with evidence lied through her teeth. 

Kelli and Judy, being tired of girls who don't have the commonsense to NOT GET CAUGHT, gave her the boot. 

There are other rumors swirling about actions she's taken to not get any of this shown on the show, but from what I heard from someone yesterday CMT/DCC are still debating on  whether they should show it or not. The reaction  from the public to CMT airing Holly and Jenna's situations has supposedly encouraged TPTB.

I will say this... if even HALF of what I've heard is true, this girl has some major cojones. This sweet, bible-quoting young lady takes no prisoners when she's pissed off. 

Tell us more!

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1 hour ago, Jess14 said:

I agree as well regarding Taryn making the team. I think she is far stronger than Christina, and while I don't think she is glamorous, I think she is cute and would not have looked out of place at all as a DCC.  

Shelly is only on the board for rumor and brand control. Doubt it was coincidental that insiders were spilling the tea loke crazy last year and then she showed up. 

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2 minutes ago, PBSLover said:

The government is as well.

yup. most intelligence services in pretty much any country LOVES the fact that people police themselves. before social media, it was way harder to link people, to determine their networks, their behaviours, locations, etc etc but now, people willingly carry around a gps in their pocket and post the minutae of their lives. its the CIA/MI5/CSS/FSB dream.

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Joe Buck and his wife were on Howard Stern this week.  She is a former Denver Broncos cheerleader and of course, Howard asked her about dating the players.  He asked if she knew a cheerleader was dating a player would she tell on her to the director (how ironic, right)?  She said she wouldn’t.  She would confront the girl though.  

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Just now, PBSLover said:

Joe Buck and his wife were on Howard Stern this week.  She is a former Denver Broncos cheerleader and of course, Howard asked her about dating the players.  He asked if she knew a cheerleader was dating a player would she tell on her to the director (how ironic, right)?  She said she wouldn’t.  She would confront the girl though.  

Ha..Howard is a fan!  


19 minutes ago, WichitaStateShock said:

Shelly is only on the board for rumor and brand control. Doubt it was coincidental that insiders were spilling the tea loke crazy last year and then she showed up. 

Probably one of the first to run and tell K&J.  Also, once they figured out the sleuths on here were determining cuts by the Twitter account taken down, suddenly they stopped doing that!  lol

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On 9/28/2017 at 11:11 PM, maineborzoi said:

I think she was a leader only on the dance floor... Wake up call for Jenna also. As Kelly said " why is this the first we are hearing about this from you ? "

First thought that came to mind... "WTG, Jenna.  Just throw your "sister" under the bus and save your own a**"  

If it were such the sisterhood as everyone keeps claiming, this entire mess would not have happened. Jenna would have been a better example. Her weak excuse of trying to tell H she was going down the wrong road was a perfect example of CYA.  

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Yeah even when they showed Taryn's "low kicks" I was like, they're not even that low compared to others they've given a chance to before. I think Taryn & Brennan should've made the team over Christina. Jury is still out on the other girls. Although I wish Tara would look more glam. Her hair is so eurghhh. 

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8 minutes ago, FaninMAss said:

If it were such the sisterhood as everyone keeps claiming, this entire mess would not have happened. Jenna would have been a better example. Her weak excuse of trying to tell H she was going down the wrong road was a perfect example of CYA.  

Sorry but I agree that at that age, I wouldn’t feel that i had any say or could do anything about a girl self-destructing.  It’s the same thing if Holly had been drinking to excess/taking drugs or diet pills/developing bulimia/whatever. I don’t know if I would tell the organization about that either. 

From the outside, the DCC promotes a sisterhood.  But if a girl takes a wrong path, a DCC has to put the organization first.  That is what we were basically shown on Thursday..

Edited by PBSLover
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1 hour ago, CaseyRe said:


Anyone else feel some shade from Holly in this instastory, coming so soon on the heels of the show airing?

I feel badly for Holly.  She's young and was thrown into a big, exciting, fast-paced world without her parents by her side to guide her.  Not everyone at 18, 19, 20 have the sense to make good decisions.  As she stated, it was fun at the moment, but when it was over it wasn't worth it.  How many times had I said those same words at that age???   There are no words for Jenna other than she certainly knew better than to take a 20 year old out partying.  She self-preserved by throwing Holly under the bus thus barely saving her a$$.  If anyone should have been dismissed immediately, it should have been Jenna.  It's my opinion that K & J and the Cowboys organization should have some responsibility for keeping check on the cheerleaders' well being - not just their weight & appearance.  Holly is an amazing, talented dancer.  It came with hard work and dedication by her AND her family, especially her Mom.  Dissing her Mom - for whatever reason people think they need to do that  here - isn't fair.  I can imagine that Holly has many regrets and if feeling sad & confused.  What people see, read and interpret in Social Media posts do not reflect one's personal reality.  This is a young lady trying to come to terms with her decision and find her direction.  I, for one, support her....

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There is no doubt that there is a leadership void this year with the team. However, I'm not sure I buy that its the reason for the current issues. if anything, I think the bigger problem is likely that there has not been consistent discipline over the years, especially for people who were among the best dancers and fan favorites, like Holly, Jenna, and Erica.  Everyone seems to think Jenn K was a great leader, and I agree that she was, but the same thing was happening last year under her watch. There will always be people who break the rules or engage in risky behavior, and there's not always anything you can do to stop it.

As an example, in college, there was a girl who was part of my extended circle of friends. She was more of a friend to me through other people, but regardless we would often end up at the same parties, group trips, etc. She had an awful habit of disappearing. Like, she would be there one minute and then gone the next. She would show back up later and act like it was no big deal and that everyone was silly for worrying. Everyone hated it, but she always did it, and for all I know still does (we didn't keep in touch after college). Thank god nothing ever happened to her, but had she been found dead in a ditch one morning, I'm sure everyone would've said "why didn't her friends stop her from leaving," and the answer would've been because we couldn't. She did what she wanted to do. If I hadn't witnessed that over and over again in college, perhaps I would be more likely to agree that leadership or good friends alone can stop bad or risky behavior, but that's not always the case. Holly (and others on the team) may just be someone who does what she does, and that's that. Now, I don't buy that Jenna attempted in any meaningful way to stop her (she was an enabler), but even if she had, it may not have mattered. 

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16 minutes ago, Jess14 said:

I don't buy that Jenna attempted in any meaningful way to stop her (she was an enabler). 

I don't buy it either...they went together.  If Holly invited Jenna to go clubbing with her, Jenna should have said no.  If Jenna invited Holly, then clearly that was not something she should have done.  Either way, Jenna saying she tried to tell Holly that she was making bad choices was bs IMO.

Edited by ByTor
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48 minutes ago, PBSLover said:

Sorry but I agree that at that age, I wouldn’t feel that i had any say or could do anything about a girl self-destructing.  It’s the same thing if Holly had been drinking to excess/taking drugs or diet pills/developing bulimia/whatever. I don’t know if I would tell the organization about that either. 

From the outside, the DCC promotes a sisterhood.  But if a girl takes a wrong path, a DCC has to put the organization first.  That is what we were basically shown on Thursday..


the girls really need to remember that they're transient, the DCC is 'permanent'.  they play a symbol, not themselves, and the brand must persevere. they''re all replaceable

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I am once again in the minority because I do not see Taryn or Brennan as DCC material.

On the subject of running to Kelli or Judy to rat out or to tell on another DCC. I do remember Judy saying a few of the vets thought Kelsey from Season 7 had an eating disorder because she looked thin her rookie year. Also a few of the girls did go to Kelli's assistant in Season One saying Meagan F. was not being sociable during a pool party. And of course, Melissa the Mentor said there were mean girls when she came back the first time after deciding not to try out again for her third year. She did take it back once CMT asked her (I do not buy the fact the DCC Organization wanted her to be a mentor) to be a judge and a mentor because it would not look good for her by saying bad things about the organization. I also wonder if Kelli and Judy are happy she is a mentor and do they take her thoughts and suggestions seriously.

I do wonder about the timing of the Holly and Jenna situation since it is so close to Jerry Jones being inducted into the Hall of Fame. Did Jerry and/or Charlotte wanted the "situation" taken care of before they left for Ohio because it could make the entire organization look bad. Did Judy and especially Kelli and Charlotte think the whole thing would die down or were they hoping Jenna and Holly would come clean and confess they broke a few rules.

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24 minutes ago, WickedMom said:

I feel badly for Holly.  She's young and was thrown into a big, exciting, fast-paced world without her parents by her side to guide her.  Not everyone at 18, 19, 20 have the sense to make good decisions.  As she stated, it was fun at the moment, but when it was over it wasn't worth it.  How many times had I said those same words at that age???   There are no words for Jenna other than she certainly knew better than to take a 20 year old out partying.  She self-preserved by throwing Holly under the bus thus barely saving her a$$.  If anyone should have been dismissed immediately, it should have been Jenna.  It's my opinion that K & J and the Cowboys organization should have some responsibility for keeping check on the cheerleaders' well being - not just their weight & appearance.  Holly is an amazing, talented dancer.  It came with hard work and dedication by her AND her family, especially her Mom.  Dissing her Mom - for whatever reason people think they need to do that  here - isn't fair.  I can imagine that Holly has many regrets and if feeling sad & confused.  What people see, read and interpret in Social Media posts do not reflect one's personal reality.  This is a young lady trying to come to terms with her decision and find her direction.  I, for one, support her....

Yeah, this annoys me here, when people essentially badmouth her mother and equate her also being a cheerleader with her being trampy/trashy/immoral

I do feel bad for Holly, she was my favourite, shes a phenomenal dancer which I don't think can be disputed BUT while you or I had the freedom to be a 20 year old and make mistakes and drink underage or go to clubs we weren't old enough to or sleep with the wrong person etc, neither of us were under contract to NOT do those things. she signed her contract, she knew the rules.  she took the risk, span the wheel, and got caught.  yes, she's young, BUT a contract is a contract is a contract. she chose the life. she chose to agree to the terms of the contract when she signed it. she knew when she signed it again a year later and a year after that. and if its true she just upped and quit and didn't turn up for practice and just basically ghosted her job...she's got A LOT of growing up to do.  I just hope she can do it, because otherwise her career and her life is going to be tough as hell

8 minutes ago, bigskygirl said:

I am once again in the minority because I do not see Taryn or Brennan as DCC material.

On the subject of running to Kelli or Judy to rat out or to tell on another DCC. I do remember Judy saying a few of the vets thought Kelsey from Season 7 had an eating disorder because she looked thin her rookie year. Also a few of the girls did go to Kelli's assistant in Season One saying Meagan F. was not being sociable during a pool party. And of course, Melissa the Mentor said there were mean girls when she came back the first time after deciding not to try out again for her third year. She did take it back once CMT asked her (I do not buy the fact the DCC Organization wanted her to be a mentor) to be a judge and a mentor because it would not look good for her by saying bad things about the organization. I also wonder if Kelli and Judy are happy she is a mentor and do they take her thoughts and suggestions seriously.

I do wonder about the timing of the Holly and Jenna situation since it is so close to Jerry Jones being inducted into the Hall of Fame. Did Jerry and/or Charlotte wanted the "situation" taken care of before they left for Ohio because it could make the entire organization look bad. Did Judy and especially Kelli and Charlotte think the whole thing would die down or were they hoping Jenna and Holly would come clean and confess they broke a few rules.

Me too.  I like Taryn, she seemed sweet, and i really like how she handled herself when called into the office, she actually spoke well about what she was doing to improve, was showing considerable dedication to improving rather than just 'working on it', but personally I don't feel she has the 'look'

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I'm surprised that Jenna wasn't cut if this is the 2nd time in 2 seasons she's broken the rules. As a multi year vet she shud b held to the highest standards since she's a leader and example to the rookies. Yet there she is out clubbing with a younger member who she knows is under age.  I think she is more accountable due to her years with the club.  Maybe she doesn't have enough common sense to b a DCC. 

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12 hours ago, ByTor said:

Who thinks this?

People from East Texas, people from small towns in neighboring states, people from towns with one stop light. I went to college in the sticks and I once invited someone home with me to go to the State Fair, and she literally was texting people saying "i'm in the big city". 

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I saw a sign this afternoon that reminded me of Holly: "If you're in a hole, quit digging."  She's 20 years old and young, but she self-destructed.  Her behavior doesn't just affect her, but others.  If she doesn't believe what she did was wrong, then, if she tries the exact same stuff in the professional dance world, she'll stop getting hired despite her abilities because people won't be able to trust or respect her.

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Holly seemed genuinely sorry.  Jenna, not so much.  Jenna was so bad that I thought “terrible acting skills.”  I’m wondering if the K&J/Jenna convo was refilmed in order to downplay Jenna’s involvement.  She’s the most senior vet... she looks bad, DCC looks bad.  

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1 hour ago, Trixi said:

I'm surprised that Jenna wasn't cut if this is the 2nd time in 2 seasons she's broken the rules. As a multi year vet she shud b held to the highest standards since she's a leader and example to the rookies. Yet there she is out clubbing with a younger member who she knows is under age.  I think she is more accountable due to her years with the club.  Maybe she doesn't have enough common sense to b a DCC. 

Given basically her whole tim in the office was spent being told how she'd failed as a leader, I was gobsmacked they kept her as a GL. they spend sseveral minutes decrying her leadership and then she's still a leader. i know they're slim on pickings with vets for GL, but so slim that they couldn't replace her?!?

35 minutes ago, ales-ya said:

Holly seemed genuinely sorry.  Jenna, not so much.  Jenna was so bad that I thought “terrible acting skills.”  I’m wondering if the K&J/Jenna convo was refilmed in order to downplay Jenna’s involvement.  She’s the most senior vet... she looks bad, DCC looks bad.  

the cynic in me was wondering much the same thing re refilming. heck, even the last bit when K&J were discussing how maybe they should have cut her then and there, my brain was like, hmmmm given how Holly is about to basically ghost the team, I genuinely wonder if thats a reshoot a few days later, just dress them in the clothes they were in then and go again.

On the note of clothes, I really freaking wish Kelli would wear shoes she can walk in. she can so blatantly barely walk in the ludicrous heels and wedges she wears, it looks awful and I cringe every time she takes those heels over the dance floor.  if she wore lower heels, she'd be able to walk normally. that or she needs to learn to walk in the shoes she has becaue man do I notice it every damn episode

37 minutes ago, ales-ya said:

Holly seemed genuinely sorry.  Jenna, not so much.  Jenna was so bad that I thought “terrible acting skills.”  I’m wondering if the K&J/Jenna convo was refilmed in order to downplay Jenna’s involvement.  She’s the most senior vet... she looks bad, DCC looks bad.  

I got a vibe that it was 1/2 genuinely sorry, and about 1/2 sorry she got caught.  maybe even 1/3 to 2/3

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4 hours ago, McKinezeInFloMnd said:

I'm so on board with Taryn re-auditioning next year and being the MTT comeback girl storyline. She really felt real in her office visits, if I can say it that way.  Was she UT Pom?

The fact that she was able to get her spot back on the Ice Angels shows that she was valued on that team:)

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31 minutes ago, Rosiemac said:

The fact that she was able to get her spot back on the Ice Angels shows that she was valued on that team:)

I've always been confused about the Ice Angels, could their team now be considered the 2nd best Professional Dance team in the Metroplex. Their director is also is a choreographer consultant for DCC. It seems like future DCCs are being forged on the Ice Angels every year now. 

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4 hours ago, bigskygirl said:

Also a few of the girls did go to Kelli's assistant in Season One saying Meagan F. was not being sociable during a pool party.

The girls were chaperoned that day.  Whoever was with them (I think it was Kelli’s assistant Miko - the gal that is there now) saw the way Meagan was acting (it was also being filmed by CMT) and told Kelli.

46 minutes ago, Law Mom said:

So I met Lauren last week.

Which Lauren?

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4 hours ago, bigskygirl said:

Melissa the Mentor.... I also wonder if Kelli and Judy are happy she is a mentor and do they take her thoughts and suggestions seriously.

I wonder that too!  She was only a DCC for two years.  Never a GL.  Was she on SG?  She was just kind of there.  She only was asked back because of her Bachelor and DWTS time. 

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1 hour ago, ales-ya said:

I wonder that too!  She was only a DCC for two years.  Never a GL.  Was she on SG?  She was just kind of there.  She only was asked back because of her Bachelor and DWTS time. 

and I think someone at CMT wants to keep her on the payroll a minute. Does she still have her show with her family on CMT?  I think it if it was 100% K&J choice to have her around, they would say a little more about her attire of what a former DCC should look like. Last week she finally got camera time to fit how she dresses, and didn't even do that all of the way to the end . I was like  - she's off the bike already? and did they take away her pet TCCs to mentor this year? I thought that was supposedly one of her job descriptions.

Edited by sATL
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1 hour ago, McKinezeInFloMnd said:

I've always been confused about the Ice Angels, could their team now be considered the 2nd best Professional Dance team in the Metroplex. Their director is also is a choreographer consultant for DCC. It seems like future DCCs are being forged on the Ice Angels every year now. 

I don't think they are the 2nd best dance team in the Metroplex.  Third or perhaps fourth after the Mavericks and Dallas Stars Ice Angels respectively.  The Allen Americans ice hockey team play in the ECHL, which is two steps below the National Hockey League.  The order of standing of the hockey leagues:  the ECHL (formerly known as the East Coast Hockey League) is the lowest, American Hockey League is in the middle, and the National Hockey League is the top.  Alaska's ECHL team went belly up at the end of the 2016-2017 season, so I know a lot about the league and hockey as a whole.  The Ice Angels may be good dancers, but they aren't of the same caliber of the Cowboys, Stars, or Mavericks cheerleaders no matter how good the Allen Americans choreographer may be.

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9 hours ago, Jess14 said:

if anything, I think the bigger problem is likely that there has not been consistent discipline over the years, especially for people who were among the best dancers and fan favorites, like Holly, Jenna, and Erica.  

I agree with this perspective.  Lack of leadership didn't just happen though, it has been evolving to this.

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3 hours ago, SimplePleasures said:

I don't think they are the 2nd best dance team in the Metroplex.  Third or perhaps fourth after the Mavericks and Dallas Stars Ice Angels respectively.  The Allen Americans ice hockey team play in the ECHL, which is two steps below the National Hockey League.  The order of standing of the hockey leagues:  the ECHL (formerly known as the East Coast Hockey League) is the lowest, American Hockey League is in the middle, and the National Hockey League is the top.  Alaska's ECHL team went belly up at the end of the 2016-2017 season, so I know a lot about the league and hockey as a whole.  The Ice Angels may be good dancers, but they aren't of the same caliber of the Cowboys, Stars, or Mavericks cheerleaders no matter how good the Allen Americans choreographer may be.

Thanks for the hockey explanation. I'm in England so never realised that the  Allen Americans team was in a lower league than the Dallas Stars. 

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8 hours ago, ales-ya said:

Holly seemed genuinely sorry.  Jenna, not so much.  Jenna was so bad that I thought “terrible acting skills.”  I’m wondering if the K&J/Jenna convo was refilmed in order to downplay Jenna’s involvement.  She’s the most senior vet... she looks bad, DCC looks bad.  

Both were clearly caught off-guard by the call out.  

As for re-editing, at this point I have no doubt that editing plays a major part in all "reality" TV shows. It's manufactured drama. Just watch the bait commercials. Editing takes fairly innocuous sound bytes out of context as a hook. When seen on the show, I end up saying to myself "well that was about nothing". They have to create followership so the sponsors step up. Manipulative? Yes.  Reality? Not really.

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On 9/29/2017 at 3:44 PM, Kiki88 said:

Holly is mad at Jenna . . I'd bet everything I had on it.

I think you are right. "Sisters" don't throw each other under the bus the way Jenna did. I'd be mad too.
We all saw her weak excuses that were only offered by Jenna because she got caught and she has been around long enough to see where the conversation was going.  On the other hand, Holly's initial reaction was to lie. Then she lied again with "I don't talk to players.... I don't".  

I believe it was one of the points on which K&J made their decisions about how to discipline the pair of them.  

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2 hours ago, FaninMAss said:

 On the other hand, Holly's initial reaction was to lie. Then she lied again with "I don't talk to players.... I don't".  


I'll admit my mind was a little in the gutter , knowing what's been said on this site, when she said her lie... my first thought - so you're not a "talker".. ok. cool.. So what she does to/with/for players, it's NOT called talk.. she's got her own name for her activities.

Edited by sATL
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I still believe Holly's departure had to do with the combination of her  top at finals ,  weight gain, social life and getting caught.  Too much to handle, walk away and be done with it.   What is the crazy is she does not get paid for her being on MTT and yet she is the focus of a big storyline.  She was smart to leave....DCC/MTT were not good for her in the end.  Her actions caused it, I know...but,the impact of it being all televised is to me the sad part and I pray she has a good support system.

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6 hours ago, SimplePleasures said:

I don't think they are the 2nd best dance team in the Metroplex.  Third or perhaps fourth after the Mavericks and Dallas Stars Ice Angels respectively.  The Allen Americans ice hockey team play in the ECHL, which is two steps below the National Hockey League.  The order of standing of the hockey leagues:  the ECHL (formerly known as the East Coast Hockey League) is the lowest, American Hockey League is in the middle, and the National Hockey League is the top.  Alaska's ECHL team went belly up at the end of the 2016-2017 season, so I know a lot about the league and hockey as a whole.  The Ice Angels may be good dancers, but they aren't of the same caliber of the Cowboys, Stars, or Mavericks cheerleaders no matter how good the Allen Americans choreographer may be.

Will say that I am from a city with a ECHL team that is thriving, having their players advacne up to American Hockey League and then onward.  Our owner really puts money into being successful.  However, I had a former student who was a cheerleader.  When I asked her when they practiced, she said she learned the routines right before the game!!  Needless to say, they are just for appearances now and no dancing!!

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