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  1. Staidum... wow. That's just plain embarrassing considering DCC puts themselves out as "world class". Someone dropped the ball.
  2. None of them look themselves. Major photoshopping. Kashara's picture looks like she's been digitally dropped on to the rock.
  3. It's the if-you-say-it-enough-times-people-think-it-is-a-fact mentality. Not disrespecting anyone intentionally but they have a long-recognized brand to uphold so sticking to the party-line (or company-line in this case) is just the way it is.
  4. Don't forget... in show business everyone loves a redemption storyline. But it depends on what the problem was/is. Some people will never recover from bad behavior/decisions (e.g., Mel Gibson) while others are welcomed arms open (e.g., Robert Downey, Jr.). These are both extremely talented people, there is a difference in their "crimes". One was self-destructive but was recorded saying horrible things on multiple occasions to multiple people while the other's actions were extremely self-destructive but he wasn't caught being a misogynistic racist and abuser. He hurt himself. Holly's actions and behavior scream immature, narcissistic and manipulative. I highly doubt there will ever be a way for H to redeem herself sufficiently to be considered a TCC again. We are only getting part of the story and will never know what really transpired. The only people who do know are H, K & J. Unless H writes an expose, we will still only get her side of the story and it will (of course) favor her version of the events in an "oh poor, poor me" fashion. With Holly, K was betrayed on two levels, personal and professional. When family members are get dragged into the equation, K seems like the type of person who is going to protect her family first. Her allegiance to the Cowboys organization was crystal clear in the HoF episode. As of the last episode, I changed my mind about Jenna. More and more I see how she and Holly are cut from the same cloth and it is not surprising that they gravitated towards each other but what a toxic combination they became. Jenna came across as being completely and utterly self-absorbed. Her primary concern was not how her teammates performed. Instead it was whether or not she had lost being at point to Kashara. I was on the fence up to that point but even though it was highly edited, that scene pretty much sealed my opinion of her. The "oh poor me, I'm still being punished" attitude ain't playing well. Kelly's handling of the situation was spot on. If J doesn't get her priorities aligned, she could find herself being unceremoniously escorted out the door at any time this season. I really hope that the rest of this season's episode put the focus back on the team rather than specific individuals.
  5. Yes to this. Jenna is paying a price. Plus, I think that DCC wants to put this entire storyline behind them because it has been enough of a distraction. I think the it had an impact on the rookie candidates too. That kind of upheaval and drama is felt by everyone around the epicenter.
  6. Yes, resigning was a good decision relative to the bad one she made that got her the Lucchese boot... so to speak. I think Holly may have been presenting problem behavior for a while... just didn't rise to such a public issue like this last one did. As for Maggie, that I'm not sure of but it may just be the videographer and editing that cut her screen time out.
  7. Yes... agree on this. Her hair was too harsh a shade of blonde (imho). She blended in rather than stuck out in a good way. She had some work done. I don't think it hurt her but if she was thinking it was going to get her on the team, it was a waste of $$. A nice color change would have been much more cost-effective.
  8. I think you are right. "Sisters" don't throw each other under the bus the way Jenna did. I'd be mad too. We all saw her weak excuses that were only offered by Jenna because she got caught and she has been around long enough to see where the conversation was going. On the other hand, Holly's initial reaction was to lie. Then she lied again with "I don't talk to players.... I don't". I believe it was one of the points on which K&J made their decisions about how to discipline the pair of them.
  9. Both were clearly caught off-guard by the call out. As for re-editing, at this point I have no doubt that editing plays a major part in all "reality" TV shows. It's manufactured drama. Just watch the bait commercials. Editing takes fairly innocuous sound bytes out of context as a hook. When seen on the show, I end up saying to myself "well that was about nothing". They have to create followership so the sponsors step up. Manipulative? Yes. Reality? Not really.
  10. I agree with this perspective. Lack of leadership didn't just happen though, it has been evolving to this.
  11. First thought that came to mind... "WTG, Jenna. Just throw your "sister" under the bus and save your own a**" If it were such the sisterhood as everyone keeps claiming, this entire mess would not have happened. Jenna would have been a better example. Her weak excuse of trying to tell H she was going down the wrong road was a perfect example of CYA. ~smh~
  12. All I could think about when she made that comment is Liam Neeson's line..... "I have are a very particular set of skills, skills I have acquired over a very long career... ". I took it as shameless self-promotion... but who can blame any of them in this situation? It does give one a glimpse of narcissism though.
  13. I appreciate the "joke" aspect of why keep the stool but... Kelly is the boss. Their positioning sends a clear message. Judy gets a different view of the teams when they are rehearsing. It may only be a few inches but it makes a difference -> kinda like when you go from driving a sedan to an SUV.
  14. This.... big DITTO! In their effort to freshen things up, I think they've gone overboard with too many changes at the same time. But perhaps that was intentional. They will get feedback loud and clear from fans as to what they liked, what they missed, what they should never, ever, ever, do again. If so, next year (if there is one), will be completely different.
  15. I think SI set a standard for swimsuit-related photo shoots so for DCC to do it over and over again each season is b-o-r-i-n-g. Personally, I enjoy the make-over episodes more. Sadly, they minimized it this year.... leaving me a bit disappointed. I'm neutral about the fashion shows themselves but I really think they point out a different side of the TCCs ability to "rise to the occasion" and show off. That is an important PR skill.
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