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S04.E05: How Low Can Whit Go?

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2 hours ago, sATL said:

Cat owners/lovers - Don't cats self-train themselves to use a litter box? I've heard of paper-training dogs..

What's worse she couldn't smell it ? Nasty !!!

She made the comment that she cleaned the litter box FOUR days ago.  I have a feeling the cat is not using the litter box because it is dirty. The litter box needs to be cleaned daily,  at a minimum, especially when there are multiple cats.  In fact, when there are multiple cats there is supposed to be multiple litter boxes.  So I believe the problem is not the cat, the problem is her.

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I took Whitney's comment that she cleaned the litter box 4 days ago to mean she emptied out the litter box and cleaned it.  I'm betting she scoops the box daily, if not more often.  If a cat that uses the box regularly stops doing so, time to take the cat to the vet.

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2 hours ago, AmyB said:

She went nose blind! She isn't cleaning it enough.  She said she cleaned it 4 days ago! and there are two cats so you have to clean it more than that! and probably have more than one box.  I have just one cat and I clean mine every morning.  He is a snob like that!

WORD!  I have 2 cats who will only use one ourt of two boxes, and I clean it every day.  It's a pain,  but it's easier that way,  and much less messy than waiting.  Plus,  I think it's healthier for the cats so they don't have to  walk around in the mess, (and me-- cuz no smell ).

I knew the cat box issue was going to come up at some point in this shit show (haha), because if Twit goes out without showering or washing her hair for days, plus cannot put on nice clothes for her "jobs", or even regular shoes,  then what hope is there that her pets will have decent accommodations?

Poor cats. 

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It seemed kind of clear to me that the reason she was able to withstand more pain on the labor simulator was because she has extra layer of fat between her skin and the muscles. It definitely wasn't because her pain tolerance was so high. I've lost around 35 pounds since last summer. It's a significant loss since I am only 4'10" and now weigh 102 pounds. I occasionally do rounds of physical therapy and each time I lose weight we have to readjust the nerve simulators to something lower because the fat isn't there to protect me. 

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The whole rivalry with the other woman in Whitney's dance class somehow got on my nerves tonight and I ended up fast forwarding through some of it. Buddy does not look good and I also agree with whoever said upthread living with Whitney has not been good for him. She's lost some weight but he's gained quite a bit since the show started.

The goofy stuff at the radio station also wasn't interesting to me. Whitney should make some attempt to show us efforts at dieting if she wants to keep interest in her show. I can't believe it'll continue based upon the material that they have right now.

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3 hours ago, Nowhere said:

5) I hate how Jiya talks like she's always smiling or laughing. She says mean things while smiling. I really dislike that woman. I don't think Whitney's class is meant to be a competition class so why does Jiya keep trying to irritate them. Whitney's class is full of older women. That needs to be taken into consideration before Jiya tries to shame them.

I'm not taking this any more serious than the comedienne last season.  Jiya was told to act the way she does to make people like Whitney more in comparison.  Just another producer ploy if you ask me.  And I don't believe for one second that Jiya's class that Whitney attended was their normal workout/dance class.  If it were, Jiya would be in way better shape than she is.  Like I said, just more producer shenanigans to get sympathy for Whitney and make her look like the better person.

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Whitney seems to complete her training sessions with Will fairly easily. Yet when she dances for a few minutes, she is drenched in sweat. Wouldn't an hour with a personal trainer be more draining than the dance class?

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6 hours ago, Ketzel said:

Cats are fastidious animals and if you don't provide them with a clean place to poop, they will find one for themselves.  That's Cat Behavior For Beginners. My mother, who always had two cats in the house, taught me early that the rule was one litter box per cat plus one, and they had to be scooped every day and scrubbed down weekly. She used to say that cats have a much keener sense of smell than humans do, and their noses get much closer to the litter than ours ever do, so if the humans can smell the box, the cats are NOT happy..

thanks for the replies/answers.  I have never owned a cat but that I what I was thinking. Actually, when my sister's cat didn't use the box a few times in succession, it turned out to be an early sign of an illness. She said the cat never missed going in the box, so she knew something was up right away.

Edited by sATL
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1 hour ago, LookABird said:

Whitney seems to complete her training sessions with Will fairly easily. Yet when she dances for a few minutes, she is drenched in sweat. Wouldn't an hour with a personal trainer be more draining than the dance class?

And Twit is mainly seen spinning her arms at BGDC - drenched / Will's gym row machine & full body workout - sweaty mess.... Good point !!  Her 'girls' don't seem all that hot & sweaty either. I hate when she insists on hugging people when she's all sweaty & smelly too - Gross!

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Clearly Whitney's huge fat layer is the reason she withstood the labor machine. Labor is nothing more than muscle contractions, but they can get quite severe. If Whitney can do ten situps, I'll eat my hat.

Jiya was rude to laugh during Whitney's class. But that's it. I loved how Todd and Tal loved Jiya's class, LOL. 

During Will's workout, Whitney's "squats" were terrible. She was barely bending her knees. So she isn't exactly "doing squats" with Will. She is just sticking her ass out and pretending to squat, and we all know how much she loves to stick her ass out. I thought her hitting on Hot Guy was characteristically inappropriate. She claims men should be warm for her form 24/7, but here she is hitting on a guy who is so out of her league that he is Jeter and she is a 4-year-old playing T-ball. 

I did laugh when Buddy got on the scale and was basically terrified that he weighed 340. He was like "oh my god. I have got to lose weight. This is horrible." Then Whitney's 365 and she's like "whatever! I'm FAAAABULOUS!"

5 hours ago, LookABird said:

Whitney seems to complete her training sessions with Will fairly easily. Yet when she dances for a few minutes, she is drenched in sweat. Wouldn't an hour with a personal trainer be more draining than the dance class?

Her performance in those sessions is easy to fake. They aren't very intense, IMO. A good trainer can make anyone sweat, and Will is no doubt a good trainer, but he is taking it easy on her because she is a difficult client. I've had to do that before and it is frustrating every time.

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Another episode full of oy.... why am I watching this? Oh yeah... to rag on the idiocy that is Whitney Thorne.

The dance class rivalry was idiotic because on one hand, you had an actual dance class where people met and worked on a consistent basis and on the other you had this vanity project that gets trotted out when Whitney needs her fellow fat girls for convenient props. There's just no comparison. I mean, Whitney stated outright that her class did two rehearsals for their presentation at the folk festival. She was trying to brag about how good she thought they'd done with the lack of preparation - like that's something to be proud of - when they were a hot mess. You'd think that with a big performance that they would want to put in the work so that they could have a chance of pulling it off without looking like idiots but Whitney apparently subscribes to the Glee philosophy that practice is for losers and her natural talent will carry them through. I don't blame Jiya for finding them pretty laughable because if you take dance at all seriously, they were.

And we saw the differences in the classes themselves. Yeah, Jiya was rude at Whitney's class but I can't hold it against her because Whitney doesn't have her girls do anything more than she is capable of doing (which is precious little). Jiya's girls are in better shape because they work hard and it shows. And her class looked like it would be a lot of fun. Whitney couldn't handle Jiya's class because she's in terrible physical condition and resented being pushed (as well as having it shown that she just couldn't keep up with the class). Now we've got a dance off (that is sure to be rigged in Whitney's favor) and we've got Whitney whining about how it's not fair for her girls to be challenged like this. 

The problem is that Whitney keeps using the class as a means to showcase herself, which puts the group in the spotlight. And when you can't back up your big talk, you can't be too surprised that someone's going to come along and get their yah yahs by showing you up. Whitney came across as exactly what she was - an out of shape, massively overweight never been who can't back up her big talk.

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1 hour ago, Hana Chan said:

The problem is that Whitney keeps using the class as a means to showcase herself, which puts the group in the spotlight. And when you can't back up your big talk, you can't be too surprised that someone's going to come along and get their yah yahs by showing you up. Whitney came across as exactly what she was - an out of shape, massively overweight never been who can't back up her big talk.


For all of Whitney's talk about wanting to "protect" her class, what was the first thing she said when she announced that Jiya et al would be sitting in on the class?  "I didn't tell you earlier because I knew you wouldn't come".  

So much for creating a trusting, protective safe-space.  

Then, she proceeded to basically tell her class how bad they were (read: should) feel about themselves when they compare their own skill level to Jiya and her ladies.  

That was a whole lot of projection on Whitney's part.

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Since Jiya is obviously a plant, the show producers realize that Whitney has definite limitations with her dance class.  And they are making it very obvious now.  Recall how in the early days, Whit was very adamant that she was accepting of her size because she could do what she loved to do.  We have seen that contention dashed on multiple occasions.  Recall when she couldn't do that move in her solo dance recital?  Then she struggled with the bike riding fund raiser.  There are other incidents.  You can tell that she's feeling the pressure, EVEN if it is staged.  It has to be embarrassing.  PLEASE WHIT.  Let this be the thing that gets you on the track to get in shape so you can do all that you want to do.  

Where did those weight numbers come from?  If we believe them that means she lost 18 pounds...is that right? It does annoy me that she focuses on the weight as being something that her coach is impressed by, but it doesn't mean much to her.  WHAT?  It's denial behavior, imo and the reason for it is so that when the numbers go up, she won't be bothered.  Not very helpful for a super obese person.  

I hope she addresses the litter box issue. Sometimes, it's two cats need more space, more litter boxes and other times, it's just their personalities or a health problem.  Cats can show their displeasure by pooping and spraying.  My cousin had a cat that refused a litter box for no apparent reason.  Two clean boxes in quiet places, no scent litter,  no other cats, etc.  Never could figure it out.   

On the pain simulator.  Okay.  I have a different take on this, because I had a series of treatment for my back pain some years ago.  The therapists attach electrical pads to your back and turn the power up according to your pain level.  It's called Electrical Stimulation.  I'm assuming that is the type of thing there were using on Whit.  PLEASE correct me if I am wrong.  This treatment never worked for me, HOWEVER, I had a very high threshold for the stimulation.  They told me they were afraid to turn it up any higher on me either.  Now, this was on my mid back.  And at the time, I weighed 140 pounds and most of that weight was in my hips and thighs.  My torso was super thin with no real fat on it. So, based on that,.....I'll reserve judgment on why Whit fared well on the pain machine. lol  I admit, I was hoping to see her simulate delivery. lol I know. That's mean 

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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15 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

The therapists attach electrical pads to your back and turn the power up according to your pain level.  It's called Electrical Stimulation.  I'm assuming that is the type of thing there were using on Whit.  PLEASE correct me if I am wrong.  This treatment never worked for me, HOWEVER, I had a very high threshold for the stimulation.

You raise some good points. I'll bet there is a difference from person to person in how they respond to electrical stimulation of the muscles. Thinking about it more, I do think it's possible Whitney's fat played a role, though, and the reason is because fat is a "dry tissue," meaning it doesn't contain much water (compared to muscle, which is very water-dense). Water is what conducts the electricity and allows it to work properly, so the electricity probably just couldn't get through to the muscles on Whitney until the machine was cranked way the hell up. 

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12 hours ago, Cinnamini11 said:

I don't even own a cat and when I heard that I was just like "whaaaat?"  And she has multiple cats! She should be scooping that box like it's a part time job. 

There are piles of poop in the corners??? Wtf. 

The worst thing?  Except for the fact that those poor cats had no where clean to poop?  Twit didn't even notice the piles of poop in every corner!!!!  Or the smell!!!  It wasn't until Todd came over and pointed it out that she actually saw it.  I wonder how long it would have taken her to notice if Todd hadn't come over?  What a slob!

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Just now, Ocean Chick said:

The worst thing?  Except for the fact that those poor cats had no where clean to poop?  Twit didn't even notice the piles of poop in every corner!!!!  Or the smell!!!  It wasn't until Todd came over and pointed it out that she actually saw it.  I wonder how long it would have taken her to notice if Todd hadn't come over?  What a slob!

Yeah, that was fifty shades of fucked up right there. No way the cat made all those poops in one day. She had let that shit go, literally, for several days if not weeks. And my family has never had more than one cat at a time, but even I know a multi-cat household needs either multiple litterboxes or VERY frequent cleanings and scoopings. Every four days is just disgusting, it might fly with one cat if it's not too stinky but not two cats.

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12 hours ago, Nowhere said:

I can't cheer her on because it's not just Whitney that she's messing with. There are other people in the class who are doing the best they can and trying to have fun and they are being shamed by some bitch who thinks she's the greatest twerker in America! Newsflash. Right Cheek and Left Cheek from Little Women could twerk her under the table. Literally lol. 

Those "other people" in that class are paid to be on tv doing a fake class.  There is NO class unless it's needed for a Twit episode - that's been verified.  They're not there to have fun, otherwise other people in that area would be joining the class to have fun as well.  But they can't, because it's a fake class.  And yes, Jiya is totally hired to be Twit's foil and nemesis.  I think we're supposed to root for Twit, but I'm not sure.  Jiya got the better editing, I think.

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If those poor kitty's are pooping outside the box, then they are definitely peeing everywhere, too. Now, you can clean up poop, but cat pee smell is literally impossible to get rid of. Once it's there, it's there forever! 

Please, no dance off. And no Whitney being kissed by an attractive girl. Please. 

I think the radio guys are so annoying. They're not funny. Is their show popular? Any Charlotte people out there that can shed more light?  

Edited by bichonblitz
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10 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Since Jiya is obviously a plant, the show producers realize that Whitney has definite limitations with her dance class.  And they are making it very obvious now.  Recall how in the early days, Whit was very adamant that she was accepting of her size because she could do what she loved to do.  We have seen that contention dashed on multiple occasions.  Recall when she couldn't do that move in her solo dance recital?  Then she struggled with the bike riding fund raiser.  There are other incidents.  You can tell that she's feeling the pressure, EVEN if it is staged.  It has to be embarrassing.  PLEASE WHIT.  Let this be the thing that gets you on the track to get in shape so you can do all that you want to do.  

Agee. I'm all for exposing Whit to her limitations, but the producers should have picked a more realistic dance/fitness troupe. I think even if Whit was at her "best" , her make-shift group, skill level and style, is too different from Jiya and her OLG (the 3 ladies that came with her to Whit's class). In a dance off- both competitors are doing the same genre w/ rules & guidelines- otherwise its too hard to judge.

Jiya strikes me as the type of teacher who if she had booked a performance would only want those who are the best (i.e. learn fast)  entertainers and dedicated (come all of time & on-time) to the show- meaning she will cut. When Jiya said to "touch your ankles" , she meant it. I personally wouldn't try to fake-out or not dance full-out . You're playing with the wrong one...

Whit's personality is she will take whomever shows up, for the little rehearsals she has and "come up" with the least to meet a deadline so her dancers can feel good about themselves. Whit treats all her events as glorified field trips w/in the community. Last week, the audience was so small made me wonder if the group is even inviting their own immediate family/friends to come watch them parade around with flannel shirts tied around their waist. Whit is too worried about being "seen" as opposed to worrying about entertaining those is seeing her.

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I found the episode absolutely hilarious! We all know Jiya was casted to play the b* role. I saw something earlier that it is basically like two cheer captains of two different squads going at it. I am actually very entertained by the whole thing. I am like finally someone is calling her out on her "dancing". The whole bad knee thing was a cop out too. She was doing "squats" with Will and running. And as a runner, I hear this a lot - that is soooo bad for your knees. It was funny to see her just stand there and jiggle and then Tal and Todd having so much fun! I think she purposely left out where she got the moves from, to sort of claim them to show her girls. She TWF girls were there and she could have said I learned this from their group and wanted to bring it here. I could have done with out the giggles, but it all fairness sometimes it is hard to contain yourself when Whit basically tried to pass of your stuff. I also think the BGDC was feeling Whitney's vibe and not sure how to react, not that they were intimidated. That is the most irritated that Whitney has been and the girls saw it and reacted off her, not Jiya. As for buddy, wow I still can't believe he weighed in at 340. I was thinking maybe 301 or 299. His look was just what he had earlier this season when he said he felt disgusted with himself. I really hope for his sake he gets with in and makes some changes. I follow him on instagram and I can't really tell if he has lost weight. The cat thing, I just screamed at my tv. I have one, just one cat and he is a total snob lol. I clean his litter every single morning. She didn't clean it in 4 days. No wonder the cat is pooping all over the house. I bet there is pee somewhere too and cat pee is so hard to get the smell out! Plus two cats = at least two litter boxes. I remembered watching the labor pain simulator on the radio shows facebook live. They had the legs up like that to simulate the actual birth position. Maney's turn in that was absolutely hilarious! He was screaming so loud and only made it to 14 on the scale. I also agree her blubber kept her from really feeling it. I loved that Roy made it a point to create the battle. And on the radio this morning he said he set it up to help with the show. They seemed offended that Whintey was mad at them for that. I like that I have a timeline for when this was going down cuz the labor pain thing was on 9/19 so all of this is around that time and the battle takes place on 10/22. Flyers were posted on SM for it. So her BGDC has like a month or less to prepare. Whitney is posting all kinds of stuff on SM about her knee and then about fat shaming letter she received from a doctor and her fans are eating it up and telling her to be strong and she is so inspirational. I am getting bashed again which is to be expected. So I am thankful for this site so I can express my opinion will people that can actual see through the bs and know this whole thing is for show.

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3 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

I think the radio guys are so annoying. They're not funny.

I so agree! And this is their take on the "funny" bit of having Whitney experience "labor pains." I mean, in show world, she's just had a terrible disappointment when the pregnancy she didn't want turned out to be the pregnancy she didn't have, so why shouldn't she flop on the couch, spread her legs and pretend to deliver a baby? So funny! 


The WhitRoy love saga continues!

We all thought it may have been over after Roy told Whitney that he has a girlfriend last week– but is it? When Whitney comes in for her assignment this week, she finds out she is going to have to put on a labor pain simulator. While she handles the pain extremely well, Roy is right by her side holding her hand.

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I was willing to let the "it's been 4 days since I cleaned the litter box" comment slide, had she noticed the poop on the floor. My cat is a weird little thing. He gets mad if I clean it too often. (We've compromised on every Sunday, he'd be happier if I'd let it go longer. The second that I clean the box, he's in there to mess it back up, frequently before I've finished tying the garbage bag.) But I've had other cats that even though they were only children, wanted the box completely clean every day. But my cat will not go anywhere else than his box. She has 2 older cats and has gone nose blind to the smell and didn't notice the pile (although, those looked planted because cat usually leave logs, not balls. At least in my experience. I suspect both cats could use a trip to the vet but I wonder if Henchi is kind of pissed about being shaved and she's being punished for it. Leo likes to make himself throw up on the stairs or next to my bed when he's mad at me. Cats can be vindictive.

It bothered me a lot that she was so blase about Wandalezza wandering the counter when Heather was making breakfast. Whit, your company is not happy about the cat on the counter. It's unsanitary. Move the cat. Since Leo pulls that on occasion, I wash and bleach the counters before I cook if I've not certain he's stayed off the counters. Yuck, no one wants to eat cat fur or get worms from cross contamination.

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I'm a bit peeved at Will this week.  We've already had a season of Twit refusing to send photos of her food to Will, and skipping sessions.  Yes, Will "fired" her.  Only to take her back almost immediately.  But now he's upset and ready to fire Buddy because he's missed a couple of sessions?  If he fired Buddy, will he take him back if Buddy runs up a couple of flights of stairs, like Twit did?  Gah.

And didn't we already have a dance "competition" not that long ago?  The ballroom dancing?  We all saw other couples who were clearly better than Twit and Todd, but T & T came in second in the competition?  Like that wasn't fake.  So I can already imagine that Twit will win the dance-off with Jiya, no matter that Jiya and her girls are clearly the better dancers.  "Redemption" for Twit!  Ugh.

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7 hours ago, Ocean Chick said:

I'm a bit peeved at Will this week. 

Will is on the TLC payroll now imo so his ethics are gone.  Whitneys weight loss of approx. 20 lbs is nothing, so it is obvious he is not allowed to comment negatively.   A 20 lb. loss on someone taller and weighing less would be great. but on Whitney its like losing 1-2 lbs.

Estimating very conservatively, if she was working out consistently and eating in a healthy way she would be losing at minimum 16 lbs. a month.   

For her height, her weight is massive. Her arms alone look like they weigh 50 lbs. a piece.

Edited by Cherrio
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13 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

Also. Mattie should not be calling anybody's wig ratty or synthetic.  Miss Thing, that nest on your head is not going to win you any pageants.

SRSLY!  And she's a *hairdresser*, too, IIRC.

11 hours ago, Ketzel said:

Where did Will get that silly little scale he was weighing Buddy on? Bed Bath and Beyond? It didn't look like any scale I've ever seen in use in any gymnasium I've ever gone to.  I had a scale just like that some years ago because I thought the glass platform surface looked cool.  Then I dropped a bottle of shampoo or something on it and it cracked down the middle and I learned glass was not a good material for bathroom accessories. (And I am pretty sure that my scale didn't go over 300 lbs!) 

IKR?!?  When Will said "Step up on the scale," I actually yelled out "Carefully!!"  I felt bad, but really.  That thing looked like it would snap in half if you looked at it too hard.

11 hours ago, DNR said:

Geez Buddy ! You're getting a reality tv paycheck and you're a bartender.... Buy a new pair of sneakers !! 

Another "IKR?!?" moment.  I'm amazed Will let him work out in those ratty things. They are offering NO support whatsoever; he's setting himself up for an injury.  I bet they smell to high heaven, too.

9 hours ago, Diamond Dog said:

Whit can put on, and wear her shoes on the blessed white rug, but Buddy almost gets his nuts removed if he dares to set his sneakered foot upon it.  Hypocrite much?

To be fair...you did see the closeup of those gross sneakers, right?

51 minutes ago, Ocean Chick said:

The worst thing?  Except for the fact that those poor cats had no where clean to poop?  Twit didn't even notice the piles of poop in every corner!!!!  Or the smell!!!  It wasn't until Todd came over and pointed it out that she actually saw it.  I wonder how long it would have taken her to notice if Todd hadn't come over?  What a slob!

OK, I am far from a perfect cat mommy, and I have a protest dooker in the house, but I swear, the second a protest poop is laid, I am all over that like a cheap suit, because I can SMELL IT.  How do you wander around the house for god knows long, just going, "Gee, I wonder what that smell is...?" without investigating?  a) FIND the poop.  b) CLEAN UP the poop.  c) CLEAN THE FREAKING LITTERBOX.  D) Apologize to the kitties, because you suck.  [And yes, I occasionally suck.  They let me know it.]

25 minutes ago, MegD said:

It bothered me a lot that she was so blase about Wandalezza wandering the counter when Heather was making breakfast. Whit, your company is not happy about the cat on the counter. It's unsanitary. Move the cat. Since Leo pulls that on occasion, I wash and bleach the counters before I cook if I've not certain he's stayed off the counters. Yuck, no one wants to eat cat fur or get worms from cross contamination.

That was super gross.  We have one rule in this house:  No cats on the tables and counter.

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do we even know if she weighed in at 365? They didn't exaclty show the scale this time. So It had me wondering cuz they showed the weight at the doctors office which was 374 which this portion of the how happnes in early-mid september so it hasn't been that long in between the doctor and this

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I love pets, but no cats or dogs on the kitchen counters, tables, etc.  That's just not okay with me. I have friends who are super cat lovers.  Often they are cat odor blind and they don't pick up on some nasty smelling stuff.  I've noticed that for years.  I don't think there is any evidence the cat poop had sat around a long time. If it had, it wouldn't stink so bad.

I feel that Whit is pretending to protect her dance team from ridicule, criticism, etc., but, I suspect that she's really afraid that what Jiya is saying is true.  Whit's dance class aren't being challenged and mostly due to Whit's fitness level.  She can't require them to do things that she can't.  So, that brings us back to her contention that she can do anything she wants to do as a fat person.  Obviously, that isn't true, because, she's holding her students back.

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I wonder if some of the people in Whitney's class are gonna defect to Jiya's. Even Jiya's studio is more vibrant than that dungeon Whitney has her class in. 

And what the hell--Whitney can't get low for Jiya's class but squats her way up and down Will's gym just fine? 

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5 minutes ago, Runnergirl said:

And what the hell--Whitney can't get low for Jiya's class but squats her way up and down Will's gym just fine? 

That's exactly what I said!!! And run too. Whit couldn't keep up with Jiya's other moves either. 

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30 minutes ago, Runnergirl said:

I wonder if some of the people in Whitney's class are gonna defect to Jiya's. Even Jiya's studio is more vibrant than that dungeon Whitney has her class in. 

And what the hell--Whitney can't get low for Jiya's class but squats her way up and down Will's gym just fine? 

Jija is in Charlotte. Whit is in Greensboro.  that's about 1.5 hrs away.

I don't think the participants in Whit class are looking for that much of a challenge in terms of dance. If fitness is the motivation, then I.m sure there's local health club/community ctr/church/ymca who has a Zumba  or low-impact class who could do a better job meeting long term goals. The draw with Whits class is there is probably no or little monthly membership fee. But if they are doing the "fitness-dance" to get in shape, tone, and/or lose weight, 30 days in should be telling that Whit's program isn't the one. I'm still not convinced she is raising heart rates long enough - does anyone in the class wear a heath-watch-monitor ?

If "dance" was their motivation, they would have jumped off of Whit's ship a long time ago. Hell, they could learn more dance moves by watching tv, youtube or getting a dvd.

Edited by sATL
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3 minutes ago, AmyB said:

That's exactly what I said!!! And run too. Whit couldn't keep up with Jiya's other moves either. 

I know some people kinda felt sorry for the girls in Whitney's class but, they got shown up big time and it was about time. Sometimes that's what it takes to make improvements. 

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30 minutes ago, Ketzel said:

Yes, but do the cats know about it? :-)

They do!  Or at least they have the sense to look ashamed when I catch them on the dining room table ;)  They are actually too lazy to jump up on the kitchen counters.

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Personally, I approached this show, Season 1, Episode 1, with no prior knowledge of Whitney, but hopeful to see someone who might be able to successfully push back against The Obesity Myth.

By some point in Season 2, I was purely hate-watching.  

And the nonsense with the Dance Class and this Dance-Off is a perfect microcosm of why.

I realize the BGDC is a fictional thing made up to provide footage for the show.  But, the thing is, after her Fat Girl Dancing video went viral, I'm sure that there was (and is) a real potential population of people who don't feel comfortable in "regular" dance/fitness classes who would welcome the opportunity for such a class.

But, then, that would take work, and dedication, and drive, and a whole lot of other important qualities that Whitney utterly lacks.

And then Whitney's deer-in-headlights response to the Dance-Off challenge, first pretending to not know what a Dance-Off is (really?) and then getting indignant, further belied everything Whitney preaches.  

Someone possessed of the self-confidence and comfort-in-their-own-skin that Whitney would have us believe she possesses would not have taken that bait.  They would've calmly explained "I dance for fun and fitness and don't approach dance as a competition with anyone else.  I respect that others do approach it that way, but that's not me.  I also appreciate that Jiya and I are different people with different bodies and different abilities and there are moves that she can do that I simply can't, although I'd love to be able to.  So, as far as a "Dance-Off", thanks but no thanks".

But when has Whitney ever responded to a challenge with grace, composure or tact?

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To be fair, I do not consider what Jiya was doing was dancing, as I do not consider twerking dance.  But, it was definitely a lot of movement, stretching and aerobic at times.

Whitney's class, which is NEVER on the Greensboro Dance schedule is more of a move in place, arm class. 

Jiya offers lots of different classes, has an actual website with lots of information.

Whitney class is nothing more than one of her frequent farts in the wind.

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On ‎2‎/‎22‎/‎2017 at 0:09 PM, Cherrio said:

To be fair, I do not consider what Jiya was doing was dancing, as I do not consider twerking dance.  But, it was definitely a lot of movement, stretching and aerobic at times.

Whitney's class, which is NEVER on the Greensboro Dance schedule is more of a move in place, arm class. 

Jiya offers lots of different classes, has an actual website with lots of information.

Whitney class is nothing more than one of her frequent farts in the wind.

If twerking isn't a dance movement (link), or the name of a dance movement, what's a better way to describe it ?  I guess I'm thinking back to that scene in Forrest Grump, when Elvis was doing the twist (link). Prior to that, people probably thought that the "twist" was something to do to the lid of a jar.

And yes, Jiya's style and classes is more for a "provocative grown women". But you can almost say the same of majorette hip-hop, especially on the collegiate level.

FYI: There was a routine about 5 years ago that the DCC  did incorporate twerking into their main "star" routine, and the song was "Shakin' That Tailgate" by Trailer Choir. I thought the routine was classy and entertaining (link).

Edited by sATL
added FYI twerking example
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1 hour ago, MegD said:

It bothered me a lot that she was so blase about Wandalezza wandering the counter when Heather was making breakfast. Whit, your company is not happy about the cat on the counter. It's unsanitary. Move the cat. Since Leo pulls that on occasion, I wash and bleach the counters before I cook if I've not certain he's stayed off the counters. Yuck, no one wants to eat cat fur or get worms from cross contamination.

OMG it is so gross. Horrifying true story: my ex bought a house and I was living with him, so we moved in and I had to clean extensively (they had several cats and dogs and other pets that they apparently never cleaned up after - like, we moved the fridge, and there was a TON of dry dog food under it). I was scrubbing the gas stovetop and stuff started coming up, so I took off the burner covers and soaked them. Huge clumps of cat fur floated to the top of the sink. The cat fur was *burned into* the metal burner covers. Huge amounts of fur. It was so fucking disgusting. I don't own pets but if I did, I'd never let them have free reign of a kitchen like that, for that precise reason. It is so unsanitary.

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I'm not impressed by twerking either, but at least Jiya and her girls were breaking a sweat.  The only one in Twit's class to break a sweat is her.  The girls in her "class" are there for tv exposure and the paycheck for being on tv.  And if they're lucky, they get to say a snarky line like Maddy, or get a short story arc like Caitlin (she of the "leading the class without Twit" fame).  Any true exercise they do is done at another facility with another teacher, not Twit and her class.

Poor guy at the gym.  But they didn't blur his face out, so at least he got a paycheck.  And tv time to show off his physique?  And he didn't have to fake being interested in Twit either, so that's good. 

And yeah, not impressed with a supposed 20 lb loss, seeing as this storyline is in it's second season.  She went back to Will last season, so it's been close to a year that she's been with him.  At least over 6 months. 

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Whitney's 19-lb weight loss (which is only about 5% of her total weight) is not impressive to me either. It's certainly a good start, but who knows how many months of "work" that reflects? I find it interesting that they keep showing closeups of Whitney cutting up vegetables and fruit and such, as if we are to believe that is her typical diet.

If, before this show is inevitably cancelled (even if that's YEARS from now), she ever EVER gets below 300 lb, I will be shocked.

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I have to weigh in on the 4 days litter box thing. I take that to mean she hasn't scooped in 4 days... given her own personal hygiene I'm willing to bet she never cleans out the whole thing and scrubs it. I have one cat and I scoop daily (although I admit I occasionally miss a day) and scrub once a week... I had 2 cats  ( one of them died in December from a heart condition, she was only 6) when I had 2 cats I had 2 boxes, but for the most part they shared one, but I had to scoop 2-3 times a day, I would grab the scoop when I walked by and noticed lumps... my point is maybe I was paranoid of smelling the cats, but I just can't imagine 4 days passing and not even grabbing a scoop, it's really not labor intensive. I wanna start a campaign #freehenchiiandwandaleeza.

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Many others have brought this up in this thread but I think it is a point worth repeating, Whit's class is not real, it's not a thing that exists outside of this TV show, it's not even a thing you can just join when they are filming the show.

While I appreciate that the producers are basically trolling Whit at this point it's starting to get a bit frustrating that the central theme of the show basically rests at this point entirely on the idea that Whit is a sympathetic character because of a dance class we know to be fake.

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21 minutes ago, John M said:

Many others have brought this up in this thread but I think it is a point worth repeating, Whit's class is not real, it's not a thing that exists outside of this TV show, it's not even a thing you can just join when they are filming the show.

While I appreciate that the producers are basically trolling Whit at this point it's starting to get a bit frustrating that the central theme of the show basically rests at this point entirely on the idea that Whit is a sympathetic character because of a dance class we know to be fake.

I couldn't believe the class wasn't real until it was pointed out that they not even have a schedule. A through search and hardly antthing on this class. And there are no pictures on Greensboro Dance Page either. You'd think they would have at least some publicity if it was a real class. Trying to parade it around like its real is just sad.

on a side note: i have now been officially blocked on whit's page lol. 

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44 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:

Whitney's 19-lb weight loss (which is only about 5% of her total weight) is not impressive to me either. It's certainly a good start, but who knows how many months of "work" that reflects? I find it interesting that they keep showing closeups of Whitney cutting up vegetables and fruit and such, as if we are to believe that is her typical diet.

Yep...not that impressed.  She could lose a lot more, but obviously the desire is not there.  She'd lose weight just by adjusting her diet (as would buddy). Im not saying they shouldnt work out, thats great if they do - but when you're that heavy, correcting your diet will give results.

I have a sibling that is extremely overweight. She is always full of excuses about why she can't even just WALK.  Her diet is horrendous.  She was hospitalized for an infection in her foot a few years ago.  She was in the hospital 3 weeks and she lost almost 40lbs.  Because obviously the hospital was controlling her diet.  She got out and gained it all back in a short period of time.  I feel BAD for her, and I want better for her...but also get really aggravated because its her own doing!   Our 85 year old mother maintains a healthier lifestyle. :(  

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38 minutes ago, John M said:

Many others have brought this up in this thread but I think it is a point worth repeating, Whit's class is not real, it's not a thing that exists outside of this TV show, it's not even a thing you can just join when they are filming the show.

While I appreciate that the producers are basically trolling Whit at this point it's starting to get a bit frustrating that the central theme of the show basically rests at this point entirely on the idea that Whit is a sympathetic character because of a dance class we know to be fake.

so what in the hell does Whit do when they are not filming ? the radio thing is new this season and part time, right ? Is the radio station/morning team real ?

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6 minutes ago, sATL said:

so what in the hell does Whit do when they are not filming ? the radio thing is new this season and part time, right ? Is the radio station/morning team real ?

It started last season. But that was filmed from feb/march to may and this season was aug to jan. Maney said on the facebook live she wasn't there anymore but it was asked again today and they kind of dance around it. I think they may have gotten in trouble for a comment roy made last week cuz it was left out of the podcast. So who knows. I am sure if there is another season she will have some other place is trying to "work at"

Edited by AmyB
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1 hour ago, Alapaki said:

Personally, I approached this show, Season 1, Episode 1, with no prior knowledge of Whitney, but hopeful to see someone who might be able to successfully push back against The Obesity Myth.

By some point in Season 2, I was purely hate-watching.  

And the nonsense with the Dance Class and this Dance-Off is a perfect microcosm of why.

I realize the BGDC is a fictional thing made up to provide footage for the show.  But, the thing is, after her Fat Girl Dancing video went viral, I'm sure that there was (and is) a real potential population of people who don't feel comfortable in "regular" dance/fitness classes who would welcome the opportunity for such a class.

But, then, that would take work, and dedication, and drive, and a whole lot of other important qualities that Whitney utterly lacks.

And then Whitney's deer-in-headlights response to the Dance-Off challenge, first pretending to not know what a Dance-Off is (really?) and then getting indignant, further belied everything Whitney preaches.  

Someone possessed of the self-confidence and comfort-in-their-own-skin that Whitney would have us believe she possesses would not have taken that bait.  They would've calmly explained "I dance for fun and fitness and don't approach dance as a competition with anyone else.  I respect that others do approach it that way, but that's not me.  I also appreciate that Jiya and I are different people with different bodies and different abilities and there are moves that she can do that I simply can't, although I'd love to be able to.  So, as far as a "Dance-Off", thanks but no thanks".

But when has Whitney ever responded to a challenge with grace, composure or tact?

Yeah, but if Whit would do those things, what would they do for the show for the rest of the season? Anyone ever watch Professional Wresting......if so, you get what I mean.   Plus, if Whit backs down, she's called a chicken. 

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14 minutes ago, sATL said:

so what in the hell does Whit do when they are not filming ? the radio thing is new this season and part time, right ? Is the radio station/morning team real ?

I would tend to think it's "real" in the same way the dance class is "real".  The producers get to film her doing funny/outrageous/weird things at the radio station and create some sort of storyline for Twit, and the radio show gets some exposure to an audience that might not have known about it before.  And Manny, Roy and LauRen get some tv facetime and a few extra dollars from TLC.  Everyone walks away a winner!  She's called an "intern" and "free-lancer" so that the radio station doesn't have to pay her and create 1099s and W-2s for her.  And since Tal's family owns the station, it's all kept "in family".

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