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S13.E12: None of Your Business

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Meredith's kids! They exist, having been put to bed, but they exist. See, show? Is it so hard to have Meredith drop a line about them every now and then?

Not sure why Owen didn't just sedate the woman wrapped in razor wire in the first place, instead of the "drama" of her moving and screaming and hurting herself more while he was trying to treat her. 

And I hate that they're ruining Miranda Bailey to service Dr. Minnick's unnecessary existence. And who is Dr. Minnick to tell the Chief what to do? Someone explain to me why random residency directors have power over Attendings? Stop trying to make the Minnick Method a thing! The doctors have always let the residents perform surgeries. I feel like a broken record, but I hate this storyline. 

How is Maggie supposed to be some wunderkind if she has trouble grasping basic comprehension? I think the writers think that she's being cute, but they're just making her look stupid. Plus, as a viewer, it's annoying. 

And April has Meredith's job? What kind of nonsense is that?

Edited by funnygirl
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Why is Minnick so cocky and irritating with Arizona, thinking that the one lesbian in the hospital automatically must have a thing for her?

I kept wondering who was going to figure out first Catherine's involvement in all of this - April or Richard. April seemed like she was on to something when Catherine shut down the conversation in the little checking-out-the-scans-room and then the OR, and Richard seemed intent on having that conversation with Catherine at the end.

Also, are we supposed to assume Alex went to Meredith first and is content to presumably babysit her children and sit around in her bed eating lasagna but never contacted Jo to tell her he wasn't going to prison after all?

Of course Meredith is in love with Maggie's mom and wants her to move in, Maggie's mom put her kids to bed! Another babysitter for her now that Amelia moved out.

Edited by LexieLily
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3 minutes ago, PepSinger said:

Bailey is the most insufferable, unlikeable character on TV.

I respectfully have to disagree. That is Maggie. Maggie is one of the most terrible tv characters I've ever seen. Zero hyperbole.

This show more than other I can think of suffers from adults not being able to use their damn words. People constantly mad or upset without saying why or even listening to others. It's really really bothering me at this point. More so than ever.

  • Love 8
Just now, Racj82 said:

I respectfully have to disagree. That is Maggie. Maggie is one of the most terrible tv characters I've ever seen. Zero hyperbole.

This show more than other I can think of suffers from adults not being able to use their damn words. People constantly mad or upset without saying why or even listening to others. It's really really bothering me at this point. More so than ever.

Maggie was terrible this episode. I'd agree with that. I don't hate her in general, though.

  • Love 8

I was sure that Owen getting cut up by all that razor wire would lead to him contracting some blood-borne illness from that woman.  I was expecting more from that whole plot, actually.  Like the nice neighbor stopping by with more cupcakes while the razor wire lady recovered.  That plot just kind of fizzled out.

Funnygirl, I thought the same thing about Maggie's mother.  I knew she was there for some horrible illness, not cosmetic surgery.  That said, I'm all for her matchmaking, even if it was fake.  Avery and Maggie would be an interesting couple.

I hope Maggie's mother recovers.  I liked her.

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1 minute ago, Racj82 said:

This show more than other I can think of suffers from adults not being able to use their damn words. People constantly mad or upset without saying why or even listening to others. It's really really bothering me at this point. More so than ever.

This is my biggest issue with the show right now. If people would just talk to each other, their lives would be completely different. 

I was pleasantly surprised with Maggie's mom. I had a feeling that as soon as she showed Jackson her issue with the skin, she had breast cancer. I hope Jackson speaks up instead of letting things drag out between Maggie and her mom. 

Amelia is just ticking me off, and I usually like her. I know the disappearance is because of the actress being on maternity leave, but the story is horrible. They should have just written her off to make peace with her mother. I don't get the baby secret. I was watching the episodes following Derek's death and she mentioned to Owen (right after he and April returned from their deployment) about her baby dying (a rambling rant about all of the men that she loves dying on her). It seems like they forgot about that conversation or retconned it for storyline purposes. 

  • Love 2
2 minutes ago, Amethyst said:

I was sure that Owen getting cut up by all that razor wire would lead to him contracting some blood-borne illness from that woman.  I was expecting more from that whole plot, actually.  Like the nice neighbor stopping by with more cupcakes while the razor wire lady recovered.  That plot just kind of fizzled out.

I thought he was going to pass out from blood loss and some major medical emergency and that would bring back Amelia. 

  • Love 3
23 minutes ago, PepSinger said:

Maggie was terrible this episode. I'd agree with that. I don't hate her in general, though.

I didn't find Maggie terrible in this. I like LaTanya Richardson and all but I can see Maggie's point.  Her mom shows up, no warning, no call and basically letting everyone else know before Maggie even that she is there.  And this on top of  her having left the family to move to Hawaii, apparently surprising her then.  I can't totally fault Maggie for her reaction.

I LOVED DeLuca telling Alex that he saw him everyday and he could have apologized to him then.  I am 100% in agreement. 

Man, Minnick is the worst.  The WORST!

I was hoping that April would tip to the fact that Catherine was the architect of the Minnick decision or Richard.  That is still possible, Catherine was showing her hand too much for someone not to realize something.

Bailey -- what happened to you? 

  • Love 11

I really thought April had figured out Catherine's involvement. I think Catherine thought April knew and that's why Bailey chose April as the interim chief.

Is it typical to choose an interim chief less than 12 hours after one is suspended? 

Why can't people just talk and communicate?

Maggie was insufferable this episode. Yes, annoying of her mom to drop in unannounced but get over it. From what I recall, her parents stayed married for Maggie. They divorced once she was an adult and thought she could handle it.

  • Love 3
2 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

You mean like as a bribe to keep her from telling Richard/the other attendings?

Yes and to stop her from digging. Bailey basically told her she could have the job if she got in line. That's how I took the time to make some tough decisions line. 

Richard had to have figured it out as well during the conversation with Catherine.

  • Love 6
7 minutes ago, Court said:

Yes and to stop her from digging. Bailey basically told her she could have the job if she got in line. That's how I took the time to make some tough decisions line. 

Richard had to have figured it out as well during the conversation with Catherine.

Bailey, Catherine and Minnick keep on making everything worse for themselves, don't they?

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, LexieLily said:

Also, are we supposed to assume Alex went to Meredith first and is content to presumably babysit her children and sit around in her bed eating lasagna but never contacted Jo to tell her he wasn't going to prison after all?

I usually love Alex, but that was kind of awful. As was not telling Meredith or Bailey either.

Arizona could have called Jo too. She saw Jo literally get sick when she heard Alex was going to prison, but she didn't even think to make a phone call when she heard he was okay?

  • Love 4

Fun fact- LaTayna Richardson is Sam Jackson's wife. He was tweeting for people to watch the show tonight.

And I noted that Sam did a Capital One commercial during the show. (Dayaaaam, did you check out La Tanya's skin? Lends credence to the joke that black don't crack.)

Got a few armchair doctorin' points:

* I, too, wondered why razor wire lady wasn't sedated.

* So Pierce's mom has a skin problem and rather than go to a dermatologist, she goes to a plastic surgeon? What? For a skin graft?

* I don't think that Catherine would be allowed to wear those gigantic hoop earrings while in surgery. 

That's all I got. 

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This episode was making me angry, basically until Maggie's Mom had cancer, then I was just numb through the entire thing. My mom suffers from stage three aggressive estrogen fed breast cancer and she went through about several months without telling me. I was away at school at the time, but I always knew something was wrong because she didn't seem like herself. She asked me to come visit her and she kept pushing it even though she knew i had secured summer work. I went to school 1/2 way across the country, so i was half passed out in the car when my mom's friend asked my mom "when are you going to tell her?" and My mom said "when we get home" 

Then she was like, "I have something to tell you," and I cracked. "What? you've got Cancer?" and she said yes and literally my entire world shattered. I don't even know why i said that - maybe because I knew it was something super serious. But ultimate - the whole thing was that I knew. I always knew something wrong wrong. So I call bull crap that even with Maggie's mom going to Hawaii to make soap, and she being mad at her, she wouldn't have that feeling something was wrong with her Mom to come here and be nervous. I also call bull that Maggie's mom wouldn't have said anything. That.. it just bugged me. it just felt so flipping wrong. that whole thing. 

I hope Bailey gets fired. she sucks as Chief. she suspends Grey for basically saying you need to listen to your staff? She gives April Meredith's job even though April isn't a general surgeon? is she stupid?

  • Love 10

Gah, Minnick is just obnoxious!  Seriously, who the hell is she to tell Bailey how to handle things.  Bailey needs to concentrate on her job, which she can't do if all her doctors are mutinying because Minnick has the finesse of a rhino.  Minnick can help herself and make her job easier by not being an arrogant ass.

Part of me wonders if Catherine is undermining Richard as a way to get him to retire and move to Boston with her.  The only problem is that she's usually direct and not a scheming manipulator.

  • Love 6
11 minutes ago, Starscream said:

Gah, Minnick is just obnoxious!  Seriously, who the hell is she to tell Bailey how to handle things.  Bailey needs to concentrate on her job, which she can't do if all her doctors are mutinying because Minnick has the finesse of a rhino.  Minnick can help herself and make her job easier by not being an arrogant ass.

Part of me wonders if Catherine is undermining Richard as a way to get him to retire and move to Boston with her.  The only problem is that she's usually direct and not a scheming manipulator.

Also, Minnick? If this same scenario happens at every hospital you work at, with the attendings not liking you until they give in to her awesome superpower ways, maybe it's an issue with you and not all the attendings. Maybe rethink your approach.

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Since when are Jackson and Maggie so close? 

Im getting the beginnings of Jackson/Maggie and it would solve a lot of plot lines. It would erase the triangle from hell, push mer and Riggs together, put a wrench in japril, and give Maggie a storyline. 

Its just so weird that out of no where Jackson is all "your maggie pierces mom, of course I would" and telling Maggie and her mother now he's there for them both. And I can see the scene now, Maggie finds out her mom has cancer and Jackson is the only other person who knows and she cries in his arms...she slowly lifts her tear filled eyes to his clear blue ones...they lean in close....lol

I blame Bailey for everything going on with minnick and the attendings. If she had better interpersonal skills she would have been upfront with Richard and held a meeting with the attendings to introduce them to minnick before she started walking into OR's. If she actually tried to make the attendings feel like a part of the process I don't think they would be so against this. Even with what's happening to Webber.

I don't blame April for taking the position, Meredith Grey just got suspended for going against bailey, April doesn't have the clout or connections to go against bailey. And her baby will always be taken care of but April does not have Avery money. It will suck if everyone turns on her because of this.

I don't understand everyone's opposition except for supporting Webber. Derek Shaphard always let Meredith grey learn first hand in his OR. But still, I blame Bailey 100%

I was cheering for Andrew there. Alex was instructed not to speak to him before he was sentenced and he was big enough not to mention it, but Andrew doesn't know that or prob cares. Alex is getting away with it so he deserves what Andrew said. Alex also likes to forget Jo was there when mer was too busy with Cristina, but he doesn't tell either of them he's not going to the slammer. Ok Alex. But I will say the Alex who was apologizing to Andrew with no ulterior motive is the Alex karev I know. I'm at least glad this pointless storyline is over.

Catherine can lose me with her hypocracy. 

Maggie needs to put some big girl panties on. Episodes like this where she has the emotional maturity of a tween is where she loses me. 

I had realized after 45 minutes that not really happened. 

Edited by moonorchid
  • Love 6
19 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

Also, Minnick? If this same scenario happens at every hospital you work at, with the attendings not liking you until they give in to her awesome superpower ways, maybe it's an issue with you and not all the attendings. Maybe rethink your approach.

She needs to rethink her approach out of that hospital and into oncoming traffic.

  • Love 10
2 hours ago, DearEvette said:

 And this on top of  her having left the family to move to Hawaii, apparently surprising her then.  I can't totally fault Maggie for her reaction.


But Maggie's mom stayed with Maggie's dad until Maggie was a grown-ass adult who had just moved to Seattle to take this chief spot.  I think her mother had the right to leave the father at any time, but in particular had that right to do so when she did and not get spit on by her adult daughter for 'leaving the family'.  I usually like Maggie, but she was ridiculous this episode.  I too hope to see her mom again and that she survives, definitely #TeamMaggiesMom.


Gah, Minnick is just obnoxious!  Seriously, who the hell is she to tell Bailey how to handle things. 

I'm no fan of Minnick, but I do understand her thinking in telling Bailey to back off.  She's clearly been through a takeover before and understands (or thinks she does) what she needs to do to win over the attendings.  She sees what Bailey is doing as something that will interfere ultimately with her being seen as her own person with her own authority.  Thus, while I still don't fully understand why she is there at all (other than to serve others in the main cast), I can't fault her for telling Bailey to back off (not that it worked, anyway:)).


I blame Bailey for everything going on with minnick and the attendings. If she had better interpersonal skills she would have been upfront with Richard and held a meeting with the introduce them to minnick before she started walking into OR's. 

That's a good point as well.

  • Love 3
15 minutes ago, moonorchid said:

Im getting the beginnings of Jackson/Maggie and it would solve a lot of plot lines. It would erase the triangle from hell, push mer and Riggs together, put a wrench in japril, and give Maggie a storyline. 

I hope not. He's her stepbrother. I know Richard didn't raise Maggie, Richard married Catherine when Jackson and Maggie were already adults, and Richard's marriage to Catherine may not last. But, right now, he's her stepbrother.  

  • Love 3
1 minute ago, RaeSpellman said:

I hope not. He's her stepbrother. I know Richard didn't raise Maggie, Richard married Catherine when Jackson and Maggie were already adults, and Richard's marriage to Catherine may not last. But, right now, he's her stepbrother.  

They aren't blood related and didn't grow up together. I wouldn't be grossed out. Just annoyed cause I still ship japril...even though my crack ship is April/Andrew 

  • Love 4
26 minutes ago, pennben said:

I'm no fan of Minnick, but I do understand her thinking in telling Bailey to back off.  She's clearly been through a takeover before and understands (or thinks she does) what she needs to do to win over the attendings.  She sees what Bailey is doing as something that will interfere ultimately with her being seen as her own person with her own authority.  

Then why did she go running to mommy and tattle-tale on Meredith? Surely she knew that telling Bailey that Meredith wasn't being cooperative would result in Bailey addressing the situation. Bailey wasn't just going to take that information in and do/say nothing. 

It seemed like it only became a big issue for Dr. Minnick when she realized that the sun, Meredith Grey, got suspended. 

And what authority does she have over the attendings? They are her peers at most, a few of them even board members so really they should've had approval before she even got hired (a plot hole that can't be filled or else this story is non-existent). 

Edited by funnygirl
  • Love 10
9 minutes ago, funnygirl said:

Then why did she go running to mommy and tattle-tale on Meredith? Surely she knew that telling Bailey that Meredith wasn't being cooperative would result in Bailey addressing the situation. Bailey wasn't just going to take that information in and do/say nothing. 

It seemed like it only became a big issue for Dr. Minnick when she realized that the sun, Meredith Grey, got suspended. 

And what authority does she have over the attendings? They are her peers at most, a few of them even board members so really they should've had approval before she even got hired (a plot hole that can't be filled or else this story is non-existent). 

I sensed that she wanted bailey to talk Meredith into the process. Not suspend her and add more fuel to the fire. Regardless, Bailey created this mess. 

An aside, I get that it's Meredith Grey and it's "Greys Anatomy" and the show has been fueled by her storylines for years...but This show fueling merediths sense of entitlement enrages me to no end. 

Edited by moonorchid
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As far as reporting facts to her direct superior, perhaps she's never worked for someone like Bailey who takes over things to such extent and only understood once she saw that Bailey had suspended Meredith?  I'm not really sure what authority, if any, she has over the attendings.  I know she has been given the authority to run the resident program the way that she wants to and that requires the buy-in of the attendings.  She seems to know that that buy-in does not come through the tactics Bailey is using and pushed back. 

I get not liking Minnick, but that doesn't make her wrong in every single instance.

  • Love 2
8 minutes ago, funnygirl said:

Then why did she go running to mommy and tattle-tale on Meredith? Surely she knew that telling Bailey that Meredith wasn't being cooperative would result in Bailey addressing the situation. Bailey wasn't just going to take that information in and do/say nothing. 

It seemed like it only became a big issue for Dr. Minnick when she realized that the sun, Meredith Grey, got suspended. 

And what authority does she have over the attendings? They are her peers at most, a few of them even board members so really they should've had approval before she even got hired (a plot hole that can't be filled or else this story is non-existent). 

Board members who own part of the hospital! If Bailey had any managerial skills at all, she would have spoke to Weber first, had Minnick and Weber meet, then communicate with the staff.

It's also absurd because we've had many stories of interns doing too much too soon and risking a patients life. I believe killing a few too.  Observe them, do the small stuff and work your way to solo. Deliberately nicking an artery is b.s. I hope she pulls that again, intern sinks, patient sues and Bailey gets fired.

  • Love 7
Just now, Court said:

Didn't the board give Bailey the job? So really they could call her in and demote her, right?

I realize that's not how it works in the real world but I feel like on the show, the board had a part.

Probably and that just annoys me more. The board shouldn't have such an intimate connection to the hospital. It removes objectivity. Like when the other chick should have gotten the job but everyone knew and loved bailey.

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, Daisy said:

This episode was making me angry, basically until Maggie's Mom had cancer, then I was just numb through the entire thing. My mom suffers from stage three aggressive estrogen fed breast cancer and she went through about several months without telling me. I was away at school at the time, but I always knew something was wrong because she didn't seem like herself. She asked me to come visit her and she kept pushing it even though she knew i had secured summer work. I went to school 1/2 way across the country, so i was half passed out in the car when my mom's friend asked my mom "when are you going to tell her?" and My mom said "when we get home" 

Then she was like, "I have something to tell you," and I cracked. "What? you've got Cancer?" and she said yes and literally my entire world shattered. I don't even know why i said that - maybe because I knew it was something super serious. But ultimate - the whole thing was that I knew. I always knew something wrong wrong. So I call bull crap that even with Maggie's mom going to Hawaii to make soap, and she being mad at her, she wouldn't have that feeling something was wrong with her Mom to come here and be nervous. I also call bull that Maggie's mom wouldn't have said anything. That.. it just bugged me. it just felt so flipping wrong. that whole thing. 

I hope Bailey gets fired. she sucks as Chief. she suspends Grey for basically saying you need to listen to your staff? She gives April Meredith's job even though April isn't a general surgeon? is she stupid?

Kepner and Owen are certified as general surgeons as well as trauma,  IIRC.

Minnick...oy. The idea of this badass, controversial surgeon coming in to throw a wrench into everyone's lives would work so much better if the character at the center of it all wasn't such a gigantic void of suck on my screen.

Deluca needs to go around the hospital each week and sort out every characters' problems by serving up doses of his realness. Also, he is cute as a button.

What's up with Bailey? She is absolutely insufferable these days. I can't wait for Richard to find out it was his own wife who stabbed him in the back.

I actually enjoyed this episode, despite some bad acting, dopiness and general "Saved by the Bell"-level shenanigans. I like it a lot more than when the show tries to get Important. (I also tend to watch while baked- it makes a lot more sense that way.)

Edited by flickers
  • Love 6
7 minutes ago, moonorchid said:

Here here

the only one who spoke any sense. 

Alex isn't going to be punished in any way shape or form, so I'm glad Andrew at least said his peace and didn't let Alex feel better about himself.

I mean.. I'm not surprised nothing happened with Alex as far as punishment. I believe I said as much in the first episodes this season. He and Jo are also together again! Yay! Sarcasm.

And look previously I had no real feelings on Jolex and as a couple. They had some cute moments here and there and etc. But then Alex punches a guy and pretty much calls Jo a slut and whatever. It's fine now. Alex got a jail scare and Jo gave him a talking to but still ended up taking all the guilt upon herself so everything will be fine. Ugh. 

And the sad thing is.. I used to adore Alex and now I dislike him and find him disgusting and an awful person. Is that the whole point Shonda?!?!!

Edited by WhosThatGirl
  • Love 2
2 hours ago, Starscream said:

Gah, Minnick is just obnoxious!  Seriously, who the hell is she to tell Bailey how to handle things.  Bailey needs to concentrate on her job, which she can't do if all her doctors are mutinying because Minnick has the finesse of a rhino.  Minnick can help herself and make her job easier by not being an arrogant ass.

Part of me wonders if Catherine is undermining Richard as a way to get him to retire and move to Boston with her.  The only problem is that she's usually direct and not a scheming manipulator.

She's been a scheming manipulator before. Such as, when she set up April, when she found out that she was pregnant. I haven't watched old episodes for a long time, so I can't recall if she was that bad in the past. 

I'm still watching the episode. I may stop, now that I know Maggie's mum is sick. 

  • Love 2

God when they're actually writing for Jolex or even giving them even a small bit of attention they give me all the feels. 

I don't think they're back on though. Her walking away pretty much sums that up for me.

Im starting to think Jo will leave even for a few episodes to accommodate Camillas pregnancy. I don't think they're going to write around with it like they've done with the last few. 

Anybody know the song that you plays the end of the episode?

Edited by Chas411
  • Love 3
2 hours ago, Chas411 said:

God when they're actually writing for Jolex or even giving them even a small bit of attention they give me all the feels. 

I don't think they're back on though. Her walking away pretty much sums that up for me.

Im starting to think Jo will leave even for a few episodes to accommodate Camillas pregnancy. I don't think they're going to write around with it like they've done with the last few. 

Anybody know the song that you plays the end of the episode?

Argh, how I feel too. I was starting to distance myself from this show because I Basically dislike everything else about it, but one scene with them literally staring at each other saying nothing just brought back everything I loved about them in the first place. Their embrace was so lovely, you can just see the love they have for each other in every Second of that hug, it was a beautiful moment for them, one we haven't gotten in a long long time. It was definitely ambiguous as there was anguish in Jo's face when she turned to leave and Alex was like a closed book at the end too, but that one scene reminded me why I ship them and why they are best together.

i think they'll stay apart but I definitely think Jo's husband is coming if the reports have any accuracy, so that will be interesting. I just want this to finally be about her and include her perspective as well. A compelling story would be for her to face her past with his support and would probably resonate with a lot of women. Such a waste if they miss that opportunity 

Edited by Rose-1
  • Love 3

It's rare that I wholeheartedly agree with Hunt, but GO HOME, JO! I do not want an exhausted doctor who has been up for 30 hours working on me or anyone I even remotely care about. She could barely stutter out a sentence about a trauma patient being in a trauma room so she was in no shape to handle patients. It drives me crazy when doctors (well, people in general) act like they're so awesome for being sleep deprived. It greatly affects your reaction time, your cognitive abilities, your mood, EVERYTHING which endangers your patients, so unless you are in some sort of crazy combat situation where you absolutely can't sleep, then stop touching patients and GO HOME.

Ugh, April is replacing Meredith? No thanks, show.

And now Avery is in the position with Maggie that Arizona was in with April/Avery. Of all the doctors in this hospital, I think he's one of the few who actually respects HIPAA regulations and won't tell Maggie.

Don't care about Hunt and Amelia. But I'd rather have five seconds of Amelia NOT TALKING per episode than her usual "I'm a superhero"/OMG [insert babbling rant here] appearances.

I am SO TIRED of this Minnick plot and it's only been like four episodes. I don't know why Bailey and Catherine think that the Minnick Method is so groundbreaking that it required demoting Richard. I still don't understand why they have deemed Richard's method of NOT allowing inexperienced doctors perform complicated surgeries they've never observed before to be a bad thing. But whatever the case, I want this plot to be over. And after Minnick's obnoxious little speech to Arizona tonight, I want Minnick gone. There's self confident and then there's obnoxious. 

  • Applause 1
  • Love 8
6 hours ago, Chas411 said:

God when they're actually writing for Jolex or even giving them even a small bit of attention they give me all the feels. 

I don't think they're back on though. Her walking away pretty much sums that up for me.

Im starting to think Jo will leave even for a few episodes to accommodate Camillas pregnancy. I don't think they're going to write around with it like they've done with the last few. 

Anybody know the song that you plays the end of the episode?

That hug was awesome!  I'm glad that they didn't say anything.  There is so much to say, and so much baggage to sort through, that it wouldn't ruined the moment.  It was like Jo just needed to see him and let him know that she was happy that he was ok, but couldn't get in to all of their issues and their future at that point.  It has been a ridiculously emotional 48 hours for both of them, so I was fine with hug.  I thought CL did a great job showing that Jo was relieved, happy to touch Alex again, but then wary of all of the shit that they had been through and may have yet to go through in that 15 second scene.  I don't think that they are getting back together any time soon, but it was clear that they still have feelings for one another, and that works for me right now.  



I was cheering for Andrew there. Alex was instructed not to speak to him before he was sentenced and he was big enough not to mention it, but Andrew doesn't know that or prob cares. Alex is getting away with it so he deserves what Andrew said. Alex also likes to forget Jo was there when mer was too busy with Cristina, but he doesn't tell either of them he's not going to the slammer. Ok Alex. But I will say the Alex who was apologizing to Andrew with no ulterior motive is the Alex karev I know. I'm at least glad this pointless storyline is over.


I never thought that Alex was going to go to jail, but I am kind of annoyed that anger management classes or some kind of community services wasn't a requirement for his getting his job back, at the very least.  I am also glad that Alex stopped trying to offer excuses after DeLuca shut him down the first time. There are no good excuses and I'm glad that he just sat there and took.  It was, literally, the least he could do.  I did LOL a bit at Alex, of all people, offering up advice to DeLuca about Jo not needing to be rescued, considering he is the resident White Knight on Campus.  But I have a feeling that knowing that his freedom is due to another man's feelings about his ex, may not sit all that well with him.  Oh well, at least this potential triangle doesn't seem to be gelling, considering Jo has not shown one ounce of romantic interest in DeLuca.  Yet...ugh.


It's rare that I wholeheartedly agree with Hunt, but GO HOME, JO! I do not want an exhausted doctor who has been up for 30 hours working on me or anyone I even remotely care about. She could barely stutter out a sentence about a trauma patient being in a trauma room so she was in no shape to handle patients. It drives me crazy when doctors (well, people in general) act like they're so awesome for being sleep deprived. It greatly affects your reaction time, your cognitive abilities, your mood, EVERYTHING which endangers your patients, so unless you are in some sort of crazy combat situation where you absolutely can't sleep, then stop touching patients and GO HOME.

Honestly, I was just glad that they showed that Jo is still interested in medical cases at this point.  All of the residents, starting with the original gang, have had to be told to go home at one time or another, so this didn't seem so bad on Jo's part to me and I liked seeing her get excited about an interesting case.  I'm just glad that she did actually listen and go home, especially considering she saw first hand what happened with Shane when he was working at exhaustion level.

All in all I thought this was a decent episode, I thought that they balanced out the characters and storylines pretty well.  Maggie and Amelia are scraping the bottom of the maturity barrel, and at this point you couldn't even pay me to care about Amelia or Owen.  But I thought that Stephanie looked beautiful tonight and I think that I will miss her more than I thought.  I loved her "Winter is coming" line, and boy is she wasted being the go-between for Owen and Amelia.  I wish her luck and I hope she gets a decent storyline before she leaves and an excellent send off.  

Last but certainly not least, I miss Alex in the turquoise scrubs and that beard and quasi-Members Only jacket combo AIN"T working for me, and I will add that to my memo to the stylist when I write her or him about Meredith's awful, awful, beige turtleneck sweaters.

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Love this show but man, this episode annoyed me.  There's no way in hell that the Chief of General Surgery would simply be suspended and then replaced without board consultation.  I realize that this is a show and operates differently than the real world but this was so unrealistic that it took me right out of the episode.

Also, Maggie may be a brilliant wunderkind but she's an immature mess and could never have gotten to the level she has.  Intellectual maturity vs actual maturity aside, no one who acts like she does would ever be capable of attaining or holding that position.

Lastly, razor wire lady.  No sedation?  And having Owen get cut up had no purpose.  In fact, that whole storyline went nowhere.

Don't even get me started on the Minnick thing.

I've watched every episode of this show and I think this was the first time I've felt this way.

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11 hours ago, Daisy said:

I hope Bailey gets fired. she sucks as Chief. she suspends Grey for basically saying you need to listen to your staff?

The issue here is that apparently a majority of residents and interns did want some kind of change in how they were trained - or at least we were told that back when this whole storyline started and Minnick first showed up.  It's the attendings who are plotting against Minnick.

10 hours ago, moonorchid said:

I blame Bailey for everything going on with minnick and the attendings. If she had better interpersonal skills she would have been upfront with Richard and held a meeting with the attendings to introduce them to minnick before she started walking into OR's. If she actually tried to make the attendings feel like a part of the process I don't think they would be so against this. Even with what's happening to Webber.

Yeah, this is where the problem comes in, not necessarily in changing how training is done, but in how its being implemented.



I was cheering for Andrew there. Alex was instructed not to speak to him before he was sentenced and he was big enough not to mention it, but Andrew doesn't know that or prob cares. Alex is getting away with it so he deserves what Andrew said. Alex also likes to forget Jo was there when mer was too busy with Cristina, but he doesn't tell either of them he's not going to the slammer. Ok Alex. But I will say the Alex who was apologizing to Andrew with no ulterior motive is the Alex karev I know. I'm at least glad this pointless storyline is over.

I'd actually like to seem some follow-up, because if anyone on this show needs therapy, or at least treatment for anger management issues, it's Alex.  In fact, I'm kind of surprised Bailey didn't insist on it as a condition of his being hired back.  (Then again, Bailey has been less than a great chief, so maybe I'm not that surprised.)  I've always loved Alex and wanted him to get more of a storyline, but if nothing further happens as a result of the incident and it just gets forgotten, it would be lame even for this show.



Deluca needs to go around the hospital each week and sort out every characters' problems by serving up doses of his realness. Also, he is cute as a button.

I second this.

Edited by proserpina65
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The Minnick storyline is just so bad. I cannot imagine them paying someone to walk around and "try" to get in on surgeries, only to be told no. I equally cannot see highly paid specialist surgeons being ordered around by a training resident. In reality, I would imagine Minnick would not be given free reign over the hospital, but would be set up with surgeons who were training residents and would agree to her being there. She would most likely not be involved in last minute emergencies where there would be no time to teach and any error would be critical. Her personality and her conversations with Arizona are just awful.

SInce Meredith owns part of the hospital, I think she would be justified in calling a board meeting and discussing the role of Minnick in the hospital. Other than that: I like Owen (I know most of you don't) but he deserves better than Amelia hiding out like a teenager for no real reason. I too wondered why the barbed wire woman wasn't sedated, but guess her storyline of hiding from the world is somehow supposed to relate to Jo and/or others who are 'hiding' something. I agree that Alex's storyline was not handled the best, but he is my favorite character so I am happy to have him back. 

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Just finished watching and I do think that this is a better episode than most, but that doesn't mean it was great.  There was plenty that bugged me about it.  

First off, why all the concern about the teaching program?  Clearly, this hospital has bigger problems if they have their cardio surgeons performing orthopedic surgery.  As soon as Riggs picked up that saw, I almost turned the show off.  If they had Owen or April do it (I guess April, since Owen was all bandaged up.  April seemed to be just running around trying to prove she's the fierce one in the middle school), I could buy it.  I may be wrong, but I would think that a trauma surgeon is closer to ortho than a cardio surgeon would be.

I am not an April hater, but I did find her insufferable in this episode.  Although, to be fair, I blame that more on the writing.  *Why* was April relegated to just trying to get dirt on the situation from Catherine when she could have stepped in for the injured (and only other, I guess) trauma surgeon?  I'm sure it was all a big set up for her to become the Interim Chief of General (a job that everyone forgot that Meredith had...) but it was still clumsy and awkward.

So, here is my big problem with the whole Minnick/mutiny for Webber thing.  There are lots of issues with it, but the biggest problem is that Bailey screwed it up from the beginning.  If they needed to bring Minnick in, she should have spoken to Richard privately first (because it was his job she was given away) and then discussed it with the attendings, and THEN officially brought Minnick in.  Worse yet, the rest of the attendings are handling this very, very badly.  Trying to form some little army of passive aggressive behavior in juvenile at best.  Instead, what they SHOULD do--and I'm thinking especially of Meredith when she was face to face with Bailey--is point out that this transition was handled badly, that it affects their ability to do their job, and that the way Richard was replaced erodes their confidence in Bailey's leadership.  Boo-hooing about poor Richard isn't doing anyone any favors.

Also, can Bailey just suspend someone indefinitely at the drop of a hat?  I would think that there would be protocols for that....

Can this show PLEASE stop forcing a Minnick/Arizona relationship?  At this point, I'm resigned to the fact that we are stuck with Minnick, but just because she's a lesbian and Arizona is a lesbian doesn't mean that they have to fall in lurrrrrve.  I remember a past episode where it was pointed out that there are quite a few lesbians working at the hospital.  Of course, it was also pointed out that Arizona had already slept with them...   I think Arizona needs to find a girlfriend who is a kindergarten teacher or a plumber or anything but an employee of SGMWGSMH.

What I did like:

I think I may be in love with Andrew DeLuca.  There I said it.  Also, I think he may be the first medical professional in the history of this hospital to act like an adult.  I'm not talking about him lying about what happened to the DA (that was ridiculous, and it was clearly a desperate attempt to dump the assault story line from the show and make Alex a good guy again--but I'm holding that against the writers, not DeLuca), because he actually *set a boundary* and *kept his personal life private.*  Holy crap!  That is a first!  Also, he's hot.  There, I said that, too.

I did like that they acknowledged that DeLuca couldn't drop charges, although--as I said--how they did tie a nice little knot in that story line was pathetic.

As with April, I'm not a Maggie hater.  But I did find her to be exasperating in this episode.  I also found her mother to be, while delightful, a little too over the top to believe.  That being said, I think that the relationship between the two was incredibly well done.  I hope we see more of Maggie's mom in the future. (Oh, one more thing to add to the dislikes: Plastic Surgery =/= Oncology.  I know that Jackson said he'd refer her, but he also said he'd be there for her surgery.  I guess that  could be a reconstruction, but he wouldn't be in a cancer surgery).

Also, and this was probably my biggest shocker.  I LIKE RIGGS!  I mean, I like him as a character.  I do hope the ship has passed on the Meredith/Riggs angle (and +Maggie triangle) because that did nothing for me, but I'd much rather watch him than Owen. Of course, now they'll probably give him a story line that will make me hate him....sigh!

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