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Meet The Putmans - General Discussion

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DId anyone else hear the son say "demolized" instead of "demolished"?  OMG, watching the son gnaw on that pretzel with his mouth hanging open was positively disgusting. Watching this family makes me genuinely queasy. 

Edited by WhatsUpDummy
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Dad Putman showed his true colors tonight. I can't remember where I read it, but I saw some reference that he'd physically abused his wife in the past. It wouldn't surprise me at all. He won't accept anyone challenging him or having a difference of opinion, it's his way or the highway. I believe I also read that the only way he would agree to Jamie marrying Blair is if Jamie would agree to take the Putman name and also move into the house. 

This patriarch is worse than Jim Bob Duggar, Matt Roloff , who's also an alcoholic (in my opinion- but 2 DUI's puts you in that category in my book). 

A much better alternative, I think, is Outdaughtered. That also features a close knit family, including the brothers-in laws all working together. But the main families have their own houses even if they all probably live in the same neighborhood. The grandmom lived with her daughter and husband for awhile to help out with the kids. I think Outdaughtered will continue to do pretty well in the ratings, but I don't think Meet the Putmans will succeed unless they have Dad Putman toning his act way down. 

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7 hours ago, WhatsUpDummy said:

DId anyone else hear the son say "demolized" instead of "demolished"?  OMG, watching the son gnaw on that pretzel with his mouth hanging open was positively disgusting. Watching this family makes me genuinely queasy. 

Demolized is a term used in contruction.  Not that I want to stick up for this family!

When does the gossip come out on this family? There has to be some DV, DUIs, bank/mortgage fraud.  

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Here's what sets off some alarms for me. Each family unit-husband, wife and kids-never seem to go anywhere alone with just each other. Mom and Dad go to the doctor, kids go with everyone. Are they allowed to leave with just their own family? Is there some worry if they go then they would run? Something to ponder. Why do the grandparents talk about the grandkids as if they are their own? 

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They're so strange in their way of life, and that's what makes this show so highly entertaining. The Dad/Grandpa/Patriarch/Boss bugs the heck out of me. 

Question: If you respected your Dr. and found out he lived with his family and his father was overbearing and controlling his life, would you lose some respect? I would. 

I'll bet the little kids have a lot of fun. Let's see what happens when so those little girls are moody teenagers.

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26 minutes ago, answerphone said:

Question: If you respected your Dr. and found out he lived with his family and his father was overbearing and controlling his life, would you lose some respect? I would. 

I'll bet the little kids have a lot of fun. Let's see what happens when so those little girls are moody teenagers.

Yes, I would, & if I saw him on this show & the family in action I would probably find another doctor.

Maybe they're having fun, or not... maybe it's a performance for the cameras, just like the adults.

Edited by gonecrackers
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3 hours ago, CofCinci said:

Demolized is a term used in contruction.  Not that I want to stick up for this family!

When does the gossip come out on this family? There has to be some DV, DUIs, bank/mortgage fraud.  

Good to know.  I've never heard that word before.  

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On 9/24/2017 at 10:19 PM, Chicklet said:

These people evidently invented co-dependency. I would slit my throat. 

And evidently no woman ever in the history of the world ever had a 3rd baby with a C-section. 

I had 3 and on the last one, my incision reopened after a week. It stayed open, slowly healing from the inside out for 2 months. While my mom was around and helped, it wasn't even remotely 24/7. I get the feeling Blair was pampered because she the youngest and a girl. 

2 questions I'd love them to answer:  

Are the kids social in school or are they just 'all Putman' all the time?  Do any kids have outside friends or interest?

and do they expect the kids to live this kind of life as well when they are older?

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Since the kids go to an actual school: 

what happens when only the kids in 1 teachers class are invited to a birthday party or go on a field trip. Do all 26 people go along uninvited? Or are the kids not allowed to go? 

Did someone have to accompany the son to college and medical school?   

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The dad has some kind of weird hatred for his younger son. Anything the younger son says, the dad goes ballistic. 

Son actually had the nerve to be smarter than dad.


And the only one that didn't go into the "family" business.  Don't you know he holds that over the son's head every chance he gets.  

Edited by 4leafclover
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Good points above friends. 

At the dance, I saw only 1 non-Putman dad in attendance but many non-Putman girls. Do we think this could possibly have been a 'made for TV' storyline and they just asked for 'extra's' from the school population? 

They tweaked the new house plans between episode 2 to episode 3. It was previously stated there would be 15 bedrooms and 19 bathrooms but last night it was said to be 17 bedrooms and 15 bathrooms. Insignificant, yes, but just something my daughter pointed out. 

Papa P most definitely has a temper and strangely enough, TLC is including it in their edit. Wonder what that's all about? Couldn't hide his pissyness until at least a few episodes have aired and a fan base established? 

Edited by HahYallDoin
Missing comma
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9 hours ago, HahYallDoin said:

Papa P most definitely has a temper and strangely enough, TLC is including it in their edit. Wonder what that's all about? Couldn't hide his pissyness until at least a few episodes have aired and a fan base established? 

Maybe TLC has decided to embrace their hate watchers and accept that it's the majority of their audience, so they're giving us the good stuff to keep us hooked. If that's the plan, it's working! (See also: 90 Day Fiancé Before the 90 Days)

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10 hours ago, HahYallDoin said:

Papa P most definitely has a temper and strangely enough, TLC is including it in their edit. Wonder what that's all about? Couldn't hide his pissyness until at least a few episodes have aired and a fan base established? 

He is so messed up he doesn't even realize how bad he looks.

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1 hour ago, JocelynCavanaugh said:

Maybe TLC has decided to embrace their hate watchers and accept that it's the majority of their audience, so they're giving us the good stuff to keep us hooked. If that's the plan, it's working! (See also: 90 Day Fiancé Before the 90 Days)

Ding, ding, ding...you nailed it! Thanks for the insight because you are 100% correct. 

Yep, I totally hate watch(ed) Kate G, Matt R(mad idea skills though), Jer and Auj R(blech!), several folks from Fiancé, Adam B and his MIL Michelle, Jim Boob and Mechelle D, and more I'm probably forgetting...these folks just immediately came to mind LOL 

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Predicting the mega house will never be finished... Pops will keel over because he doesn't take care of his health... the families will scatter and no one sibling can afford to complete the project.

Is Bill even 60 years old yet...he looks like hell.

He always looks agitated.

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My mom will react the same way he did when we bring up her health issues. I think they think if they scream and yell loud enough, people will back off and leave them alone. But he's still way over the top angry in a lot of other situations. He's going to have a heart attack,, I predict, in the not so distant future. 

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Question: If you respected your Dr. and found out he lived with his family and his father was overbearing and controlling his life, would you lose some respect? I would. 

Disclaimer - I have only seen about a minute of this show, because it irritated me so much. But the previews show the son the doctor talking to his mother about her mammogram results?  And the voice over says "It's hard to give bad medical news, but it's even harder when it's your own mother."  The hell??  That, bonehead, is why your professional code of conduct says you can't treat family members.   I'm hoping he's explaining to her what her actual doctor said, after her appointment, but they certainly seem to be in Doctor Son's office.

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The oldest son seems to have even more of a violent streak just under the surface than the dad. He's particularly aggressive with his kids, maybe all of them since fuck if I know which kids belong to which parents other than the baby and the two other little boys. 

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As someone said earlier, I get the idea the youngest son would be fine with moving his family out into their own place. I don’t see the youngest daughter’s marriage lasting. I hope her husband knows it doesn’t seem he will ever come first. If the family votes something down, his wife will likely chose them over him. I remember in the initial episode he did not seem happy living there. I think the whole commute issue was only one of many reasons. Other than the youngest son and the daughter with the doctor husband, I wonder if the dad even pays the older sons enough to live alone with their own families. I wonder how successful the family business actually is if they are Sharing one account to pay expenses. Shouldn’t the adults just pay regular rent? The doctor son-in-law will likely make great money once he has finished his residency. Why would he  want to turn it over to everyone else? Two doctors in that family can very much raise the quality of the lifestyle they lead. 

I need someone to explain to me how there are six bedrooms and 26 people. If each couple had a bedroom, are all the kids stuffed into one room? The couples continue to make new babies so they have to have some privacy in their rooms without the kids. 

It really bothered me that, because of the Sharing of expenses, they are basically limited as to what they can buy their kids and how much they can spend. If you want to buy your kid a more expensive dress you should be able to do so. It should not be based on what a dozen other people have decided you should spend. 

Edited by MakingBacon
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If I were the doctors, I'd begin with transferring some of my paycheck to a different bank.  They can do that and just have a lessor amount direct deposited  to the main acct.  unless they show their check stub, Bill will never know. I'd do it without even telling my spouse. Once I got enough of a cushion to allow moving to a rental home and paying a month or twos bills, then I'd go to a divorce lawyer. Not for a divorce, but to get some sort of custodial order on my kids. Then I'd change my direct deposit to fully deposit into my own account. Then I'd tell my spouse- we are moving.are you coming with? If she says yes, her name goes on the account, etc. if no, flle for legal separation. 

It is one thing for them to be in separate homes in properties next to each other. Each family could develop individual identities.  This isn't that. 

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When the one son and DIL went to the Dr. worried about breast cancer, I was floored when he said they were getting preliminary info and would then see what the family had to say.  Why in the world would anyone else have a say in the medical care she decides on?

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Did they say he actually performed it or was he just there for it? I don't think that's allowed, legally.

I think the talking to his mom about her test was a set up for the show, but again it's very inappropriate.

This family is deeply disturbing on every level, & they don't seem to realize it at all, so that's even worse.

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20 hours ago, gonecrackers said:

Did they say he actually performed it or was he just there for it? I don't think that's allowed, legally.

Yes, he actually performed it (or first assisted). As a resident physician he has to have an attending physician scrubbed into the surgery with him.

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This show made my eyeballs bleed, but I think I’m probably addicted already. The two bathrooms for 25/26 people is UNBELIEVEABLE. For me, that would be grounds for divorce.

I just saw the Daddy/daughter dance episode, and was troubled by the amount of makeup they were putting on such young girls. I bet Papa P was pissed that he couldn’t take Blair and be THE daddy at the dance.

No way there isn’t some sketchy shit going on. I wouldn’t want to put my doctor pay in the kitty for the assholes that make fun of me to spend.

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1 hour ago, 4leafclover said:

Couldn't put my finger on why, the minute I saw Grandpa Putman, I was creeped out.  Then today I realized, he looks like Tim Kaine.  Of course, there are many, many more reasons that I find him disgusting.

Tim Kaine is creepy? I never knew. 

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13 hours ago, MichDoc said:

Yes, he actually performed it (or first assisted). As a resident physician he has to have an attending physician scrubbed into the surgery with him.

Hopefully just assisted, as it just seems wrong to me... so, that's his wife, but, the doctor-son will be delivering news on his mom's boobs for craps sake - there seems to be no boundaries whatsoever.

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This whole family is just too weird and controlling and clan-ish to bear.  The parents are taking away the choices that they had as young adults starting out.  You dig each other?  Great - you don't have to live together to prove it.  And the one bank account?  No. Way. In. Hell.  Heck, I am getting married this Saturday and I am not sharing with my own husband, let alone all the others.

Putnam policy is above hospital policy?  Shove it up your ass and twist it counterclockwise..  Then we can all visit YOU in the hospital and overtake your personal space and see how it flies.  

I have to mute the commercials - they are that buggy to me!!!  LOL!

Edited by Mrs. Hanson
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On 9/29/2017 at 11:42 AM, mythoughtis said:

If I were the doctors, I'd begin with transferring some of my paycheck to a different bank.  They can do that and just have a lessor amount direct deposited  to the main acct.  unless they show their check stub, Bill will never know. I'd do it without even telling my spouse. Once I got enough of a cushion to allow moving to a rental home and paying a month or twos bills, then I'd go to a divorce lawyer. Not for a divorce, but to get some sort of custodial order on my kids. Then I'd change my direct deposit to fully deposit into my own account. Then I'd tell my spouse- we are moving.are you coming with? If she says yes, her name goes on the account, etc. if no, flle for legal separation. 

It is one thing for them to be in separate homes in properties next to each other. Each family could develop individual identities.  This isn't that. 

I love how you have planned their escape! It just shows how some of us feel (all of us, maybe?) that this situation is not only unhealthy, but also it seems as though the precious children and children's children and First Lady Putman are downright hostages. It really isn't bringing back the American family, as they say. We are known for fully embracing our freedom and independence. When families live one on top of the other like this, I think of rats in a cage, and it ain't all hugs and I love you in the cages! Also, two bathrooms for all of those people--gross.

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Why bring all those kids to the laundromat? 

The dad lays it on suuuuupppperrr thick! He guilt trips his family do much, and they fall for it. He's so sleezy and conniving. 

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Wow. This episode really highlighted the chauvinism in this family. The men don't lift a finger to do any of the cleaning and then complain when "the girls" get annoyed by a busted washing machine.  And why are they bringing 12 small children to the laundromat? The Dads can't watch their own children?  I thought that was the appeal of their whole setup, everybody helps everybody. Hey Blair, reality check time: You have 3 kids and no career.  It's time to start parenting them yourself without passing them off on someone else while you take a nap. Millions of women all over the world do this everyday, stop acting like you're about to climb Mt. Everest.  Man, the 4 Putman "adults" are messed up. No idea how to function without 20 other people helping. They never rally had a chance to live their own lives and be independent and function on their own. I truly don't know why I keep watching this show. They're so creepy and dysfunctional. I hope the second those kids turn 18 they bolt and leave that compound in a cloud of dust. 

Edited by WhatsUpDummy
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I hate, hate, HATE it when these TLC reality shows use serious illnesses like cancer to fill TV time.  Ditto for false pregnancies (looking at you, fat, not-so-fabulous Whitney Way Thore).  It’s so wrong to knowingly mislead audiences about things that are so serious and sensitive.  I sure hope the mom doesn’t have breast cancer, but I don’t enjoy being jerked around.  Also, I hate to say it, but they’ve played this card way too soon in the life of this show.  We’re only four episodes in.  Let me see enough of the family to build up enough emotional capital to give a crap if someone is sick.

I’m no closer to liking this family and/or their lifestyle even the slightest bit.  I’m damn sure no closer to liking Bill and I doubt I ever will. He’s so off-putting with the screaming and demands.  He’s also very prone to hyperbole.  Every other word out of his mouth is “massive,” “tremendous,” or “huge” (sound like anyone we know?).  When men say things to their wives like, “I would trade my life for just one chance to see you smile,” I instantly turn off.  It sounds so ridiculous and overblown.  Prove it or shut up, you overdramatic asshole.

Ugh, the Duggars followed by the Putmans does nothing good for my Monday night mood. 

Edited by SuzyLee
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On 9/29/2017 at 11:57 AM, Mindthinkr said:

This show is getting a creepy Sister Wives vibe.  I must say it is accelerated with an incestual tone as well. 

I think the Sister Wives family is more functional. At least the wives have separate houses and some outside friends, even while sharing a husband.

I don't think Blake should be the family doctor. In case of emergency, then yes. But not their everyday doc. It just seems unprofessional and weird. Thank God they do have a separate ob/gyn. 

I'm surprised they didn't truck all 26 of them down to the biopsy. 

Edited by Tdoc72
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I recorded this but wonder if I'm going to end up watching this episode. I had breast cancer earlier this year and went through surgery, then a couple months of radiation and now am taking a 10 year regime of a chemotherapy drug to prevent recurrence. It was very scary and exhausting. I can't imagine going through it with that many people around all the time. 

If anyone is looking for another Monday night alternative, the Good Doctor is on at the same time as the Putmans. I do wonder how Meet the Putmans is doing in the ratings. 

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17 minutes ago, CarolMK said:

I recorded this but wonder if I'm going to end up watching this episode. I had breast cancer earlier this year and went through surgery, then a couple months of radiation and now am taking a 10 year regime of a chemotherapy drug to prevent recurrence. It was very scary and exhausting. I can't imagine going through it with that many people around all the time. 

If anyone is looking for another Monday night alternative, the Good Doctor is on at the same time as the Putmans. I do wonder how Meet the Putmans is doing in the ratings. 

Wishing you the best outcome from your treatments, @CarolMK. My suggestion would be to skip this episode (at least)of this series. You do not need the stress of watching the family dealing with this issue. Sending hugs to you.

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In case of emergency, then yes. But not their everyday doc. It just seems unprofessional and weird.

It is specifically prohibited in the Code of Conduct for every physician in every jurisdiction in the western world.  

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