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S09.E11: Thelma And Louise Take Flint

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Phaedra and Kenya rekindle their friendship as they travel to Flint, Mich., to participate in Phaedra's summer camp; Cynthia makes herself at home in Kandi's house; Porsha starts seeing red flags in her relationship with Todd.

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I love how Kenya is so scared of Porsha, but never mentions Matt being abusive to her.  Like I said before, Matt has a penis, that's the difference, even though she said Matt has never physically harmed her...just her property.

Kandi is so common.  And why did Kenya go after Porsha?  Kenya does provoke people, she needs to stop.  She's too old for that nonsense.

Edited by Neurochick
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I don't see where Porshe has an anger management problem. Kenya provoked her and continues to do so. Kandi escalated with the ghetto fight talk.

By the way, I would have done the same in the situation as Porshe with Kenya, Cynthia, and just now with Kandi. I can't stand Kandi anymore. She has so much wolf talk. 

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Kandi is such a bitch to Porsha.  She is so unlikable.  Porsha may not be a genius, but, she is very perceptive and she is on point, when it comes to Kenya. Her warnings to Phaedra about that bitch were spot on.  I also think that Sheree also has her number and I agreed with her, when she said that Kenya was evil, in her talking head. 

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I love production for running back the video (several times) of Phakedra saying exactly what she says she didn't say.  Phaedra and her bible verses can sit and spin. There's no end to the bullshit she spills to try to make herself look like she's not as shitty at the rest of the crew.

Edited by Brooklynista
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Kenya's continued excuses for Matt while holding Porsha, whom she provoked, feet to the fire is the most despicable I've found this chick and she's been plenty despicable before. It leads to believe the speculation that the whole Matt situation is staged. Which ..... yeah. Everyone involved, including Bravo are pieces of shit.

Kandi's reached the stage of having no fucks to gives. While it makes her unlikable, it makes for good reality tv. I prefer this type of reality to the Kenya's of the reality world.

Phaedra's mouth. Is too much. I can't look away when she's speaking. I'd love to see her talk like a normal person just once. 

Edited by Deputy Deputy CoS
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2 hours ago, druzy said:

Did Porsha's boyfriend say his boss gave him an ultimatum- break up with Porsha or lose his job? Wouldn't that be discrimination? I think Todd is lying.  

Who you date is not protected. Some states have marital protections. Additionally, most states are at will employment. They could fire him for wearing a blue shirt or for dating Porsha.

I suspect that the boss told him to chill out on social media. Todd worked for some type of legislator? Their issue probably was that his relationship with Porsha was making constituents feel some kind of way, which resulted in an increase in constituent calls, emails, letters, and social media posts. It's just more work for the office over nonsense, but failing to respond is the thing that fucks you in future elections.

Edited by HunterHunted
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1 hour ago, StevieRocks said:

I know I shouldn't be laughing about this, but--"I have a disease that makes blood not go to my brain." Oh, Porsha,that explains so much.

LOL, I think she was trying to say that her blood pressure drops when she gets stressed, hence reduced (not lack of though{lol/snort} blood flow to the brain.

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11 minutes ago, Bronzedog said:

I thought Todd was a lobbyist.

Even still, it's a distraction. For example Anthony Weiner (who yes, is Anthony Weiner) got fired from his lobbying firm because his personal life was too much of a distraction. Todd isn't him, but appearing on this show might have been too focus pulling for his firm.


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Well the camp part was nice, and moving. Phaedra will always have my respect for that.

Too bad that all got shot to hell. 

Todd. Bruh. Not cute. I don't know what he did for work but leaving his job was stupid and I'm glad Porsha didn't take it as some romantic gesture. 

Speaking of, Porsha looked gorgeous throughout this episode, both on and out of makeup. No wonder Kenya hates her.

Sheree and Bob got fastforwarded. I just don't care. But I lived for her calling out the other women and their faux fear of Porsha.

Phaedra caught in a lie again. What else is new?

Kenya doesn't know when to quit. Following Porsha when she asked her to stop? Gee, I wonder if she violates Matt's space and purposely frustrates him as well. And the duck walking? The bitch is old and childish, just like Porsha said.

Kandi is cute but her attitude is so ugly. She seems so miserable and angry these days. She's morphing into her evil ass aunts and mother. 

Phaedra, listen to your girl. She ain't too bright but she's been right about a lot of things. She reads people very well and her comment about letting Kenya talk about her fake boyfriend but not telling her any business was spot on.

Edited by ridethemaverick
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29 minutes ago, twilightzone said:

I could care less about that petty stuff.

Whether people like Phaedra or not, she deserves credit for giving the children's summer camp the attention it deserves.  And she seems to be good about giving back to the community and using her platform for the positive - i.e. the Million Man March; the DNC, her foundation to bring awareness to young African American men.

It's not always about the petty catfights.

True. Phaedra does many good works for the community.  Doesn't exclude her from being a shady liar.

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Porsha doesn't owe any of these heifers an explanation.   It's funny how certain folks are afraid of her going on a camping trip with them but they are popping off at the mouth at her and following her out of the restaurant.  I'm so glad Porsha stood her ground and didn't allow them to provoke her.  


Kenya's damn near 50 year old a$$ looked like the idiot that she is walking like a duck and thinking that it was funny.  I swear she's got her mother's ugly ways and inherited her mother's crazy gene even though that woman didn't raise her.

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1 minute ago, appledumpling said:

Porsha doesn't owe any of these heifers an explanation.   It's funny how certain folks are afraid of her going on a camping trip with them but they are popping off at the mouth at her and following her out of the restaurant.  I'm so glad Porsha stood her ground and didn't allow them to provoke her.  


I think Porsha handled them really well. She walked away, she didn't explode and when Kenya followed/ran after her, trying to get a physical reaction from her, Porsha shut her down big time! YEA Porsha! Oh, and Porsha telling them that going to anger management classes isn't about or for "them" is correct, she did it for herself.

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I'm so confused about Porsha and Todd's fight. He's upset that they're not spending quality time together and she's upset because ... ?

I interpreted Todd quitting his job differently. I'm sure if he chose the job over Porsha she would've been in her feelings about it. However, it's one thing to quit, it's quite another to be lazy and not search for another job. We don't know much about Todd, but he can't play fast and loose with his coins since he does have children to take care of. That entire relationship just seems like puppy love.

I was with Porsha for driving away and not entertaining Kenya and her nonsense. As I mentioned in a previous episode, there's a fine line between victim blaming and calling out poor decision making. Kenya does provoke people. She wants to get a rise out of them, and then when she gets the reaction she's looking for, she turns into a scared little girl. I'm not having it.

WTF, Kandi. Her entire exchange with Porsha was uncalled for. That was on some mama Joyce shit.

Once again, Sheree gets dressed up to go out and Bob looks like he just finished cleaning out the garage.

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1 minute ago, Sheenieb said:

I'm so confused about Porsha and Todd's fight. He's upset that they're not spending quality time together and she's upset because ... ?

I interpreted Todd quitting his job differently. I'm sure if he chose the job over Porsha she would've been in her feelings about it. However, it's one thing to quit, it's quite another to be lazy and not search for another job. We don't know much about Todd, but he can't play fast and loose with his coins since he does have children to take care of. That entire relationship just seems like puppy love.

I was with Porsha for driving away and not entertaining Kenya and her nonsense. As I mentioned in a previous episode, there's a fine line between victim blaming and calling out poor decision making. Kenya does provoke people. She wants to get a rise out of them, and then when she gets the reaction she's looking for, she turns into a scared little girl. I'm not having it.

WTF, Kandi. Her entire exchange with Porsha was uncalled for. That was on some mama Joyce shit.

Once again, Sheree gets dressed up to go out and Bob looks like he just finished cleaning out the garage.

I think Porsha's point was that he quit before he got another job and that he didn't talk to her first (before he quit) and that he tried to blame her for him quitting because she "works too much".

Kandi is very angry this season! She really is her mother's daughter.

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2 hours ago, Neurochick said:

Kandi is so common.

Kandi claims she's not fake, but Nene was on WWHL and said that she and Kandi have been trying to form a friendship.  Now, wasn't Kandi's main problem with Phaedra her newfound relationship with Nene?  So it's okay to forge new friendships, as long as it's her doing it and nobody else?  Two faced bitch!  And we all know the only problem she has with Porsha is the fact that Porsha and Phaedra have become close.  Kandi is so transparent.  She's so jealous of any friendship Phaedra has with anyone else.  She's childish and low class.  And I don't blame Porsha for having an issue with Kandi cussing at her all of the time.  Porsha hasn't done anything to warrant Kandi's wrath other than being friends with Phaedra.  Nasty heffa!


I like to died when Porsha all of a sudden felt some kind of way when Todd told her he quit his job.  Hee!  Funny how a man's monetary status can change all of those LOVE feelings.  If Todd doesn't find a job fast, he's going by the wayside just like all of Porsha's other one and dones.  LOL


Kenya is such and instigator.  And then she wants to know why somebody is mad.  She knows Sheree was speaking too much truth when she said Kenya likes to provoke people.  Provoke is Kenya's middle name.  There was no reason for her to chase after Porsha after she left the table.  Like Porsha said, Kenya is not her friend so why is she running after her?  I agree with Porsha.  Kenya wanted to get popped.  And it's none of her business if Porsha is in therapy or not.  That's between Porsha and her therapist.  Porsha doesn't owe Kenya anything.  Of course, Kandi decides to poke the bear also because she's jealous of Porsha and Phaedra's friendship.  Shut up Kandi!  Porsha doesn't owe you anything either.


Phaedra, you got caught in a big fat lie when you said you didn't tell Kenya that Porsha wanted to share her anger management experience with them.  The cameras don't lie.  You need to man up to frack frick.  You lied.


The camp seemed like such a huge success.  I cried right along with those poor kids.  Their stories really touched me.

2 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

Why is Kandi on Ready, Set...? What is her beef w Porsha?


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Just now, swankie said:

I like to died when Porsha all of a sudden felt some kind of way when Todd told her he quit his job.  Hee!  Funny how a man's monetary status can change all of those LOVE feelings.  If Todd doesn't find a job fast, he's going by the wayside just like all of Porsha's other one and dones.  LOL


Ha, that's exactly right.  Although I get it.  Someone that impulsive would give me pause. But then again, assuming the trying to get pregnant thing isn't just a storyline, she's rather impulsive too.

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And please, Sheree, stop trying to make Bob and this phony "maybe possible rekindled romance."  Unless she really fell for Bob pre-football career and *really* loved him and not the lifestyle he at one time provided her, it's hard to believe. 

Edited by sasha206
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3 minutes ago, sasha206 said:

And please, Sheree, stop trying to make Bob and this phony "maybe possible rekindled romance."  Unless she really feel for Bob pre-football career and *really* loved him and not the lifestyle he at one time provided her, it's hard to believe.

Exactly!  When Sheree said that when she first met Bob she was attracted to his...and then she paused, I screamed out "MONEY!"  LOL!  Sheree knows damned well she married Bob mainly because he was a baller.  She even expected 7 figures when they got divorced.  And as far as their newfound "showmance", it's just that.  All show!

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1 hour ago, Bronzedog said:

"Who duck walks?  It's kind of amazing, actually."  Don't hear that phrase too often.  Or, ever.

It's a gay/drag dance, so that's probably why Cynthia knows the term. Not exactly how Kenya did it, of course, but close enough

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I don't like much about Phaedra but I commend her using the show as a platform to raise awareness for causes in various communities. It seems like the most genuine thing about her from what I've seen so far of her. 

Kenya, not even the camp scenes could warm me up to her. She is absolutely a provoker. It's never right to lay hands on people but Kenya spinning Porsha's anger management as something so serious when the reality is that Porsha doesn't walk around flying off the handle. Kenya is a poor excuse for a human being.

The Porsha and Todd scenes had me scratching my head. Todd is trying to come across as being so romantic but all I took from their conversation is that Porsha mainly seems him as a sperm donor that she can at least tolerate. Porsha has a dream of a family right now, and she's just looking for any man that can seemingly fit into that picture she's already built. And I know it might make me a horrible person, but when Porsha described her condition of oxygen not always getting up to her brain, my first instinct was to say 'that explains a lot'. 

Kandi is being bitter. No need to get involved in Kenya's interrogation of Porsha...it's not Kenya's business. If you're that worried (which is hilarious to me considering the victim act she's pulled regarding her Matt situation), she would simply decline the invitation. Instead, she just saw it as an opportunity to hold Porsha's feet to the fire. Clearly anger management has worked, have you seen Porsha knock anyone out this season? I didn't think so either....

Looks like next week people will start calling out Kenya for being disgusting victim artist that she is. 

Edited by RHJunkie
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2 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

I suspect that the boss told him to chill out on social media. Todd worked for some type of legislator? Their issue probably was that his relationship with Porsha was making constituents feel some kind of way, which resulted in an increase in constituent calls, emails, letters, and social media posts. It's just more work for the office over nonsense, but failing to respond is the thing that fucks you in future elections.

Whatever he claims he 'does' he doesn't pay child support in DC. I hated that Porsha dragged this guy into the show, it was looking too much like a Kenya fake SL. But now she's legitimately concerned. Dude wanted her to go all gooey because he 'chose' to end his job over her? Porsha's face when he told her! She isn't having it. I originally thought she didn't care who was the sperm donor: she'd just go ahead and buy the big house and try and get herself pregnant. She's obviously decided that one child to support in the future is enough. She doesn't want the midnight poker on her tab as well for the next 20 years, which is exactly how this dude seemed to be seeing the situation.

Poor Porsha, that was another set up, probably Kenya driven. I'm beyond over Kenya's 'fears for her safety' with Porsha. Kenya following her out of the restaurant was all the proof needed: Phaedra told her multiple times to back off, because Phaedra is Porsha's actual friend, Kenya was as usual exploiting the situation and TRYING to get the season SL and backlash for her own exploitation of domestic violence off her and onto Porsha so that she could AGAIN play the victim. If things had gone to plan, Porsha would have done something aggressive to Kenya and in Kenya's mind, she'd have the high ground again. I don't know why Kandi kept inserting herself into all of that. When she 'took over' asking Porsha about anger management, she did appear to be trying to make the enquiry come from a less intrusive place than out of Kenya's flapping smug face. But after that, IDK. Take a row of seats, Kandi, you've always said you're not afraid of Porsha.

All of Porsha's insights this episode were correct. She's fighting with her boyfriend, she's had a major health scare and then she's hit with all this rubbish at a lunch about camping. Oh, and her best friend is sleeping with the enemy. She handled it better than I would. She walked away. Kenya tried to stop her walking away. She still rose above it. Go Porsha.

Edited by queenjen
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1 hour ago, swankie said:

Phaedra, you got caught in a big fat lie when you said you didn't tell Kenya that Porsha wanted to share her anger management experience with them.  The cameras don't lie.  You need to man up to frack frick.  You lied.

I might be in the minority on this, but what I think Phaedra was doing originally was trying to say that Porsha doing anger management is to allay everyone's fears for her safety and the safety of others. She's taking her actions in the past seriously enough to address them via therapy. That's what I think she meant by 'Porsha wants everyone to know..'. Kenya (and production) used it literally. Phaedra was reassuring Kenya (lord knows why) that Porsha's actions speak to how seriously she feels about the past. Phaedra is immediately in a shady position speaking to Kenya about Porsha anyway,  and Porsha tells her that at the end of the episode when she says she isn't my friend, it'll be a cold day in hell when I share what i'm doing with Kenya. Kenya has ZERO concern for Porsha's well being. She was on Twitter just today making nasty digs about the underground railway. Again.

Kenya duck walking was so inappropriate and embarrassing and uncomfortable. Earlier in the episode, when she was 'camping' with Phaedra (dollars to donuts she was in a hotel, she got out of bed fully clothed) and screaming "I'm Miss USA!!!" at kids from a golf cart and trying to make 'twirl' happen on stage to a bunch of underprivileged kids with Phaedra grimacing on the sidelines, I thought 'this woman is deeply socially awkward'. She is. Kenya can't handle herself socially. She didn't get popped by Porsha, Phaedra called her out on going after Porsha, Sheree called her out on faking the DV SL (or trying to benefit from creating one) so Kenya's response is to drop to the ground and duckwalk. And her laugh gives me the creeps. 

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Porsha was just awesome throughout the episode. She is a beautiful woman, that skin is to die for...Damn! Not everybody is intellectually curious, so, I give her a pass on that. Plus, she seems to care deeply about people.  I love her friendship with Phaedra.  I concur with you guys that Kandi is a bitter, jealous bitch. She was too much like her mother, for my liking.  She did not have this much aggression for Kim who stole from her. Yet, she is ready to pounce on Porsha, on this episode and Phaedra, a few episodes ago. Go away, Kandi!

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Forgot about this. Tamara Tattles on Todd (Porsha's Todd). Rereading this just now makes me feel that Porsha is no longer 'unaware' of Todd's 2 children that he is not supporting, and who are suing for emancipation from their father. 


Maybe this is the reason Porsha has done this abrupt about turn on her 'bae' since the beginning of the season. He is obviously not new Daddy material after all, especially without a job and with a history of not supporting the children that he does have. TT tends to be very anti Porsha because she is weirdly pro Kenya, so reading her stuff on the Atlanta hos requires some critical literacy, but she gives good tea and this is relevant to this episode.

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4 hours ago, druzy said:

Did Porsha's boyfriend say his boss gave him an ultimatum- break up with Porsha or lose his job? Wouldn't that be discrimination? I think Todd is lying.  

I do, too.  I had the feeling he was already out of whatever job he used to have before he even started appearing on the show.

Also, does Bob Whitfield run under a garden hose just before he films every scene he's in?  I've never seen a human sweat like that.  He seems to do it even indoors, in rooms that I'm guessing are air-conditioned.  I'd tell Shereé to get him to a doctor if I thought their reconciliation was a real thing.  Even if it isn't--have that guy looked at, he's your kids' father.  Something isn't right.

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42 minutes ago, Mondrianyone said:

Also, does Bob Whitfield run under a garden hose just before he films every scene he's in?  I've never seen a human sweat like that

I do. I sweat like Bob. Maybe Bob is on female hormones and is getting the menopause real bad.

That scene had my fingers over my eyes. Did he..? Did HE just grab his crotch?! He did it again!! And now he's sweating all over the pommes frites. They're both seeing other people, so these scenes are just filler. Bob used to be a baller, so maybe it's down to Andy being a jocksniffer that Bob gets paid. He adores Jim Edmonds too, so we got to see a lot of Jim fondling candles and looking bored with Meghan's pregnancy in the OC.

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So much in this episode

1. I think Todd was straight up fired/laid off, whatever.  As stupid as Porsha is, she should know better than to fall for that line of BS.  He just randomly quit his job because it was "her or me?"

2. I'd also like to see the receipts for Todd's "lobbyist job," I've always found it suspicious.  You're a high powered DC lobbyist, working behind the scenes, and you thought it would be a good idea to be on a trashy reality show? You are raking in all this dough as a DC lobbyist, but you don't have your own apartment in the city?  You can't even rent an airbnb?  You are working for a Trump supporter, and you didn't realize he might have a problem with you being on a reality TV show?

3. I like Phaedra when she is being real.  And, even if she is somehow scamming money from her foundation, I'm still happy that she is bringing recognition to the continued plight of those involved in the Flint water crisis.  Its easy to forget about the victims.

4. The irony of Porsha having a physical problem because there isn't enough blood going to her brain.  Its just too rich.  even though, I have my questions about how burned out she really was with a face full of makeup on.  At least do a natural makeup job and not 4 pounds of eyeshadow if you want me to buy it.

5. I'm not sure if Kenya is scared or not, but she got one thing right -- Porsha still has a problem if she thinks that her responding with physical violence at the reunion was okay.  And she clearly does.  So I guess that "anger management coach" was all for show.  She has the exact same problems she ever had, and she will continue to have them, because she is violent.  

5b.  The problem with Porsha's position is that anything, any argument, any disagreement can be construed as "provocation" for a violent person.  This is why there needs to be a line in the sand that you don't respond to words with violence, not even being pointed at.  No one should have to walk around eggshells with low IQ Porsha because she doesn't understand how to use her words.  

6. I think Sheree was the first person to say that Kenya "provoked" Matt into kicking in her garage, and Kenya came back with "well we all provoke people and you do too Sheree" and pointed out the abusive relationship.  Which Sheree didn't deny.  

7. As much as I'm a fan of Kenya, she lost me with "at least he doesn't hit me!"  Girl, he hasn't hit you....yet....maybe....but he'll get there, and you're not a hero just because a violent man hasn't put his hands on your yet.  

8. I also wasn't down with Kenya running after Porsha, I have no idea why she did it...likely to be part of the storyline, or maybe to see if Porsha had changed.  Newsflash, Porsha has not changed.

9. I noticed that Porsha wasn't about to play those games with Kandi, she just got right up and left.  And honestly, maybe its in Porsha's best interest to just do Dish Nation, and pursue other career paths and leave RHOA.  If she gets involved in another violent incident, it could end up affecting other career opportunities she may have.

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16 minutes ago, RealReality said:

8. I also wasn't down with Kenya running after Porsha, I have no idea why she did it...likely to be part of the storyline, or maybe to see if Porsha had changed.

See, this is why I have such a problem with Kenya because she is "that girl" who will push you to your limit just to see how far you will go.  Whether the person you provoke is in anger management or not, you don't do that.  Does she also offer alcohol to the person who is in AA to see if they have changed?  Would she take the friend in gamblers anonymous to the casino to see if they have changed?  And for her to throw out there that Sheree has been in an abusive relationship as a way of throwing shade at Sheree was despicable in my opinion.  Kenya will never have any solidarity with or feel compassion for any women who are in domestic violent relationships because she is in such denial about Matt.  It's like she is saying, "My man is better than yours because he hasn't hit me, only destroyed my property but your man hit you, nya nya nya nya nya nya!"  She doesn't see the severity of the situation she's in, only that her man must love her more because he's only destroyed her property.  She's so damned childish I can't stand it.

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14 minutes ago, swankie said:

See, this is why I have such a problem with Kenya because she is "that girl" who will push you to your limit just to see how far you will go.  Whether the person you provoke is in anger management or not, you don't do that.  Does she also offer alcohol to the person who is in AA to see if they have changed?  Would she take the friend in gamblers anonymous to the casino to see if they have changed?  And for her to throw out there that Sheree has been in an abusive relationship as a way of throwing shade at Sheree was despicable in my opinion.  Kenya will never have any solidarity with or feel compassion for any women who are in domestic violent relationships because she is in such denial about Matt.  It's like she is saying, "My man is better than yours because he hasn't hit me, only destroyed my property but your man hit you, nya nya nya nya nya nya!"  She doesn't see the severity of the situation she's in, only that her man must love her more because he's only destroyed her property.  She's so damned childish I can't stand it.

I think Sheree brought it up first...which I thought was pretty low.  

I agree with you about Kenya being in denial.  But I think its very sad, and I think its that sort of reasoning.....this idea that a woman is somehow "at fault" for an abusive relationship...that will keep her from telling anyone when he does hit her.  Society does tend to judge women for staying in these relationships, even if our judgment is with their best interest at heart.  

And while I don't agree with Kenya's methods, these shows are all a powder keg of women fighting and bickering.  Almost every trip ends up with some sort of conflict.  Many of which get super heated.  I don't think its the way normal people operate, but there it is.  Production is busy creating situations and hoping for that powder keg explosion that justifies spending money on the trip.  I would probably want to know that if such a heated conflict does arise that there won't be someone there that is going to react violently.....no matter how mean, heated and angry the words are.

I also think that the conversation got off to a terrible start because Phaedra told Kenya that Porsha wanted to tell them all about anger management.  And never relayed that back to Porsha.  Frankly, I don't know why it was such a giant secret since at least one of her "sessions" was filmed for the show.  But either way, Porsha's insistence that she was in the right for her violent behavior isn't a sign that she has made any progress or change.  I don't even think Kenya initially came at her that hard, because as far as she knew Porsha wanted to talk about it.

Furthermore, Porsha may want to consider who the fake friend really is.  Phaedra told Kenya Porsha's business, knowing that they don't get along.  She also pretty much set Porsha up to be ambushed since she told Kenya that Porsha wanted to tell "all the girls" about it.

Edited by RealReality
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2 minutes ago, RealReality said:

 I don't even think Kenya initially came at her that hard, because as far as she knew Porsha wanted to talk about it.

Kenya's whole purpose for bringing up Porsha's anger management was to start trouble the way she always does.  She was not coming from a place of concern because we know damned well Kenya isn't afraid of Porsha.  She just wanted to start some shit and she got what she wanted.  I bet it really sticks in Kenya's craw that Porsha is still on the show period.  To me, Porsha isn't the person Kenya should be worried about.  Sheree CAN NOT STAND Kenya and will do everything possible to stick it to her every chance she gets.

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Just now, swankie said:

Kenya's whole purpose for bringing up Porsha's anger management was to start trouble the way she always does.  She was not coming from a place of concern because we know damned well Kenya isn't afraid of Porsha.  She just wanted to start some shit and she got what she wanted.  I bet it really sticks in Kenya's craw that Porsha is still on the show period.  To me, Porsha isn't the person Kenya should be worried about.  Sheree CAN NOT STAND Kenya and will do everything possible to stick it to her every chance she gets.

If that was the way she wanted it I don't think she would have come at her that subdued.  In fact, I thought she first said that she and Porsha had resolved their differences, to which Porsha, as usual, stuck to her "I didn't do anything wrong" routine.

As far as she knew Porsha wanted to talk about it, because that is what she was told.  So, I could see where Kenya had no idea it would set Porsha off.  I think that Kenya knows she isn't about to get involved in some physical fight, so if Porsha comes for her she is going to have to take another physical assault.  I don't know if she is afraid of it, but I think it would be more than reasonable if she was wary of it.  If you're not in a position to fight back against a violent person, it would be reasonable to be  concerned.  I think if Kenya was down to fight, it might be another story, but I don't think she would go there.

It might stick in Kenyas craw that Porsha got her job back, I know it would stick in mine if someone physically assaulted me and they didn't really suffer any consequences besides losing their job for a few seasons.  And frankly, it does Porsha no favors, because, as Kandi said, Porsha doesn't think she has a problem, and I think she has a bunch of enablers telling her that when she attacks someone its their fault and not hers.  And she will run into the wrong person one day, and end up really hurting someone, or she will get involved in a physical fight with someone who is bigger and nastier than her will really hurt her. 

As for Sheree, I don't know, she seems more like an information runner than anything else.  I'm not sure she really wields that much power right now.  And her storylines aren't particularly interesting.  Pot stirring on both sides, romance with Bob, and Cairo's modelling career all feel a little desperate.  The book is coming out, so maybe she will be a big time author and have a little more leverage.

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42 minutes ago, RealReality said:

As far as she knew Porsha wanted to talk about it, because that is what she was told.  So, I could see where Kenya had no idea it would set Porsha off.

I don't see why Kenya would think Porsha would want to talk about it since Porsha didn't bring it up at the Escape Room which is where Phaedra alluded that Porsha wanted to talk about it at.  It's no secret that Kenya can't stand Porsha and I think the whole conversation came up because Kenya doesn't want Porsha to go on any trips with them.  Her saying that she is afraid to go on a trip with Porsha is pure shade and that is the only reason Kenya brought it up.  She, like Kandi, doesn't believe Porsha is in Anger Management and just wanted to call Porsha out.  Just like she knew it would get a rise out of Porsha when she asked if she was on medication.  Do they even give you medication for anger management?  Kenya is forming a friendship with Phaedra and doesn't want Porsha on the trip because she knows that Phaedra and Porsha would be spending all of their time together away from Kenya.  That's my opinion anyway.

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10 minutes ago, swankie said:

I don't see why Kenya would think Porsha would want to talk about it since Porsha didn't bring it up at the Escape Room which is where Phaedra alluded that Porsha wanted to talk about it at.  It's no secret that Kenya can't stand Porsha and I think the whole conversation came up because Kenya doesn't want Porsha to go on any trips with them.  Her saying that she is afraid to go on a trip with Porsha is pure shade and that is the only reason Kenya brought it up.  She, like Kandi, doesn't believe Porsha is in Anger Management and just wanted to call Porsha out.  Just like she knew it would get a rise out of Porsha when she asked if she was on medication.  Do they even give you medication for anger management?  Kenya is forming a friendship with Phaedra and doesn't want Porsha on the trip because she knows that Phaedra and Porsha would be spending all of their time together away from Kenya.  That's my opinion anyway.

Because Kenya was explicitly told that Porsha wanted to talk about it.

The Escape Room was an activity, which wouldn't seem like the right place to have such a conversation.  While you're trying to figure out what clues you need to get out of there or whatever.  It seems like everyone left afterwards with the exception of Sheree and Kenya so there wasn't really a chance for them all to sit down and talk.

No matter why it was brought up, the fact remains that Phaedra added in that Porsha wanted to tell everyone about it.  Without really needing to do so.  She needed only to say that Porsha was in anger management and that it wouldn't be a problem.  And frankly, I think that would have been saying too much. But she made sure to tell Kenya that Porsha wanted to tell all the girls about it, and so I could see where it sounds legit.

Given Porsha's behavior, I don't think she is in anger management either.  They can give you medication for mood swings.

If Kenya has any concerns about Porsha being on the trip, I don't think it has anything to do with Phaedra.  As far as I know, for purposes of the show, Kenya is still in good with Cynthia, and Kandi (by default).  Porsha has a history of violence, and even worse...unrepentant violence.  She never thinks she is wrong for her behavior, and I'm sure every single incident of Porsha's violent behavior was "provoked" by someone else, and she was never, ever at fault.  I'm not sure I would want to be around someone like that in a high stress situation....which is exactly what these "vacations" turn into.

Edited by RealReality
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9 minutes ago, RealReality said:

The Escape Room was an activity, which wouldn't seem like the right place to have such a conversation.

The Escape Room is where Phaedra told Kenya that Porsha was going to tell them all about her anger management experience.


11 minutes ago, RealReality said:

It seems like everyone left afterwards with the exception of Sheree and Kenya so there wasn't really a chance for them all to sit down and talk.

Kenya expressed (I think in a talking head) that she wondered why Porsha never brought it up at the Escape Room activity since Phaedra said she would be talking about it there.  That's how Phaedra got Kenya to participate.

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1 minute ago, swankie said:

The Escape Room is where Phaedra told Kenya that Porsha was going to tell them all about her anger management experience.


Kenya expressed (I think in a talking head) that she wondered why Porsha never brought it up at the Escape Room activity since Phaedra said she would be talking about it there.  That's how Phaedra got Kenya to participate.

Assuming thats true, if the opportunity never came up at the Escape Room, that wouldn't particularly mean that she should assume Phaedra lied.  Talking about it at the event would make zero sense since they would be split up in two groups and everyone left after the activity.  Were I in the same position, I would simply think that the situation wasn't right, but a dinner put together by Phaedra, with all of them there, would be the right time to talk about it.

I don't think they had anything where they were all together with the exception of the pop up shop.  I think when they were discussing the pop-up shop, Cynthia wasn't there.

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