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S21.E04: Week 4: Nick's Hometown


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15 hours ago, yorklee2 said:

As if he was thinking "how could she kick a door down??" I've heard when anyone is extremely angry they have more strength than they normally would so I guess it's possible but I have trouble believing it.

It's possible.  I'm a lot smaller than Raven and I've done it in real life, not to catch a cheating ex, but to rescue my 3 year old nephew who locked himself in a room. 

I can understand being hurt and angry when you catch your boyfriend having sex with another woman, but there was absolutely no excuse for her to beat him with a stiletto.  She could've killed him.  No one is worth risking a prison sentence for. She should've told him it was over and left.  For a 25-year-old business owner, she is remarkably immature.  Most of these women have no business living on their own much less getting married. 

Edited by PhysNerd
Wanted to add more text
  • Love 4
7 hours ago, xtwheeler said:

 Sometimes I wonder what this show would be like if instead of these stupid producer plants we actually had women who really actually stood a chance, and each week the stakes were raised and the emotions deepened and it was harder and harder to say goodbye to someone with real potential. 

I recommend you watch season 1 (it's up on ABC's website).  I'm sure not everybody was there for the "right reasons," but there were no outright "villains" and certainly no annoying cartoonish people like Corinne.

6 hours ago, catrice2 said:

Nick with the tilting of the head and talking like the dummy that is in that scary Twilight Zone episode it is difficult for me to get interested or take him seriously. 

Great, now I'm never going to unsee this! :)

  • Love 1
22 minutes ago, ByTor said:

I recommend you watch season 1 (it's up on ABC's website).  I'm sure not everybody was there for the "right reasons," but there were no outright "villains" and certainly no annoying cartoonish people like Corinne.

Great, now I'm never going to unsee this! :)

Wow, that was so long ago, and it feels like a lifetime ago, doesn't it? I think I only watched the last episode of the first season, and then I watched Trista. It feels like an entirely different show. Thanks for the reminder--I'll go back! When do you think it changed to fame whore TV? 

ETA: thinking more about Raven's one woman play, "In Flagrante Delicto: He Thrusted Her," I'm feeling hella petty about the details. You did not see her vagina, Raven, unless I am greatly misunderstanding the mechanics of this situation. You may have laid eyes upon her vulva, but unless some very avant gard kink was going on, her vagina probably stayed neatly tucked away. 

I have to give her credit, though. It seems like very often the aggrieved partner goes after the interloper with zeal, when in fact, it was their boyfriend/girlfriend who betrayed them. 

Edited by xtwheeler
  • Love 11
7 hours ago, PhysNerd said:

It's possible.  I'm a lot smaller than Raven and I've done it in real life

I am all of 5' 1" and have kicked in a front door.  My own, when I went to take out trash and it locked behind me.  I could not believe how easy it was.  Being in PJs I had to get back in.  One swift kick near the door knob and it flew in along with the door frame.

Corinne had my favorite line of the night.  When what's-her-name was talking about emotional IQ - Corinne grabs her own breasts and asks if they were immature.   Hilarious.

  • Love 4

If indeed Raven did her crazy beatdown--that is one thing.  But it is the delight with which she wants to brag about it that so offensive and makes me suspicious about how true it is.    

Overall these girls need to mind their own business.    Corrine not showing up for the rose ceremony or even her sexual behaviour is none of their business.  (not saying they have to like it but she is who she is)  They should take NIck's responses for what it is also,   and not blame her if he's digging it.   Seriously--talk about "wrong reasons"-- if you think Nick is acting like a nasty dog then move on.  (although it's is obvious the producers turned  the very sexual Corrine loose on him and brought in the wedding hook-up girl to make Nick look like the 'bad boy" still) 

Bold of Vanessa to confront his behaviour and threaten to leave,  but she did stay.  He lost points for sure. I think she is there now 'for the win' only , even if she's not admitting it.   I think that is what has turned me off to her.  Very self-righteous--until push comes to shove.

Christina gives me the total creeps.  And so anxious to tell him about her dark,  difficult past.   She's pretty, but she is too anxious to discuss what she wants to brood about  (there is a Seinfeld episode.....)    I wouldn't want to be defined by my darkest most unhappy moments and because of the limited time  that is exactly what happens.  I am guessing that they think it makes them look "deep".  These women still buy--season after season-- that a sob story is somehow attractive.  

It brings to mind an episode of "The Office"  when Michael encouraged the staff to share their very saddest life stories.  They simply made them up,  borrowing from movies scripts just to go along.  I wouldn't mind if these girls would catch on and do the same.  (maybe Alexis the shark will. I think she gets the farce in all of this.)

Edited by seasick
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5 minutes ago, jumper sage said:

When what's-her-name was talking about emotional IQ - Corinne grabs her own breasts and asks if they were immature.   Hilarious.

Is Corinne performing satire? Because sometimes I get the feeling she is.

I was okay with Raven's story until she felt the need to say she saw that girl's vagina. Does that enhance the story in anyway besides from making it trashier?

Edited by waving feather
  • Love 3
9 hours ago, xtwheeler said:

Also, I think many non-Southerners might not know exactly how offensive a term "hillbilly" is.  It isn't synonymous with Southern.

Although many people seem outraged over this, I haven't actually heard anyone here use the term "hillbilly," except me.  Sorry if I started something, but I was referring to myself, saying that I hadn't wanted to judge Raven by her southern accent because, I myself had a bit of a West Virginia hillbilly accent.  I think I have the right to call myself a hillbilly if I want, and West Virginia is not part of The South.  We proudly fought on the Union side during the Civil War.  We are deeply imbedded in the Appalachian mountain range and that's where the hill in hillbilly comes from, many southerners don't meet those qualifications so don't have the right to call themselves hillbillies.  Some West Virginians don't like the term and prefer mountaineer, but I like the older term.

  • Love 8
2 hours ago, xtwheeler said:

 When do you think it changed to fame whore TV? 

I can't say this for sure, but I think it may have started after Melissa Rycroft got dumped on national TV.  Her getting dumped led to a gig on Entertainment Tonight, and I think contestants thought this could be their stepping stone to the big time.  I actually think contestants always thought that, but now they had proof it could happen.  This article is pretty funny "Fame Whore or Totally in Love"


45 minutes ago, seasick said:

They should take NIck's responses for what it is also,   and not blame her if he's digging it.   Seriously--talk about "wrong reasons"-- if you think Nick is acting like a nasty dog then move on.  

I love when a woman does her overtly sexual thing, followed by someone saying "This isn't what he's looking for."  I don't know if anyone else said it, but I know Taylor did.  Well, maybe that's exactly what he's looking for and not someone like Taylor (I mean he certainly never pulled away from Corinne & reciprocated the tongue action without protest), and if that's the case, as you said, move the hell on!

  • Love 3
26 minutes ago, wings707 said:

A pet peeve of mine is using the word vagina, an internal pathway, to describe a woman's genitals. This was born from some idiots thinking a woman needed a counterpart to penis.  Drives me nuts.  The word crotch works in most instances.

I thought I was the only one. I mean, you really can't see it in 99% of the cases in which someone says they can see it (Project Runway Nina I'm talking to you). 

  • Love 6
11 minutes ago, ByTor said:

I can't say this for sure, but I think it may have started after Melissa Rycroft got dumped on national TV.  Her getting dumped led to a gig on Entertainment Tonight, and I think contestants thought this could be their stepping stone to the big time.  I actually think contestants always thought that, but now they had proof it could happen. 

There was also the fact that on the Friday of the week of the televised dumping, someone on Dancing with the Stars got hurt and they needed someone to partner Tony on Monday.  Melissa had some dance training.  She was a reality star with a lot of good will due to the dumping.  And when she did that magical waltz as her first dance and then came across so charmingly all throughout her run on DWTS, that's how she got the other gigs.  She didn't even have an agent when she went on DWTS.  All those other delusional wannabees forget the stars aligned for Melissa.  That's not something that you can force, especially now with the glut of wannabees.

And to bring this back to this season:  I agree, Corrine's "do you think these are immature" was hilarious.

  • Love 2
9 minutes ago, dleighg said:

I thought I was the only one. I mean, you really can't see it in 99% of the cases in which someone says they can see it (Project Runway Nina I'm talking to you). 

This takes me way back to an old Oprah show.   The guest was a shy young woman who had been born without a vagina.  A woman in the audience stood up and asked her how she peed.  It's the only time I've ever seen Oprah stumped for words. You just knew she wanted to say, "How can you be this stupid about your own body?"

  • Love 4

I need to correct something here.  "Do you think this is imma-chure," is the proper pronunciation.  

This will help explain more about Corinne.  ;^) 


And there is more still!


  • Love 1
18 minutes ago, wings707 said:

I need to correct something here.  "Do you think this is imma-chure," is the proper pronunciation.  

This will help explain more about Corinne.  ;^) 


And there is more still!


Dear God, that second article (or blog post, rather) is obnoxious. 

But good for her mom for not putting up with people harassing her over the show, that's complete bullshit. I have to wonder who these people are who see someone they don't like on a tv show and feel the need to "punish" them IRL, but apparently there are an awful lot of them. 

As far as whether or not Corinne is faking, that seems like an obvious yes. Even her voice changes when she's making a deliberately stupid/outrageous comment (like talking about shoveling "the poopy" in this last one). Her villain status started with the looks and comments she was throwing out during the intro party and her reactions to Brittany looking sexier at the photoshoot. Those reactions appeared to be 100% genuine and all the nonsense in these last few episodes seems to be utter bullshit and getting more tiresome by the day. Please just have the big villain showdown and get this over with. 

  • Love 1
22 hours ago, Kbilly said:

A blog I read compared Vanessa to the actress Nancy Travis and now I can't unsee it!

And now I can't unsee it either!

21 hours ago, saltycheese said:

Vanessa is beginning to bug me.

I go back and forth on her. I really did not like her at all until her one-on-one date ep. I really enjoyed her all throughout that ep. But she tends to veer into self-righteousness and arrogance too much for me, so I still can't fully love her.

20 hours ago, ljenkins782 said:

His best moments are really when he's just kicking back, that's part of why he was so appealing in BiP. He spent most of his time just hanging out making snarky comments and observations. That's why I like his scenes with Alexis, there's no future there, they both know it and they don't have to force anything.


18 hours ago, ribboninthesky1 said:

I miss the days when women chose to leave.  Because...you know you don't have to stay, right? That goes for all the whiners. 

I kept saying this to the TV when they were all, "If Corinne gets a rose I'm going to leave!" And then she got a rose and yet none of them left. I was really hoping someone was going to actually do it!

2 hours ago, waving feather said:

Is Corinne performing satire? Because sometimes I get the feeling she is.

I always get the feeling she is. That's why I enjoy her.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 4

It is clear that women who are cast have seen the show but some are not aware of production manipulation.  I think Vanessa did some research since she is not bothered by Corinne.  Her calm chat with Nick basically said, you are overdoing it, what am I to think?  Could it be that this is only fun for you and not a serious search for a lasting relationship.  


When I look at Raven from the neck up, she looks to me like a little person.  Not sure why.

@rebel2u.  Now that you mention it, I can see that.  Little people often have wide set eyes and a distinct mouth shape. 

3 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:
  20 hours ago, ljenkins782 said:

His best moments are really when he's just kicking back, that's part of why he was so appealing in BiP. He spent most of his time just hanging out making snarky comments and observations. That's why I like his scenes with Alexis, there's no future there, they both know it and they don't have to force anything.

Totally agree.  Being the lead changes the role you have to play.  On BiP there are zero expectations from production and no format.  

I have not warmed to Vanessa either.  On another board her friends posted fabulous things about her before the season started.  Well liked, nice, genuine, loving, generous etc, so she is probably not as aloof as she presents.  I have an open mind.  

Raven was my favorite until her assault story.  I don't even know who the rest of them are.  I multi task as I watch with liberal FF.  I will pay more attention when the crowd thins.  

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And to me, Nick's interactions with Alexis is exactly why I don't buy this sleazy, man-slut who is only interested in sex that some like to paint him as. Guys like that rarely have female friendships because they view women as only sexual objects. But Nick has a lot of female friends, who are just his friends and according to people who have known him his whole life, that is not new. 

And just in terms of people who've been on the show, he's close friends with Sharleen and her fiance (and this despite the fact that Sharleen stayed close to Andi and she and Nick met after Andi's season and the infamous ATFR bombshell) and most of the women who were on BIP this summer came to adore him. Jubilee, the twins, etc. all call him a great big brother.

Even Caila who he criticized a bit for being too nice, sort of agreed with him that she was too polite all the time and talked about a conversation they had while they were filming BIP, where he told her it was okay to have a "zero fucks moment at least once."

It's obvious that Alexis is completely friend-zoned but to me it's more awesome that he's kept her around simply because he likes hanging around her despite the fact that he has no romantic interest her. Every time I see scenes with Nick and Alexis, I picture them being awesome buds in real life who would have a blast getting a beer together. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
  • Love 7

I have no sympathy for Corinne or her stupid sounding mother.  If your desire to be famous is so overwhelming that you're willing to go on national TV and act like a slutty idiot, just to stand out,  then you should be prepared to take the equally well known consequences of some percentage of the population thinking you really are a slutty idiot. 

  • Love 15

And to me, Nick's interactions with Alexis is exactly why I don't buy this sleazy, man-slut who is only interested in sex that some like to paint him as. Guys like that rarely have female friendships because they view women as only sexual objects. But Nick has a lot of female friends, who are just his friends and according to people who have known him his whole life, that is not new. 


There is an Alexis on this show?

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1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

I kept saying this to the TV when they were all, "If Corinne gets a rose I'm going to leave!" And then she got a rose and yet none of them left. I was really hoping someone was going to actually do it!

I wanted just one of them to walk up to him at the end of the rose ceremony and give him their rose back. Now, that would be "shocking" since most of them are there hoping to get another bach gig. But damn, talk about getting your name out there! Come on fame whores, one of you has to have figured out how much buzz that would get.

50 minutes ago, truthaboutluv said:

It's obvious that Alexis is completely friend-zoned but to me it's more awesome that he's kept her around simply because he likes hanging around her despite the fact that he has no romantic interest her.

This I love about Nick. He's not looking at the women as "these are the ones I want to bang and these are the ones I can dump". He seems to look at them as actual people. He's clearly not romantically interested in Alexis at all but he enjoys her company. I want to go out for a drink with the two of them.

Corinne isn't an evil genius she's a moron. Sure, she's famous now, but she's famous for being dumb and horny. Great business reputation she's gonna have after this. hahahaha

I agree that Vanessa is coming off a bit aloof, but I wonder if part of that is that she is being VERY careful about how the show can edit her. She seems to understand that a bad edit on the show could hurt her in real life. If she doesn't want media whoring to be her career, she is wise to be cautious.

  • Love 5

Is Vanessa really being that careful though? In that conversation with Nick, how many times did the editors have to bleep her? And I don't know why they bothered because even with the bleeping, I could still tell every time she said fuck or shit. Girl clearly seems to have quite the potty mouth.

Edited by truthaboutluv
  • Love 3
45 minutes ago, JudyObscure said:

I have no sympathy for Corinne or her stupid sounding mother.  If your desire to be famous is so overwhelming that you're willing to go on national TV and act like a slutty idiot, just to stand out,  then you should be prepared to take the equally well known consequences of some percentage of the population thinking you really are a slutty idiot. 

I have no problem with people thinking she's a slutty idiot (and think that myself, in fact), but I have a serious problem with people looking up her mom's phone number to call and tell her that. That speaks far worse of the people doing it than it does on either Corinne or her mom. 


I agree that Vanessa is coming off a bit aloof, but I wonder if part of that is that she is being VERY careful about how the show can edit her. She seems to understand that a bad edit on the show could hurt her in real life. If she doesn't want media whoring to be her career, she is wise to be cautious.

She's a teacher, right? If she plans to remain one, she can't afford to make a complete fool of herself. Though being on the show at all seems like a dangerous choice, I would be weirded out if my child's teacher showed up on a show like this. 

  • Love 4
20 hours ago, truthaboutluv said:

But during what was a pool party where he was supposed to be hanging out with the women, he went off in a freaking pink princess bouncy castle, jumping around with a drunk 24 year old, who was then grinding on him as he kissed her. I like Nick but he looked like a creepy idiot in that scene with Corinne and most people on here have said the two of them together is kind of creepy because she looks like an oversexed child. So what was so wrong in Vanessa addressing Nick directly about the situation because it bothered her?

For one thing, I didn't perceive the bouncy castle thing as that big of a deal.  Nick going off to bounce around with Corinne isn't that much different than any other time someone pulls him off to the side for X amount of time, IMO.  The other women actively sought them out and were watching them. So I already differ in perspective in this context.  Nick is shown kissing at least one other woman at that pool party. I've never been a Nick fan, but it's not like he was actively groping Corinne in front of other women. Viewers have seen Nick actively groping someone - he was all over Danielle, even massaging her ass, when they were alone after the BSB group date. (Which, as an aside, I wonder how the F1 feels after seeing that...)

With Vanessa specifically, she went beyond being bothered, and told him if he was just there for someone to fuck around with, then don't give her a rose.  If you feel that strongly about a 2-second interaction (Vanessa's words) between two people you barely know in an environment where he's interacting with several other women in a physically intimate way, then maybe you need to stop the passive-aggressiveness and...not accept a rose. If you feel Nick was inappropriate, fair enough, no one's making you stay.  Besides, Nick had no explanation beyond "be patient with me regarding Corinne."  Not exactly an example of being accountable. And he kept her on anyway, at least for the moment. 

7 hours ago, xtwheeler said:

ETA: thinking more about Raven's one woman play, "In Flagrante Delicto: He Thrusted Her," I'm feeling hella petty about the details. You did not see her vagina, Raven, unless I am greatly misunderstanding the mechanics of this situation. You may have laid eyes upon her vulva, but unless some very avant gard kink was going on, her vagina probably stayed neatly tucked away. 

Ha! Yes, Raven doesn't strike me as one aware of the nuances of female genitalia. 

Edited by ribboninthesky1
  • Love 3
34 minutes ago, ljenkins782 said:

I have no problem with people thinking she's a slutty idiot (and think that myself, in fact), but I have a serious problem with people looking up her mom's phone number to call and tell her that. That speaks far worse of the people doing it than it does on either Corinne or her mom. 

That is way over the line. I mean, she might be a moron but she's not hurting anyone. She's the least villainous "villain" the show has had. She's just kind of a blow up doll. I couldn't be bothered finding anything out about her real life and will forget about her once she's off my screen. People who would bother to look up her family and harass them are far more villainous than she is. She's barely even that mean to the others. I think she's too self involved to actually be bitchy.

It's kind of like with Taylor. Yes, Corinne is freaking annoying, and I, too, would be pissed if I had to stand there for hours during the rose ceremony while she got a free pass to go off and take a nap. But Taylor's constant harping on her, and analyzing her is making Taylor look bad, not Corinne. Honestly, if it came down to Corinne or Taylor, I hope Corinne stays. At least she isn't on a witch hunt.

But, for me at least, it always goes this way. I hate one girl because she's selfish, or an idiot, or just mean but then all the other women hate on her and there's always one who just won't let it go, to the point that I start hating her more for not dropping it because maybe if Taylor hadn't made Corinne her enemy, the whole thing would die down. It's not Corinne's antics but how the others are reacting to it that is making production salivated. If they'd all seen the whole bouncy house thing, shrugged and went and played in the pool we probably wouldn't have the Corinne storyline we have now. Stop giving her EXACTLY what she wants people!!!!! (people on the show, not you all.)

  • Love 7
51 minutes ago, ljenkins782 said:

I have no problem with people thinking she's a slutty idiot (and think that myself, in fact), but I have a serious problem with people looking up her mom's phone number to call and tell her that. That speaks far worse of the people doing it than it does on either Corinne or her mom. 

Of course.  I thought that went without saying.  What I was saying is that Corinne and her mother are presenting themselves as oh so media savvy about reality shows and their villains, so part of that cleverness should have included an awareness of the risks that go along with playing that part.  This is not new. Every single year unpopular people on Big Brother get death threats and many of them have made less of a deliberate target of themselves than Corinne is doing.  Corinne  seemed to think, "Oh boy! I'm going to go on The Bachelor and be the sexy little vixen that all the other girls are jealous of and the whole world is going to love me and give my own sit-com!"  Instead she got what Michelle Money, Courtney, Tierra and Oliva got.  Haters.  Why did she think she would be exempt?

  • Love 8

With Vanessa specifically, she went beyond being bothered, and told him if he was just there for someone to fuck around with, then don't give her a rose.  If you feel that strongly about a 2-second interaction (Vanessa's words) between two people you barely know in an environment where he's interacting with several other women in a physically intimate way, then maybe you need to stop the passive-aggressiveness and...not accept a rose. If you feel Nick was inappropriate, fair enough, no one's making you stay.  Besides, Nick had no explanation beyond "be patient with me regarding Corinne."  Not exactly an example of being accountable. And he kept her on anyway, at least for the moment. 

I don't want to turn this into a back and forth, so we can agree to disagree. But I will just say that where I'm confused is the sentiment that Vanessa was somehow annoying to say anything at all to Nick. I find it interesting that you say she was being passive aggressive because I found her the complete opposite of that in that she was upset about something and she addressed it with him clearly and immediately. 

She went to him, stated very clearly that he himself had shared his concerns about what people would think about his actions and as she said, following that, his actions with Corinne confused her. And considering Nick full on cried during his 1 on 1 with Vanessa, talking about how afraid he was that the whole thing would not work out, I understood where she was coming from in that sense. Because it's clear he'd been vulnerable with her and then in her mind, he follows that up by acting not like someone looking for a wife. 

Fair play if some disagree and didn't see the bouncy house activity as that big of a deal. But to her, it wasn't consistent with someone so vulnerable and afraid of the whole thing not working out for him. So she addressed that with him. Like I said, I don't disagree that all of these people are ridiculous for coming onto this show, which is why I've never agreed with the whole, "this or that person is too good for the lead" stuff. That said, I just don't get why someone would be judged for addressing her concerns and feelings to the lead. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
  • Love 6
2 hours ago, truthaboutluv said:

And to me, Nick's interactions with Alexis is exactly why I don't buy this sleazy, man-slut who is only interested in sex that some like to paint him as. Guys like that rarely have female friendships because they view women as only sexual objects. But Nick has a lot of female friends, who are just his friends and according to people who have known him his whole life, that is not new. 

Obviously since I don't know Nick I can't say whether he is or isn't a man-whore, but I definitely think men that see women as sexual objects could have female friends...friends with the ones they're not attracted to, bang the ones they are.  JMO, of course.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, truthaboutluv said:

Is Vanessa really being that careful though? In that conversation with Nick, how many times did the editors have to bleep her? And I don't know why they bothered because even with the bleeping, I could still tell every time she said fuck or shit. Girl clearly seems to have quite the potty mouth.

She's Canadian. We swear like sailors up here, and most people don't find it particularly bothersome, so it may not even occur to her that that would be a problem among adults.

Disclaimer: obviously, this is a generalization, and some don't swear so much and are bothered by it, but I have read more than once that, as a nation, we use casual profanity a lot more than many other countries. Certainly more than Americans do.

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, truthaboutluv said:

Is Vanessa really being that careful though? In that conversation with Nick, how many times did the editors have to bleep her? And I don't know why they bothered because even with the bleeping, I could still tell every time she said fuck or shit. Girl clearly seems to have quite the potty mouth.

I use swear words often as many Americans do @kingshearte!  Doesn't bother me at all.  

Some are offended by it, eh.   Not my job to change my behavior to suit others.   That said, clearly there are places where I don't feel comfortable using "bad" words.  It is all about reading the room. 

3 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

I have no sympathy for Corinne or her stupid sounding mother.  If your desire to be famous is so overwhelming that you're willing to go on national TV and act like a slutty idiot, just to stand out,  then you should be prepared to take the equally well known consequences of some percentage of the population thinking you really are a slutty idiot. 

Or not care what others think.  :^)

  • Love 1
16 hours ago, Superpole2000 said:

I can't recall ever being in a situation where I had to tell my date to not expose her nipples, so it's hard to say what would be normal. If I truly cared about my date, though, I would be mortified for her and block her from the audience's view and alert her to the problem. But that's modest old me. Clearly these two famewhoring exhibitionists didn't consider it much of a problem at all.

I have a beef with the editors for thinking ~30 minutes of Corinne per episode is a good use of time. The show is already tough enough to slog through without all of that irritating fake stuff. I really hope they will change this for future seasons. I can't imagine too many viewers are tuning in because of Corinne...more likely that they are tuning in despite Corinne.

That's what I mean. How could he see that and then just ignore it?  I'd think the natural reaction would be to tell her that she was completely exposed or shield her. Is it possible that he was so far into his own little world that he didn't even notice? 

The amount of time they spend on Corrine is way above and beyond the time spent on Chad. I wonder if maybe next season they will just rename the show. It's now all about how long the villain can keep getting roses and how ridiculous can we make the villain character. It's so obvious that they're making Nick keep Corinne. I don't think they made JoJo keep Chad. Will they make the Bachelorette actually let her villain propose? Seriously, what's next? This show is evolving into something unrecognizable. 

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On 1/26/2017 at 9:23 AM, JudyObscure said:

Although many people seem outraged over this, I haven't actually heard anyone here use the term "hillbilly," except me.  Sorry if I started something, but I was referring to myself, saying that I hadn't wanted to judge Raven by her southern accent because, I myself had a bit of a West Virginia hillbilly accent.  I think I have the right to call myself a hillbilly if I want, and West Virginia is not part of The South.  We proudly fought on the Union side during the Civil War.  We are deeply imbedded in the Appalachian mountain range and that's where the hill in hillbilly comes from, many southerners don't meet those qualifications so don't have the right to call themselves hillbillies.  Some West Virginians don't like the term and prefer mountaineer, but I like the older term.

Actually you weren't the only one. @RibbonInTheSky said on page 2:

I also thought the term hillbilly was used to describe those in rural areas, particularly the Appalachian region.

Then @Lemons said also on page 2:

To me she had a typical southern hillbilly accent that went along perfectly with that story.

 I was one of those who got upset over it and I think rightly so. Your post did not because I think Raven did act trashy with her language and the actions she described. She played right into the stereotype. But when people talk about our "culture" in negative terms and veer into labeling a whole population on the actions of a few that's not fair. Now maybe they were talking more specifically of a small group of Raven's inner circle but words can be powerful and need to be specific and chosen wisely.

Yes you have that right to call yourself a hillbilly but I suspect that you know being from Appalachia that we use that term fondly with each other. Like, "your darn right I'm a hillbilly and proud of it" as a way of loving and celebrating who we are. But for the most part that term is almost always used negatively from anyone outside this region. I have personally had that experience which I'm sure has made me more touchy on the subject but I have seen it in movies, television, and print also. 

I agree that the term hillbilly is supposed to be specific to Appalachia but many people just lump the whole south into that term, for example Raven. Arkansas is not Appalachia. If anyone would like to know more about our "culture" I suggest the author Sharyn McCrumb a New York Times bestseller. Specifically her "ballad series". Great storytelling and very accurate. 

Edit: Also east Tennessee was predominately Union during the Civil War even though the state had succeeded. Slaves were very rare as we didn't have big plantations, agriculture and cotton fields as the middle and west part of the state. We just wanted to be left alone to live our lives and didn't want the war. 

Edited by yorklee2
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2 hours ago, ribboninthesky1 said:

For one thing, I didn't perceive the bouncy castle thing as that big of a deal.  Nick going off to bounce around with Corinne isn't that much different than any other time someone pulls him off to the side for X amount of time, IMO.  The other women actively sought them out and were watching them. So I already differ in perspective in this context.  Nick is shown kissing at least one other woman at that pool party. I've never been a Nick fan, but it's not like he was actively groping Corinne in front of other women. Viewers have seen Nick actively groping someone - he was all over Danielle, even massaging her ass, when they were alone after the BSB group date. (Which, as an aside, I wonder how the F1 feels after seeing that...)

With Vanessa specifically, she went beyond being bothered, and told him if he was just there for someone to fuck around with, then don't give her a rose.  If you feel that strongly about a 2-second interaction (Vanessa's words) between two people you barely know in an environment where he's interacting with several other women in a physically intimate way, then maybe you need to stop the passive-aggressiveness and...not accept a rose. If you feel Nick was inappropriate, fair enough, no one's making you stay.  Besides, Nick had no explanation beyond "be patient with me regarding Corinne."  Not exactly an example of being accountable. And he kept her on anyway, at least for the moment. 

Ha! Yes, Raven doesn't strike me as one aware of the nuances of female genitalia. 

I think the problem regarding Bouncy Castlegate is that there was a bouncy castle set up for Corinne in the first place. The producers then told the women to go watch and comment. They may not have ever noticed if the producers weren't behind the situation. Maybe if it wasn't so planned just for Corrine, it wouldn't have made as much impact. 

I've said before I think, "Be patient with me regarding Corinne" was code for "producers are making me keep her so I have to act like I'm all about it". I think Vanessa knows that they're making him keep her but she's pissed because she thinks he's going too far with his acting. 

I don't like Vanessa but I predicted that she was the winner while I was watching episode one. We'll see if I'm right but I know I'm not the only one who thinks she's getting the best edit. 

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I'm sick of the Madonna/Whore edits.

This show is going to be so boring once Corinne and Alexis (not a whore! or a Madonna-contender) go. 

Corinne is pulling out all the stops. I always love the ones I deem the borderlines - but I think what they did to Olivia last season was unreasonably cruel, and as soon as they started featuring Corinne so heavily I thought, oh, no, here we go again, this will not end well with her on the other side of the screen, poor thing. But she lights up the screen (a little too often for my liking), as does Alexis.

I never liked Nick much but he seems almost a human when he's laughing with Alexis, and if he's just people-pleasing his minders with Corinne, suddenly he turned into a halfway decent actor, also.

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4 hours ago, truthaboutluv said:

It's obvious that Alexis is completely friend-zoned but to me it's more awesome that he's kept her around simply because he likes hanging around her despite the fact that he has no romantic interest her. Every time I see scenes with Nick and Alexis, I picture them being awesome buds in real life who would have a blast getting a beer together. 

I care more about him and Alexis continuing to be friends than I do about him marrying whomever he chooses tbh. 

3 hours ago, truthaboutluv said:

[Vanessa] clearly seems to have quite the potty mouth.

And this is one reason why I can't fully hate her!

2 hours ago, ribboninthesky1 said:

For one thing, I didn't perceive the bouncy castle thing as that big of a deal.  Nick going off to bounce around with Corinne isn't that much different than any other time someone pulls him off to the side for X amount of time, IMO.  The other women actively sought them out and were watching them. So I already differ in perspective in this context.  Nick is shown kissing at least one other woman at that pool party. I've never been a Nick fan, but it's not like he was actively groping Corinne in front of other women. Viewers have seen Nick actively groping someone - he was all over Danielle, even massaging her ass, when they were alone after the BSB group date. (Which, as an aside, I wonder how the F1 feels after seeing that...)

This, this, this!

Edited by peachmangosteen

What I don't really get, unless the show is now literally scripted, is why didn't any of these women go jump into the bouncy house and ruin Corinne's "evil plan". I have seen contestants interrupt plenty of "private" moments during the parties. The most similar case would be when the lead is alone in a hot up with one of the contestants and someone else comes over and climbs in. Were they told they could NOT go in the bouncy house? Did it have a lock on the door? (I kind of hope that was the case because I love the idea that C actually trapped Nick in there haha.)

I honestly think the jealously regarding Corinne is not that she's all over Nick but that she apparently doesn't have to play by the rules. She gets to do whatever she wants and is protected by "production" because she's supposedly good tv while they have to be careful or they will get booted.

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3 minutes ago, Mabinogia said:

I honestly think the jealously regarding Corinne is not that she's all over Nick but that she apparently doesn't have to play by the rules. She gets to do whatever she wants and is protected by "production" because she's supposedly good tv while they have to be careful or they will get booted.

Sharleen stated something to that effect in her recap. You can read it here

Edited by truthaboutluv
5 minutes ago, Mabinogia said:

What I don't really get, unless the show is now literally scripted, is why didn't any of these women go jump into the bouncy house and ruin Corinne's "evil plan". I have seen contestants interrupt plenty of "private" moments during the parties. The most similar case would be when the lead is alone in a hot up with one of the contestants and someone else comes over and climbs in. Were they told they could NOT go in the bouncy house? Did it have a lock on the door? (I kind of hope that was the case because I love the idea that C actually trapped Nick in there haha.)

I honestly think the jealously regarding Corinne is not that she's all over Nick but that she apparently doesn't have to play by the rules. She gets to do whatever she wants and is protected by "production" because she's supposedly good tv while they have to be careful or they will get booted.

The bouncy house was outside of the gate conveniently placed right under the balcony. My guess is that the gate was locked. I do think a lot of the problem is that the other women are watching the producers cater to Corinne. 

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10 minutes ago, Nowhere said:

The bouncy house was outside of the gate conveniently placed right under the balcony. My guess is that the gate was locked.

That is a level of producer manipulation I don't like. I get they are making a tv show and need drama, but IDK, I don't like the producers playing favorites like that. I know they play favorites as far as editing and who gets the most screen time, but this is a level too far for me. I have a very strong justice streak. It makes me angry and miserable most of the time.

If I were on the show (because clearly I had done something terrible and the judge thought this would be a fate worse than jail for me, which it would) and saw that kind of favoritism I would leave, or do everything in my power to get kicked off. And I'd go down in a blaze of glory too. LOL

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As far as I know, regarding Nick and Jubilee, he made a few complimentary comments about her during Ben's season when he was a guest on the Afterbuzz show and on the first episode of BIP, when mentioning women he would be interested in meeting there, he mentioned her name. But I really don't think there anything more than that really.

Edited by truthaboutluv
7 minutes ago, catrice2 said:

How do we know this? Were they even on the same show? 

They were on Bachelor in Paradise together.  I THINK he asked her on a date?

2 hours ago, Mabinogia said:

 Were they told they could NOT go in the bouncy house? Did it have a lock on the door? (I kind of hope that was the case because I love the idea that C actually trapped Nick in there haha.)

If it were the case I'm sure Raven would have no problem kicking it open.

I think it's funny how often the word "bouncy house" is being peppered throughout conversations on the show among adult women.

Edited by ByTor
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