Sew Sumi January 19, 2017 Share January 19, 2017 But later, when Jinger showed each dress, Mechelle was seated there front and center next to Jessa. Shouldn't she gave walked out ahead of her, or maybe they seated her before the big reveals? I only ask because on the bridal shows, the rep comes out to introduce the bride. 5 Link to comment
woodscommaelle January 19, 2017 Share January 19, 2017 Did Jessa say she needed to get back into 'motherhood' mode or something now that she's having her second? Shouldn't she always be in motherhood mode, considering she's, um, a mother?!?!?!? 13 Link to comment
Marigold January 19, 2017 Share January 19, 2017 Jinger had different nail polish on during the dress shop segment. When she walked in and was chatting with Renee at the desk, she had on tan-brown nail polish. I noticed because I thought it was an ugly color for wedding dress shopping. When she tried on the dresses, it was a white color (very bridal looking). They stopped for a manicure? Was this even filmed on the same day????? I think that is why it was so choppy with Michelle going in with Jinger and then Jinger appearing with Michelle comfortably seated for the reveal. On 1/19/2017 at 2:45 PM, lulu69 said: I'm wondering if TLC actually plans to reveal Derick's medical problem or if it's just a promo tease to pull in viewers. Not that I want the guy to be deathly ill or anything, but if he's at the dr for a run of the mill cold, vaccination or simple check up I'm going to be pissed. Expand We know the producers read here...they know we are concerned otherwise this would not be on the show at all. 2 Link to comment
Natalie68 January 19, 2017 Share January 19, 2017 On 1/16/2017 at 4:43 PM, bigskygirl said: Quote In the season premiere, the Duggars go to Washington, D.C., to look for Jinger's wedding dress when her nuptials are just three months away Expand Expand Geez I musta missed this. I forgot it was starting. Guess I am On Demanding it Saturday night while Mr. Natalie, otherwise known as my headship, is working. Dang it! On second thought, should I bother or just read here? All I am seeing so far are references to greasy hair. As an ex hairdresser greasy hair makes me irrationally icked out. 3 Link to comment
Natalie68 January 19, 2017 Share January 19, 2017 On 1/17/2017 at 4:45 AM, Arwen Evenstar said: Something is off about Jilly Muffin. Even when she smiles or laughs, she still looks so sad. She really does look like a sad limpet. Expand I was wondering something. I read some stupid interview with her and she said she doesn't *think* they have Zika. What do you mean you THINK you don't have it? Anyhoo, he's sick, sounds like she had some issues (from the article), there was some horrendous thing that happened that drew the parents to DA. Neither one have smiley eyes anymore, they have been posting strange pro life stuff, and she is pregnant. Wonder if they ARE sick, this baby might have problems, but they aren't saying anything yet. (now the snark comes out) Cause you know JB won't let them say anything until they get another season secured with TLC. Heading into the prayer closet if anyone wants some choc truffles! 5 Link to comment
Absolom January 19, 2017 Share January 19, 2017 On 1/19/2017 at 6:11 AM, Sew Sumi said: I don't think anyone posted ratings: 1.259 M and a .37 rating So, just a tick above their average for last season, not counting the wedding. Expand Read up. :) I did as soon as I got home. 2 Link to comment
DangerousMinds January 19, 2017 Share January 19, 2017 They would probably have to go to a legitimate MD to get a definitive test for Zika. And that's unlikely. 2 Link to comment
Natalie68 January 19, 2017 Share January 19, 2017 On 1/18/2017 at 2:55 AM, woodscommaelle said: When the designer asked who was in charge of the train and it was Jana, she (Jana) made sure Joy knew she wasn't doing this shit alone. Three other bridesmaids were GOING to help. Hah! Go Jana. I think Ben was either embarrassed or shocked/surprised when Jessa said her taking the kids for a drive was selfish (bc she didn't want to paint). Or he was thinking 'what.a.bitch.' I had to stop watching for a few minutes. Jeremy's dad reminded me of mine (religions aside though). He just seemed so kind and gentle. A sensitive soul. That was just like my dad. And he LOOKED like him too. ? When Jessa and jinger had their little fashion commercial...was jinger's favorite the outfit she was wearing when Jeremy proposed? Each wedding dress looked exactly the same to me. Also, I would never want my dress to be described as 'cute.' Was Jessa always so nasally? She sounds so stuffed up...just like Ben. Allergies? Maybe I just never noticed. Expand Could be that they didn't get rid of all the mold in the Mold House. 1 Link to comment
Sew Sumi January 19, 2017 Share January 19, 2017 On 1/19/2017 at 6:14 PM, Absolom said: Read up. :) I did as soon as I got home. Expand Strange, since I know how to go to the last post I read. Oh well, someone else may miss one or the other, so we have our bases covered. :) On 1/19/2017 at 6:17 PM, Natalie68 said: Could be that they didn't get rid of all the mold in the Mold House. Expand They'd have to pay real money for that. And we know what it takes to pry open Boob's wallet. 3 Link to comment
Marigold January 19, 2017 Share January 19, 2017 When you are pregnant, your nasal passages can swell...sniffly etc. 3 Link to comment
Absolom January 19, 2017 Share January 19, 2017 On 1/19/2017 at 6:27 PM, Sew Sumi said: Strange, since I know how to go to the last post I read. Oh well, someone else may miss one or the other, so we have our bases covered. :) Expand One thing I have learned about this forum software is that it does not perform 100% as expected. Some posts show up late and it doesn't always go to the last post even though it puts a box around it. I routinely have to look three or four up to make sure I don't miss something. 4 Link to comment
LittlePeas3 January 19, 2017 Share January 19, 2017 Am watching this while eating my breakfast, omg I want to throw my cereal at the stupid dress designer, deep hard questions? Really? She is so annoying! 3 Link to comment
Christina87 January 19, 2017 Share January 19, 2017 On 1/19/2017 at 1:11 PM, DangerousMinds said: If Derick were to become disabled and unable to work, would Jilly actually have to get a job? I really think Derick married her hoping she would have some kind of career (midwife). He was supportive of her finishing her "studies." Expand You know, I have actually always suspected this. Derick comes from a family of working women, and his mom likely was their sole supporter for at least a little while after his dad died. He seems pragmatic enough to realize that it will be hard to have unlimited kids on one income, and maybe he even sees midwifery (rightly or wrongly) as a career Jill could have while still spending most of her time with her own kids, unlike a traditional 9 to 5. He may have been shocked that Jill insisted on tagging along everywhere when he worked at Walmart, because he has mostly been around driven and independent women his whole life. Maybe he realized he'd never be able to support 19 kids on his own, and thus turned to grifting. The sad thing is, these issues will never get fixed, because it seems Jill and derick have extremely different views and goals, but neither will bring them up in a healthy way and instead have all this passive-aggressive crap going on. I imagine life with them as a daily struggle of wills! 10 Link to comment
louannems January 19, 2017 Share January 19, 2017 Jill doesn't have any ideas or goals of her own. At their anniversary dinner, Derick asked Jill what her goals are for the next year. Jill couldn't think of a single one. She just said "I hope they're the same as yours'. 9 Link to comment
lookeyloo January 20, 2017 Share January 20, 2017 I think if anything happens to Derick then Jill and the Dullard babes would be absorbed back into the Duggar compound, kind of like Anna was when Joshley was away. 10 Link to comment
BitterApple January 20, 2017 Share January 20, 2017 On 1/20/2017 at 12:00 AM, lookeyloo said: I think if anything happens to Derick then Jill and the Dullard babes would be absorbed back into the Duggar compound, kind of like Anna was when Joshley was away. Expand And if that happened I'm sure Jilly Muffin would be very upset *wink, wink.* 7 Link to comment
woodscommaelle January 20, 2017 Share January 20, 2017 At one point when Jessa was feeding Spurgeon she called him 'Sonny/Sunny.' That would be such a cute nickname for him. 3 Link to comment
louannems January 20, 2017 Share January 20, 2017 On 1/20/2017 at 1:30 AM, woodscommaelle said: At one point when Jessa was feeding Spurgeon she called him 'Sonny/Sunny.' That would be such a cute nickname for him. Expand When Spurgie was sweating/crying in his stroller at the painting place, Jessa told him, " Don't cry, Sonny". Sonny is definitely nicer than Spurgie! 6 Link to comment
Christina87 January 20, 2017 Share January 20, 2017 I just realized that in the scene where all the girls are in the bedroom packing for the trip, that skirt on Jill that has to be LuLaRoe!!! those of you on the TM2 message board know how annoying I personally find MLM's (in most cases), but Jill may actually be a good candidate for that line of work! She could contribute SOMETHING to her family of two non-working adults and soon to be two kids. She could probably make a decent amount through the leghumpers, and unlike TM2's Leah, I think she has the intelligence and organizational skills to do it. She doesn't have the hustle to go out and actually find customers without her built-in base, but she DOES have the annoying, persistent personality that is required to hound people, and the capacity for total brainwashing. I could see her passionately explaining why this product is toooootally the best thing ever! We've seen how great she is at spouting off about why everyone should live her exact lifestyle. Now spout off about why they need those maxi skirts in their life! i think I may have found Jill a career. She can thank me later. ;-) 8 Link to comment
Arwen Evenstar January 20, 2017 Share January 20, 2017 On 1/19/2017 at 5:53 PM, Natalie68 said: Heading into the prayer closet if anyone wants some choc truffles Expand I'm "in". 2 Link to comment
Love2dance January 20, 2017 Share January 20, 2017 On 1/19/2017 at 5:53 PM, Natalie68 said: Heading into the prayer closet if anyone wants some choc truffles! Expand On 1/20/2017 at 4:44 AM, Arwen Evenstar said: I'm "in". Expand Me too. But bringing peanut m&m's this time. 2 Link to comment
Lindy Dear January 22, 2017 Share January 22, 2017 These poor girls are so self absorbed they seem to think every little thought that comes to their little noggins is oh-so-important, special and of course "precious." Is this the first bride in the history of the world to want a dress with long or 3/4 sleeves and a really, really, long train? (which she really "desires to have.:" ) Jinger's "style" is so special it warrants comment from the peanut gallery? "Unique, elegant, etc., etc." The girl seems to wear ordinary clothes like everyone else. She's picking her sisters, mostly, to be her bridesmaids? Surprise, surprise? "The Jinger" is an oh-so-special design more or less pulled off the rack, but it doesn't matter because the dress she actually wore down the aisle came from another store? (I'm so confused.) "I want to give you the dress of your heart"...yadda yadda yadda. As for the gown-buying party, yes to the call for an end to infinity scarves. Not that "special" or "precious" The group painting party was really goofy, sort of sad---actually, yielding house-warming gifts for the new couple's home in El Paso, which Jinger says will be "really exciting" or as Michelle, put it "a home full of beautiful decor." My personal favorite painting? Jill and Derick's "amazing" faceless portrait of the happy couple. Faceless, as in "there's no there there" Previews suggest Jessica's true nature comes out when hanging a picture somewhere (Jinger's new house in El Paso?), revealing what we already well know:; Jessica is a petulant, insistent, bossy first- class (starts with a b). And Heaven help poor Ben...someone let him get on stage and "rap." Please. He's desperate. And yes, if Derick needs to throw up, who could blame him? The Duggars (in whatever latest TLC incarnation) continue to merit a spot among the "best of really bad TV", so, why watch? 1. It is guaranteed to put me to sleep if I'm having a tough time getting some shut-eye ( not joking) 2..its better than Fox if you are trying to find some way to grasp the ways of the alt-right, (maybe even a little small-letter kkk thrown in there?) and 3, there's always a hint of something a tad ominous waiting in the wings....with so many other odd possibilities coming onboard in terms of spouses, friends of spouses, more and more wedding planners, (Why haven't the two remaining older Duggar kids made it to the altar?) etc. ; is there not a Josh 2, or Josh 3? This is a pretty sanctimonious know-it all crowd. On whom might the anvil fall next? 12 Link to comment
Minivanessa January 22, 2017 Share January 22, 2017 On 1/22/2017 at 12:23 PM, Lindy Dear said: The group painting party was really goofy, sort of sad---actually, yielding house-warming gifts for the new couple's home in El Paso, which Jinger says will be "really exciting" or as Michelle, put it "a home full of beautiful decor." My personal favorite painting? Jill and Derick's "amazing" faceless portrait of the happy couple. Faceless, as in "there's no there there" Previews suggest Jessica's true nature comes out when hanging a picture somewhere (Jinger's new house in El Paso?), revealing what we already well know:; Jessica is a petulant, insistent, bossy first- class (starts with a b). And Heaven help poor Ben...someone let him get on stage and "rap." Please. He's desperate. And yes, if Derick needs to throw up, who could blame him? Expand Are Jinger and Jeremy moving to El Paso? Was it announced in the episode? Jeremy's little branch church is in Laredo, about 600 miles southeast of El Paso. 1 Link to comment
Arwen Evenstar January 22, 2017 Share January 22, 2017 On 1/22/2017 at 1:19 PM, Jeeves said: Are Jinger and Jeremy moving to El Paso? Was it announced in the episode? Jeremy's little branch church is in Laredo, about 600 miles southeast of El Paso. Expand We all know that geography is not the Duggars strong suit. I've not had my coffee yet, so I'm limited on my snark. 1 Link to comment
Minivanessa January 22, 2017 Share January 22, 2017 IMO it's likely that @Lindy Dear is remembering "El Paso" instead of "Laredo." I just want to be sure I didn't miss any big news like the Duggalos moving clear across the state of Texas, though I assume that would have been a big People Exclusive Speshul Story if true. 2 Link to comment
OSM Mom January 22, 2017 Share January 22, 2017 If they're moving to El Paso, I'll be on the lookout for them. Ain't nowhere they could hide around here. 3 Link to comment
Lindy Dear January 23, 2017 Share January 23, 2017 Oops...apologies, all. It is probably Laredo. My error. I'm familiar with and a fan of both cities and they are a far from Arkansas in more ways than geography. Forgive me. 5 Link to comment
Minivanessa January 23, 2017 Share January 23, 2017 @Lindy Dear, no worries! 1 Link to comment
Teena January 26, 2017 Share January 26, 2017 Just watched this mess. Who would've guessed dress shopping was rocket science? 1 Link to comment
Arwen Evenstar January 26, 2017 Share January 26, 2017 On 1/26/2017 at 12:50 AM, Teena said: Just watched this mess. Who would've guessed dress shopping was rocket science? Expand Don't you know, The Duggars always act like they've just split the atom? 1 Link to comment
Sew Sumi January 26, 2017 Share January 26, 2017 Jeezus, my mom and I went to a local dress shop, and I found something that we both liked off the rack. Half an hour, max. And around $100 (1994 dollars). I paid. I was the anti-Bridezilla. 11 Link to comment
GeeGolly January 26, 2017 Share January 26, 2017 On 1/26/2017 at 1:29 AM, Sew Sumi said: Jeezus, my mom and I went to a local dress shop, and I found something that we both liked off the rack. Half an hour, max. And around $100 (1994 dollars). I paid. I was the anti-Bridezilla. Expand I pulled a picture out of a magazine and showed it to my mom. She made it. She paid for it. 4 Link to comment
tabloidlover January 26, 2017 Share January 26, 2017 On 1/26/2017 at 1:29 AM, Sew Sumi said: Jeezus, my mom and I went to a local dress shop, and I found something that we both liked off the rack. Half an hour, max. And around $100 (1994 dollars). I paid. I was the anti-Bridezilla. Expand 1992 - Wet Seal $40.00 6 Link to comment
awaken January 26, 2017 Share January 26, 2017 On 1/26/2017 at 2:08 AM, GeeGolly said: I pulled a picture out of a magazine and showed it to my mom. She made it. She paid for it. Expand Same here :) $40 for fabric and that's it. 5 Link to comment
Sew Sumi January 26, 2017 Share January 26, 2017 LOL, we're all JB cheapasses! 6 Link to comment
Portia January 26, 2017 Share January 26, 2017 Haha you guys are making me feel extravagant for spending $150 for my dress in 1988. The store was having a going-out-of-business sale, and I liked the first dress I tried on. I've never had a taste for the fancy, but my dress did have awesome sleeves. 13 Link to comment
louannems January 26, 2017 Share January 26, 2017 I had an October wedding, so the local wedding dress shop had a great clearance sale going on. I also bought, (and loved), the only dress I tried on! All by myself! $480, marked down to $250, then $148! In 1986. 6 Link to comment
Teena January 26, 2017 Share January 26, 2017 For people SOOO hung up on countenance and being "modest" they SUUUUUURE do make a big flippin' deal out of buying the wedding dress that's "in their heart".... 4 Link to comment
Booey January 26, 2017 Share January 26, 2017 On 1/26/2017 at 3:05 AM, awaken said: Same here :) $40 for fabric and that's it. Expand Same as well! I find just shopping for regular clothes extremely frustrating to begin with, and I had a very specific idea of what kind of dress I wanted. So we had a family friend that's a seamstress make it. Her and my Mum and I went to JoAnn Fabrics and picked out all the fabric together and the pattern. Can't remember but probably wasn't more than $40 as well, from the sweet coupons and sales they always have. It was a process with the multiple fittings and everything, but I thought that was a much more fun experience, I got exactly what I wanted and it was literally one of a kind. I can just see one of the Lost Girls going this way. Imagining the TLC money running out by the time they are getting married. CinderJana will have plenty of time on her hands at that point to sew a wedding dress! 2 Link to comment
ginger90 January 26, 2017 Share January 26, 2017 On 1/26/2017 at 5:22 PM, Teena said: For people SOOO hung up on countenance and being "modest" they SUUUUUURE do make a big flippin' deal out of buying the wedding dress that's "in their heart".... Expand And the dress they prayed for. 5 Link to comment
Natalie68 January 26, 2017 Share January 26, 2017 On 1/26/2017 at 1:29 AM, Sew Sumi said: Jeezus, my mom and I went to a local dress shop, and I found something that we both liked off the rack. Half an hour, max. And around $100 (1994 dollars). I paid. I was the anti-Bridezilla. Expand In 1990 I went to a shop with a friend and they would not let me look or in the door without an appt (no one else was there) so in true foul mouthed Natalie style I said fuck that, went up the street and found a dress for $300. Never looked at another. Frankly I really wanted to get married by Elvis in Vegas but the parents would have none of that. Big celebrations where I am center of attn is not my thing. Jinger looked pretty enough. WAY better than Jill who always looks like the female PigPen. 5 Link to comment
lookeyloo January 26, 2017 Share January 26, 2017 For my first wedding, the one with the big white dress, I borrowed everything from the brasalette (anyone remember those?) out including shoes and veil. They were worn by my beautician at the time, someone close to my age. And, as her gift to me she came to my house to do my hair! We both looked great. We both got divorced. Maybe the get up was cursed!! 8 Link to comment
EarlGreyTea February 6, 2017 Share February 6, 2017 (edited) I'm super late on this episode, but I just have to comment on the dress designer. First, what an obnoxiously breathy Michelle voice. Second, did I hear correctly? When Jinger shower her the ring, the designer said something like, "He didn't do so great on the ring, but he did great with you!" WTF? Someone please tell me I misheard, but I feel like I didn't, because Jinger's reaction was kind of like "Oh...." Edit: I'm turning into a moron just watching these people. I DID mishear. So in penance I will say something nice about the episode. Jill's hair looked great. Maybe she deep conditioned it or something because it looks a lot less scraggly. Edited February 6, 2017 by EarlGreyTea 2 Link to comment
Celia Rubenstein February 6, 2017 Share February 6, 2017 The Duggars really need to work on their act when the nicest thing you can say about one of them is that she doesn't look as shitty as she usually does. 6 Link to comment
Arwen Evenstar February 6, 2017 Share February 6, 2017 On 2/6/2017 at 9:24 AM, Celia Rubenstein said: The Duggars really need to work on their act when the nicest thing you can say about one of them is that she doesn't look as shitty as she usually does. Expand Yeah, your point really demonstrates just how low the bar is... 1 Link to comment
Twopper February 10, 2017 Share February 10, 2017 Quote I'm not married, but do brides usually drag along both sides of the family to dress shop? I would hate that. Expand Some do. I think it is a fairly recent development that got some extra help from SYTTD and its spin-off. I was actually shocked that my daughter went solo to buy hers. She lives out of state, but two of the bridesmaids live in the same city she is in so I was sure she would have taken them. I bought mine at the same department store where I went for haircuts and perms (this being the 80's and big hair days) and saw one I liked on my way out. That weekend I went back with my mother and maid of honor and thought maybe that was two people too many, but it worked out fine. I got a dress very similar to Maria Shriver (our weddings were a week apart so it isn't like I had time to copy her); it was over $500, but was knocked down to $199. Mine had a shorter train and was made, I am sure, from cheaper material, but I was only going to wear it for a few hours. I feel like TLC has one of those time turners from Harry Potter. This is not on my list to dvr and I thought it was over with Jinger's wedding. I guess I didn't expect them to start up so soon, but I caught a glimpse of it this week and it was before the wedding but the blurb gave the date as 2017. I am so confused. So I have not seen this episode, but I have read enough to know what happened. At first I was sorry to have missed it, because I read she bought the dress in Pensacola. As someone who spent part of my childhood in Pensacola, I wanted to watch. Then I found out they didn't even go to Florida, but they bought the dress in Virginia. At that point I said to myself. "Self, they should have just gone to Amanda's in Waynesboro if they wanted to buy a dress in Virginia." If this whole season is pre-Jinger's wedding, I might not watch at all. Or maybe the season is already over? Seasons were much easier to keep up with when I was a kid as they mostly started in September (just like school) and ended in March before going into re-runs. Several seasons per calendar year still seems odd to me. Link to comment
Sew Sumi February 10, 2017 Share February 10, 2017 @Twopper Jinger's dress situation is confusing. TLC obviously had set up something with the shop in VA, where Jill had previously bought her dress. It appears that Jinger found the Pensacola shop probably through Jenni Hartono, who attends PCC and has likely been a bridesmaid at many of her classmates' weddings (she attends grad school there now, so yeah, lots of Mrs. degrees amongst her friends). Jinger probably found her dress, but it was too late for TLC to change course, so they shipped Renee and the three dresses up to VA. Jinger Renee obviously knew her size and height; all of the the samples she tried on all miraculously fit her just perfectly. I know it happens (happened to me, actually), but it's not an everyday occurence. I think some work had been done by Renee on the SLY behind the scenes before she schlepped the dresses up to VA. Link to comment
Natalie68 February 10, 2017 Share February 10, 2017 On 1/20/2017 at 3:19 AM, Christina87 said: I just realized that in the scene where all the girls are in the bedroom packing for the trip, that skirt on Jill that has to be LuLaRoe!!! those of you on the TM2 message board know how annoying I personally find MLM's (in most cases), but Jill may actually be a good candidate for that line of work! She could contribute SOMETHING to her family of two non-working adults and soon to be two kids. She could probably make a decent amount through the leghumpers, and unlike TM2's Leah, I think she has the intelligence and organizational skills to do it. She doesn't have the hustle to go out and actually find customers without her built-in base, but she DOES have the annoying, persistent personality that is required to hound people, and the capacity for total brainwashing. I could see her passionately explaining why this product is toooootally the best thing ever! We've seen how great she is at spouting off about why everyone should live her exact lifestyle. Now spout off about why they need those maxi skirts in their life! i think I may have found Jill a career. She can thank me later. ;-) Expand From everything I have read its a lot of work to do LuLaRoe. A ton of work with long hours and constant social media posting and parties. The lost girls and Jana are busy enough without having to do all the labor involved in that MLM for Jill! She is too lazy to go it alone. 2 Link to comment
Twopper February 10, 2017 Share February 10, 2017 Quote It appears that Jinger found the Pensacola shop probably through Jenni Hartono, who attends PCC Expand Who is Jenni Hartono and what is her connection to the Duggars. I guess PCC is Pensacola Christian College which I pass on my way in and out of town. I had a cousin who taught at Pensacola Jr College (which I think now has a different name) and I tend to confuse PCC with PJC. Link to comment
Twopper February 10, 2017 Share February 10, 2017 Quote From everything I have read its a lot of work to do LuLaRoe. A ton of work with long hours and constant social media posting and parties. The lost girls and Jana are busy enough without having to do all the labor involved in that MLM for Jill! She is too lazy to go it alone. Expand I had never heard of this until recently. In fact I thought it was a misprint for Lululemon when I first saw it. One of the women on Sister Wives is selling LuLuRoe and it doesn't seem to be one of the better mlms. I just found out that my daughter's former college roommate who is now married has signed up to do it so we shall see how it works for her. 1 Link to comment
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