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Here are some interviews with former The Voice UK coach Tom Jones. Note that he was fired by the show recently and pretty pissed off about it.


“They kept telling us we needed to turn our chairs more,” he told the Sunday Telegraph. ”And I said no, it has to be real. I don’t want to be lumbered with somebody I don’t like. I have a reputation for picking good voices. But they were pressing on me, and that’s exactly what happened. I ended up with this red-haired girl [likely to be Roisin Geraghty-McDonagh] that I didn’t like. They hate it when we don’t turn but I kept telling them it has to be real.”

The veteran singer, who was axed from the show to make way for Boy George and Paloma Faith, also made it clear that the celebrity “coaches” on the show do not actually coach the singers they select in blind auditions. “The real coaches are singing coaches who keep us informed about how far the contestants can stretch themselves.

“We talk to them daily and discuss songs; can they handle it, that’s not working let’s change it. But they are the ones who do the real coaching work. We are just the faces. We pick them and they work with them.”


Jones went on to say that Endemol boss John de Mol, who created the show, had sent a representative to give him "advice".

"He said, 'You've got to turn your chair more'," Jones revealed. "He said it made for better television if we all tuned our chairs and let the contestant decide who to go with. I said, 'But I might end up with a singer I don't want', and he said I could always get rid of them later. I don't work like that."

Jones explained that he didn't want to give people "false hope" and tell them that they were good when he didn't believe it.

"I've been honest on that show," he said.

"They were on at Ricky Wilson when he started on the show - giving him things to say. He came out with something comparing someone to a set of golf clubs. I thought, 'Some f**ker's written that'.

"I looked at him and said, 'You don't have to do it. Say you will, and then don't'. So I think they had to get rid of me."

Edited by Noreaster

Apparently Life & Style has Blake and Gwen on their cover and says a wedding is going to happen. Not surprisingly, Gossip Cop says it's not true. I'm with Gossip Cop on this one.


For the record, I don't think there is anything going on with Blake and Gwen, but I find the rumors entertaining. I like their rapport this season. Then again, I like Blake's rapport with pretty much everyone.

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Apparently Life & Style has Blake and Gwen on their cover and says a wedding is going to happen. Not surprisingly, Gossip Cop says it's not true. I'm with Gossip Cop on this one.


For the record, I don't think there is anything going on with Blake and Gwen, but I find the rumors entertaining. I like their rapport this season. Then again, I like Blake's rapport with pretty much everyone.

Oh, I'm sure there will be a wedding. Except that it's probably Blake's cousin's dog walker or some other nonsense.

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Oddly, going back to the last page, both Selena and Demi's recent albums have gotten good reviews, superior to those of Rihanna's albums this decade. 


Selena's new album is surprisingly decent.  It's a complete change of pace from her previous music, with an indie pop vibe that actually well suits her voice.  It's also a relief that she's moved away from the simplistic overly suggestive poppy lyrics of her previous album to at least slightly more emotionally mature material.  This is one case where switching labels has done wonders for an artist.  I actually downloaded the following song, a first when it comes to Selena Gomez:


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to at least slightly more emotionally mature material.


That was pretty good, really, by pop standards.  I haven't paid attention to Selena's performances since my kids were watching Wizards of Waverly Place, so I was impressed with her voice.  It's much more full than I expected, and thank goodness she's no Miley Cyrus (another Disney star I was subjected to back when).  It was a nice video, too ... she's gorgeous and I liked the ending ... although when the aquarium came on, I internally screamed, "that's too many fish for that tank"!!!  Who says I can't spot the flaws in a video.  :))

Edited by ToxicUnicorn

Has anyone heard about their ratings this season?  It seems that not as many people are as into the show as there used to be.  I wonder if all the hype about winning this show has finally become apparent.  It's really just about winning $100,000.  I wish they would just package it that way, instead of all the hoopla about how the winner is going to become a star.  

Here are last week's ratings from TV By the Numbers. Looks like the only thing beating it on Mondays is the Big Bang Theory.


I don't think the lack of success for winners is hurting ratings. I think the ratings usually go down after the Blinds. The blinds are really the novel part of this show, more so than the live rounds. Ratings tend to go down as shows age too. 

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To be fair though, season 8 did start out higher and stronger in ratings than season 7.  It certainly fell by the the end of the season though, and I think part of that has to do with Sawyer's win becoming a forgone conclusion and when the Spring season ends vs. when the Fall season ends.  I don't know if the ratings trend that has anything to do with Christina, but Season 5's start was also up from Season 4's start.  I think what it comes down to is that it's difficult to compare fall and spring seasons.  There's definitely a different TV landscape between fall and spring.

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To be fair though, season 8 did start out higher and stronger in ratings than season 7.  It certainly fell by the the end of the season though, and I think part of that has to do with Sawyer's win becoming a forgone conclusion and when the Spring season ends vs. when the Fall season ends.  I don't know if the ratings trend that has anything to do with Christina, but Season 5's start was also up from Season 4's start.  I think what it comes down to is that it's difficult to compare fall and spring seasons.  There's definitely a different TV landscape between fall and spring.

Right. It's not "delusional" but rather factual that the numbers happen to increase (at least until the foregone conclusions become clear) when she returns. The attribution to Christina being the reason (since she and the season change are the only major different variables) is an arguable, but reasonable, conclusion to draw based on this correlation.

Edited by anonymiss
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If seasonal ratings go down each season regardless of who the coaches are, it's a more reasonable conclusion that overall ratings don't rely on coach makeup in any way.


You seem to be saying that it's good to start off higher than usual then fall even harder than usual, since that's how it would work if as you claim Christina seasons start better, when their overall averages are still on a downward slope.

Edited by jjjmoss

Adam vs. Republic Records




Who could he be talking about here? (hint:  CWB)


Eventually, Levine acknowledged that when it comes to post-reality show success, the record labels can’t be blamed for everything: Sometimes there are personality problems when musicians develop giant egos, and it becomes difficult to work with them. “Some people are huge pains in the a–es, too. A lot of artists think all of a sudden that they’re god’s gift,” he acknowledged.
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This info is from May 2015


UPDATED: ‘Voice’ 7 Winner Craig Wayne Boyd No Longer Signed To Dot Records/Big Machine Label Group



Craig Wayne Boyd tweeted this morning claiming he “ask[ed] off the label”







Craig Wayne Boyd was removed from the Big Machine Label Group website in mid-March, shortly after Big Machine Label Group head Scott Borchetta interviewed with San Jose country station KRTY and talked about how sometimes, you find that an artist is “unteachable, that they’re not going to get it, and you have to terminate the relationship, which is very hard to do” (around the 3:45 mark):





Edited by yourpointis

Big Machine is part of Republic Records.  It's their label that handles the country artists who win The Voice (Cassaddee, Danielle, CWB).   They've actually done a better job of supporting Voice winners than other Republic labels have with the non-country winners.  Or at least they have with those artists who don't let winning The Voice go to their heads.

Does CWB -who has been slugging away for years- really seem like someone who would let this go to their heads?

Isn't it just as possible that Scott didn't want to put the effort into an older (relatively older) artist, or that Craig had an image of who he should be as an artist that didn't jibe with Scott's?

We saw a pretty malleable Craig on the Voice. We've seen a pretty cocky Scott on Idol.

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What in the world...lol


This coupling is so bananas (h/t) and I don't know if this continues to be a Mark Brunett production....but you know what, I've enjoyed their flirty interactions this season so proceed.

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From the E! article Treebeard linked:


In the photos we see Shelton—wearing a rocker wig and headband—holding Stefani close with his hands on her shoulders, eventually moving them down to her waist.

Emphasis added. That was the weirdest sentence I have read in a while until I realized the "holiday weekend" they spent together was Halloween. Really though, a few star studded (and paparazzi filled) Halloween parties and a Maroon 5 concert? Gee, how convenient. 


Last week, the coaches all went to NYC for a publicity tour. Adam posted a pic with himself,Gwen and Blake. Gwen then posted the same pic with Adam cropped out. I totally agree that this whole thing is a production,but I'm entertained so, ok.

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What in the world...lol


This coupling is so bananas (h/t) and I don't know if this continues to be a Mark Brunett production....but you know what, I've enjoyed their flirty interactions this season so proceed.

I agree it's probably a combination of a publicity stunt and a fun flirty thing. Especially from Gwen' part. Not only that weird cropped out pic but she also posted a pic of Adam, Blake and herself, with her wearing Blake's cap. And recently gave a non-answer to an interview about this rumor when she could have cleared the air.

Anyway, they are both good natured people so I'm enjoying their interactions on the show.

Edited by waving feather

Totally my opinion but I think the Gwen who is devastated in her new video, and the Gwen who appeared to be tearing up on the Today Show while being asked about her new music isn't remotely interested or ready for an actual relationship. But maybe it's fun to hang out with her silly work friend and toy with the media. Obviously none of us will actually know unless they go public one way or another.

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Well, Andi & Alex had the #1 audition and the #1 battle so they should be shoo-ins for Adam, esp if they ignore his or Rihanna's advice to alternate singing parts.

Ellie did pretty well with her audition and battle, so that seems likely for Gwen.


None of the other booted sold aberrantly high.

Before Andi and Alex, the only other artist to be the top seller of a round yet not make the finals was another duo, Dawn and Hawkes who had the top audition. 

Edited by jjjmoss

Well, if this is in some way a PR move, it worked with me.  I had no interest in watching the CMAs, but after reading the article linked here and seeing that Gwen's in Nashville with Blake, I turned them on.  It was going to be interesting enough with Blake and Miranda in the same building; I don't yet know if Gwen's there too but it's certainly worth a peek!

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Well, if this is in some way a PR move, it worked with me.  I had no interest in watching the CMAs, but after reading the article linked here and seeing that Gwen's in Nashville with Blake, I turned them on.  It was going to be interesting enough with Blake and Miranda in the same building; I don't yet know if Gwen's there too but it's certainly worth a peek!

TMZ says she's not at the ceremony but planning to attend after parties with Blake. And they've been dating for "just days."

I hope they have lots of fun together rebounding and end things with no hard feelings if it runs its course. 'Cos I like both of them as people.


My reaction exactly. It'll never last but they both seem like decent people who've been through a really rough patch this year. I hope they rebound the hell out of each other for as long as it lasts and have a blast doing it. Plus they're pretty cute together. Enjoy, you two!

Edited by Gbb
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The timing of this Gwen/Blake news is just too convenient.  Just in time for the live shows.  Anyway, this sounds like fun and could even get me to tune into the episodes!  (and maybe have me rolling my eyes at any onscreen flirtations!)

It really does seem conveniently timed (as did the "No, we're not!" rumors before and during the fall show). Not sure I'm buying any of it either, but they're both fun on the show,, seem like two nice people and if they want to flirt or actually seem developing a closer relationship during The Voice, it'll be kind of fun to see, whether real or not.


I thought it was good thinking not to go to the CMAs together. Read on Yahoo this a.m. that Danielle and Cassadee both got good notices on the red carpet and that DB performed at the CMAs with Hunter Hayes.  Hard to believe she's 19 already. I still think she may become a much bigger star for the Voice, in time, than Cassadee or the Swons,

Edited by Padma

The timing of this Gwen/Blake news is just too convenient. Just in time for the live shows. Anyway, this sounds like fun and could even get me to tune into the episodes! (and maybe have me rolling my eyes at any onscreen flirtations!)

I like Gwen and Blake but did they really have to drop their bomb a few hours before the CMAs? They had to know that everyone would be buzzing about them all evening. I'd like to think that they're not that cruel but who knows? And then Luke Bryan makes things even worse by saying that Blake could never get someone as hot as Gwen. I know he's just joking but I hope Miranda Lambert doesn't see that interview. I'd always heard that Blake and Luke were good friends so it was interesting to see Miranda hanging out with Luke and his wife all night. Didn't notice who Blake was sitting with.

And then Luke Bryan makes things even worse by saying that Blake could never get someone as hot as Gwen. I know he's just joking but I hope Miranda Lambert doesn't see that interview. I'd always heard that Blake and Luke were good friends so it was interesting to see Miranda hanging out with Luke and his wife all night. Didn't notice who Blake was sitting with.

Heh, yeah Luke didn't think that one through when he said that.

Those seating arrangements are assigned by the organizer anyway, so.

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I'm not happy about them cutting out a round of the live shows.  I already felt that they rushed through the live shows too quickly and now it will be even worse. 


I have a few faves, but I'll be damn if I can remember their names lol. With this show it's rush rush rush, declare winner and then tumbleweed rolling (regarding the winner's post show career) until the next blind auditions start. If I continue to watch this show, I'm going to have to keep notes.

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