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"The View": Week Of 1/16/2017

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Trump is abhorrent and the attempts by the right, to normalize him, pisses me off.   I have nothing to say about jediblabla, because, you guys have deftly  voiced, your contempt, for her, that, mirrors mine.  I smile, everytime, that, I hear, that, a celebrity, has declined, to play for Trump.  Trump likes being  a celebrity more  than being rich. For him, to know, that, the stars, have all repudiated him, burns him  to  his soul.  It is why he went after Meryl Streep, after, her delicious smackdown, at the Golden Globes.  I felt bad for Jennifer Holliday and I condemn the trolls who harassed her.  That was uncalled for. Steve Harvey has had a backlash for meeting with Trump.  He has been shaken to his core by this. 

Edited by Apprentice79
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1 hour ago, ABitOFluff said:

It's tough. I want all performers to boycott Trump. But at the same time, this is traditionally a patriotic event. I wish someone could bring everyone together. Garth Brooks? Tom Hanks? Somebody!

I guess you haven't heard the news, but Three Doors Down has stepped up to the plate.  That's right, they are headlining!!!!!  

Who needs Garth Brooks or Tom Hanks when you have them!!!  Beyonce' can suck it!  We are getting Three Doors Down!!!  

Woooo Hoooo !!!!!!  

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1 minute ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

I guess you haven't heard the news, but Three Doors Down has stepped up to the plate.  That's right, they are headlining!!!!!  

Who needs Garth Brooks or Tom Hanks when you have them!!!  Beyonce' can suck it!  We are getting Three Doors Down!!!  

Woooo Hoooo !!!!!!  

LOL I admit, I don't remember the 1990s at all. Where they a thing? Ever?

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Jennifer got death threats for agreeing to sing at Trump's inauguration.  Even from blacks, says she!   So all black people should support You because you are of the same race?  Death threats notwithstanding, I found her statement shocking if not racist.  

Edited by wings707
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Every time the show starts and I see Jediblahblah waving to the audience like they're chanting her name, I give a pre-emptive "Shut up, Jedi!" So congrats, you dumbass, you've reached Elisabeth status.

And Sarah. Dear God, the smart is not strong with that one. I love how she's included in Hot Topics for two minutes to get in her unicorn and cotton candy thoughts before being muzzled for the rest of the show.

I love Whoopi's anger. I love Joy's anger. I love Sunny because she'll call out Jediblablah for being a hypocrite. SHUT UP, Jedi! Nobody cares!

Friday I'm watching all of my recorded shows that focused on President Barrack Obama like, 60 Minutes this past Sunday and when Trevor Noah interviewed him. MSNBC (I think?) also did a retrospective on him. And then I will cry and drink.

Oh, how I will drink.

Edited by Meatball
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8 hours ago, Tunia said:


LOL Silver Raven ~ Barbara Walters would be proud of you.  That was always her favorite song to warble when discussing discrimination/racism, and I could barely read your post without hearing her voice.                                                                                               

I did hear it!

IIRC, she also had a little thing she did with her hand while saying it. :D

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18 hours ago, Former Nun said:

This reminds me of Harvey Levin on TMZ who often starts his snippy little gossip pieces with, "We are told...."

Right - that is how you protect yourself from being sued.   I'm not SAYING Jed is a hypocritical lying bitch, I'm saying that I was told by a reliable source that she is one.

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9 hours ago, backformore said:

can I mention how much I hated Jed's outfit today?  The too-loud black and white print, off the shoulder, with bell sleeves

You beat me to it (of course it was yesterday).  I wanted to ask if Jedi and Sunny were trying to win the "Wear Your Tablecloth" contest.   At least the make-up person distracted me (very slightly) from Jedidiah's greasy lips by that glowing STRIPE down the center of her nose.

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Jedilyingliarwholies was over-the-top today. Of course she would steer a conversation about public schools/Trump’s appointment to UNIONS ARE EVIL. And then, as the least consistent person at the table, decides to give a lecture on consistency in regards to Chelsea Manning’s release. Even going so far to give a big who cares if she received extra harsh treatment being trans in a men’s prison. Well, that co-aligns with her quickly dismissing Pence causing an AIDS epidemic in his state because of hatred of LGBT a few months back. Again, she’s disgusting.

If anyone’s wondering, the show wasn’t worth watching.

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Anybody who thinks that the school voucher system is a good idea needs to take a look at what Bobby Jindal did to education in Louisiana. This voucher program shit was developed as a way around desegregating schools immediately after the Supreme court decision on Brown v The Board of Education. Sunny is woefully misinformed on this topic.

Edited by GiveMeSpace
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Shallow comment coming up -

Jed's hair today -  Looks like she had it all moussed and gelled for a hot date or going to clubs last night, and woke up with that messy tousled mop on her head, and couldn't find a brush or comb.

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I have mixed feelings about Charter schools.   I am a big fan, of, giving people, choices in life, especially, when it comes to their children. However, I am concerned, about the public schools not getting the necessary funds, support and care, that, they desperately need, to educate children.  I do feel that Devos, is not qualified for the post, that, she is seeking, in our government. I was embarrassed by her confirmation hearing, yesterday.  She was not prepared and the Democrats eviscerated her.  Bernie Sanders, was magnificent, in the way, that, he grilled her.  He is truly pissed and is not backing down at all. People should read about the mess that she has wrought in Michigan.  The Democrats are out for blood and I love it. It is about time, being conciliatory, complacent and nice, have been detrimental, to us.  I also wanted to say that Whoopie is over Jed and she is starting to poke at her.. Joy was not having it either, with the shots, that, Jediblabla, took at Unions.. That was uncalled for..

Edited by Apprentice79
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1 hour ago, GiveMeSpace said:

Anybody who thinks that the school voucher system is a good idea needs to take a look at what Bobby Jindal did to education in Louisiana. This voucher program shit was developed as a way around desegregating schools immediately after the Supreme court decision on Brown v The Board of Education. Sunny is woefully misinformed on this topic.

Totally agree. Lived in Louisiana while all his shenanigans were going on.  He messed a lot of things up, including education.  

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Public schools are messed up because they get no money. What is the first thing almost every state does when facing a budget crisis? Cut funding to schools. I salute all the hard working people in public education cause it is hard work with little thanks. Spending the little they are paid on their students.

That lady wants to make schools be about a religion which is going to be a mess. Then add guns on top of it.

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25 minutes ago, dr. gailey said:

That lady wants to make schools be about a religion which is going to be a mess. Then add guns on top of it.

Add in greed and you have the trifecta.  God, greed and guns.  It's a conservative's wet dream.

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The whole Charter school/school choice topic is such a divisive topic not only in the country but in the Democratic Party. Hillary at one time was for charter schools but stopped talking about due to teacher union pressure. Corey Booker is also very pro charter school and even worked with Betsy previously. I don't think Whoopi really has the expertise to talk about this. But Joy and Jedediah had actually been teachers previously and should've talked more. I also liked Sunny using her personal experience to talk and the fact that her view was different than I think we expected. Idk its a tough debate because there are a LOT of very bad public schools (my local Columbus city school district is awful) and there a lot of really good ones! I am not sure if its totally funding though.

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Been watching on Hulu for the first time in forever. I don't have a problem with Jed - I don't agree with her, but she can at least articulate her view. Unlike Whoppi. Sweet fuck. STFU. She shuts down every single discussion with screaming.

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20 hours ago, backformore said:

can I mention how much I hated Jed's outfit today?  The too-loud black and white print, off the shoulder, with bell sleeves.  Just too much. 

At least  Whoopi gave her scarf the day off!

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On 1/18/2017 at 0:21 AM, wings707 said:

Jennifer got death threats for agreeing to sing at Trump's inauguration.  Even from blacks, says she!   So all black people should support You because you are of the same race?  Death threats notwithstanding, I found her statement shocking if not racist.  

She didn't come across as all that bright, to be honest. She seemed to have difficulty articulating the backlash.

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1 hour ago, Medicine Crow said:

Is the show worth watching today/later?

I found it incredibly "meh" today, personally . After a long commercial break, I went to hit "delete" thinking the show was over but there was still 25 minutes left.  It just dragged on ... I FF'd though the last 15 minutes.  It seemed to be all Jim Gaffigan.  If that matters to anyone.  It sure a heck doesn't matter to me.  There are Mary Tyler Moore re-runs playing on Sundance until noon. CLICK!

I wish when they were talking to Cokie Roberts they had delved a little bit more into the thing about Melania Trump not relocating to the White House until the school year is over.  Cokie just mentioned it in passing like it was nothing.  But it strikes me as most unusual. 

I don't recall any other first lady ever staying behind with the children and waiting until summer to move to Washington. Is it because Melania will be in NYC and the commute to Washington DC for the weekend is more easily do-able or something?  I don't know, it just seems strange to me but no one is really talking about it.  First Melania seemed to just completely disappear after the Michelle Obama speech-ripoff thing, and then they announced she wasn't coming to Washington until later.  There were all these reports Ivanka was going to be some kind of pseudo first lady in her absence (Ivanka is in the news today denying that she will be performing any duties of the first lady).  I guess we'll see soon enough.

 Anyway, the whole situation seems weird, and Cokie Roberts was the perfect person to discuss it with.  So of course they didn't.  Typical View.

Did anyone else find Cokie's story (about the fashion designer who complimented the woman on her "Ralph Lauren" outfit only to be told she was actually a Marine) all that funny?  Everyone just laughed.  Were they just being overly polite or has my sense of humor been completely destroyed by the events of the last few months?  I didn't think it was funny at all.  Eh, I guess I would have laughed too, just to be polite.  But they all just acted like it was the funniest thing they'd ever heard.  It was a bit much.

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Good luck to all of my fellow posters who will try to make through Friday without suffering severe depression. Mine started today when my husband turned on MSNBC and they had inauguration preparation reports. I snapped at him to turn the TV off. I will be turning the TV on Friday to some old 50's and 60's  nostalgic TV channel, so as not to give the inauguration any ratings. I plan to eat a lot and I wish I drank or used pot, because that would surely help, but food is my comfort drug. I will grit my teeth and try to watch the View on Monday, but that's going to be tough too, because I think everyone will be in a miserable mood.

Edited by Kenz
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22 minutes ago, Kenz said:

will be turning the TV on Friday to some old 50's and 60's  nostalgic TV channel, so as not to give the inauguration any ratings. I plan to eat a lot and I wish I drank or used pot, because that would surely help, but food is my comfort drug.

If you have MeTV, you can catch some reallyyyyyyy good nostalgia television. Or Antenna.

I'm staying away from any and all social media, because what I've seen thus far is downright depressing and scary. So I'll be popping in my dvds and watching my fave hero(es), of the animated variety. And drink me some Bailey's, Johnnie...and maybe I'll surface on Monday. Unfortunately I won't be able to make the March on Saturday.

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I'm avoiding network television today,  preferring instead  to watch movies on TCM, Classic TV series on ME & Antenna TV, listening to "Oldies," on a local radio station. I  have a James Patterson E-book to read,  games to play on my Tablet.  And if it warms up & the sun eventually comes out.......maybe go for a walk to get out of the house get some fresh air.......while ignoring that hideous, gigantic Trump sign, new young neighbors, down the block, just put in their front yard!  

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19 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Unfortunately I won't be able to make the March on Saturday.

I'll will be thinking of you GHScorpio.  So wish you were going.  It would have been awesome to actually meet a fellow poster.

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GHScorpiosRule:  A whole mess 'o' medical issues prevent  me  from spending 5+ hours (down & back) sitting in a cramped space on a bus  to attend that march in DC tomorrow, but I have younger, healthier family members going. Thought you would like to know, that trip's organizer was contacted mid-week by DC Transit saying her buses would not be permitted to enter/discharge riders in DC on Saturday & threatening to fine/arrest  all drivers & passengers who disobeyed this brand-new, never-before issued, in that agency's history, order.  Sounded very suspicious & an attempt to prevent them from attending this event, so practically everyone signed up to march from this area (housewives, college students, grannies, physicians, attorneys, educators, journalists & even me) started making phone calls & sending emails to anyone who might provide assistance, even barraging our state's senator & congressman (both D's) Local & Washington offices with phone calls asking for their help. Later that day, the congressman informed that organizer he had contacted transit authority officials they are now permitting this group's buses to enter the city.  The congressman also assured her, none of those riders have tp to fear getting fined or being arrested. Working together we got the job done!

that word should be......to.....Sorry!

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21 hours ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

Did anyone else find Cokie's story (about the fashion designer who complimented the woman on her "Ralph Lauren" outfit only to be told she was actually a Marine) all that funny?

I thought it was funny enough...just didn't believe it.

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Dr Gailey : I was extremely concerned, hearing Betsy DeVoss saying she believes G-d will help her get "Evangelical Christianity" taught to all students attending public schools, but felt better about her insane plan after hearing  Allan Dershowitz & other Constitutional scholars say "let her try".......this idea is illegal, discriminatory & unconstitutional and would be challenged & tied up in the federal courts, for years, from law suits brought by school districts objecting to being forced to add religious instruction to their curriculum, religious groups & organizations & parents from all over the country who don't want their children being taught a religion at school, other than their own ...........even after Ms. DeVoss was no longer running the Dept of Education.  

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On ‎1‎/‎17‎/‎2017 at 7:50 PM, merriebreeze said:

I could not disagree more. This is exactly the right time. True patriots will protest and not participate in the inauguration farce. There is no coming together or kumbaya with Trump. I'm wearing black on Friday and a pink pussy hat on Saturday. 

THIS ^^^^^ times ten.

That is all

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On ‎1‎/‎17‎/‎2017 at 8:48 PM, Apprentice79 said:

Trump is abhorrent and the attempts by the right, to normalize him, pisses me off.   I have nothing to say about jediblabla, because, you guys have deftly  voiced, your contempt, for her, that, mirrors mine.  I smile, everytime, that, I hear, that, a celebrity, has declined, to play for Trump.  Trump likes being  a celebrity more  than being rich. For him, to know, that, the stars, have all repudiated him, burns him  to  his soul.  It is why he went after Meryl Streep, after, her delicious smackdown, at the Golden Globes.  I felt bad for Jennifer Holliday and I condemn the trolls who harassed her.  That was uncalled for. Steve Harvey has had a backlash for meeting with Trump.  He has been shaken to his core by this. 


Couldn't have said it better.

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On ‎1‎/‎17‎/‎2017 at 9:29 PM, Morgalisa said:

There are a lot of huge country artists. I thought he might be able to get a few of them. He is so toxic. On one hand I think it is wrong to harrass entertainers who say they will perform, but on the other hand, when I hear that someone I enjoy and support is going to perform, I hasten to twitter to let them know I will no longer support them. Desperate times call for desperate measures. I am not the same person I was before the election.I am forever changed. A small piece of my heart is cold and dead. Lol.

I wont support anyone who supports "him." Ive never felt so much visceral distain and fear.

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