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S07.E15: 100

Tara Ariano
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3 hours ago, lidarose9 said:

I think Corey fundamentally does not understand the disease. He thinks it's like "use it or lose it," and that by staying active, Ali will build up her muscle strength, when in fact the opposite is true. Expecting these people to actually read and learn about how the disease works is giving them too much credit. I love Corey, but he's not the type to spend his weekends reading and researching. I'm sure Dr. Tsao and other doctors have explained this many times, but people cling to irrational beliefs very stubbornly where their hearts are concerned. I see signs that it is finally sinking in with Leah, very slowly, but even in her case, she views it as a failure. Both of these people really need someone to sit down with them and go through it with pictures and plain language, explain what the disease does to the body, how it progresses over time, and give them some practical tools for how to adapt their family lives to accommodate it. And keep explaining it until they both understand.

Leah sees the world from Leah's perspective, where the most important things are cheer and sports, and anything else is second rate. Both of them need to pry open their minds and consider a different point of view on the whole thing. There are TONS of ways a parent and child can get support now for living a fun, rewarding life with a disability. Leah is making small progress, but the slip-n-slide was painful to watch. That was not a happy day for anybody and they were all just pretending for the cameras. Nothing MTV is doing helps with this family crisis, and it probably makes it worse. One could even say they are showing us how a family should NOT handle a child with this disease.

I would believe that but they've been told SO many times at this point. Soooo many. What is plainer and easier than "she needs to use the wheelchair at home" and "her activity is causing the falling?"

Leah seems to be taking baby steps towards acceptance whereas Corey seems to be doubling down on his ableism and denial. That slip and slide thing was totally gross, though. She at least seems to get that activity causes the deterioration but then her usual nastiness with her kids (aka scolding them for no reason) translates basically into scolding her for being disabled. And Corey is likely kinder and more encouraging at home, but he seems determined to "encourage" her into directly harmful activities, thinking he's the dad and knows better than some darn ol doctor. 

Wheelchairs aren't a sign of failure. For Ali, they're a sign of hope and better health, of increased mobility and a longer lifespan. I could feel worse for them if I didn't know so many adults hindered by parental attitudes like these. Ali seems smart, and neither of her parents is very bright, so she could actually surpass them in that area. She could get all A's in school and I bet her parents would never be as proud as if she did a mediocre job at some physical thing she shouldn't be doing anyway. Unfortunately there are some people who wouldn't be impressed by a Pulitzer if the person couldn't hear or walk or whatever. 

Edited by Lm2162
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6 hours ago, saratothej said:

Right? Once this relationship blows up, I would just like to see her stay single for more than three days. Maybe then she could calm things down and focus just on her children for a while. Does she really not understand that her idiot boyfriends are the main reason that Barb won't give her custody of Jace?  "Mom, I have my life together....except for my the fact that (insert any boyfriend's name) lives with me and has a history of violence/drug use....now GIVE ME MY SON! WHY WON'T YOU GIVE ME MY SON?"

Um whoaaa let's please not misrepresent her. That's nothing like what Jenelle would say. "Dude" was NOWHERE in that sentence. 

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I understand that Corey doesn't understand the disease but I also want to say he doesn't want to. In the beginning he didn't want to look at any sort of research. With Leah, it does seem to be more of a superficial concern. It's just hard for to understand and yes I know I bring my personal experience into it but how can I not? I'm not a parent so when it comes to this show this story is the one I can relate to in the most ways.

Its also incredibly painful to watch for me as well. Also what bothers me is that because of the show, Leah has resources she could use to help Ali with her condition but instead is she choosing to use her tv fame for less important things but I digress.

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1 hour ago, Pixiebomb said:

Why would she think that?

(how do I edit?)

as to my comment above- I was referencing why would she think she would have to take care of any child she births. 

I think I get what you're saying, why not keep popping out more kids?  She just uses them and then puts them off on someone else, or lets them fend for themselves.  She doesn't care for them or take care of them.  

Hell, for that matter, she uses pregnancy the same way.  She can just end it when it it's not useful to her anymore.  It's like an unlimited supply of attention/control for her at the moment, so hey why not?  I've known a few girls like her, one much worse.  It's so odd, it's actually confusing.  It's hard to figure out what your reaction should be for each event.  It is for me, anyway.

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35 minutes ago, poopchute said:

Maybe if Leah or Corey had gone to a well school they would be able to understand the sentence "she needs to use the wheelchair all the time."  

Maybe the problem is the way the doctor is informing them. For Leah, he should tell her via Skype or Facetime. As for Cory, he should go fishing with Cory and show him photos of a child in a motorized wheelchair with the her name written on it.

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4 hours ago, WhosThatGirl said:

I understand that Corey doesn't understand the disease but I also want to say he doesn't want to. In the beginning he didn't want to look at any sort of research. With Leah, it does seem to be more of a superficial concern. It's just hard for to understand and yes I know I bring my personal experience into it but how can I not? I'm not a parent so when it comes to this show this story is the one I can relate to in the most ways.

Its also incredibly painful to watch for me as well. Also what bothers me is that because of the show, Leah has resources she could use to help Ali with her condition but instead is she choosing to use her tv fame for less important things but I digress.

In regards to it being a superficial concern for Leah, I agree 110%. I think since Ali is so much smaller than Gracie, Leah carries her around everywhere in hopes that people will assume she's just a toddler. While technically this is following the doctor's orders, it's nof as beneficial because she needs to get used to the wheelchair. Leah just prefers not to be seen with something so conspicuous. 

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3 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

Maybe the problem is the way the doctor is informing them. For Leah, he should tell her via Skype or Facetime. As for Cory, he should go fishing with Cory and show him photos of a child in a motorized wheelchair with the her name written on it.

Lolololololol I am dying right now.

He can hashtag it for Leah and embroider it on camo for Corey. 

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On 1/12/2017 at 8:54 AM, Uncle JUICE said:

And good grief, Corey..."prove 'em all wrong" only happens in terrible movies. The condition is degenerative, as someone points out. If your daughter somehow beats it, she would literally be THE ONLY PERSON IN HISTORY to do so, and then would be subject to probably just as much medical tests (as she'd then be the source for cures / therapies). Miracles aren't real, ever, I'm sorry to say. The idea that her parent is "having faith" that his decisions to let her ride a bike, play tee ball, etc, all that stuff that gives HER PARENTS the narrative "Well our faith in The Lord is just so powerful that it can defy this disease" is just grossly irresponsible. It's accepted as noble by many because the words "The Lord" are included, but if you changed those words to "magic beans," they'd be thought of as ridiculous and rightly called out as negligent. Maddening, sorry to get all in arms about it. Back to that terrifying Leah picture.

This mentality is alive and well where I live (close to Corey & Company). I get tired of hearing that my progressive, degenerative, and ultimately terminal condition would improve if I just a, b, or c. I actually received a message from a friend the other day, telling me that if I finally accepted Jesus I'd "get better." Like Ali, we're basically at the point of creating a better quality of life and slowing down the progression as much as possible. There is no "cure" or, in my case, even an actual treatment. The people in my life, however, are certain that I either haven't tried everything yet, do not have enough faith, or am being "too negative." If I were Ali's mother I'd be researching as much as possible, following all the doctors' orders, and focusing on her mental health to ensure that she has the confidence she needs to live life to the fullest. It's not being negative to know that your child has a degenerative disease and is going to be restricted and to try and work around and with her limitations-it's practical and safe. 

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@mamadrama people have come up to my husband (who is paralyzed but does not have a degenerative disorder) *multiple times* to tell him if he accepted Jesus, he could walk. Corey and Leah don't have a philosophy far off from that. It's truly dehumanizing.

Perhaps someone should tell them that if they accepted Jesus they might not be so fucking stupid. 

Edited by Lm2162
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Just now, Lm2162 said:

@mamadrama people have come up to my husband (who is paralyzed but does not have a degenerative disorder) *multiple times* to tell him if he accepted Jesus, he could walk. Corey and Leah don't have a philosophy far off from that. It's truly dehumanizing.

Oh man. I am sorry-both about your husband AND about the asshats who tell him that. It IS dehumanizing. Not only does it resort to victim blaming (this is happening to you because YOU didn't x,y,z) but it totally diminishes the medical condition itself, classifying something serious to something that can simply be wished away. 

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6 minutes ago, mamadrama said:

Oh man. I am sorry-both about your husband AND about the asshats who tell him that. It IS dehumanizing. Not only does it resort to victim blaming (this is happening to you because YOU didn't x,y,z) but it totally diminishes the medical condition itself, classifying something serious to something that can simply be wished away. 

I think it's all about their own fear, just like people who say, oh *I* could never be poor, because of x y z. Or *I* would never be raped. It's not even necessarily about them thinking less of the person, they just need to manage their fear of misfortune by pretending that they're totally in control so they could never be a victim of violence, lose a child, become disabled, get evicted, lose their job, get divorced, etc etc etc. *My* kid won't get sick because we only eat organic, and *my* kid won't have autism because we don't vaccinate, blah blah. 

Corey and Leah would benefit from therapy for themselves, not just for Ali, to help them learn to be supportive and empowering. Pipe dream I know. 

Edited by Lm2162
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Finally have a day to read the snark here, but first...

Maybe I”m overly cynical but it’s pretty easy to manufacture a sincere-sounding speech and deliver it once the camera is turned on. I suspect Jo isn’t as great as he portrays himself. That was a horrible camera angle they used. HIs head looked awful. He looks slovenly, which is a superficial comment, but coupled with being content to coast on whatever few dollars he earns on this show is not a sign of maturity at all, IMO. He reminds me of some of the kids I used to hang out with— I grew up with very little— who grew up in a nice home never wanting for anything and then going out on their own with no built in work ethic to build a similar life for themselves. They just wanted it handed to them and became content with working when they felt like it and earning just enough to get by week after week. 

Kail is trash. She will always be trash. Obviously, no one here “knows” anything about these people and what the truth really is, we just have our own interpretations from what we see. I have always felt Javi was like the guy in the Patrick Dempsey movie “Can’t Buy Me Love,” a kind of nerdish, inexperienced guy who Kail got under her thumb and was a total bitch to him, smacking him, treating him like shit and demanding “benefits” and he was a total jellyfish. Javi turned into a dick for sure, but Kail contributed mightily to that. If he did things to push her buttons, she got what she earned as far as I’m concerned. She has this attitude that she can do whatever she wants to people and if they don’t like it, too bad. Fuck that.

I FF past Chelsea because frankly, I don’t care about her baby talking giddiness over getting married to Jughead and having another kid. And Chelsea: Aubree is already a big sister whether you like it or not. Paislee is her half-sister and the child you have on the way will be a half-sibling as well. 

Leah infuriated me this episode!!! Yelling at Ali for falling down? WTF are you doing having a slip and slide thing in the first place. Are you serious? And then asking her if she wants to wear her helmet and using the negative response of a small child as the justification for not making her wear it? You have got to be kidding me. Cory saying he "feels like" she is going to improve makes me very sad. I get that people want to have faith, but not accepting Ali's condition and making her use the wheelchair or helmet is putting her at risk to really get hurt. 

MTV showing Jace picking his nose and eating it in the car made me gag. Was it really necessary to show that disgusting thing on TV? When they kept asking him if he was happy about going to Disney, the way he said “Yes” was nothing like a typical joyful yes of a kid. He just seems like he has no real joy in his life. I feel bad for him. I don’t know why but Kaiser never looks clean to me. I don’ t now what to say about Jenelle. She seems so afraid of upsetting whatever his name is and I can’t fathom how anyone could live like that. Every time they have a conversation about a serious topic, she seems to be walking on eggshells. He’s a scary looking guy. 

Edited by configdotsys
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To me, Javi is the one who is trash and who will always try to emotionally abusive and control the people in his life.  To me, he's the bully in the 80s hero movie.  Hope Karate Kid kicks the crap out of him.  While I am sad for Isaac that he's losing someone, in the end...I think it's for the best.  Javi will be a memory.  Bye Felicia!

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1 hour ago, shelley1005 said:

To me, Javi is the one who is trash and who will always try to emotionally abusive and control the people in his life.  To me, he's the bully in the 80s hero movie.  Hope Karate Kid kicks the crap out of him.  While I am sad for Isaac that he's losing someone, in the end...I think it's for the best.  Javi will be a memory.  Bye Felicia!

It's interesting that you view him that way. I did not see any of that in him in the beginning of their relationship at all. I just remember him being spineless and bowing to Kail's every whim. I have not seen the earlier shows in a long time so maybe I am-- to quote Roger Clemens-- "misremembering." 

Either way, all the talk on this ep about civility didn't seem to be in practice on Twitter as they swiped at each other for a while there. I don't keep up on things outside of this forum so maybe it has died down now.

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As with most emotional abusers, it increases as time goes on.  It is how the cycle works.  Javi is a prime time controlling asshole.  I can't wait until I only see him on my tv every once in a while.  

Kail seems to have realized the error of her ways and also seen how Jo does have Isaac and even often her best interests at heart.  Her remarking that Jo even sees she is happier while Javi has been gone.  I hope she continues to remember this horrible life lesson if and when she moves on to another relationship.  I hope she can maintain that friendship with him and Vee.   That is what it best for Isaac.  I'll hope and just be cautiously optimistic. 

Edited by shelley1005
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The one thing that has made me sour on Javi was his behavior last season. He was rude to Kail before he left. Then we the viewers learned she had suffered a miscarriage and then he a her he blamed her for that and that was why he was behaving the way he did. The hell? I'm sorry but it's hard or someone to come back from that. And then he was all we need to have a baby or the marriage is over. Kail was understandably not ready to jump on that train, probably because she was still recovering from having a miscarriage and also realized she wanted a career of sorts. And then the reunion she had both Dr Drew saying maybe she should consider it to save the marriage and Javi saying he changed his mind which I don't buy. 

Edited by WhosThatGirl
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Javi's behavior during Kail's miscarriage was horrible IMO.  Kail picked him and she's also no peach, however it doesn't excuse how Javi tried to control his household.  I was used to him being emotionally abusive by then.  When I totally wrote him off is when Kail was going to a concert with friends, but she and Javi got into a fight and then he said he wouldn't go pick up Isaac because he wasn't his kid.  At that moment when he so flippantly dismissed someone he had treated as his child, I was done.  And then when he told Kail she could not talk to Jo unless she did it by his terms and with his permission.....and then when he demanded that Kail not go to dinner and come home because she has his son (this time Kail stood up for herself and refused).  

In all honesty, I am really proud of Kail for not just lying down (literally) and agreeing with Javi...and having another baby as some attempt to fix all their problems.  Good for her.  I know in the snippets that Kail and Javi are gonna continue their pattern of dysfunction as their marriage totally falls apart and I am really not looking forward to witnessing it.  

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2 hours ago, shelley1005 said:

Javi's behavior during Kail's miscarriage was horrible IMO.  Kail picked him and she's also no peach, however it doesn't excuse how Javi tried to control his household.  I was used to him being emotionally abusive by then.  When I totally wrote him off is when Kail was going to a concert with friends, but she and Javi got into a fight and then he said he wouldn't go pick up Isaac because he wasn't his kid.  At that moment when he so flippantly dismissed someone he had treated as his child, I was done.  And then when he told Kail she could not talk to Jo unless she did it by his terms and with his permission.....and then when he demanded that Kail not go to dinner and come home because she has his son (this time Kail stood up for herself and refused).  


That's exactly when I was done with him, too! You don't dismiss a child that way when you are made at their mother. Not when you try to pretend you are a good guy.  I saw Javi completely different after he said that and haven't liked him ever since. 

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To me there is no contest between Javi and Kail. They are both shitty people in different ways. Javi has shown himself to be petty, pissy, immature, and passive-aggressive. He started out as a bit whimpy but nice, laid-back and I was on his side and thought he should've run from Kail in the beginning when she was barking at him and shaking his head. But he has become so nasty and acts like a macho asshole, I'm done with him.

Kail, OTOH, is and has always been a grifter and user. People only mean something to her as long as she gets something out of them and when she's done she moves on to the next best thing. That was pretty well demonstrated when she cheated on Jordan with Jo and when Jo didn't want her, she tried to go back to Jorden. Except he wasn't having that. Kail is a calculating, stone-cold bitch who has grown very, very arrogant and entitled with her TM2 fame.


Wasn't there speculation that Kail's miscarriage was an abortion, which is why Javi was upset?

That was the rumor. Seems a little far-fetched and I'd find it hard to believe Javi would be sitting on that all this time instead of using it for ammo. I remember quite a few people on different message boards and such claiming to go to the same school or run in close circles to Kail saying it was common knowledge that she was screwing and got pregnant by some guy at the same college. Take that for what you will, I wouldn't put it past Kail to be sleeping around at that time but aborting another man's baby is a little harder to swallow.

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Using Jo as the first test subject, I can see how living with Kail turns these regular guys into terrible people when they're with her. I recall the white hot anger I had at Jo when they were splitting up.  Poor Kailyn, just trying to get along and do the best for her child and these mean boys just knock her down at every turn.

I wouldn't have been able to forgive Javi for the miscarriage comments, not at all.  That shit is inexcusable, but I can see how there is a progression. Kailyn manipulates and manipulates and isn't great at it. I'm sure she gloats when she feels she has bested someone else in a situation. Or at least gets the cat-that-ate-the-canary face. Javi might have been naive but I'm sure that behavior, once directed at him, didn't go unnoticed for long.

Kailyn needs therapy. She kills relationships. She puts so much toxicity into them that they turn bad and are unsalvageable. She's that first girlfriend that boys have, before they realize that it doesn't have to be that way. Kailyn's getting a bit long in the tooth for this behavior. She needs therapy and she needs to grow the fuck up.

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Yes!!! Kail is the girl most guys date in about the ninth grade who is impossible to get along with. Javi has issues, but I absolutely wouldn't be surprised if he moved onto a nice girl shortly after the divorce.  Kail, on the other hand, never learns, and will treat every guy she dates this way. I remember wondering in the beginning why javi wanted anything to do with her, because she was rude and bossy from the get go. 

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I could agree that Kail could benefit from some real therapy.  Not MTV bullshit Dr. Drew therapy.  I think given her history and how it seems to play out again and again in her relationships, for the sake of herself and her children....therapy is not a bad idea.  

I don't think that it makes the behavior of those she is in a relationship with her fault or that she caused some mighty fine men to turn into emotional abusers.    I've not seen that, nor would I ever say that.  I wouldn't want to be in a relationship with her.  I also wouldn't have taken the emotional abuse she received, however there are probably a million reasons why the cast of TM and I would do things differently.  

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Kail and Javi are both flawed, IMO. She is a controlling shrew that holds everyone to impossible standards. She is selfish in relationships and has a bad tempter. Javi is really immature and passive aggressive. He is needy and plays a lot of games. We're all flawed, some more than others. Most flaws can be overlooked, but their flaws don't go well together at all. They were just a horrible, horrible match. Kail needs to be with someone who is very confident and independent, and Javi needs someone who is more of a homebody and wants to spend a lot of time with their partner. And they both just need to grow up a fuck ton. I'm skeptical whether that will ever happen.

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Silly question time. Am assuming Nathan's mom posted on social media Kaiser at the park.  Why? Wouldn't any adult dealing with the crazy of Uncle Bad Touch and Jenelle know not to do that? Hubby and I are in public education in a conservative place and we never post anything with alcohol because of stupid narrow minded people in our community. 

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30 minutes ago, jacksgirl said:

Silly question time. Am assuming Nathan's mom posted on social media Kaiser at the park.  Why? Wouldn't any adult dealing with the crazy of Uncle Bad Touch and Jenelle know not to do that? Hubby and I are in public education in a conservative place and we never post anything with alcohol because of stupid narrow minded people in our community. 

If I remember correctly, Jenelle said that Nathan's mother sent the video to her, not that it was on social media.  Either way, I doubt that she thought that a nice little video of Kaiser playing would turn into Nathan being the Worst Father Ever In Existence, Dude. 

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6 hours ago, Christina87 said:

Yes!!! Kail is the girl most guys date in about the ninth grade who is impossible to get along with. Javi has issues, but I absolutely wouldn't be surprised if he moved onto a nice girl shortly after the divorce.  Kail, on the other hand, never learns, and will treat every guy she dates this way. I remember wondering in the beginning why javi wanted anything to do with her, because she was rude and bossy from the get go. 

I think Kail was likely Javi's first piece of ass, and when you're young, dumb and hormonal you make bad decisions. 

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4 hours ago, BitterApple said:

I think Kail was likely Javi's first piece of ass, and when you're young, dumb and hormonal you make bad decisions. 

100 percent agree. Kail told Drew she took away Jo's youth. Kail may have a thing about being sexually controlling in relationships.

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10 hours ago, BitterApple said:

I think Kail was likely Javi's first piece of ass, and when you're young, dumb and hormonal you make bad decisions. 

Ding ding ding. I can't find it, but I'm pretty sure I described Javi thusly when he first came along, either here or on TWOP.

"He's gonna marry the first girl he lays, and she's gonna treat him like shit, because she will have given him what he has built up in his mind as the end-all, be-all of human existence. She won't respect him, 'cause you can't respect somebody who kisses your ass. It just doesn't work."

- Ferris Bueller on Cameron Frye 

Edited by ktwo
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I have a hard time believing with the controlling asshole that Javi is that he was hypnotized by Kail's vag.  He might have been hypnotized by a want to be famous and on a tv show.  I'll believe that.  

And Kail realizing she took away Jo's youth.  Wish those which took away her youth could have that same honesty and perspective.  

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3 hours ago, shelley1005 said:


And Kail realizing she took away Jo's youth.  Wish those which took away her youth could have that same honesty and perspective.  

Those people are not on the show. Kail is. It was her butt on the reunion couch. She was asked a question and her response was to say that very comment. 

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At least one of those people have been on the show and haven't seen that level of honesty from said person.  I am glad Kail had some perspective.  Good for her.  Wish others would realize and own that the same and I'd say worse happened to her.  

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So I'm just now watching this episode without multi tasking... and I can't believe that Leah took everyone to look at the house while people lived there and were all going in the yard playing on the play equipment, maybe they asked off camera, but it seemed like everyone just started snooping around the house, and the kids were off.  Thank goodness nobody got hurt because I'm sure Leah would have filed a lawsuit so fast.

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Kail will never be an honest person to me. She is shady as hell. She learned a lot from her mother.  No honest person files a restraining order and makes a domestic violence claim just to keep her son from his father. Having worked with victims of DV, I find it repugnant and heinous that a person who has been abusive uses the system to claim having been physically abused.

40 minutes ago, leighroda said:

So I'm just now watching this episode without multi tasking... and I can't believe that Leah took everyone to look at the house while people lived there and were all going in the yard playing on the play equipment, maybe they asked off camera, but it seemed like everyone just started snooping around the house, and the kids were off.  Thank goodness nobody got hurt because I'm sure Leah would have filed a lawsuit so fast.

Leah is such an idiot. She is also trash.

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Why can't Ali be put in piano or something? Even chess or something where she can sit in the wheelchair without feeling like an "other" while still getting to learn fun things, enjoy herself etc. The girlses don't have to do everything together. I think the time apart might even help with the arguing (yes I know it's mostly due to their age but I'm just saying) I'm sure Leah can fit this into her "busy" schedule. 

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On 1/11/2017 at 11:50 AM, GreatKazu said:

Thanks Tara!

Leah finds a new home aka T.R. Dues left her ass.

yeah, it seems like Leah is weary of having any of her new boyfriends on camera. When did she and TR Dues break up? He was never on camera (I think he didn't want to, he made his Twitter private, so it seems like he prefers to avoid the spotlight) so it's hard to know when things ended or why. 

If theyre done, then I'm sure Leah's found someone new, she's not the type of girl that can handle being single very long..

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Leah reminds me of my childhood best friend. Basically no family support, had no money for a while (now she has a solid middle class job), pulled herself up by her bootstraps. The girl cannot be single for longer than a millisecond. She got a divorce a couple years ago in July, was heavily in another relationship from about August to October, and then met a guy who proposed to her at Christmas. For the next several months, she was engaged but trying to decide whether or not to go back to a different ex. Was planning her wedding and complaining that she needed to get to court to officially divorce before her wedding day. I can understand why she makes those choices, but I wonder how many weddings she will have. 

I agree TR Dues wants to stay out of the spotlight, but I don't get it...why do guys like him, and even Cole, go after girls who are on TV? I mean, they are not the world's last eligible women. Why not find someone who doesn't make their living doing something that makes you super uncomfortable?

Edited by Christina87
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11 hours ago, Christina87 said:

Leah reminds me of my childhood best friend. Basically no family support, had no money for a while (now she has a solid middle class job), pulled herself up by her bootstraps. The girl cannot be single for longer than a millisecond. She got a divorce a couple years ago in July, was heavily in another relationship from about August to October, and then met a guy who proposed to her at Christmas. For the next several months, she was engaged but trying to decide whether or not to go back to a different ex. Was planning her wedding and complaining that she needed to get to court to officially divorce before her wedding day. I can understand why she makes those choices, but I wonder how many weddings she will have. 

I agree TR Dues wants to stay out of the spotlight, but I don't get it...why do guys like him, and even Cole, go after girls who are on TV? I mean, they are not the world's last eligible women. Why not find someone who doesn't make their living doing something that makes you super uncomfortable?

Probably several reasons. Firstly, all the MTV money she has. With an income over $200k, these Teen Moms are able to live more than a middle class lifestyle. And maybe they just click/are into them, too. Someone who lives that kind of lifestyle is exciting - the idea that so many men would love to date them (for a variety of reasons, many of which are probably not sincere but regardless) and of all of them, she chose you. 

Many of these Teen Mom girls seem like the type of girls who, initially, present themselves well and are likable/appealing, like Leah. She initially seems sweet and fun and outgoing and normal. I notice her boyfriends/ex-husbands are all initially super into her and want to make  it work with her and are even willing to overlook her "I'm not sure if I'm over my ex," ways. But down the line, as they get to know her and she gets more comfortable with them, they realize she's got many flaws - she's messy/unorganized as hell, she's irresponsible, she can't take any criticism, she over-spends money and is likely to put whoever she marries in serious debt, she's chaotic and lives an unstable life, always moving, etc. Remember how Jeremy kept saying stuff like, "The girl I fell in love with ain't the girl I got now," and "She went from normal to batshit crazy," etc. 

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On 1/20/2017 at 2:08 PM, Christina87 said:

Leah reminds me of my childhood best friend. Basically no family support, had no money for a while (now she has a solid middle class job), pulled herself up by her bootstraps. The girl cannot be single for longer than a millisecond. She got a divorce a couple years ago in July, was heavily in another relationship from about August to October, and then met a guy who proposed to her at Christmas. For the next several months, she was engaged but trying to decide whether or not to go back to a different ex. Was planning her wedding and complaining that she needed to get to court to officially divorce before her wedding day. I can understand why she makes those choices, but I wonder how many weddings she will have. 

I agree TR Dues wants to stay out of the spotlight, but I don't get it...why do guys like him, and even Cole, go after girls who are on TV? I mean, they are not the world's last eligible women. Why not find someone who doesn't make their living doing something that makes you super uncomfortable?

If I remember right, TR Dues was somehow associated with MTV. He was/is some kind of weight-trainer or health trainer of some sort who was hired by MTV and that was how Leah met him. That is why we saw Leah with some muscles on her upper arms and she loved to show those arms in her selfies. That is when people noticed the fake tits.

I don't know that TR Dues was uncomfortable with the cameras or being with Leah who was on television. I think there is a lot of gray area in between. He may have really liked her. He thought he could have a relationship without ever being shown on camera. He may have also wanted to protect his children from the limelight and/or his ex may have asked him to keep their kids from the camera. He was sometimes caught in Leah's photos. There was one photo where you could clearly see his arm on Leah's couch. Leah shared her Xmas tree to the world and it just so happened to be the same one TR Dues shared on his page.

Leah tweeted in May 2016 how she and Dues are better off as friends. Yeah, okay Leah.

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First thing I noticed.. Kail is ugly.  Just her pudgy miss piggy face and weird body.  Vee is gorgeous.  Leah looks like she's pushing fifty and the little I saw if Jeremy's girlfriend Brooke,  she is beautiful and Lee looks like she could be her mother. Girl is not aging well.  I didn't see Leah carry Ali up what looks like a steep hill to that new house.  Addie was so sweet at seeing Jeremy.  What has Leah been saying to her that she asked Jeremy are u my daddy? Pretty telling that Nathan gets practically 50/50 custody even tho he hasn't bothered to see kaiser in eight months.  My EX and I were married and he was only awarded  two weekends a month.  

I feel bad for Issac.  Javi is an ass 

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On 1/12/2017 at 0:22 PM, leighroda said:

If Leah is soooo concerned about Ali feeling different slap a helmet on Addie and Gracie... she has no qualms about letting them play with the wheelchair, let them see a small bit of how life is for Ali. 

This is actually a great idea.  When I was a kid my two cousins had to wear eye patches for astigmatism.  I then felt like the odd one out and would ask for an eye patch.


On 1/12/2017 at 4:30 PM, BitterApple said:

I don't understand these women who just rotate live-in boyfriends in and out of their kids lives. Do they not consider that their children may be uncomfortable with some strange man living in their house? And it's not even like they date for any serious length of time before shacking up. Personally I'd want to make sure my boyfriend wasn't some closet pedophile/serial killer/psychopath before I sign a lease with him. I'm not sure if 30 days is long enough to make that determination.

I'm a step mom and I ask myself about this all the time, especially when we get news from my step-daughter's crazy mom.  (She just got her marriage annulled after 1 month.)  I literally do not understand.

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