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S03.E12: Mad City: Ghosts

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Dammit Lee you couldn't stay mad at Jim for more then five minutes.  I agree with Falcone; if it were up to me Jimmwould be dead and someone else would be the lead.

Cat's mom is gonna steal the shiny owl isn't she?  Surprised she didn't already.

Jerome had his own cult that wants to bring him back from the dead.  Good for him.

Serious Lee.  Dude killed your husband.  You were right earlier HE is the virus.

  • Love 1

Best episode since 'Anything for You,' in my opinion.

  • First of all JEROMEEEEEE!!!!!!!!! Missed my psycho son
  • Pretty cool how they got one of the Joker's followers from the Dark Knight to be in this ep
  • Loved the Ed, Clayface, Babs/Tabs scene/reveal. Good to see all those baddies in one scene
  • Nice to see Paul Reuben again
  • Wasn't expecting to see Barnes again so soon
  • Baby Bat and his Michael Keaton Bruce Wayne turtenecks are still my fave
  • Good to Zsasz have a substantial role in this episode, even if it was just him hunting Jim. They remebered how threatening he can be.
  • RIP the Zsaszettes. :( Victor will have to hold auditions to hire some new ones I suppose
  • Lee changed her mind awfully fast. It would have been cool to see her slip towards the dark side, but I suppose that would be too similar to what happened with Babs
  • That old-westerny musical cue when Harvey had a drink made me lol
  • Falcone continues to be my fave
  • Pengy's gone bananas and the people ain't gonna happy with him anymore
Edited by HoodlumSheep
  • Love 5

Poor Jim. I know, he's a bit of a prick, and those close to him pay the price, but I don't think he's an outright bad guy. Why can't Leslie move away and hook up with a former cancer patient with lasagna for a face?

Damn, when Edward wants to mindfuck somebody, he does not play around. Helps to have a guy who can change his face. Totally forgot about Basil (that is his name, right?). Here's hoping Tabitha and Barbara do more. I think they spent the episode at the knee-length boot shop, buying in bulk. Or maybe see how versatile Butch's hand was.

Nice to have Maria/Selina fun until the shit hit the fan. And Alfred kinda looked smitten. He needs some love.

ETA: I totally wouldn't bring Jerome back, but since he's popular and the concept of death on this show is a joke, I'm willing to go along with it. How funny would it be if he came back to life a lot more sane, embarrassed by his stint as a cult figure?

ETA2: Anybody else half-expecting Selina to open the box to find a purple bodysuit with a tail? Just me??

  • Love 3

The problem "good guys" like Jim, Lee and Bruce is they can't do anything over the line Bad.  Jim flirting with darkness is one thing but crossing any real line is something that can't happen so Lee had to at least cancel the hit on him.  If she had gone through with it even if it had failed it would have put her too far over the line and into villian territory.  

Lee is so contemptible at this point that even though I have nothing against the actress in real life, I found myself getting furious seeing her in Deadpool when I rewatched this weekend. And I LOVED her character in that movie! 

Lots of familiar faces this episode. Hell, there's so much crazy now that it's pointless to bring Jerome back.

Unless they kill off Lee, I'm done with this show. I went through this shit with Smallville, I'm not doing it again.

  • Love 1

Poor Selina. I think that her mother knew about her relationship with Bruce which is why she inserted herself into Selina's life. It is probably a set up to get some of Bruce's money. 

Oh Lee, of course she didn't mean what she said about hating Jim. Even if she wasn't still in love with him, Lee is a good person with a conscience.

I recognized the bad guy trying to wake up Jerome as a villain from The Dark Knight. Cool. I am thrilled that he is attempting to resurrect Jerome who I like a lot.

I am rooting for Barbara and Tabitha to come out on top of Penguin and Nguema. I still think that Gotham shafts all its women characters.

Edited by SimoneS
  • Love 1
20 minutes ago, Spartan Girl said:

Lee is so contemptible at this point that even though I have nothing against the actress in real life, I found myself getting furious seeing her in Deadpool when I rewatched this weekend. And I LOVED her character in that movie!

So much difference between Leslie and Vanessa. Leslie can never be, in the words of Honest Trailers, "Freak In The Streets, But A Freak In The Sheets."

20 minutes ago, Spartan Girl said:

Unless they kill off Lee, I'm done with this show. I went through this shit with Smallville, I'm not doing it again.

Dude, Gotham isn't that bad. And I'm sure Fox would pull the plug if the ratings tank. To save on agita, I'm not going to glance at Riverdale, because the CW has learned all the wrong lessons. At least with Gotham, some of the characters are cool, and the writers love not giving a fuck. Remember Theo's death? Lesson learned: "Never bring a sword to a bazooka fight."

ETA: Forgot about Barnes. At least Chiklis can earn that paycheck. I don't think a bazooka can stop Barnes at his most unhinged.

  • Love 2

I've said it before, but this episode made me think again about how much better this show would have been if Oswald Cobblepot was its main character.

Yes, it's a broken record at this point to talk about how compellingly layered and nuanced Cobblepot is as a character and just how great Robin Lord Taylor is in portraying him...but every time I think I've seen something special, there goes Cobblepot and Taylor to wow me once again.

Like tonight- Taylor was electric in portraying Cobblepot's slow descent back to craziness, hitting his peak at the worst possible time for the character. This is because Cobblepot's past came back to haunt him in a big way, especially the intrigues that led to his father's death. The fact that it was Edward Nygma playing to all this made it even better, because only by knowing Cobblepot's past could Nygma's manipulation really work. It was brilliantly written and plotted, all because Cobblepot is developed enough to make that story work.

It also means that I actually care whether or not he lives or dies. Yeah, Oswald's "The Penguin" so his chances for survival are pretty high...but still, seeing the depths of Oswald's character means that I notice his presence and I feel for what happens to him.

Unlike a certain character who's supposed to be the show's main character.

I won't go into a screed about Jim, because that truly is a broken record at this stage. However, because his development was poor and the character corrupted to the point where he's essentially meaningless, the whole "hit job on Jim" story fell very, very, very flat. I suppose the takeaway is that finally Gordon got the better of someone (Victor Zsasz and his Zsaszettes), and it was great to see Lee wrestle with her emotions for Jim (plus, don't Morrena Baccharin and John Doman play off each other very well?), but the drama rang false.

Also- side point, but for a hitman that's supposedly the most feared man in Gotham, Victor Zsasz sure does fail his at his task way too much.

Then...the tearjerker moment when Selina and her mother finally bonded. As my own mother is no longer with us, that scene had special meaning for me.

It was also fun to see Selina and her mother have some fun at Alfred's expense...Alfie, those front pockets are convenient for thieves too you know.

It also looks like Selina's mother is in some kind of trouble...we'll see how that goes.

Oh, and Barnes! Pity that the only time Michael Chiklis shines is when his character isn't used very much.

The Bullock Meter- 7

The bond is back. Harvey Bullock's friendship with Jim Gordon finally hit its stride again, and seeing the brotherly appreciation those two have for each other was the real highlight of the episode for Bullock. Him having the drink after the shootout with Zsasz was also very funny. Other than that, there wasn't much for Bullock to do other than go through the motions on the Case Of The Week.

Episode Grade: B. The show is back on the right track.

  • Love 4

Every time I think Jim can't be even bigger of an idiot, he actually goes to Mario's funeral.  Had Bullock not been there, I honestly wonder if he would have actually gone down there and not just watch from a distant.  Really, Jim?!  You think that was the time to place to go to Lee and Carmen Freaking Falcone and do your "My bad, guys!" thing?  Idiot.

Always great seeing Victor Zsasz, even if Jim somehow is apparently the only person he is incapable of killing with ease.  But I love how casual he is about everything and how quickly he was "OK, bye!", when Falcone told him the hit was off.  It really is just business!

Lee puts on a good show, but, of course, she still cares for Jim.

There is now a cult devoted to Jerome and, naturally, most of them are some kind of clown make-up and whatnot.  There plan is to resurrect him somehow, which I'm sure will work out and cause GCPD much pain.

Selina's mom is apparently in a little bit of trouble!  At least she's totally caught Alfred's eye.  Go Alfred!

Totally knew Oswald seeing his dad was going to be part of Nygma's plan.  I can only imagine what else he has instore for him.

Plenty of Bullock in this one at least, which automatically makes it one of the better episodes.

Nice to see you again, Barnes!

  • Love 3
Just now, Lantern7 said:

{T}he concept of death on this show is a joke,

"It's not a morgue; it's a motel!"

Just now, Danielg342 said:

{Ff}or a hitman that's supposedly the most feared man in Gotham, Victor Zsasz sure does fail his at his task way too much.

Really.  That was just sad.  I know that movie and TV machine guns can't hit anything (you'd think people would notice and stop using them!) but Zsasz and the Zsaszettes are supposedly lethal, not jokes.

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, jhlipton said:

Really.  That was just sad.  I know that movie and TV machine guns can't hit anything (you'd think people would notice and stop using them!) but Zsasz and the Zsaszettes are supposedly lethal, not jokes.

Plot armor. The ability of any character to hit any other character is inversely proportional to that character's importance. Main characters on both sides of the good and evil scale will almost never be hit by anyone no matter how skilled the shooter is supposed to be and if they are, it's just grazing shots, all the while those same horrible marksmen will mow down unimportant characters by the dozens with pinpoint accuracy shots that in real life even expert marksmen wouldn't be able to pull off consistently. It's been that way since... well, since any sort of projectile weapon has ever been in fiction.

Gordon has felt entirely like an afterthought for a very long time on this show, with the villains taking up most of the screentime and worthwhile storylines. Hell, Batman himself has been been a secondary character with the villains actually being the ones actually carrying the work in a lot of his stories, but even he is usually worthwhile in his lines and competent in his actions when he does show up. Gordon is a character whose relevance and effectiveness in a show where he is supposed to be the main character makes him look like some supposedly important character that gets killed 30 seconds after he first shows up.

  • Love 3
9 hours ago, Danielg342 said:

I've said it before, but this episode made me think again about how much better this show would have been if Oswald Cobblepot was its main character.


This one felt absolutely packed with action. A little over-stuffed if anything. But it felt good to let 'Gotham's' crazy roll over me again.

As immortalfrieza pointed out in the post above mine, the plot armour for various characters makes 'buying in' to things like Jim trying to evade death by assassin rather difficult. I think we all know at this point we're stuck with Jim for all eternity. And the interminably awful Jim/Lee drama. There's no tension.

Likewise, Ed's suggestion that they'll break Oswald and then 'put him out of his misery'. Are they going to kill Oswald? No. Are they going to kill Ed? No. The climax of this arc doubtless ends with a lot of ugly crying, accusations of betrayal and either them slinking off their separate ways or agreeing to take down Barbara together for the greater good.

That said, Ed dug up his Dad's corpse? That is cold. Simmer down Riddles, you knew that woman like...a week.

Other notes:

More Victor Szasz please, show. 

Much love for Ed's ultra nihilist voicemail message.

Selina's mum is going to crush Selina's (and possibly Alfred's) heart like a bug, isn't she?

The map in the glass was gloriously Indiana Jones. I LOVE it.

Edited by Blackcanary
  • Love 6
11 hours ago, HoodlumSheep said:

Best episode since 'Anything for You,' in my opinion.

  • First of all JEROMEEEEEE!!!!!!!!! Missed my psycho son
  • Pretty cool how they got one of the Joker's followers from the Dark Knight to be in this ep
  • Loved the Ed, Clayface, Babs/Tabs scene/reveal. Good to see all those baddies in one scene
  • Nice to see Paul Reuben again
  • Wasn't expecting to see Barnes again so soon
  • Baby Bat and his Michael Keaton Bruce Wayne turtenecks are still my fave
  • Good to Zsasz have a substantial role in this episode, even if it was just him hunting Jim. They remebered how threatening he can be.
  • RIP the Zsaszettes. :( Victor will have to hold auditions to hire some new ones I suppose
  • Lee changed her mind awfully fast. It would have been cool to see her slip towards the dark side, but I suppose that would be too similar to what happened with Babs
  • That old-westerny musical cue when Harvey had a drink made me lol
  • Falcone continues to be my fave
  • Pengy's gone bananas and the people ain't gonna happy with him anymore

It's funny, I actually thought this episode had too much going on for me to really enjoy it.  The show needs to set up the stories for the rest of the season, but it was just a lot for me to absorb.

2 hours ago, Chaos Theory said:

Did I mishear and Lee say she was acting Commissioner?  Ha!  Jims new boss is one of his scorned exes.  Who says she forgives him? Might be taking a page out of Ed's tool chest and drive Jimbo crazy.  

No, she told Harvey that, as acting captain, he needed to do his duty and arrest Jim.  It took me a second to parse that line.

Well! Just about everybody got some screentime in this one! The opening acting credits must have gone on for over 3 minutes! Assuming the IMDB credits match up to the Show ones, and from a quick summary it looks like they do, with Anthony Carrigan being the last of the folks listed in the opening (he got his "and Anthony Carrigan as Victor Zsasz" special shout-out, totally well deserved IMO) that's 25 names! Only Butch, Ivy and Jervis from the regular cast weren't in the episode.

Also, David Mazouz is third lead in the show? I'd never noticed that. That's some outstanding work from his team.

Busy but fun episode. It's pretty par for Gotham to spend the first episode of it's half seasons setting up a lot, but the Ed/Oswald and Jim/Lee stories had some meat to them which was nice.

This was definitely one of the better ones of this season. I still think the weakest storyline is Jim's but I'm so happy Harvey finally had more screen time. And I couldn't help but laugh at how casual Zsasz was at being told the hit was off.

I had a feeling Ed was probably the one behind the visions of Penguin's father. Them as enemies is a more interesting prospect for me so I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of Ed's plan unfold.

Oh Alfred, what a flirt. But I liked the stuff with Selina and her mom. I'm guessing the Court of Owls stuff will take a backseat for the time being.

I love Jerome. No new footage, except maybe his dead body that looks older than it did when we last saw it. But I can't wait to see him back.

Selina's Mum is surely setting up the con to try and get big bucks from Bruce. Poor Selina. Her kitten heart will be crushed.

I enjoyed the episode. Jim is still dull, though.

I like that although they don't specifically say it's set in the past, the technology (the TV in the GCPD) and the family all sitting watching the Penguin's meltdown are nice touches towards that.

  • Love 1

Solid return episode. A lot seemed to happen in it too.

Oswald being tormented by his 'father', only for it to be Clayface hired by Nygma was delightfully twisted. This campaign against Oswald is taking a nicely sinister turn.

Gordon nearly got killed by Zsasz, only for Leslie to take Falcone out of it. I think they could've maintained her hatred for him for a little longer, even if she probably hasn't forgiven him yet.

While I get the point of Barnes's brief scene here, is there still any point to him as a character full stop?

Good scenes with Selina, Bruce, Maria and Alfred in this one but Selina is gonna end up being disappointed by her mother in the end, isn't she?

Welcome back, Jerome, 7/10

14 hours ago, Chaos Theory said:

I hope with the return of Jerome we see more Barbara because I am not happy unless there is more Barbara.  I think that is going to be my theme for the series.

I was just thinking about Barbara's plans and wondering if she's going to end up being fantastically terrible at being Queen of the Underworld, should she succeed in taking Oswald down.

I mean, Barbara's previous jobs are a) art gallery owner and b) stylish bar owner. Oswald presumably had years to soak up knowledge and experience from his time with Fish (and still managed to screw up frequently whilst he was getting started), whereas Babs is going to have something of a baptism of fire. Let's hope she can keep Butch on side, given his wealth of experience...

Edited by Blackcanary

Why can't Jim just spit out the fact that Mario was about to stab Lee?

For that matter, why don't Carmine and Lee order a hit on Jervis Tetch for infecting Mario in the first place and signing his death warrant? Mario was totally expendable to him. If he were my son/husband, that would make me angry.

Edited by Noneofyourbusiness
  • Love 5
9 hours ago, Noneofyourbusiness said:

Why can't Jim just spit out the fact that Mario was about to stab Lee?

For that matter, why don't Carmine and Lee order a hit on Jervis Tetch for infecting Mario in the first place and signing his death warrant? Mario was totally expendable to him. If he were my son/husband, that would make me angry.


And while we are at it, shouldn't Lee be more disturbed that Mario murdered an innocent person -- and that Jim should get some credit for being right when nobody believed him and just dismissed him as a crazy ex when he'd been nothing but mature about the whole situation. Had Mario not been infected/remained a good guy, he was willing to let her get married without a peep.

I can't see Lee and Jim getting back together at this point. If Jim even posesses a pair of balls, he shouldn't forget the fact that she was complicit in ordering a hit on him -- calling it off at the last minute doesn't count for anything.

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, paigow said:

Unfortunately, there is no physical evidence...and Gordon promised to bring Mario in alive...

Still no earthly reason for him not to say it (and for that matter, a good detective would have tried to recover the knife from the scene even if it did conveniently fall in the water, or mention it to Forensics so they could search).

  • Love 1
23 hours ago, Spartan Girl said:


And while we are at it, shouldn't Lee be more disturbed that Mario murdered an innocent person -- and that Jim should get some credit for being right when nobody believed him and just dismissed him as a crazy ex when he'd been nothing but mature about the whole situation. Had Mario not been infected/remained a good guy, he was willing to let her get married without a peep.

I can't see Lee and Jim getting back together at this point. If Jim even posesses a pair of balls, he shouldn't forget the fact that she was complicit in ordering a hit on him -- calling it off at the last minute doesn't count for anything.

I agree 100℅ with you.

Unfortunately, I believe the writers are trying to frame things so that Lee is the "good one" and Gordon is the "bad one", being "too reckless for his own good". Which would work if the writing was effective in that regard and it clearly isn't.

What it really boils down to is the fact that the writing for the 3rd season is too focused on Action! and Drama! and making the characters act as devices to those ends, previous characterization be gone. It's no more clear than with Jim's stories because he's by now run his course as a truly effective character (he'd be a great candidate to kill if Plot Armour™ didn't dictate that he survives), but even in Oswald's story- where Isabella just had to wreck Nygmobblepot- there's elements of this (not to mention the tired cliche of everyone wanting to "destroy" Penguin).

The writers are claiming they are better organized this season but I'm clearly not seeing it.

  • Love 1

I didn't get the sense that Lee was supposed to be good while Gordon was supposed to be bad, but I definitely agree that it was meant to be a contrived situation which could have been pretty easy to clear up with simple communication.  We're supposed to think "what a shame these two lovebirds can't see the real truth", except I couldn't care less at this point especially with Gordon acting like a complete idiot and handling the situation in the worst way possible.  Falcone could have sent his own posse to extract Mario unharmed. 

I'm finding myself uninterested in Selina's mother, who parachuted in out of nowhere.  Bruce is kind of in a holding pattern right now with nothing really going on in his story.

And then we have the wacky hijinx of the villains having a go at one another.  It's like Penguin goes on a neverending rollercoaster of sane and insane that we're never supposed to get tired of.  Yes, his acting is awesome but we've seen where this has gone before.  

I have no interest in seeing Jerome ever again.

Edited by Camera One
  • Love 2

Pretty cool how they got one of the Joker's followers from the Dark Knight to be in this ep

 I knew that guy looked familiar! 

Well, this one wasn't too bad. There's still so many stories going on it's like having the channel change four or five times per episode--when they cut to Bruce and Alfred I actually said "oh right, them" out loud. Also, Brucie, since your entire security setup is basically Alfred with a handgun and wide open windows, maybe put that owl thingy actually inside the Cave, not just say so and then leave it in plain sight on an end table? It's nice the sunbeam was so eager to play its part and all but C'MON.  You've known Selena way too long to leave stuff lying around like that!

Jim Gordon, the dummy, manages to decide that MarioKart's funeral is the very best time and place to be all "so sorry for that whole 'alive' turned out to be pretty fungible thing" with Lee and Carmine. If Harvey didn't have anything better to do (oh, wait! He's ACTING CAPTAIN SO HE DOES, ACTUALLY) but follow Jim around telling him not to be such an imbecile we'd have him off the show already. As futzed as I am at Lee I wouldn't have blamed her a bit if she had shoved him right into the grave.

Speaking of, once again the writers are taking a female character and spinning her here, there, and everywhere to move plot points along with no regard for any actual reality of said character. Because they've got so much going on they have to send Lee careening from "I HATE HIM MUST KILL" to "Okay, Barnes is kinda sorta out there wowsers" to "CALL IT OFF I STILL LOVE HIM" in about three minutes, chopped up and sprinkled throughout the episode.  GAH. 

(And while we're at it, wardrobe; knock it off with the kitten heels. They do nothing for Monica--she's a gorgeous woman and that heel height makes her look bowlegged and dumpy, especially in the whole Sicilian Widow Mourning Weeds Over The Knee Skirts. Put her in regulation three inchers or in boots or something.) 

Selena's getting plaaaaaayed. You want to really mess someone up? Give them what they've always wanted. Whoever hired her dear old mum to come in was a genius, who knew that what Selena wants, Bruce wants for her, and Alfred hasn't been on a date in twenty five years and is so pent up he'd ready to pop at the first watch lift/cheek kiss that comes along. That entire thing, from confrontation at the loft to supposed bad guy at the hotel, was Mommy lining her fish up in the barrel in the most precise shooting order when the time comes to grab that owl (which won't be too hard! BRUCE. WE'VE DISCUSSED THIS.)

Zzaz continues to delight even though he's the current epitome of "telling not doing" on Gotham, which is saying a lot. For somebody with such a fearsome rep he sure misses a LOT and relies way too heavily on spray 'n pray to get the job [not] done. Does everybody in Gotham attend the Stormtrooper School of Shooting or what?

  • Love 3

I don't get why it isn't up to Falcone.  Why does he need to involve Lee in the decision at all?  Like any good mob boss, he shouldn't have discussed it with her at all and simply had Jim taken out quietly.  And hire a professional hitman next time, really.  Zsasz is fun, but when you can't assassinate someone with assault rifles while expending about a thousand rounds you need to hang it up.  A pro kills him with one shot from a sniper rifle.

Edited by Dobian
  • Love 2
3 hours ago, Danielg342 said:

I think the wider point is that the writers need to stop putting Jim in situations where someone would obviously want to kill him. We know he'll survive to the end of the series...why the false drama of "will X be able to kill Jim?"

On 1/16/2017 at 9:14 PM, Lantern7 said:

{T}he concept of death on this show is a joke,

"It's not a morgue; it's a motel!"

I liked the way that Selina's mom wore her glasses on the top of her head, making it look like she has cat ears.

Agree with those who think this Catmom/bad guy-maybe Catdad is a set-up. (Haven't watched this week's episode yet, so maybe this has been confirmed.)

Waiting for Jerome to become  the Joker, but isn't the actor starring In Shameless on Showtime? How available is he?

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