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Scientology Resources: Follow Me Down the Rabbit Hole

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Thanks for sharing Winterfalls, that is a great video. Ridiculous (the jargon itself, not Aaron) but interesting. Shows how deep the thought control goes, sadly. I liked that even he started chuckling at the ridiculousness of differentiating between the Sea Org, orgs, and Sea Org orgs, lol.

Edited by Maelstrom
stupid autocorrect
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2 hours ago, Indy said:

This is a disturbing article. How many of these facilities are there? I wonder who these people that were locked up were? My guess is mentally ill Scientologists, but since they don't believe in mental illness it's better to lock them away. Shady shit all around. I can't wait for the day they are no more

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The globalnews.ca was such a weird item that I Googled it and came up with this dated 5/5/17:

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WZTV) — A Scientologist who opened his own 'treatment facility' not affiliated with the church has been indicted for facilitation to kidnapping after two people were allegedly held against their will at the Woodbury facility.

Deputies with the Cannon County Sheriff's Office say on February 7th, they responded to a 911 call at the Sunshine Lane facility, primarily made up of cabinsand a double-wide trailer. Deputies say a male victim was found locked in a cabin, with no sufficient food or water. The man told deputies he requested to leave the cabin, but was kept from doing so by his caretaker. He also made claims he was subjected to assault.

The facility also housed another female victim who made the same claims.

Pix and full article here:


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Oh my.  Here is another quote from the article."

"None of the men charged were found to be licensed healthcare professionals. The Life Center operated under the management of Vallieres, who is a Scientologist and is believed to have used his training learned through the church to open up his own treatment facility."

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On 5/5/2017 at 1:33 PM, Indy said:

Did anyone notice this update?

"EDITOR’S NOTE: A previous version of this article stated that the facilities involved in the story were owned and operated by the Church of Scientology. That information was contained in an erroneous statement from the Cannon County Sheriff’s Department. This article has been edited and amended to reflect that the facilities in question were in no way affiliated with the Church of Scientology. Global News regrets the error."

It's at the top of the article in the link above. hmmmmmmmmm..................

I finally saw Louis Theroux's documentary on CO$. I have to say that Marty Ratburn for all his talk is suffering from some PTSD, especially with the "squirrelling" that those yahoos do has really done a number on him.

While I do feel sorry for Marty, I also feel that he really should come clean about everything as there are still some secrets of CO$ that he is keeping.  It may help destroy the cult.

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On 1/22/2017 at 7:48 PM, AZChristian said:

I just finished watching "Going Clear."

1.  My IQ dropped at least 20 points.

2.  It is impossible to watch David Miscavige sing "We Stand Tall" without laughing.

I know this is an older post but how/where did you watch this? Hoping Netflix or Hulu ?

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There was a fantastic website, full of info and ressources written by Jean-Luc Barbier, a Swiss guy, who was declared in late 80's.... The website is now down, but I found it through web.archives.org. There's a lot of content in English too :) Jean-Luc was one of the first person using the web and being vocal against CO$

Here's an intersting link regarding the content of the OTIII level ^_^ : https://web.archive.org/web/20120313102146/http://www.anti-scientologie.ch/ot3-testimony.htm#OT


I would like to add an additional resource to Whimsy's original list:

The film: Scientology: A Student's Descent is a fine documentary type of film that describes Nancy Many's descent into what she calls the "Hell of the Hell of Scientology". I'm sorry I don't remember the exact name she used but that was pretty close. It's a horrific tale of her experience of joining the church when she was 20 years old and staying in the Sea Org for about 10 years during which time she got married and had a son. But eventually she felt tortured and had to run from the church and today she is active in the struggle against this cult. When you Google her name, you will likely find several web sites and books in which she has written about her experiences. IMO, it is well worth taking the time to read about her experiences with Scamatology. Really, a very tragic story and one that all young people who are thinking of joining this cult should really know about. It can save them a horrific experience with this criminal cult.


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On 8/23/2017 at 10:02 AM, greekmom said:

I finally saw Louis Theroux's documentary on CO$. I have to say that Marty Ratburn for all his talk is suffering from some PTSD, especially with the "squirrelling" that those yahoos do has really done a number on him.

While I do feel sorry for Marty, I also feel that he really should come clean about everything as there are still some secrets of CO$ that he is keeping.  It may help destroy the cult.

Unfortunately, Marty has taken the path of least resistance and has either gone back to the crock or entered some kind of agreement to stop fighting it so they will leave him alone.  I can't blame him; the Theroux documentary shows him to be very fragile at least. He's been fighting for a long time and it's worn him quite thin.  It's kind of a shame because the survivor group is doing well these days, and I'm certain he would be welcomed with open arms.

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I just watched a show on Discovery ID about the life and murder of Elli Perkins. In a nutshell, she and her husband were hardcore Scientologists. They had 2 kids and the whole family practiced Scientology. The son had a lot of mental issues as he got older. He got arrested when he was in his 20's and was court ordered to a psych ward because he was delusional, etc. The pdoc diagnosised him with paranoid schizophrenia and says he needs to be medicated. Of course the parents say no and that Scientology and a regime of vitamins will cure him, etc. Short time later, the son tries to kill himself unsuccessfully, so he kills the mom because she's the devil, etc. He was found not guilty due to mental illness. He will spend the rest of his life in an institution. Very sad and disturbing. Google her or try to catch the show on Discovery. 


Edited by juliet73
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2 hours ago, juliet73 said:

I just watched a show on Discovery ID about the life and murder of Elli Perkins. In a nutshell, she and her husband were hardcore Scientologists. They had 2 kids and the whole family practiced Scientology. The son had a lot of mental issues as he got older. He got arrested when he was in his 20's and was court ordered to a psych ward because he was delusional, etc. The pdoc diagnosised him with paranoid schizophrenia and says he needs to be medicated. Of course the parents say no and that Scientology and a regime of vitamins will cure him, etc. Short time later, the son tries to kill himself unsuccessfully, so he kills the mom because she's the devil, etc. He was found not guilty due to mental illness. He will spend the rest of his life in an institution. Very sad and disturbing. Google her or try to catch the show on Discovery. 


This makes me sick.  I am an RN who works in a psychiatric hospital  How sad to leave someone with paranoid schizophrenia untreated!!  Vitamins are not a treatment for this illness.  It's a akin to giving a cancer patient no chemo, radiation, surgery or pain meds just vitamins.  When parents do that with minor children suffering with cancer due to religious beliefs and then the child dies, they have been criminally charged.  The COS and his father should be charged with something for Elli's death.  Yes, the son committed the act but he isn't at fault.    

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For the ones with a FB account and really interested in going deeper (you've been warned), there's a very active group on facebook, with exactly that name (columns included) and no, I don't want to give the url directly.



Edited by Diane Mars
To add the description of the FB page :)
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Not sure if this is in the right spot. Just wanted to share a little tidbit. 


Every year, I attend an event at the PA Convention Center in Philly (Wizard World Comic Con, in case anyone cares).  There's a Scientology building across from the Convention Center. In all if the years I've been going, I have never seen any activity there. Now, I usually attend on a Saturday, but I would assume that shouldn't matter because Scientology doesn't quit for the weekend. This area of Philly is extremely busy, so I find it hilarious that I've never once seen a single person come in or out of that building. 

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On 9/19/2017 at 11:02 PM, juliet73 said:

I just watched a show on Discovery ID about the life and murder of Elli Perkins. In a nutshell, she and her husband were hardcore Scientologists. They had 2 kids and the whole family practiced Scientology. The son had a lot of mental issues as he got older. He got arrested when he was in his 20's and was court ordered to a psych ward because he was delusional, etc. The pdoc diagnosised him with paranoid schizophrenia and says he needs to be medicated. Of course the parents say no and that Scientology and a regime of vitamins will cure him, etc. Short time later, the son tries to kill himself unsuccessfully, so he kills the mom because she's the devil, etc. He was found not guilty due to mental illness. He will spend the rest of his life in an institution. Very sad and disturbing. Google her or try to catch the show on Discovery. 


I just watched it. So sad for everyone. I hope Jeremy gets the treatment he needs and stays locked up .

On 1/18/2017 at 8:22 AM, Baltimore Betty said:

My dentist has been taking part in a management training program in Florida, the hygienist confided in me that it is connected to Scientology, I checked out the website and sure enough there is mention of LRH and Scientology, it really makes me uneasy about this dentist who I have known for more than 25 years.  His current girlfriend (the one that he cheated on his wife with) wants nothing to do with it and the hygienist refuses to go to any of the training sessions.  The Scientology tentacles seem to reach in to all facets of life even non spiritually.

The funny thing is, I work for a dental consulting firm, we are 10 min. from his office, they must be promising him the moon and stars.

This is sad that Cult of $ has found another victim.  Time to find a new dentist?  I would feel uncomfortable with all those vibes around me.

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I was vacationing in Seattle and saw what I assumed were religious people all over the tourist spots and in front of train stations. They stand in front of racks of booklets and seemed very friendly and always smiling at everyone. They didn't actively approach people.

One day in the shopping district, we passed by a Scientology center. I've never seen one before.

After we got home, I suddenly got the possible connection. Could they be Scientologists? I now wish I grabbed those booklets. I remember one of them was titled "Will suffering ever end?" or something like that.

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12 minutes ago, Snow Apple said:

After we got home, I suddenly got the possible connection. Could they be Scientologists? I now wish I grabbed those booklets. I remember one of them was titled "Will suffering ever end?" or something like that.

I'm 99.9% sure that's a Jehova's Witness pamphlet.  They used to set up every Saturday at a restaurant we used to patronize, until it went downhill.  They would sit at a table and smile, but not approach people.  And they always had a literature rack.

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6 hours ago, CrystalBlue said:

We need a MAD emoji for this!

I work for a small business and my boss played hell trying to the loan and the amount wasn't large at all.  Another small business was denied because all the money was gone!  Such bullshit from these people

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