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Nobody is implying that Rosario doesn't have agency. But, ummmm, didn't we just go through an election year where everyone was hand-wringing about jobs? So.....

Besides, this is not about Rosario, ultimately. It's about K and L being condescending. Does everyone quit their jobs when their boss is condescending? NO. And it isn't because they don't have agency -- it's because jobs are few and far between, and strong people suffer through asshole bosses.

I don't know what the election has to do with it when Rocio* has been with them since well before that whole shit-show. I never said I didn't think K&L are not condescending, and I can't find where WireWrap claimed that they are "wonderful." Who cares, whatever--Rocio has never seemed anything but content in the scenes she's in, so I'll assume she's fine with her job.

Also, if Rocio (or anyone) were to quit because she was being mistreated, the last thing I'd automatically assume was that she's lazy.

Edited by TattleTeeny
ROCIO! That's right--sorry!
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2 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

Ummmm (ha, speaking of condescending), I don't know what the election has to do with it when Rocio* has been with them since well before that whole shit-show. I never said I didn't think K&L are not condescending, and I can't find where WireWrap claimed that they are "wonderful." Who cares, whatever--Rocio has never seemed anything but content in the scenes she's in, so I'll assume she's fine with her job.

All I can say is that "one man's pornography, is another man's Victoria secret" -- (that is an allusion to a famous court case...) But, whatever -- as I said above, all of this is just a difference of opinion, and I am done.

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10 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

Rosado, Rosario, Yankee Rose, Rosario, Guns 'n' Roses, Rose Quartz, Rose Kennedy--sorry, everyone, I completely forgot everything but the "Ro" part and took a guess with "Rosario"!

As did I! LOL

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27 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

I think it is equally as difficult for household help to find good employers,  Rocio (maybe take time to learn her name) before blasting the Todds' condescension.  So Rocio has been elevated over the years, takes vacations with them and with her high profile has probably had many offers to jump ship.

Yes, I got her name wrong. My bad. (Doesn't change my opinion by Ken and Lisa....) - but hey, I can admit when I got something wrong. And I did get her name wrong.

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35 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

I think it is equally as difficult for household help to find good employers,  Rocio (maybe take time to learn her name) before blasting the Todds' condescension.  So Rocio has been elevated over the years, takes vacations with them and with her high profile has probably had many offers to jump ship.

I agree. I really believe that if she were treated badly by Lisa/Ken she would have left by now.

Sorry, I am the one that got her name wrong at the start of this conversation. I admit, I was too lazy to look it up. Sorry.

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Lisa & Ken invest both their time and money into animal welfare causes. (Purportedly) condescending to service staff or not, how can one not applaud their efforts and appreciate their support?

I understood Erika's embarrassment to learn that everyone had bee talking about her lady bits.  I don't think that she did that deliberately but I also understand why someone who has only met her recently would be uncomfortable telling her on the spot.  How could PK have done that without causing some sort of scene?  

The ladies definitely egged Dorit on, they wanted to sit back with their popcorn and watch the explosion.  I don't think she would have bought & presented the panties to Erika without Kyle, Eileen & Lisa's comments.  Lisa definitely had a different opinion in her talking heads though.  LVP was just miffed that she missed it.  Typical rookie hazing behavior.  Please just let this storyline die now, I'm having a hard time vocally discussing the show with co-workers :)

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Lisa & Ken invest both their time and money into animal welfare causes. (Purportedly) condescending to service staff or not, how can one not applaud their efforts and appreciate their support?

I understood Erika's embarrassment to learn that everyone had bee talking about her lady bits.  I don't think that she did that deliberately but I also understand why someone who has only met her recently would be uncomfortable telling her on the spot.  How could PK have done that without causing some sort of scene?  

The ladies definitely egged Dorit on, they wanted to sit back with their popcorn and watch the explosion.  I don't think she would have bought & presented the panties to Erika without Kyle, Eileen & Lisa's comments.  Lisa definitely had a different opinion in her talking heads though.  LVP was just miffed that she missed it.  Typical rookie hazing behavior.  Please just let this storyline die now, I'm having a hard time vocally discussing the show with co-workers :)

I loved Lisa & Ken at the Dog Rescue store.Lisa does do a lot for animals & the LGBT community. THey should do more segments of them working on their charities. THe show is better this year without Yolanda

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18 hours ago, UsernameFatigue said:

Regarding Erika's stint on Y&R, did anyone watch it? I watch the show sporadically and had deleted the epi she was on (pressed the delete button at the same time as I saw her name in the blurb about the epi).  I have no idea how she did but only saw her mentioned once so assume it was a one epi deal, maybe even one scene?

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1 minute ago, Bronzedog said:

I've never met anyone who has had any kind of career in anything that haven't had to suffer assholes.  That's why it's called work.  Because it is.

We agree. And that was my point. Just because someone "stays" doesn't mean that they're "pleased" or "thrilled" to be there. That was my point.

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Point taken. But on the other hand, unless I missed it, nobody said "thrilled" or touted Lisa & Ken as "wonderful." Rocio is probably the same as all of us: work's work--could be worse, could be better, and even good bosses sometimes suck a ball.

Edited by TattleTeeny
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I actually really like everyone this season. Even Lisa Rinna who I couldn't stand before is seeming more human. Maybe now that the money pressure is off a bit she is more chill and less jealous of everyone. The QVC 24-hour thing I didn't get a whole lot, but at least she is working. Although, I do think she has some drug habits and starves to get her high and energy. I guess I don't really like her I guess, still. 

I love Elieen. She is pissed at Lisa V., and she is the most competitive one of all of them, so she is going to push for Lisa V to apologize. She probably isn't used to people making fun of her, and I actually respect her for being upset about it. Lisa V does think that Vinny is a joke, and I think she looks down on Elieene for being married to him. She may love animals but she is a total snob to people.

I also have issues with Lisa's Yulin dog festival issue. She is coming in as a super wealthy woman in Beverly Hills, casting major judgment on people who are most likely living in poverty. Unless she can boost the economy, pay for the attendees education, and give the people a job who make all their money from the Yulin dog festival, it will go on. Her ignorance on her privilge, and her complete lack of awareness of the economic status of the sellers of the dogs at Yulin is shocking to me. She is totally unaware of her privilege. The Yulin Dog Festival, imho, happens because of extreme poverty, lack of opportunities, and lack of education. The pictures I've seen of the festival, while very sad, also show people who are in bad shape themselves. These people carting dogs in cages are also incredibly dirty and poor. As I've always said-- if you are poor, your pets are going to be poor too. I think Lisa needs to spend more time researching who the people are that buy and sell at Yulin, and try to figure out how to help their situations. People are also important. 

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2 minutes ago, bravofan27 said:

I also have issues with Lisa's Yulin dog festival issue. She is coming in as a super wealthy woman in Beverly Hills, casting major judgment on people who are most likely living in poverty. Unless she can boost the economy, pay for the attendees education, and give the people a job who make all their money from the Yulin dog festival, it will go on. Her ignorance on her privilge, and her complete lack of awareness of the economic status of the sellers of the dogs at Yulin is shocking to me. She is totally unaware of her privilege. The Yulin Dog Festival, imho, happens because of extreme poverty, lack of opportunities, and lack of education. The pictures I've seen of the festival, while very sad, also show people who are in bad shape themselves. These people carting dogs in cages are also incredibly dirty and poor. As I've always said-- if you are poor, your pets are going to be poor too. I think Lisa needs to spend more time researching who the people are that buy and sell at Yulin, and try to figure out how to help their situations. People are also important. 

You! YES! Or, YAAAAAAAAS! Exactly. Thank you for articulating what I couldn't.

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Er-ick-a Joon really thinks that PK was going to go all goofy and play googly eyes with her just because he got a glimpse at her ass??

Jesus, talk about an inflated sense of self?

But isn't that exactly what he did? He said he just couldn't look away.

Since Brit humor is so raunchy and risque what the fuck was the big deal about the lack of panties. This idea that a man just can't look away is bullshit. Naked homeless people appear in public regularly and I never see men ogling them. PK liked what he saw, he said as much and his attraction is not Erika's problem.

I know they all want to be seen as good mother's but none of their children do them any favors. They're all either spoiled , stupid or both.

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3 hours ago, Lady Grump said:

Well, here we are, again, at an impasse. To me, they treat Rosario like she's "less then". And I am not going to give you a blow-by-blow of the microaggression condescension that the VPs regularly exhibit. Suffice it to say, I think they treat service people like crap.

As far as "good house help being hard to find"? I have no words......

You really don't have to go very far back to find an actual example of their condescension. Just a couple of years ago involving a waitress at their restaurant, claims of sexual harrassement, and a judgment to the tune of $100k against Ken and Lisa. My guess is that gal who was awarded that money doesn't think they are such swell employers, and a judge hearing all the evidence seemed to agree.  

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12 minutes ago, motorcitymom65 said:

You really don't have to go very far back to find an actual example of their condescension. Just a couple of years ago involving a waitress at their restaurant, claims of sexual harrassement, and a judgment to the tune of $100k against Ken and Lisa. My guess is that gal who was awarded that money doesn't think they are such swell employers, and a judge hearing all the evidence seemed to agree.  

Yes, Ken and Lisa lost that case big time but this is the only employee that has spoken out against them and she did so in a lawsuit against the VB manager. Ken was wrong to remove the video and that was why they lost the case, not because he said/did anything personal to that employee (although removing the video was bad in itself). If Lisa and Ken were that bad, as employers, there would be ex employees crawling out of the woodwork selling their stories to the tabloids but that hasn't happened. Soooo, I do not think that 1 case by 1 employee out of hundreds, possible thousands,  is an example of how Lisa/Ken conduct themselves day to day with their employees.

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14 minutes ago, motorcitymom65 said:

You really don't have to go very far back to find an actual example of their condescension. Just a couple of years ago involving a waitress at their restaurant, claims of sexual harrassement, and a judgment to the tune of $100k against Ken and Lisa. My guess is that gal who was awarded that money doesn't think they are such swell employers, and a judge hearing all the evidence seemed to agree.  

That's v common in the restaurant industry my mom has worked at 3 restaurant that's were sued for sexual harassment. Only one was the owner being the harasser (it's a pretty famous place and still popular) the other one was the cooks and bus boys, and one the chef. But the owners pay the damages since it's their business. 

I think in most menial jobs that bullshit happens my company is a big corp. my store director is cool. But a coworker threw a plastic crate that hit me and cussed me out and he only got suspended a week no pay. If anything like that happens again my corp would be at fault 

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56 minutes ago, Drumpf1737 said:

But isn't that exactly what he did? He said he just couldn't look away.

Since Brit humor is so raunchy and risque what the fuck was the big deal about the lack of panties. This idea that a man just can't look away is bullshit. Naked homeless people appear in public regularly and I never see men ogling them. PK liked what he saw, he said as much and his attraction is not Erika's problem.

I know they all want to be seen as good mother's but none of their children do them any favors. They're all either spoiled , stupid or both.

She made a comment, at the passing of the panties, about PK winking at her - to let her know her snatch was showing.

Ahhhhh, No.

There's something about winking at a woman to let her know she too dumb to cover her labia, that stinks of trouble.......

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Quick note about Yulin. First, the people who sell there are poor. They aren't doing it to escape poverty. They are living on that money all year and probably struggling for the most of the year. It's a livelihood for some where there are no opportunities. An escape from poverty? Hardly. Think of the mom working at a fast food restaurant with 3 kids. Does she think Wendy's is going to save her from poverty? She's doing it because that is a job that she can get. I don't think any woman with kids working minimum wage thinks they are going to be rich. Let's get out of our middle class thinking. My point is the people working the Yulin festival probably don't have lives much better than the dogs, but Lisa doesn't care about that and just blames them and calls them evil. It's incredibly ignorant and she is not aware of her privilege status. China is a third world country, and for some extremely rich lady in Beverly Hills to cast stones is disgusting disparity and ignorance. From what I've read about Yulin, is it is a "festival" attended by pretty down and out people, like a carnival or circus here. It's cheap entertainment and pleasure for people that don't have much of anything. I love animals, don't get me wrong, but I will always put people first. They are the ones that take care of the animals. Poorly treated animals are only a reflection of people that have been mistreated.

Anyhoo. I like Dorit. She's maybe trying a bit too hard, and has decided to pick on Erika. Maybe she picks up on some chemistry between Erika and her husband, but she was definitely supported by the other ladies to purse the pantyless thing. But when Kyle said she had pantylines, the first thing Dorit said was, "take them off!" so she is maybe a touch intimidated and/or trying to get back the attention. She's one of the only women on this show I've seen holding a baby, and she seems to truly love her children, so I do like her for that. I had to be near death for my own stay-at-home mom to take me to the doctor, so I appreciate her taking care of her daughter from the start.

If you track kids from their cell phones, then yes, that's an easy get-around for them. But, parents should set rules, like, "If I call or text you and you don't respond, I'm putting out an alert." Just "tracking" doesn't mean anything if the kids aren't where the tracking device says they are. 

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4 hours ago, Lady Grump said:

It's a difference of opinion -- and I suspect, life experience. Hey, if you want to believe that Ken and Lisa are wonderful employers, who never talk down to people, awesome for you. I just happen to think differently. Going back and forth will change neither my opinion or yours. Have a great evening

I've heard/read complaints about treatment of staff and 'lessers' in general from the Todd's. Latest I could remember seeing is this from the Tamara Tattles website https://tamaratattles.com/2016/03/29/james-kennedys-mother-allegedly-stole-kristen-doutes-credit-card-tons-more-pumprules-tea/# , where one of the VPR servers, Kristen, says Lisa and Ken called her 'girl' instead of her actual human being name for a long time when she began employment. 

This argument also reminds me of Jeff and Gage and Zoila and Zoila's many assistants over the years. Is Zoila truly happy working for Jeff and Gage? (not always, although there were perks), how did the assistants work out? (Many truly did seem lazy, some quit with no notice, but this is JLD here, so...). The thing is, no one wants to work minimum wage cleaning people's houses and responding to their every whim. The people that do it are often marginalized, disenfranchised and powerless or they are after something. Very rarely do you find someone who genuinely has a 'calling' as a housekeeper. 

At one stage, I paid thousands (close to 2k) a week for 2 nannies/housekeepers. It wasn't an easy gig, being split shift, 4 kids and animals everywhere. I had people I had to sack because of drugs, another woman I discovered after she was 'let go' for dishonesty, had also cleaned me out of about 5k I had stashed in my bedroom, which was off limits. I was lucky it wasn't my jewellry, because that was what she was after. So, I get what WireWrap was saying about how it is hard to find someone to trust, especially after experiences like these, to work in your home, in your sanctuary and safe place, with your children and pets. People don't want to do this job. They want their own lives and I encountered a lot of resentment and entitlement from some of the staff I had referred. You're hoping for that Mary Poppins type retainer who becomes part of the family, and that is pretty much a myth. 

I think LVP loves being the centre of all the millennial drama on VPR. I think some of her problematic behavior here on RHs is because she doesn't sufficiently moderate her VPR persona. I just saw an episode of VPR where she walks in to Sur and the greeter girl tells her she got a part in a movie. LVP immediately makes a 'porn flick' comment...that wouldn't and I think shouldn't fly with her peers on this show. She thinks she's being edgy and funny, it's just not. When did it become cool to cop to watching/enjoying/performing in pornography? I wish I could unhear LVP saying she enjoys it from time to time, images rise unbidden....

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8 hours ago, mytmo said:

I only recall seeing her with a napkin on her lap and PK shifting around for what Ithink a better view.  Whether anyone saw the goodies or not, to go around sans panties and putting your goodies where numerous asses and other assorted parts sat is just gross.


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Wow, breezy424, from that angle, it looks like PK, Kyle AND Dorit on the opposite couch, could see and even LVP if she looked sideways. Sigh. I didn't see how the angles during the scene at the time of viewing actually lined up for there to have been more than an unfortunate glimpse. And I have to wonder about this photo even, because some filters with those 360 degree view things, can distort lines. I don't know. 

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3 minutes ago, queenjen said:

Wow, breezy424, from that angle, it looks like PK, Kyle AND Dorit on the opposite couch, could see and even LVP if she looked sideways. Sigh. I didn't see how the angles during the scene at the time of viewing actually lined up for there to have been more than an unfortunate glimpse. And I have to wonder about this photo even, because some filters with those 360 degree view things, can distort lines. I don't know. 

It's actually a screen shot from the video on the show.  Check out the video on LVP's blog.  It's at the 13 second mark:


I've said this before (not directed at you Queenjen).  If Erika wasn't 'concerned' about her privates being flashed, why did she claim to use a napkin or her purse to cover herself?  I don't think she exposed herself on purpose but according to PK, LVP and Kyle it did happen.  Erika needed to just acknowledge it and stop being so indignant about it.  Erika's blog is up and now she is saying that Dorit was insinuating that she did this on purpose.  Apparently, Erika is changing lanes.  Last week, her claim was that it didn't happen because she was covered up as soon as she sat down.  IMO, it's Erika who is making the bigger deal out of all of this.  Hey, this is the woman who wears a necklace that says 'cunty' and thinks the word is cool.  Dorit gives her a joke gift about exposing it and Erika gets all bent out of shape. 

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On 12/27/2016 at 7:33 PM, PhilMarlowe2 said:

PK may or may not be a "perv," but the way he talked about it after the fact was definitely not gentlemanly. There was no really no need to go on and on about it. And there was a definite stank attitude in his words. It's hard to imagine, say, Mauricio talking about that situation in the same way.

I especially didn't like how he was rubbing it in dorit's face. 

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3 minutes ago, breezy424 said:

IMO, it's Erika who is making the bigger deal out of all of this.  Hey, this is the woman who wears a necklace that says 'cunty' and thinks the word is cool.  Dorit gives her a joke gift about exposing it and Erika gets all bent out of shape. 

I agree. Dorit, who is viscerally repulsive to me, came for Erika. Erika could easily have chosen to deprive it of oxygen, and initially this looked like the road she was taking. Erika did look genuinely stunned when Dorit 'confronted' her about her flashing. So, applause to production for keeping the whole witches brew under wraps (at least from Erika, everyone else knew). I think being stunned had her off balance. I think Erika WANTS to be 'that girl' who 'owns' wearing a necklace with 'c**ty' on it....actually, given the Rinna spawn have their own nametag necklaces in their own THs, I'd like to view Erika's necklace as a subsonic shade missile, but unfortunately we know it dates from last season. Anyway, Erika was stunned and I think we were genuinely seeing  her come to terms with the revelation that everyone knew, maybe everyone saw and EVERYONE was definitely talking about it. That's some mean girl 101 stuff right there, which led to the comment that women like Dorit is what makes hanging with girls suck. Why didn't Eileen or Kyle call Erika and give her a heads up? Just as a matter of propriety, if not out of friendship? I think Erika is genuinely hurt on this front as well, and so she should be. It sets up an inevitable showdown with Dorit, who I sincerely hope is a one and done. All that gushing about how much she LOVES LVP over at least 2 THs last episode only made me think that she doesn't know LVP really well, or for very long.

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30 minutes ago, queenjen said:

I agree. Dorit, who is viscerally repulsive to me, came for Erika. Erika could easily have chosen to deprive it of oxygen, and initially this looked like the road she was taking. Erika did look genuinely stunned when Dorit 'confronted' her about her flashing. So, applause to production for keeping the whole witches brew under wraps (at least from Erika, everyone else knew). I think being stunned had her off balance. I think Erika WANTS to be 'that girl' who 'owns' wearing a necklace with 'c**ty' on it....actually, given the Rinna spawn have their own nametag necklaces in their own THs, I'd like to view Erika's necklace as a subsonic shade missile, but unfortunately we know it dates from last season. Anyway, Erika was stunned and I think we were genuinely seeing  her come to terms with the revelation that everyone knew, maybe everyone saw and EVERYONE was definitely talking about it. That's some mean girl 101 stuff right there, which led to the comment that women like Dorit is what makes hanging with girls suck. Why didn't Eileen or Kyle call Erika and give her a heads up? Just as a matter of propriety, if not out of friendship? I think Erika is genuinely hurt on this front as well, and so she should be. It sets up an inevitable showdown with Dorit, who I sincerely hope is a one and done. All that gushing about how much she LOVES LVP over at least 2 THs last episode only made me think that she doesn't know LVP really well, or for very long.

I do agree that Erika was stunned but I don't see it as a mean girls 101.  This is Erika/Erika Jane we're talking about.  Blurred lines and that is what Erika has chosen.  She set the standards with this dual personality.  She also chose to wear that dress.  She did get a heads up.  It came from LVP.  My problem is that she denied it even happened.  Own it and get over it.  If you don't want to get stunned, prepare.  Erika has no problem with stunning or shocking other people.  Her necklace is a perfect example.  I don't get that Erika has a right to be hurt.  

I don't care for Dorit and I thought it was very telling in her blog she chose to use the word 'whilst'.  Very English.  Very annoying since she is a woman from CT.  I don't love LVP but apparently a lot of people do. 

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I don't care for Dorit and I thought it was very telling in her blog she chose to use the word 'whilst'.  Very English.  Very annoying since she is a woman from CT.  I don't love LVP but apparently a lot of people do. 

Oh my goodness, I am a copy editor full-time and freelance and I cannot tell you how often I see people use "whilst"--even in ordinary old mundane product copy for retail websites! I have no idea why they do it! OK, yeah, I do think Dorit is trying to be fancy-pants, but I just wanted to share that weirdness!

ETA: I almost always change it.

Edited by TattleTeeny
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12 hours ago, ElDosEquis said:

Er-ick-a Joon really thinks that PK was going to go all goofy and play googly eyes with her just because he got a glimpse at her ass??

Jesus, talk about an inflated sense of self?


For the rest of the fucking season THAT is going to be the running joke -- it's going to be LVP's calling card -

"Are you wearing knickers tonight?"

"Oh, Let PK sit across from er-ick-a tonight..."

"Has (insert BH Male's name here) seen you hoo-hah, Erica?


Little does er-ick-a joon suspect that no one is going to pay any attention to her, everyone is going to want to see her labia.

When people are more interested in your crotch, you probably have a stellar personality?

What does Er-ick-a joon mean? 

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14 hours ago, mothmonsterman said:

It is something I'm thinking about because Orange County is on Bravo right now, and some of the scenes has me reaching for the remote.  

LOL I read "retching" instead "reaching". Very fitting...

Edited by ava111
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2 hours ago, Maharincess said:

What does Er-ick-a joon mean? 

Er-ICK-a  JOON......Ericka Jayne.....


I am a huge animal lover and the more I see Stupid Assholes, Owning Animals, I cringe.

Animals are pets, not substitutes for kids.

I spoiled the fuck out of my pets, but other than a sweater for cold weather or a stupid hat/costume?

They ain't going to get dressed up, sit at a table and eat out of my plates, get carried around in a purse/my arms.

I like my animals to act like animals, 

They get what they need out of me and I get what I want out of them, companionship.

Edited by ElDosEquis
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LVP is a pretty small cog in the wheel to stop Yulin.  Here is a touching PSA and informative article:  http://www.forbes.com/sites/cfthomas/2016/06/23/5-things-to-know-about-chinas-yulin-dog-meat-festival/#4f5c657a8e6c  Over 11 million signatures have been collected.  I am quite certain they aren't all people of privilege.

Ricky Gervais on Yulin with a dose of the "c" word thrown in.  Caution it contains British humor for those faint of heart, and not the self-deprecating kind:  http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/ricky-gervais-unleashes-torrent-of-c-bombs-after-being-questioned-over-chinese-dog-meat-festival-post_uk_5729ce34e4b05c31e5713ccc

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32 minutes ago, mytmo said:

Good lord everyone had a free ticket to that show.  Wow even the boom mic operator saw her goodies.  I stand corrected.

Erika feels shamed by Dorit, maybe she should be a little more self aware and feel ashamed of not mastering the art of going commando and quit using fashion as an excuse.

When one of these ladies gets naked, goes commando there is a whole list of people who get a peek, in Erica's case PK, Kyle, LVP, camera person and most likely producer, the waiter, the people like Andy Cohen who see the dailies and assorted assistants. 

With Brandi and her infamous tampon string incident, Kyle gave her a card.  Two seasons later when being attacked by Brandi, Kyle brought it up.  I am hoping Dorit and Erika have buried the hatchet-or the panties, but I think Erika has a gotcha streak in her and a serious case of denial and a blame someone else streak.  Erika had hardly be upset about the run and tell situation because she did just that to LVP and Kyle to Yolanda and then denied it, initially.  So she tattles and lies. 

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23 hours ago, Juliegirlj said:

Again, I do not mean to take away any kudos for LVP's work with animals, just to point  out that when you have staff to attend to your every need, full time housekeepers and animal caregiver's in your home, and do not necessarily have to work daily to just get by, it makes it easier to have philanthropic causes. I signed the petition against Yulin, and spread the message and it is a very worthy cause. Many people volunteer with animals and it is a greater sacrifice in their lives. I do admire how much Ken and Lisa love animals. 

True, but she does and many rich people don't.  

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You know, even though I admit that I would take a look, probably laugh and/or have a startled, scandalized reaction (because I have no poker face at all), and probably gossip a bit about it to certain people, I think "shaming" and badgering Erica about it is pretty crappy. I don't care that she wears a "cunt" necklace, performs in revealing clothes, admits to going commando, or does anything else that inspires people to trot out the old "if you do Thing X, then you can't be upset when other people do Thing Y to you" excuse (way too close to the "she asked for it" defense, IMO).

If these people are actual friends (and, yes, I understand "friend" is a relative term in paid reality-show participants--I'm just goin' with the narrative we're supposed to be following in the confines of the show), then it should stop if/when the target-friend is no longer laughing with the others. She doesn't like this, and her friends should care about that. Fine, engage in some mockery--whatever. But know your audience (meaning some people are fine with this kind of thing) and also know when to stop. I don't mean to sound humorless, I swear, it's just that I wouldn't want to make my friend feel continuously (continually? I forget) bad or embarrassed or annoyed over a mistake. And because Dorit is not a close friend, her pushing of Erica on this seems even worse to me.

That said, friends would have figured out how to let her know before it went too far; some of my friends and I can have complete conversations with the tiniest of facial expressions, eye/head/hand movements, and seemingly innocuous words. I don't know whether that happened or not because of the napkin (and I don't remember to read their blogs). 

Edited by TattleTeeny
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16 hours ago, Lady Grump said:

Well, here we are, again, at an impasse. To me, they treat Rosario like she's "less then". And I am not going to give you a blow-by-blow of the microaggression condescension that the VPs regularly exhibit. Suffice it to say, I think they treat service people like crap.

As far as "good house help being hard to find"? I have no words......

Honestly, I don't think we see enough of their interactions to judge.  

16 hours ago, WireWrap said:

Has it ever occurred to you (everyone, not just you personally) that Rosario gets/understands Lisa's/Ken's humor/personalities and doesn't take offense at them?

What is the issue with that comment. Good house help is hard to find, it involves a level of trust between employer/employee that doesn't occur in most jobs.


I agree with you!!  I'm utilizing ignore on grumpy people.  LOL

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2 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

You know, even though I admit that I would take a look, probably laugh and/or have a startled, scandalized reaction (because I have no poker face at all), and probably gossip a bit about it to certain people, I think "shaming" and badgering Erica about it is petty crappy. I don't care that she wears a "cunt" necklace, performs in revealing clothes, and admits to going commando, or does anything else that people justify with the old "if you do Thing X, then you can't be upset when other people do Thing Y to you" (way too close to the "she asked for it" defense, IMO).

If these people are actual friends (and, yes, I understand "friend" is a relative term in paid reality-show participants--I'm just goin' with the narrative we're supposed to be following in the confines of the show), then it should stop if/when the target-friend is no longer laughing with the others. She doesn't like this and her friends should care about that. Fine, engage in some mockery--whatever. But know your audience (meaning some people are fine with this kind of things) and also know when to stop. I don't mean to sound humorless, I swear; it's just that I wouldn't want to make my friend feel bad or embarrassed or annoyed over a mistake. And because Dorit is not a close friend, her pushing Erica on this seems even worse to me.

That said, friends would have figured out how to let her know before it went too far; some of my friends and I can have complete conversations with the tiniest of facial expressions, eye/head/hand movements, and seemingly innocuous words. I don't know whether that happened or not because of the napkin (and I don't remember to read their blogs). 

You don't sound humorless to me; I agree 100% (can I end a sentence with 100%? Did it again) 

My boyfriend worked for the city and he was always telling me about the rampant sexual harassment and other shenanigans. He said one case in particular a women who in his words "didn't exactly wear office attire, would give people inappropriate gifts at holiday exchanges, make crude remarks etc" accused a guy of sexual harassment. Then he said "no one could believe a woman like her would accuse someone of harassing her." I spent the rest of the day with an attitude and explaining to him all the things that was wrong with his statement. If  any of those people felt uncomfortable with the things she said or did then they should have reported her. This whole pantygate nonsense reminds me of this - it's a disgusting and dangerous attitude they have and only because it was Erica. 

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