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S03.E11: A Book Fair To Remember / S03.E12: Get Real

Tara Ariano

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Eh.  About time.

As someone still intractably Team Charles, I whooped at that kiss @ the club.  Too bad freakin' Josh had to ruin it by proposing.

Things with Diana's therapist seem promising, but the parrot gag was lame and stupid and a blind man could've seen that one coming on a foggy night in Londontown, fer crissakes!!

  • Love 7

Though I think that Josh is being childish and manipulative by proposing (especially because he and Liza were still at an impasse over children), I loved him calling her out. She is a liar and a cheater. Her lies do hurt the people around her. Her book deal for Emily is potentially very damaging to Millennial and Empirical. Empirical's only profitable author is their George R. R. Martin analogue. Millennial had a high profile loss of Colin's book and now Liza signs Emily's bullshit book to cover her own ass. The first time she was blackmailed, Liza quit. She was about to out herself to save the Book Nook. This time, she's decided to be an asshole until she came clean with Kelsey.

Why does Diana get the world's most hackneyed and hoary shit? Of course her dress blew away. Of course the parrot would mimic her sex noises. 

I still love Liza and Charles together. I do wonder if Charles would be so smitten with her if he knew Liza's real age. He dates women his age, but I sense that he's not looking at his attraction to Liza honestly. It's not like we saw that he was bored with Radha. I think he likes Liza because they've got a lot in common and the hint of impropriety makes Liza slightly more enticing to him.

Edited by HunterHunted
  • Love 13

I wish that Diana's photo session hadn't ended the way it did. I wanted her to come away from it feeling beautiful and empowered and proud of her 40-something body. Instead she ended up being embarrassed and upset. 

I am so glad that Liza finally decided to tell Kelsey the truth. As annoyed as I was with Josh, he wasn't lying when he said that Liza's lies were hurting people. My biggest issue with her lies was that trying to keep her secret resulted in letting herself be blackmailed by Emily. She lied to Kelsey about how great she thought this lame book was just to keep Emily from blabbing about her real age. I think in the grand scheme of other things, lying about her age isn't a huge deal. If I found out that one of my friends was older or younger, I wouldn't think it's a big deal. Honestly, there are a few friends whose ages I didn't know (and I didn't ask because it never seemed pertinent) and when I later found out how old they were, I was like ehhhh. It explained a few things (one of my friends had never seen the original Star Wars trilogy so when I later found out that he was younger than I thought it made more sense), but it didn't change any of the conversations we had or the experiences we had as we became friends. I realize that's not exactly the same since these friends didn't try to present themselves as a different age, but even if I found out one of my friends was 15 years older/younger, I really wouldn't care. But again, that's because that one fact doesn't define my friendship with anyone. Liza trying to keep this secret has caused her to compromise her principles with this Emily book deal. I was actually waiting for Kelsey to find out that Liza had announced Emily was a new author on their imprint and have a huge fight with Liza about it.

Maybe I'm just too practical, but I don't like the idea that proposing will fix everything. I was annoyed that Josh told first Maggie and then Liza that he didn't care about having kids, but that wasn't his attitude in the previous episode. I'm not saying that excuses Liza from kissing Charles because it doesn't. Liza kissing Charles is a completely separate issue. But things were not settled between Liza and Josh about a HUGE issue like having kids and instead of talking about it some more, Josh decided to make a lifelong commitment? That's a terrible idea!

Kelsey's boyfriend sucks. Just because his last girlfriend moved herself in doesn't mean that every girl who needs a place to stay for a few days is trying to secretly move in with you. Gawd.

Lauren also sucks. Just because Kelsey is staying there rent-free doesn't mean she's invisible. If Lauren wanted her new boyfriend to move in and take over part of Kelsey's space, she should have at least given her a little warning. I mean, Kelsey was only gone for the weekend for the bookfair. It's not like she was gone all summer and totally unreachable by phone/text/email. As for Lauren's explanation that they couldn't wait any longer or her boyfriend would have to pay rent for another month, so what?

I know that it's Lauren's house (well, her parents' house) so she has the right to move her boyfriend in. She just could have been a little more considerate about the whole situation. Telling Kelsey about it while she was already moving her boyfriend's stuff in is about as inconsiderate as you can get. I'm glad that Kelsey is being proactive and looking for another place to live.

Awesome to see Berlin! Hee, anyone who saw Top Gun during their formative years can't be totally to blame for letting "Take My Breath Away" temporarily affect their judgment!

  • Love 21

Josh wants kids, Liza doesn't. He may believe he's okay with never having kids but eventually it would become an issue of resentment and problems in their relationship. I didn't like that he proposed because he sensed something was off. That is manipulative as hell. He's a sweet guy and I don't doubt he loves her but yeah... In the long run it wouldn't work. Plus, you gave her a free pass dude. Not saying it's okay but yeah...

Kelsey deserves better. Her bf is such a douche. And yeah, Lauren should've at least given her a heads up.

I'm liking Diana and her boyfriend. He brings out this other side of her that was missing. The parrot had me cracking up.

I can't believe they built Charles/Liza up so much to have it end like that. That kiss was intense! My heart broke for Charles when he bowed out. I honestly don't think he feels for her because of the age he thinks she has. I think they have a true, intelectual connection, plus attraction, plus she's great with his kids. I think the age factor is what has kept him at bay actually. Plus being her boss. I hope this isn't the end for them because I do believe they are very compatible for many, many reasons.

I'm glad Liza FINALLY came clean to Kelsey. It was about time!

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I am SO GLAD Liza finally told Kelsey.


Hopefully Kelsey doesn't dramatically overreact. (Hopefully Kelsey suggest Liza writes a book. it's been my #1 dream for two seasons.) 

I'm so over Charles and Josh. Neither of them are good choices, imo. Kinda wish they'd introduce a hot guy ( a la matthew morrison last season---but you know, without the goats) and let liza be happy.

Josh is young enough to think that proposing will solve everything, when it will solve nothing. even if they do get married, its not gonna change the fact that liza doesn't want kids and will probably lead to a divorce.

Charles. He's cute, but he's safe and boring. Kinddaaa wish Liza would spend more time with his kids though, they adore her and it's adorable as  hell.

Anyway, i've said it before and i'll say it again. This show is so much better when it's focuses on liza and her work. 

  • Love 7

I'm unclear as to just what we're supposed to believe Liza feels about Josh. She certainly SEEMED to have an epiphany and realized that she actually did really truly love Josh, not Charles, but I have no doubt that if she gets back with Josh, she'll probably still pine for Charles. I have a years younger significant other, and we've been together for 12+ years, so I'm kind of more rooting for Josh than Charles, and I know that these kinds of relationships are not inherently doomed, but the kid thing is generally a pretty big deal breaker. And Liza hadn't broken up with Josh when she started macking with Charles, so yeah: poor Josh. I did momentarily think 'well, a couple episodes ago, you gave her a free pass to sleep with someone else, but now you're breaking up with her over a kiss?' ...but he thinks, and maybe rightfully, that she's in love with Charles. A much bigger deal breaker.

This episode was very "Sex in the City' call-backy---from Liza's 'you have to forgive me!!' in a doorway to the annoying self help guru lady, who seemed like the very same lady who told Charlotte she wasn't 'putting herself out there' enough. Liza couldn't have just not answered her phone? And how did Kelsey not recognize Liza's voice?

I'm glad she's finally coming clean with Kelsey. I do think that Lauren treated Kelsey carelessly in regard to her boyfriend moving in, but wtf is Kelsey still doing living rent free at a friend's house at her age, and with a pretty good job? I know NYC is terribly expensive and I have no idea how much money Kelsey would realistically be making, but she should have been outa there long ago.

Liza's Berlin love seemed slightly off---not that you can't love a band from any era, but nearly-41 year old Liza would have been 10 when Berlin and 'take my breath away' hit the big time. It certainly wouldn't have been her prom song, would it? Aren't prom themes usually current, not nearly a decade old? But hey, Berlin! I loved Berlin.

So--Diana wasn't wearing anything under her red dress? That seems unlike her.

  • Love 5
11 hours ago, hankthetank said:

that weird denim tablecloth Liza is wearing. 

I KNOW. And with over-the-knee suede boots! The white dress Liza wore at the party was so cute, and then she gets stuck in that denim monstrosity.

9 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

Why does Diana get the world's most hackneyed and hoary shit? Of course her dress blew away. Of course the parrot would mimic her sex noises. 

And that shoe I was afraid would drop is starting to fall.

Add me to the list of people who are glad Liza finally told Kelsey the truth. I think it could have happened earlier, but if the show had dragged it out longer, it would have been beyond annoying. I hope if Kelsey's mad, it's because she's upset Liza lied, not because Liza will be 41.

I HATED the Liza/Charles kiss. For one thing, they've done that before and then backed off because they know it's wrong: Liza is with Josh, Charles is the boss. Nothing has changed. 

As for Josh and Liza: They didn't settle the kid issue, not by a long shot. I believe they do truly love each other, but kids are a deal breaker. Neither should have to compromise on something that important.

  • Love 6
12 minutes ago, Adultosaurus said:

This entire bit was the most ridiculous in the entire episode.  

I know! Why didn't she just turn her phone off the second the woman suggested calling her? She could have done it without Kelsey even noticing--just a casual reach into her purse. Talk about CPD (Convenient Plot Device), as my husband and I call it. Bad writing.

I'm also glad Josh called Liza out on her lies, but at the same time, he makes me uncomfortable with his wounded-puppy act. I've always liked Josh (although I admit I prefer Charles), until this season. It's the writing for the character, not Nico's portrayal--he's doing the best with what he's given. But it's ruined a good guy for me.

And to be honest, other than an understandable interest in seeing how Kelsey reacts to Liza's confession, I'm not really waiting with bated breath for the next season. 

Edited by kirinan
  • Love 4

Hopefully Kelsey doesn't dramatically overreact. (Hopefully Kelsey suggest Liza writes a book. it's been my #1 dream for two seasons.) 

I'm not sure what a dramatic overreaction would even be in this situation.  I mean, Liza has been actively lying to her for what, a year?  I think Kelsey would be within her rights to end the friendship, and to state plainly that she will not go along with Liza's deception, if she wants to continue lying to everyone else.   

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4 minutes ago, kirinan said:

I'm also glad Josh called her out on her lies, but at the same time, Josh makes me uncomfortable with his wounded-puppy act. I've always liked Josh (although I prefer Charles), until this season. It's the writing for Josh, not Nico's portrayal--he's doing the best with what he's given. It's ruined a good character for me.

As much as I enjoy Nico being on my screen, I'm actually surprised they gave his character as much emotional gravity as they did.  I would have preferred him being a fun fling/friend for a 40-year old woman than where they ended up taking it.  Not only is Liza 40, she's an otherwise (lie notwithstanding) seemingly really mature 40 year old - so it was always hard to buy that he would be as interested in her as they made it out to be.  The recap states it very well - the female relationships in this show are far more interesting and thought-out than then male-female dynamic.

  • Love 10
2 minutes ago, txhorns79 said:

I'm not sure what a dramatic overreaction would even be in this situation.  I mean, Liza has been actively lying to her for what, a year?  I think Kelsey would be within her rights to end the friendship, and to state plainly that she will not go along with Liza's deception, if she wants to continue lying to everyone else.   

AND...liza went behind her back to sign the EW girl to a book deal. Which I guess she can wriggle out of now, or at least not get blackmailed for, unless she actually does expect Kelsey to continue to lie for her.

  • Love 7
Just now, Adultosaurus said:

As much as I enjoy Nico being on my screen, I'm actually surprised they gave his character as much emotional gravity as they did.  I would have preferred him being a fun fling/friend for a 40-year old woman than where they ended up taking it.  Not only is Liza 40, she's an otherwise (lie notwithstanding) seemingly really mature 40 year old - so it was always hard to buy that he would be as interested in her as they made it out to be.  The recap states it very well - the female relationships in this show are far more interesting and thought-out than then male-female dynamic.

Yes! I was hoping the same thing. Because while I like Josh, I never saw him as being a permanent part of Liza's life. Where he started going wrong for me was when they turned him into the love puppy. 

  • Love 3
9 minutes ago, kirinan said:

Yes! I was hoping the same thing. Because while I like Josh, I never saw him as being a permanent part of Liza's life. Where he started going wrong for me was when they turned him into the love puppy. 

I'm no doubt projecting cuz of my own personal relationship situation, but the younger man/older woman thing can work in the long run. Sure, there are relative and varied levels of maturity, but not every 26 year old is just into endless partying or stereotypical twentysomething interests, and they can still have a lot in common. You so rarely see this kind of relationship presented as anything but a fun fling on TV or in films, unless it's flipped, and it's the man with a younger woman; that's apparently considered more realistic and/or acceptable. I kind of like seeing this played out as something that can actually happen and succeed. But the baby thing...yeah, that's a big obstacle.

  • Love 6
37 minutes ago, kirinan said:

I know! Why didn't she just turn her phone off the second the woman suggested calling her? She could have done it without Kelsey even noticing--just a casual reach into her purse. Talk about CPD (Convenient Plot Device), as my husband and I call it. Bad writing.


I figured Liza's voice mail would pick up and the whole audience would hear, "Hi, this is Liza! Leave a message!" in her perky voice and the whole lie would be busted.

  • Love 8
44 minutes ago, lunaseas1122 said:

I'm no doubt projecting cuz of my own personal relationship situation, but the younger man/older woman thing can work in the long run. Sure, there are relative and varied levels of maturity, but not every 26 year old is just into endless partying or stereotypical twentysomething interests, and they can still have a lot in common. You so rarely see this kind of relationship presented as anything but a fun fling on TV or in films, unless it's flipped, and it's the man with a younger woman; that's apparently considered more realistic and/or acceptable. I kind of like seeing this played out as something that can actually happen and succeed. But the baby thing...yeah, that's a big obstacle.

Oh, I know it can and does work out, lunaseas1122--I have evidence of that among family and friends, with a couple of successful older woman/younger man pairs (and one marriage, my brother's, that lasted almost 20 years but is no more). But I just never bought that the character of Josh would end up with Liza. From the start of the show, they seemed too different to me. That's all I meant.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Adultosaurus said:

The recap states it very well - the female relationships in this show are far more interesting and thought-out than then male-female dynamic.

ITA. The friendships between Liza/Maggie, Liza/Kelsey, Kelsey/Lauren (well at least before she moved her bf in) are some of the best female friendships on TV right now imo. Maggie and Lauren respectively are the ride-or-die homies, Liza and Kelsey are the colleagues who actually support each other instead of backstabbing and one-upping.  Kelsey looked so hurt :(, and so did my Joshie poo double :( :( lol.

The phone thing was so 80's sitcom throwback. Once again, knock it off show! Today's audience is way too savvy for all that and we talk to each other ha!

More wacky humiliating hijinks for Diana. I guess that's the story and they're sticking to it. Parrot was funny though.

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

I HATED the Liza/Charles kiss. For one thing, they've done that before and then backed off because they know it's wrong: Liza is with Josh, Charles is the boss. Nothing has changed. 

As for Josh and Liza: They didn't settle the kid issue, not by a long shot. I believe they do truly love each other, but kids are a deal breaker. Neither should have to compromise on something that important.

Agree on both men. I like Liza/Charles together a bit more but they still are at different places in their life. Charles is struggling with a business that is hitting some hard times but he's fully over his divorce and is looking for a relationship. Liza is trying to begin her career again and the ink is barely dry on her divorce. I think she has to work through the issues on that relationship. 

As for Josh & Liza - I really do believe that you can truly love someone and yet realize that you're not supposed to be together. They're that couple. I think they have genuine feelings for each other but Josh wants a family, he wants someone he can experience "firsts" with together. Liza is over that. Neither person is wrong and neither should have to change. 

  • Applause 1
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I thought it was a well done finale. I personally loved the rose-lace shirt and skirt combo that Kelsey was wearing, and the checkered dress that Liza was wearing when she tried to go to Josh's house.  Very preppy.

I haven't cared about Josh for A WHILE, but I had a different reaction to most here. I really liked him in this final episode.  He was so vulnerable, and passionate.  And I know that Sutton is the Broadway actor, but funnily enough in their breakup scene I so strongly believed Nico's acting over hers.

I think Liza answered the phone call because she likes this guru so much and wanted to be 'awakened' by her.  This was just the roundabout, passive aggressive way to accomplish that goal.

However, with the way that Liza acts, I didn't believe her realization that she loves Josh (heh, how Clueless).  Are you kidding me?  Sutton acts extremely pained through her whole Josh relationship as if being with him is physically painful all of the time.  Meanwhile, Josh really and truly seems in love.  I loved his scene with Maggie!  I was blown away by the proposal.  I'm not saying Liza should say yes - she was fucking emotionally cheating for god's sake - I'm saying I liked Josh's show of passion.  He doesn't want to lose her.

I 'get' that Peter Hermann is traditionally attractive but I don't find Charles attractive.  

Dammit, there was another plot point not yet mentioned here that was totally reminiscent of another show, but I've completely forgotten it.

That Berlin song is amazing.  I never could get through Top Gun but that song is just great.

  • Love 8
3 hours ago, ALittleShelfish said:

Anyone else feel this season went by really slow and didn't really accomplish much? I feel like we could have watched about a quarter of this entire season and not missed much.

Me too. It was a whole lot, of oh no Liza secret is gonna be found out. Phew last minute reprieve. I am ready for everyone to know her damn age already, been stretched out way too long.

My fav part "Berlin", love Terri Nunn.

  • Love 3

I'm not too thrilled about the writers' season-long character assassination of Josh.  The writers completely up-ended his character to create conflict between him and Liza and make him seem like a bad match for her.  There are other ways they could have created tension in the Josh-Liza-Charles triangle besides that.

I'm not sure what we're supposed to make of Diana's new flame.  In the beginning, he seemed like he was manipulating her.  He was using therapist techniques to get her to do what he wanted (like give him a place to stay).  But he doesn't seem to be doing that as much anymore.

I'm not sure why they bothered to have Emily blackmail Liza if Kelsey never found out about it or there wasn't any other fallout from it. 

Edited by mikem
  • Love 1

I think Kelsey will be mad only because she will probably feel like she told Liza a lot of things and experienced a lot of things together and she might feel like that's all a lie. Like is Liza's personality different than who she says she is.

one thing that bugged me was when Josh called Liza a a liar and a cheater. is she?  I know she kissed Charles in the last episode and  I know she kissed Charles once before when Liza ran off and went back to NJ and was working at the mall , but she and josh had been broken up for a few episodes during that time. She isn't like a serial cheater which is how they made that sound. Whatever. It just bothered me.

  • Love 2

Yeah, I guess it depends on how you define cheating. Kissing another man while still in a relationship qualifies as a form of cheating, for me, anyhow, and apparently for Josh. Even if it's just one time.

21 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Josh is right, Liza is a liar. The first time I liked him was this ep when he was telling her to fuck off. Go Josh!

I must have missed something along the way...why was Kelsey living with Lauren's parents?

There was an episode back in Season one, I think, that didn't necessarily explain WHY Kelsey (and Lauren) were  living there, except that it's cheap, I guess, and NYC is expensive, but revealed that they both did. And that Lauren's dad is kind of a creepy skeeve.

  • Love 3

As the second episode aired (it really wasn't one super episode, they were distinct), I was annoyed.   Josh proposing was ludicrous.   He seems like a really nice guy and I hope he finds a wonderful girl.  (And not have it be Kelsey or the daughter - ick!)   Why does a 26 year old who longs for a family want to marry a woman who isn't willing to have kids.   You can't change someone's mind.

Diana is a powerful executive and the opportunity to have her shine in front of a bunch our young girls turned into comedic folly was a disappointment. 

I really hope Kelsey's author boyfriend's book crashes and burns.

  • Love 3

I was not impressed with this finale. I hated Liza for f-ing with her best friend's career in order to delay the reveal of her secret. If I were Kelsey, Liza giving away that book deal behind my back would be the reason I wouldn't talk to her again, not being secretly 40.

I wanted Liza to finally act like a boss and tell Charles and Kelsey the truth. Then, she should have called Jessica Shaw to give her the exclusive on her story and report the blackmail from the dumb assistant girl. She could have given the company a book worthy of optioning and maybe helped save the company next season. They could have ended this season with something that would really make me curious about next year because I would want to see the fallout of Diana's reaction to Liza being of higher position, finding out whether the relationship with Charles really has legs out in the open and whether Liza and Kelsey are able to salvage their friendship in light of the lie would have been interesting. Liza could continue to find herself and maybe get a viable love interest option or two.

I hate that ex-husband and that inspirational speaker storyline. If they were going to do that, it could have been the catalyst for Liza "outing" her lie, or Kelsey suspecting something was up, but otherwise, it was dumb.

They also need to stop making Diana look like a buffoonish desperate career woman from an 80's movie in order to try and sell Liza as young in comparison.  Sometimes I would swear this show is from another era based on the way it portrays women over 40. Newsflash, some of the sexiest, attractive women around are very close or well into the 40s (Jessica Chastain, Kerry Washington, Lucy Liu, Cameron Diaz, Gabrielle Union) and don't look or behave anywhere near as old as Diana is styled. Hell, Miriam Shor herself is lovely without those horrible necklaces and clothes from the final seasons of Dynasty.

I agree with the person who said this episode was very Sex in the City-ish with the dialogue and situations.

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That was a really weird way to end the Colin/Kelsey relationship. Eh, whatever, I never warmed up to him anyway.

I really thought Charles would be the next to find out about Liza because he seemed like the next person that would least likely care about her age. Kelsey seems like the most likely to care, followed by Diana, so I'm surprised they went there.

It must be hard to have Josh and Liza broken up because there's no natural way to have him on the show without her. He's not in her friend group, doesn't live/work in her buildings, etc.

I'm still suspicious about the therapist.

  • Love 2
4 minutes ago, ExplainItAgain said:

I'm still suspicious about the therapist.

Thank you for reminding me about Richard.   I can't tell if he is up to nefarious deeds, completely curing Diana of her issues from outside the box therapy, just a jerk, or a legitimate albeit strange romance.  My dream for him to just be a combination of the therapist-miracle worker and a secret Mr. Darcy is completely unlikely though.  I like Diana and she really should be a decent role model on the show.  Rather she is treated as a comedic fall guy while Liza, the liar, is set up as the logical star of the show. 

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, MaggieG said:

Why couldn't Lauren's parents put the exercise equipment in their guest room, not in Kelsey's room? They have a guest room because that is where Liza slept when she stayed there.

Because that would have been logical and not totally flipped the attitudes of Lauren and her parents?  Lauren would never squeeze Kelsey out with no notice, no thought, and no remorse.  She's been shown to get carried away sometimes, but she's never treated her friend like that.  Lauren's parents happily let Kelsey live with them rent-free and treated her like a daughter.  Suddenly, they don't give a damn about taking over her room, and her moving out overnight?  Not buying it.

Also not buying Josh's sudden proposal.  Why does uber-hip young millennial dude want to get married?  They haven't even been together that long.  I thought the stereotype (which the show loves) was the Millennial didn't care about an old-fashioned idea like marriage?  I could see Josh suggesting they get a place together, but not a proposal.  The show has made him pretty unlikable this season, but it was good to see him calling Liza out.  She is a liar and cheater (although the Hall Pass muddies that). 

Hated they went for the cheap parrot sex talk, and Diana's aborted nude photo shoot.  The show really loves to humiliate her in an attempt for laughs.

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23 minutes ago, Britty said:

Because that would have been logical and not totally flipped the attitudes of Lauren and her parents?  Lauren would never squeeze Kelsey out with no notice, no thought, and no remorse.  She's been shown to get carried away sometimes, but she's never treated her friend like that.  Lauren's parents happily let Kelsey live with them rent-free and treated her like a daughter.  Suddenly, they don't give a damn about taking over her room, and her moving out overnight?  Not buying it.

Because Lauren is now dating a doctor (male even), who they hope might actually marry Lauren and produce grandkids.

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Yeah I don't really understand why Lauren nor her parents didn't really get why Kelsey was like "wtf?" She really was given no notice of this sudden change. Even a text message while still not the best course of action while Kelsey was in the Hamptons would have been nice. What happened was messed up. I know Kelsey doesn't pay rent and it's Lauren's parents but still. It also makes me question the manners of Lauren's parents as well. That just because Lauren is dating a doctor now they are like hell with Kelsey. The fact that no one took pause in this decision before it was made. Lauren's reaction was pretty much a "sorry not sorry".

Edited by WhosThatGirl
  • Love 2
4 hours ago, Britty said:

Also not buying Josh's sudden proposal.  Why does uber-hip young millennial dude want to get married? 

I'm an older Millennial and most of my friends are married.  Wanting to get married is not an age or generational thing, IMO.  It's not like people of my generation have given up on marriage.  I have three acquaintances my age who have been divorced already - two have since remarried.  And I live in a city of 2.5 million.... so they're probably hip enough people.

Maybe the stereotype they were going for is that younger people are more spontaneous and romantic, instead.  I don't know.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
  • Love 2
10 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

I'm an older Millennial and most of my friends are married.  Wanting to get married is not an age or generational thing, IMO.  It's not like people of my generation have given up on marriage.  I have three acquaintances my age who have been divorced already - two have since remarried.  And I live in a city of 2.5 million.... so they're probably hip enough people.

Maybe the stereotype they were going for is that younger people are more spontaneous and romantic, instead.  I don't know.

I would like to add that I am a younger millennial and I'm the only one in my rather large friend group who isn't engaged or in an otherwise long term relationship. (#aloneforever) (but i've been given the extreme high honor of preforming the ceremony for one of my friends, since I'm ordained.)

I think they are going for the spontaneous/romantic thing.  Which, well, I've seen no evidence of, but okay! Josh genuinely loves Liza, it's evident, but he wasn't right in even proposing. 


Why couldn't Lauren's parents put the exercise equipment in their guest room, not in Kelsey's room? They have a guest room because that is where Liza slept when she stayed there.

The whole thing was ultra weird.  I didn't get why a) Lauren's boyfriend would want to move in with her parents, b) why no one would tell Kelsey what was happening or c) why Lauren would be kind of a jerk to Kelsey about the situation. 

I am very interested to see what happens with Kelsey and Liza.  I would think Liza having agreed to that book deal (as it doesn't appear Liza has that authority) would probably get her fired in real life.  I also think in real life, Kelsey would probably want nothing more to do with Liza, given all the lies and betrayal at work there. 

One thing I definitely do not care about is Kelsey and Connor.  They've been so lazy in writing that character.  I swear that I think that someone on the writing staff or in wardrobe gave him glasses to wear because they thought it would make him seem smart and interesting.    

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2 hours ago, txhorns79 said:

I didn't get why a) Lauren's boyfriend would want to move in with her parents

Free room and board, most likely. His hours are so long it's also the easiest way to see Lauren. Her parents are sort of buffoonish, but if that's as bad as they are, I might be tempted to agree to that. Free room and board! In Manhattan!

I do agree it's OOC for Lauren not to at least give Kelsey a head's up. I can't imagine this had to happen so quickly there was no time for any sort of discussion. 

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