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High Profile Scientologists: Tom, Travolta, and More!

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On 1/14/2017 at 11:33 PM, HunterHunted said:

Jenna Elfman is almost as bad as Kirstie Alley. In the past, she's compared criticism of Scientology to torture and rape, killings of early Christians by the Roman Empire, and the Holocaust. The reason we don't hear much about her views on Scientology is because she's not famous enough to warrant reporting on her viewpoints. She's also just as shrill as Kirstie.

Shortly after 9/11 when everyone was still pretty freaked, she wrote on her website (I think it was) that in any catastrophe (not mentioning 9/11, but obviously alluding to it), it was important to save the "artists" first because they are the visionaries.  The actors and poets and writers are the ones that build society.  

I didn't know she was a scientologist at the time, but I made a point to remember her name.

On 1/15/2017 at 7:17 PM, Meadow said:

RedheadZombie, so why doesn't Nicole speak out now or even a little before now?  Isabella and Connor are long lost to her.  The only hope she has of having any sort of relationship with them is if they see the light.  When that day comes, mightn't they appreciate it if Nicole has been advocating against the insanity?  At this point staying silent seems cowardly.  I mean, when you've got Leah Remini staring David Miscavige in the eye via a television camera and telling him, "It's on, buddy", it kind of makes you look twice at disaffected celebrities who are keeping quiet.  (I give Katie Holmes a pass because she still has her minor child in her custody.  I can only assume that if she violates a gag order she runs the risk of a custody battle.)

Leah has something Nicole doesn't.  She has her daug.hter at home, connected to her.  I don't blame Nicole one bit for keeping silent.  She loves those children and doesn't want to hurt them.  In her case, she's damned if she does and damned if she doesn't.  If she speaks out, the Crock will make sure the kids are aware of it and they will twist it in their auditing sessions, forcing them to live all her "crimes" over and over and over.  And if she keeps quiet, and the children one day, pray God, discover the truth, they might resent her silence.  I don't think they would because they know how hard it is to think for oneself trapped inside that crock of scientology.

Anyone who hasn't watched and has time, should go to the first page of this thread and follow the link to Joe Rogen's podcast with Leah.  I thought I knew the story, but OMG what they put her through.  She has two hours almost uninterrupted to talk about the crock and her experience, which included having to go to Clearwater for three months, audited daily from early morning to late night because she wrote a KR about the wedding.  Three months, every day, no time off for good behavior, no seeing her family.  It was harrowing.  There's some stupid stuff in the interview that I didn't want to hear, but the scientology stuff was riveting.  It gives a REALLY good explanation for how trapped those people are.  

On 1/18/2017 at 0:50 AM, green said:

Too funny.  Well go off singing:

"Do you hear the people sing

Singing the song of angry men

It is a music of a people

Who will not be slaves again ..."

And imagine it as people marching en masse out of Scientology forever.  All cults eventually reach their breaking point.  They cannot sustain this crap forever.  They all fall in the end.

(I saw Les Mis in the theatre countless times, heh).

I LOVE the play.  And I loved the movie as well, which is unusual for me and plays made into film.

On 1/18/2017 at 10:40 AM, diana said:

Question about COS celebs on twitter and other social media... I'm not up on all the celebs in this cult and if they are on social media, but if they are, do they not get some fan tweets speaking of the DM abuse and the Sea Org horrors, etc? And begging them to get out? I guess I can answer my own question that they probably just look away and stay deep in their mindset. But I would think eventually they might have to take a hard look at this.

Most of them probably have people who read through the tweets for them and forward the ones they think might be safe or that they would be interested in reading.  Leah's talked about reading anything against the crock of scientology means hours in auditing costing thousands of dollars per hour.  That's why they stay away from it. 

Scientologists always end up confessing their transgressions in auditing because they believe the e-meter knows all and there's no use trying to hide anything. If they accidentally came into contact with criticism from non-scientologists, they'd most likely be required to speak to their ethics officer and undergo security checking, which ends up costing them time and $$$$.

Easier to just shut their eyes and cover their ears. They also don't want to do anything that would jeopardize their progress up the bridge and ultimately, their eternity. That's the reason they're putting up with all the shit, to become gods.

Edited by 2727
On 1/28/2017 at 10:10 AM, AZChristian said:

Couldn't sleep last night, so got up to watch TV about midnight.  Just in time for the remake of "The Taking of Pelham 123."  John Travolta was absolutely frightening.  And all I could think of during the whole movie was "what does Co$ know about this guy to keep him in the cult?"

You know what?  I think Travolta is just THAT good as an actor.  I don't think there are a lot who can hold their own with him.  I watched a few episodes of the OJ show, whatever that was, that had Travolta playing one of the attorneys.  He absolutely glowed he was so much better than they were.  And they were great!  It's just that when he's onscreen, all eyes turn toward him. He's that good.

I  think he's always had a reputation as one of the nicest, most decent actors around, so I have to wonder about these lawsuits.  My speculation is that scientology has a lot of money to spread around.  Maybe they spread some to cause the suit, and then spread some more to make it go away.  After all, he's almost left a couple of times before.  They can't have one of the top, top, top guys leave.  I think maybe after his son died, he had a lot of thinking to do, and scientology wanted to be certain he was thinking the way they wanted him to.

Sure, that's just speculation.  But, so is all of this.

On 4/4/2017 at 3:57 PM, Atlanta said:

I never understood why he has no relationship with Suri. As a parent I can't imagine that. Even if Katie had the best divorce lawyer ever, I can't imagine a father forfeiting his rights. Does he have partial custody but doesn't use it? 

IIRC, he has visitation, but no custody at all.  I remember thinking that was strange since they have now renamed what used to be called "weekend visitation" of every other weekend to "partial custody".  But, he doesn't even have that.

On 5/24/2017 at 8:08 AM, spiderpig said:

Here's a goodie:

It's been over thirty years since TOP GUN blasted into theaters, but it seems that fans are still feeling that need for speed. Talk of a sequel to the Tony Scott film has persisted for some time, with producer Jerry Bruckheimer saying that they've "been trying to make a sequel and we're not going to stop ... what Tom tells me is that no matter where he goes in the world, people refer to him as Maverick. It's something he is excited about so as long as he keeps his enthusiasm hopefully we'll get it made." Now, it appears to be confirmed. While appearing on the Australian morning TV show Sunrise, Tom Cruise revealed that not only is TOP GUN 2 definitely going to happen, but that he'll probably start filming in the next year.

Anybody lining up for tickets?  Yeah, me neither.

I'm so sure people refer to him as "Maverick".  Sounds like a nickname he gave himself, doesn't it?

On 7/11/2017 at 8:08 PM, luvmylabs said:
  • Just saw Leah in an old episode of Diagnosis Murder.  All the while I'm thinking she' still a Scientologist at this time.  Wonder if she tried to lure in any of the cast

She has said she never felt comfortable doing that.  TPTB at the crock gave her a LOT of grief for working with Kevin James for nine years and never recruiting him to even one event.  She said she did her best to ruin the world for scientology in other ways.

On 8/6/2017 at 5:33 PM, Maelstrom said:

What makes this even more heartbreaking is that Quentin committed suicide when he was only 22, after several previous attempts. Going Clear went into his and Hubbard's relationship a bit, and it seems that Quentin was quite troubled and damaged by CO$, poor soul.

The book went into it a great deal (wasn't sure whether you were referring to the book or the documentary, so forgive me if I'm stepping on your post).  Quentin was MISERABLE and was also being hailed as the best thing next to LRH.  He was making things up, falsifying auditing reports, just phoning it in because he really had no interest in it.  He was also apparently gay.

As to this and the questions about Catherine Bell's sexual preferences, I think this points to the idea that celebrities are treated differently, or else she's in auditing day and night forever.  Because LRH policies state that homosexuals are degraded persons not worth dealing with and to stay away from them.

2 hours ago, spiderpig said:

As a pacifist I should never wish harm upon another human being.

***pauses to rearrange list of bungholes who finally get what they deserve***

Hope it hurt, Tommygirl.  Where were your Xenu superpowers?  And yes, you're too old for this shit.

Lol I thought the same thing! I am prob going to hell for this but I giggled everytime they showed clip on news...hubby and I rewound a few times and added sound effects.. Going to hell, I know.

They showed the clip on TMZ.  I don't normally watch that show, but saw that portion while changing channels.  Two quotes:

  • "Well, he came up a little SHORT on that jump."
  • "Maybe he was just Cruisin' for a bruisin'."

I laughed out loud.  I'm normally a compassionate person, but his attitude and behavior exempt me from feeling badly for him.

This was from yesterday's Reddit AMA with Leah & Mike:

Q: I'm just going to get straight to it. Is Tom Cruise a good person?
Leah: No! Just going to get straight to it, no! There is a public persona of the guy who looks at you directly in the eye and shakes your hand and hugs you and is an attentive person to you and there's the person behind the mask who is a completely different person. Someone could say we all have that -- what we are to the public and who we are behind the scenes, but the people who are around Tom and work for Tom, not even people who are Scientologists, they will say he is diaboloical. People who've worked with me will say I can be an asshole - all actors can be. That is different. He's very similar to David Miscavige, they could be twins


God how I wish Nicole & Katie would talk.  I know they can't/won't, but I can hope!

17 minutes ago, Cupcake04 said:

This was from yesterday's Reddit AMA with Leah & Mike:

Q: I'm just going to get straight to it. Is Tom Cruise a good person?
Leah: No! Just going to get straight to it, no! There is a public persona of the guy who looks at you directly in the eye and shakes your hand and hugs you and is an attentive person to you and there's the person behind the mask who is a completely different person. Someone could say we all have that -- what we are to the public and who we are behind the scenes, but the people who are around Tom and work for Tom, not even people who are Scientologists, they will say he is diaboloical. People who've worked with me will say I can be an asshole - all actors can be. That is different. He's very similar to David Miscavige, they could be twins


God how I wish Nicole & Katie would talk.  I know they can't/won't, but I can hope!

I doubt Nicole ever will. She's far removed from the Tom part of her life, but maybe Katie will in a couple of years. She seems pretty private though.

20 hours ago, AZChristian said:

They showed the clip on TMZ.  I don't normally watch that show, but saw that portion while changing channels.  Two quotes:

  • "Well, he came up a little SHORT on that jump."
  • "Maybe he was just Cruisin' for a bruisin'."

I laughed out loud.  I'm normally a compassionate person, but his attitude and behavior exempt me from feeling badly for him.

OMG, my birthday came early!!!

16 minutes ago, Cupcake04 said:

This was from yesterday's Reddit AMA with Leah & Mike:

Q: I'm just going to get straight to it. Is Tom Cruise a good person?
Leah: No! Just going to get straight to it, no! There is a public persona of the guy who looks at you directly in the eye and shakes your hand and hugs you and is an attentive person to you and there's the person behind the mask who is a completely different person. Someone could say we all have that -- what we are to the public and who we are behind the scenes, but the people who are around Tom and work for Tom, not even people who are Scientologists, they will say he is diaboloical. People who've worked with me will say I can be an asshole - all actors can be. That is different. He's very similar to David Miscavige, they could be twins


God how I wish Nicole & Katie would talk.  I know they can't/won't, but I can hope!

Many of us recognized the ick factor long ago.  Remember the movie "They Live", where a guy gets a pair of sunglasses that enable him to see evil faces and messages all around him?  It's as though we had TommyVision and couldn't understand how most people couldn't recognize his inner yukkiness.

(I wonder if Suri sent him a get-well card...)

4 hours ago, spiderpig said:

Many of us recognized the ick factor long ago.  Remember the movie "They Live", where a guy gets a pair of sunglasses that enable him to see evil faces and messages all around him?  It's as though we had TommyVision and couldn't understand how most people couldn't recognize his inner yukkiness.

One of my top 5 favorite movies ever.  The late, great Rowdy Roddy Piper.  He gave us the immortal "I came here to chew bubblegum and kick ass.  I'm all out of bubblegum".

34 minutes ago, funky-rat said:

One of my top 5 favorite movies ever.  The late, great Rowdy Roddy Piper.  He gave us the immortal "I came here to chew bubblegum and kick ass.  I'm all out of bubblegum".

I loved it too.  Maybe we can find some investors and reboot it with "They" being $cientologists!

The Daily Mail reports Tommy broke his ankle in two places and will be out of commission for months.  MI6 was due for a summer 2018 release, but it's been pushed back to Christmas since "everything revolves around him".

Long feature at link with lots of pix.


21 hours ago, spiderpig said:

The Daily Mail reports Tommy broke his ankle in two places and will be out of commission for months.  MI6 was due for a summer 2018 release, but it's been pushed back to Christmas since "everything revolves around him".

Long feature at link with lots of pix.


According to crock of sh...scientology, someone at little tommy's level should be able to cure himself and others by providing an assist.  If, for example a person stubs his toe, he is to bonk his toe again and again (lightly. one assumes) on the same object that caused the initial injury.  tiny tom should just ask that he be slammed (gently) against the building again and again until the pain goes away.

 Someone doesn't really believe what he claims he does.

Edited by smorbie
3 hours ago, smorbie said:

According to crock of sh...scientology, someone at little tommy's level should be able to cure himself and others by providing an assist.  If, for example a person stubs his toe, he is to bonk his toe again and again (lightly one assumes) on the same object that caused the initial injury.  tiny tom should just ask that he be slammed (gently) against the building again and again until the pain goes away.  Someone doesn't really believe what he claims he does.

Oh if only he had tried this and we got footage. That would be comedy gold

My favorite part about Tom's injury is what this probably means for future filming. He thinks doing his own stunts is another big example of his 'studliness'. You can see him puff up when he talks about it. But with this kind of injury and long term need to recover I would imagine the studios aren't going to want to let him do his own stuff anymore. That is going to drive him nuts. I love it. 

1 hour ago, 3girlsforus said:

My favorite part about Tom's injury is what this probably means for future filming. He thinks doing his own stunts is another big example of his 'studliness'. You can see him puff up when he talks about it. But with this kind of injury and long term need to recover I would imagine the studios aren't going to want to let him do his own stuff anymore. That is going to drive him nuts. I love it. 

Not to mention the very worst thing.  This has pushed the release of MI 3390 back almost a WHOLE YEAR!  Can "the planet" survive?

Perhaps if we all laughed maniacally (WORD!) while clapping our hands like trained seals we could somehow heal him

Edited by smorbie
1 hour ago, 3girlsforus said:

My favorite part about Tom's injury is what this probably means for future filming. He thinks doing his own stunts is another big example of his 'studliness'. You can see him puff up when he talks about it. But with this kind of injury and long term need to recover I would imagine the studios aren't going to want to let him do his own stuff anymore. That is going to drive him nuts. I love it. 

See, I think exactly the opposite.  Now this 55-year-old man(?) can get out of his self-imposed obligation to be "studly" . . . and he can blame it on the production's insurance restrictions.  He can pretend he's heartbroken, but he's actually probably relieved.

4 hours ago, smorbie said:

Not to mention the very worst thing.  This has pushed the release of MI 3390 back almost a WHOLE YEAR!  Can "the planet" survive?

Perhaps if we all laughed maniacally (WORD!) while clapping our hands like trained seals we could somehow heal him

Hahaha. This (yelling word) never gets old to me. Maybe I need to clear my inner 12 year old. My kids & I still love yelling it after big words & laughing. I can just imagine Tommy boy's minions with their special dictionaries scurrying about. 

1 hour ago, ramble said:

Hahaha. This (yelling word) never gets old to me. Maybe I need to clear my inner 12 year old. My kids & I still love yelling it after big words & laughing. I can just imagine Tommy boy's minions with their special dictionaries scurrying about. 

Can you imagine the horror of working for him? This is a man who went into a gigantic tantrum because he was too stupid to realize he was looking at a log of cookie dough.  Man, I'd have to slam him into a building a few times, myself.

Poor little Tom.... It happened to you, because, never forget, you make/let it happend to you ^_^ You're the CAUSE of that. That's basic $hitology 101 !

So, my question is : WHY did you that to your body, poor little Tom ? Why did you make this happening ? What were your real motivation for that ?

Karma is a bitch, Bitch !

3 hours ago, Diane Mars said:

Poor little Tom.... It happened to you, because, never forget, you make/let it happend to you ^_^ You're the CAUSE of that. That's basic $hitology 101 !

So, my question is : WHY did you that to your body, poor little Tom ? Why did you make this happening ? What were your real motivation for that ?

Karma is a bitch, Bitch !

What are your crimes?  Take him down to Clearwater for three months like they did Leah.

Just when you think the CO$ can't make you feel more sickened than you already do:

From Tony Ortega: 13 year old CO$ drone starts petition to cancel Leah's show; police witness to second victim urges $cientologists to stand by rapist Danny Masterson.

The mindfuck done on these people is just impossible to fathom at this point, I swear.

(Also, I had no idea Michael Pena is a Scientologist. Too bad, I thought he was hilarious in Ant-Man.)

Edited by Maelstrom

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