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S05.E09: What We Leave Behind

Tara Ariano
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His wavering reminds me of how surprised he was at the backlash after 408 over Oliver keeping the BM secret from Felicity. He probably expected more reaction to Oliver killing Billy, or the stunts, or LL showing up, and instead, the longest posts on his page are about Oliver being selfish/callous for seeking his own comfort and leaving Felicity to deal on her own. 

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I don't really care if he slept with her, i was thinking that after 5. 07 and going out for drinks we were supposed to assume they are hooking up. The issue is the timing and him going to the reporter at all instead of checking on Felicity or going to any of his friends since they all made it clear they're there for him and not letting him push them away. So imo he had somewhere else to go. I'm really disliking Oliver this season.I don't doubt that Felicity and Oliver are getting back together and this season imo. But I'm not sure I'll even want that or look at it the same if they continue writing especially Oliver this way because right now I don't think he  even deserves Felicity. 

Edited by tangerine95
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Odd person out here but it isn't even the timing that bugs me. It was the dialogue in the scene. I'd rather he go to his parents graves and 'talk' to them. That would be more fitting for me. If they were insistent on having Oliver and Reporter hook up drop the sappy emotional script that made Oliver look like a moron. 

The only way that scene could be redeemed for me is if we find out Oliver laid it on thick because he was playing her. Maybe he wasn't sure her connection but needed to be there to convince her he was falling for her play. He never slept with her and he looked miserable because he would have rather spent the time with Felicity. I have no hope in this.

Edited by Chaser
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And now apparently SA is saying "The truth is that they did not. Final answer."? I'm just confused. 

19 minutes ago, Chaser said:

Odd person out here but it isn't even the timing that bugs me. It was the dialogue in the scene. I'd rather he go to his parents graves and 'talk' to them. That would be more fitting for me. If they were insistent on having Oliver and Reporter hook up drop the sappy emotional script that made Oliver look like a moron. 

I honestly only half paid attention to that scene with the reporter and cannot tell you one thing he said. And I have no plans to go back and rewatch it to find out. 

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To be fair, she did make some sense. She told him how she doesn't buy that he turns people's lives into crap, that everybody affects everybody they come in contact with, and sometimes the results are good, other times they are bad. The weird part came after that when she was like, Let me show you. Come here. I don't have it verbatim, but I'm not interested enough to go watch it again.

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3 minutes ago, bijoux said:

To be fair, she did make some sense. She told him how she doesn't buy that he turns people's lives into crap, that everybody affects everybody they come in contact with, and sometimes the results are good, other times they are bad. The weird part came after that when she was like, Let me show you. Come here. I don't have it verbatim, but I'm not interested enough to go watch it again.

Ok, so I went there. I took one for the team. I watched it a second time (waits for the shuddering to subside).

Actually, I noticed something I hadn't before - during Oliver's "poor me, pity me" speech, we have the montage running, and when he says "no matter how much I love them", guess who we see? Yup, it's Felicity.

Second, and yes, apinknightmare, that kiss seemed rather aggressive, the whole smooch was filmed weirdly. She basically kisses him, and then we have cut to him walking out of the elevator in the Arrow cave. In fact, when I watched it, my first thought was that Oliver has no staying power, like at all. I mean, damn!

On a less jokey note - usually these scenes are more straightforward - we see clothes being discarded, or he gets out of her bed the next morning. This was weird.

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9 minutes ago, bijoux said:

To be fair, she did make some sense. She told him how she doesn't buy that he turns people's lives into crap, that everybody affects everybody they come in contact with, and sometimes the results are good, other times they are bad. The weird part came after that when she was like, Let me show you. Come here. I don't have it verbatim, but I'm not interested enough to go watch it again.

The problem (as I see it) is that once again (and they've been doing this since S2, at least) the show is writing for plot not character.  There is some plot related reason, probably tied to Russia/Bratva that Oliver has to hookup with the Reporter.  So that's why Oliver is being written to ignore the warning signs and for some reason reach out to Susan even though there are plenty of people he could interact with.  

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2 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

The problem (as I see it) is that once again (and they've been doing this since S2, at least) the show is writing for plot not character.  There is some plot related reason, probably tied to Russia/Bratva that Oliver has to hookup with the Reporter.  So that's why Oliver is being written to ignore the warning signs and for some reason reach out to Susan even though there are plenty of people he could interact with.  

I absolutely agree, I'm just saying she wasn't that bad until it turned super weird. It wasn't really her role to play, but that's not a specific problem to this character but a general one as you say.

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Yeah the kiss was weird and I also got a weird vibe off of her at the Christmas Party. Like the way she just scooted up and latched onto Oliver. It was odd, I couldn't tell if it was possessive/jealous or just supposed to be awkward.

I haven't seen CP in anything since Popular maybe it's just her acting style, I don't know but it's odd.

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I think Stephen Amell saying that Oliver didn't sleep with her,  but then maybe he did  (the follow-up tweet) is damage control. A lot of people on his FB didn't like it at all.  SA hates it when people don't like Oliver.

The problem is, the damage has already been done.  The idea that no one cared to make sure Felicity was okay while "Oliver went to bang some rando" (from the slanderent review) + Felicity crying alone again just really killed Olicity in spite of the ton of the red pen fan baiting because Oliver is so completely self-absorbed.  I still think they're going to put Olicity together in the end of the season or next season but it's got so that I don't want her anyway near him any more. Run, Felicity, Run.   I'm a "Felicity can do so much better" shipper. Ray is still single, isn't he?  I wasn't a fan of Raylicity but at least he treated her with respect (most of the time anyway). Or better yet, give me the Felicity & Friends show.

The slanderent guys did point out that it's totally season 1 Oliver but I'm not interested in seeing that guy these days. If I want season 1 Oliver, I'll watch season 1.

6 hours ago, LeighAn said:

Also Oliver looked like he was rolling his eyes at first when Chase told him about Malone being kidnapped and then his deadpan delivery of "Do you think he's dead" Once more with feeling Oliver.

Maybe that's why he feeling guilty, he didn't care about Felicity's boyfriend or his getting kidnapped because he's so self-involved this season.

3 hours ago, TwistedandBored said:

I like what they are doing with Prometheus right now.  I don't care either current love interest for Olicity but at least 1 of them is dead. Hopefully, this means more story for Felicity but I am not gonna hold my breath.

I am totally of the opinion that Billy was fridged for Oliver's manpain.  Classic fridging.  Felicity is already saying it's not his fault but noooo, he hates himself so much that he needs everyone to hug him and then go and get laid so he feels better.

My prediction is that it will be even less story for Felicity. She only gets story when it's about one of the guys (Havenrock for Ragman, Mayo so Oliver can kill him and feel guilty, a start-up for Curtis).  The rest of hte season will be taken up with Undead Laurel, the mysterious woman who trained Prometheus and



3 hours ago, insomniadreams88 said:

I realized I'm also annoyed with the show having Felicity comment on how attractive the women are in Oliver's life (gorgeous Laurel, super hot reporter). I know it was to make that scene even more awkward, but still. 

IMO, Felicity is much more attractive than Susan Williams in her skanky dress but I'm not the target audience.

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6 minutes ago, bijoux said:

Yes, I noticed the party bit as well. First, it was like, nope, just a one time date thing, then it's possessive, but also maybe not? 

That was weird but I was thinking of the post speech scene where, Susan and Felicity both approached Oliver after they realized it, Susan did this weird, quick, let me go stand by "my man" before she snags him.

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I was talking about that as well, only connecting it to what she said to Thea earlier when she showed up at the party.

Meanwhile, Felicity had a foot between herself and her "Malone Boyfriend".


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I still dont like the reporter/Oliver thing, and that kiss was weirdly intense, but I dont mind that Ollie slept with her that much. Its lame and cliche, but it does not really bug me. Its in character for Oliver to fall into old habits when he is messed up. I would rather he did something else, but I get it. 

I was just so relived that Oliver actually told Felicity the truth right away, and everyone had normal reactions to Oliver accidentally killing her boyfriend. Oliver could have been more supportive to Felicity, but i`ll take what I can get. And yes, I know its sad that Ollie just telling his team the truth is such a big deal. Stupid baby plot. 

1 minute ago, statsgirl said:

IMO, Felicity is much more attractive than Susan Williams in her skanky dress but I'm not the target audience.

I find Felicity more attractive too, but I did like that dress. Susan Williams is certainly pretty, so is everyone on this show. I think Felicity is much prettier than reporter lady, but thats just me. 

I do like the idea of Prometheus, and Olivers murder tendencies from season one (I kind of forgot how brutal he used to be, especially to random security guys) coming back to bite him, but its kind of lame that it seems like Prometheus is just going to be...SOME GUY! Who was related to SOME GUY we never met in the first season. I would have liked it if he was the kid of one of the random mooks that Ollie killed, who had no idea he was even working for a bad guy. And I have no clue why Evelyn thinks Prometheus is somehow better than Oliver. Yeah, Oliver used to kill lots of people, but its been awhile since he ran around killing people, and at least he just killed criminals, as far as we know. This guy just kills random people to screw with Oliver, or cops or innocent bystanders. How does he have the moral high ground? 

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4 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:

I find Felicity more attractive too, but I did like that dress. Susan Williams is certainly pretty, so is everyone on this show. I think Felicity is much prettier than reporter lady, but thats just me. 

I do like the idea of Prometheus, and Olivers murder tendencies from season one (I kind of forgot how brutal he used to be, especially to random security guys) coming back to bite him, but its kind of lame that it seems like Prometheus is just going to be...SOME GUY! Who was related to SOME GUY we never met in the first season. I would have liked it if he was the kid of one of the random mooks that Ollie killed, who had no idea he was even working for a bad guy. And I have no clue why Evelyn thinks Prometheus is somehow better than Oliver. Yeah, Oliver used to kill lots of people, but its been awhile since he ran around killing people, and at least he just killed criminals, as far as we know. This guy just kills random people to screw with Oliver, or cops or innocent bystanders. How does he have the moral high ground? 

I neither particularly liked nor disliked the dress. It was fine and certainly not skanky in my book.

I agree with the bolded part completely. As for Evelyn's logic, who can even say?

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I rolled my eyes when Oliver hooked-up with the reporter, mainly because it`s an Isobel Rochev retreat. And that was lackluster the first time. Also, somehow, the actress doesn`t do anything for me whereas I at least really like Summer Glau. And to be perfectly shallow, I don`t see "super-hotness". Nearly all of Oliver`s love interests, including Felicity, are a lot more stunning.

Now I do believe when it turns bad with the reporter, the gang won`t berate Oliver. Which IMO they shouldn`t because a couple of episodes ago it seemed like everyone and their dog was pushing him to hook up with her and go all "Is she your girlfriend yet?" 

Also Felicity was alone in the end because otherwise the mopey montage wouldn`t have worked. Curtis was alone and in pain, Felicity was alone and in pain, Diggle was alone and getting captured. It was supposed to create some false parallels on how Oliver single-handedly made all this happen by coming into their lifes. And then have reporter offer the obvious counter of "that is bullshit". 

I, too, would have found it highly inappropriate for Oliver to be there. It wasn`t his fault and the team rightfully stood by him and offered words of support but he was the one to do the deed. In respect for Mayo, Oliver consoling Felicity and/or Felicity allowing that would be a no-go.

Not sure if the writers plan to bring them back together. They flirtatious flashback seemed unbelievably random. It didn`t tie into anything in the story right now. I still like them as a couple and don`t think anyone is ruined. Other shows have seriously lowered my threshhold for that.

As someone who never had a problem with Oliver killing in Season 1 and having fond memories of Season 1 (not just for Oliver killing, I`m not that bloodthirsty), even I have to say: good God, he killed a lot of people. I don`t remember him necessarily offing all of the henchman, severly wounding them, yes, but not oturight murdering 20 people in a row. The main bad dude in the end, sure, but not all the hired help.

I have no problem with Prometheus being a heretofore unknown character. IMO that is the beautiful irony of the story. If it was someone we know, I would call bullshit.

Speaking of, I hope they have a good explanation for cliffhanger!Laurel.

Oh, and I loved Oliver`s opener about his favourite Christmas movie being Die hard. Teehee. How this entire city doesn`t know their mayor is also Green Arrow is beyond me.

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8 minutes ago, bijoux said:

I was talking about that as well, only connecting it to what she said to Thea earlier when she showed up at the party.

Meanwhile, Felicity had a foot between herself and her "Malone Boyfriend".


Ah, Ok, i got confused when you mentioned Thea.

Yeah, the whole Felicity/Billy thing was really telegraphed.  First she can't say "I love you" then she can't even call him her boyfriend when introducing him to Curtis and finally there's like a foot between the two of them during the Oliver introduction.  Honestly, if he didn't get killed, I fully expected Felicity to dump him by the end of the episode.

Oliver/Susan was weird too.  Based on Susan's entrance I gathered they had not been seeing each other or sleeping together or anything like that.  However, she is super forward with Oliver, a perfect example of "he's just not that in to you"

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2 minutes ago, Aeryn13 said:

Oh, and I loved Oliver`s opener about his favourite Christmas movie being Die hard. Teehee. How this entire city doesn`t know their mayor is also Green Arrow is beyond me.

Speaking of, I accidentally stumbled across a perfect Christmas present for Mayor Queen.


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The more I think about this episode and Oliver’s behaviour at the end the more I think they are doing a great job of writing away from Olicity. By the end I was thinking "it's a pity mayo died, at least he cared about Felicity more than Oliver did."

I think this episode will have the desired effect of shedding Olicity fans who might not even be angry because they won't ship anymore. Like someone mentioned above "Run Felicity Run!"

I can't even see this Oliver being decent enough to have a romance with someone else.  He needs to improve a lot more before they inflict him on the next permanent LI.

I skimmed jbuffy's review of this ep and even she sounded pissed! And she's normally very positive!

When Barry behaves better than you and has better judgement than you by miles in the MSF you knew you're screwed!

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20 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

When Barry behaves better than you and has better judgement than you by miles in the MSF you knew you're screwed!

If one overlooks the whole Flashpoint thing...which I don't. And even then...eh...

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23 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

When Barry behaves better than you and has better judgement than you by miles in the MSF you knew you're screwed!

Barry went into the future - saw Iris get killed - then instead of telling anyone about it, he's keeping it a secret for god knows what reason preventing anyone from helping Iris NOT be killed. Not only that, but Barry asked Iris to move in with him while still LYING to her about her own future and possible death. 

So... Where is the better judgment here?

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2 hours ago, wonderwall said:

Barry went into the future - saw Iris get killed - then instead of telling anyone about it, he's keeping it a secret for god knows what reason preventing anyone from helping Iris NOT be killed. Not only that, but Barry asked Iris to move in with him while still LYING to her about her own future and possible death. 

So... Where is the better judgment here?

Not only that but, if it wasn't for Jay telling him to cut the shit before he broke the multiverse even worse, Barry would have tried to change the future right then and there.  Hell, I fully expect that Barry will screw everything up even more in the backhalf of S3 which is probably want prompts that message from the future.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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I'm a "Felicity can do so much better" shipper. Ray is still single, isn't he?  I wasn't a fan of Raylicity but at least he treated her with respect (most of the time anyway). 

At the rate Oliver's going, Mick Rory would probably be a better choice.  Of course, if they wanted to implement the biggest ratings stunt of all time, Sara's single....

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1 minute ago, thuganomics85 said:

At the rate Oliver's going, Mick Rory would probably be a better choice.  Of course, if they wanted to implement the biggest ratings stunt of all time, Sara's single....

It's a pity they can't/won't send Felicity off to another show! If she got better storylines etc I don't care  which show they send her to! 

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2 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

 I have no clue why Evelyn thinks Prometheus is somehow better than Oliver.

Evelyn's a teenager.  Teenagers are kind of stupid.  It's part of being teenagers.  She'll probably have some silly-ass line like, "Well, Oliver was serial killer too.  At least Prometheus is honest about being a serial killer, unlike some people!"

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I could get behind Mick and Felicity.  There's even fanfic for them already.

4 hours ago, lemotomato said:

His wavering reminds me of how surprised he was at the backlash after 408 over Oliver keeping the BM secret from Felicity. He probably expected more reaction to Oliver killing Billy, or the stunts, or LL showing up, and instead, the longest posts on his page are about Oliver being selfish/callous for seeking his own comfort and leaving Felicity to deal on her own. 

That's interesting because it very much was the same kind of thing.  SA and Guggie expected that everyone would be all impressed with Oliver dealing with his difficult decisions and the fight scenes.  Instead, a vocal segment of the audience empathized with Felicity instead, over Oliver's lying in 408 and now going to dubious reporter to get his own feelings taken care of while Felicity cried alone.

I guess the one consistency is how they just can't anticipate the non-dude fan reactions.

And SA now confirms, final answer, that Oliver did not sleep with her.  But I don't care about that, what I care about is that there was nothing to show that any person among "Felicity's Friends" cared about her pain, especially Oliver. I am so over his self-absorption.  (Also, that's a post facto explanation if ever I heard one.)

ETA:  It just occurred to me that this is the second boyfriend of Felicity's who has died, and the second one in which she probably feels a sense of responsibility because if she hadn't brushed him off in the loft and had helped him look for clues she might not have died.  That's far too heavy a burden for anyone, and she has to bear it alone because no one else is there for her.




Edited by statsgirl
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I saw this somewhere else but I think they might have some reference to Oliver not sleeping with the reporter so she doesn't see his tattoo maybe. 

The thing that I presume if they play to type is going to make me angry is that we are going to come back two months after this is all happened and Wendy or Marc will give some BS interview where they say Oliver and the team comforted Felicity off screenville and Felicity will be written as super fine party pod person again and Team Arrows beck and call girl.

So we are going to miss the actual emotional resonance and the good that could come from this storyline because the theme for Felicity this year is afterthought. 

But I may be feeling this all after reading a slightly depressing post on tumblr of all the times Felicity has been there emotionally for Oliver and other characters.

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1 minute ago, LeighAn said:

The thing that I presume if they play to type is going to make me angry is that we are going to come back two months after this is all happened and Wendy or Marc will give some BS interview where they say Oliver and the team comforted Felicity off screenville and Felicity will be written as super fine party pod person again and Team Arrows beck and call girl.

So we are going to miss the actual emotional resonance and the good that could come from this storyline because the theme for Felicity this year is afterthought. 

But I may be feeling this all after reading a slightly depressing post on tumblr of all the times Felicity has been there emotionally for Oliver and other characters.

Yeah, seeing all those times listed out is just depressing now.

I had a feeling that Felicity's grief would be pushed aside by everyone once she immediately put the blame on Prometheus. I'm not saying that she should have blamed Oliver because she shouldn't, but it did change the direction of the scene. (Your boyfriend's dead - it's Prometheus' fault - you should all leave me alone) It sort of reminded me of how Felicity acted in 413 - her father's back, but Thea's more important; her father's back and trying to steal from her company and she just had him arrested, but talking about Malcolm is more important. Just once I wish that someone would say, "No, Felicity, you are important." 

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2 hours ago, thuganomics85 said:

At the rate Oliver's going, Mick Rory would probably be a better choice.  Of course, if they wanted to implement the biggest ratings stunt of all time, Sara's single....

Sure, send her over! LoT will take her. ;) We could use some more female characters, and the ratings boost wouldn't hurt either. 

(Yes I know there's not a chance in hell of that happening.)

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All the flashbacks just made me remember what a great show this was before all the "magic" of Dark and Raj Al Ghul (sp) and the Lazarus pit etc.  When it was Oliver and Diggle working through the list, this show was exciting. Oliver had a purpose, I loved the whole "Russian mobster" secret identity.  Now we have the "newbies" in the cave that are truly horrendous. 

Then comes the whole Felicity versus Laurel romance, all the "big bad," everyone knowing who the Arrow is ( honestly, lets just hang a sign outside) and killing Moira. Not to mention that Oliver was no longer killing people.  The Arrow being unrepentant and focused was part of his appeal.  They could have easily wrote this with the Dark Archer being in the background while they continued to battle the baddie of the week. 

Oliver and Sarah was also a big mistake that this show made. In my opinion, the one thing they have gotten right is Diggle and Lyla...and they will find a way to mess that up.  I appreciate that they had Diggle address baby Sarah , but why in a conversation with Wild Dog? 

Felicity's boyfriend was so clearly marked for demise that they may as well have put an X on his head, but why have Oliver kill him? 

Why not have the police officer that got show ( I think a former classmate or former girlfriend?) come back? She seemed like a good character. They could have made Laurel's friend (that was in Charlie's Angels) become someone who was in the legal field because she was disappointed about her brother being killed.  

I can understand Oliver wanting to connect with someone who did not know his secret in a moment where he had to feel pretty worthless. Being with Felicity when he had just killed her boyfriend was inappropriate, but I would have rather them show him picking up an anonymous woman in a bar than someone who a few episodes ago was trying to discredit him.   It makes no sense when he had just been betrayed by someone he thought he knew well. 

I have skipped and fast forwarded so many episodes that I don't even know Evelyn's backstory.....but they all annoy me.   Either make Curtis Mr Terrific with a purpose (quickly) or get rid of him.  No one is interested in his drama with his husband in an action adventure show, any more than I was interested in Laurel and Oliver, or Oliver and Felicity.  I can take Diggle and Lyla because it does not distract from the show and the action. 

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1 minute ago, Starfish35 said:

Sure, send her over! LoT will take her. ;) We could use some more female characters, and the ratings boost wouldn't hurt either. 

(Yes I know there's not a chance in hell of that happening.)

Well I think Felicity was given more to do and treated a three dimensional capable character in LOT then she has recently in Arrow.  

Im happy on a lot of other fronts with Arrow even with Olicity but Felicity deserves better then what she's been given and I find myself having a better appreciation for what it must have been like to be a Laurel fan last season. 

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9 minutes ago, Starfish35 said:

Sure, send her over! LoT will take her. ;) We could use some more female characters, and the ratings boost wouldn't hurt either. 

(Yes I know there's not a chance in hell of that happening.)

I love LoT! It's my favourite show this season (of the DC shows)!  Felicity on LoT would be all my dreams come true!

It would make sense actually. If they don't want to write for her/don't like her character on Arrow, she's still a pretty popular character.  Might as well send her off so they can write for the new masks and use her fans to boost another part of the franchise. No more Felicity/Olicity shippers pissing them off.

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6 minutes ago, LeighAn said:

Well I think Felicity was given more to do and treated a three dimensional capable character in LOT then she has recently in Arrow.  

That's sad.

I'm a big Felicity fan even if I'm not watching the show anymore, and even though I know it'll never happen, I love the idea of Felicity having adventures through time with Sara and the crew. 

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My only saving grace is that I'm hoping the fact that Felicity is do disconnected from everyone is the entire point of how she's been written. When she told Curtis that she doesn't have the type of relationship with Oliver where she can talk to him about how she is feeling even though she's been there for him and now that Billy's gone and she's lost that sort of shallow emotional support and crux he provided it's going to maybe Felicity is going to confront head on the lonely mess her life has become. Cue a Felicity break down and or going dark due to Prometheus manipulation.

Its just hard to trust though that these writers could make a mountain out of a mole hill when they have been so blasé with Felicitys storylines in the past. They always talk a big game about how they have big storylines for Felicity but they've yet to truly deliver. And it's aggravating that characters like Curtis and Wild Dog have more of an emotional POV then she does. 

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3 minutes ago, lemotomato said:

LoT has 7 regulars. How exactly is Felicity going to have more screentime/story/get better treatment if she gets added to LoT?

Besides, you can't have her. 

It would be interesting to see what role she'd play on that show. I feel like her natural position would be team leader because:

  1. She always at the base and runs the ops
  2. Most people tend to respect her and her abilities

Because otherwise I don't see what other role they could give her on the show. She isn't a fighter - and when they go back in time, she has nothing to hack, and then when they go forward in time (like way in the future) the tech would probably be a bit too advanced for her - she would be out of her element. 

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1 hour ago, wonderwall said:

It would be interesting to see what role she'd play on that show. I feel like her natural position would be team leader because:

  1. She always at the base and runs the ops
  2. Most people tend to respect her and her abilities

So... exactly what her role on Arrow currently is, then?

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I think the big benefit of Felicity moving to LoT is that she wouldn't be dismissed the way she is on Arrow.  Like Iris and Thea this season, she's become only a prop for manpain instead of having her place much less storyline on the show.  This episode really emphasized how she's been reduced to comic relief (the party scene) and excuse for Oliver's manpain.

I'd like to see Felicity out in the field again.  Has she had any scenes outside the bunker this season other than with Mayo?  (I really hate how the too many masks takes time away from the characters that I want to see.)

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7 hours ago, bijoux said:

I neither particularly liked nor disliked the dress. It was fine and certainly not skanky in my book.

I agree with the bolded part completely. As for Evelyn's logic, who can even say?

Evelyn's logic is simple. MG and WM apparently don't realize or care how Hypocritical she looked and can't have more than two wimmins in the Arrow Cave so they made her the Traitor instead of their Precious overrated Jerk Wild Dong cause apparently they dont want to have Thea Felicity Evelyn and Tina all in the Arrow cave. God forbid their is an equal balance of men and women in the Arrow Cave 

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