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Ryan: What the hell happened to him?


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On 6/28/2017 at 2:42 PM, Tatum said:

I think the ancillary partners get something like $5K or $15K a season...it's not very much. But if they get married and have a joint checking account, she can siphon his check out before he can blow it on drugs. I would bet Ryan makes at least $60K a season, if they pay Adam Lind $250K. I don't think the Teen Mom dads make as much as the Teen Mom 2 dads, but it's probably still a decent chunk of change.

Sadly, I can think of many girls who would jump to be a part of a reality TV franchise, even without a paycheck.

This is my very thought. Ryan is so out of it (and apathetic in general) that he would willingly give her access to his accounts. Kinda like Amber and Matt. Mack tosses him a few bucks to get his pills and keeps the rest for herself under the guise of "paying bills". She could bleed him dry right under his nose and I don't think anybody would catch it for months. 

  • Love 14
23 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

Thanks @leighroda for the insight. 

I was going to ask about the needle mark that is supposedly on Ryan's arm. You did mention on another post that the mark we see on Ryan's arm in the photo is on a part of the arm where there are no veins. You also mentioned the size of the mark seems too large considering the size of a hypodermic needle. You are indicating above that the mark may be a spot where he may be injecting himself over and over, which would explain the size and look of it, I assume. But I am stuck on what you said about the location not having an accessible vein. It looks as though it is in the crease of his arm, unless I am looking at the photo incorrectly. 

You mentioned Ibuprofen causing kidney damage. That is why I ceased taking the ones I was prescribed two years ago for the pain I had due to a ligament injury in my ankle. The doctor had prescribed me the highest dose and I had them shipped to my home. I felt great. I come to find out what can happen by taking them daily. Yikes!! 

I didn't say it right, it's hard to say because everyone's veins are different... they usually have to do vein mapping to decide where to place an access for my work... people do have veins that run on top of the arm, but at least clinically that would not be a preferred choice of vein. If I were doing it I would only use that option as a last resort if the inner arms and legs were not good options.

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, leighroda said:

I didn't say it right, it's hard to say because everyone's veins are different... they usually have to do vein mapping to decide where to place an access for my work... people do have veins that run on top of the arm, but at least clinically that would not be a preferred choice of vein. If I were doing it I would only use that option as a last resort if the inner arms and legs were not good options.

Thanks for clearing that up. It is all making sense now. Boy, I hate to think Ryan has gone off the deep end with heroin, but sadly, that may be the case. No matter what drug he is using, it is bad all around. 

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, LunaMia said:

I wonder if Catelynn's post the other week was really aimed at Ryan. Since these bitches like to play coy and do their little mystery messages, it seems probable. IMG_2933.thumb.PNG.dd9cbe4d0bb75cdd17e98cc126ba627c.PNG

Interesting theory. 

It is so hypocritical since Cate herself has her own issues with not being able to give up the pot and the alcohol. She drove under the influence, and god knows how many times she continues to do so. She is as much a danger to the public as Ryan was in the finale episode. 

  • Love 15

Even though I find Simon to be a lying loser, I absolutely believe the producers would provide Xanax to get them to film. That may be why Ryan has always been completely low energy. 

The rumors of his drug use as a teen and young adult was opiates and ecstasy. I think he had a head injury in that car accident, was probably prescribed pain meds, and when it was clear to the doctor he was abusing them or it was decided he didn't need any more refills, he started buying them on the street again.

Dalis' article was interesting in that she said she didn't recognize he was using, but someone she worked with who was in recovery called him out on it, making her question him about it. It makes me wonder if he was using to party primarily, but not at the heroin level of the last few years. Everyone in his life had to know he was using, which makes Kiki giving him Xanax even more abhorable if it is true.

This may fit better in the episode thread, but I also liked hearing what the interventionist Maci called had to say. This show sucks when it comes to PSAs, and that information was probably useful to someone watching. Him pointing out to her that she couldn't fix him, when she is so sure that she is the only one who can, wasn't just enjoyable to watch because he was saying it to her, but because there are people out there with friends and family who are substance abusers, and that may have made a difference for them. 

When I was a teenager, I had a boyfriend who my friends insisted was controlling and would get worse, but I couldn't see it in him. Once we broke up, he became stalkerish and threatened suicide, and one of my friends showed up at the restaurant where I was working with a member of her church who was a domestic violence counsellor, and she cemented the fact that I could not return to him or it would get much worse. It was something I think resonated with all of my friends, and I hope the phone call helped someone else to see that they couldn't fix someone else. Maci probably still thinks she can fix Ryan because as Intervention taught us, there is always a loved one who thinks they are the only person who can get through to the addict. Maci may be the only one who can get through to Jen, though, if she withholds Bentley from her. 

  • Love 12
10 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

Interesting theory. 

It is so hypocritical since Cate herself has her own issues with not being able to give up the pot and the alcohol. She drove under the influence, and god knows how many times she continues to do so. She is as much a danger to the public as Ryan was in the finale episode. 

Exactly. They're all a bunch of hypocrites with their own problems. Including the chug a lug queen Maci. Someone that says she fears for her sons safety with Ryan, yet provided her unborn baby its own beer bong via her placenta. Ugh these people. 

  • Love 15
On 6/28/2017 at 0:28 PM, ghoulina said:

What checkbook, though? He's a drug addict; they're not known for being flush with cash. Last season, I believe that big fight with his dad over "tools" was because he was stealing from his parents to finance his habit. She may want some notoriety and potentially her OWN TM paycheck (what do partners of partners get? Kristina? Vee? Miranda?), but I can't see how she's after Ryan's money, cause I doubt he has any. 

I think Mackenzie is all about that TM "fame."

When I was a teen and would get crushes on incredibly hot (but often incredibly douchey) guys, my mama would say to me "You don't choose a mate based on looks only. Looks fade. Being a jerk is forever."

I feel like in the crazy world we now live in with reality TV I'm going to have the same talk with my mini-Nordics one day but I'll have to add in "You don't choose a mate based on the fact that they're on a reality TV show. Reality TV shows get canceled. Being an infamous jerk and train wreck is forever."

  • Love 23
3 hours ago, LunaMia said:

Exactly. They're all a bunch of hypocrites with their own problems. Including the chug a lug queen Maci. Someone that says she fears for her sons safety with Ryan, yet provided her unborn baby its own beer bong via her placenta. Ugh these people. 

The image in my head of Bentley, Jayde, and her little brother (what is his name) chugging But Lite as fetus' won't leave my mind. Maci consumes more calories via beer than food. 

  • Love 11
1 hour ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

I feel like in the crazy world we now live in with reality TV I'm going to have the same talk with my mini-Nordics one day but I'll have to add in "You don't choose a mate based on the fact that they're on a reality TV show. Reality TV shows get canceled. Being an infamous jerk and train wreck is forever."

LOL! They don't get cancelled soon enough, unfortunately. 

  • Love 5

How long has Mackenzie known Ryan? And she never knew about his addiction problem? Jen and Larry?! Hello?!? Baffled at how Mackenzie is actually trying to blame Maci for not telling her about this very obvious drug problem. Yo, Maci sees Ryan for a minute or two when they are exchanging Bentley. You are his fiancee. What a crock of shit.

  • Love 21

Enough with the storming off the stage !!

I think Mack (I still refuse to believe she's a day under 40) has a point. She clearly has not known Ryan very long and it appears this drug problem has gone on many years, and Maci, while portraying herself as perfect and Jennifer & Lawrence as enablers, knew all about it. Maci looked like a total mean girl, laughing after Mack read her letter.

  • Love 3

Yeah.. I mean it was obvious Ryan was on drugs but skd Maci try that hard to tell anyone before she was in PR crying about it? 

Yes we all kind of knew when she was like "something's going on with Ryan, it's bad" but she also made a point to say something like "if I don't say anything people will assume it's drugs" so the hell? 

  • Love 5

Mac is full of shit when she says that she didn't know about Ryan's addiction issues. 

But maci was totally exploiting it for a storyline. So she was trying to tell us that the addiction specialist said not to talk to Mac but go ahead and spew it on camera in PR? Bullshit. 

I hope Ryan deals with his issues for his sake, but I would love it if he totally ripped maci's storyline away from her. Then all she will have is pocket tees and trap babies as her storyline. 

  • Love 10
31 minutes ago, poeticlicensed said:

Mac is full of shit when she says that she didn't know about Ryan's addiction issues. 

But maci was totally exploiting it for a storyline. So she was trying to tell us that the addiction specialist said not to talk to Mac but go ahead and spew it on camera in PR? Bullshit. 

I hope Ryan deals with his issues for his sake, but I would love it if he totally ripped maci's storyline away from her. Then all she will have is pocket tees and trap babies as her storyline. 

100% this


Mac is dumb as hell but there's maci acting like a saint again 

  • Love 4

Mac is just as full of shit as Maci is.   They both knew.  Come on.  

Not surprised tho that Dr Drew was totally useless and never asked Maci why she was pushing so hard for Jenn and Larry to pull back and let Ryan parent on his own when she admits he was in treatment before and it didn't last.  Also didn't hear him mention how Maci is drinking in every single scene this season.    He is such a pathetic ass kisser.   

  • Love 6
9 minutes ago, lexiexx said:

Mac is just as full of shit as Maci is.   They both knew.  Come on.  

Not surprised tho that Dr Drew was totally useless and never asked Maci why she was pushing so hard for Jenn and Larry to pull back and let Ryan parent on his own when she admits he was in treatment before and it didn't last.  Also didn't hear him mention how Maci is drinking in every single scene this season.    He is such a pathetic ass kisser.   

For him to comment on that he would actually have to watch the show, so...

  • Love 5

Why no clip of Jen sobbing at the "wedding" after the doped out drive there?  Did Mack have that information but didn't tell anyone?  All those minutes that Ryan could have died!  I guess that's all on Maci, too.  Certainly can't blame Ryan or anyone that lives with him everyday. Sigh.  I'm really not liking this chick after tonight.  

Edited by MissMel
Maci's fault
  • Love 18

I did laugh when Mack admitted that she had to read the letter because she's slow-witted. I guess she'd have to be to actually think that anyone would buy her bullshit about being in the dark about Ryan's addictions.

Her hair looked like shit at the reunion show. I see that hairstyle on women 40+ in my area. It is so matronly.

  • Love 11
13 minutes ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

And here we all thought Ryan didn't work because of Teen Mom or a TBI. Also, wasn't it reported the he and his girlfriend at the time( i think her name was Shelby) were evicted from their apartment for owing several months rent?  I wonder where the rent money went? 

Into his veins?

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, lexiexx said:

I kept imagining dimwitted Mac just pecking away at the calculator app on her phone to figure out how many minutes, hours, etc.  it. had been.

I agree that Maci embarrassed Bentley though.    He didn't sign up for a "fucking reality show".

Bentley was the only one who truly did not know what the hell was going on with his father. Bentley's mother failed him by continuing to showcase him on a show knowing Ryan had a previous rehab stint and pointing fingers at The Enablers and creating drama over a fucking holiday instead of concerning herself with her child's father being an addict and using that as a storyline.

  • Love 9
26 minutes ago, Meatball said:

The addiction counselor never recommened Al-Anon to Maci? She never did any research herself which ALWAYS recommends Al-Anon? Maci doesn't want to help the situation, she just wants credit for outing the drug abuse like Dr. Drew gave her. Man, is he phoning it in.

And also the audience for this reunion. Seriously I cannot stand the live audience that claps like these teen moms are gospels.

  • Love 11
8 hours ago, ChicagoChris said:

Enough with the storming off the stage !!

I think Mack (I still refuse to believe she's a day under 40) has a point. She clearly has not known Ryan very long and it appears this drug problem has gone on many years, and Maci, while portraying herself as perfect and Jennifer & Lawrence as enablers, knew all about it. Maci looked like a total mean girl, laughing after Mack read her letter.

Did I miss something? I keep seeing Jennifer & Lawrence typed out in place of Jen and Larry. Actress, Jennifer Lawrence reference? Lol. 

  • Love 1

I agree that Maci was the mean girl and trying to be holier than thou. If she knew about the drug issue , which she confirms is so, then she is in the wrong. I get that it may not be her place to bring it to light , but there is something just so wrong about the way she is laughing at Mackenzie and being the MEAN GIRL. I was always on the fence about Maci, but now I really dislike her. She is perhaps the phoniest of them all.

  • Love 6
7 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

Bentley was the only one who truly did not know what the hell was going on with his father. Bentley's mother failed him by continuing to showcase him on a show knowing Ryan had a previous rehab stint and pointing fingers at The Enablers and creating drama over a fucking holiday instead of concerning herself with her child's father being an addict and using that as a storyline.

Yeah remember when maci was trying to say that she was so horrified that someone might think she was Farrah and think that bentleys mom did porn back when she was threatening to leave the show?  Not that I believed her excuse but to turn around and now allow Bentley to be the kid with the drug addict dad?  

1 hour ago, mayvenne said:

I agree that Maci was the mean girl and trying to be holier than thou. If she knew about the drug issue , which she confirms is so, then she is in the wrong. I get that it may not be her place to bring it to light , but there is something just so wrong about the way she is laughing at Mackenzie and being the MEAN GIRL. I was always on the fence about Maci, but now I really dislike her. She is perhaps the phoniest of them all.

She thinks VERY highly of herself.  She's a better parent than someone like jenelle but then who isn't 

  • Love 8

As merely the mother of child, not even his ex wife, Maci has no place telling his then girlfriend about his drug issues.  She told his mom and she blew it off.  It's a no win scenario for Maci, can you imagine what a meddler she'd be seen as?  That said, Mack is either an imbecile or a liar.  Ryan's issues were apparent to us as viewers for years, yet she somehow had no clue?  Is she mad at Jen for not telling her as well?  or is all her anger directed at Maci?  The person she should have issue with is the one in the mirror.  She was so eager to get married and lock down that reality star & his paycheck, that she easily overlooked his issues and only now wants to appear concerned.

Like others have mentioned, Jen & Larry need to watch out for that one. She's no better than Matt, preying on Leah's past addictions & mental state. I can certainly see her taking out a couple life insurance policies. #golddigger

  • Love 21
2 hours ago, lexiexx said:

Yeah remember when maci was trying to say that she was so horrified that someone might think she was Farrah and think that bentleys mom did porn back when she was threatening to leave the show?  Not that I believed her excuse but to turn around and now allow Bentley to be the kid with the drug addict dad?  

She thinks VERY highly of herself.  She's a better parent than someone like jenelle but then who isn't 

That's what I was thinking too! I already thought the pearl clutching "I simply cannot allow my child to be around a porn star!" stuff was ridiculous (because animal abusers, child abusers, felons, drug addicts and dealers, spousal abusers and deadbeats are all fine to appear with I guess...but god forbid you legally make money off of sex), but this made it even more so. Bentley's own father was on drugs the whole time. That's not embarrassing?! 

That said, that letter Mack wrote to Maci was ludicrous. Maci didn't owe her anything and you can't ever convince me Mackenzie didn't know. Watching those two fight was a huge eye roller. Come on-- Maci didn't make a fool out of you, force drugs into Ryan's veins or push you to marry hastily in an aquarium parking lot. That's on the two of them. And Larry and Jen are enablers to the max and are around him a lot more than Maci is. Where's their blame? Why is it 100% Maci? Isn't it ultimately Ryan's own problem? Mack has a child of her own. It's her job to make sure her partner is safe and she didn't. That's on her. 

Edited by Lm2162
  • Love 14

The letter was stupid and Maci didn't owe anything to Mack- and yes pretty much everyone knew, come on!- but Macis reactions were awful. And yes considering how she talks about protecting her son, she did a hell of a job with this season.

(side note, can we make a reunion thread? I have so much to say on almost everything but not specific Girl or segment)

  • Love 3

The letter was stupid and Maci didn't owe anything to Mack- and yes pretty much everyone knew, come on!- but Macis reactions were awful. And yes considering how she talks about protecting her son, she did a hell of a job with this season.

We've consistently seen Maci & Taylor manage Bentley's exchanges with Jen & Larry.  I can't remember the last time Bentley was in a car with Ryan, so maybe those protections have been in place behind the scenes for years, 

  • Love 5
13 hours ago, LilaFowler said:

How long has Mackenzie known Ryan? And she never knew about his addiction problem? Jen and Larry?! Hello?!? Baffled at how Mackenzie is actually trying to blame Maci for not telling her about this very obvious drug problem. Yo, Maci sees Ryan for a minute or two when they are exchanging Bentley. You are his fiancee. What a crock of shit.


12 hours ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

Stevie Wonder, Ray Charles and Helen Keller could see that Ryan is on drugs and Mackenzie claims didn't know? Girl, bye! 


12 hours ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

Mackenzie knew exactly what she was doing by reading that letter; deflect from her behavior during Cargate(as I like to call it).  Also, she is no better than Maci because  both of them are using Ryan for an MTV check.


11 hours ago, LilaFowler said:

I did laugh when Mack admitted that she had to read the letter because she's slow-witted. I guess she'd have to be to actually think that anyone would buy her bullshit about being in the dark about Ryan's addictions.

Her hair looked like shit at the reunion show. I see that hairstyle on women 40+ in my area. It is so matronly.


10 hours ago, Lm2162 said:

They both knew. No sympathy for either of them.


4 hours ago, Calm81 said:

Did I miss something? I keep seeing Jennifer & Lawrence typed out in place of Jen and Larry. Actress, Jennifer Lawrence reference? Lol. 


23 minutes ago, CofCinci said:

How could a Superfan like Mackenzie not know that Ryan is an addict? STFU. 

Ryan is not Maci's problem   Larry and Jen are the worst kind of enablers.  They won't accept the fact that Ryan is an adult and a drug user.  They blame everybody in the world except themselves.  We all know Ryan is a drug user.  MTV has been kind enough to show us week after week Ryan in a near coma.  They along with Larry and Jen should hold some responsibility in not insisting he get help.   I'm sure Maci would love to shut the door on Ryan but she's in a ackward position sharing a child with him. 

Enablers are really interesting to watch and study.  They deflect blame.  They take no responsibility.  They continue on blaming other people and the system.

I have two enablers in my life.  One a life long friend who enables her alcoholic son to the point he is in an almost vegitative state after years of enabling.  The other a daughter enabling a grandson and is headed down the same road as my friends son.

Talking does not help.  They do not want to hear it.  The lash out and attack you when you suggest help or anything to make the enabled better. 

Having lived this life with my enabler friend and daughter my heart goes out to Maci.  She is powerless in this whole situation.  I'm pretty sure MacKenzie is another Ryan Enabler.

Sad very sad.

  • Love 12
3 hours ago, mayvenne said:

I agree that Maci was the mean girl and trying to be holier than thou. If she knew about the drug issue , which she confirms is so, then she is in the wrong. I get that it may not be her place to bring it to light , but there is something just so wrong about the way she is laughing at Mackenzie and being the MEAN GIRL. I was always on the fence about Maci, but now I really dislike her. She is perhaps the phoniest of them all.

I think Maci's laugh was an incredulous "are you fucking kidding me" kind of laugh.

There is NO WAY Mackenzie did not already know he was a druggie so I don't blame Maci for being pissed off about the stupid letter blaming her. But I do wonder why Maci did not say "You were with him more than anyone and you did not notice?!"

  • Love 18
31 minutes ago, lilmarysunshine said:

I think Maci's laugh was an incredulous "are you fucking kidding me" kind of laugh.

There is NO WAY Mackenzie did not already know he was a druggie so I don't blame Maci for being pissed off about the stupid letter blaming her. But I do wonder why Maci did not say "You were with him more than anyone and you did not notice?!"

I would have been a lot ruder than she was if that letter had been read aloud to me. 

  • Love 20

I think Mackenzie stomped off stage because she thought she looked hot in that dress and wanted to show off. She's awfully proud of her chunky-ish legs. Yeah yeah, I'm being petty, but I cannot stand her. I would have laughed at that letter too. Let's blame the woman instead of the addict himself or his parents that you see all the time.

Did she just think that Ryan's bulgy eyes were Grave's Disease? Maybe a little Narcolepsy to explain the nodding off? A love of coffee houses to explain his long missing mornings?

Is this chick really a nurse or is she just going by "actress" now? Something is very wrong with the whole story. I think Maci was pretty much forced to make it a storyline once it became so painfully obvious that Ryan is fucked up. The producers probably set that all up instead of going all into the Edwards by themselves. The OGs still have to be a part of every story. Shouldn't Mackenzie also have been around during the cat shooting days?

Personally I'd rather see Bentley and Jayde play together that Mackenzie and her sinister ass any day. 

  • Love 15

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