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S33.E09: Still Throwin' Punches

Tara Ariano
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23 minutes ago, mojoween said:

Exactly.  No, Jeff, Taylor's lack of concern about stealing the food isn't because he is a Millennial because I believe with everything we have been shown that Taylor would act like that if he was born in 1970 or 1980 or 1990.

Yeah, not due to birth year but due to piss poor parenting.

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Well, I can't say I'm sad to see Taylor go. Smug, food stealing jerk deserved this boot 100% But I did enjoy his final tribal showdown with Adam. That was priceless. 

Although, if he was doing it to try to save his ass, he went about it the totally wrong way. If that were his goal, he should have revealed Adam's sneakery back at camp. Give people time to digest and talk and possibly change plans. With that many people voting together, they weren't going to change the vote AT TC. 

However, if it was a foregone conclusion that he was going home, and he just wanted to blow Adam's game up before doing so - well done. It was glorious to watch. I tried to like Adam. I really did. I'm sure he's a lovely person. He's close with his mom, runs a homeless shelter - but his game SUCKS. He is too all over the place and just doesn't know when to STFU. Going forward, he's really going to be in a hot spot. And it's all his doing. He should have never trusted Taylor, and now it's blowing up in his face. 

I don't even think people will care so much about the advantage itself. Despite Taylor's theatrics about the loved ones visit being "ripped from your arms", Adam doesn't HAVE to use the advantage, and if he does - it could be for ANY reward. No, the issue at hand is that he told Taylor and not other people he was ostensibly closer with. That's going to plant some major seeds of doubt - and there were seeds already. And, also, he can deny eating the food all he wants, but the fact that he admitted he was there, and secret swapping went on, is going to make people always wonder if he was more involved in Foodgate than he lets on. 

His game is seriously on life support. 

I did think it was hilarious that Jay was trying to act so noble about the entire thing, but when he found out what Taylor did, he was laughing and fist bumping and couldn't wait to get his hands on that food. He's one of those people that wants to be close to those who do the dirty deeds, so he can benefit from them, but not be directly culpable. I see you, Jay. 


The best part of TC for me is watching Hannah react. She is a ticking panic attack about to happen! 

Speaking of Hannah, I know it was just reward, but her team picks were so stupid. Not only did she pick most of the smaller guys, when she knew full well a giant chest had to be moved, but she picked almost all old Millennial. So that might make it appear to people she's been working with, that she is as wishy washy as Adam has been. 

I thought Chris's picks were great. Not only did he have most of the brawn needed to move that chest, but picking David was great - because he is the lightest and great for retrieving the key. He picked mostly people he's currently working with, no ruffled feathers there. But brought along Taylor, who sealed the deal in the end there. Sunday was irrelevant. They play a smaller version of that bolo game at parties, so I bet Taylor has done that quite a bit before. 

Frankly, I was surprised he didn't win the IC too, with those two shoe things. When I saw those, I thought he was a lock. But I'm glad my boy, Ken, won it. Even if he didn't necessarily need it. 

I'm a bit worried for ol Ken going forward, though. If Sunday is after Jessica, that would compromise one of Ken's closest allies. We haven't seen much of him lately, but I hope he's branching out and making tighter bonds. 

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37 minutes ago, waving feather said:

Lying TO people is ok but lying ABOUT people is bad? How about lying TO people ABOUT other people? Lol. To me, both are just as bad and meant to deceive other people. That's just part of this game, though.

I would say Jay is an opportunist. He didn't start the shit, but he joined in when he realized it might be to his advantage if Taylor or Adam drown themselves. Taylor lied that Adam helped him and ate the food and Jay just piggybacked on it. None of them looked good coming out of that exchange, but I doubt it will have much to do with who goes home next. Most of the other players are thinking long term instead of petty disagreements at this moment. Jeff tried to spin it like Taylor went home because he stole food but I disagree. He went home because he wasn't part of the majority alliance and they planned to take him or Jay out in the vote anyway, whether he stole food or not.

There is big difference difference between lying in response to a question, when telling the truth would betray your alliance or put you on the chopping block and making up false accusations of wrongdoing against an innocent person.

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11 hours ago, rustyspigot said:

One vote goes Hannah's way now she thinks she's the second coming? 

And Will is so PROUD of himself for being, "Not only the youngest person to ever play survivor, but the first one to win immunity after the merge!"  I thought he was going to pop an artery.

If there's really one difference between generations that bothers me, it's that while my Baby Boomer generation was taught to be modest in victory, the Millennials were taught to brag, and GenX is somewhere in between. I blame the dancing, chest-pounding football players.  Taylor, positive that we would all think his food stealing was charming and perfectly okay because he "owned," it, is just an extenuation of the, "Always be conceited," mindset.

 I tried to like Adam. I really did. I'm sure he's a lovely person. He's close with his mom, runs a homeless shelter - but his game SUCKS.

I agree Adam's game sucks, but his fail with Jay  was another example of some millennial's mindset.  I thought Adam was not really gloating to Jay, he was trying to commiserate with him by stating the harsh reality of Jay's situation.  But Jay doesn't understand that sort of talk.  If Adam had said, "You may feel like you're on the bottom right now, but you're not! That was just one vote!  You're smart! Everyone is impressed with you that you're still here and Michelle isn't.  You're still the Kingpin, man!"   That's the only sort of thing Jay can imagine someone saying if he's on his side. 

Edited by JudyObscure
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9 hours ago, Jobiska said:

I didn't see Adam as gloating either--I think he speaks dramatically and his saying "of course you're on the bottom" was more of a "well, duh" trying to be comradely (and trying to lead up to "shall we still work together") rather than a "nyah nyah" gloating but he just didn't read his audience right.  

Jay really embellished when he relayed that conversation to Will. Adam talks too much and reveals too much, but I didn't see anything he said as taunting Jay. I felt like he was confirming what Jay already knew, because he knows Jay ain't stupid. 


7 hours ago, Rbonnie said:

Yes and sadly she passed away before even the first episode was shown. She never got to watch his dream come true.  In fact I think I read she passed away during the last week of filming.  Even if they did have a family visit she wouldn't have been able to make the trip.  No idea if he was still in the game at that point but what an awful situation.  I hope he was home in time, even though it would cost him the game 

Oh wow, I didn't know that. So sad. Adam's game sucks, but I feel for him as a person. I can't really judge, but that must be a hard call to make - play the game for your dying mom, or spend those last months WITH her. I'm sure she's proud of him either way. 

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8 hours ago, MattDuffysCat said:

I don't think everyone has to have a personality disorder just because they do things you don't understand. :) My career is in psychology, and I'm just not seeing anything that could even come close to a diagnosable personality disorder, whether major or minor.

Thank you so much for this post. I am so beyond armchair psychological analysis of people, especially those on a reality show where we see a few hours of edited footage - someone's always on a spectrum, someone has Aspergers, someone's autistic, etc. It's kind of annoying and frankly a little offensive. Not everyone who does something out of the realm of what a person deems "normal" must have some type of psychological issue.

I absolutely agree with you that Adam to me just seems like that clueless Survivor player who is just playing too hard and trying way too hard, probably because he is such a fan and wants so badly to be seen as this great strategist and all it has succeeded in is annoying everyone. Some people just rub others the wrong way no matter what they do or say and sadly, that seems to be Adam. Zeke who is technically aligned with him wants to vote him off because he's annoying him. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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2 hours ago, cooksdelight said:

I was screaming the same thing, throw the damn thing in the fire!! Taylor would have crapped his pants and Jay would have used his idol in fear that he might be next. That would have been brilliant but I don't think Adam has a clue about how to play the game.

Count me in too as someone who thought throwing it in the fire would have been a great move.

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The problem with Adam is he talks so much, so it's hard to tell what his intentions are when he opens his mouth. In that conversation with Jay, all he had to do is keep some thoughts to himself and fake-sympathize with Jay a little, like what Hannah did.

This is verbatim from Adam during his conversation with Jay:


"...my name was going to come up, so at that point, I would have written your name down

"It was either, be at the bottom of Gen X, as you'd like to call it, or go home"

"The people who voted last night clearly made some kind of... you know you heard Chris... he said tonight a line would be drawn"

And he says all this with a shit-eating grin. There are so many unnecessary remarks and info he gave to Jay. Maybe Jay is entitled that people should empathize his situation, but Adam was throwing in snide remarks here and there, making sure Jay understood he's on the outs (as if he doesn't know). In this game, it's never smart to make someone feel like they are at the bottom. He's a superfan, he should know this.

Edited by waving feather
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Adam is probably a nice guy, but he is overwhelmed in dealing with Taylor and Jay.  Neither has any real ethos beyond winning, and staying in the game. Yeah, this is Survivor, but under these conditions...limited food, isolation on an island, and social pressure...people tend to default to their base lines, and their game play fragments. This works for people like Taylor or Jay...they are remorseless competitors...even with one another. I expect this is how they react in real life...off the island.

Adam runs a homeless shelter and comes from the negotiate and compromise school...Jay and Taylor read that as weakness. Jay is just a better shark...he encouraged his bro Taylor to blow himself up at TC, which he did. 

I reiterate...Brett and Sunday are dunderheads...getting washed on booze is not smart in the middle of the game, and deciding to pick off one of your own Gen-Xs, while the numbers are working for you is plain stupid. I thought Sunday might have a brain...but she has convinced me otherwise.

Ken impresses...but David is still in it. And I think Chris is not just brawn, but much shrewder than the editing is showing. I think he has Jay's number...but we shall see. 

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7 hours ago, GaT said:

Does anybody else feel like Taylor & Jay were surprised the plan didn't work?

Actually, I suspect Jay's plan worked perfectly.  He knew the others were booting either Taylor or him.  So he had to divert attention away from himself, and onto Taylor.  Convincing Taylor to go public about the food theft and Adam's advantage filled the bill.  Taylor looked like an ever bigger douche (though a hilarious one).  To stack the deck even more, Jay then voted against Taylor (after, I bet, telling Taylor to vote for Adam). 

If I'm right about this, Jay is more than a little devious.  He stayed in the game, kept his idol, generated huge mistrust of Adam, and emerged mostly unscathed. 

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Was Taylor dropped on his head when he was a baby? Good God, he has to be the biggest toddler on the planet! Unfortunately, we'll have to see his moronic grinning face at every tribal from now on.  Ugh, Taylor and Figgy have to be the worst players ever.

Ken for the win & still liking Chris too.

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It was too early for Sunday to make her move.  Her main alliance is with Chris and Bret, and then she's looking to Jay/Will/maybe Hannah as part of the old 'green tribe' group.  Taylor was never part of her plans anyway, so why not eliminate him now and get Jay/Will even more dependent on you in the future.  Sunday can certainly wait at least one or even two more rounds before moving to oust Jessica.

Fair enough and if she'd said that, I would have thought, "okay, that makes sense." But that's not what we saw and I acknowledge that editing doesn't always tell the whole story but it's all I really have to go on right now. And what the episode showed was right after the split vote was discussed, she walked away clearly upset, so much so that Brett notices and asks her what's wrong and she's practically in tears saying how she doesn't want to write Jay's name and how much she wants Jessica out. And again, practically in tears, she's making Brett swear that they'll go after Jessica next. It came across like she really, really wanted Jessica gone right then and there but felt like her hands were tied and she had no options and it's like, no, you did. 

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13 minutes ago, Knuckles said:

I thought Sunday might have a brain...but she has convinced me otherwise.

Sunday convinced me she was stupid on the very first episode when she spouted a few negative stereotypes about the Millennials.  She's a Youth Pastor for  heaven's sake! She's the one who should have been saying something like ,  "Oh we're all the same underneath and young people today are just wonderful." 


I'm already laughing at the recap title and I haven't even read it yet.

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4 hours ago, waving feather said:

This is verbatim from Adam during his conversation with Jay:

And he says all this with a shit-eating grin. There are so many unnecessary remarks and info he gave to Jay. Maybe Jay is entitled that people should empathize his situation, but Adam was throwing in snide remarks here and there, making sure Jay understood he's on the outs (as if he doesn't know). In this game, it's never smart to make someone feel like they are at the bottom. He's a superfan, he should know this.

YMMV, but reading that conversation, I didn't see much of that as snide and I don't remember Adam having a shit-eating grin on his face while saying most of that. To me the first comment was pretty much the, "well I knew it was either me or one of you guys so of course I wrote one of your names down". That seems perfectly reasonable to me. Second sentence also seems like the same thing. I don't see what is so smug or snide about saying, "as you like to call it" in reference to saying the Gen-X group because that is how Jay was referring to the alliance that booted Michelle. 

And in my opinion, I found the last line the antithesis of smug because it sounded like despite voting with the majority, Adam was still sort of putting himself out of it by saying "the people who voted..." like he wasn't one of them. To me, that conversation seemed like Adam trying to take heat off himself and saying, "hey, I knew I was in trouble so I sided with the larger group who drew a line in the sand and decided you three were not with them." I don't see that as snide. 

I agree that the "of course you are", in response to Jay's saying they were on the bottom could be read as smug but I agree with someone that one, Adam is kind of awkward in how he speaks to people and two, he for whatever reason likes to yell everything he says. You see it constantly in his ITM's. So the comment likely came out a lot more aggressively than he intended but I agree with others in that he was likely just stating a fact in his mind that yeah, at that moment Jay and company were in the bottom. Like we're going to pretend Jay didn't know that?

I don't buy that this conversation offended Jay so greatly. I think it's clear Jay and Taylor never cared for Adam, which Zeke referenced last week in saying that it was lame Adam still wanted to be accepted at the cool kids table despite their not liking him. And couple with that dislike, the fact that Adam was who they were gunning for last tribal and it failed and Jay was just pissy because his game at the moment was blown up. Like I've said, I like Jay well enough but I do get a sense of entitlement from him. Certainly he's not as repugnant and annoying as Taylor and I would prefer seeing him go further than Adam because he does seem to have a good grasp on how to play the game, but he does have an entitled attitude that he needs to check fast because I find it annoying. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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 And I laughed when David offered Ken the hammock, as though winning immunity made Ken King for a Day.

Yeah, I thought that was funny, too.  Hell, Ken shouldn't just be king for a day, he should be king for a year (or longer). I really like that guy.


11 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

I thought Bret might speak up - he saw Taylor stealing the food and would have not seen Adam participating.

It's good he didn't speak up. It may have put a target on his back, since he knew about Taylor's theft and didn't tell. Actually, Bret is playing a pretty smart game. He's trying to stay under the radar while still being a go-to-guy in challenges.  He needs to be more careful, though. He easily could've slipped-up about his job when he was drunk, and I thought I heard him say the word "culpable" or something similar. That's police-speak. 

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I don't mean to harp on what an obnoxious, entitled, thieving douchebag Taylor is, but....harp.

No, it isn't the crime of the century and no, no one would have literally starved because of him, but damn.  And then to flat out lie about Adam helping him?  Adam is a mess, but I didn't blame him one bit for being apoplectic over that.  Game or not, if someone is going to call me a thief and laugh about it because they know they're lying, I am going to lose my shit.  And it made me like Jay less for going along with it.

I also appreciated that out of all the reactions I noticed, Ken was the one who looked appropriately pissed about the food stealing.  It was always such a big deal on other seasons, it just shocked me that nobody seemed that upset this time.  Frankly, I think if someone other than the pretty boy with the pearly whites had done it, there would have been more outward rage over it from the rest of the tribe.

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10 hours ago, green said:

I don't think the original poster was seriously saying "personality disorder" as in something actually clinical.  Just a conversational way of saying "how stupid can this guy be."  People do that stuff all the time.  I know that might annoy you as a professional in the field but hey that is just how people talk so what can you do.  I just gave Adam a "death wish" in my post above after all.  I'm not serious about it either.  Just a more colorful way of getting my point across.

BTW I think your avatar might need a new ball cap with the Tampa Bay Rays logo on it.  Or maybe just give the cat to Matt Moore, heh.  :-)

Thank you Green. In truth, I was just feeling that Adam's behavior was pretty piss poor. But, had I thought about it more carefully, I just would have remained silent. I often make the mistake of shooting off my mouth before I've thought things through. But I truly do thank you for your constructive comments. Yes indeed.

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33 minutes ago, TaraS1 said:

I don't mean to harp on what an obnoxious, entitled, thieving douchebag Taylor is, but....harp.

No, it isn't the crime of the century and no, no one would have literally starved because of him, but damn.  And then to flat out lie about Adam helping him?  Adam is a mess, but I didn't blame him one bit for being apoplectic over that.  Game or not, if someone is going to call me a thief and laugh about it because they know they're lying, I am going to lose my shit.  And it made me like Jay less for going along with it.

I also appreciated that out of all the reactions I noticed, Ken was the one who looked appropriately pissed about the food stealing.  It was always such a big deal on other seasons, it just shocked me that nobody seemed that upset this time.  Frankly, I think if someone other than the pretty boy with the pearly whites had done it, there would have been more outward rage over it from the rest of the tribe.

I half expected that Adam would have pulled out his advantage at the TC and then told the group:

"This thing may be called an "advantage". But, IMO, it's really just a curse on anyone foolish enough to use it. I'm not going to use it and I will not curse anyone else by giving it to them. Instead, I think it would be best for all of us if I was to just destroy it.

Then, I expected he would tear it up and toss it into the fire. I fully expect that if anyone ever uses this kind of advantage, they will get the boot shortly afterwards.  IMHO, it is really just a "trap" designed to boot anyone who is foolish enough to use it.

There was never any need to predict that whoever would use it would use it to steal a visit from a "loved one".

It seems to me that just placing that image into peoples' minds would likely put a serious bullseye on them and would cause people to view them as someone needing to go home ASAP.

Edited by AliShibaz
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It seems like the reward challenge was decided as soon as the captains were announced.

I'm intrigued by Jess's story.  She's a prosecuting attorney with tattoos up and down her back, who was lied to immediately and completely fell for it, and now has a desperate enemy (Sunday) for no good reason.  More backstory on her please.

If I was Adam at TC, "There is no such thing as stealing a reward, haven't you ever watched Survivor?".  Follow up the next day with destroying that useless advantage.

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They all talked about the food theft at last weeks tribal - they all knew Taylor did it.  I guess the surprise was the 3 mason jars filled with food - how did they NOT notice that much food was gone.

Jay saying - by the time I got there it was just crumbs....ummmm no there was a full jar, but way to underplay how much you had.

Adam - not a good move telling people they are at the bottom, I saw it as gloating too.  Like Adam is at the top and making decisions, and just letting Jay know where he stands.  Adam you are not much safer.

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Although I don't like every single person who's playing this season, I'm really liking them as a group. The casting feels more like an early season, where they had a mix of different personalities, rather than just one or two heinous guys and a bunch of other people doing nothing but talking about the heinous guys. I do wish the editing were more like the early seasons though, where screen time was more evenly distributed among the players. Last night, I didn't really need to see that much time spent on a moron trying to figure out what kind of fruit was in his mouth.

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23 minutes ago, fishcakes said:

 Last night, I didn't really need to see that much time spent on a moron trying to figure out what kind of fruit was in his mouth.

Especially since when he said "is this a date?" I was hoping it would turn out to be a cockroach, not a peach.

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2 hours ago, Knuckles said:

Ken impresses...but David is still in it. And I think Chris is not just brawn, but much shrewder than the editing is showing. I think he has Jay's number...but we shall see. 

Chris seems very shrewd to me as well. He could have been next after Paul. He's been fooled a few times, and I think that caused him to tighten up and start really paying attention. He looks like a big, midwestern meat head. But isn't he a lawyer? I definitely think he's a good mix of brawn and brains; and I'm eager to see him play moving forward. 


1 hour ago, Dominii said:

Yeah, I thought that was funny, too.  Hell, Ken shouldn't just be king for a day, he should be king for a year (or longer). I really like that guy.

Ken 2020!!!  (too soon?)


45 minutes ago, Boilergal said:


They all talked about the food theft at last weeks tribal - they all knew Taylor did it.  I guess the surprise was the 3 mason jars filled with food - how did they NOT notice that much food was gone.


Yea, I figured they just new he'd grabbed some handfuls here and there. But they didn't know he actually filled jars and hid them on another part of the beach. But you're right, how do you NOT notice that much missing??? 

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I thought that Brett was also aware that Taylor had stolen food.  Last episode, didn't we see Brett waking up in the middle of the night and saying he saw Taylor going over to the food, but that he wasn't going to say anything?  Or was that only Adam that saw him?

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Did we see Ken utter a single word this episode? Maybe a thanks to the congratulations he got for winning, but other than that? Even with his brevity, we know exactly what he's thinking of these other players. That tribal face was pretty great.

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5 minutes ago, Bing said:

Did we see Ken utter a single word this episode? Maybe a thanks to the congratulations he got for winning, but other than that? Even with his brevity, we know exactly what he's thinking of these other players. That tribal face was pretty great.

As I posted upthread, we heard congratulations, didn't hear a response from Ken, and then a few seconds later heard "My knee hurts," which was not shown coming out of his mouth but seemed from the context to be the only 3 words he said.

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On 11/17/2016 at 1:45 AM, Superpole2000 said:

Can you imagine Hannah facing the jury as a finalist? Even if she is just a jury member, she's going to be spectacularly overwhelmed. Can't wait!

Hey, she might pull a Kristy from Australian Survivor. You never know!

On 11/17/2016 at 11:31 AM, dolphincorn said:

Jay sort of looks like Richard Ramirez.

Wow, spot on. I feel like Jay will be even creepier to me now so thanks for that!

There were so many hilarious things in this episode: Ken's 'I am losing brain function just by listening to these people' face during TC, Chris' face during TC, drunk Brett, literally everything Taylor said/did, Sunday's weird vendetta against Jessica, Ken's "My knees hurt," Hannah being Hannah, Adam's face palms during TC. I could go on and on! ETA: I remembered two more super hilarious things: Jeff's "Will, you know you can't drink beer, right?" and him yet again bringing up the millennials stereotype at TC.

This season is pure comedy and I am enjoying the hell outta it.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

Chris seems very shrewd to me as well. He could have been next after Paul. He's been fooled a few times, and I think that caused him to tighten up and start really paying attention. He looks like a big, midwestern meat head. But isn't he a lawyer? I definitely think he's a good mix of brawn and brains; and I'm eager to see him play moving forward. 

I'm starting to wonder if Chris is going to go really far into this game.  I like him more with each passing episode.  Definitely big and strong, but also smart and well-spoken. 

48 minutes ago, Bing said:

Did we see Ken utter a single word this episode? Maybe a thanks to the congratulations he got for winning, but other than that? Even with his brevity, we know exactly what he's thinking of these other players. That tribal face was pretty great.

I adore Ken's low-key, under-the-radar game so far, and that he seems to be a man of few words, as opposed to - oh, say - ADAM.  I breathlessly await some out-of-left-field big move by Kenny.  I also breathlessly await the rare but glorious moments when he allows himself to crack a smile.

I am just loving the heck out of this season, and there's still a half-dozen players I wouldn't mind seeing win the whole thing.  Such a refreshing change.  I didn't even mind Tayls too much because even though he was a goofball, he was pretty harmless overall.  He was good for a laugh or a hearty eye-roll.

Edited by laurakaye
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Taylor: best idea ever is to steal food

Wahaha best idea ever to boot you :)) Byebye!


Oh and I still get confused with Bret and Chris, I know who is the cop and the lawyer but the name I get confused haha

and I love you Ken 


PS that preview for next week was funny

Edited by piequinn35
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16 hours ago, truthaboutluv said:

So I need this explained to me. Sunday wants Jessica out desperately. Sunday goes to Jay and he's all, "tell me whatever name and I'll write it". The Gen-X'ers and Hannah, Zeke and Adam decide to split the vote, tell this to Sunday and she gets emotional that there is nothing she can do and she really wanted Jessica gone instead. Um okay, how about you get Brett and Chris to agree, at which point you pull in Taylor, Will and Jay and that's the numbers because the other six were splitting the votes. Sunday talks about wanting to play the game and make a move and despite wanting to boot someone, she just folds because, "well what can I do?" Seriously...

That was absolutely pathetic. If this epitomizes her strategy skills no wonder we never see her. I want her gone soon just for being so useless but unfortunately that probably won't be the case.

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1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

Ken 2020!!!

Absolutely! I'd vote for him. He'd HAVE to be better than our soon-to-be president.


2 hours ago, dolphincorn said:

Jay sort of looks like Richard Ramirez.

Yes, he kind of does! He creeps my girlfriend out. She thinks he looks like a demon with a little Charles Manson mixed in.

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4 hours ago, Dominii said:

Was Taylor dropped on his head when he was a baby? Good God, he has to be the biggest toddler on the planet! Unfortunately, we'll have to see his moronic grinning face at every tribal from now on. 

I mostly agree, but I do have to give him credit for being right about the Electoral College.

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I only continue watching to see how and when slime ball Adam goes down. Still impressed at how much better the "cool kids" are with not getting their way than that asshole and Zeke were when they didn't. Seriously , fuck Adam and only fuck Zeke slightly less. Hope GenX holds it together and sends them packing soon . 

Edited by azshadowwalker
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That TC was thoroughly entertaining, what with Taylor's hilarious scheme, Jay's throwing poor ol' Tayls under the bus, Adam's wide-eyed frantic blubbering like a panicky Looney Tunes cartoon character and Ken's wonderfully expressive faces. I guess the group either believed Adam over Taylor or just plain didn't care, ha ha. I would like to know like some others exactly why Will voted for Jay rather than Taylor. What is going through his head right now?

I noticed at the beginning that Chris considers himself to be the "kingpin" of his own alliance as well. Wonder how that's going to shake down.

I also very much appreciated the camera shots of Ken's chest and abs during the immunity challenge.

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Sickening tidbit on Taylor courtesy of EW:

On his break-up with Figgy:
“When I returned from Fiji, I found out I had a son on the way. And just to do what was best for my family then called things off with her. I know she was super hurt about that. So it still kind of sucks with that. She’s a great gal and know she’s got a good future ahead of her.”

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53 minutes ago, tvfanatic13 said:

Bye Taylor- not sorry to see you go. The shallow- I cannot stand Sunday's voice, I cannot stand Will's voice, I think Jay is not remotely good looking.

Ken for the win!!

Ha! I am not the only one who is annoyed with Will's voice :))

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8 hours ago, waving feather said:

My boy Jay is stone cold. The way he defended himself and threw Taylor and Adam under the bus- man! But he is still so pretty (hello, cheekbones!) and is currently getting the winner's edit, IMO. He's been present in the story-lines since the very beginning and people in the game generally likes him, even though they are not in the same alliance. I liked how humbly he talked to Hannah and Adam after the last tribal council even though you KNOW he is not happy about it. He is willing to do what it takes to win and I respect that. If he manages to get to the end, highly likely he is winning.

Contrast that with Adam, who may be a nice guy in real life but almost everyone in the game is annoyed by him, even those in the same alliance with him. He may get to the end as a goat, but no one is handing him a million dollars.

I see no winner's edit with Jay.  He is getting the evil mastermind edit so must get a lot of face time accordingly plus he earns it by doing stuff to get the face time.  But winner's edit?  No way.  He may indeed win but he isn't getting the edit that way. 

Consider his move of getting rid of Michaela.  IF he was getting the winner's edit we would have been shown the real reason he engineered her blindside.  But it was left on the cutting room floor.  (And he would have given the reason to the PA at a confessional so it was indeed an editing choice). 

99% of viewers don't come to boards like this and find out what really went down with Michaela's exit interviews about how Jay turned on her because she wanted Michelle out first right after the merge.  That reason makes some sense and would indeed give Jay a winner's edit for making a possibly great move to block Michaela and save his closest ally. 

But instead the viewers got the edit that made no sense.  Millennials cannibalizing themselves way before they should because Jay feared Michaela's prowess in ICs and her game smarts more than he could do simple arithmetic.  Which made Jay look stupid, not like a winner.

Also I saw no humility in his talk with Hannah.  Just the cold blooded cobra sizing up his options and deciding how to use Hannah for his agenda.  Jay is smart and cunning and a good actor but he has never been truly humble in any scene at all this season.

6 hours ago, ghoulina said:

.. I don't even think people will care so much about the advantage itself. Despite Taylor's theatrics about the loved ones visit being "ripped from your arms", Adam doesn't HAVE to use the advantage, and if he does - it could be for ANY reward. No, the issue at hand is that he told Taylor and not other people he was ostensibly closer with. That's going to plant some major seeds of doubt - and there were seeds already. And, also, he can deny eating the food all he wants, but the fact that he admitted he was there, and secret swapping went on, is going to make people always wonder if he was more involved in Foodgate than he lets on.  ...

Exactly.  He shared his secret with Taylor, not his perceived closest allies in Zeke and Hannah nor his temporary allies he should be working to get closer to as in the Gen-X people.  That tells all of them they can have zero trust in him moving forward.

4 hours ago, TaraS1 said:

I also appreciated that out of all the reactions I noticed, Ken was the one who looked appropriately pissed about the food stealing.  It was always such a big deal on other seasons, it just shocked me that nobody seemed that upset this time.  Frankly, I think if someone other than the pretty boy with the pearly whites had done it, there would have been more outward rage over it from the rest of the tribe.

I think they would be enraged if the show didn't keep stuffing their faces with so much food.  Half of them pigged it out on this reward challenge.  And most reward challenges post merge have just turned into pig in the trough rewards too for a long long time now.  Also Taylor said something like he stole was it a third or a quarter of the food supplies from their merge party chest.  That means there still was a lot of food left there too.  I doubt Ken even bothers to go fishing anymore at this point.  I don't doubt they are hungry but they certainly aren't as hungry as the players were in the early Survivor seasons.

Edited by green
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This was so satisfying. Taylor is such an ass, and given his real-life situation I loved how much of the 'I'm doing it for Figgy' talk the editors got in there. That's gotta be awkward to watch with your family. 

This season has been frustrating but I do like the mix of personalities - there's a nice collection of oddballs and I know people like Hannah, David and Adam divide opinion but I kinda like the energy they add to the game. They can get annoying but they're not mean-spirited, and Ken is hilarious. 

Jay is playing hard, but I'm not sure about well. Turning the attention to Taylor last night was good in case they were undecided in which one of the two to vote out but I think mostly he's a little too cold. He's probably the one player I'm actively cheering against. He's playing, yes, but he's also very entitled. His outrage at being on the bottom and the huffiness at seeing his name came up (even though he had to know it was going to) just rubbed me the wrong way. 

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6 minutes ago, MissEwa said:

This was so satisfying. Taylor is such an ass, and given his real-life situation I loved how much of the 'I'm doing it for Figgy' talk the editors got in there. That's gotta be awkward to watch with your family. 

I would pay good money to be a fly on the wall watching him trying to explain that situation to his baby momma.

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13 minutes ago, piequinn35 said:

Ha! I am not the only one who is annoyed with Will's voice :))

My husband doesn't watch, but he sometimes passes through the room when my sons and I are watching. He cannot STAND Will's voice. I've never seen such a visceral reaction to someone's voice before. He gets all tense and looks like he wants to punch him in the face. 


11 minutes ago, green said:

Exactly.  He shared his secret with Taylor, not his perceived closest allies in Zeke and Hannah nor his temporary allies he should be working to get closer to as in the Gen-X people.  That tells all of them they can have zero trust in him moving forward.

Yup. While all that was going on, it was Hannah who was all - "Wait how did he know about your advantage?" Boom. Now they're going to be wondering what else he told Taylor. 

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Agree that Jay's playing hard but not well. I find him more offensive than Taylor (who is mostly just dumb as hell).

With that said, I wouldn't mind him sticking around for a couple more episodes (but not longer than that) because his pissy entitled machinations are entertaining to watch. 

I think Adam's fatal flaw so far was in thinking that Taylor would make a good, controllable (because he's so dumb) ally for him and continuing to pursue that while failing to see how much Taylor disdains him. And I totally think Taylor and Jay disdain Adam far beyond anything that he's done in the game like vote off Figgy and Michelle. Speaking of Michelle, not a fan of her laughing in apparent appreciation when Jay and Taylor were being ridiculous fuckwits at tribal council. The mean girl stench is strong off her IMO.

Dour, grouchy Ken for the win. And barring that, I guess anyone out of the Chris/David/Zeke camp would be ok.

Edited by pamplemousse
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I don't get why people can't do simple counting. I don't agree with Sunday wanting to get Jess out, but if she is as close to Brett as she seems and gets Taylor, Will and Jay to vote with her that is ENOUGH. The others' splitting the votes means that you now have enough - which SHE KNEW they were doing.

Still can't understand who Jay thought was going to vote with them to vote to send Adam home last week -- ? I guess Hannah? He doesn't seem to have relationships with anyone other than Michelle, Will and Taylor.

I am VERY surprised that Brett and Jess didn't sit out the IC. Although Jess seems to have a competitive streak in her. Brett is definitely going to give himself away using words like 'culpable'. Most people know that word but really it is only associated with law and law enforcement. Does Chris know what Brett really does for a living? I would think he does.

The whole "outing" of Adam by Taylor really peeved me. I know what Taylor was going for but he went about it all wrong. "I just accused you of something completely untrue! Why are you so upset? That means you did it." So illogical I am not sure I would have held it together as well as Adam did.  But then I am easily flummoxed by non-linear thinking. Its why Mr. survivinmt wins arguments. Curses!

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1 hour ago, pamplemousse said:

I think Adam's fatal flaw so far was in thinking that Taylor would make a good, controllable (because he's so dumb) ally for him and continuing to pursue that while failing to see how much Taylor disdains him

Yup. I think he thought that because Figgy seemingly controlled Taylor, Taylor was controllable, period. Taylor is no genius, but he's not entirely stupid. He certainly wasn't falling for Adam's crap. And Adam couldn't offer Taylor the same things Figgy could. Heh. 

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