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S33.E08: I'm The Kingpin

Tara Ariano
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2 hours ago, Lingo said:

Actually, Adam started to read the rules and it sounded like the rules said he needs to wait until the reward is all settled and the rewardee(s) are about to walk off the beach to their reward before he tells Jeff he'll use the advantage.

I'm wondering if this advantage could be played before the challenge starts.  Meaning Adam could say "This advantage says I can take any reward I want, and this is it.  Let's just skip the challenge since I'm going to take this reward, period."  That might help mitigate some of the harsh feelings since no one would have "won" the reward before it got taken away.

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^ That is interesting but I think the advantage specifically said it had to be used after the challenge was won.  I'm not sure using it before would keep people from having hard feelings anyway.  That competitive spirit green mentioned would likely make people resent not being allowed to at least try to win it.  I agree that the only safe thing for Adam to do is wait to use it to get another advantage, not a food reward that would piss several people off.

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23 hours ago, laurakaye said:

I'm not sure how "being good with Mason jars" translates into "I'm gonna steal this food 'cause I'm hungry," but whatever, Tayls.  And you're actually not good with Mason jars, as you woke at least two of your tribemates while you clinked and rattled around in the middle of the night.

Yeah, that "I'm good with Mason jars" bit just absolutely floored me.  And he said it after having time to think, in an interview discussing what happened earlier.  Putting pretzels in a container is "being good with Mason jars?"  Jesus.  I thought he was only kind of dumb before, but sheesh.

And then his whole attitude about it at TC...I guess this is all just a big lark for him and he doesn't care about putting in any effort toward, you know, trying to have a chance to win the game.

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Only saw the episode late last night so I'll probably repeat a few things that's already been said. Honestly, as much as I can't stand that moron Taylor, by the end of the episode I was almost hoping Adam would be booted because he was just so annoying with his stupid freak-outs and sloppy game-play. When panic attack Hannah has to tell you to chill the hell out because you're in danger of getting yourself booted with all your scrambling and whispered conversations, then you know you're out of control. 

Stupid decision number one - going to Taylor with his plan of wanting Will out and making it clear that the goal was to cut Jay at the knees because Will is Jay's right-hand man. I completely understand why Zeke made the comment about despite them not liking him and making it clear he was at the bottom with them, Adam still wanted to be with the cool kids. Because the fact is Adam did not and never needed Taylor for the plan to boot Will.

He was aligned with Zeke and Hannah; Zeke came with David who was aligned with Jessica and Ken, who themselves had reason to side with Adam on that vote based on their being on the other tribe. And then they just had to get any combination of Chris, Sunday and Brett. Taylor and company had no way to change the vote once the Gen-Xers were on board. But no, he wants so badly to still work with Taylor, for why I don't know that he not only tells him his plan but even tells him about his advantage. 

And speaking of said advantage, as someone else noted, what the hell is with these people talking SO damn much...shut the hell up. Everyone's going around telling someone about their idol, advantage, etc. Like I said, this is the curse of people playing so hard and wanting so much to be seen as some great Survivor player and strategist, that they just overthink everything and talk too damn much. Chill the hell out and think things through rationally. 

So he makes that blunder but luckily for him Zeke overhears the conversation and knows Taylor and company are coming for Adam. He tells Adam this and manages to rally most of the Gen X-ers who are totally on board booting either Will or Taylor. But because they start discussing the idea of going after Michelle instead since they know for a fact she doesn't have an idol, this moron goes running back to Taylor for what I don't know. The Gen X-ers were not voting for him.

Their only disagreement was whether to go for Taylor or Michelle but Adam allows that to spook him so much he goes running back to the same guy who made it clear he cannot be trusted and isn't with him. Like WTAF? And then his whole claim that that was his only choice when he had a damn idol was ridiculous. Seriously I didn't blame Hannah and Zeke one bit for floating the idea of just getting rid of him because his paranoia and stupid play was exhausting, not to mention possibly dangerous for them down the road. 

Meanwhile, the editing on this episode was very strange. Because either Jay and company were that clueless and arrogant to just assume the Gen X'ers would vote with him or there was more game-play and attempted bonding that wasn't shown. Because going by the episode, it seemed pretty clear that the Gen X'ers were siding with Zeke and company pretty early and gunning for the millennials on the other side. Yet Jay and company seemed so cocky and sure that they had the numbers to boot Adam. When again, other than Adam's crazy paranoia and nonsensical moves, the names really being floated around were Taylor (especially after he pissed off Brett and Chris by stealing food) and Will and later Michelle. It really seemed like Jay and company had no real sense of what was happening at camp. 

Oh Jay, how's that big move against Michaela working out? Because not only was Michaela loyal but that move solidified to the others how smart Jay is and how hard he is playing. It's funny when he said he was the kingpin but no one knew it. Yeah no, they know it after you very proudly owned being the one behind the decision to boot Michaela. So now Zeke and Hannah really do not trust him and more importantly see him as incredibly dangerous. And they've booted Michelle, one of his strongest alliance partners. Oh well. No worries, with how stupid and paranoid Adam's shown himself to be in this episode, he'll probably annoy his alliance enough for them to get rid of him instead. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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9 hours ago, green said:

You have to realize that hunger is a very real thing.  It isn't abstract.  A reward for food pushes everything else aside even if the players know intellectually it is a trap.  And I'd guess 99% of them know just that.  But a chance to have food when you are so very very hungry pushes the game to the background. 

Also people naturally want to do their best in a competition.  It is really hard psychologically to force yourself to try and lose even it intellectually you know it may be the best move.  Couple that with the hunger and it is almost impossible for anyone not to go all out to try and win a food reward.  A few have managed not to fall into the trap but it takes a will of iron at a level which most people don't possess.

In other words, living the game of Survivor is a lot harder than watching the game.  I'm sure lots of people who have watched the game then end up on the show know not to win rewards and have to make picks that get them in trouble.  But knowing that is different than being in that situation where every muscle and fiber of your being wants food and wants to compete and win as well.  So they end up like everyone else and go all out to win and get the food and "glory" of winning as well.

There was that one season (San Juan Del Sur) where people declined rewards and sent others in their place over and over again. I always wondered about that, because it's never really happened before or after that season. Did they generally have more food than other seasons or what? It wasn't just one person who did it, they were swapping out left and right. 



I feel like that's probably Taylor's way of smoothing things over is making it a joke.  He probably had no plan to get caught stealing food so when he was caught, he just made it a joke-- "I meant to do that!  I was gonna puke if I didn't eat some pretzels!  Hahaha!"  

Still kind of annoying.  But I find it less irksome than others.  I appreciate the people who can find humor in any situation and keep it light.  It is just a game.  If being the lab puppy in the group gets you through life, you gotta play that hand out there, too.  It won at least one player the game in the past.  


Yeah, being an affable doofus got Fabio the win. Although his competition was weak, so he was a lesser of the evils at the end. I don't think Taylor is going to be able to ride it out in the same way with this group. 


Oh Jay, how's that big move against Michaela working out? Because not only was Michaela loyal but that move solidified to the others how smart Jay is and how hard he is playing. It's funny when he said he was the kingpin but no one knew it. Yeah no, they know it after you very proudly owned being the one behind the decision to boot Michaela. So now Zeke and Hannah really do not trust him and more importantly see him as incredibly dangerous. And they've booted Michelle, one of his strongest alliance partners. Oh well. No worries, with how stupid and paranoid Adam's shown himself to be in this episode, he'll probably annoy his alliance enough for them to get rid of him instead. 

Yeah, Hannah may prove to be Jay's undoing. She was there at that vote and she's pissed about it. Now that she's rejoined with her nerd herd and they've got Zeke's connection to the Gen Xers, her position in the game has improved greatly over Jay's. 

I enjoy Jay though, so I'm hoping he can survive his currently dismal placement in the tribe. 


Stupid decision number one - going to Taylor with his plan of wanting Will out and making it clear that the goal was to cut Jay at the knees because Will is Jay's right-hand man. I completely understand why Zeke made the comment about despite them not liking him and making it clear he was at the bottom with them, Adam still wanted to be with the cool kids. Because the fact is Adam did not and never needed Taylor for the plan to boot Will.

Yes, that is indeed baffling. Why on earth would Taylor want to weaken Jay? Adam's theory was that cutting off Will would force Jay back to Taylor...but Jay was already back with Taylor from the second they hit the merge beach. Will is the Natalie/Alexis to Jay and Taylor's Parvati and Amanda, he's an extra vote for THEM to use. 

Adam's grasp of the social strata in the tribe is unbelievably poor. 

Edited by ljenkins782
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22 hours ago, truthaboutluv said:

 Stupid decision number one - going to Taylor with his plan of wanting Will out and making it clear that the goal was to cut Jay at the knees because Will is Jay's right-hand man. I completely understand why Zeke made the comment about despite them not liking him and making it clear he was at the bottom with them, Adam still wanted to be with the cool kids. Because the fact is Adam did not and never needed Taylor for the plan to boot Will.

Adam is someone who doesn't make any sense to me. It's obvious he wants to be buddy buddy with Taylor. BUT: 1) The way he approached him after voting out Figgy was all wrong. 2) He told Taylor that voting off Will is good because then Jay will come running back to Taylor. So, he's basically trying get Taylor to vote off Will by making Taylor jealous of the closeness Jay has with Will. It's just so weird.

Adam would be sad if he watched this episode, though. Two different alliances (Taylor and Zeke) openly said they don't like him and are just using him short term. That's what happens when no one respects your game play, dude.

Sad to see my girl Michelle get voted off. It's unfortunate the opposing alliance targeted her and not Taylor. Not sure what makes them so sure Jay would use his HII it on Taylor. Jay is definitely the next target to go, but based on the edit he is getting, I would be really surprised if he does go next. Most likely he is in Top 5.

Edited by GenL
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19 hours ago, violet and green said:

I am very  pleased to see Michelle gone. Didn't like her from the start, and was furious that she orchestrated Mari's boot, though it's all gone a bit blurry; she seemed pleased with herself and over-rated to me throughout the show.

I totally agree. Michelle wasn't all that brilliant, although a lot of this is personal because she voted out my girl Mari (who is an amazing gamer, btw). Why would she align herself with Figgy the piggy instead of playing a better social game and getting on Mari's good side? She did the wrong thing, because Figgy was conceited, stupid and rather despicable, so it was inevitable that she'd get an early elimination. After Figgy went, the Taylor/Jay/Michelle/Will alliance could no longer stay strong unless they could pull in a couple of other millenials. It's often hard to get other people to ally with you later in the game since they're entrenched in their own little cliques, and they may dislike some of the people in your alliance (like Taylor). So, it was only a matter of time before Michelle went. Still not sad to see her go.

16 hours ago, LanceM said:

Just curious if you apply this same logic to Mari. Was it a dick move for her to try to vote out Figgy?

No, Mari was on the right trajectory until it got all f#*ked up by Michelle! Figgy was an "easy out" in baseball parlance. She had made herself into a threat by coupling (ewww) with Taylor, and her hubris put even more of a target on her back. Buh-bye Figgy, buh-bye Michelle!

I still feel like it's a very bad thing for women to vote each other out in the early stages of this game. The men will always vote against the women first, because of the strength disparity. I don't think it's misogyny (at least most of the time). They want to make it to the merge, and the stronger and faster players help them get there. After the merge, the physicality of the game changes, and women have a better chance. So why do they keep voting with the men against such great potential female allies in the early stages?  I guess they want to make it to the merge too, but it's to their detriment...

Edited by Dominii
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 I'm just amazed that Taylor steals food, admits it, gloats about it, and there is seemingly little backlash to his actions. You would think people would be outraged, yet only saw a little push back. OK, I admit I really dislike that entitled, smug punk, but even so, stealing food is just the worst.

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19 hours ago, HurricaneVal said:


I dunno.  I suspect that if Adam were to steal a steak dinner away from food-stealing Taylor that wouldn't go down as a disaster to the rest of the tribe.  But I do agree that he'd have to use it wisely, and where it will really count.  Otherwise he'll just stir up resentment.


I agree that, depending on who won the RC, it might not go over completely horribly. That being said, when explaining the advantage to Taylor, he gave an example of stealing a loved ones visit. I really hope he isn't THAT stupid. 

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  ON 11/9/2016 AT 9:01 PM, DKB SAID:

This was a pretty heavy Will episode, and I find him annoying for some reason. 


On 11/9/2016 at 9:05 PM, charleeeeeeeeene said:

I was hoping he'd go tonight, something about him definitely bugs. I didn't have an opinion on him until last week when he was looking so bright-eyed and perky during Michaela's boot, as if he had more power in that move than receiving marching orders from Jay.

For me, it's his voice. I don't know why, but listening to him speak gives me the creeping willies.

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Yeah, that "I'm good with Mason jars" bit just absolutely floored me.  And he said it after having time to think, in an interview discussing what happened earlier.  Putting pretzels in a container is "being good with Mason jars?"  Jesus.  I thought he was only kind of dumb before, but sheesh.

And then his whole attitude about it at TC...I guess this is all just a big lark for him and he doesn't care about putting in any effort toward, you know, trying to have a chance to win the game.

In his tiny pea brain I think Taylor is trying to rationalize. He just wanted to steal food, period, and when asked about it for the talking head segment, he made up some kind of narrative that made sense to him. "I thought, hey, I'm good with mason jars, so . . . " - I mean, that actually makes sense to him. Says a lot about him.

As for his cavalier attitude during Tribal Council, he's just cocky and thinks he can get away with it because he thinks he's in the majority. It's the same mentality he displayed when he kept telling Figgy they could be open about their relationship because they had the numbers. 

Bottom line, he's a moron.

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3 hours ago, Dominii said:

I totally agree. Michelle wasn't all that brilliant, although a lot of this is personal because she voted out my girl Mari (who is an amazing gamer, btw). Why would she align herself with Figgy the piggy instead of playing a better social game and getting on Mari's good side? She did the wrong thing, because Figgy was conceited, stupid and rather despicable, so it was inevitable that she'd get an early elimination. After Figgy went, the Taylor/Jay/Michelle/Will alliance could no longer stay strong unless they could pull in a couple of other millenials. It's often hard to get other people to ally with you later in the game since they're entrenched in their own little cliques, and they may dislike some of the people in your alliance (like Taylor). So, it was only a matter of time before Michelle went. Still not sad to see her go.



No, Mari was on the right trajectory until it got all f#*ked up by Michelle! Figgy was an "easy out" in baseball parlance. She had made herself into a threat by coupling (ewww) with Taylor, and her hubris put even more of a target on her back. Buh-bye Figgy, buh-bye Michelle!

I still feel like it's a very bad thing for women to vote each other out in the early stages of this game. The men will always vote against the women first, because of the strength disparity. I don't think it's misogyny (at least most of the time). They want to make it to the merge, and the stronger and faster players help them get there. After the merge, the physicality of the game changes, and women have a better chance. So why do they keep voting with the men against such great potential female allies in the early stages?  I guess they want to make it to the merge too, but it's to their detriment...


I don't see how Mari could have been on the right trajectory when she was voted out first. That seems like an extremely premature judgment considering the very limited exposure we had to her. 

It's more to Michelle's credit that she managed to flip a set plan right at tribal and save her ally. Mari wasn't aligned with Michelle and was actively working to pull together a group in order to topple the "popular" people, so she was not likely to become an ally either. And the fact that Figgy had painted a huge target on herself was a huge benefit to Michelle, she was always going to be drawing the heat while Michelle worked in the background. None of them had any control over the way the tribal swap shook out and twists in the game can't be necessarily predicted, so based on the information she had at the time of the Mari vote, it was a good move. 

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1 hour ago, iMonrey said:

. It's the same mentality he displayed when he kept telling Figgy they could be open about their relationship because they had the numbers. 

That reminds me of the comment he made about Adam being responsible for voting out his woman.  His woman?  They barely knew each other!

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You know, Tayls is as bright as he is - he can't help the intelligence level he was allotted. I appreciate he has a quick sense of humor and a general good energy and amusement about it all. It's quite fun having someone wandering around like an extra in a stoner movie, with bright eyes and dumb comments, who can also laugh at themselves. feel sorry for his real life 'woman', though.

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44 minutes ago, Haleth said:

That reminds me of the comment he made about Adam being responsible for voting out his woman.  His woman?  They barely knew each other!

And we now know there was a girlfriend at home. So yeah shut it Taylor with the Figs whining bullshit.

Edited by truthaboutluv
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7 hours ago, Dominii said:

I totally agree. Michelle wasn't all that brilliant, although a lot of this is personal because she voted out my girl Mari (who is an amazing gamer, btw). Why would she align herself with Figgy the piggy instead of playing a better social game and getting on Mari's good side? She did the wrong thing, because Figgy was conceited, stupid and rather despicable, so it was inevitable that she'd get an early elimination. After Figgy went, the Taylor/Jay/Michelle/Will alliance could no longer stay strong unless they could pull in a couple of other millenials. It's often hard to get other people to ally with you later in the game since they're entrenched in their own little cliques, and they may dislike some of the people in your alliance (like Taylor). So, it was only a matter of time before Michelle went. Still not sad to see her go.

No, Mari was on the right trajectory until it got all f#*ked up by Michelle! Figgy was an "easy out" in baseball parlance. She had made herself into a threat by coupling (ewww) with Taylor, and her hubris put even more of a target on her back. Buh-bye Figgy, buh-bye Michelle!

I still feel like it's a very bad thing for women to vote each other out in the early stages of this game. The men will always vote against the women first, because of the strength disparity. I don't think it's misogyny (at least most of the time). They want to make it to the merge, and the stronger and faster players help them get there. After the merge, the physicality of the game changes, and women have a better chance. So why do they keep voting with the men against such great potential female allies in the early stages?  I guess they want to make it to the merge too, but it's to their detriment...

So why not target Taylor?  If breaking up the "power" couple was the smart thing to do why target the female?  If as you said women targeting women early on is not a smart thing to do. Also, as stated above I am not sure what right trajectory that Mari had when she could only muster 2 other people to vote with at tribal council.  And why is it Michelle's fault for not trying to align with Mari? Are the other cast member supposed to be in awe with her brilliance and approach her for an alliance?  Why couldn't Mari try to align with Michelle? Why is the onus on Michelle for not aligning with Mari?  I mean look, I liked Mari a lot. I wish she would have aligned with Michelle but for what ever reason it did not happen.. I was sad to see her go.  It just seems to me your heaping all the blame for Mari getting voted out onto others instead of putting the blame where it belongs which is on Mari who said in her exit interviews that she really didn't talk strategy with anybody at all.

Edited by LanceM
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4 hours ago, truthaboutluv said:

And we now know there was a girlfriend at home. So yeah shut it Taylor with the Figs whining bullshit.

Taylor was mad because he got blueballed. Figgy didn't even make it to the jury, so basically their two-week romance was cut off forever. (They live on different sides of the country.)

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@KimberStormer said in the previous episode thread:


If I didn't know the title quotes never really mean anything I might see it as foreshadowing in one of two ways: either Taylor completely fails to destroy Adam (it's ironic!), and the audience cheers because everyone hates Taylor (although of course now it's "well, he's not that bad!" because Figgy is gone, the real target of the Survivor Fan 2-Minute Hate, despite the fact that we now know for a fact that he's an incredible asshole, and Figgy never did a damn thing to anyone); or he does destroy Adam, and we enjoy the age-old tale of implacable revenge.

Looks like they may be going with the former and not the revenge story.

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18 hours ago, LanceM said:

So why not target Taylor?  If breaking up the "power" couple was the smart thing to do why target the female?

Just me, but I think it was probably because Figgy was perceived as the shrewder, more intelligent one. And Taylor was her little lapdog.

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Thinking back to how to turn this "advantage" into a real advantage, I'm starting to see a few scenarios where that could make the one that has the advantage more popular for using it:

- Stealing the reward of a player that is seen by a large majority of the tribe as the vote to vote asap but who can never be voted out because he/she keeps winning immunity (cf. Terry, I'm sure every Casaya member would have applauded and cheered at his reward being stolen)

- Stealing it for someone else who a large majority of the tribe knows is weak for lack of food and is never taken on a reward

- Stealing Taylor's steak would be greeted with cheers and applause :)

Of course, after how Adam behaved this episode, he may end up stealing David's steak to give it to Taylor...  

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You can see in this photo (and the subsequent one) that the bars were indeed adjusted for height.  At the time that Will had his elbows out and Jessica had her arms straight up, he had two fingers hooked over the top of the bar, probably to keep his hands from cramping, and she had her hands wrapped around the top of the bar, probably for steadiness and grip.  In my oh-so-scientific method of looking at my hand as I stretch it with fingers bent at the top, then curl it, I gain at least 2-3 inches by stretching it, and Will, who's a tall fellow, probably had bigger hands and gained more.

Challenge bar height

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On 11/11/2016 at 6:11 PM, LanceM said:

So why not target Taylor?  If breaking up the "power" couple was the smart thing to do why target the female?  If as you said women targeting women early on is not a smart thing to do. Also, as stated above I am not sure what right trajectory that Mari had when she could only muster 2 other people to vote with at tribal council.  And why is it Michelle's fault for not trying to align with Mari?

Okay already, you got me! My false equivalency is just not working no matter how much I try to bend it my way. In spite of my stupidity, I still think Michelle did the wrong thing by voting Mari out. Why was she so committed to an obvious loser like Figgy? Any moron could've seen Figgy's ouster from the get go. But then again, it was early in the game and Michelle aligned herself with what she thought would be a strong alliance.  Pooh -- I'm still trying to get over the Mari ouster, and dammit, I need someone to blame!!! (((sigh)))

Taylor wasn't targeted because he's a dude. It's always brawn over everything early in the game. He'll be gone soon enough...

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2 hours ago, PaperTree said:

Michelle is a missionary who believes "dragons" once lived among us.  

"When I say dragon, I don’t mean this large, flying, fire-breathing animal. I mean a large reptilian creature that in some cases was in the swamps and some cases ate large livestock, and so forth."  OK then...


Yeah, it's an evolution theory denial thing that some Christians indulge in.  They claim dinosaurs were created along with all other animals and that they were called dragons back in the day.  They also claim Marco Polo saw dragons in China, and, I believe, Michelle said that Marco Polo wrote that Kubla Khan was training dragons to pull his chariot.  Granted, it's been about 20 years since I read The Travels of Marco Polo, but I don't recall any of this.  Anyway, you can find all of this on Christian websites by googling Marco Polo dragons.  

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Taylor in 10 years:

"Hello Mrs. X, my you're looking pretty today! Too bad I'm already married . . . What, well, I'm kind of good at nine-digit numbers and the OK button, and yeah, some money from your brokerage account somehow got into mine, but hey . . . I knew you'd want to help me out with my son's medical bills (in reality on-line betting debt) . . . what's that? You called the SEC? I'm really disappointed in you! I thought you were my friend and I could trust you, if I knew you were so selfish I would have borrowed from Mrs. Y's account. She'd never let a friend down!"

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I don't know, I can't help but like Michelle, and I'm sorry she's gone. The dragon stuff is very silly, but she seems to be basing her theory on worldwide folklore rather than fundamentalist Christian beliefs. Although that may be an underlying reason as well. 

Either way, I really like that she doesn't seem to  force her beliefs on on other people in an obnoxious way. That's pretty admirable when you compare it to the behavior of some Christians who have appeared on this show.

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I never found much of a personality to Michelle. All I can recall is that she was a Christian and practiced that and she was happy to be part of that foursome and she played a part in saving Figgy and booting Mari.

But aside from that, I found that she had almost no personality of her own. I would have preferred that she left earlier and Figgy stayed around. Figgy was pretty despicable. But she was enormously entertaining. She had no chance to advance much further. But she was always great for a laugh.

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I didn't mean to bash Michelle on the dragon thing.  Just was intrigued by the quirkiness of it compared to her mostly rational behavior in the game.

Saving Figgy put her on everybody's radar, including the audience's.  I thought she had F4 potential.

She says in the interview her gang told her to lay low.  However it happened, she became complacent enough to just slide with it and, Boom!

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On 11/10/2016 at 4:33 PM, HurricaneVal said:

Why are all the millennials so filthy dirty?  They are smudged all over with dirt.  Hannah, in particular, looked like she'd been rolling around in the sooty fire ashes.  When she raised her arms in that challenge, her belly was all black with dirt, and she had dirt all over her face.  Several of the others had big splotches of dirt on themselves.  At first I thought it was some kind of attempt at insect repellent, but it was all patchy and random, not like something purposely applied for that function.  Then I thought maybe it was a tribal thing, you know, like the tribe a few seasons back who used to paint themselves up for the competitions, but again the smudges were not in any sort of discernible pattern.  I just think they're dirty.  They all look like they're on Naked and Afraid rather than Survivor.  Don't they have a nice beach and cove they can rinse off in?  The GenXers don't seem to be as dirty (with the exception of David) as the Millennials. 

It's horrifying.  Half of Adam's back was covered with dirt this episode.  Oh my god.  I have never noticed this in other seasons.

Zeke never looks dirty.  But there was a scene where I think Jay and Will did.

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2 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Zeke never looks dirty. 

Based on what we unwittingly learned about him on his second appearance, he probably went off in private a lot to clean himself, instead of the communal bathing we typically see on Survivor.

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