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Season Three Episode Talk

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I agree with the I-Talian pronunciation.  I've heard many in the deep South pronounce it that way with no disrespect intended.  Many regions in the US pronounce words differently, and it's not because they're being mean---it's just the way they speak.

Happy Jason won.  I tended to like him the best and I always cheer for the real home cooks rather than those who cook or bake for their profession.  

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I'm happy about Jason winning too - he is a little over the top with the down-home thing; but, I give him a pass for that - seems like such a genuinely nice guy.  It is quite an accomplishment for him and he was so happy.  

I think Duff was trying to get Lorraine to concede on Jason's cake (dry/not dry thing) because in his mind it was "right" and is an American recipe.  I don't blame him and I think Lorraine is just one of those I NEVER BACK DOWN people.    

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Oh man I wish I would have known this forum was here!  Interesting that they will have the returning champs w/kids next week.  I wonder if they fluffy downright jolly winner from season one will try and keep up that annoying act after she showed her true colors on FNS....should be interesting!

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26 minutes ago, kj4ever said:

Oh man I wish I would have known this forum was here!  Interesting that they will have the returning champs w/kids next week.  I wonder if they fluffy downright jolly winner from season one will try and keep up that annoying act after she showed her true colors on FNS....should be interesting!

Oh yeah - I forgot about Erin's meltdown towards Bobby Flay on FNS - I loved it because it showed what a fake and phony she really is

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On 12/19/2016 at 11:33 AM, Ilovecomputers said:

Plus her "daughter" looked like a green blob. The cake looked yummy, though. 

Shawn's snowman looked scary with teeth and arms extended. I thought there was red on the side too. It looked like blood. Must have been some snowball fight. 

I agree with you 100 percent. Cheryl has done some amazing things, but her cake was boring looking to me, I am sure it tasted awesome though.

And I am no cake decorator but them raving over Shawn's snowman. I am sorry but his snowman was whack. It looked weird, almost like the frosting was melting off it.

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I grew up in South Dakota, have lived in New Mexico and southern Ohio, and have heard many people pronounce Italian with a hard I (eye). Its it-tall-y and eye-talian. It's just dialect; I really don't think he meant any disrespect. I've always lived around military until moving to Ohio, and you have several different nationalities mixing and mingling together, and accents and pronunciations are something we all tease each other about, but unless the person gave you a reason to think they were being a jerk, it's not worth being offended over. It's also not worth getting my panties in a bunch over someone else being offended, and I realize I shouldn't discount someone else's feelings, but it seems unearned by Jason. 

Food Network has posted an exclusive interview with Jason. The person who added the screen captures certainly had fun with their job. A lot of comments are suggesting that FN give him a show. I think he would wear thin with his own show, but as far as I'm concerned, he can replace Damiano any time.

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14 hours ago, Texasmom1970 said:

I agree with you 100 percent. Cheryl has done some amazing things, but her cake was boring looking to me, I am sure it tasted awesome though.

And I am no cake decorator but them raving over Shawn's snowman. I am sorry but his snowman was whack. It looked weird, almost like the frosting was melting off it.

I was wondering if something was wrong with my TV because I thought that snowman was horrid.

I wonder if there are any rules that they actually have to bake something since it is called the holiday baking championship.  Proofing donuts in the oven doesn't count as baking and I was surprised they didn't call Cheryl out on making a friend dessert in a baking challenge.

I was glad Jason won.  I thought they were telegraphing a win for Cheryl much like Erin in season one.

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5 hours ago, Christina said:

Food Network has posted an exclusive interview with Jason. The person who added the screen captures certainly had fun with their job. A lot of comments are suggesting that FN give him a show. I think he would wear thin with his own show, but as far as I'm concerned, he can replace Damiano any time.

If Food Network Star comes back I fully expect he'll be a contestant. (And that's a big if, considering that the budget for last season was $10.75 and the winner has gotten less airtime than the two baking non-winners.)

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YAYYYYY!!!  Oh, s'cuse me.  I'm probably the last person to rejoice over Jason winning!  I thought, with his accent, that he was funny at first, but when I saw how talented he was, he became mah boy!  I thought that Cheryl was very serious and talented, and I feared she'd win the whole shebang, but her "wedding cake" did her in, I think.  Imagine a home baker turning out things like he did.

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Dear show:  Penguins live at the South Pole.  Grrr!    

I understand Jason saying Eye-Talian, but it was weird how he spelled it out afterward.  I mean surely he knows that's not how it's spelled.  

Cheryl should have made presents and toys tumbling down the sides of the mountain that fell out when her daughter took the sleigh on the joyride.  The pallid piped berries and leaves were worse than if it had just been plain white!   That would have at least made sense!  (Or trees, as someone suggested).

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I was so happy that Jason won! My downstairs neighbor is from the south and speaks very much like Jason, especially with the colloquialisms and he loves to bake. I thought Jason was very creative throughout the entire competition and he never seemed to get openly flustered or have meltdowns when things got screwed up.

Lumps of coal though, to FN for telegraphing the win during a promo for Sunday's show. You clearly saw Jason. That spoiled it for me, but I was pretty sure he was going to win.  Cheryl's cake did look like a wedding cake and I thought Shawne would get dinged for using the same cake recipe for his finale cake. (That's happened before.)

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Funny: we saw Cheryl during that promo. That made *us* sad, as our cold little hearts were rooting for Jason.

I normally never mind the judges, and you can generally see the little smiles (smirks?) on Lorraine's face after those little "tiffs," but I couldn't stand Nancy in this episode. There's no way she didn't get peanuts--we saw how Shawne spread those things all over his cake.

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I liked this final three and I think they are the three that deserved to be there, they have all made some interesting things this season that I want to eat. I would have been okay with any one of them winning but with that being said, I'm really happy Mr. Garrison won. His cake was the most festive even with it falling in on one side. He made a cake that was a bit different than the norm and it didn't look like a bleak white winter day and that's what got him the win I think. 


I do not like Nancy or Lorraine and I feel bad for saying that because I do not like to hate on women but I find both of them awful and I roll my eyes at them about as much as they do to each other. I wish we could have Carla from the Halloween show and Valerie B. I don't need a mean judge on my floofy holiday baking show.

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On 12/20/2016 at 0:28 AM, Irlandesa said:

I think there is one truth to this show and that is that if there's a disagreement, Lorraine and Nancy will be on opposite sides of it.  Sometimes Duff agrees with Lorraine.  Other times he agrees with Nancy.  But I can't recall a time where it has been Lorraine and Nancy against Duff.

I posted this and then that very day, or the next, I was watching the late-at-night Holiday Baking Championship reruns they've been airing of the first season and sure enough, there was a Nancy & Lorraine vs. Duff moment surrounding an eggnog challenges.  I was trying to fall asleep so I don't know the details but I wasn't so sleepy that I was dreaming it either.

On 12/21/2016 at 9:54 PM, Jobiska said:

  I understand Jason saying Eye-Talian, but it was weird how he spelled it out afterward.  I mean surely he knows that's not how it's spelled. 

I thought his spelling was a nod and a wink at his regional pronunciation and not him believing that this is how it's actually spelled.

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12 hours ago, Irlandesa said:

I thought his spelling was a nod and a wink at his regional pronunciation and not him believing that this is how it's actually spelled.

Like I said, I'm sure he doesn't think that's how it's spelled.  I guess for me the nod/wink fell flat in this case, though I didn't mind his folksy humor that much elsewhere.

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That's what I thought about the closed-captioning for Jason.

The Nancy/Lorraine dynamic is so bizarre. Lorraine was on an episode of "Farmhouse Rules" and she and Nancy acted like old chums. They did some of the "I'm right. You're wrong," banter while they were cooking together, but they were laughing.  So, one behavior or the other (or both) must be staged for the camera.

Lorraine and Duff were fine together on "Worst Bakers in America."  As professionals from opposite sides of the pond, they each bring a different approach to baking and judging, which I don't mind.

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I was fine with Jason's win, I liked all 3 so it was cool. I just think he over does the down home Southern schtick.

I know everybody picks on Lorraine and Nancy but can we talk about Duff and his "I don't like it...I LOVE it"? Every. single. time. And if he doesn't say it, he does a fake concerned look then says how great it is which is pretty much the same tired joke.

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18 hours ago, CherZ said:

... can we talk about Duff and his "I don't like it...I LOVE it"? Every. single. time. And if he doesn't say it, he does a fake concerned look then says how great it is which is pretty much the same tired joke.

He's playing Joey AND Chandler by himself. 

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Catching up on this forum. Just watched the last episode and Nancy pushed me over the edge. She was so obviously in Jason's corner, and so obviously picking at the other two, that it bugged me to the point of posting, LOL. Granted, my dislike and irritation with her has been around since I first saw her on Farmhouse Rules, so this isn't new; but I would SO love to see her dumped. It won't happen, but a girl can dream. In the spirit of the show, I'll call it my Christmas wish ;)

I really liked Shawn (sp?). I think all the "It's Caribbean, that's why it was different!" was producer prompted. I was, however, disappointed by his execution of the "snowman family" theme--that could've been super cute... alas, his was more like "giant misunderstood snowman lives alone on scary mountain and just wants love for Christmas."

And I see I'm pretty alone on my... non-fandom for Jason. I just didn't enjoy him. The "eye-talian" bit got to me; I know it's a regionalism but they were playing it up. I'm sure when we see him again he'll be dialing it up to eleventy hundred in true Food Network fashion--especially when he's put next to Miss "Oh Shnickens!" Erin. (But let's see him say "Eye-talian" to Giada, LOL.)

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I was really happy that Jason won, although I wouldn't have been unhappy with any of the final three. I'm from the South and totally get Jason's schtick. Yes, I think he pushes it a bit, but I know men who talk and act like him, and they're sweethearts so it predisposes me to like him. I understand why "eye-talian" would bug, but it was totally a wink and a nod kind of thing. Bottom line to me, Jason's desserts always looked and sounded delicious and he brought some much needed JOY to the competition, so I'm really glad he won. 

I'm also really happy he and Jackson won in tonight's special, mostly because the other two teams were insufferable, imo. Maeve and Jane particularly got on my last nerve. To be fair, it was really only Maeve, with all her "we're so in sync," "we're such perfect partners," "wonder-twin powers activate" crap. And why was Matthew treating Erin like a sous-chef, and why was she letting him? Weird dynamic with those two. Jason and Jackson seemed to have fun and support each other, and their display was gorgeous, so yay I guess. (Hate the constant insertion of kids on FN now tho). 

Edited by Gbb
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My question about the Christmas special had to do with the prize money.  At the beginning, Bobby announced that the winner would get $10,000.  Then, all of a sudden in the second round, the contestants were broken into teams of two to share  $10,000.  Seemed like bait and switch to me.

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I loved that Jason won the Championship Banking Challenge.  As for this Special I loved who won also.  The final two who won, I thought, did the best.  I am not a fan of Maeve and she showed again it's all about her.  You change a baked good because you think it's best.  I find her phony (and that's just my view) so I'm glad she lost. I'm sorry but Jane was just annoying on her show and this one.  Erin and Matthew were nothing but show offs who showed nothing.  So ya to Jason and Jackson winning. These two were the best at bringing the items that looked and tasted the best.  Their design was the most elegant when looking at it and they seemed to loved the taste.  Not to mention neither bragged nor boasted about themselves.    I honestly hope both winners each get the money and do not have to share.  Love the concept of an adult and child baker winning BUT winning 10K for each should be the result.

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I really enjoyed the Christmas Day special.  I have a special hatred of reality shows featuring children, and I refuse to watch any of them. Not only do I feel it exploits them, as a personal matter, when I put the kids to sleep and get to watch TV, I don't want to watch MORE kids. That's my time. HOWEVER -- I have to eat a little crow because I found these kids delightful. The little boy chuckling "that wasn't nougat, Lorraine...it was butter" and the little girl "I love rainbow sprinkles (pause) - I don't really get the challenge here."  I love that Jason once again embraced the spirit of the competition and put out the most beautiful and tasty selection. It was also nice that no one got eliminated along the way (I don't want to see kids eliminated) and that in the end they won or lost as a team paired with an adult, which leveled the playing field.  I hope they each got 10k. 

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Was it odd that Jason's stadium presentation piece was available? It seemed awfully specialized, even given the football theme. I'd imagine all the contestants would have wanted to use it.

Anyway, I'm glad he won again. His kid partner was fun and likable.

I know Jason is a HOME BAKER and all, but I wish he'd set up a mail order business for me.

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Matthew and Jane are prime examples of why I never watch any kid reality/contest shows.  I swear they pick the most obnoxious kids.  I get that they want kids who are comfortable on camera and show some personality, but why must they always go overboard?

Confession- I am not feeling the love for Jason.  For me, his personality grates more than Erin's but no where near as much as Maeve's.   At least Erin was nice enough to help Matthew(?) during the first round, and didn't kill the brat the second round.  

Jackson and Matthew are the same age, correct?  They seem worlds apart in maturity.

Is Maeve's haired dyed lavender?  If do, why in the hell would she do that? 

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Was it odd that Jason's stadium presentation piece was available? It seemed awfully specialized, even given the football theme. I'd imagine all the contestants would have wanted to use it.

I thought they all had the same "stadium" but in different colors.  Was Jason's different in some other way?  If so, I didn't notice.

I was very happy with the results.  I didn't like Maeve at all on her season and didn't like her any better on this show.  Jane was annoying on her first show and seemed less so but she still didn't appeal to me.  Erin is just too much all the time and I haven't forgiven her for taking the win from Bill.  OTOH I love Jason and I like Jackson a lot.  He's a very good-looking boy plus bright and charming too.  They clearly had the best presentation.

I've become rather fond of Bobby Deen since he started hosting the holiday shows.  I can't think of anything else he does during the year and I can't get the Cooking Channel so I do wish FN would use him more often.

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"Everything I do is decadent."

Erin, you were literally kicked out of Food Network Star for presenting something as indulgent when it wasn't. Here Lorriane criticized the pear sandwich thing as not being "decadent" enough. I didn't agree, but hey: if Food Network is stubborn enough to have you back again, this might be a blind spot worth locking down.


This was my first time seeing Maeve since I didn't watch her season. And I found her charmingly quirky, but then that might be the reflected personality of the girl paired with her.

3 hours ago, mlp said:

I've become rather fond of Bobby Deen since he started hosting the holiday shows.  I can't think of anything else he does during the year and I can't get the Cooking Channel so I do wish FN would use him more often.

It wouldn't help you if you can't get The Cooking Channel but I wish he and Nikki Dinki would make more episodes of Junk Food Flip. I find them both likable and it's a fun enough concept for a show.

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8 hours ago, Mittengirl said:

Jackson and Matthew are the same age, correct?  They seem worlds apart in maturity.

Is Maeve's haired dyed lavender?  If do, why in the hell would she do that? 

Matthew is 11 and Jackson is 13.  I got the distinct impression that Matthew is going to get even more obnoxious the older he gets.  He's a handsome kid already and I definitely picked up an entitled pretentious (I'll bet his family always gets the "good" seats when they go to a game) vibe from him. By the time he's 15-16, YIKES! 

I was very impressed with Jackson's macaroons.  I knew he and Jason would probably win when Jason went into the competition stating that they needed to make sure everything looked like it was made by just one baker. Smart strategy.  Also, nice of him to let Jackson try his redemption macaroons without interfering and I also liked that there wasn't the obvious, "the kid made this," implication when they presented.

I don't mind Maeve and didn't last year.   But I laughed when her sour cream pecan pie filling was an epic fail. She was so smugly sure about altering that one.  I took the lavender hair as the typical "My LaJolla artistic expression and badge of baking honor," I dunno or some other crazy BS.

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2 hours ago, grisgris said:

I took the lavender hair as the typical "My LaJolla artistic expression and badge of baking honor," I dunno or some other crazy BS.

That was supposed to be lavender? I just thought she'd let herself go gray.

Anyway, that was a fun little show to watch while winding down on Christmas night. I can't say I really enjoyed it as much as the main show, and I'm not sure it convinced me to watch the kids' version of the show next week (Mrs. Dewelar was even less convinced), but it was fine.

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I found Duff's comment to Bobby about the chunk of butter in the buttercream kind of interesting:  "Looks like your mother made this," or words to that effect.  That was the first mention of Paula Deen that I'm aware of since the network kicked her out.  Could this be a signal that her banishment is near an end?

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Saw this last night.  So many things to say!  But actually y'all already hit on most of them.

- I've only ever seen Bobby Deen in this, and I like him a lot.  He's playful, generally not mean-spirited... he makes for a good host.  I perked up at the mention of his mother, too, Rammchick.

- I understand why Jane and Matthew were fan favorites, and I also understand why they grate on people's nerves.  I do think they're a little over the top, and Matthew's behavior borders on cockiness.  It's definitely the case that he knows he's handsome, funny, etc.  But he and Jane *are* entertaining. 

- Jackson, meanwhile, is awesome.  I remember loving him two years ago and thought he was so cute, and he's growing up to be such a handsome guy himself.  I love how understated he is, and he really was hilarious and self-deprecating in this special.  Very mature.  Good for him and Jason.

- If I had never seen Erin on Food Network Star, I might like her, but her meltdown on that show really wasn't pretty.  I dunno.  I feel weird being so judgmental about people who are on these heavily edited shows.  Do we really know what they're like deep down?  But her final episode of FNS *really* made her look bad.

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Can someone remind me what happened in Erin's last ep of FNS? I watched it, but I just don't remember. Is that when they fed judges and guest judges at a dinner and she kept insisting her dessert was decadent and that people loved it?

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she kept insisting her dessert was decadent and that people loved it?

Yes.  The problem was that she made chocolate chip cookies which are great but nobody's idea of decadent.  She didn't understand that the cookies were good but didn't meet the challenge and she got defensive about it.  In a very unpleasant way.  The contrast between her reaction and her usual OTT perkiness was, um, interesting.

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On 12/29/2016 at 8:58 PM, mlp said:

Yes.  The problem was that she made chocolate chip cookies which are great but nobody's idea of decadent.  She didn't understand that the cookies were good but didn't meet the challenge and she got defensive about it.  In a very unpleasant way.  The contrast between her reaction and her usual OTT perkiness was, um, interesting.

It's been my experience that the people who constantly act perky and pronounce everything as wonderful! and amazing! and sooooo fun! are the first to get equally (if not more) nasty if they think you've insulted or crossed them. 

(I'm not talking about generally happy or funny or easygoing people--I'm talking about people with personalities like Erin's. For example, if that had happened to Jason he probably would have made some kind of corny joke and laughed at himself; by contrast, if Erin made the "elf boot" stocking and the judges kinda called her on it, she would've gone DEFCON 1 right then and there.)

Edited by ivygirl
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Funny, I get the same impression about Jason.  I just have a feeling he can really scream at people.  I can't explain why, he just strikes me as someone who goes off on other people at the drop of a hat - when the cameras aren't around.

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3 hours ago, dewelar said:

Not sure if this is the place to put this, but for those who missed it, Jason is going to be on the upcoming season of Food Network Star. I may actually watch it now.

I didn't even know there was going to be another season of that. At least they aren't rapid-fire anymore.

At the link, did Jason always dress like that? I don't recall it, and as the folksy home baker I don't think he needs another gimmick. Cosmos-printed suits don't strike me as the key to winning.

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Jason is also a judge on something called Best Baker in America that I heard nothing about but managed to catch the other night. Right off, I recognized Cheryl, Susana, and Adalberto from other  Food Network seasonal baking shows, but there are other bakers who've been on various FN competitions. 

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Jason is also a judge on something called Best Baker in America that I heard nothing about but managed to catch the other night.

Apparently, FN spent so much time and effort promoting Whatshername Hart that they practically ignored this new show even though it's their FNS winner's first show.  I'm glad I caught it.  

Jason was himself but not OTT.  I thought he did well.  I was dismayed to see Marcela because I can't stand her but I have to admit that she was fine.  Adam Rapoport has impressive credentials and I wonder how he ended up on FN as a judge.

I recognized Adalberto, Dwayne, Andy, Susan (Suzanne?) and Cheryl immediately.  I liked them all except Cheryl - loathed her the first go-round and loathed her again last night.

I hope someone starts a Forum for this show.  I thought about doing it but I'm not creative and coming up with episode titles defeated me.

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I thought I was the only one watching BBIA. I looked for a forum as well and didn't see one. I just happened to see that the show was scheduled and set the DVR to record it. I would have been bummed if I had missed this. Weird that it didn't get the nonstop promotion the Halloween baking shows do. Actually, it's weird that they're airing them at the same time. It would have been great to have BBIA over the summer.

Edited by tobeannounced
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I only recognized three or four of the contestants.  For some reason, I think Cheryl acts like she's better than everyone else, and that was a turn-off.  I really like Adalberto and the black fellow whose name I forget.  I'm also not sure I like the host, either.  I do like both judges, though.  I love Jason Smith, and I've enjoyed Marcella on "The Kitchen."  I'm glad the FN got rid of Bobby Deen, but I'm not sure they got anyone better.  This one seems a little weird to me. 

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