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Real Housewives in the Media

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They're in the middle of filming. Last filming sighting was Tamra, Heather, Shannon, Vicki and new girl Meghan at a bowling alley a few days ago. Lizzie joined them afterwards and filmed a dinner scene with them! Apparently it was a drama free evening. Shannon and Heather seem to have made up as they were reportedly hand in hand and hugging. Vicki and Shannon are still close. Vicki and Tamra also seem to be in a good place; Vicki tweeted about their limo breaking down after dinner!

Read more here: http://m.eonline.com/news/630756/are-the-real-housewives-of-orange-county-feuding-again-get-the-scoop-on-their-secret-bowling-night. Since E! and Bravo are owned by the same company, the Real Housewives scoop on eonline is always accurate.

Edited by georgekush

They're in the middle of filming. Last filming sighting was Tamra, Heather, Shannon, Vicki and new girl Meghan at a bowling alley a few days ago. Lizzie joined them afterwards and filmed a dinner scene with them! Apparently it was a drama free evening. Shannon and Heather seem to have made up as they were reportedly hand in hand and hugging. Vicki and Shannon are still close. Vicki and Tamra also seem to be in a good place; Vicki tweeted about their limo breaking down after dinner!

Read more here: http://m.eonline.com/news/630756/are-the-real-housewives-of-orange-county-feuding-again-get-the-scoop-on-their-secret-bowling-night. Since E! and Bravo are owned by the same company, the Real Housewives scoop on eonline is always accurate.

I always thought Heather and Shannon would get along if Tamara wasn't meddling.

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I always thought Heather and Shannon would get along if Tamara wasn't meddling.

Completely agree, and I hope that is the case this year.


Overall, I think Heather is a "fool me twice, shame on me" kind of gal. I don't think she will be anxious to go down the road she went down last season again. For the most part I think this will mean less of Terry overall. Heather is much more likable when he is not around. 

Edited by motorcitymom65
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Jim Edmonds and his second wife Meghan are joining the cast. Both they and the Hamiltons attended Heather's groundbreaking, which was filmed in late 2013 and aired last year. Jim was slated to join the cast in 2012/2013 with his first wife, Allison, who was supposed to make her debut on the series at the same time as Lydia. Alexis, who was in deteriorating contract negotiations with the network after season 7 (reports are that she was fired; I don't know how likely that was since her friendship with Lydia was the major point of entry for the latter), got her ticket to full-time status for season 8 when Allison dropped out right before filming due to a cancer diagnosis. Jim Edmonds, although based at least half-time in St. Louis, has maintained a residence in the OC despite his remarriage in order to ease the logistics of Allison's recovery (and, I assume, ensure their children are present, etc) . . . Although it may be in the best interests of her children to back out, I hope production does not edit Katie out of the season a la Danielle. I always enjoy the subthemes about faith that typify the OC, and it would be interesting and constructive to see how the Hamiltons reconcile their theology with a more complicated history and present than that of, say, the McLaughlins. . . In other news, Lydia is promoting her first book, a spirituality memoir, which is being released later this month.

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If newbie Katie opts not to return after her two week break....they could always have her be in half the season as a cast member like Quinn, Laurie and Jeana were.

They had been filming for two months and she is in a lot.of footage... but at the same time, the original concept was a day in the life of a housewife...

Just no 'wheres danielle' stuff again lol

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If this is true I am really sad for her.  :(

I feel for her as well. I must admit when I heard they were joining the show I was a bit stunned to put it mildly. When I hear the name Josh Hamilton the very first thing that comes to mind is his addiction. It has always been such a huge part of his story. It just goes to show that these people aren't really living their own reality when they open themselves up for a show like this. With a past like his and prior relapses, one would think they would be prepared for the fact that another relapse would be even more public this time and witnessed by a whole new audience.

Heather Dubrow is joining her husband Terry on the shopping channel EVINE to debut his skincare line "Consult Beaute" at 4:00 pm West Coast time today.   More shows follow this evening and throughout the weekend.



ETA: This evening he'll be selling his Hair Skin & Nails vitamin.  Unfortunately, he's up against Andrew Lessman on HSN, who has sold more Healthy Hair Skin & Nails vitamins than anyone, anywhere.  Good luck, Dubrow - you're going to need it!

Edited by walnutqueen

Peggy Tanous was featured on My Cat from Hell this evening; I assume that was the reality venture she was filming earlier this year. She's still in the same house. The decor looked identical for the most part. She even wore the same pumps in one of the cat homework consultation scenes that she did in her maiden Housewives appearance. Mica's personality was still kind of disturbing; he blamed the cat in question for anti-social/ornery personality quirks and threatened to have it rehomed. It became clear that Peggy's younger daughter was aggressive to the point of abusiveness with both family kitties. The parents did little to deter her, but by the end of the episode, the issues appeared to have been resolved and the feline much more content.

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Heather Dubrow is joining her husband Terry on the shopping channel EVINE to debut his skincare line "Consult Beaute" at 4:00 pm West Coast time today. More shows follow this evening and throughout the weekend.

ETA: This evening he'll be selling his Hair Skin & Nails vitamin. Unfortunately, he's up against Andrew Lessman on HSN, who has sold more Healthy Hair Skin & Nails vitamins than anyone, anywhere. Good luck, Dubrow - you're going to need it!

I've never heard of evine So I Googled and 1 viewer has weighed in:


Ol' grimace face isn't going to like that description of her man.

Apparently, Paul has a skin care line, too:


And -- because this isn't enough -- back in 2012 Paul was supposedly launching a line with Adrienne:


I'm surprised TamTam and Teef haven't tried to launch Complexion by Cut or Industrial Park Your Wrinkles or some variant on their thriving venture.

Edited by steelcitysister
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Sad news for Katie Hamilton and family that I would assume suggests she didn't return to finish filming and is likely lobbying to have her footage cut as much as possible. The Newport home has been listed for sale, so who knows if she'll be back post-legal proceedings. However, Bravo, I imagine, will want to retain her to the greatest extent they can; the community property involved encompasses a massive amount. I know Josh hasn't exactly amassed a lot of goodwill from Major League fans, but it's a disappointing end for a couple that has clearly weathered a lot of tumult together. http://thescoopblog.dallasnews.com/2015/04/ex-ranger-josh-hamilton-filed-for-divorce-at-time-relapse-went-public-court-records-show.html/

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For what it's worth (consider the source), Ms. Terry Dubrow says, "This is a crazy season of 'Real Housewives.'"

From the article:

“I think Heather last season was shown in a light that wasn’t exactly her,” her husband, Newport Beach plastic surgeon and Botched star Dr. Terry Dubrow, 56, tells Radar in an exclusive video interview alongside his E! costar, Dr. Paul Nassif. “She’s now more relaxed, more unbuttoned, and now the truth is she has real and significant relationships with the girls on the show.”

Wasn't exactly her? In the immortal words of Vicki, "LIARFACE!! He's a LIARFACE !!"

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Peggy Tanous was featured on My Cat from Hell this evening; I assume that was the reality venture she was filming earlier this year. She's still in the same house. The decor looked identical for the most part. She even wore the same pumps in one of the cat homework consultation scenes that she did in her maiden Housewives appearance. Mica's personality was still kind of disturbing; he blamed the cat in question for anti-social/ornery personality quirks and threatened to have it rehomed. It became clear that Peggy's younger daughter was aggressive to the point of abusiveness with both family kitties. The parents did little to deter her, but by the end of the episode, the issues appeared to have been resolved and the feline much more content.

Okay.  You should write a blog.  Is this true?  

  • Love 1

Peggy Tanous was featured on My Cat from Hell this evening; I assume that was the reality venture she was filming earlier this year. She's still in the same house. The decor looked identical for the most part. She even wore the same pumps in one of the cat homework consultation scenes that she did in her maiden Housewives appearance. Mica's personality was still kind of disturbing; he blamed the cat in question for anti-social/ornery personality quirks and threatened to have it rehomed. It became clear that Peggy's younger daughter was aggressive to the point of abusiveness with both family kitties. The parents did little to deter her, but by the end of the episode, the issues appeared to have been resolved and the feline much more content.

London and Capri.  Capri would grab the Persian cat and violently shake her upside down and then drop her.  Peggy would laugh and shrug while Micah looks disinterested.  Then to the "hell" cat, a Russian Blue, Capri poked at the cat with her boots and made lots of hitting and kicking motions at the cat's head.  Peggy shrugged, Micah turned away.   Now how much of that was real, don't know.  I get the feeling that Peggy put them up to it and she's again trying to get them into acting.  The cat really looked confused and not terrified and at the end, was very friendly and social.  If he was being tormented for a few years, he wouldn't forgive that easily.   Peggy's face looked better.  Micah still looks like a tool.

London and Capri.  Capri would grab the Persian cat and violently shake her upside down and then drop her.  Peggy would laugh and shrug while Micah looks disinterested.  Then to the "hell" cat, a Russian Blue, Capri poked at the cat with her boots and made lots of hitting and kicking motions at the cat's head.  Peggy shrugged, Micah turned away.   Now how much of that was real, don't know.  I get the feeling that Peggy put them up to it and she's again trying to get them into acting.  The cat really looked confused and not terrified and at the end, was very friendly and social.  If he was being tormented for a few years, he wouldn't forgive that easily.   Peggy's face looked better.  Micah still looks like a tool.

Really?  I mean, really?  I believe the Micha still looks like a tool.  Were they really on this show?  It's just funny - way too funny, f'ing funny!  This was a show?  


"Mr. Lablover, let's go on a cat show."


"Mrs. Lablover, f off, I have clients."  

Edited by Lablover27
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This seems like the best spot to post this but if I'm wrong please let me know and/or move it to the correct thread:


Starting today, Bravo is airing old seasons of RHOC. They have started with season 1 today. They are early in the morning though. Looking at my DVR guide it seems like each weekday has a mini-marathon through the first several seasons. Yes, I've set my DVR to record them all. My evenings will be far more exciting now. :) I may have been excited to see Naked Wasted as an episode being aired. As well as episodes with Lynn in the description. One mentioned Tamara and Simon throwing their kid a birthday party. I just remember this because the Uverse description had it written as "Amra and Simon throw..." Haha. 

Anyway, I hope you all enjoy this gift from Bravo as much as I will. Especially since I missed a lot of the early, early seasons. 

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This seems like the best spot to post this but if I'm wrong please let me know and/or move it to the correct thread:


Starting today, Bravo is airing old seasons of RHOC. They have started with season 1 today. They are early in the morning though. Looking at my DVR guide it seems like each weekday has a mini-marathon through the first several seasons. Yes, I've set my DVR to record them all. My evenings will be far more exciting now. :) I may have been excited to see Naked Wasted as an episode being aired. As well as episodes with Lynn in the description. One mentioned Tamara and Simon throwing their kid a birthday party. I just remember this because the Uverse description had it written as "Amra and Simon throw..." Haha. 

Anyway, I hope you all enjoy this gift from Bravo as much as I will. Especially since I missed a lot of the early, early seasons. 

Thanks for the heads up.


I liked the early seasons. Little fabricated drama, lots of family dynamics, you got to see a glimpse of their lives. The Housewives franchise went to hell when the producers decided each show needed a shit stirrer and every season needed a villain. We didn't have the foul mouth reunions until Tamera and Brandy. Now everything is a "Fuck!" fest.


Off I go to watch the "way back when" episodes.

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Watching S1 again this morning, one thing that stood out to me is the use of flashbacks. I hadn't remembered those and thought they just started using them last season. 


I had also forgotten how beautiful and spoiled Jeana's kids were. 


It must suck to be Vicki. Her kids almost seem to hate her. 


Although I never cared for Lauri I wondered if some of her animosity toward Vicki came not just from the "sharing of the e-mail" but also from the way Vicki might have treated her as an employee. If she was/is as tough and annoying to her employees as she was/is to her kids. I can see where Lauri might have wanted to  get in a couple of hits since she was no longer under Vicki's thumb and dependent on a paycheck from her. 


I loved seeing "FAMILY VAN!!!" again.

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From the article:


Quote: “I think Heather last season was shown in a light that wasn’t exactly her,” her husband, Newport Beach plastic surgeon and Botched star Dr. Terry Dubrow, 56, tells Radar in an exclusive video interview alongside his E! costar, Dr. Paul Nassif. “She’s now more relaxed, more unbuttoned, and now the truth is she has real and significant relationships with the girls on the show.”

Wasn't exactly her? In the immortal words of Vicki, "LIARFACE!! He's a LIARFACE !!"


So either Heather is on meds,  or she has a smaller diameter stick shoved up her rear, or her sphincter has relaxed around the huge one still in place, or Miss Terry is a LIARFACE!

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Peggy Tanous was featured on My Cat from Hell this evening; I assume that was the reality venture she was filming earlier this year. She's still in the same house. The decor looked identical for the most part. She even wore the same pumps in one of the cat homework consultation scenes that she did in her maiden Housewives appearance. Mica's personality was still kind of disturbing; he blamed the cat in question for anti-social/ornery personality quirks and threatened to have it rehomed. It became clear that Peggy's younger daughter was aggressive to the point of abusiveness with both family kitties. The parents did little to deter her, but by the end of the episode, the issues appeared to have been resolved and the feline much more content.

I saw that this past weekend and although I didn't start watching from the beginning, it was obvious the problem was their brats. It didn't help that Peggy and Micah were letting those brats behave that way, either.


I wasn't sure where to post this. Some of the former OC Housewives were just on Iman's lame Project Runway ripoff show, called The Fashion Show.

Laurie, Laurie's daughter, Lynne, and Gretchen were the muses/models.

Gretchen started admiring her "booty" and wiggling it and ripped her dress at the seam. Lynne and Laurie complained of not enough cleavage. Lynne looked like walking skin cancer and the cutouts showed her back fat folds. She has a great figure for her age, but not the tight skin to go with it.

It's a terrible show that TiVo keeps taping and I watched this episode on FF in about 15 min.

Eta: Four of the NJ Housewives were on the program as well. I haven't watched the series, so the only one I recognized was the one that went to jail.

Edited by Shelby
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Andy posted on his Facebook, September 7, 2015, they are taking questions for OC Reunion.  http://www.fortherecordmag.com/archives/120610p27.shtml


Thanks... Unfortunately the link goes to a page "Coding for Lymphoma".

Here is the link...... https://www.facebook.com/andycohen?fref=ts


It is almost 1/2 way down the page.

Edited by WireWrap
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