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Vicki Gunvalson: Her Love Tank Runneth Over

Message added by PrincessPurrsALot,

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This has really been a long time in coming. Her antics were never all that funny and now it's downright unpleasant.  Her lovely backyard is empty, her home is empty. Her life is seemingly empty as well.  And I only go by what I see on the show, nothing else.  She's no longer a housewife, or wife, and hasn't had anything constructive to offer the show in years.  Well, with the exception of those incredible scenes where she's (not) screaming at someone, but the Lake H. days are gone.  The friends seemingly left with Donn and now it's just work and that's it.  I kinda pity her at this point. She has no self awareness to understand how she's being perceived by viewers, via her own actions. Pity.... 

  • Love 10

So Vicki is complaining about no endorsements and the very next month, she announces Brooks has cancer and voila the two of them have moved in together, traveling and endorsing Club Detox and now this MLM clothing line.  I  think Vicki has zero credibility left.

I have to agree with you zoeysmom. It's over...played out. Both Vicki and Brooks know the name of the game is endorsements. A little nest egg of endorsement capital rolling in as they slide into their 60s and 70s. Traveling around enjoying the good life! Except that somehow (by giving the scanned images to Heather) Dr. Dubrow read the scans and medical report and deducted the person whose reports those were is critically dying of cancer...not long to live. This throws a little chink into the Club Detox endorsement when the person making the claims lied about his medical records. Brooks got greedy and he selected someone's medical report/scans that just doesn't jive with his current health. Guess he wanted the public to believe a miracle occurred when all along it was gross manipulation of the facts.

If this is what they did they have no credibility left and may be sued by Club Detox if they signed an agreement with them based on falsified information. In addition, unstable, codependent Vicki can kiss off her insurance business because clients will be abandoning her when it is confirmed she was involved in a hoax.

Oh well we will watch the story unfold between the Finale and Reunion. Though I think Dr. Dubrow blew the Reunion by letting the cat out of the bag regarding Brooks' scanned images.

Video at people.com--


  • Love 2

So it seems that Brooks has made a video (interview with Andy). Vickie has no idea (supposedly) what was said! She (allegedly) is worried that a big shiny bus is in her very near future.  As for him, he's been spotted in Florida partying I just read.  Everything now hangs on whether or not they've actually parted or not.  I know that she wanted her own drama, but this might not have been what she had in mind.  

  • Love 4
In addition, unstable, codependent Vicki can kiss off her insurance business because clients will be abandoning her when it is confirmed she was involved in a hoax.



One could only hope!  There are so many gullible people that are THRILLED to be associated in any way with a celebrity--no matter the level.

  • Love 5

Please let me introduce you to Tamra Barney.

I actually felt badly for Vicki. I don't think it was intentional. My sister suffered from incontinence in her '50's and received a prescription for it - all is good. I remember once riding in an elevator with her (alone thankfully) and she involuntarily gushed. And she was wearing shorts!

There is also that commercial with several women planning on going to the mall and plotting out the bathroom locations.

  • Love 3

This has really been a long time in coming. Her antics were never all that funny and now it's downright unpleasant.  Her lovely backyard is empty, her home is empty. Her life is seemingly empty as well.  And I only go by what I see on the show, nothing else.  She's no longer a housewife, or wife, and hasn't had anything constructive to offer the show in years.  Well, with the exception of those incredible scenes where she's (not) screaming at someone, but the Lake H. days are gone.  The friends seemingly left with Donn and now it's just work and that's it.  I kinda pity her at this point. She has no self awareness to understand how she's being perceived by viewers, via her own actions. Pity.... 

Perfectly put.


The lack of self awareness, her neediness and her way of dealing with situations makes me wonder how anyone can tolerate working with or for her.   If she even has a business after this.

  • Love 5

Did Bravo trick us???!!!! Vicki and Brooks cancer "story" has always sounded sketchy to me, and the fact that they are attempting to indirectly get financial gain from it makes it even more so. However, I am starting to wonder if Bravo has been using some trickery? If Brooks did have cancer and was treated and got well during the off season, Bravo could have insisted on a reenactment. I heard they threatened Vicki with demotion if she didn't film with Brooks. She could have offered to split her RH salary with him, along with giving him free room and board in her house. It would explain a lot- the inconsistencies in their claims, Vicki's strange demeanor, their breakup, etc. Bravo likely loves all the doubting, and talk of faking, because it stirs up ratings. If Bravo is the archetect of this whole thing, they should be boycotted for using cancer as fodder for ratings.

  • Love 4

Did Bravo trick us???!!!! Vicki and Brooks cancer "story" has always sounded sketchy to me, and the fact that they are attempting to indirectly get financial gain from it makes it even more so. However, I am starting to wonder if Bravo has been using some trickery? If Brooks did have cancer and was treated and got well during the off season, Bravo could have insisted on a reenactment. I heard they threatened Vicki with demotion if she didn't film with Brooks. She could have offered to split her RH salary with him, along with giving him free room and board in her house. It would explain a lot- the inconsistencies in their claims, Vicki's strange demeanor, their breakup, etc. Bravo likely loves all the doubting, and talk of faking, because it stirs up ratings. If Bravo is the archetect of this whole thing, they should be boycotted for using cancer as fodder for ratings.

Bravo works with what the RH give them.  Oh here is Brooks giving yet another interview:  http://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/rhocs-brooks-ayers-defends-his-night-out-i-wasnt-even-in-chemo-then-2015210


Vicki's issue,  short of a trip to Tahiti and driving a golf cart into the restaurant, she is vacant.  Her unexpected storyline of her mother dying sooner just didn't get traction.  It is hard thing to convey, the loss of an elderly parent.  Vicki and her mother aren't exactly Josh and Edith Flagg.  So that left her daughter disliking Brooks and that is unrealistic because Briana lives out of state.  Even the creation of giving Briana a new car fell flat because Briana has zero personality unless it is attacking Brooks.  Is Briana going to hate Meghan Edmonds?  How can she, Meghan suspects Brooks is lying-same thing Briana claims.  Is Briana going to take up for her mother going after Meghan's marriage?  I would think not.  How would Briana like it if someone went after her marriage?  So basically Vicki is left with claiming all this love for her family and two of the most insulting  adult children ever. A totally disrespectful daughter and an indifferent son who she claims runs the health insurance portion of her business from his beach house.  Briana's buddy Tamra is no great shakes as a mother, she lost visitation with her daughter and has Ryan as a son. 


I hope for Vicki's sake she is as savvy with her money as she claims because if her role and salary is drastically cut by Bravo I see some pretty quick lifestyle changes taking place. 

  • Love 3

Bravo works with what the RH give them.  Oh here is Brooks giving yet another interview:  http://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/rhocs-brooks-ayers-defends-his-night-out-i-wasnt-even-in-chemo-then-2015210


Vicki's issue,  short of a trip to Tahiti and driving a golf cart into the restaurant, she is vacant.  Her unexpected storyline of her mother dying sooner just didn't get traction.  It is hard thing to convey, the loss of an elderly parent.  Vicki and her mother aren't exactly Josh and Edith Flagg.  So that left her daughter disliking Brooks and that is unrealistic because Briana lives out of state.  Even the creation of giving Briana a new car fell flat because Briana has zero personality unless it is attacking Brooks.  Is Briana going to hate Meghan Edmonds?  How can she, Meghan suspects Brooks is lying-same thing Briana claims.  Is Briana going to take up for her mother going after Meghan's marriage?  I would think not.  How would Briana like it if someone went after her marriage?  So basically Vicki is left with claiming all this love for her family and two of the most insulting  adult children ever. A totally disrespectful daughter and an indifferent son who she claims runs the health insurance portion of her business from his beach house.  Briana's buddy Tamra is no great shakes as a mother, she lost visitation with her daughter and has Ryan as a son. 


I hope for Vicki's sake she is as savvy with her money as she claims because if her role and salary is drastically cut by Bravo I see some pretty quick lifestyle changes taking place.

ALL of that sounds more interesting to me than does Brooks have cancer or not.
  • Love 5

Perfectly put.


The lack of self awareness, her neediness and her way of dealing with situations makes me wonder how anyone can tolerate working with or for her.   If she even has a business after this.

I will never forget her racial slurs the first season and how she talked to the Hispanic workers in her home.    She is a hideous person.

  • Love 9

So far money in my opinion has kept Vicki on the show and of course she is the poster child for a perfect fit for a reality show.  She perhaps is the truest example of narcissist I have ever seen.

      She has probably been disliked her entire life, heck even her mother was fed up with her and displayed it several times on the show. You are too needy, go away.

      She made (within seconds) her mothers death all about her.     The fact she allowed that be to filmed in proof enough. I think in that instance anyone in power would of allowed her to walk off.    I am not even sure it was authentic, but rather somewhat manufactured so the call came in the way it did.

         Of course she did not want her argument with Brianna to be filmed because that was exposing her.  Allowing the death call and scene, but no argument?  

         Brianna's defense was honest, she knew her mother had ulterior motives.  She always does.

                          We all know she has supported Brooks all this time.  His resume is a joke.   Unlike Slade, he has been in jail for non payment for child support. He has been in jail for drunk driving.

                He is so sleazy, his face and voice are like fingernails on a blackboard.   Who else would be with Vicki?   He is or was there because she paid him.   I still maintain that Bravo does not pay spouses/boyfriends.

Edited by Cherrio
  • Love 9

One could only hope!  There are so many gullible people that are THRILLED to be associated in any way with a celebrity--no matter the level.

I have such a difficult time with this - on one hand i sorta get it, the whole 'omg, tv person' but on the other, it's Vicki Gunvalson and not Meryl Streep.  But, I also realize I might be missing the starstruck gene.  

  • Love 7
But, I also realize I might be missing the starstruck gene.



Me too, pamme64, me too!    A good example for me was changing channels recently and seeing the sad Dance Moms show.  The little dancers were making a public appearance and it looked like HUNDREDS of teen and pre-teen girls were there screaming and crying.  I'm sure I would never have been one of those girls. I still remember being humiliated (I may have been 14) when my best friend and I went to see Elvis Presley's first movie (black and white).  As soon as he appeared on the screen, she put out a shriek...just like she had see his fans on Ed Sullivan.  Not one other person in the theater made a noise--plenty looked around to see what was wrong!  She didn't make another sound throughout the movie.

  • Love 4

Me too, pamme64, me too!    A good example for me was changing channels recently and seeing the sad Dance Moms show.  The little dancers were making a public appearance and it looked like HUNDREDS of teen and pre-teen girls were there screaming and crying.  I'm sure I would never have been one of those girls. I still remember being humiliated (I may have been 14) when my best friend and I went to see Elvis Presley's first movie (black and white).  As soon as he appeared on the screen, she put out a shriek...just like she had see his fans on Ed Sullivan.  Not one other person in the theater made a noise--plenty looked around to see what was wrong!  She didn't make another sound throughout the movie.

My cousin freaked out to the point of tears at the Beatles first appearance on Ed Sullivan. I didn't get it. Still don't.

  • Love 3

I'm in no position to judge the way Vicki mourned the unexpected death of her mother.

All I know is it was real. It was authentic. It was heartbreaking.

My heart goes out to Vicki.

I was speaking to it is difficult to film the grieving process.  Vicki is certainly entitled to grieve as hard and long as she wants to, I just would not expect it to be captured on camera.  We saw very little support from her son and some support from Shannon, Tamra and of course Brooks was there for her.  It is just a hard story to play out on film.  Vicki seemed to kind of throw it out there when she was up against Brooks issues.  I think the only person on the show that knew Vicki's mom was Jeana.  I don't hold it against Vicki that she says incredibly odd things during her grieving period about the situation.  It just sees to me that is who she is.

  • Love 2

I actually felt badly for Vicki. I don't think it was intentional. My sister suffered from incontinence in her '50's and received a prescription for it - all is good. I remember once riding in an elevator with her (alone thankfully) and she involuntarily gushed. And she was wearing shorts!

There is also that commercial with several women planning on going to the mall and plotting out the bathroom locations.

Personally, I've always thought Vicki wetting the bed was because she was shitfaced, fall down drunk.

  • Love 9

Don't know why this just popped into my brain, but does anyone else here remember Vicki going home for her high school reunion and chasing her high school "sweetheart" Bob Tomato around the venue. He could not get away from her fast enough. Wise choice Bob!

Vicki has no self worth whatsoever, she thinks her money and making people tell her that they love her is what it's all about.

SAD, SAD woman.

  • Love 9

Don't know why this just popped into my brain, but does anyone else here remember Vicki going home for her high school reunion and chasing her high school "sweetheart" Bob Tomato around the venue. He could not get away from her fast enough. Wise choice Bob!

Vicki has no self worth whatsoever, she thinks her money and making people tell her that they love her is what it's all about.

SAD, SAD woman.

I have vague memories of those scenes. He looked embarrassed and acted like he couldn't get away fast enough. Vicki had no shame, and didn't seem to catch on that he was avoiding her. I assume she'd had several cocktails. The camera crew must have been secretly high-fiving each other over their good luck in catching that. Which just goes to show that Vicki does not need manufactured drama -- she creates plenty of crazy stuff just being herself.

Edited by RedHawk
  • Love 9

Wasn't that Reunion where she was going to let the girls come out to play?  I noticed she went back for another Reunion and had a picture taken with her high school boyfriends.  She also talks about going to the mall and hanging out with all her real long time friends.  And no one cares.  She signed up to do a show with her fake TV friends. 

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 3

I have vague memories of those scenes. He looked embarrassed and acted like he couldn't get away fast enough. Vicki had no shame, and didn't seem to catch on that he was avoiding her. I assume she'd had several cocktails. The camera crew must have been secretly high-fiving each other over their good luck in catching that. Which just goes to show that Vicki does not need manufactured drama -- she creates plenty of crazy stuff just being herself.

RedHawk, you remember this also. The man looked like he had seen a ghost of his past.

Vicki had and has no shame.

She doesn't realize that people are laughing at her and not with her.

How many times have we seen this? Family Van, football in the head, Michael's embarrassment at her showing up at college, crashing Briana & Colby at dinner, no scratchy the woody, smelly dork, the rented fur coat, gagging upon eating anything upscale and on and on.

The woman just can't get out of her own way.

It does create some funny TV.

She probably thought she was Elizabeth Taylor or Ann-Margret (name your legend) coming home...and EVERYONE would be fighting to be with her.

She's a TeeVee star don't you know!

  • Love 9

Wasn't that Reunion where she was going to let the girls come out to play?  I noticed she went back for another Reunion and had a picture taken with her high school boyfriends.  She also talks about going to the mall and hanging out with all her real long time friends.  And no one cares.  She signed up to do a show with her fake TV friends.

I think you may be right about her wanting the "girls" to come out and play.

I also remember her going out to eat with her girl "friends " from high school and they looked like could be less interested and were more like what the hell is this crazy person doing back in town pretending she actually had friends in high school ,but what the hell were on TV and get a free meal/drinks.

  • Love 4

Brianna is just odd. You know what really what stuck with me? When she mentioned the first time finding out that Brooks had moved into 'the family home' she got a text from a friend and she saw Brooks and Vicki sitting and holding hands on the 'family couch.' WTH? Family couch?!?! I had a needle skip when she mentioned family home because that conjures up imagines of the Pondersa, South Fork, Tara or something that has been in a family for generations but okay, if I squint a little I can see it. But fucking family couch? Come on now! Didn't Vicki do a large scale redecorating and change out all the furniture? So I hardly doubt that Brianna was fucking burped or watched tv on that sectional sofa. Seriously, is all Vicki's shit communal family property? Maybe it is just me. My mom's stuff is just my mom's stuff. I don't call her couch, the family couch. Just odd. 


Brianna and her husband remind me of Statler and Waldorf from The Muppets but without the funny. All they seem to do is heckle Vicki. What is messed up is Vicki does nothing but give and give to them and really for Vicki she is on her very very best behavior with Ragey Ryan. 


Vicki ain't going no damn where. She always sounds like that after a reunion. The checks are too good. 

Edited by islandgal140
  • Love 10

Brianna is just odd. You know what really what stuck with me? When she mentioned the first time finding out that Brooks had moved into 'the family home' she got a text from a friend and she saw Brooks and Vicki sitting and holding hands on the 'family couch.' WTH? Family couch?!?! I had a needle skip when she mentioned family home because that conjures up imagines of the Pondersa, South Fork, Tara or something that has been in a family for generations but okay, if I squint a little I can see it. But fucking family couch? Come on now! Didn't Vicki do a large scale redecorating and change out all the furniture? So I hardly doubt that Brianna was fucking burped or watched tv on that sectional sofa. Seriously, is all Vicki's shit communal family property? Maybe it is just me. My mom's stuff is just my mom's stuff. I don't call her couch, the family couch. Just odd. 


Brianna and her husband remind me of Statler and Waldorf from The Muppets but without the funny. All they seem to do is heckle Vicki. What is messed up is Vicki does nothing but give and give to them and really for Vicki she is on her very very best behavior with Ragey Ryan. 


Vicki ain't going no damn where. She always sounds like that after a reunion. The checks are too good. 

I like your statement.  Briana is oddly paranoid over her mother's fame and questions everyone who touches their lives. Vicki has had that house on the market more often than not the last four years.  I wonder how Briana feels about that?  Briana also broke down over the idea of selling the Lake Havasu trailer.  She is just very, vey odd.  I wonder how often she, Donn and the babies visit?


ETA I thought it strange Briana was glad to be back in the OC to see her hairdresser and manicurist and of course restaurants but no mention of friends?  So sad.

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 6

Don't know why this just popped into my brain, but does anyone else here remember Vicki going home for her high school reunion and chasing her high school "sweetheart" Bob Tomato around the venue. He could not get away from her fast enough. Wise choice Bob!

Vicki has no self worth whatsoever, she thinks her money and making people tell her that they love her is what it's all about.

SAD, SAD woman.

I know football to the head, family van and Vicki falls down on the way to accept fake award she made up to give herself are top moments but this is reunion scene doesn't get near as much play as it deserves.  It just takes Vicki into cartoon Pepe Le Pew chasing black cat with a white strip down its back territory. LOL!!! 

  • Love 4

In this interview w/ NYC Housewife Carole Radziwill, she said cast members sign a contract that says they can't sue each other -

CR: But there were calls to lawyers.

There were?

CR: There were people who were saying, "Why don't you sue?" It's not an easy answer. There were several reasons. One is we sign contracts, so we can't sue each other. So you'd have to break the Bravo contract.


Quite a few people have referred back to Vicki's purchasing a car for Brianna when she was in college, and sticking Brianna with the car payments.  I clicked on the link provided upthread that linked to Vicki's instagram page, and saw that Briana had replied to some of the posts on there.  In one of them, in reply to a poster who called her a spoiled brat, Brianna replies that she is not spoiled, and that she ended up writing a huge check to Vicki to repay her for the some of the cost of the car.  I just found that very interesting, and somewhat telling.


Many of the Housewives from across all the franchises turn their hand at starting a business while on the show, or scoring endorsement deals.  I know most of them fall by the wayside pretty quickly, but Vicki seems to always associate with low rent partners, and generates zero dollars and zero cents.  I mean what hasn't she tried?  If I recall correctly there was a jeans/denim line, a jewelry/"diamond" line, the bacon flavored vodka line and the book that probably sold 3 copies. 

  • Love 3

So Briana has been financially independent since 21 except Vicki helping with the house, and some of the car?

When did Vicks help with the house?  I don't recall that. 


I don't think Vicks helped with the car as much as she portrayed.  Brianna was already driving a Benz.  I would have no doubt that the Tahoe (IIRC) was dependent upon trading in the Benz or both were a lease.  And Vicks was 'giving' the difference.

  • Love 1

So Briana has been financially independent since 21 except Vicki helping with the house, and some of the car?

Let's see she moved back home after she finished nursing school (at age 22) to save money (she lived on her own for a bit)-is that financially independent?  Never understood the car thing-Briana didn't work while she was in nursing school.  So I am not sure where the money came from to make the payments. She got married at 24 years old and stopped working when she was pregnant with Troy, moved back home again and paid $1,000.00  a month in rent.  She may have been independent but I think she had her expenses lightened up by staying with Vicki and oh those Bravo checks.  Oh and of course the Vicki paid vacations and now a new SUV.

  • Love 4

Quite a few people have referred back to Vicki's purchasing a car for Brianna when she was in college, and sticking Brianna with the car payments.  I clicked on the link provided upthread that linked to Vicki's instagram page, and saw that Briana had replied to some of the posts on there.  In one of them, in reply to a poster who called her a spoiled brat, Brianna replies that she is not spoiled, and that she ended up writing a huge check to Vicki to repay her for the some of the cost of the car.  I just found that very interesting, and somewhat telling.


Many of the Housewives from across all the franchises turn their hand at starting a business while on the show, or scoring endorsement deals.  I know most of them fall by the wayside pretty quickly, but Vicki seems to always associate with low rent partners, and generates zero dollars and zero cents.  I mean what hasn't she tried?  If I recall correctly there was a jeans/denim line, a jewelry/"diamond" line, the bacon flavored vodka line and the book that probably sold 3 copies. 

  My guess is the car was a lease and Briana went over the miles.  Many a person has rued the day when they have to write the big fat check for going over mileage.  Lease miles at even $.20 a mile can add up quickly. There is also an excessive wear and tear clause.


Vicki got her feelings hurt when the Real Mr. Housewife pointed out all her bad business deals.  Vicki being Vicki blamed her partners for the wine and vodka mishaps.   Now she a MLM dress boutique scheme.  I think Vicki like others have had offers-I just don't think she has the popularity or likability to bring in big endorsements.  These other RH seem to land commercials and the like-Kyle Richards and Jeep come to mind.   Vicki self-published and I noticed she now calls herself a "best selling author" so maybe it was 10 books.

  • Love 1

Does anyone remember the time Vicki bought a Mercedes(?) for Brianna?

This was when Brianna was still in college, if I remember correctly.

Brianna argued w/ Vicki b/c she did not want to accept a car she couldn't afford. Vicki didn't exactly give it to her. She was going to make Brianna take over the payments. Vicki did all of that w/o Brianna's input.

Anyway, I hope Brianna and Vicki work through their relationship issues in a healthy way.


This is a quote fr/ one of Vicki's Season 3 blogs -

"And I was also inspired to buy the new car for Brianna because the car she was previously driving was a Tahoe and had over $100K of miles on it and used over $150/week in gas. The new car is affordable for her (less than $300/week) and is great on gas mileage."

Edited by Scrambled Fog
  • Love 3

I feel really bad for Vicki.

She has been horribly mistreated by Bravo, and in some instances, by the Internet. There have even been ridiculous conspiracy theories (no, I will not elaborate) spawned fr/ this season's ill-conceived storyline.

I wasn't a big Vicki fan. I started to warm up to her last season. I loved the episodes w/ her and Shannon on vacation. They reminded me of Laverne and Shirley.

I was glad to hear Vicki is not leaving and is sticking w/ RHOC.


I hope Vicki and Shannon mend their relationship.

Sooner rather than later.


I meant Vicki is not leaving RHOC in the sense that she is not quitting the show.

Edited by Scrambled Fog
  • Love 1

I feel really bad for Vicki.

She has been horribly mistreated by Bravo, and in some instances, by the Internet. There have even been ridiculous conspiracy theories (no, I will not elaborate) spawned fr/ this season's ill-conceived storyline.

I wasn't a big Vicki fan. I started to warm up to her last season. I loved the episodes w/ her and Shannon on vacation. They reminded me of Laverne and Shirley.

I was glad to hear Vicki is not leaving and is sticking w/ RHOC.


I hope Vicki and Shannon mend their relationship.

Sooner rather than later.


I meant Vicki is not leaving RHOC in the sense that she is not quitting the show.

I have tried to ignore Cancer-gate this season and pull the pearls from the muck. For me, Vicki and Shannon on vacation was a crackup! Laverne and Shirley indeed.


If there's a casting change, my vote is to keep Vicki, Shannon, Heather and dump Meghan (so deeply unlikeable after only one season!) and Tamra. Give Lizzie another chance -- I liked what little I saw of her. And then, bring Jeana back. Then find a new OC Housewife, but please, not one whose role is to stir up drama or try to become "the hottest Housewife".

  • Love 8

I have tried to ignore Cancer-gate this season and pull the pearls from the muck. For me, Vicki and Shannon on vacation was a crackup! Laverne and Shirley indeed.

If there's a casting change, my vote is to keep Vicki, Shannon, Heather and dump Meghan (so deeply unlikeable after only one season!) and Tamra. Give Lizzie another chance -- I liked what little I saw of her. And then, bring Jeana back. Then find a new OC Housewife, but please, not one whose role is to stir up drama or try to become "the hottest Housewife".


Please takeover Bravo, RedHawk.

  • Love 3

Does anyone remember the time Vicki bought a Mercedes(?) for Brianna?

This was when Brianna was still in college, if I remember correctly.

Brianna argued w/ Vicki b/c she did not want to accept a car she couldn't afford. Vicki didn't exactly give it to her. She was going to make Brianna take over the payments. Vicki did all of that w/o Brianna's input.

Anyway, I hope Brianna and Vicki work through their relationship issues in a healthy way.

IF Vicki were a psychologically healthy person.....then, imo, perhaps their relationship could improve, but I think those two have a snow ball's chance in hell
  • Love 5
Message added by PrincessPurrsALot,

No politics.  That means none.  Zero. Zilch. Nada. 
See the Primetimer Politics Policy

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